OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, February 17, 1867, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1867-02-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Daily Paper 88 a Year
'Let our Just Censure
Attend the True Event.
" mr vr,iiirrriT,l,,^^?^^^fTr^j--M''! -Kag
Tri-'Weeklv $5 a Year
VOLUME II-?O. 281-?
Office on Main street, a few doors ahoy, H
Taylor (or Camdon) street.
Daily Paper, six months.il 00
Tri-Weekly, " " . 2 50
Weekly, * " " . 1 50
Inserted at 75 cents per square for the first
insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent.
Weekly 75 cents each insertion.
A?* A liberal discount maile on the aooo*
rates when advertisements are inserted bl
the month or year.
Another Plait of Adjustment.
Plans for thc adjustment of tho
vexed question of "North and South'*
are as thick in Congress as the most
ardent could desire. We hope one
will be hit ttpon after awhile lo re?
lieve thc anxieties of the people. The
"Washington correspondent of the
Baltimore Gazelle writes:
If the announcement of Mr. Banks,
on Friday, that a plan of adjustment
?was in embryo which could meet tho
sanction of tho President, created in
the mind of every ode hopes of sin?
cerity, even on bis part, such hojees
were utterly dissipated upon its in?
troduction on Saturday. The project
of Stevens, with all its audacity anti
atrociousness, possessed at least the
virtue of honesty-that of Banks, (a
synopsis of which I append,) while it
is equally violative of the Constitu
tion, while it equally subjects the
Southern States to tho worst form of
military rule, while it equally ignores
the Executive and judicial branches
of tho Government, yet sneakingly
attempts to veil its purposes, and,
avowedly, is a mere snare to entrap
the President, so that his pre-ordained
expulsion from office may fall with
less appalling fore > upon the public
The billjjk>f Mr. Banks is in direct
conflict even with his own speech,
delivered immediately preceding its
introduction. In that harangue, he
distinctly declared that the plan he
was foreshadowing was based upon
the "constitutional amendment."'
which he gratuitously assumed had
already been adopted by three-fourths
of the represented State.", while his
own State yet stubbornly rejects it.
Yet his bill violates every provision
even of that amendment. It will bo
seen that it, in terms, remits the un?
represented States to the condition
of the Indian Territories, and con?
templates a form of government,
even for a favored section, substan?
tially the same as that repudiated a?
totally unendurable by the wild tribes
of savages themselves, who have just
been mercifully placed under the con?
trol of tho War Departmon fc, to sav?
them from the still more horrible nth
of civil agents and commissioners,
whose tyranny has been enforced In
the bayonet.
The bill sets forth that the form ol
government now existing in Louisi
ana has never been recognized by tin
Congress of tho United States, ant
that it fails to secure rights to loya
citizens; and provides for a commis
sion of throe persons-one to be ap
pointed by the Senate, ono by tin
House of Representatives and one lo
the Secretary ol War-who shall bi
authorized to proceed to the State o
Louisiana, with authority to replao
the political organization now exist
ino; there.
Tho commissioners shall, willum
delay, secure a registry of all mal
citizens over twenty-one years of agc
without distinction of class, color o
former condition of slavery. All s
registered shall be allowed to vote
provided they have estates valued ii
$100 or upwards, orean read or writ?
or were horn within the State, c
have contributed, by payment <.
taxes, to the support of the Goveri
mont. Exception is made in tl
next section against every perso
who, as a member of Congress i
other officer of the United States, t
member of a State Legislature, i
Governor of a Stale, or had hold
judicial office, had taken an oath 1
support the Constitution of tl
United States and had 'subsequent
engaged iu rebellion against tl
United States, or had held olli
under the late Confederacy, or h?
participated in any pretended sect
sion convention, but Congress mi
by a voto of two-thirds of its mei
bers, remove such disability.
After the registry shall have be
completed, the commissioners sha
by giving thirty days notice, call <
election for delegates to a conventio
to be composed of a number equal
the number in the State Legislate
tV>rior to the late rebellion and to!
which convention shall be submitted!
?tho question of the acceptance of
this bill, and of thc ratification ot
?the constitutional amendment; and
tho convention shall thou proceed to
form a State Constitution, republican
in form, which shall be submitted to
a vote of the people; and il ratified
by a majority of them, it shall bo
submitted to Congress, and if ap?
proved by Congress, Louisiana shall
bc admitted to all the privileges in
the Union. An oath of non-partici?
pation in thc rebellion and of alle?
giance to the Constitution of tho
United States is prescribed to be
taken by all voters, and the judges
of the election are empowered to re?
fuse the vote of any person disquali?
fied by the bill.
Hen il J, of Tuesday, is urgent on tho
impeachment question. In an arti?
cle on the subject, it says:
The impeachment, thou, hangs fire.
Temporizing has intervened. The
Presbyterians have baffled the inde?
pendents of Congress, and a weaker
man than Cromwell may manage
them. The two houses ?ire all adrift.
Every would-be leader has his scheme
of reconstruction, and there, is no
leader among them at all. Upon the
tariff question, and upon the money
question, as iq>on the Southern ques?
tion, there are discords and divisions
in the Republican camp, all working
to tho advantage of Mr. Johnsen.
Give him an armistice of a month or
two, or a week or two, and he ruay
bc more successful than was Santa
Anim, through the same device, with
General Scott. The crisis which is
now upon Congress demands bold
measures; and that which is boldest
and most comprehensive, authorized
by the Constitution, is the best. The
proposed impeachment covers the
whole ground, and, if carried out,
would remove every difficulty which
stands in the way of Congress and
its Southern policy. Greeley's fears
upon this matter are all moonshine.
President Johnson's impeachment
und removal, in settling the Southern
question, instead of bringing on an?
other war, would be followed by an?
other political carnival, North and
South, something like that of 1810.
in which the shedding of blood would
give way to the shedding of whiskey,
apple-jack, hard cider and lager beer.
In this war, radicals and copperheads,
Yankees and Southerners, rebel
whites and loyal niggers, would all
he enlisted, and President and Con?
gress would not befar behind. Union
and rebel soldiers would clink their
glasses and sing together, and Sambo
would chime in with the chorus:
It must bo now de kingdom's coining,
And dc year of jubilo.
-?? ? ?
The New York World is collating
facts to show that a great famine in
Europe is at hand; and the question
jis then asked, whence are to come
?the supplies to meet the pressing de?
mand for breadstuff's that will be
'made upon us of the United States?
The editor says:
The wheat crop of Great Britain in
lSGG, like that in 180."?, was short, and
according to the latest calculation,
04,000,000 bushels will have to be
imported to supply thc average con?
sumption until the harvest of 1SG7.
Th\s would naturally come from the
Continent and the United States; but
from the latter little can be expected,
save from California, and of the
whole Continent none has any sur?
plus but Russia. The stock of wheat
now in store in the principal markets
in this country is, in round numbers,
4,Out),(IOU bushels, which is about
two-thirds of the quantity in store at]
this time last year, and it is not aeon-!
ululating, lt is further estimated
that ti ie total supply of wheat at the
grain markets of the world (taking
into account the reduced quantity
rem.tining from 1SG2 and tho sinnt
crop of I8G0) is but two thirds of the
average supply of previous years. As
regards other grains, the Linited.
States can furnish for exportation a
moderate quantity of corn, rye and,
outs, and at moderate prices; and as
an index of thc stock of grain now in
store, we append a table of tho stock
in this market on Saturday lase:
550,000 barrels flour; 2,200,000 bu?
shels wheat; 3,000,(100 bushels corn;
2,700,000 bushels oats; 000,000 bu?
shels rye; 1,000,000 bushels barley.
Total bushels grain, 11,300,000.
As before hinted, it is mainly to
Russia and California that Europe
must look for relief, and, were the
former to withhold supplies, a gene?
ral famine would bo the result.
A. A. Kelley, the "proprietor" ol
the North American gift concert, of
Chicago, has quietly left that city
for parts unknown. The drawing
was to have taken place on the 28tli
ult., but it didn't.
very rare, rich and fashionable perfume,
rho fmest ever imported or manufactured!
in United States. Try it and'nc convinced.
A NEW PERFUME! Called Sweet ?poponaxl
from Mexico, manufactured by E. T. Smith
& Co., New York, is making a sensation
wherever, it is known, ls very delicate,
and its fragrance remains on the handkcr-|
chief for days.- Pli?euVa Evening Bulletin.
SWEET OPOPONAX! New Perfume from
Mexico. Tho only fashionable Perfume
and ladies' delight.
SWEET OPOPONAX! The only elegant l'er-J
fume. Is found on all toilets, and nc
stains the handkerchief.
SWEET OPOPONAX! ls thc sweetest Ex?
tract ever made. Supersedes all others.
Erv it once; will use no other.
SWEET OPOPONAX! Ladies, in their morn-l
in g calls, carry joy and glahiess, whonj
perfumed with Sweet Op?ponax.
|CHINE, justly celebrated for perfect sim?
plicity, great strength and immense co
^pressing power, is guaranteed, with eight
men and two horses, to self-temper thc
clay and make 3,000 to 3,500 elegant bricks
per hour. J. IL 1ONICK, Proprietor, No.
71 broadway, New York, Loom 28.
Feb 1 .".mo
REV". R. T. FI.TJAI.IN.- 7*0 Dr. TIos
leUer-DsZXB Sin: This is to certify that I
w,is taken with the dyspepsia a year ago
last March, and, for a period of eight
months, was one of the most miserable
creatures you ever beheld, not being able
ither to cat, drink or sleep, and was com?
pelled to walk the lloor incessantly. I was
nearly deprived of my reason, and hope
had entirely left mc, all tho efforts mach
for my recovery having proved fruitless.
By the first of November, 1865, I had
become so weak and feeble that I could
carcely stand alone, and, to all appear
ance, would soon die. At this time, (hav
ing read your advertisement,) my wifej
prevailed upon me to try your Bitters. A
bottle was procured, and, strange to s
soon commenced recovering. I h.
taken four bottles, anti am enjoying
.rood health now -^s could be expected foi
inc of my ago, (about ??ixty years.) 1
nave no doubt that ii was your Bitters!
done, under Divine Providence, that
.'fleeted this wonderful cure.
Hudson, Mich., August 30, lMJti.
Feb 1:5 _tC
Tin- Gravest Maladies
Howard Association Essays, on the phy?
siology of the passions, and tho errors,
ibuses and diseases peculiar to the first
ige of man, with reports on new method:
>f treatment employed in this institution
Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Address DR. J. SKILLIN
HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila
del ph i a, Pa. Jan 15 3mo
HUMAN EYES made to order and inserted
(formerly employed byBoissonncau, Paris, )
No. 399 Broadway, New York. Oct 17 ly
This celebrated Toili-t Soap, in such
universal demand, is made from tia
choicest materials, is, mil?! and emol
nature, frtegranlly t?c?-ni?-??.
md extremely beneficial in its action
ipon the skin. For sale by all Druggists
md Fancy Goods Dealers. ?March 28 ly
plendid Hair Dye is the best in the world.
The only true and perfect Dye -harmless,
reliable, instantaneous. No disappoint?
ment. No ridiculous t?nts. Natural black
>r brown. Remedies the ill effects of bad
lyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft |
and beautiful. The genuine is signed WU
mt A. Batchelor. All others are me
imitations, and should bc avoided. Sold|
by ?ill druggists and perfumers. Factor;,
si Barclay street, New Y'ork. sff Bewar?
x counterfeit. Dec II ly
HAVING opened my office
permanently in Columbia, 1
may be found at all hours al
the rooms over R. C. Ander
on Main street.
1). P. GREGG.
Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris.
\]S7"E have ill st.?re. and sha'.! kel p cn
W staidly on hand, a full stock ot'th?
ibove, ami offer to contractors and build?
ers', and those in want of the above, great
inducements. Apply to
D.-c r. Washington street.
Blacksmith Tools.
WI-', now offer a full stock of best ENG-J
Blacksmith Bellows, Solid Box Vices, Stcol-I
faced Hand and Sk-dge Hammers, Serow|
Plates, Stocks and Dies, Files, Rasps, Ac.
at a very small advance on cost for cash
md ni lower rates than they can be brovg?tl\
?'rom iin>) other market.
Jan 25"_J. A T. R. AGNEW,
IAlmonds, Raisins, Currants.]
TUST received, alompletc assortment oil
Nov 7 _J. & T. R. AGNEW.
|JLv/\-/ sisting of Crushed, Powdered Al
land Extra C Sugars, just received and foil
?sale by J. & T. R. AGNEW.
Feb 9
?n Ordinance to Raise Supplies iori
the Year 1867. * ~ g
men of the City of Columbio, in Council
assembled, <tu<l Lytheautltorilyot lite sume
Thai a tax to cover ti io period from Janu?
ary l, is<;7. to January 1, 1868, for the sunn
anil in tin- manner hereinafter mentioned,
shall he raised and paid into tho pubic,
treasury of thc said city, for fchcu-e and
service thereof.
Si:r. I. That ia to say, one dollar ou everj
Ihundred dollars ol' the assessed value ot
real estate lying within the limits of said
eil\ ; and the value ol'ail taxable real es?
tate within thc city of Columbia shall he
assessed by the City Assessor. tf
SEC. il. And he. it further ordain,,!. Thai
[each male person over the agc of fifteen
j years and under thc agu of sixty years
(shall pay a tax ol' one dollar,
j Sec. III. Fifty cents shall bo levied upon
I every, hundred dollars of sales of goods.
I wares and merchandize, embracing sales
j of all articles ot' trade for barter or i x
I chance, which shall he made by resident
j merchants, traders and dealers, within the
I city of Columbia, from the first dav ni
j.January, ono thousand eight hundred and
j sixty-seven.
Sic IV. And whereas many persons sol
r np temporary shops or stores tor tho sah
of merchandize, after the time fixed foi
assessing taxes, and close thc samo before
the return ot' the tax thereon, sn as to
avoid the payment ot' taxes to the city
altogether: Be it further ordained, That all
such dealers shall, upon opening ?liop or
atore in the city of Columbia, pay to the
Citv Clerk thc sum of twenty-five dollars,
which shall be allowed bini in thc next
settlement for taxes, and tho overplus, it
any, bc returned to him: and such tran?
sient deah r shall pay oue dollar on everj
ono hundred dollars of sales of Roods,
wares and merchandize. On failure io pay,
aft< r being notified, thc Mayor shall forth?
with issue an execution against tho de?
faulters, and collect the money in thc usual
SEC. V. There shall be levied one per
cent, upon sajes at auction of all goods,
the property of persons who are residente
of the city of Colombia. One anda half
per cent, noon sales at auction of all goods
property of non-residents. One-half per
cent, upon sales at auction of real estate
and stocks of every description: Provided,
nevertheless. That no tax shall bo levied
upon any sales tit auction made by order
of court or process of law.
SEC. VI. That all merchants and others
selling any goods, wares and merchandize
on consignment shall pay a tax of one pei
cent, on all sneh goods, wares ami mer?
chandize sold by them; and tho persons
mentioned in this and in thc three preced?
ing; sections of this Ordinance, shall bo re?
quired to make quarterly returns of their
sales, ami to pay thc taxes assessed there?
by to the City Clerk at the end of each and
every quarter.
SEC. Vii. And be il further ordained, by
the authority aforesaid, That a tax of one
per cent, shall bc paid on tho premiums
received by each and every insurance com?
pany, or agent or agency thereof, doing
business in this city and chartered by the
State of South Carolina: the agents of all
companies not chartered by the State shah
pay one. and a half per cent, on all premi?
ums received by them. Anil it shall bc the
duty ol' every insurance company, or the
officers or the agents thereof, to make
quarterly returns, under oath, to the City
Clerk, of the amount of premiums for tin
quarter preceding, under a penalty of two
dollars tor each and everyday that such
company or agent or agency may neglect
or refuse to make returns and pay the said
tax to be collected by execution, as in
other cases provided tor tho collection eii
lines and forfeitures.
Sn-. VIII. Andbe it further ordained, by
the authority aforesaid, That two dollars
shall be paid on each and every horse,
mare, stallion, gelding and mule, kept or
?used within the city of Columbia, besidi s
?thc. tax on vehicles, as follows: Ten dol
Blarn shall be paid on each and every tour
? wheeled pleasure carriage or barouche,
jjdrawn by two or more horses: ?vo dollars
Sou each and every one horse carriage, bug
?gy, barouche, gig or sulky, not used foi
Shire; ten dollars on every vehicle used for
?tho breaking or exhibiting of horses and
?mules; fifteen dollars on each hack or car?
riage, drawn by two horses, and run for
the conveyance of passengers for hire;
? igln dollars 011 each and every one hoi st
I buggy, gig or sulky, kept or used for hire;
j ten dollars on each and every four horse
(wagon; eight dollars on each two horse
Rwagon; six ih>11,irs on each one torse
awagon, cart or dray; twenty dollars on
each express wagon; fifteen dollars on
.ach and every omnibus or stage; and all
persons commencing to uso or run any
carriage or other vehicle, alte r the time for
tho payment of taxes, shall pay from the
?time they commenced ti use or run such
?carriage or vehicle, to tho end of the year.
Min proportion to tho rate of taxes per an
Hnum: Provided, That no person shall be
Sallowed to use any omnibus, wagon, dray,
Heart or other vehicle, for the transporta?
it ion of baggage or passengers from om
Spart of the city to another, until the ownei
Bi hereof shall have given bund to thc city,
lt.. be taken by the City Clerk, with two i.i
?more good sureties, in thc sum of five hun
Sdi'? '1 dollars, condition! il that such nwnci
Suill pay al! damages that may result fr <u
Eg. rs, while bi ii.g carried on th.- omnibus
Bjowm r, or after being entr?stet] tu the cus
Eaxly of the driver thereof, or any of lib
?assistants. And any person ofieudinf
Shere'.n shall be liable to a line of live dol
Bhirs per (hiv fir each day such wagon, cart
?dray or oile r carriage for carrying bag
?g a gt or passengers, may he run befon
fisiich bond is given: And provided, farlin r
? That nothing herein contained shall extent
Ito any ol' the above enumerated vehicle
? not used, although kept within the limit
?of the city: And provided., (dsu, That no
?thing herein contained shall he construe*
?to extend to wagons, carts, drays or car
Bjriages, going to or from market, am
gowned hy non-residents of said city.
IA nd be it further ordained, That atax o
two dollars shall be paid on each andover
horse, marc, stallion, gelding and mule
sold in this city by or on account of an
horse: trader or livery stable keeper; an
the keeper of every livery stable sha'
make quarterly returns, on oath, of sue
sales at bis stable, and pay the tax thcreor
linder a penalty of two dollars per day fo
failure to make such returns ana payaient
at the end of tho quarter.
SEC. IX. Andbe il f arther ordained, Tba
no person shall let or hire any wagon, cai
or aray, or other carriage, or" run any on
nibua," stage, hack or other carriage, fe
the transportation <>t goods or passengc rs
within the limits of said city, without bav
_ first obtained a badge Ironi thc Cit;
Clerk, to be placed on some conspicuou
part of tho vehicle; also, abadgi with :
number by which he may be identified and
known, to bo worn on a conspicuous par
)f his person by the driver of such omni
bus, wagon, cart, dray or other carriage
ulider a penalty of five dollars for each an?
day that such vehicle shall bo s<
run, to be recovered hy information befor
thc Mayor, or any one of the Aldermen ol
said city.
SEC. X. Whereas all male persons b
tween thc ages of sixteen and fifty year
residing within tho limits of tho city off]
Columbia, are required by the laws uf this
State to work upon the streets of tho said
city for full twelve days in each and every
year: Be it therefore ordained, That each
And every person liable to work on Hu
streets of the said city of Columbia ma\
and shall bo excused from the perform
ance of said duty, upon the payment of
live dollars to the City Clerk; and each ami
every person so liable, who shall fail ti
pay thc said sum of five dollars within tlx
time hereinafter specified, shall, whci
summoned to doso.be required to worl
upon the streets of the said city for full
twelve days, under the direction of th?
acting overseer of streets; and if any sud
person or persons shall neglect or refuse
to work upon tho said streets at tho tim?
when summoned, such person or persons
shall be lined two dollars for each am
every day that ho or they shall neglect 01
refuse so to work, to be recove red by i
formation before the Mayor and Aldermen
in Council assembled. And it. shall be the
duty of the City Clerk, and of the Chief ol
Police, to report to tho said Mayor and
Aldermen all defaulters under either of the
clauses of this section.
SEC. XI. That for a license to retail spi?
rituous liquors, in quantities Jess than a
quart, the sum of ono hundred and fifty
dollars per annum shall bc paid in ad?
vance; and for a license to sell spiritu?
ous liquors in quantities of a quart or
more, the sum of seventy-live * dollars
per annum shall be paid in advance
Provided, That no license to sell spi?
rituous liquors shall bo granted for a
shorter period than six months: And pro?
vided, further, That the granting or with?
holding of licenses, in each particular ease
will be at the discretion of thc City Coun?
cil. And the City Clerk shall be entitled
to receive, fo: issuing each and every
license, the sum of two dollars; to bc paid
by the person or persons licensed.
SEC. XII. Ono per cent, on the incomes
of brokers, and one per cent, on all in
comes derived from commission business,
pr tho practice of professions, within the
limits of the city, including the professions!
?of law, physic, dentistry and architecture.
Sr.c. XIII. Two dollars upon each and
every dog shall be paid by the person or
persons on whose premises thc dog is kept.
(And tho police of tho city of Columbia are
hereby authorized and required to take up
and hold twenty-four hours before dispos?
ing of him each and every dog found run?
ning at large within the limits of said cor?
poration, and not having on a badge or
collar, furnished by authority of said city.
SEC. XIV. Awl be it further ordained, &y
/lie auUtOi'ity aforesaid, That no equestrian
or theatrical performance, or other exhibi?
tion for gain, shall be held in the city of
Columbia, without a license from the Mayor,
thereof first bad and obtained, and the
payment, in advance, to the City Clerk of
twenty-five dollars for each and every ex?
hibition, and such sum as the Mayor may
assess for theatricals or other exhibitions
for gain: and each and every person exhi?
biting for gain, without first having ob?
tained said license and thc payment of said
tax in advance, shall be tined in a sum not
less than double the amount of said tax,
?in manner hereinbefore provided for the
imposition of fines and forfeitures.
SEC. XV. And be it furtlier ordained,
|Tbnt an annual tax of fifty dollars shall be
paid upon each and every bagatelle, poole
or keele, or billiard tallie, and upon every
'cowling saloon, nine orten pin alley, or
pistol gallery, kept within the limits of the
said eii \ ; and the sam ol one hundred dol-SJ
lars shall bo paid, in advance, for a licensee]
to keep or have a cock-pit within tliclimitsGj
of the said city, and no license for suchSj
cock-pit .-hall be granted for any time ? i; h-gi
jiu the fiscal year for a less sum than oneB
hundred dollars: Provided, That no per-!
son or persons shall open any one O? the
'places of amusement mentioned in this
[-section, nut il he or they shall have obtained
a license for that purpose from the City
Council, and shall have entered into bond",
?with two or more good securities, to the
?Mayo:- and Aldermen, in thc sum of five
hundred dollars, conditioned to obser
the laws of the State ?nd city, and pt
?cularly the laws against retailing. A
person opening any such cstablishiui
wi' this city, without first having (
lained rho license and given bond as afore-:
said, shall be subject toa fine ni
fifty dollars for each day su
lishmc?t shall bc kept open or u
that such place shall bo consider
herebv declared to be, a nnisanc
ble to'be abated as such.
Sr.c. XVI. And be it further
That each and every occupant m
estaie, upon whose premises
brought by pipes or otherwise frc
reservoir, shall pay to tho City
thc sam - time with the other 'axes
by this Ordinance, such sum as m
s?ssed bv th'- Committee i ti tl
SEC. XVII. And be it further ordained
that inasmuch as many transit nt deal* rs
goo.ls, wares and merchandize, eithei
is principals or agents, including spiritn
>us liquors, make sales by the e xhibition
>f samples, that such dealers shall make a
leposit of fifty doliars with the City Clerk,
.md before tln'-y leave the city they shall
mali . a return of sales, under oath, upon
which return two and a half per cent, shall
be levied and paid to the City Clerk, who
hall account at the time of such payment
for the deposit made with him.
SEC. XVIII. And be it further ordained,
That emoh and every express company j
transacting business within the limits of
this city, shall make- quarterly returns ol
their gross receipts and pay one per cent,
on the amount of such return at tho end
pf each quarter; and that each and every
telegraph company shall, in like manner,
make quarterly returns of their gross re?
ceipts, on which return bhall bo paid a tax
>f one-half per cent.
SEC. XIX. And it is furtlier ordained
That cadi and every hotel, private board
ing house, or house of entertainment, re
|ceiving transient travelers, and each pub
lie sating house, or saloon, shall pay a tax
of one-half per cent, upon their gross
receipt*?, to bc paid quarterly. That each
barber shop shall pay a tax of three dol?
lars for each Quarter in advance.
SEC. XX. And be it further ordained,
That each and every cotton press, and cot?
ton gin, within the corporate limits of this
city, shall tie required lo procure of the
City Clerk a license hu- thc- same, and shall
pay otu; hundred dollars per annum on *
ich gin or press, to be paid quarterly.
SEO. XXL And >?> it further ordained,
That if any person or persons shall fail,
neglect or refuse to make a return to tho
City Clerk, on oath, of ah bis, her or their
taxable'property, income, sales, or other
things taxed hy this Ordinance, on or be?
fore thc 1st day of March next, such per?
son or persons shall be then assessed, by
the Assessor for all his. lu i- or their pro?
perty, or other things taxed by this Ordi?
nance, accoiding to the best information
which he can obtain of thc value of such
taxable property; and such person or per?
sons who shall fail, neglect or refuse to
make a return, as aforesaid, or pay tho tax
thereon, on or before tho l?th of "March
next, shall be subject to and pay. in addi?
tion to said tax, five per cont, on tho whole
nmount of his, her or their tax. as imposed
by this Ordinance. And tho said Clerk ia
hereby required to collect and receive the
taxes and dues levied and imposed by this
Ordinance, and all arrears of former taxes
md dues, and make a return thereof, and
if all persons who shall then bc in default,
to thc Mayor and Aldermen, on the 15th
lav of "March next.
SEC. XXII. And br it further ordained,
That thc said Mayor and Aldermen shall
issue their execution against each and.
very pe rson whe> shall ho re-porteel by the
aid Clerk to have failed, neglected or re?
fus?e! to make returns or pay tho taxes
imposed by this Ordinance, within thc time
herein prescribed, which saiel execution
shall be lodged with tho Sheriff of Rich?
land District, to be ceillectcd according to
the provisions of tho Acts of tiie General
Assembly of this State in such case maelo
and provided.
Done anet ratifi?e! in Council assembl?e],
under the corporate seal of the city of
Columbia, this eighth day of February,
Anno Domini one thousantl eight hun
dretl and sixtv-seven.
J. S. MCMAHON, City Clerk.
new crop.
15 bbls. Muscovado Molasses - -new crop.
30 " " Sugar.
10 " Extra C
5 " Crushed li
3 " " Pulv.
100 sacks Liverpool Salt, seamless sacks
|at S3.35.
100 lbs. English Blue Stone, at 14.-.
2,000 lbs. " Copperas, at 64c
In store and for sale bv
Second door from Shiver ll >u.-e,
Oct 18 On Plain street.
G-unny Bagging.
IV./ weight-2* pounds.
50 coils MANILLA ROPE.
The above in store at reduced rate?.
Second door from Shiver House,
Oct 18 On Plain street.
Bbls. O. LHss- old Bourbon WHISKEY.
iv Corn and live domestic
.? Holland Anchor <: IN.
" " American Hope *'
" Pinet and Rochi lie B1?ANDY.
" Jamaica and Santa. Cruz Kum.
? Hweet Malaga Wini'.
'. Cherrv and Mad. ira Wino
" Catal?gnia Claret Wine.
'. Stoughton Hitters.
Boxes poker's and Krauter Bitters.
'. Curacoa and Annisood Cordial.
Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps.
With a general stock of GENUINE LI?
QUORS, worthy at tent ion ol' purchasers, at
fair linces. Call and. examine thc above:
?stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
greiit inducements will bo offered.
Second, door from Shiver HVmst?,
! Oct l!S Un I'lain street
Pollock House.
J PIUS LIFE can have their wants s-.p
piicrl at the above-named RESTAURANT.
Eveiyih'ng connect: 1 with tho hm: ,e is in
best "ord. i. MEALS si rved at ''nor', notice
Private do n. rand supper rooms attached.
prepared m every si y lc
' Th.- lest of WINES. LIQUORS, ALE,
Arnica S KO A US and I ?>BA< I ' > '?:> hand.
Next door
l\TrOULD respectfully inform 'iii*
W friends and tim public in general
?that lie has opened a RESTAURANT at
[tho above place, where the very best of
leverything in the way of eating and drink
lg can bi: obtained at .short notice.
t REAM ALE on draught.
LUNCH every day from ll to 1 o'clock.
Fresh OYSTERS constantly on band.
Jan 8
Thos. P- Walker,
Coroner and Magistrate,
HAS REMOVED to the office in rear of
the Court House, formerly occupied
by D. B. DeSaussure, Esq. Jan 18 C

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