OCR Interpretation

The Columbia daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, July 01, 1865, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents
By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43.
Six monUiB, $5
On?? mouth, - -, . - - 1
Oue square, (ten linea,) one time, 50ct?
Subsequent, insertions. - 35 cts
Special notices ten cents per line.
Governor Holden's Proclamation.
In our paper of yesterday we gave ;
a summary of the mandatory portions
of Gov. Holden', proclamation, for the
purpose of re establishing the govern?
ment of North Carolina. Wc proceed
now to give the e-hortatory portions
addressed severally to the two disses
of the people, the whites firs! and the j
blacks next:
And now, as Provisional Governor
of the Slate, I invite the loyal people
thereof to resume with cheerfulness,
and with confidence tn the future, their
accustomed pursuits; and I invite those
who have been driven from the State,
bv despotic power, to return; assuring
. ai! loyal citizens of the State that they
will be protected in their persons and
propertv, and encouraged in their ex?
ertions io improve tlftir condition. I
also exhort them not to cease to take
tin interest in public affairs, but to
unite with inc in the purpose to recon?
struct the State Government through
the aid of loyal citizens; and to be
vigilant and active in discouraging dis- j
loyal sentiments, and in ensurin. the !
election ut known friends'of the \" ede- i
ral Go vertuneu t to every office. Your
experience, fellow citizens, during the
rebellion should attach yon by the
strongest ties to tho Government of
the United States. You have just
. been delivered by the armies of tho
Union from one of tho most corrupt
and rigorous despotisms that ever
existed ?D the world. Many of you
have been throed, tor opinion's sake,
and because of your love for the flair
ol your fathers to fly bom the land of
your birth or of your adoption, and
peek refuge among strangers, to
escape the hand of arbitrary power.
Many of you have been torn from
your homes, or humed down like wild
beast? in thc forest, and forced into the
rebel annies as conscri its, to fi^lit for
the continued enslavement of the co- !
. lored race, and aiso for a state of j
slavery for yourselves 'and your chil?
dren. Some of you have been sub?
jected to imprisonment and tortures
on account of your opinion?; au_ all.
of you have been deprived for years,
r.p to a recent period, of freedom of
sp ech and of the press, and uf every
essential guarantee of liberty and of
protection ito person and property,
which is contained in the Constitution
of the United States. You aro once
more free citizens of the United States.
By your sufferings in th? past, and by
your hopesfor the" future, I adjure you
to guard well your freedom. Remem?
ber that all that you have, and all you
. can hope to be, and all of good that is
in reserve for your children, are indis?
solubly bound up with the American
Union. The 'unity of government,
which constitutes us ono -people,'
should be more dear to us than ever,
on account of the sufferings through
which we have passed. lu the lan?
guage of Washington, 'it is of infinite
moment that you should properly
estimate the immense value of your
National Union to your collective and
individual happiness; that you should
cherish a cordial, habitual, and immo?
vable attachment to it; accustoming
yourselves to think and to speak of it
as the palladium of your political safety
.Mid prosperity, watching for ils pre?
servation with jealous anxiety; dis
countenancing whatever may suggest
even ?. suspicion that :.t can in ar;v
every attempt to alienate one portion
i of our country from the rest or to en
feeble tho sacred ties which now link
j together the various parish
To the colored people of the State
I would say, you aro now free. Pro*
vidence has willed that the very means
adopted to render your "servitude per?
petual, should bc His instruments for
releasing you from bondage. It now
remains for you, aided as you will be
by the superior . intelligence of- the
white race, and cheered by the sym?
pathies.'^ all good people, to decide
whether the freedom thus suddenly
bestowed upon yon, will be a blessing
to you or a source of injury. Your
race has been depressed by your con
ditton of slavery, and by the legislation
of your former masters, for two hun?
dred years. It is' not to be expected
that you can comprehend and appro
ciate as they shoulH be comprehended
and appreciated by a ??If governing
people, the*visij provisions and limita?
tions of constitutions and laws; or
that you cnn now have that knowledge
of public affaira which is necessary to
qualify you to discharge all the duties
uf tho citizen. No people has ever
yet bounded ?it once into the full on
joyrnent of the t igdit ot sell government.
But you ure free in common with si 1
our. people, and y ?io ha>e the same
right, regul ted Iv,- la v, that others
have, to enter* upon the pursuit of
prosperity-and happiness. You should
henceforth sacredly e"bserve the mar?
riage relation, and you should provide
for your offspring. You can now not
j only learn to re.iA yourselves, :;s some
of you have been able to do hereto?
fore, but you can instruct others, and
procure instruction from others fer
yourselves and your children, without
fe*ar of punishment. But. to be pros?
p?rons and happy you must labor. oot
morely w$?en you feel like it, or for a
scanty support, but industriously and
8teadi!_ .. a view to making aqd
laying i.. -omething for yourselves
and your .unilies. If you are idle
you will become vicious and worth'..---;
if vicious and worthless, you will have
no friends, and will at lust perish. 'In
the sweat of thy face shall, thou eat
bread *all the flays of thy life.'
The same Providence that hrts^be
stowed freedom upon yon. hus 'told
you that diligence tn business is re?
quired of all his creatures; and yon
cannot expect that your rac j wili
escapo ultimate extinction, if yoYj
wilfully violate or disregard this, one
j of His great commands. Free ion:
! does not mean that otto reay do ns hf
I pie -ses, but that every one may, by
! industry, frugality, and temperance
improve his condition and enjoy tia
fruits of his own labors, so long a's hi
i obeys the laws. I have no prejudice
I against \ ou. On tba contrary, whili
I am a white mrn, and while my Io
! is with my own color, yet Irympathizi
with yon asjthe weaker race; and '
I cannot forget that during- the robellioi
I many ol" you fought .lor the prefer
I vation of the Union, and, that thosi
of you who remained at home in tin
thea slaveholding States-, were,, for tin
most, part, docile and faithful, ?:i<
made no attempt by force of anns ti
gain even their own freedom. I wi I
see to it as far as I can, that you hav
I your liberty; thai you are protected ii
j your property ariel lier soii:>; and tba
j you aie paid your wages.
But, on the other hand, I will se
j my face against those of you who ar
idle and dissipated, and prompt pur
ishment will bo inflicted lor an
breach of the peace or violation c
law. In fine, I will be your'friend a
long as you are true tn yourselve
and obedient io the laws, and as lor.
as you shall labor, no matter bo'
.feebly, if honestly and earnestly, t
j improve your condition. It ts nj
j duty, as far as I may, to fernier lit
I Government 'a terror to evil doers, an
I a r::?ise ;o them that do well;'-an
j thia I will endeavor to .do in rein:ie
to thc tthole people ot* thc Stale ?
f North Carolina, 'without fear, favo
or affection, reward, or, the hope of
And now, 'with charity for all, with
malice towards none,' I enter upon
tho discharge of the- duties assigned
mo by tho President, earnestly and
? solemnly invoking the good people of
the State I'- *id mo in the work of
reconstructing the Government, and in
restoring thc Stute to the protection,
benefi'8, and blessings of the Union.
.Done at our City ot Raleigh, the 12th
day of June, in the year of our
Lord one thous:i;id eight hundred
and sixty-five, aim in the S9lh your
of American Independence.
Provisional Governor. !
By the Governor: Jos. W. HOLOEN, j
Private Secretary. * j
lt. is said that Ferd VThcalre-Uieseene j
of President Lincoln's assassination-has j
I cen purchased by a society of Congrega?
tionalist*, and will speedily be converted
into a house of worship.
\"friLL open, on NV KDE ESDAY, thr 5th
'? duly, at hi? residence in Richland
street,, (between Dull and Marion,) a
DAY SCHOOL FOR ROYS, m which the
Ancient Language-, French and the uau&l
English Branches will be taught.
June Iii
.Keadq'rs Novtherri District Bepax-t
ment of the South.
COLUMBIA. S. C., JUNK 27, 1805.
ON and alter tin- d ile ot" this order, ail
tek-eraph linns in th itt District ore
placed under the control of the military
Any telegraph operator failing to give
-precedence to military over civil de?
spatches, both in receiving and transmit?
ting the panie, will lie considered guilty of
military misdemeanor, mid . puuiphed by
sentence />f a niilitaay court, or at the
discretion of t ie. neurea! military com?
mander. Rv command of
Bf_V?i _faj. Con. J. P. H A.TOII.
fSi_nei\) LEON A ET) Ii. PERRY.
June _S 1.". Ass'L Adj utan I General.
Headquarters United States Forces
.TmcE '27, 18fi5.
4 LL permits issued from th eec hend
JLJL. quarters, in neeordanee with Genera)
Orders No. -t. tc s-11 intoxicating liquora
to citizens by the IM nie or otherwise, are
hereby revoked, an-' nil pales of such
liquors are strictly prohibited, ex?-ept. npoa
certificate* of necessity from regleeta hie
Burgeon? or physicians and special permis?
sion from these headquarters. This mea- :
sure has hern rendered necessary by the
con>?ant u!>i:.-e "t tba privilege heretofore
granted li.ivor sellers, many of them hav
incr repeatedly violated the order forbid?
ding 'he sale of liquor to enlisted men
the United Stales army, as well as io ni>
groes and citizens of a disreputable cha- |
t acter. liv order ot
Lieut. Col. N. HAUGHTON,
25th <>. V. V. !.. Commd'g PosL'
Jons WALTON, 1'ost Adjutant.
June 2S fi
Headq'rs 1st Provisional Pritradc,
COLUMBIA. S. C..*'L?uc 22, 18r>5.
IALL persons having in their rSbasea
. sion any property formerly helong?ng
to thc Confederate or-State Government,
or any persons knowing the location of
any such properly, will forthwith report
the eauioj Villi an exact statement ?nd
inventory, to tho wanman ling officer here;
inning to do which, they will incur thc
extreme penalty of tl"' law.
IL No tux of ?ny description is to br
collected b> or paid to any officer not an
nouiieed ny the United Sj.at.vs authorities.*
Persons.bavin cr '.?aid such laxes since thc
occupation of thia pince by Governrpeic
will report tue annie to thc commanding
III. All persons desiring to op?->n trade,
or already having done so. in thia city,
will report to the.Act. A?s"t Provost Mar?
shal, and receive their licenses from the
Provost Marshal here. No intoxicating
beverage of any kind will bc sold to any
enlisted mon.
I V. A tax of orn'(l) per cent, will bo
paid to I ho Provost Marshal on al! eales of
j iiqnor, lo bo accounted for by him to the
j Ase't Provost Marshal of tue "-Brigade, for
I disposal by i'ost Council cf Administra?
tion. .
V. Any person rcinaing ?n receive
United State? money at par value will be
at once Arrested and tried for disloyalty.
By order of A S HAftT**VB? .E.*
""-rev?; iSrigadier Q r.e.-..'
WRIGHT. Such a one oan find nte?dy
employment, ead good wages hy applying
at. this ollie e. .Turfts ?7 \ I'
For Sale,
. GI NE.
I GAURI AGE, in pood repair.
ply at. thia office. June '.'.*". rn xui
r|^HE undersigned offers for salo a full
JL assortment of TIN^W ARE, consisting
i*j part of Buckets, Parp, Waah Basins,
Funneli?. Dippers, Coffee Pots, Cupp Twm
blere. Tea Pols. Candle Moulds, Measures.
A-e. Stoic on corner of Henderson and
Taylor streets. C. TROY.
.Tune 28 \vs2*
General Commission Agency.
1J B. GLASS re'speclfully ad vcr! ines
. the public 'lat be is prepared todo
ar:d invites consignments of all kinds of
Merchandize, Manufactures, Produce, .to
He xviii attend to tLe purchase or sale of
Kcal Estate. Stocks, ?tc. Office and sales?
room on Plain sireet, between Bull and
Pickles, .tune gt) ffi*
Headq'rs Drited States Forces,
JUNK ?8, lS'ifi.
IN accordance with instructions from
Brigade Headquarteia, the gentlemen
fi'-rtiierly composing the Boatd of Mayor
ar.d Conn of this city, are hereby sp
pointed a Relief Committee," for the
purrwe <>f continuing the performance of
tlieir-dutiea iu relieving the poor and aup
Hyiug the city with fresh water and other
raecesss-ies. Their actions will bo under
the superintendence id" the. military Com?
mandant of tho Poot. Suet) tuxes uc have
beea assessed \*y them are hereby ord. red
Ui bc paid to thc Post Commandant, to bo
disposed of, not foi the payment of pre?
vious'debts, but for the immediate .relief
ot the need}-, through the agency of this
'-Committee." .Ky ord'-r of
LIUUT (oi. IN. h ACC.;: TON,
26th O. V. V. !.. ('..rftrf'g Post
.lons WALTON, Lieut, and Post Adj't.
June 2t? 6
rpHE DAILY SEWS! published nt
,1 Winnsboro. S. C., offers GREAT IN
DU CEMENTS to the merchant* of Colom?
bia lis au advertising medium between
Illaro aud thc merchant* of Winnsboro.
Tile merchants o? Winn t?o-o arc. in n
<>re:it meapute. dependent upon thc mer
elia nts of Columbia for their anpplics; and
u s lo their ul vaya knowing what supplies
Ibo merchants of Columbia haye on hand,
tlie NEWS offers thc inducement o? ?, me
(I i um between them.
All advertisements left, at the Phoenix
Office for publication in the NEWS, will,
ns soon aa practicable, appear in Winns?
boro, when the merchants of Winnsboro
(mi always sec what, attract ions the m-.?r
ellam? of Columbia offci them for pur- ban?
ing their commodities.
Advcrti-eincnts will bc inserted .".I (for
a soplare o? eight, lines or I* s) fifty cents
for the find, and thirty-five cents (br each'
ecibsequent publication, ir.variablv in ad
v mice.
AU communications left af. the Phoenix
Office will bc promptly attended to. Ad
v er! if .erm nt? cnn also br forwarder"! per
l?xpreas, und in each case mnsl bc accom
panted with the money. Advertisements
viii be inserted to thc valar- of themoney
ser>t. Addrer.3 J. E?BRITTON,
IMitor and Prop'r "The Daily News,"
.tune 2'-'- j'> Winnsboro, S. C.
PriEdarrtai ion by the President o? tho
United Gtates of America.
Whereas the President of the United
States, on the Sth day of December. A. D
and on ih<- ?ot?i day of March. A. I).
]s.)t. with the object to suppress thc ex?
isting rebellion, to induce al! person? to
return to their loyalty and to restore the
authority of the Punted States, icsuc pro
? c?atnations ofleriiig amnesty and |>ardon to
certain persons who had, directly or hy
implication, participated in the said rebel?
lion; and whereas many person*;, who had
? e.? engaged in said rebellion, have, :;incc
j the issuance of said proclamation, failed
I or neglected to take thc ber. o ti ts offered
j thereby; aed whereas many persone, whi
I Luve been justly deprived of all claim :.
j amnesty r.-id pardoo tber< nv. by r< a.- -i
j o', their participation, directly or by im?
plication, in said rc,hel'i<-i and continued
I hcyt-ilitv to'ihe Government of th. ?.Tmt<"
j states ??noe thc d-?to n '-aid -cc'. ; V cr.
j 7 :vi .":.-sirc *,n app'v A-.- a:--'. . eta!:. *..:...it
Ityw.-d po/dc: '
' 1 ?thc "nd, Ujcri .c.-. < ? >. tl r mth.'viM
of thc Govern?: Ant of Gie Uni ceo cA^.ir
I ID ly be restored, .iud t?..'. peav?, urdu ?nd ,,
! freedom mar be esta' -shed, I. Ar-drew
I Johnson, President ..' th T". :(".. Stale'',
do proclaim sud J. d.*.-r i hereby
grant to ?li p.arsons who ' r . 'Ir. .*...:_. or
i indirectly partie-d i**. ,'.e
rebellion, except '.s lie rei*.: ai! cr excepted,
I amnesty and p.ird-.?r, ,T:,h restoration "f
' a!! rights of pre- c; ty e . ?1 - to .t,
and except in ea-.M where ' rv.', proceed -
? lugs, under thc Lt wa ot* tho T*n':'.-d Statc?i
I providing fo; the '.'?nitt'catioR ff property
; of^persous ongwrt-d ir rel'el!i'c#fi, have been
i instituted, bi*ton tb* condition, ne vert-he -
I \ ? V, !hat every such person sin: i taue and
! subscribe th-- following oath or "tirraa
I lion, .inri thenceforward keep -md mair.
tain r,M?d ont.h inviolate, and which CH th
sh ill be reg.*, tered for permanent pr?-rer
vatim:, and ?hall be of the tenor and ?*fiict,
I following, to wit:
I I, -. - . -, do tjolemnlv swar 01
I affirm, in presence ot" Aitnighiy '.-uo. that
1 will henceforth faithlnil^ support, and
I defend the Constitutum ??1 thc Untied
j Si ates and the Union of th* .-.1 sics til ere
uniter, and t.hnt f will in 1 *."c magner
abide hy and faithfully Support i-.il ]::?:< ^
??n.i proclamations which have bern nt ad?
during the existing 1 ?bellica with refer?
ence to the emancipation of slaver. o-">
help mc God
The following t.lat.;; of persona aro
empted from the benefits of thie procla?
1st. All who are. cr shall' Lave bren,
pretended ovid or diplomatic otlicere or
otherwise, domestic or foreign a;y r.t . of
tho pretended Confederate Goveviim??i?
'id. All who left judicial tltutioii? nadir
the United Stater to's-.d in the rebellion
3d. All who i?hal! have been military or
naval officers of ^-aid pretended Con fed?
rate Government, abc ve the rank of colonel
iu the army or lteuteuunt in the navy.
?1t.h. AU who left seats ii the* Con gr(*?..?..
of the United Stute.- lo .'.id the rebellion
nth. All v. ho resigned or tendered rcug
nations of t.heir commissions iu the army
or navy of ibe United, Stat a-to ev?d. duty
in i-i-nihting thc rebellion.
f?tli. All who have engaged in any .**"#>
in treating otherwise thar- ' awf*-.'-,'- a.t pi***.
Monere of w?r persona f.<*,.!,.; ir. t!i? United
S?nico service, ns officers, t-oldiers, son***! n
01 -in other capacities.
.'th A?! pcrs.onn who ha*ee been or ,r"
absentees irotn the rjni'eo States f-r tho
purpose cl aiding the rebellion
8lh. All military and naval .?..'.'.. <*?r, i
the rebe! service who were educated bv
tho Government in the Military Academy
?I West Point or the United State?. Naval
OUi AU p.T.onn who he'd the pretended
office.-' ol' Governor of States iu i nat: ITO
tien against the United States.
10th. All persons v.*ho left their home
within the jurisdiction sud proteet?o? o'
the Ceiled States, and pa . vd beyond Cv
Federal military into the so-e.-tlied
I Confederate State for ib-e pr?rp?>?e of aid
I ing the rebellion
Ht-h. Ali person*; who have Iv,--.' on
gie-oM in the destruction of th? crniniuro?*
of i.he United States"ttpon the high sen?
ard who have i::**:dc rrd?*?."* into ihc United
States from Canad:!, or been etigatxed in
der troy tnt; the oon*f*tneTce of the Unit?!
.State. up?ii the lakcti and rivera that, nepi
rate the British provitjees troui the Untied
12th. All pcrsuns w'no. at, the tim?: when
they seek to obtain the ben orita hereof by
taking the oath her*in prescribed, are m
military, naval or civil conBceinont 01
custody, or under bonds of the. civil, unit
ti?ry or naval autuorities ol agents of the.
United States, aa prisoners of war or pei
I artus detained for offence:* of any kind,
.:ither before or alter conviction.
Cub. Al! persona who have voluntarily
I participated in said rebellion, and the et>t.i .
mated valu.- bf whose taxable property ia
over twenty thousands-dollar:-1.
1 1th. All persons who have taken tho.
oath ol" amnesty as prescribed in the Pre
j sident'e proelamation of December 8, A.
I>. ''.''-'??, or an oath of alegiauce ?to th-*
Govornment of the UniledlSiales ni?ee the
dite of said proclamation, and who have
not thenceforward k-pt and maintained
tho same inviolate.
Provided, that apecial application may
be made to the. President for p?trJon by
anv person belonging to the -xcepted
classes, and such clemency will be libe
rally extended as may be consistent with
the faets o! the ease and the pease ami
dignity of tho United States.
Th? Secretary ?>f ""'?tafe will establish
rules ard regulations for administering&?| '
recording the said amnesty oath, 00 ai? to
insure its benefit Lo the people aud guai*d
I thc Government against fraud.
In testimony v.beivnf, ? have hereunto set
' my band and e<ui-*ed the seal of the
I United States to be affixed.
i Done at the city of Washington, the J3-I*.
I day of MPV, in tue yeai of oiir Lord
1 18-55, and of the independence of tli?
! United States the e.r.h: 1 ?lintS
I ' \"V')itt;"v ;ob ? : iv.
billie .'!

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