OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, December 06, 1866, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1866-12-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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i3 r' Tologra-piir
Kew? Items.
WASHINGTON, D?oenibcr 5.-The Sena
torn and Representative' elect from Ne?
hm;ka have arrived. They will soon pre
e'^P their State f institution and memorial,
asking Cor admission. A hill will have to
he passed for this purpose.
MONTREAL, December 5.-A private let?
ter sl ates that tho only surviving descend?
ant of Columbus is shortly to visit Ame?
rica. . " i
A largo number of French Ca nadia its are
returning from the State?, for w_nt of em?
lt is reported hen; that ;t secret Fenian
ni meting has been held at St. Albans, but
n ?thing serious i 4 anticipated.
TORONTO, December 5.-A mau named
.Joe. McDevitt, hailing from New Bruns?
wick, has been arrested hero for using
seditious language-daring the Govern?
ment to hang the Fenians, .vc. Ho will bo
examined to-day.
PHILADELPHIA, December 5.-Colorado
Jowett is out in a memorial to Congress,
representing that tho Constitution re?
quired each State to appoint electors; that
Lincoln and Hamlin were duly elected; that
at the (lection of Lincoln and Johnson
eleven of tho States did not appoint elect?
ors-therefore, Lincoln and Hamlin consti?
tutionally hold over until the late rebel
SI ates appoint electors, Abraham Lincoln
being President either as holding'over for
want of a constitutional successor, or Pre?
sident under d?claration of Congress.
Without the Southern electoral votes, it
was quite Unnecessary to question his po?
sition. At his death, however, the ques?
tion should have been, who is constitu?
tionally President, Hannibal Hamlin or
Andrew Johnson-Hamlin under tho hold?
over right of Lincoln, or Johnson through
. doctoral votes of States incompl?te? I
therefore respectfully pray that Congress
will declare Hannibal Hamlin constitu?
tional President of the United States, and
duly authorize him to act as such with
NASHVILLE, December 5.-Tho Grand
Lodge of Masons elected officers to-day. A
larger assemblage of the fraternity was
never before seen at a Grand Lodge meet?
ing in Tenu esseo. The delegates unite in
reporting more prosperous condition of the
order all over tho State than ever before
known in the annals of Masonry.
Congressional. *
WASHINOTON, December 5.-Tho Senate
adopted the list of Standing Committees
agreed upou by the Republican Senators
in the canons to-day. Sunnier remains as
Chairman of tho Committee on-Foreign
Affairs; Wilson, Committee on Military Af?
fair.--; Crimes, Committee on Naval Af?
fairs; Wade, Committee on Territories.
Tho three friends of the President-Doo?
little, Dixon and (Jowan-have beep de?
prived of tho Chairmanship of the Commit?
tees respectively of Indian Affairs, Post
Otliee and Patents. No committees aro
now headed by friends of the Administra?
In the Senate, Mr. Wade introduced a
bill for the admission of Nebraska into tho
Union, which was ordered to lie upon the
table for tho present. Mr. Williams offered
a resolution, instructing the Committee on
Retrenchment to inquire to what extent
the President has a right to restore confis?
cated property under the laws of tho United
States, if such laws exist, and to what ex?
tent it can bo executed, ?tc, which was
adopted. Mr. Trumbull moved the refer?
ence of the bill to repeal the President's
amnesty power to the Committee on tho
Judiciary. This gave rise to debate, at thc
conclusion of which the bill was referred.
.Mr. Sumner offered the resolutions on re?
construction of which he gave notice yes?
terday. They assert the right of Congress
over the subject of reconstruction, and
deny tho right of tho lately rebellious
States to pass upi ti constitutional amend?
ments. Road and ordered to be printed.
lu tho Senate, Mr. Wilhams introduced
a resolution, directing tho Joint Commit?
tee on Retrenchments to inquire into the
power of tho President to restore confiscat?
ed property, and, if such power exists,
under what laws, and also the right of the
Secretary of the Treasury to restore lands
without payment of taxes and costs in?
curred under authority ot' United States
laws. Adopted.
Mr. Sumner offered a series of resolu?
tions, declaring the principles of recou
f struction, the jurisdiction of Congress over
the whole subject, the illegality of existing
Governments in the South, and tho exclu?
sion of such States, with such illegal Gov?
ernments from Congressional representa?
tion, and from voting on the Constitu?
tional amendments. They also declare
that it is the duty of Congress to proceed
with the work of reconstruction, and to
this end it must assume jurisdiction over
States lately in rebellion, except so far as
that jurisdiction may have been renounced;
and must recognize only tho loyal States as
entitled to representation, and to vote on
tho Constitutional amendment. He said
ho would not discuss the resolutions, but
would road a letter from a friend in Texas,
showing the importance of the matter
which he did; and alter concluding, made
some characteristic remarks. Tho resolu?
tions were ordered to be printed.
In tho House, .Mr. Williams, of Pennsyl?
vania, called up tho bill of last session for
the regulation of appointments to, and re?
movals from otliee, and addressed tho
House in advocacy of it.
In thc House, a' bill repealing tho par?
doning power of tho President was talion
up. Mr. Trumbull moved to refer it to the
Committee on tho Judiciary, which Mr.
Chandler earnestly opposed, and called for
tho yeas and nays; and on tho motion
some discussion ensued, during which Mr.
Chandler made assortions and charges re?
specting tho uso of tho pardoning power,
which called foran emphatic denial from
Mr. Dixon, who said that, if tho charges
which Chandler had made against tho Pre?
sident were true, they would render him
liable to impeachment. He repeated the
denial of any of tho charges or practices
spoken of. After some further remarks,
the bill was referred to thc Judiciary Com?
Tho House passed a bill, providing that
in all cases where a citizen of tho united
States, who always remained loyal thereto,
and did not voluntarily give any aid or
encouragement to any persons engaged in
rebellion, shall bring an action to recover
damages for injury to person or property,
or tho value thereof, no such action shalt
be defeated or any defence allowed, by
virtue of authority of the lato so-called
Confederate States of America, or of any
State declared in rebellion by proclamation
of the President of tho Uniteu States.
Mr. Morrell gavo notice that ho would
call up, on Monday next, tho District of
Columbia negro suffrage bill.
In tho House, Mr. Williams road a
lengthy written argument, on the bill
regulating appointments to and removals
from office. Ho was very severe upon the
President, whom ho said had betrayed his
party and country. Several amendments
wore" offered to the bill, winch was made
the special order for to-morrow.
Market Reporta.
NEW ?OBE, December S-Noon.-Gold
39-b Exchange for 60 days 9}@9J; sight
10 j ; money GltT. Flour dull and drooping.
"Wheat dull and declining. Corn 'dull
Western mixed [email protected]. Oats dull and
declining. Fork steady, but quiet-old
mess S2u; new ?20.2.3. Lard dull, at lbj (a)
13. Cotton quiet, itt 33A@31 for middling
7 P. M. - Gold closed at 138i?138|. Cot?
ton dull, owing to detune in gold; sales of
I, ")U0 Lales-uplands 33|;. Orleans 35?. j
i-lour moro active; sales o? 7,300 barrels
State [email protected]; Western ' $7.50^11.80;
Southern $11.25@16. Wheat more quiet
and steady; sales of 85,000 bushels, at $2.87.
Corn unchanged; sales of 8G,0?0 bushels
Western [email protected]. Provisions heavy,
(?rocerics dull ami declining. Turpentine
70'<?71. Rosin $4.j?10.
ST. Louis, December ?"> Flour steady
common [email protected]; extra [email protected],
Extra wheat $2.50. Corn steady and lower,
at 77 for new. Hogs 6@6?C. in groas.
MOBILE, December 5.-Sales of cotton
to-day 2,300 bales- middling 30^31;active
demand-factors obtaining rather bettor
prices early in the day, though at thc close,
prices were in favor of buyers closing dull
at quotations.
1'ALTIMOKK. December 5,-Grain quiet
and unsettled. Corn 88@93. Flour very
dull-spring wheat extra Hour $11.25?
II. 75. Provisions heavy and transactions
small. Coffee steady. Sugars dull. Cot?
ton inactive-middling uplands 334
respondent of the Bichmond Times
gives tlie following description of
what he saw ut Beecher's church on
the Sunday before last:
Mr. Beecher's "application of the
foregoing" consisted of a large and
varied assortment of ?irst-elas-s anec?
dotes, happy hits, humorous sallies
and pulpit, pungencies, which would
have made the fortune of a first-class
stump-speaker. The Puritans grimly
grinned, smiled morosely, and some?
times laughed outright. The young
people of the congregation tittered
and "sniggered" at an awful rate.
The decorum of the vast assemblage,
however, was upset by a large red
faced, good-looking gentleman, a few
feet from me, and looked very like ;l
Southern man. Ho laughed until the
tears rolled from his eyes, but ma?
naged generally to prevent any very
loud explosicn of merriment. Sud?
denly, however, Mr. Beecher let off
an anecdote of a parson whose mur?
der a grieving congregation deplored,
because "the bullet of the assassin
made a hole in the defunct ministers
vestments, and otherwise greatly da?
maged what might have otherwise
been useful to Iiis successor."
The anecdote did not strike me as
very good, but suddenly my neighbor
exploded with a "haw, haw, haw,"
which might have been heard a mile.
It reverberated through the. church
like a trumpet, and was, of course,
infectious, and a mighty laugh went
up from four thousand people. Mi*.
Beecher waited for the merriment to
subside, and then let off a number of
other funny things. The comic part
of the entertaiumeut lasted for at
least thirty minutes, and was intense?
ly enjoyed. Every one felt that Mr.
Beecher had done a liberal thing in
getting up a first-class Sabbath come?
dy, free of all charge to its auditors.
I was struck with the significant
fact that there was not a negro in a
church whose pastor and whose wor?
shippers are all afflicted with "negro
on the brain."
The Orangeburg Times says that |
three men, giving their names as Na?
thaniel Livingston, Archibald Martin
and Edward Neese, hailing from Lex?
ington District, were, after a ccvere
fight, arrested by som'; freedmen,
who charged them with robbery. The
white men were lodged ii Orangeburg
Mr. Pollard, late of the Richmond
Examiner, issues a prospectus for ti
new paper to be published in that
city, called "The Southern Opinion.'''
During the past year the postal
service in the eleven seceded States
has paid for itself, and netted $291,
000 profit.
Earl Russell's brother has been
before a police court in London upon
charges of maltreating his.horse.
From recent experiments made by
the London Pneumatic Company, it
appears that one hundred and twenty
tons of goods can be sent through
their eighteen miles of tubes every
hour, at a cost of less than one penny
(two cents) per mile.
Since last January, 45,G43,398
quarts of milk have been sent to New
York over the Erie, the Harlem, and
the Hudson River Railroads.
Three large whales were seen in the
harbor off Fortress Monroe, a few
days ago.
The ludiaus on the Upper Missouri,
are said to be getting troublesome.
Several boats have been fired into
recently, and a number of their pas?
sengers killed.
Official returns from all the Coun?
ties in New York State, give a ma?
jority for Governor Fenton of 13,745.
At the rate of progress we havc
made for forty years past, the popu?
lation of the United States will be
over one hundred millions in the year
The editor of the Chicago Times
finds that, in the negro suffrage busi?
ness, be has been dancing a regular
break own.
Goon SIT.-It is said that the Col?
lector of Custom at New York makes
840,000 a year ont of his office.
It was recently decided in the
Sheriffs Court, in London, that
printers are liable to authors for tho
return, when required, of copy en?
trusted to them.
Tile Presbyterian ?;<.>.??;?! Assembly.
Ia tho General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church, in session at
Memphis, on Monday,- after the
transaction of some routine business,
the discussion of the subject of "The
relations of the Church to the freed?
men" Avas resumed. Dr. Baird sub?
mitted a scries ci resolutions by way
of a substitute for the resolutions
already before the Assembly. After
discussion, the whole subject, toge?
ther with both series of resolutions,
was recommitted to tho committee,
with instructions to report at the
ensuing session.
At tho evening session, the com?
mittee reported tho following, which
were adopted:
1. That this Assombly entertains
for the freed people the sincerest sen?
timents of good will and affection;
that it earnestly desires and prays for
their salvation, and would encourage
thc carrying out of every legitimate
means for the promotion of their
spiritual good. That this Assembly
believe the present condition of the
colored race in this country to be
one of alarming spiritual jeopardy,
and that it is binding on tis as .Chris
tians to do all that lies in our power
to save them from the calamities by
which they are threatened, and to
confer on them the rich blessings of
the Gospel.
2. That it be recommended to all
ministers and churches to exert
themselves to the extent of their
ability to continue to give the Gos?
pel to these people; to church ses?
sions to urge upon parents among
them of presenting their'children foi
baptism, .and of bringing them up iii
the nurture and admonition of thc
Lord; and especially to pastors,
evangelists and missionaries, to de?
vote a portion of their labors to thc
promotion of the salvation of tin.
freed people.
3. That in the judgment of thc
Assembly, it is highly inexpedient thal
there should be an ecclesiastical
separation of tin; white -and colored
races; that such a measure wotilc
threaten evil to both races, and espe
cially to the colored, and that, there
j fore, it is desirable that every war
ran table effoni should be made alice
tionately to dissuade the freed peoph
from severing their connection witl
our churches, and to retain them witl
us as of old. .Should they decline tin
fellow ship of ordinances, and desiri
a separate organization, then ou
Sessions are authorized to organize
them into branch congr?gations. Ii
sueh cases, the Assembly recommend
that such congregations shall be al
lowed, under the sanction of the Ses
"sions, to elect from among themselve
every year, such number of superin
tendents, or watchmen, as the Se.
sious may advise, who shall be charg
ed with the oversight of such con
gregations. These superintendent
shall report to the Sessions for thei
action all matters relating to the we!
fare of said congregations.
.1. Whenever Presbyteries may lin
it necessary to organize separat
colored congregations, they shall ai
point a commission of elders, wh
shall discharge the functions con
mitted to the Sessions in the preccc
ing resolution.
5. That nothing in our standarc
or in the Word of God prohibits tl:
introduction into the Gospel ministi
of duly qualified persons of an
races, yet difficulties arise in the gei
eral structure of society and fro]
providential causes, which may an
should restrain the application <
causes in the church of this abstra
principle. Holding this in view, tl
Assembly recommends thatwhenevi
a Session or. Presbytery shall lind
colored person wiio possesses suitab
qualifications, they are authorized
license him to labor as an exhort
among the colored people under tl
supervision of the body appointii
G. That tho Assembly recommen
that wherever it is practicable, Sa
bath schools for the benefit of tl
freed people, especially the youn
be established in connection with o
churches; and that the sessions of t
churches take these schools into tin
charge and provide suitable teachc
for them.
7. That tho heads of families fi
exhorted to encourage thc freed pc
pie in their households to attc:
family and public worship, and tl:
they provide for them as far as pos
bio catechetical instruction in t
doctrines and duties of the Gospel.
8. That the General Assembly e?
nestly desires the' intellectual a
moral improvement of the color
race, and hereby tenders to all pi
sons suitably qualified who may lal
in the work its hearty encouragemc
and support.
The Assembly was afterwards d
solved by the Moderator.
ton (Texas) Telegraph, com men ti
upon the immense influx ( f cr
grants to that State, says that c
gentleman alone has a thousa
souls, white people altogether, on t
way from Georgia to his lands
Trinity county, in that State. It Si
also, that South-eastern Texas is 1
ing densely populated by emigre
from all tho Atlantic and Gulf Sh.
The exodus from this State, if tri
must be confined to the Northc
portion, as we aro not apprised
the existence of the "Texas fever"
either Middle or Southern Georg
Tho Savannah, Ga., Herald records
the marriage, in Boston, recently, of
a Georgia freedman, named Henry
Gwinne, to Miss Abby N. Pidge, a
white spinster o': Massachusetts.
The Herald says:- " '?
Many of our citizens will recollect
him as having formerly belonged to
the Bev. Peyton L.*Wade, of Scriven
County, and having worked for
Messrs. E. C. Wade & Co., . of this
city. The celebrated iiroclamation
of the late President Lincoln set him
free, and ho went North to see how
his so-called friends would meet and
treat him. We have beard, from
Savannah men during their summer
trips, that Henry thinks "there is no
place like Georgia to live in, after
ali, but as iona; as ho can make any?
thing out of the Yankees, he is going
to try it on." As be has got married
to a white woman, who possesses good
looks, is of a respectable family, and
has a fair supply of money, it is very
doubtful if lie returns to his native
Besides getting the "nigger" out
of politics, there is one otber thing
necessary to be done to cure the dis?
sensions now troubling the country.
There must be n keg of gun-powder
burned under Plymouth rock. We
never can have peace until that rock
is hoisted in fragments into the
atmosphere. "We should think there
was a great deal of moonshine about
the story of the Upas, were there not
daily afforded evidence that Plymouth
rock is more poisonous to the mind
than the Upas is alleged to be to the
bod3? The first and worst cargo of
emigrants to New England inoculated
the rock with a virus which seems to
constantly increase in strength and
capacity to infect men with mischief,
meddlesomeness and meanness.
I ( lh icayo Time*.
Tho London Morning Advertiser re?
ports that one of the falling stars
struck a waiter named Pike, at
Thompson's Coffee House, in Shoe
Lane. Pike came to the editor of
the Advertise}', und said that, while
standing in the middle of the street,
between Shoe Lane and Salisbury
Court, with no cine near him, and
gazing upward, he became aware of a
buming sensation in the neck, upon
which he tore at his neck-cloth, and
the next moment the burning sub?
stance passed down his left breast,
scorching the shirt in its course and
indicting three small, but severe,
burns on the flesh, with one large
ville date says : Ju the Supreme
Court of thc State, au important de?
cision was made in the case of T. E.
Champion against the Statt-, in
which the Judges held that a circuit
Judge could not exclude attorneys
from his court by prescribing politi?
cal test oaths. Gen. Champion was
an officer of the Union army, and
denied the right of the Judge to
force him to swear to support all the
acts of the present State Legislature.
Nearly 2,000 Germans now leave
Europe every week for the United
States in the Bremen and Hamburg
mail steamers. A company is estab?
lished at Copenhagen to encourage
the emigration of Danes, Norwe?
gians and Swedes to the United
States. The children of all these
emigrants are taught the English
language as their mother tongue.
declaration by telegraph from Canada
that tbe black flag would be raised in
case of another Fenian invasion,
causes much indignation among the
brotherhood. They declare their in?
tention of going to Canada, whether
the condemned Fenians arc hung or
not. A movement is said to be on
foot in Buffalo, N. Y., to send expe?
rienced officers, who served in the
late war, to Ireland.
The London Star says the Ameri?
cana are pre-eminently a cosmopoli?
tan people. There is not a court or
capital in Europe in which they do
not muster in force. There is not
an obscure nook in the by-ways of
trrvel in which they may not be
found, making themselves as much
at home as if they were in the Fifth
Avenue of New ?ork, or on tho
prairies of Illinois.
recent session of tho United States
Circuit Court, held at Parkersburg,
West Virginia, the grand jury made
more than 2,000 presentments against
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, for violating the revenue
laws in failing to stamp receipts for
frc i gh t.-Rii \h mond JJ ispatch.
A petition is being circulated
through Canada, asking the Home
Government to settle thc Alabama
claims in order to prevent another
Fenian raid.
The Louisville Democrat thinks the
election of contrabands in Massa?
chusetts exhibits a niggardly disposi?
Two armed negroes robbed and
attempted to murder two ladies named
McBryde, in Mari?n District, a few
days ago.
Au English clergyman recently
preached a sermon in which he said
that thc newspaper was apart of life's
earnest self-culture.
'A statue of Sir John Franklin,
erected in London, was unveiled on
tho 15th ult. On the pedestal,
Which is polished granite, there are
two bas-reliefs, one representing the
burial of Sir John Franklin, and the
other a chart of the Polar seas. On
the other side of the pedestal ail the
names of the men who perished in
the expedient are cut.
Among the facts to be made public
in the forth-coming post office report,
it is said will be the announcement j
that during the past year the postal !
service iu the eleven seceded States j
has netted the Government over
$200,000 profit. Before the war the
service in these States did not pay |
TRADE ON THE Mississirrr.-The
New Orleans journals are highly de?
lighted at being able to record that
trade is beginning to return to the
channels in use before the war. They
state that large quantities of Hour
and other Western produce are once
more coming down the Mississippi
on their way to the Atlantic States.
NATE.-Napoleon having been inform?
ed that every profession but that of
medicine was represented in the
French Senate, determined that this
anomaly should no longer exist, and
accordingly promoted his physiciau.
Dr. Conneau, to a seat in the Luxem?
A prominent Republican member
of Congress stated to-day that he and
quite a number of his party intend
calling on the President iu a day or
two, to pay their respects and have a
friendly talk with Mr. Johnson upon
the political situation.
[Data, in Baltimore Sun.
It is reported, on pretty good au?
thority, that an arrangement has
been made betwc n the Government
of France, and the Government of
the United States, by which a certain
tract of territory in Mexico shall be
donated for the French colonization.
MANUFACTORIES.-The cotton fac?
tory at Cumberland, Allegany Co.,
Maryland, is nov,- in full operation,
giving employment to forty hands.
At Oakland, in the same county, a
large woolen mill has been erected,
and is soon to commence work.
A collision has occurred on the
Memphis and Charleston Railroad,
four miles beyond Corinth, between
a passenger and a freight train. Both
wero a total wreck. Four persons
were killed and many wounded.
A Nashville paper says there will
be a great deficiency in Tennessee
pork this winter, the cholera having
killed off the live stock to an alarm?
ing extent.
GENERAL LEE.-A writer in the
Danville Register nominates General
R. F Lee for Governor of Virginia,
at tho election to be held in May
285 gallons of sorghum molasses
were made from one acre of cane this
season by a Rockingham (Virginia)
The Navy Register for 1807, will
show that of GOO vessels in the navr?
?t the close of the war, there are now
but 294, mounting 2,503 guns.
Steamship Quaker City. West, New York.
Sehr. Lilly, Francis, New York.
Steamship Lulu, Childs, Baltimore.
ALARGE STORE, 75 by 20 feet, with
two comfortable rooms attached, suit?
able for counting rooms or offices, and
conveniently located for any business. Ap?
ply at this office. Dec G |4
AFOUI}-ACRE LOT, finely situated for
aButchenPen; could be made a tine
Pasture or Garden Spot-having lino drain?
age. Apply at this office. Dec G $4
SEVERAL weeks ago, bv a freedman, a
GOLD BREAST-PIN, containing a da?
guerreotype. Tho owner can have it by
paying for this advertisement and a small
gratuity to the finder. Applv at this office.
Dec G _._ J_
MON Main street, five squares below
State House, containing six square
rooms and two basement rooms, to?
gether with all necessary out-buildings,
such as Carriage House, Stables, Kitchens,
fie. Apply at this office. Dee 6 3
Between the hours of ll and 1 o'clock,
Dec G
Columbia Restaurant !
THE following will bc served np THIS
DAY, at ll o'clock a. m.:
tT5. Families furnished with OYSTERS,
in tho shell and opened.
Dee G 1 I). McGUINNIS.J|
OUU reel importation-&t 10 cents per
pound. Just received and for sale by
1 DecG _J. fe T. R. AGNEW.
Fenders, Andirons, &c.
THE undersigned have just received a
handsome assortment of FENDERS,
SHOVELS and TONGS*, Brass Andirons,
Common and Fancy Fire Dogs, &c. (/ their
own importation.vtbich they aro offering at
reasonablo prices. J. & T. R. AGNEW.
Dec 6
Milrh Cows, Carriaye, &c>
THIS MORNING, previous to the ?ale >>f
furniture, we will sell, at the late resi
dence of Dr. K. \Y. Gibbes, deceased.
A Family Carriage,
.1 good Milch Cows. Dec tl
Eslate Sale ot Household Furniture.
THIS (Thursday) MORNING, at half-past
10 o'clock, we will sell at the late ie -i
denc? of Dr. R. W. Gibbes, duct-as. d,
All the Household FURNITURE beloug
ing to said estate, consisting of :
Tables, Chairs, Sofa?, Bureaus, bed?
steads, Washstands, Mattresses, Feather
Beda, Looking Glasses, Crockery and
Glassware, and a general variety of arti?
cles useful to house-keepers. Dec U
iVew TiVce, Cheese, Liquors, etc.
ON FRIDAY MORNING, 7th inst., at 10
o'clock, we will . i ll, ai our store, without
6 tierces new Rice, direct from tue mill,
li) boxes superior .Cheese,
5 boxes very superior French Brandy,
2"> boxes Segars, various brands,
Tobacco, Pipes, Cutlery,
Fancy Millinery Goods," Woolen Hose,
Shoes, Hair and Clothes brushes, &C.
Sale positive. Dec ?
65" Carolinian copv.
Choice Lot Shrubbery, Roses, &c.
\JC7"E offer at private sale, now in tine
? V growing condition, a choice lot of
GRANDIFLORA, Pyramidal Cypress. Irish
Juniper, Golden Arborvitae, &c*. Applv to
Corner Richardson and Taylor sts.
Doc 6_
Pure Peruvian Guano.
11HE subscribers 'nave been appointed
. agents for the sah' of tho above FER?
TILIZER from the importers, and will sell
at New ?brk prices, with ? xpenscs added.
For further particulars, applv to
Corner Richardson and Tavlor sts.
Dec 6
Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris.
"VXTE have in store, and shall kee]) con
VV stantly on hand, a full stock of the
above, and offer to contractors and build?
ers, and those in want of the above? great
inducements. Apply to
Corner Richardson and Tavlor sts.
Dec C_
COLUMBIA, December 5, 1SCG.
IN compliance with a resolution passed at
tho last regular meeting of the City
Council, a meeting of the citizens of Co?
lumbia is calh ,], THIS (Thursday) MORN?
ING, the 6th inst., at 10 o'clock, in Gibbes'
Hall, to take into consideration the pro?
priety of issuing new billa of the corpora?
tion, not to exceed in amount ?."50,000, for
t)io purpose of redeeming the present cir?
culation and for other purposes.
Dec G THEO. STARK, Mayor.
COLUMBIA, December ?, 18C6.
IN pursuance of a resolution of the Citv
Council, an ELECTION will be held at
the next regular meeting of Council, on
TUESDAY, the 18th instant, for FIVE AS?
SISTANT POLICEMEN. Applicants will
hand in their applications, naming their
sureties, on br before that date.
Dec C> City Clerk.
A varied assortment of this article.
A complete stock of GROCERIES, of
every description, suitable for family use,
Dec 6 H. D. HANAHAN.
Crackers !
?~>A ELLS., all kinds, at
mumu inn vu amit
TWO HUNDRED lbs., fresh and sweet,
just received at
*gf\ ELLS., several grades-REDUCED
?iVj PRICES at
Hosiery !
" Bleached and brown "
" Lamb's Wool "
? " Black and Mixed Cot ton Hose,
" White Cotton Hose, extra size,
Misses' "
" Striped Wool "
Gent's English Brown Half Hose,
Boys' Bleached and Brown Half Hose,
Children's Woo! Stockings and Leggings,
Infants' Worsted Boots.
State South Carolina-Richland Dist.
Lu Jacob Bell, Ordinary of said District.
WHEREAS Sylvester S. Clark hath
applied to nie for letters of admi?
nistration on aband singular the goods and
..battels, rights and credits of Mary Wil?
son, late of thu District aforesaid, de?
These are, therefore, to eke and ad
nonish all and singular the kindred and
creditors of the said deceased, tobe and
ippear before me, at our next Ordinary's
jcurt for the said District, to be holden at
Columbia on Tu^ slay, the eighteenth day of
december inst., at ten o'clock a. m., to
?how cause, if any, why the said aduiinis
ration should not bc granted.
3iven under my hand and seal of the Court
this third day of December, in tho
vear of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-six, and in tho nine?
ty-first vear of American independence.
Dec 6 th2 Ordinarv Richland Dist.

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