OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, July 22, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1866-07-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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Daily Paper $8 a Year
'Let our Just Censure
I* ll (KM A.
Attend the True Event."
Tri-WeeUy 95 a Year
Daily Paper, six mouths...
Tri-Weekly, "
Weekly, "
Inserted at 75 cents per square for the first
insertion, and SOceuts for each subsequent.
Weekly 75 cents each insertion.
t3~ A liberal discpunt nutde on thu abor.e
rufet when advertisement are inserted by
the month or year.
a?* Special notices 10 cents a hue.
S. P. Kinard, Newberry.
Samuel Droutbitt, Greenville C. H.
Wm. Moore, Abbeville C. H.
Juline Poppo, Anderson C. H.
Latest from Europe.
Below we give the latest news
received by the Africa, from Liver?
pool, on the 7th inst:
Advices to the morning of the 7th,
state that the Prussians continued
victorious, and had defeated tho
Bavarians at Tarabah, and occupied
the town. The conclusion of au
armistice was tbeu considered im?
possible. Public opinion in Prussia
and Italy is strongly averse to it, and
^Napoleon had received no acceptance
'of the proposition, and it was thought
not unlikely that Prussia would
dictate terms at Vienna.
The battle of the 2d inst, lasted
twelve hours, the Austrians maintain?
ing their position obstinately for six
hours. About three.in tho afternoon,
the Austrian position at Bistritz was
carried by assault, after which they
were rapidly driveu from other
positions. The whole Austrian army
was in full retreat in the evening.
The Austrians have evacuated
Monte Suela and Caffaro, and they
are now occupied by Garibaldi.
A Milan despatch of the 5th states
that a corps of the Bavarian army
had entered the Austrian Tyrol, and
that the Austrians had abandoned all
their positions on the right bank of
La Presse, the semi-official organ
of Paris, of July 7th, says King Viotor
Emanuel has not at once acceded to
-.the armistice proposed through
France. He alleges as tho reason
that he has to consult with his ally,
the King of Prussia. In consequence,
the Italian Government has been
advised that it will have to cease im?
mediately every act of hostility
against Venetia-it being French
territory. A French commission is
going at once to Venetia to assume
its government in the name of the
Orders have been issued to the
French squadron on the Mediterra?
nean, immediately to repair to
Venice and to hoist the French flag
instead of the Austrian upon all
fortified posts on the Venitiau coast.
The cession of Venice to Franco is
complete and definite, and without
any other condition on tho part of
Austria, except to withdraw the guns
and all munitions ol war found in
fortified places. Within forty-eight
hours the whole of Venetia will be
French territory, and it will depend
upon the good will of Franco either
to keep or part with it.
Further, I AX Presse says it is tho
intention of Austria to continue the
war against Prussia if she perseveres
in her pretensions aa asserted in her
. project of Federal reform communi?
cated to the Governments of North?
ern Germany. Tho?Emperor Francis
Joseph declares his resolution to
transfer his Capital to Pesth should
hebe unable to defend Vienna, and
call to arms the whole population of
his States.
A Florence despatch of the -1th
says the public journals declare that
if the Austrian troops e vacua te Ve?
netia to march against Prussia, the
Italian a?my will pursue them closely
?TM??L*?mftct??D *s effe?>ted between
tn^^?B^"1 OD(l Prusssian annies.
Italy Will not loavo Prussia, either in
victory or defeat. The campaign will
be resumed and continued till tho
Austrian monarchy is dismembered.
There is a perfect understanding
between tho Italian Government and
the national Hungarian Croatian
An Eisenach despatch, of July 5,
says some detachments of Prussian
troops had been driven from Lens
A Vienna despatch says tho
Italians lost 500 killed and wounded
in the attack on Monte Huello.
Amiens, France, is being decimated
by the cholera.
S. Morgan Smith, a colorod Ameri?
can tragedian, has been playing
Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear,
Richard III, And Shylock, in Eng?
$4 oo
2 50
1 50
From Washington.
Tlio correspondent of the .Balti?
more Sun writes:
The tariff lobby remains here to
watch the coarse of events. The
representatives of special interests
are afraid that tho combinations for
mutual protection -will bc broken in
their absence. If Congress remains
in sesi?n, as they are urged to do,
for political reasons, till September,
mat) y measures now considered
dropped may be revived. The radi?
cal strength in both houses is now
Rmi ter than it has ?wer bean. The
"shifting" men, worked awhile ago
by Mr. Stevens, are now firm in their
places on the radical side. Nt) party
measure can be named which cannot
now be camed iu both houses by a
vote of two-thirds.
The Executive veto has become
powerless, us against the interests of
the radical party in Congress. What
other power is left to the President?
Congress protends to fear that ho will
corrupt and alienate some of their
office-holders by the exercise of the
power of patronage. But the Trum?
bull bill is a remedy for that. It was
not heretofore pressed, because the
two-thiids power was doubtful, but
it is no longer in doubt. It can be
exerted tho moment that it becomes
desirable, which will be in the event
of JIU adjournment atan early day.
The resignation of the Comptroller
of the Currency is an importaut
event, lt was doubted whether this
officer, owing to the peculiar terms ol
the olriee, could be removed by th?
President. It would be difficult tc
lill the otlice in such manner ns tc
reconcile, the conflicting views d9thc
Treasury and of Congress iu relatior
to finance' and politics. The conserv
ative financial policy of Secretar*
McCulloch was evidently affected b\
the Comptroller, Mr. Clarke, auc
was, in faet, repudiated by Congress
The radicals will have full swing ir
Congress for eight months to come
Observing tuen, who have mixed witl
the people in tho West lately, ar.! no
very hopeful of a thorough change ii
the character of the House at tin
COiniug fall elections. As to the 8c
nate, that will remain as it is, entireh
and obstinately radical, if not revulu
The public expenditures will bi
increased to an enormous extent lr
measures for the support of tin
party. Witness the extension of th
Freedmen's Bureau bill for two years
and the pertuauout policy which i
lt is a question whether Congres
will attempt to oxerci.se militar
power to aid Governor Brownlow i
secnriOg :i quorum of the Tennesse
lt is alleged, however, by tho rad
cals, that the President has, by hi
interference, prevented a quorun
and they hold him accountable for :
to them.
The passage by the House, on tl)
afternoon of the 18th, of tho resolt
tion for u final adjournment on th
da}* weeli, was accomplished, afb
numerous efforts to delay or defeat
on the part of those members wli
wish to stay here. Oeu. Banks wi
very busy trying to wiu over enoug
members to defeat the resolut ?01
protesting that, as soon as Congre:
adjourned, the enemies uf the com
try would swarm here to get tl
offices. His appeals, however, we:
ineffectual, and the subsequent acth
of the House in laying on the table
motion to reconsider, settles thc ma
ter so far as that body is concerne
The Senate will, without donfa
promptly concur in the resolution.
A resolution lately passed bo
houses to provide for a joint comm:
tee on retrenchment, and the fit
result of it is a bill increasing twent
five to thirty per cont, the salaries
all tho employees of the Senat
which will, of course, be followed I
a corresponding one in the Hom
Mr. Fessenden stated, to-day, tli
one of these officers, who now i
ceives a compensation of ?S1,?S?O,
never at his post, and its entire duti
are fulfilled by an assistant, yet it
j proposed to increase his compent
j tion to ?2,500. The next part of tl
programme of retrenchment will b
movement by Congress to incre;i
! their own salaries.
I ington correspondent of the Bost
Post says that "the salo of 1
Craven's book in the District
Columbia is greater than the sale
any other book ever before otter?
I Notwithstanding its extortiouat
! high price, th? scarcity of money n
j the fear to spend it, this book
? bought by thu very poorest classes
j the community with an avidity ti
! proves how universal is the inter
j felt in Jefferson Davis. Itadic
? Conservative, Democrat and soc
j sionist all run after it. comment
j it, all but light over it. Pecuniari
! if it sells every where else as it d
j hero, it will be the greatest liter
I success of tito age.
The Anti-Rent War.
It has been announced by telegraph
that the military, at Albany, New
York, has been called on to aid the
sheriff in executing writs of eject?
ment in that neighborhood. From
our Northern exchanges we get some
of the particulars of the troubles.
A despatch from Albany, on Tuesday,*
"The sheriff left here, yesterday,
to eject one Peter Warren from the
premises occupied by him. Ile was
accompanied by six deputies. His
arrival at a point about five milos
from "the seat of war" was in some
manner communicated to the disaf?
fected, and, from Knower's Station
out, they were mot all along the road
by parties, who gave expression to
their feelings by demonstrations of a
varied character. Arriving afc the
house of Mr. Warner, they were con?
fronted by a party of twenty men,
who, however, offered no opposition.
The doors were locked, and, although
tho sheriff informed tho inmates that
tho matter might bo amicably ad?
justed, they would not admit him.
He then burst open tho door, and
succeeded in getting one of his legs
inside, when the door was forced
shut, and his limb was very severely
squeezed. Finally, he effected an
entrance, when he again attempted to
conciliate, but all to no purpose.
"He then directed his deputies to
execute tho writ of ejectment, by re?
moving tho furniture; but as soon as
theyproceeded to the work, they wert
surrounded, on all sides, by upward
of seventy-five resolute and deter?
mined men, none of whom wert
masked or in the least disguised. Thc
sheriff received several blows, and
Deputy James Gillespie was very
roughly handled. Finding it impos
sible to execute the writ with tin
small force at his disposal, the sherif
withdrew from the premises, the anti
renters hooting at him and cballeng
ing him to mako au arrest. The,1!
were armed with clubs, but displaye<
no tire-arms, although it is believe,
they had them about their persons
They defied the sheriff to execute an;
writ, and gave him to understnnt
that any attempt to do so would b<
violently resisted, no matter wita
would be the result.
"Tho sheriff and his party thci
returned to the city, and immediate!;
issued an order to the commanding
officer of the Tenth Regiment N. Y
S. N. G., to detail 100 men from hi
command, fully armed and equipped
to proceed to "the seat of war" t
aid him in executing .the writs (
ejectment held by him. The fore
will leave, to-morrow, at 7.510 o'clock
under command of Acting Colon?
Jumes McFarland, and will remain i
the disaffected district so long as the:
services may be required. Shonl
the force be insufficient to cope wit
the enemy, the whole of the militar
of tho county will be ordered out.
"There is considerable excitemei
in tlie city, and the different compan
armories are busy places to-night."
ricksburg News gives the followii
statement of tho first case that li
occurred in Virginia under Goner
Grant's order, relative to cases
which negroes are concerned :
On Saturday, Mr. J. H. Keene,
Northern man, who resided North
the Potomac during tho war, m
came hero about six months ago, w
arrested and carried off to Richmon
to be detained "in military conf?e
mont until a proper judicial tribu?
may bo ready and willing to t
It seems that some days ago, a i
gro was passing under the window
Mr. Keene's tin shop, on or n<
whom Mr. K. unintentionally thr
an old quid of tobacco; the negro,
an insolent and threatening mann
asked Mr. K. "who tho h-ll
was throwing his tobacco on." t?o:
words passed, tho negro cursed hi
and he picked up a small hamn
and ran after him; overtaking 1
negro, lie asked what he meant
j his impudence, and the negro rep?
ed his impudence and threatei
light, whereupon Mr. K. gave hin
few cracks with tito hammer.
Would not General Grant or Ge
ral Terry have punished the negro
some way under tho same provo
Tho negro was insolent to tho 1
gistrate in his conduct when demit
ing a warrant, was proved by <
negro and one white man. who lie
the quarrel, to have made a f;
statement in regard to his couduc
, HIP beginning, had not been hurt
the punishment, and was really
! party first in fault Tho m ag Ls tr
: thinking it unnecessary to grar
warrant, "failed" to do so. On
negro's statement, wo suppose,
i ' K. was arrested, taken from his b
' ness, and carried to military eonf
Tho Qnecn'8 Delight and Sarsaparilla ie
prepared with special referonco to the de?
creased condition of the blood. When
once the fountain and head stream ?H pure,
then will tho organs anil tissues or the
l>ody bc healthy and properly nonrished.
Tho Queen's Delight possei*t,cs extraordi?
nary renovating and purifving powers. It
is the best blood medicine in the world
no ono will deny, while thousands attest
its wonderful cures. Sec advertisement ol
Fisher ft Hcmitsh, Pharmacists.
Many citizens having requested me to
call a meeting of the people of the city and
District, and also tho call made, by our
distinguished Chief Magistrate for the
citizens to assemble in their respective
Districts to appoint delegates toa Conven?
tion, to meet in Columbia on the tnt o," Au?
gust, for thopnroo.se of sending delegates
to the National Convent inn. to be held in
Philadelphia on l Uh of August, induce
me to request ail tin- citizens ol the Dis
triet to assemble in Columbia ou MON
DAY, the 23d n\>l.. at liibb? s' Hall, : it ll
o'clock a. m., to take such action .;- max
bc necessary to carry out thc int- ie ". .i , (>i
those requesting the inci ting.
.Inly ir? _ THEO. STARK, .Hayer.
On teller** Lightning Fly-Killer
Makes quick work with flies, and if com?
menced early, keeps thc- house clear all
summer. Look ont 1er imitations. Get
BUTCHER'S onlv. June 26 lum
?.Ol. Ci AT ir S ?IOV1?Y KOA!?.
This celebrated Toilet Soap, H mich
universal, demand, i-< made from the
choicest tnaU-rials, i< ?nile! und i-niol
tient in its liatlUV, frugri*??! 1 y ?< ?-nt?.?!.
and extremely I>?.M<-??C?U.? i;i iin action
upon the skin. For sale by u:l Druggist!
and Fancy Goods Dealers. March 28 Iv
The Original and lient in the World.
; The only true and perfect HAIR DYE.
I Harmless, Reliable ?ind Instantaneous.
i Prod noes imm?diat eb ;i splendid Flack or
natural Brown, without injuring the hair
er .-.kin. Remedies tit?- id effects of bad
dj e.!. Si dd !>y all Druggists. The genuine
. is signed William A. lia.tchel.ir. Also, RE?
I FLEURS, for Restoring and Beautifying
i Oct 23 ly New York.
Sout?x Carolina Manufactured
\w%M>vim PAPES,
From.I. IV. f?rotly, (h;>enr?lle.
VSUl'ERK ?il ARTICLE, sud at greatly
reduce?! pr;. e.-, the m miifact urcr
j having del?, rmin.ul lo furni: ii a good arti?
cle at l?iwer rates than it can be imported
' boin the North.
Julv ls .INO. c. KEEGERX Sc CO.
VrrOUhl) respectfully inform theil
VT friends and tbo pu',;c in general
that He y have opeiie-il a R":v "Al*RAN I' at
the above place, whi-ro t . very host ol
everything m ihe way of eating and drink?
ing eau l>e obtained at short notice.
CREAM Abb on draught.
LUNCH everv dav from ll to 1 ?>Vl?.cic.
.Inly 10
.\rcliitpcts anti Civil Enginifr?,
OFFICE North-west corner of Ladv and
Bull streets. May" ?7
WE offer tho balance of our stock ol
We have recentlv mad?- a large addition
to our stock ur CASSIMERES, TWEEDS
. I and HATS, ami will receive, in a few days,
i a larg?? addition to our sloe!; of CLOTH?
We have tho largest assort ment ofHAT?
' ' to b?> fourni iaftbis city, embracing ali tV
known stvles.
II **
Our Ready-made Goods
Are mostly ?if ??ur own maiiufactur? ; : no
. those desiring to patronize home pr<?l :
ti'ms are invited to call.
i Our stock of FRENCH ami ENGLISH
. CASSIM ERES ii larg.-, and we NM!! M \KI
lt. & \l C. SWAFFIELD
June 2 M . BEDELL'S ROW.
dickerson's Hotei,
Ladies' Entrance. Second Floor,
Boom No. 23.
hate of Jierliii, Prussia.
rpHEonly PERFECT LENS in existence;
JL superior to any other va uno; construct?
ed in accordance with tin- science :ir?d phi?
losophy of nature in tho pceuliar form ot' n
Cu?c:,vo-co?ivcx Ellipsis - admirably adapt
10 ihe organ nf sig'ht, and perfectly
aural t>> the ev,., affording altogether the
best artitieial help to the humau vision
ev. :. invented, s.->1 > 1 only liv tho Profcsstir
ol Optics and Spectacle Manufacturi r.
Tho advantages of these Kpt etaeles over
all other? are:
lit. Tile only true lens known being per?
fectly free from chromatic light, so well
known to bo the car.se of injury to tho vi?
sion, anil which makes the change from
spectacles to classes of stronger power so
often required, while both near and distant
object s are seen with equal h.riin v through?
out the same glasses.
2d. Can be worn with peri t .-as'.- for
any length of tune at one sitttrig, giving
astonishing Clearness of vision, particu?
larly hy candle or other artitieial light -
comfort to tho spectacle-wearer hitherto
I unknown.
3d. When the eyes ache O? pain through
tho action of a bright light, such UH is re?
flected from snow, funny weather, white
paper and in reading, writing or sewing, >
vivid colors, these lenses, by softening thc
rays, effect a most agreeable sensation
and gives great relief.
4th. In all nervous a fleet b ?us the eye,
causing dull and startling pain- in the eye?
ball or temple, appearance of luminous
and dark spots in the atmosphere, aching
or feeling like sand itt tin- eye. t!.( disturb?
ed m rves are quieted and south' d.
5th. Ground by peculiar machinery, got
np ut gr? at c<?-t. uiathcmat ?cally calculated
expressly Tor the manufacture of this lens,
so as to produce it with the tr::e spherical
accuracy, and its focus is ar thc exact
centre, a point of vital importance, and
which no other lens po>sfs?r>.
t?tri. Proof of superiority ??vei the old
kind of spectacles. They are us . t exclu?
sively at all the hospitals *f??r diseases of tho
eye, in Berlin, Prussia, and < lsi where.
Testimony of recommendations from medi?
cal gentlemen, professors of the highest
opthalmic talent in Charleston and Cot UM
I'in. S. /.., and in the I'uion.
Coi.t MiiiA, S. C., July 12, isflt?. I dav?
examined a groat vari? i> of glasses manu
factnred by Prof. M. I'.ettihardt. and in jus?
tice '.o tit" Professor, must say that hi
glasses are of a superior quality, adapto
to meet the wams of almost every eye
where the vision ir, in any way imperfect
The Professor selected for me a pair of bit
Australian Crystal Glasses, which aro of t
very superior quality and workmanship
rendering vision v. ty distinct, almost ai
perfect tis in youth. I vi 1.1 this testimony
m favor of the Professor's glasses mos!
cheerfully. 1>. ll. fKEZEVANT, M. 1>.
Coi.r.MiUA, S. t.'., July 12, l.si',0. [domos
willingly hear my testimony in favor of tin
superiority of iht! Austrian t'rystal Singh
and Double Vision Spectacles, over al
other kinds. They ?ir,- construeted upoi
tlie best established und understood prin
..ipi. s ; optics, and their adaptation to tin
humau eye in its different conditions o
vision, i- c., perfect as to render sigh
easy without effort. In my opinion, noni
others should be used, since the eyes onct
used to fhese do not seem to grow old, an?
by ba1 ng a focus at any point of the sur
face, they appear to restore the ? yes t(
their youthful energv.
i:! w. CIRRUS, M. P.
COI.VMIU A, S. C., July 12, lWtti. - We ha vi
examined the Li-uses bf I'rof. bernhardt
and consid? r them superior to any webavt
seen. They are admirably adaptcd.no
only to improve the imperfections of itu
pair? d sight, hut to rt heve thc weariness
. >f vision which constant study produces
Many of tho glasses are of new and inge
nions emt rivalice. Wc cordially recom
mend the Professor to all those who re
quire scientific optical assistance,
i SAMUEL FAIR, M. 1>..
W. L. TEMPLETON, M. l>.,
A. N. TALLEY, M. 1>..
Columbia, S. c.
T. L. OGIER, M. D.,
Charleston, s. c.
Testimonials from Janies L. Orr, Govor
nor of South Carolina, Gov. Worin, u
North Carolina, and a large number n
oth-'r leading men of the United State?
may be seen at I'rof. M. bernhardt'soflici
Many years of public practice and stud,
in the hospitals in Europe, adjusting sue?:
tades to patients auder every aspect of dc
i lectivo vision, as well as experience in a
extensive, long-established business in hi
optical stores, both here and in Em op?
Prof. bernhardt considers it a sufflcien
. guarantee of Ids ability to apply sue!
\ j glasses as archest calculated for the assist
j ance or recovery of imperfect sight.
BJ- Oftice hours from '.? a. m. to 5 p. m.
Nickerson's Hotel, Ladies' Entrance, se
cond floor. Room No. 2;t.
N. !:. Owing to engagementselsewhert
i Prof. Bernhardt will be able to romai
?ci rashort time only. July 14 Imo
Suspension of Ordinance.
COLUMBIA. July 14, \H(H\.
?S" ill'. Ordinance prohibiting Swine t
I run at largo in tho streets of Columbi
! is hereby suspended until the 15th of Sci
. ? teinber, 186C. THEO. STARK, Maror.
' i July 17
Insurance Agents.
RISKS against Fire taken in tho follow?
ing Companies, at fair rates, and no
charge for polices:
Hartford, Conn.
New Orleans.
New York.
New York.
New York.
New York.
EXCHANGE en New York and Cbarles
ton bought and sold: dealers in Stocks,
Bond?, Ac. The highest price paid foi
(?old. Silver and Bank Notes.
Otlice Plain street, Colombia, S. C.
May 10 Snio
Legs and Arms.
HAYE established a branch office and
manufactory at Columbia, S. C.
ABM manufactured by this company are
unsurpassed by any in the world.
Our workmen aro practical artificial leg
and arm makers-three of them wearing
legs of their own manufacture.
! Our facilities arc unsurpassed. Our
I work warranted ono year. Call and 01
I amine our specimens, or address
Seeger's Building, Columbia, S. C.
I Offices- -Madison, Ga., Nashville, Tenn.,
Columbia, S. C. Mav 27 ~2mo
4 NEW and completo assortment just
JLTL received.
Au elegant assortment of FbSHINO
?TACKLE -Bods, Reels, Bobs, Hooka,
; bines, Ac. At LOW PRICES.
Washington street, opposite old Jail,
i N. B.-Manufacturing and repairing
i substantially and iveatlv executed.
J May 26_'_ly
Queen's Delight
j ANT.
? ; For the cure of all those Diseases har?
?a/ their origin in a ritiated condi
i lion of the human system, and those
j I arising from any departure from th^
, \ Inns of health, imprudence in living,
. j over-taxing nature, from too great in
1 j dnlgcttce of every kind-eating, drink
. I ing, working-irherehu nature suf
i ; fers exhaustion.
\ rilHlS chemical extract will be found au
. X invaluable restorative cordial for all
1 ! diseases arising from au impure state ot
1 the blood. Cutaneous eruptions, such a?
Boils, Pimple?, Carbuncles. Pustules,
' Blotches, Roughucss of the Skin, Scab
1 Appearance of the Cuti?lo, Tetter, Ring
' ? worms and Itching Humors of the Skin,
' I this purifier will removo, and impart
' ! health and a life-glow to the complexion.
' I For Erysipelas, Scrofula or King's Evil,
i Rheumatism, Fains in thc Bones, St?rbeT?
' ! in th Joints, Old Ulcers, Want or Blood
' ? in tin* Fart?, Syphilitic Sores and Ulcer?,
, and Impaired Constitutions arising from
* ; those diseases, and from the too freo use
, of mercury. For General Debility, surin;;
mg from Dyspepsia or Indigestion, \Veak
.< 1 ness and Pains m the Stomach, Liver Com
, ; plaint, or want of action in that oigan
3 ; producing pains in the side or back, affect
t ; mg the kidneys and bladder.
Females, at the period of change, vsi?
s ; lind it the best restorative to health and
. j strength, from ull those weaknesses and
- ; depressions of mind "i'd body which fol
- j low at this time <>f life.
- 1 Persons traveling South or ivinginwarm
' climates, and all unaceliniatcd, will hud tho
Queen's Delight a great protection from
all those diseases which originate in a
change of climate, diet and life.
A brief history of this remark*ble medi?
cine will not bo out of place here. Its pro?
perties as a remedy were first introduced
to the notice of the profession by Dr. Thoa.
Young Simons, of South Carolina, as early
- an 1S2H, as a valuable alterative remedy in
f syphilitic affections, and others requiring
f tie. u-e or mercury. Dr. Simons' stat*
i, I incuts have been endorsed and cxtendeU
'. ! by Dr. A. Lopez, of Mohile, and Dr. H. R.
y ! Frost, of Charleston. From the reports in
!- 1 its favor, there seems no reason to doubt
i- thc efficacy of this medicine in Secondary
n ', Syphilis, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases,
s j Chronic Hepatic Affections and other oom
', ; plaints benefited bv alterative medicines,
t fcor ??le by FISHER ft HEINITSH,
li j June 20 Pharmacists, Columbia, S. C.
I ; 4 FRESH supply of Seegers' celebrate.t
IX Baltimore LAGER BEER.
" Cutlery! Cutlery!!
At the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock.
AFC LL assort m< nt of Table and Pocket
and for sale low by_JOHN C. DIAL.
I Thos. P. Walker,
Magistrate and Coroner,
Office in Post Offica Building, Columbia

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