OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, May 01, 1867, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, May 1, 1867.
Forsaking HM li Country.
Tho New Orleaus Picayune, ol a
recent date, says that over 300 people
sailed from that port on tho steamer
Marmion, bound for Brazil. They
wcro mostly from Louisiana and
neighboring States, and leave tho
country voluntary exiles forever. Tho
Picayune furthermore understands
that other vessels are to follow tho
Marmion, with tho samo destination,
'and that it is probable they will go
out full of emigrants. Thc Picayune
accounts for tho melancholy state of
affairs by saying that the feeling of
discontent, of anxiety, of desponden?
cy, runs higher in that sectiou than
ever-higher oven than immediately
after the close of the war.
As we have, on more than oue occa?
sion, said in this journal, that whilo
these discontented Southerners have
a right to seek a happier laud-if
they can find it^-aud to cast their
lots anywhere thoy may choose, yet
we cannot but think that they arc
wrong, and that a fow years' expe?
rience will teach them that they had
better have boruc the evils of the pre?
sent than to embrace others perhaps
worse. They go into exile iu a fat
distant land, where they will find
everything conflicting with their pre?
vious ideas, habits and customs. A
more sorrowful emigratiou is not re?
corded iu history, aud, of course, must
touch tho hearts and feelings of all.
And notwithstanding all this, it is
still wrong-wrong in principle, and
evincing a want of manhood and
moral courage. If ever there was a
time when tho South needed thc
strength, affection and clinging devo?
tion of lier sons, it is tho present.
Stricken by the fortunes of war,
bowed down und jr the privation aud
suffering arising from disasters of
almost every kind, the suuuy laud of
thc South appeals .silently but ear?
nestly to those who have stood by
her in her sorest trials, to stand by
her still, aud not strip her of her
sons, who, by all the ties of ma?
ternity, long association, devotion to
her ancient pride and glory, which
she justly felt aud claimed for har
long lino of heroes and statesmen,
should noter abandon her; but rather,
with endurance and fortitude, cling
the closer to her and her fortunes,
whatever they may be. It is little
short of moral cowardice, that men,
who did all that men could do to
bravo an adverse fate, for years past,
should now retreat from thc equally
patriotic duty ol' restoring their sec?
tiou to its former prosperity and
political equality. It may be touch?
ing to see ship-loads of voluntary
exiles leaving these shores; but they
caunot command our admiration, as
do those who remain behind, to en?
gage, under all the disadvantages
they may have io contend with, iu
tho great work of the South's recu?
peration, reconstruction, and iiual
and complote restoration.
LAST.-A sensible colored man in
Raleigh, was a listeuer at the Afri?
can Church, some time since, when
Mr. Holdeu addressed the colored
people there. His employer felt
some curiosity to know what the
speaker said on that occasion, and
requested the colored man to give
some account of it. He replied sub?
stantially ns follows:
"Well, sir, I listened to de speech,
but I coulil not tell you much about
it, for I couldn't help thinking all
the time and saying to him in inv
mind: You first fooled de old Whigs,
den you fooled de old Democrats,
den you fooled dc old Secessioners,
den you fooled Muss Zeb Yance,
den you fooled President Johnson.
Now, who you got to fool next? Why,
you thinks you'll fool de niggers; but,
sir, you'll neber fool dis oue."
We commend the above to tho at?
tention of those enterprising offico
huutiug patriots who are running
round day and night -especially al
night-endeavoring to mislead thc
freedman and array him in hostility
and bitterness to his former owner.
<-??-? -
There is land enough at tho ttoutl:
for all, and it will yet be seen that il
is for tho interest of all that th?
barriers to its ownership and enjoy
mont should be completely done away
with.--Huston Journal.
By parity of reasoning there is
property enough at tho North foi
all, and it may yet bo seen that il
is for tho interest of all that tin
barriers to its ownership aud enjoy?
ment should be completely done
away with. Ifow doos this suit?
porary says any amount of money
needed for .speculative purposes can
bo had in New York at a rato of inte?
rest much lower than has prevailed
for some time. Of course, there is a
scarcity of money in tho South,
but the reasou for that is, wo have
had unusually short crops, aud con?
sequently nothiug except cotton to
sell, which would cause a flow of
money in this direction, aud tho
greater portion realized from that
source has been expeudod in the
purchase of breadstuffs and . provi?
sions. Should we bo blessed with
good crops this year, tho South will
recuperate wonderfully. Tho wheat
promises well, and iu tho courso of
three months the farmers will be
scuding their surplus to markot.
The proceeds from this source will
furnish very great relief. The ease
which is already apparent in New
York will extend Southward as soon
as our crops are ready for the mar?
ple of Georgia, Tennessee and Mis?
sissippi are maturing a sehemo for
tho maintenance of women and chil?
dren of deceased Confederate sol?
diers. They propose to disposo of
large tracts of land in small lots in
tho Northern aud European markets,
aud appropriate ten per ceut. of thc
sales for the erection and support of
an asylum, which shall be opcu to all
soldiers' widows and orphans who are
unable to support themselves. The
business men of Memphis have sub?
scribed $100,000 iu aid of the enter?
? ? ? >
Foruey's Chronicle says:
Hon. William D. Kelley, of Penn?
sylvania, will leave Philadelphia on
Friday next, for a political tour iu
thc late rebel States. Ho will pro?
ceed to Wilmington, N. C., via
Goldsboro, and from Wilmington
direct to Beaufort, S. C. From
thence he will go to Savannah, Ga.,
speaking there, aud returning North
by way of Chariest ou and Columbia
S. C., aud thence to Greensboro,
Concord, Salisbury, Charlotte, Dan?
ville, and other points in the West?
ern part of the old North State.
Tho Michigan Legislature is con?
sidering the subject of preserving the
splendid forests of that State. They
supply so many lumber markets that
vast tracts are being stripped, and
scientilic men arc of opinion that cli?
mate changes are thereby induced,
crops aro deteriorating, thc winters
are more severe, fertilizing rains are
diminishing, and all these are be?
lieved to be partly caused by the
denudation of the forests. European
experience cou firms the idea that tho
destruction of forests tends to sterili?
ty. The proposed remedy is to ex?
empt forests from taxation, aud en?
deavor so to legislate ns to remove
the necessity for large uses of timber
iu future.
MURDER.-Mr. Cornelius Newton
was brutally murdered ou Monday
night, about eight miles from this
place. A Mrs.. English, who was
with him at the time, was also mor?
tally wounded. They were riding
along the. road in a buggy, about U
o'clock at night, when some person
fired upon them with a gnu from tho
roadside. Mr. Newton lived a little
while, and was rational enough to
make declarations which implicate a
Mr. Leggett Quick, who has been
arrested and is now in jail. Mrs.
English is still alive, but is thought
to be beyond recovery.
I Bennettsoille Journal.
Napoleon was driving the other
day, from thc Tailleries to the Ex?
position buildiug in his wagonette,
attended by General Fleury, when
he was stopped in tho Hue de Grenelle
by the wretched and almost impassa?
ble condition of the streets. He got
down, discussed tho state of things
with some householders who were
standing at their shop doors, and,
after hearing all their complaints,
drove home. The next morning the
street was invaded bv ?JOO work?
men, and in a few hours everything
was restored to rights.
SMITH.-Wo regret to announce that,
on yesterday, Mr. Stephen Calhoun
Smith, a resident of this city, was
arrested for cutting the United States
Hun; on Saturday last. We have no
sympathy for thc act, which we con?
sider without excuse, but we are
sorry for the man, whom we knew as
n soldier of Company K, 2d South
Carolina Cavalry, Hampton's Bri?
gade, who distinguished himself by
his gallant conduct at the battle of
Gettysburg.-Charleston Mercury.
timore Gazette, of Saturday, says:
The United States?store-ship Supply
roached this port yesterday, for tile
purpose of taking m a cargo of pro?
visions for thc destituto people of
tho South. Thc Commissioners ap?
pointed by tho Legislature/will at
onco furnish the necessary'provi?
sions, aud she will sail without
* 9
Reports from Arkansas aro to tho
effect that while tho recent floods in
that State were very disastrous, tho
overflow will not prevent.tho putting
in of largo crops of cotton and corn.
While it iias been customary to plant
cotton in April, the best that was
raised lust yeur was not planted until
May. Should the summer provo n
dry one, tho crops will bo the better
for tho overflow of this spring.
A hnndsomo snit of clothes in
London costs from $15 to ?25. A
mau may dress well enough, hut and
boots included, for JES 15s., say ?18.
An Englishman adds the duties, but
ho cannot figuro up tho cost in Ame?
rica. So a lady buys an elegant silk
dross for from ?5 to* 815, aud cannot
account for tho prices she hears her
American friends talk about.
Thc State of Now York is before
its own Supreme Court as plaintiff
in n snit against tho Now Jersey
Central Railroad, involving several
millions of dollars, and arising from
a contested control of tho river front
of New Jersey from Sandy Hook to
Weehawken. The railroad has filled
up 10,000 acres laud, and the Stato
claims an infringement on its rights.
At a meeting of Republicans of
both races at Washington, on Friday
last, a strong attempt waa made to
incorporate tho name of a colored
caudidate on the councilmnmc ticket,
but thc motion to that effect waa
laid on the table. The individual
who proposed it said he was advised
to do so by Senntor ?Sumner.
Bierstiult's Inst great picture, "The
Domes of tho Yosemite," has been
placed on exhibition in New York,
for the bcuefit of thc Ladies' South
ern Relief Association. This pichm
was pointed for a Wall street bunker,
tho price being thirty-five thousam
dollar?, the largest sum ever pan
for ono picture in this country.
FnoM AFIUCA.-Details of fresl
horrors come from thc West coast o
Africn. A war has broken out he
tween two . opposing tribes o
savages, in which several ot the nev
Calabar tribe wore made prisoners bi
their enemies, and, shocking to relate
wero roasted and eaton by thc otliii
W. M. F. Arny, ex-Governor o
New Mexico, aud now Indinu ngeut
says tho mineral resources of tin
couutiy can never be fairly placet
I in courso of development until th
Indian troubles are finally adjusted
and this he believes can bo bette
and sooner obtained by a paei?
policy than by persistent warfare.
General Sickles issued nu ordo;
on Saturday, suspending the muni
cipnl election that was to have take;
placo in Newberne, N. C., on the firs
Monday in May, and appointing
Mayor and Alderman for the cit;
and trustees for the academy of New
Wendell Phillips, in his lirookly:
lecture, said ''the negro should hnv
forty acres under his feet." When
upon the World remarks that the D<
moeraey novel riid anything half s
bad about the physical peculiarities
of our black brother.
Funeral Invitation.
The friends and acquaintances of 31
and Mrs. C. A. Burnes aro invited to atteti
the funeral services of their son WILLIA9
at their residence, near tho Cenicter;
THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock.
To all whom it may Concern.
REPORTS having been circulated char?
ing Mr. Bonoubcrgcr, Steward of tho Poi
House in Lexington District, with negle
of duty in attending to the wants of tl
paupers, tho Commissioners, at a la
meeting of the Board, nfier a careful i
vostigation of thc matter, authorized tl
Secretary t.. say, through the columns
tho Columbi: Phonix, that such repor
were not correct. All persons who desi
to know anything about the managenie
of the Poor IIoui^, are requested to ci
on tho Commissioners, ns they will ta
pleasure in giving all necessary inform
lion. s. E. CAUGHMAN,
Secretary Commissioners Poor, L. D.
Lexington, April 2!l, IHi.7. May 1 1*
WHO lias a thorough English educ
tion, and who understands Fren
and Music, wishes a situation as TEAO.
EU, either in a private family or a scho
Address "M. A. E.," Orangeburg, S. C.
May 1
Richland Lodge No. 39. A. ?7??
A A regular communication <>f tl
>??>VLo.lgo will be held THIS (Wedm
/VVlayi EV EN INO, 1st instant, a!
o'clock, ut Odd Follows1 Hall.
Bv order of thu YY. M.
M*ay 1 1 _ it. TOZER, Secretary
A?iR, ALE.
rilHE undersigned has Just received s
JL Other supply of that superior AI
which luis given such satisfaction.
May 1 1 T. M. POLLOCK
rilHREE months after dale, apnlicati
JL will be made f..r a renewal ofsi'oi
CERTIFICATE No. 1,811, dated Fcbnu
13, 1830, for ton shares nf S. C. B. R. (
and S. W. it. B. Bank, in the name of A.
Taylor, Trustee for Qraco B. Elmore t
original being lost.
M;iy 1 now.imo A. 1!. TAY LOK. T'.-t. .
COLUMBIA, S. C., MAY 1, 1867
Till-: annual mei ting ol stoekholdcrs
this Ban. will be held at the Bran
: Bank Building, on MONDAY next (
inst., at 12 o'clock.
May 1 ? EDWIN J. SCOTT, Cashier
Pipes! Pipes
Meerschaum, Briar-root. India Ri
ber and Chemical PIPE8. Just receiv
April 7 mihi
Cnpt. J. M. Brook, Professor nt
the Virginia Military Institute, has
been presented with a splendid gold'
modal by the King of Prussia, ns a
testimonial of the appreciation by tho
royal donor of his high scientific at?
. The Massachusetts constables, last!
Saturday, in State street, Boston, I
took $5,000 worth of stock out of one ?
of the most fashionable drinking
places, sending a nervous thrill pretty
extensively among thc upper-crust
A now rebellion has been organ?
ized iu Tennessee by starting thirteen
new cotton factories. Tho intention
is, to couquer New Euglaud spinners
aud bring them down.'
Westfield, New York, is lighted
with natural gas, which is brought in
pipes from a gas spring a mile und a
quarter distaut. It costs four dollars
per 1,000 feet.
Horse thieves steal horses from
Tenuessee to sell iu Mississsppi, aud
return with stolen horses from Mis
sisippi to sell in Teuuessee.
Presbyterian Church, in the pleasant
town of Monticello, Fla., was de?
stroyed by tire oh last Sunday wight.
The law of March 2, 1807. exempts
from stamp duty all writ? and other
original process for the commence?
ment of suits in any court.
Duels aro taking au agricultural
turu in Kentucky. At Medway, a
lady being in the case, two gentlemen
fought with green hickory axe-helves.
The German citizens of Washing?
ton have contributed $175 for the
relief of the destitute people of the
One of Rembrnnt's engravings has
been sold in London recently for the
sum of .Cl,180.
Du his Excellency JAMESE. Olli:, Go?
vernor qr South Carolina.
I yi T HF. RF. A S information han boen cotVi
) VT municateU to thia Department that
ar. atrocious murder was committed on
Gilbert Bradlev, a freedman, bv one JOHN
BUTLER, alias J. MCDONALD, on the
I 13th inst., ia the District of Marion, and
j the .-ail Ratler being nt large:
Now. know ye, that I. the said .TAMI'S
; I.. ORR, Governor and Commander-in
I Ch iel In and over the state afor?la id, do
. hereby offer a reward of TWO HUNDRED
j DUI.LARS for the arrest and safe delivery
i of said Ratler, ali-ts McDonald, in any jail
hi this State, so that he may be brought to
' punishment for the said murder.
I Datier is of me.'.?un? size, rather good
looking, has two fingers nearest tho thumb
; off one band, and has marks with India
; ink on ono or h uh his arms, representing
i an anchor or United States Hag, or both.
I He was pursued lo Dog Bluff Landing, rm
j Little Pee Dee hiver, and is supposed to bc
j making hi- way either to Georgetown, S.
' C., or to Wilmington. N. C.
j Given under my ham) and the great seal
I [L. S.] ot the Stale, this 29th day ?>i April,
A. D. 1*G7. JAMES L. ORR.
j May 1__j_ 2
1UU 2.3 bbls. Wester:, Sillier. Flour.
Hocker's Self-raising Flour. For aale
low. E. A G. D. HOPE.
April 3_
Corn, Corn, Bacon.
CORN-primo Marvland.
10 linda. CLEAR lilli"SIDES.
50 bbls. SUPER. FLOUR.
8,000 bushels WHITE CORN. For sah?
st lowest market rates by
April 2?__ ftu-1
IS NOW OPEN for tho season, for the
salo of Ice Creams, Sherbets^ Water
Ices, Ac, Ac. Plain street, below the (.'en?
trai Hotel. April 17 imo
Concentrated Lye.
JLvJ making Soap. Thc best and most
economical now in usc. For sale LOW, by
the case, dozen or single box, bv
April 21_ J. A T. R. AGNEW.
CHAPUL, on the srpiare South ol'tho
J-'iMlLAsvlum; suitable for a small family
rcsidonce. Applv to R. L. BRYAN. "
April 21
THF. ROOM over thc store of Thomson
Earl<. Applv to
, . THE apartments over tho stores of
SjjS! Kenneth A Gibson and the MI1>
JBUil scriber Possession given ?mme
diatolv. For terms, Ac, inquire of
April 19 JAS. BROWN.
ju-t received and for sale at GREAT?
LY REDUCED PRICKS-lower than it can
bo brought from Charleston.
April 17 J. A T. R. AGNEW.
eats, drinks or sleeps. Can bosceUat
j; o' Visitors aro requested not to t all
after dark. March 13
"1 .> DOZEN Griffin's best Scythes,
_L? <> " best Grain Cradles, manu?
factured expressly to cut Southern grain.
Just received, and for sale at reduced
prices, by J. A T. R. AGNEW.
April 28
A newspnper correspondent says j
that Chicago employs 2,000 trado I
drummers, Boston 3,000, and New !
York 6,000. Other cities are sup?
posed to make up a round nu rober of i
A marriage was recently celebrated |
in a Cornish town ono of the party i
to which-tho bride-was thirty-six!
inches in height.
A mau iu Memphis has lodged a
formal complaint before a magistrate,
that his wile is in thc daily habit of
cowhiding him.
A lady sometimes keeps charms
upon her watch guard; but it is more
important that she keeps watch and
guard upon her charms.
EVEHIJASTIXO.- London has nu
"Everlasting Club." The lire never
goes out, tho wine always Hows, and
the table is always set.
Thirty-eight cases of irregular
j deaths, such ns suicides, murders,
I drowning, etc., in New Orleans dur?
ing the month of March.
A Cincinnati paper, speaking of
Miss Anna Dickinson, tells ns that
she has "susceptibility of apprecia?
tion of adaptability.''
3)ickens has been reading his works
in Irelnnd with great success. At his
last rending inDubliu, hundreds were
turned away from the doors.
At Reduced Prices!
HAVING completed ?\ large and commo?
dious house for this trado, I am now
prepared, with a large supply un hand, to
till al! orders from the city anil count ry en?
trusted to my can; with promptness. AU
orders must he accompanied with the mo?
uov, a- niv terms ur*: Btrictlv CAMI.
"A. GAGE A CO., Proprietors.
JOHN 1>. BATEMAN,"Agent,
ay Newberry Harald, Spartatihurg Ex
)>>?..<.<, Chester Standard, Greenville Afbun
taineer and Anderson Intelligencer ce>ny
four time* and forward bills immediately.
Ap! il :?'t Imo*
Plain Street, near Main.
BURK A- LEE respect?
fully inform the citizens
of Columbia that they
have opened a PHOTO?
Plain street, near the
store of Mr. Jas. G. Gibbes, where they are
prepared to take PICTURES of all styles.
Our PRICES will be so arranged as to
SUIT THE TIMES, and the ivork guaran?
teed. Wi- respectfully asl; -i .-hare of the
public patronage. H. C. DURR.
April 30 J W. s. LEE.
ril?E undersigned have on batid a large
X l->: of the- GENUINE Old) KILLICKT
thev are sole agents for this State.
JUST received, LOO0 bushels COHN, and
for sale bv ll. O NU VLF. A- SON.
April 2-;_ " _ .
3>r. 33. ?. Sa?ITII
HAS located tu this cit v. und 'offers bis
citizens, tar Itcsielenco and office, corner
Linly and Sumter streets-former resi?
lience of John I. Gracey, Esq.
April 28 lum
rilli E nndersigncd, having purchased Dr.
L E. E. Jackson's Fountain, has opened a
On Plain Sired, in the alore formerly
occupied by li. & W. C. Stratfield.
Will also keep on hand a nice assort?
ment of
. T "BACCO and HEGAUS, Ac.
April28 Imo_F.A. SCHNEIDER.
Venison Hams.
JUST received, a lot of VENISON HAMS,
which will be sold LOW. Applv to
April 27 li S. T. McCAUGHUIN A CO.
Fresh Lager Beer.
AFINE article, just received, at whole?
sale and on draught.
April 27 JOHN C. SI-'EG EU S A ('?)._
Schweizer Cheese, Dutch Herrings.
Brother B. HUSH CAMPREI L-(tho
rand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge,)
should bo directed lo tho caro of W. T.
Walter. Columbia, S. C., until otherwise
ordered. April 23
HUGH ?. THOMPSON, Instructor In Ma?
thematics. French and Eng. Branches.
RICHARD FORD, A. M., Instructor in tho
Latin und Greek Classics and Eng. Br's.
THE second term will begin
on MONDAY, May ti, and conti?
enne four months. Pupils will
;ho prepared for admission into
any University or College, and
sp?cial advantages will bo af?
forded those who may desire to fit them?
selves for melva nt ile life. Terms as here?
tofore. April 21 msw nil
Violin and Guitar
a line assortment of Violin Bows, Bridges.
Screws, Button- and Tail Pieces. Just
rccoived at E. POLLARD S.
April 7 _mw21
April 27
Local Items.
nie indebted to Lucius Wiuibush, of
tho "ucw ice cream garden," for two
or three saucers of the above deli?
cacies. His saloon is on Lady street,
between Lincoln and Gatos.
JOB PRINTING.-The Job Oilicc of
thc Phoenix is as complete as auy iu
tho South. It is furnished with uew
fonts of type of all descriptions aud
of the most modern styles. All work
executed promptly, with taste aud
skill, nud at reasonable rates.
STAMPING.-If any of our readers
are desirous of having any articles
stamped for braiding or embroider?
ing, they eau have them neatly nud
promptly done, by scuding to Mrs.
W.\T. Walter, whose residence is on
Plain street, a few doors from tho
Central House. She has a variety of
patterns, suitable for grown folks as
well as children.
! cial and other circulars, in the various
1 forms-note, letter and commercial
j post-neatly printed in our Job
j Oilice, and all work of this deserip
I tion finished in the best style of print
i ing, and at moderate prices.
INDEPENDENCE.-To be really and
truly iudepeudcut is to support our?
selves by our own exertion.
The Gleaner, issued every Wednes?
day, from this office, defies competi?
tion as a literary and news journal.
Those who subscribe to it are kept
well posted up in the current events
of tho day, as it embraces the tele?
graphic news, political, commercial,
state of the markets, &c, up to the
hour of going to press.
Don't live iu hope, with your arms
folded; fortune smiles ou those who
roll np their sleeves, aud put their
shoulders to the wheel.
CARDS! CARDS!-Show cards, busi?
ness cards, visiting hud wedding
cards, executed at the Phoinix Job
Office, in thc neatest styles ol the
art. Cards of all sines constantly
ou hand, and all orders from town or
I country promptly attended to.
I MAY DAY.-We publish, on our
.J fourth page, this morning, the chil?
dren's prayer to the goddess "Maia,"
and we unite in thc prayer that tho
day niay bc one of clear sunshine.
The Columbia Female Academy,
Mr. and Mrs. Wigg's schools, we
understand, with perhaps, other
schools, will have tho usual children's
celebration of the day. There will
also be private pic-nics, continued,
perhaps, until the cud of the week.
If we, the grown children, have not
the heart to enjoy ourselves, we are
sure all wish the little oucs that boon.
Our supply of type and facilitiei of
press-work enable us to turn ontf-om
the Phoenix oilice the most attracive
styles of posters, baud-bills, Arc. at
short notice, and in the most satis?
factory mnuner. JB
A HOME JOURNAL.-The best fauily
journal uow published in the Saith
is the Gleaner, issued from this ofice.
It contains weekly eight paget of
solid rending matter, excluding ad?
vertisements entirely. A specinen
number will be sent to any ouede
siriug to subscribe.
LEGAL.-In the Court of Appeals,
on yesterday, the following ci.ses
1 were heard :
Hall A Hall, trustees, ads. Barks
dale nud wife. Mr. J. NY. Harrison
for appellant; no reply.
The State ex rei. James Bruce ss. S.
A. Hodges, tax collector. Mr, Thos.
j Thompson for motion; Air. McGowan
Thomas Dunham rs. Elford &
Sherman, executors. A. Dority rs.
I the same. Heard together. Mr. B
P. Perry for mol ?MU; Mr. C. J. Elford
J. J. Norton <..-.. Samuel Reid and
another. Mr. Harrison for appellant.
Nsw ADVERTISEMENTS. -Attention is call?
ed to tho following adv* rtiscments, whick
are published this morn int] for the drat
T. M. Pollock-Superior Alo.
"M. A. L."-Situation aa Teacher.
Jacob Levin-Auction This Day.
Commercial bank stockhold's Meeting
A. R. Taylor -Lost Certificate Of Stock.
S. E. Caughnian A Card.
Govornor Orr Proclamation.
.Mi l ting of Richland Lodge.
James C. Jannoy-Li?t of Letter.-.
Long talcs are usually uninteresting, hut
all consumers will he bencfitted and inte?
rested by reading the entire advert?s) ment
and then examining the stock of Mr. K.
C. Shiver.

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