OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, July 31, 1865, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Monday Morning-, July 31, I860.
?.< CldXharleston li?mes.
The examination of an old copy of
the Charleston City Gazette ia suggest?
ive of the permanent hold -which a
large proportion of the old families
took in society, and the tenacity with
which they have held their ground.
Jew and Gentile, Christian and He?
brew, Tnrk and Philistine, class them
as you may, they all turn np now and
exhibit themselves, in their descend?
ants, just as they did a hundred years
. ago. To this w? orte it, that names ,
are what they are, and perhaps to the
samr; cause we "owe it that a cert ain
delicacy of constitution and effeminacy
?of character-has impaired tho energies
of a certain portion bf the race. Rut
to show: We find the naine of Col.
Daniel Stevens as a' leading name in
theanili?ary sixty years age. We be?
lieve that the two CoL Stevens who
distinguished themselves in the late
war-one-of th*em a distinguished
preacher now in the Episcopal 'Church
-owe their origin to this source. We
ourselves can remember Col. Daniel
Stevens, a man of decided character.
There ij^ a r>)\ Poppehhcim now of
Charleston or one of the Parishes.
We find in the paper of -Tiny ll. 1807,
tlui^ Mr. John Poppenheim died ;?
his plantation at Goose Creek. St.
Jamos Parish, in the ol st year of his
:fge, b ilinga widow and two children.
Dr. Schmidt advertises his profession
at his house. No. SBedohsAllcy. "Wc?*
also knew this old genthuaan. His
son, 'in recent times, became one of.
the most distingnis-lied of physicians
in one of tiie Northern Colleges. Col.
Rutledge Itere (John Rutledge, we
suppose.) issues the regimer.ial orders
of".he 2Slh Regiment through his Ad?
jutant, Pau^fi. L. Lee, whom we well
knew, and who afterwards, ifuioved to
Alabama, whoro Ids descendants still
reside j and lhere'arc numbers ot the
branches of the family still surviving
in Carolina. Gen. S. D. Loo, late so
disting.iished in tho Confederate army,
a grand-son of Hon. Judge Lee, is*no\v
living in Pendleton. The ^Charleston
Light Dragoons, still existing under
Capt. Trenhohn, was then in existence
and invited to meet at Mr. Calder's,
who is well remembered. Sollee?s
Long Pioom is suggestive of a family,
members of which still survive in the
interior. The Charleston Ranger
Company, Thomas Somersall captain,
is ordered to assemble by Lieut. Col.
Roper. The 'Roper family still has
various representatives.* That-of Som?
ersall its believed to be extinct. The
same Lient.fCol. Poper* w;is, we be?
lieve, the distinguished gentleman who
lef?the liberal bequest for founding
the noble charity, of the Roper Hos?
pital. Geo4|e Robertson was then
Captain of No. 3 Beat (militia). His
descendants still maintain lus name..
William Lee was Clerk Of the City
Court, a brother of Judge Liv. Wm.
Payne's descendants still live. The
name of C. H. Peigne suggests to us a
series of humorous recollection s of one
of his descendants, who fiuaishectf a
great deal of inn to tho wags of
Charleston fifty years ago. Bicha rd
Yeadon wrote speeches for him of the
thunderous, retindegrant character, .of
which Peigne was very fond, and fan?
cied, in course of time, that he wrote
them all himself. Some of them were
printed. The well-known name:; of
Felix Warley, Raynal, Logan, Palmer,
Couturier. Addison, Corill a, impose,
JoneA Hibben. Dutart, Yenning, Too
mer, Bonnpau, Prince, Jervey, S i uk 1er,
POn, Vanderhorst, Ba ..Lesdale, Towy,
Rose, Hall, Robinson, Cochran (C. B.j
Huger, Wightman, Gilchrist, ?nck
ney, Johnston, Stoney, Hart, Dugan,
Crawford; Lloyd, Naverick, Timmons,
Bryan, Cohen, Mose?, Tilghman, Mor?
ton,-Waring, Tew, Dupont/fcc , of all
tkeso na*nes hardly ?me ie extinct'
They ?; ill have t?ieir descendaats cither
in Charleston or the Parishes, or tho
interior aaa tipper country. Charles
Pinckney,-father of Henry LrPinck
ney, ?was one of the most eminent aud
? able politicians .of the time. He was
tlien Governor of the State, and ono
i>f his proclamations occurs in this
paper. We meet the grand-senis of
these ancient persons daily in Colum?
bia; several of them have distinguished
themselves in public affairs, military
and civil. Yoting Tew, slain in battle
at the head of a North Carolina Regi?
ment, was educated at the Citadel and
was a distinguished and able - officer.
Gen. Logan's father lives hi our city.
Waring's grand-son or grand nephew
and C. B. Cochran are in one of our
banks, and so with but one or two
exceptions wo may run through the
wflole record.
Hoper's Wecldy Journal Q\\?\ T^eslie-'s
Illustrated News, of the 22d-July, are
filie i v ii h horrid pictures, giving all
the detailed scenes in the execution of
the wretched creatures condemned for
participation in Lincoln's "murder.
These are self-styled journals of civi?
lization, and through their medium
humanity is taughj to gloat over thc
writhing agonies of these victims,
when monds,.Christianity, geed taste,
and all the sensibilities require that,
if death be the necessary p< nulty oi
crime, it is evil to the heart.to familiar?
ize mankind to any such spectacle <?
haman suffering. The sensibilities
j are to be kept alive and active by cir
I ilization, mid whatever tends tb rendel
j Chem callous is amongst the most fata
j influences that could operate agaius
I human civilization. Humanity ein
Pgain nothing of good by familiarizing
! tho, senses i.) mortal suffering, miles
: where charity and benevolence, ar
' and science, combine for its relief
I All sensible parents will revolt at per
I mittiug their children to w itness th
dying-agonies of a victim on the gal
I lows. It is nearly as bad to place bc
; fore their c; ? s any lively represent:!
tion of thc re.iLe-y. The eriir.l und th
i horrible are not the proper objects <
i art. Thc Greeks, who were the prop*
; masters in art, chose for theirsuhjep!
j only thc grand, sublime and terrible
not the loathsome and horrible. Th
? Laocoon is a terribie picture, not
: horrible one,- and the elements of th
'. sublime in it necessarily, elevate th
? spectator, 'as be heh ads heroisi
Jixwverj*,struggling ia unequal conlii
j with a more than me,ital foe. Sue
pictures as these of Harper and Lcd
j should be denounced everywhere ;
gross outrages upon human sensibiht;
. The robberies in Charleston toni
\ nae daily and in ail quarters; tl
? general impression jof the press seen
: to be that thc improvement of tl
place is perfectly marvellous. Tl
. robberies are reported in detail; tl
j morals are dwelt upon in splendid g
j neralities.
I Ml*. John Kennedy, the well K n av
j correspondent "Pink" of the Chark
j ton Courter, died in New York on il
I 11th instant. '
i RECEIPTS O*? COTTON. The reeeij;
? of*cotton in Charleston by the Sou
1 Carolina Railroad, from the first
! the twenty-fith inclusive,.amount
! 938 bales. Din ing the last two weel
1 the cotton receipts .have increas
j nearly four-fold as compared .to the i
ceipts al the beginning" of the mont
-. -???
The Comptroller of thc Curren
has decided that the engraving
printing of the signatures of the
j ricers of National banks on nation
j currency notes, ianot sanctioned
law. The engraved signatures of t
i Treasurer and Register are attested
j the imprintof thesealof theTreasu
i while the engraved signatures of t
1) mk are unattested, unauthorized a
dangerous. Though the bank co
mitring the wrong cannot take advj
tage of it to repudiate its own issn
other National Ranks would 'not
obliged to receive thc notes. The
sues of the National bunks are ree?
able for all dues to the Govemme
except duties on imports, yet the G
ernment, through an* of its dep<
taries or officers, may demand a le
attestation to these engraved sig
tures before receivicg the notes.
OUTTWOEOTJS.-On Friday night last
a party of eight or tea colored .sol?
diers visited the store of Mr. H. P.
Knee, who had been victimized a few
nights previously hy an?ext<*iiH?ve rob?
bery in his premires, and commenced
some suspicious demonstrations, when,
the coming of some white citizens on
business evidently interfered . with
their pintos aiia they left without hav?
ing an opv^ortunity of carrying their
plans into execution From Mr. ;
Knee's store they proceeded to that *
of ' Ir. K. P. T?eils, at the corner of I
"Ratcliffe and Smith streets, and were ]
commencing suspicions overtures of
familiarity with his money drawer, I
when the same opportune circum- j
stauen as oecurmd with Mr. Knee
induced them to beat a retreat. The i
lin'- of inarch was taken and ter- j
urinated aj? the>di\..p of Mrs. Kober
litz, cornier of Cannon and Rutledge ?
streets, where unfortunately there was '
no one in the store except her clerk,
at whoseJ?rr?a?t a pistol was presented I
by one of the scoundrels, whilst I
another quietly possessed 'himself ?f j
flo- contents of tho eush bo?;. The ?
party then retired, tiring the pistol at ;
thc store as a lnalicMUS feu de j"!': on |
their suet ess.
Mr. (\ VYitche*!?, who keeps a, store !
at the corner nf Ann and Elizabeth
streets, was alllicted with ji similar
visitation about s o'clock on Saturday ;
everting. A sw nacl of colored soldiers i
eame into his .-'.ore ostensibly for the i
purpose of pun basing st'gars. Upon I
handing a bunch of sega rs for their
ius] iud ion they wore s ; tai ched from thc
clerk, while ?1 pistol was presented at !
the breast of Mr. Witciicn and a
donation o? a dollar reouested in the '
delicate term- of the highway. Before :
compliance could be iffadc with this'
moderate, (fenland, tie- money drawer ?
and contents wera extracted and the j
w hole party r? ?ired.
Mr. Witchell appealed to the Cap?
tain nf Police fora guard, as Tie eon- !
sidered his life emhi^igcxed. He-seems
'Confident of his ability to identify the j
trespassers as members nf the ?ith |
! Massachusetts Volunteers.
CETEEKTXG INT!:I.'.!..I-:::I 1:. ?- Our
"Washington correspondent, in refer- |
j ting to ?ai int u-view between Presi- '
?dent- Johnson and Oavernor Perry,
! remarks: "GovernorPerryconfident- |
I ly says that he expects tl? have the
j State: [South CanMina] back into the
! Tub m attiie a.mblhig of the next I
Cougress, " iCi'JL lii.it "G&oral Gurney j
has aj.-o been here several days ?md I
seem* lo think that tho Slate is j
more rapidly \viie> ling into line than
any other Southern* State'." This in- !
! formation will have a tendency to give
I cnuonragnmnt to the citizens di South
j Carolina, and impress them, with a :
: sense, nf tho impelo uv* attaching j
j to their earnest, efforts?ill behalf ol |
restoring all sections ot' ?die State to a |
condition ol'order and quiet. Possi- '
bly our correspondent may lie a little j
hasty in anticipating au early resum??- I
lion of civil authority in South ("aro- I
lina; but one tiling we may all be sure j
j of, and that is, we will have civil .
! authority when it is clear and munis- j
takable that all classes will be benefit- !
ted by a change from military to civil
ride.- Charleston Courter.
? special despatch t.. the New York '
j Commercial Adrrrtist-r, '.'rom Washing
I ton, dated 22d instant, sa vs:
j The Washington Republican prints
j to-day Aiton- y-General Sneed's opi
? nion rendered to Secretary MeCuilocli
; inion claim- for cotton captured by
. Site mm n in Savannah,
j He decided that ?di cotton takeli by
: military forces in insurrectionary tbs
i tricts is captured property, within the
\ meaning of the stat ute oi \>iY-'>, whet IM r
! owned by loyal mell or not.
1 Ile also hollis that rt r-ourso must be
V\u\ in disputed cases to the Court of
? Claims, and that jurisdiction cammi
1 be conferred upon a commission ap
: pointed either by the President or
: Secretary of tho Tr 'asuiy t<> examine
j thc claims in question, and to make
i restoration of the proceeds of so much
i of this cotton as may la tong to loyal
. claimants.
i ^ .
I Wlien Nelson's famous signal was
hoisted, "England expect? every niau
j to do his duty,'1 two Scotchm. u were
! standing by. On pulled a long. sour
j fa.ee. and said, "Ech, Sandie, there's
miething th?re ?bool puir ?uki Se rb
i land." "Hoot, nam," said Sandi*
'.Scotland In ns wellenonghTherbairns
always do their duty. It's only ?1 hint
to those slugglish i'uglb.iiers."
Thc total number of National banks
is 1,440-739 of which were establish
last week, with ?1 capital of nearly
$6,500,000 of currency issued.
As an indication of increasing bnsi
ness, fifteen ocean steamers left New
York on thc 15th, and twenty-four aro
advertised to leave ^ext week.
A French physician, E. Brimson, ia
said to have discovered a turo for
hydrophobia, in the use cf a hoc"
vapor bath, gradually raised as High
as from ninety to one hundred deg? ces
The expenses cf the City Govern?
ment of London is reported to be
?12.000,000 per annum; that cf Baris
is Si 0,000,000, while that of Ne? York
(said to be the most mis-managed go?
vernment, of all) i3 fully $r< ,000.000.
Cotton* in Petersburg, w*s selling,
at last advices, at 43 to 44 cents.. The
whole number ofNbnle& received in
Mobile, since its occupation by the
United States troops, is 1G,0U0. '
public will be gratified to learn that
the fare to New York on the Leary
line of steamers has been yeduetd to
$50 first cabin and $40 second cabin.
. G. B. Lamar, who, before the war,
war* one of the wealthiest merchants
of Savannah, has been released from
the Old Capitol and ordered to report
to il te Secretary of War.
The rumor of the appointment of a
retiring board for the army creates a
great fluttering among regular army
oint-ors. .*
THE following gentlemen arc respectfully
suggest. J as candidates for lia- Convention
to hr held in September next:
A. ?.?TAYLOR, *
W. A. II A 1? HIS,
J. G. GIBBES. July 31 *
Columbia Ca* Ij'glit Company.
IN pursuance "f tho action o! thc Board I
ul Directors, -i nicotina of the Stork- j
VAN Y will take place on MONDAY. August '
Ttli, ai thc auction room cf Jacob Levin, j
corner of Assr?uh!v pud Plain streets, ?it in i
oVlock. S. Ol'.IN TALLEY, President. ?
JACOB LEVIS. SI ?rotary. Julj Xl -if
FOK \Vl>:?SBOEQ. "
C&TV-JL, PASSENGERS can he accommo
|S|yi*gMlhn -1 with comfortable seat* in a
Brett, wnicii -.viii le:ivc Columbia TO-MOR?
ROW (Tiiesdayl MORNING, at 5 o'clock,
uer passage, aunty to GEORGE CIIISOLM,
Laurel Ktruet,*WVst of Arsenal.
July 31 1*
Strayed or Stolen,
^j^jy F?OM my premises, on Sunday
v -\$ morning, a medium size black marc
,-?s.-?l.M i' LE; some saddle marks ou her
t>i!vi\. ?nod In front. A suitable reward will
ei? given ! : her return to nie.
. July ol 2 _ JOHN GREEN.
Brass Foundry. :
iTHHE subscriber, thankful for past patron
I aye, would inform Iiis friends and lilt;
public that he ?H still prepared to furnish ah
kinds ot' Bli ASS CAST! Nts tn a workmanlike
manner and with despatch.
' July 31 n\ Gadsden, near Washington at.
"SlO KEWARl). ~ "
T OST, on tho Wiunsboro Road, from Nel
& j son's to Columbia, one rea CARPET
BAG, containing, besides som* clothing,
I>1 natation accounts and other papers uf uo
value whatever to any one except thr
owner. The above reward will lie paid to
anyone giving information leading todita
recovery, by Dr. Fisher. Sumo of thc
papers and letters bear tho name of John
York. .lune 31 f3*
New Store.
rjYTE undersigned have just received a
1 well selected stock of chotee GROCE?
CLES, which they now oiler to thc public at
thc lo WUK i terms possible! Their stock con?
sisting ofg I
Coffee, Flour. I'.aeon, Sugars,
Tea, Smoki::?: r> ?lacou,
. Butter. ('!!. v.i-ii' Tobacco,
? Lard. St. r.a.,, s,
Crack.'-..s assorted.
Cambus. ried
?Mark Fepncr,
1'rv.. rved Fruits,
pipi -, T '.iii lirusk'cs,
' ,Hai"!rr?is.
Tomato Catsup.
With a Sue assortment of
WINES. LIQUORS, .vc, A., &C.
For sale l>\
r.. HvM<W*n5 & CO.,
Corner Riehardrton a:ul Gre -n streets,
Julv :>1 .5* * Sear College Chapel.
3?he Broad Stiver
t?O AT .COf?P?SV
HAV! N'S se. !U-< il two tine DRY BOATS,
and t wo i'i-ev..s of thc- niosl cxpbrfenced
boatmen on tie river, ?fters its services to
the public for tr:u.?pi?rtmg FREIGHT be?
tween Columbia ami Alston. The following
rated have lieen ad..!?red: *
Bacon, per 100 lbs..? 7">
Com, per bushel. 38
Cotton, pi r bale.s ?JO
Fodder, .' .' 2 ;>0
Flour, per barrel. 2 00
? .. . bag.1 00
Other articles, per 100 lbs. 1 00
Passengers.*. 2 00?]
Thc Boats will leave Columbia at ? o. m.,
every Monday and Friday; and will len ve
Alston at <> a.m., every Wednesday and
Sunday. Apply to B. B. SIMONS,
'Agent, Columbia.
u Agent, Newberry C. K.
i J. W. CALL,
July "1 2 Agent, in charge of Boats.
. t
Tho Sc uthcrn Esp;- wa brought na another
lot of valuable nupor? yesterday.
His Excellency Beni. F. Perry, rrov?uo?iai
Governor o? South Caroii*i, arrived in this
city cn Saturday Last. H". is in exoi'ient
hellth ard ?pirita; sneaks' cheerfully Mid
encouragingly, v_d is full of ho?e for tho
future._^r^-j^ ^_._
Melvin M Cohen, Esq., has received an?
other largo addition to his stock of goods.
Mr. M. is known as fr on'orpriein? mer?
chant, having been cr.e of the first to re
8umo boEinous ^ft. r the uoBtructicn of Co?
lumbia. HIP. adventist ment wiii be found
in another column.
circular from tho Medical Department of tho
University of New York, announcing tho
programme in that institution for the' ses?
sion of 1S65 and 1SGG. The vast resources,
of such a city as Ne~ York should enable
the Faculty to afford to the student every
possible opportunity and facility for attain?
ing the ono great end of all medical .study,
a practical familiarity with aH'forma of dis?
ease. Letters may bo addressed to Prof,/
John W. Draper, President of the Faculty,
107 East 1 ?th street. New Vork.
The old school of-Charleston merchants
and mechanics seems to bo gradually re?
turning to their old Htar.ds and occupations
id that venerable city. V.'e perceive, from
an advertisement in our own columns, that
Robson, th.e well-known ate; highly success?
ful grocer and commission merchant, "oas
hung out his sign anew, calling oithis old
customers. We were of the nuiu|y one.',
and would be pleased to becom<*W> again,
satisfied, ffs we always wore, of the good
quality of .hts commodities and, his own
worth as an hom st dealer.
Among* onr advertisements will hr found
ono'of the* new store of E. H. Moise .v C ,..
This ir another addition b> the growing list
of nev,- houses in cur mercantile world. . tt
alfords an additional assura nco to our ag?
ricultural population of inoro? sing varie c ;,
(if goods, and of increasing competition.
In theso respect-- rest all thc seenritLeS for
healthy trade. Messrs. M.?is- ?v ('.>. arc
active und intel^cen! young im... who may
be expected U> deal .liberally, c ''.'.rv.t \. a'i
small prv?'S and rapid salts, the proper
secret for the acqnisiti >n o* veahb.
IXSTTKANCE.-We ur..- pleased to ?tale that
our old friend and fellow-citizen, Mr. li. E.
Nichols, bas returned to Columbia and re?
sinned his business as an insurance agent.
His advent will bc welcomed,f>ve have :e>
doubt, as it is of the highest importance to
protect from loi s by fire flie little property
left in our city,-a s well as tho stocks of new
Snoods daily advertised. Travelling friends
are also reminded that Mr. N,;s issuing
travellers' policies, which, in the present
state of i* e roads, is worthy of considera?
tion. His office is. for the present, in Mr.
Bryce's store, <?n lila tiding street.
NEW DaESs.-TICJ new dress*in which the
Phoenix appears this morning, is tarnished
from the weil known foundry of Messrs.
JAMES CONN'OP. & Sox, corner of Centre and
Reade ?itreets, >?cw York. 'Jins establish?
ment bas acquired a just reputation
among printers and publishers for tre supe?
rior quality of their typo metal and the
evenness of their founts. To any ??f our
friends, who are desirous of refitting their
establishments, we would 'recommend to
nrfve Messrs. C. .V cox a call. But one thing
?mist bc understood: it is useless to give an
?riler ti> this establishment,?irSmy other in
?he United stales, unaccompanied by the
:jsh-as all the type founders have formed
xu association, regulated price.-, and adopt?
ed a strictly cash system.
Thaddeus Street, cae of tho well-known
merchants of Charleston, has resumed
business in that city. Soo his advertise?
ment. . We are glad to note these signs of
>eturning vigor, confidence and elasticity,
unong thc old workers in eur lields, mer
:antile, mechanical and agricultural. Tho
?eal difficulty will be in tile latter branch
our domestic cedbomy -and at behooves
ill parties to soe that the proaucer is sus
sincd. Upon him, in fact, everything
lepends. Hi? is ci hsurner as weal ?s nro
lncer, and the life-blood of ab healthy
:onirauuitiea must is?ue from his fountain.
Let them not l,c dried ap and td; tilings wiU
;o well.
COTTON.-Eighteen and twenty cents in
;old is freely offered for cotton in the Co?
ombia market. Sellers tight shy. As tho
leason advances^ and facts become know*,
ve are mere than - vcr persuaded that tho
Miniated stock in thc country is a mon
itrous exaggeration. We must make our
:ottoii do everything. It is really the only
lapital stock left us with which to cora
nence business and life ant*. Tho farmer
leeds all he can raise to refnrai?h his farm;
u buy his orales, horses, wagonc, and thc
implements of culture. ?We do rot counsel
.ur fiends tu hiaist npon specie, i'^r.t
equisition in mer? nbasen?*?. Uni U . then
jet for their cotton .the bvjle t ; ...
aarkf? pnce in greenback;-. Thcto lenity
onstitute our only currency, und a paper
.urrency is inevitable for many years. We
an have no other; and,for those persons
rho have to spend rs fast as they get, and
annot hoard, greenback! are'quite t s geed
3 specie.
Lettei'3 for the foiiovdng named perr-or.r
iavo been left at the Shiver Hame: James
"?lover, A. T. Smythe, J. W. Cali, M. Goi?
mith & Co., John M Miller, F. F. Thftskurn,
V. Shephard, W. A. Courtenay, John Alcx
nder, ?. S.? Bardell, Hon. F. M. i ickluig,
L McKeo. MMB xben Crow. M. A ?atos.

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