Newspaper Page Text
$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43. THE COLUMBIA PKONIX, PUBLISHED DAILY. EXCEPT SUN KAT, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. - TERMS-7N AD VANCE. SUBSCRIPTION'. Fix months, -? - $5 One month, - ?- - 1 ? ADVERTISING. 'Onesq?are,(ten line?,)-ooctime, snots Subsequent insertions. - 35 cts Special nolicep ten cents per line. ADDRESS TO THE DEMOCRACY OF THE UNITED STATES.-The Herald's special says an *ddrob; to the Demo? cracy of tho Unite.1 Stares \yill *be published to-morrow, hom Charles Mason, Chairmau ol the Democratic . National Association of that District. It. is intended" mor? as a platform for the future organization of? the party than as a call for immediate, concerted action. The adxlress starts out with .declaring that at.;.the beginning ri! Democrats believed that peace and union were compatible, and ?could be secured by coricilliatSry measures, ami -that after the war commenced the grout mass of the Democrats acquiesc? ed in it as nn unavoidable calamity, to be prosecuted for the so'? pm puse of restoring tire Uniori, believing that as soon as this object was attained, the war ought to cease. It takes strong ground against conferring upon the 3iegroes the rights of citizenship, on the ground that they aro unqualified .by education, and as a race so greatly . in lei ?or to the white race as to lower tlie standard of average intelligence by intermingling. This is declared to he the white mini's Government, and the negroes an: a foreign element, which cannot be successfully assimilated. The im? mediate re - a d m i s sj < >.: i .JJ t* . reVinoy ? ""Stale's to i?i?T" ancreil^rrc?'e-, with ?Il their rights and privileges unabridged, is also urged, on the ground that, the . Federal Government cannot exis' while Slates composing it are free, another portion virtually enslaved by militan* government. The address declares unlimited? confidence in the wisdom, . integrity and democracy of President Johnson, concluding in eulogistic terms. _._' Headquarters United States Forces, CITYvOF COLUMBIA, S. C., JULY 14, 18tt5. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 8. ,i LL Permits issued hom these hcad JL\- quarters, in accordance with General Orders No. 4, to-sell intoxicating liquors to citizens by tn ie bottle or otherwise,-ar.; hereby revoked, and nil sabs of such liquors al i-strictly prohibited, except upon certificates ot necessity from respectable surgeons or phvsicians and special permis? sion from these headquarter. This mea? sure has been rendered necessary by the constant abuse <>f lije privilege heretofore granted liquor sellers, many of them hav? ing repeatedly violated the order forbid? ding the sale of liquor to enlisted men of the United States army, ns well to ne? groes and citizens of a disreputable cha? racter. ,P.v order of Li.'ut. Col. IT. HAUGHTON, 25th 0. V. V. t., Command'g Post. JOHN WALTON, Lost Adjutant, july 156 Hearlq'rs United States Forces, COLUMBIA, S. C., JULY 14, lbo5. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 10. \V HERE AS information hus been ieecivcd ? 'at these Headquarters that cattle a rid otilar slock have been turned into Sidney Tark without authority from the Relie! Committed of Collin bin-, also, that tilt hydrants about the city have been opened and left open by unauthorized persons, whereby large quantities of water bav? been wasted: lt is, therefore, ordered that hereaftei no person shall be permitted to turn cat? tle, hogs, horses or styek of any sort i ri t < the pound of.Sydney Park, nor to destroy remove .or pull down any part of tin fencing or enclosure of said Park, without authority from the Relief Committee o? hom these Headquarters. Nor ?hall an} person or persons, except the Fire Comp? nies, or persons duly authorized by sait Relief Committee or from ihese Headquar ters. be permitted to opeu any hvdran within this city; and any person or per pons offending herein, ou being reported ti these Headquarters, will bc punished witl the extreme rigors of the law. Rv ordu of 4 Lieut. Col. N.'HAUGHTON, Commanding. Jor.,-* WALTON, Lieut andPost \?Vf.. Headq'rs Department of the South, HILTON HEAD. s. C., JUNE '27. 1SC5. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 102. \\J ITH a view to establish and preserve H good order, settle disputes, eiicou rare industry, compel obedience to laws and orders and educate ?be poor, '.be fol? lowing rules and regulations ar'e#hereby j established, and ?viii lie put in op.n at inn | throughout this Department willi as little delay as practicable: I. District Cunimnnditrs wi!! divide their commands into sub-dialricts of suitable size, each comprising one or more Count ies, Parishes or Congressional Districts. To each sub-district they will assign ii .com? manding oSicer, (with p. suitable number of troops) sn Ass staut Prov?rt Marsh?! and an Assisinnt provost, Ju !>.... A per? manent Provost Guard will be placed under the immediate orders of the Assist? ant Provost Marsh ul. 1!. Wit ??u each sub-district Snpcrier Provost Courtsand Circuit Provost Courts, composed of not more than three, men hers each-shall bc held at "tated tinos and places. The Superior and'Cireuit Provost Courts to have coneni rent jurisdiction over all caseys ^.hereinafter specified that can bc properly tried before them. Ul. The Superior Provost Court will habitually hoi I its sessions at sub-district headquarters; and will be presided over by the Assistant Provost Judge, who n iv associate willi lum one or two respectable loyal citizens, giving th? preference t.? local maoist rales, other things being ripia!. IV. Circuit Provost Courts shall be held at- important point* and nt stated times within the sub district, and sha'.! bc pre? sided over by one of thc members of the Superior Provost Court, designated hythe sub-district commander for that purpose. The President of the Cit oui >. 1 Yo vost Coo r. may associate with him ono or two loyal citiz.-ns or magistrates. V. The courts a! ove nam? i shall have power to try ni! cases bet ween citizens, and between cit'zens and so',.ii.-rs. and all crimes 'and all \ i o lat ions of m il it arv orders and the lr do not! co lot 'S winch ?on of a to.- ytie.t jiliy-Ttrgtrti vt. o.-J*?*, crRTri?rg'?s ::?'<t cost's. Tile decrees will g>>" only to the right of possession and not of property. Theyemay impos? ?ii?..s not exceeding on., hundred dollars (?1 oO) and imprison no: exceeding two' Offences by cit.i- ' zens requiring a severer punishment, will : be fried by a m i fe a ry commission. They ; I will appoint their clerks and other officers, shall l;e-pa record ?W tlieir proceedings, j J tho revision of sn!) district and i hi^i.-er commanders, and w.ill adopt rules i ii:;?i forms of procedure, wbjcli shall bc*as j simple ns possible. Citizen members of i I curls may be allowed three dollars fer ' each days' atten.lance. Tiie lees charged : I will be merely suitieienl to pay all expens.-s, j I NI. Appeals from the^Brovost Courts j will be ! .. i t.; the sub-disPlet and district j j commanders umb rsiicb nulcs and on such 1 i terms ,-.s the district Commanders may | prov ?dd. : j VII. All panics lo snits before thc Ru- j i perior or. Circuit Provost Courts may .employ counsel. But all persona bringing j I snit ur appearing as counsel befare said i courts, as weil^- the citizen members of said courtp, will 1... ivouired to give proof ' : that '.hov have; lake? thc oath of alie- ! j gianeo. - ! VIII. it. is th. thorities throughout this Department, j when called upon to do so. to aid the : , . . ... ' . . . . . ..\ss:sfai>t Conmns-iontrs nioi Agents ot' the "Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and j Abundoned J.mids,"' in. the execution of j j '.heir duties under ibc laws of the.United States and the orders of the Commissioner i of sai.i Bureau, Issued in accordance ^therewith; and, when there is no snob ? ; Assistant. Commissioner or Ai;ent upon the spot, i', take cognizance themselves of nil ! j violations of such laws and orders. All ' case-: of such violation may be tried before j tho courts hercinabove authorized. IA. All eases properly coming within j the jurisdiction of these courts will lie brought to trial promptly, and all linne- : cessary arrests of citizens wiil I?; avoided. X. T'ne.existence, of the courts herein- 1 above authorized viii cease whenever and vvbcrever.tlie functions of thc officers ol" the civil laws are restored to operation by prop-.r authority. XI. District and sub-district command? ers are directed lo provide, whenever practicable, for the education of the chil? dren of the"poor within their commands; and for that purpose they arc authorized lo detail regimental chaplain? and non-' commissioned officers and privates fur teachers. The education of the children of Re? fugees and Freedman will be relinquished into the bands of the Assistant Commis? sioners and Agents of the Freedmen's ! Bureau, whenever they are in readiness lo j 'lake charge of tho sano:. By command of i Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILL.M0RI2. I W. L M. E'UKGEK, A .o'?, adi't G ou i. ? .in!-/ ia l?eadq'rs Department of tlie South, HILTON HBAD.i C.. .TUNK 18?5. GENERA L ORDMRS N( ?. 104. ?'"1^1 IK following tJL-i ?u;: ?na concerning j JL Military Courifta'c republished from i the General" Ordersf?f the V? ar. Depart, ! ment, ?-??li additions- und mod i? rations AH pavtsvif Department Orders iueonsis-' teni herewith arc rtvoksd: I. "Where ? posWfcr district comrnan.l is"j composed < f inixedKtroops equivalent to : ;> brigade, tl..* com Jp: .hug < lifeer ?f the ' department or arm? will . : s?gnate i' in orders as *a r?par?t* brigade,' and :? copy | of such order will :**} unpjiny &h? proceed- | in?s of any gene^i Com t riinrtra! . o.V j vened by sue!?""brig00 comma:! 1er. With j and d's'rids havin.-lbio bri ;:tdcX>rg-iuiza- [ lion will nd ennv?! general courts ?Mar- j tisl." (General Oilers No. 251, A. G. O , ; serios iso; ) ^ '; I II. Nu un? in UK/ Department, save thc : conimaiidiiig General, can appoint genera! .?.e ri-i mari ia! or Fm i! ti arv commissions,. e:4fcpl the comma nfier < f a Bivision or a-j sepnrate brigade, nud the order appoint- ; ing Ilia court mnstlhe dated- "ITe^djijiar- j ti-rs. Division." or -??radrp'inrtcrs, Hferarate ' Brigade," ns the ei*f uinv be. III. '-All eeiiiiiiuSjiciiions pertaining t.o : questions of mi li (.?fry justice, or the pro- | nf ni'litari couria ntid commis sions throughout t&fe armies of the 1* ii ted i States, must, bc- rifldr?.? to the Judge ! Adv...-ate c-ieivl .....! eotnrmiiJit.a of- j th- Buna: Md Mvt, mgsvi curls martial, mu li Li rv corni li.-ssona j orders piwunlgat rig ???..irioti thereon. I Judge Advocar*... will be held responsible j for t li.- prompt exe?, it lion of this paragraph, ' ?io! they are required lo forward to the Judge Advocate ?enora?, at. the end ??f-j cadi month, a hst of :.!! cases tried und tu I . e (ried within t!:t-:r jurisdiction.'' (Gen. I Ordere No. liTo. A. G. 0" scries 18114.) j IV. To carry1 out thc foregoing para? graph, nil ollicei-s '.vithtu thc ii' partition t authorized to appoint courts martial, military comtuissidios or eou'rtsof inquiry, ! ?vii!. ?>i the 27th *>{ eac'i mouth. Send lo : the .1,'.! ... AdvoirW.? . f C:.: Department j two reports. Lj.^ih- t'.s-'t repott. .'..?. iv. ' wi i sT?le Hie namea::d rank oj ai! persons tried during !he i 'ii ire courts i r commissions appointed I v thym, with thc j nature ot the charges, rind also whether the proceedings in *r?ch ens?* have ben ( ! ) approved, ?? ) pniiHuhrdntiri (3) forwarded I by ? 1 i - - ?. : ; .-incl if n?>t. Hie reason why. lu I the second ufo' they ?ill state the. names and rank . f all persons against whom eliaiges L.?..- been preferred, ?nil i who rei:iai:i untried at the dat?* of the | report, with. the nature of (lie charges, , ami also whether each ?-,? has been t-ent to a court or commission tor fTinl: and ii ?ni, rite reason why. .(Circular No- IL D. \. "Wh. ii.-v.'* fines are imposed riv sentence ?>i ir.'tiera! eonrl martial or milt- j tary commission upon ?fhcers or citizens, j mission will t; .!:.?? a sp?-cial report of the : fact to the Adjutant l'en.-ra!. givi: g a I copv of the sentence in the case. T!ie"? officer who conti rms a sentence ?inposing i a tine wil! transmit to the Adjutant Gene- ? ral a special report thereof, together villi 1 a copy of the order promulgating the | proceedings." (General Orders No. USS, j IV. i. A. t ! C.. s.-iic? 1S?4.) I VI The lines wii! lie paid to ih.^ chief ? ofiie.r nf tho Ouarterrnaster's Department, at,tile place wiiere the prisofier may I"-, and no oilier person is authorized to receive them. Such tin. s ninsl not be nppKi-d to , anv purpose, but I he officer r- ceiving tin ni : will forthwith remit tlie amounts lo Hie Arijutanl General of the army, with the names of prisoners who p ud flie*ti, ai I the number of thejttrder promulgating the proceedings. (Geneial Orders ?NO. ?S'S i Bar. fl, A. G. O., series 1S64 ) j VII. To avoid delay iirising from the absence ff Brig. Gen. L. Thomas, checks forward? i, on account ol lin. 5 under the above paragraph, will be made payable to ' "the Adjutant General ?i. S. Army, tr I order," without inserting the name. (.;.-e ! Circular A. G. <>., -.? ted Nov. 19, ISC4.) j VJ J ?. 'ii. .-ll cases where nie nu- | posed by sentence of general courts mar- I t:al or military connaissions, a provision sh mid be added to the sentence that the i piisoner shall bc cunfinr.1 until the liiiois I paid. ? A limit maj be fixed die period j of such confinement.'' (General Orders No. ci, A. 0. i)., far. I. C S ) IX. "In c;i?e tlie provision lias been | omitted from the sentence, that a prisoner | shall be confined until the fine is paid, a j special report will be made to the Adju- j tant General of his failure to make pay- : ment, and lie will not be released without I orders from the War ?epartment, except on payment of the fine.'' (General Orders No. Cl, A G. O.Par. II, C. S.) . A. "Stoppages of pay against officers or enlister! mea are pot '.'ir es' in the sense of I lids 'Cider.'" (General Orders No. 61,1 Par. Ill, A. G. O., C. S > j Xl. In a easerequirii .;rbfcrt.-.-?reaa'.cu 1 mi nt, th*- officer orderiug the court, ur his ! successor, -will not, merely forward the j record, hat viii formally act upon the case, and expr< ss his approval cr dteap- | pro val upon t he record, (iee Digest of | ?pinhm of Jij'lg? Advocate General, p. P.) j X1L Ali records *ot military celina win ; he transmitted to the Judge Advocate ' GeneraT, through these l?cudquor?ers, and ! ?a no case will'bc tout io Washington i direct. X.f tl. When s.-vcral CH=CS aro published in ilie same General Order, the te co rd ;u ' each t-rparafri ease will be accompanied by , a co; y ol' that orde r, or so much thereof as relates to ta- pcnioular ouse, ami whfn ; Ll .? court is ' rdctvd from the lieaticpinrluru of.a separate brigade*, each a;;c-will be'j acconip:-.: ?cd by aa official copy of thu:- ; p?u\j ; i ol General Orders which or? j gatnzes tb-- separate brigade. XIV. Officers empowered to appoint courts arc earnestly "enjoined to bring all ! ace-used parsons tu. a 3p**edy trial, and to i pu o! ?sh and execute prompt U the sen- : tences i)f the?| courts. A delay of jual ?ie j is oft en.njs detrimental to tb? .public s?r- ! vice SP. its to:al denial. Fy command ot j Maj. (it-n. Q. A. G lid: V10K.E. ' W. L 51. hx Asst Adj't Gen. July 10 . . ? THE TEEMS- 07 PASr?K FrocTaiua'ioL. by tho President ci the ? Ui?ited States of Arfierica. - i Whereas thc I't-side-lt of ti..: United j SIajes, or: the,Stii day of fi- ?mt. r. A. D. j l?f?o, and on ihe f>?ih day "f Maren, A. il. j IS'.>4,\Wit!i the object to Huppress thc ex- 1 JKt?ngr* r?bellion, to induce al! parsons to-j retm-n H> I ? i . ; : i- I oyal tv nu.1, to restore Ihe autho?tfy t>l" tl; .. I aiteil States, ianic pro- 1 elamnrtHons o tiering anmesf y.imd purdon to j eenuin persous who had, directly or by implication, participated in the sa id rcb i lion; and whereas manv persons, who bad so, ?ngai?ed in said rebellion, have, since I the Usu?noe of said proclamation, failed j or neglected to rake t he benefits offered \ thereby: and wb-rens mar.'- persons, who have be.-ri justly deprived of at! claim tn', amnesty and par lon tho'r?>uncVer by rca., ?a, ut their purl icipat ion, directly or ini ...Ur", icu. iii sa id i......i.:cn--ai:d-. uaw* ; tJoaeility t.. tile Government of tho "Vied I Stf. tes. s Ince lb . dele of said pr:>.-lat:inl m. 1 now desire t>> apply for and obi tm a ni, i en- 1 ty and purdon: T ? the en..:, therefore, that tb- authority may be restored, and that peace, order and freedom may bo established, J. Andrew Johnson, President ot tl.- United Stater.:, j do proclaim and dec?ate that 1 hereby j grant to all persons who' have directly or , indirectly participated in the existing j rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted. ; amnesty and par.ion, with' rost.oiut ?on of j a ' rights of propel ty, except aa to slaves, ' un -, nuder l'ne laws pf the United States! providing .'or ibo confiscation ol' property I ..i persons -ugaire: in rebellion, have boen | i- st tinted, but. on the. co'ndit:>?n. neverlhc? j 'ess, that every stich person shall lake und Subscribe the following oath Ol c.'drina- ! tion, mid th.-neefoi ward keep und main-| tain sa ?J oath inviolate, and whim oath shall ?.ir registered for permanent preser- i val ion, r.::.! shall bo of the tenor and effect ; affirm, in pre-, nee <>f Almighty God, thal. ; I wili henceforth faithfully support 'ind defend the Co.-sl.itut.ion of the Colled i under, and that ! will in like m intier j by find faithfully sr.pport ail laws ! mid proclamai ons which Imve-been mnde j 'luring thc frxisiing rebellion with refer- '. eiica to thc emancipation of slaves. Ho j The following cl."-ss of persona .ir?: ox j empted from thu*- benefits of this procia- j marion: _ 1 t. All who aro, <.:. : hall have been, ' pretende i civil < r diplomatic oliice'rs, ?.: , otherwise, domestic or foreign agents oil the pretended Confederate Goverunfeiii. | ?J.l. .-'.li who left, judicral stations under tin L* ni i vi States t . aid in the rebel boa. lld. All who shall nave bet xx military . i ; naval offiiiers of said pr. ?end,-.1 Con-fcde i rate Government above the rank..; colonel ; in the nrmv or lieutenant m the i avy. of.the United States to aidJ;he rob "Lon. ji 5??i.'A?l v. im resigned or tender d resig nations of their commissions in tho army I i . , ii or navy ol tye I rjiteu Mates to evade amy c in resist im.c I he rebellion. titi). All who have engage"! in ar.}- way j in treating otherwise than lawfully as pri- ! 1 goners uf war persons found in tho United ! States service, as officer?, soldiers, seamen '? 1 or in other capacities. 71h. All persons who hav ? beru or arr j 1 absentees from thc United States for the j purpose of aiding the rebellion ' - Sih. All military and naval officers in j . the rebel servico who were educated by t th- Government in th'c Military Academy j at West Point or toe United Stales' Naval j Aeademv. of?ces of ^pvrrrio:- of States in Hraurrec tioa against .the United Stat ea. 10th. All per*or:3 who ?eft their home* within the juri:;dic;ion arid protection of the United States, and nassed beyond tho Federal military linen into the fo-eulied Confederate States for the purpose of aid ii::- fi:e rebel lion. lHh. A? persons who '>invo teen en gaged i-t thc destruction of tho commerce of tile United States upon the high seas, and wl:o have made, raids into the United States from Canada, or been engaged i:i destroy ing the commerce of the Unite<? Slate?upon the lakes and rivers that. SP*>H rate thc.British proviucea from'he United State:... J.'.li. AH parsons who, at the tim? when tl' -y teck to obtaiu the benefits hereof by taking the mi th hajeiu prescribed, ?re ic military, natal or^^g-il confinement or custody, or under boira'.:-pf lire civil, mili? tary or narai authorities ot agunta of tit? United States, as prison era o/ war or per ?"!'S d-d ai ned tor offence:' of an}' kind, eithfr before 01 ofter convict ion. l.'.il). All persons who have voluntarily panicipited ia paid r?bellion, ard the esli ma-cd value of who-e tunable property is ovet twenty thousand dollire. 1 lt'.-.. AU persons who have taken the oath of amnesty as prew::ib'rd in the uident's proclamation ol DeeiT.'ber S.A. D. 18i>.'?, or au oath of ale vid nc* to the Government of the Li idled ta tates since the d.'t'e of :-aid ? roehisiation, and who have not thenceforward kept, and maintained th? Mint? inviolate., provided, that i p11 application may lie made to the President. ?or pardon by c.nv* perron belonging ty tiie ito pt cd classes, und 'swell elem'-?ey wiil be libe reilly extended n? may be. consistent with the lac's of the case and the peace and dignity o? the Un'ted Stakes. Tl io Secretary of Slate .will estai,! "iii rule-; ard regulations for administering and recording '. lie said amnesty oath, so as to insure it - I-fi?etit to the people and guard tho lyjvi ri ment against fraud. In test in cay whereof, 1 hav?* hereunto set my IM nd and caused thc syl of th? ? ruled?.\atea to be affixed. Don,rat tit? city of Washington, the jgth day of TJ av. m .tb.*? ve.-e ct our Lord 'ffcouTJiu ? v. tho fm fe pe ne err , of the A IN DRE V?" .10 ' t ZN SO N - By the. Presiden.: WM. H. SEWAKL*, Secret-ary of Si "te .bine '.? Headq'rs Department o? tue South, Hit.TO:; UKAD. s. c.. JULT :s<\s. G E NER A L ORD ER S N 0. ! 0 6 - rpHK following General Orders from the JL VVar Departmental hereby published for the in formation . f this r-or^r..: nd. , ?VAR DEPART M UN ''. An.t rr A sr 'GENERAL'S OFFICE. V? ashington, June 15, 1305. General Orders No. I i 3. Tue pnvnii nf of all United States boun? ties ti? ioen enlisting ia th?, military ser? vi-.., will cnuo from itfid after'July 1, irt6, . B.y o:def of the Secretary of War. ' E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant G?n?ral. WAR DEPARTMENT. ADJUTANT GKNERAL'S OrricE, Washington, June 17, ISuo. ? O'-:? ral No. 116. Enlisted men of th : Veteran Reserve Corps; who, if they had remained in Hid volunteer regiments from which l h ey were transferred to thc Veteran Reserves, would, under existing ordefe, now bo enti tied tn inu-ler out of service, will bc eo ?Buch irged, provided that no man ?hall bo mustered out who desires to rn-:- hi* full term. By order of thc Secretary of War. E. 1>. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. . By crnuuaud of " ?14 G?n. Q. A. KILLMORE. '] W. h. M. 'Gr i;.aa;. Ass t Adj't Gen. Official: T. i>. HunuKS, Capt. H5tJi U.S. C. r, Act. Ass't Adj't Gen. duly 20 3_ Headers 4th Sub~-Distriet. Military District cf Charleston, D. S , CITr OF COLUMBI A. 9. C., .IL LY 17, lt?o?. GENERAL ORDERS NO. ll. V N e mpii taco witii Generad Orders Iso 1 \uZ. Headquarters Department of ?.he v : iii. d it.i d al Hilton Head, S. C., Juue ., the following officers and citizen? ir . ...i.1.1*mn*ed ns the Board constituting' i?? Sujn . or and Circuit .Provost Courts of ' uis ."MI*' Gisu and, for J ho present, will ionveno their scssioi s at Columoia, S. C.:. ' , iperior Court. 29 Lieut. .COKO.: W. IDEK", 25thI teg't < >. V. V. I., Provost Judge. DAKIEL P. MCDONALD, Esq., of Co? Utnbia, Associate Judge. ANDREW G. GASKIN', Esq , ofColum da, Associate Judge. Circuit Court. Will be presided over -by one of the Vss. eiate Judges, to ba designated by tho tab-District Commander. By order of N HAUGHTON. Li Col. 25.b Rcg't. ('. v. V. . . Com'd?. JOHK WAuror. Lt. ;-*..;. Reg i O. V V [., A. A A~"- Goa "Jhjl'v !'* ??.