Newspaper Page Text
_ . _ y_ THE DAILY. MM PHONIX. Daily Paper $8 a Year "Let our Just Censuro ^?^^^^^^^M?^^^ Attend the True Event." Tri-Weekly $5 a Y;ar ' _ . ? ._;_,_*, . . ,tty. c ._ ?;._'_;_ BY JULIAN A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, 8: C., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1867. VOLUME HT-NO. 15G. i - ? .... ?m*'. JPHUSNIX, ? II UM H ll ED DAILY AXD TRI-WEEKLY. tm GLEANER, EVERY WEDNESDAY HORNING. BY JULIAN A. S?LBY, CITY PRINTER. OiBco un Main street, ? few doors abovo Taylor (or Camden) Btrcet. ' -. . TE JR MS-IN ADVANCE. HU USC Ul IT ION. Daily Paper, six montliB. .H 00 Tri-Weekly. " * " . * 50 Weekly, " " . 1 GO AD VEKTIH Earners Inserted at 75 cents per square for the first Insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent. Weekly 75 cent? each insertion. 49* A liberal discount made on the above rates \chen advertisements are insei ted by the month, or year. AGENTS. W. d. Moor??. Abbeville. J. R. Allen, CNoster. Johns Poppe, Anderdon C. II. 8. P. Kin ard. Newberry C. H. W. T, 8ims, Union. J. M. Allen, Greenville . NEW INFANTRY TACTICS.-The War Department has just issued, for the guidance of the army, an order to tho following effect: The new system of infantry tactics prepared by Brevet Major-General Emory Upton, United States Army, recommended for adoption, in the place of all others, by a board of officers, of which Gen. Grant is pre? sident, having been approved, is adopted for the instruction of the infantry of tho Army of the United States. To ensure uniformity through? out th? army, all infantry exercises and manouvres not embraced in that system are prohibited, and those therein prescribed will 'be strictly observed. A letter from Buenos Ayres says the wool dip this year will be 100, 000,000 pounds, and that the recent rise in the tariff of the United States bas produced great ? dismay among the wool-growers. But, fortunately, for some years great efforts have been made to refine the wools of that country, and, in proportion, the finest wools pay less duty. No wools will go to the United States this year but those that are fine and olean. Tomatoes, Peaches, Okra, Corn. PRESERVE them for winter use by using tho PRESERVING FLUID just arrived and for salo bv FISHER & HEINIT8H, Aug 16_^_DrnggiBtB. W. B. JOHNSTON, Magistrate and Notary Public. WILL attend prompl'.y to all office bu? siness. May be found at tho Phoenix Office during business hours. Aug 16_ POE. RENT," THE large and commodious RESI -DENCE, on Sonate street, South of Trinity (Episcopal) Church, containing 13 large rooms, with gas, and extensive out? buildings attached. It is admirably adapt? ed for a first-class boarding ho?so, and, from its situation, is well suited for a boarding school. Applv to Aug 10 Imo_J. S. MCMAHON. Wolfe's Schietlum Schnapp? are good for Dyspepsia. Cigars and Tobacco. THE undersigned has just received, and keeps constantly on baud, a largo and varied stock of C?GARS. Also, a large supply of SMOKING and CHEWING TO? BACCO, ot all brands. F. A. SCHNEIDER, Aug 15_Plain street. Wolfe's Schietlum Schnapps are good for Gout._ Twine, Rope, Iron Ties, Bagging. OrV.A LBS. TWINE, 50 coila ROPE. \J\J 100 bundles paton* IRON TIES. 20 bales superior BAGGING, just re? ceived. Planters will find it greatly to then- advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. AugU_J. tc T. R. AGNEW. To Holders of Tavern Licenses. ? MAYOR'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, August 12, 18G7. ALL persona holding the above Licenses in this city are required to CIOBO their bar-rooms on the first tbreo days of regis? tration in the Upper Box, via: Thursday, the 15th, Friday, the 16th, and Saturday, tbe 17th instant-tho poace and good or? der of the city requiring such measures. August 13 5 T'HEO. STARK, Mayor. Agna ?nil Fever.--The only preventive known for chills and fever is the use of Wolfe'B Schiedam Schnapps. _ _ FRESH LEMONS?_ JUST received at Aug 8 J. C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. FLOUR! FLOUR! ! 37WEBH-GROUND FLOUR, at wholesale aud retail, at Aug 6 JOHN C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps should be in tho hands of every housekeeper. ~C~? R N . 1 000CORN We"tern WHITE 500 bushels Western MIXED QORN. At LOW PRICES for CASH by COPELAND A BEARDEN. Aug 6 Imo SPECIAL NOTICRS. REGISTRATION. 1st Precinct, Richland District, S. G. THIS Board will commence duty August 10, for tho accommodation of the voters at Camp Ground, und will sit in session, be? tween the hours of ?) a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, An-* gnst 19, 20 and 21. On the 221, it will couvons at Ford's Mill aud will servo six hours daily, at above timo, for throe day?, viz: Thursday, Fri? day and Saturday, August 22, 23 ami 24 thus alternating three days in a week at each place, until registration is complete. Tho books v ill bc open for public inspec? tion, at Camp Ground, Soptembor 10, ll. 12, 13 and 14. Tho Anal session, for revis? ing tbc lists, will bo hold September 23, 24 and 25. Tho books for Ford's Mill box will bo open for public inspection September IG. 17, 18, l'J and 20. Tho final session, for revising tho lists, will be held ou tho 2Gth, 27th and 28th. All persons qualified to voto under the provisions of tho Act of Congress passed March 2, 18G7, entitled "An Act to provide for tho moro Efficient Government of the Rebel Slates," and tho several Acts sup? plementary thereto, are invited to appear before the Board of Registration. J AM EH WINDSOR, Chairman Board Registration First Precinct, Richland District, S. C. Aug 14_ fl PARTIES who expect me to GIN their COTTON will please notify me at once, and stato the probablo timo and amount to be Ginned. W. B. LOWRANCE. August ll_ To Remove. On or about tho 10th of September next, wo proposo to move our busiuoss stand, and occupy tho "LARGE CENTRI STORE," in Walker's Building, Main street situated on the equaro opposite tho Courl House. UntU that time, we will bo fount at the old stand, still offering our grea bargains in Dry Goods. July 31_R. C. SHIVER. IF you require a Tonic, ask your Famih Physician what he thinks of PANKNIN'i HEPATIC BITTERS, and he will not fai to tell you that it is the otdy Tonic whicl ho can safely recommend. They aro ni quack medicino, but aro simply an invigo rating, harmless Tonic. For salo by al druggists. Dn. C. H. MIOT, Agent. _April_18_Bly_ FEVER AND A o vis-In every sec t.on of country where fever and ague prc vails, it is common to find a largo numbe of periodic headaches, neuralgia, col hands and feet, and a general derange meut of tho system, from impaired diget tion, torpor of tho liver, Sec.-in short, thu condition which is so generally, and ofte so erroneously, called "bilious," but whicl in fact, is caused by tho presence of ni: laria in quantity too small to develop regular chill. A bottle of QUEEN'S DI LIGHT will cun such cases at once,! neutralizing in th- system tho ( anne of a the trouble, and ut tho Hame time pri vet a regular attack of chills, which, after longer or shorter time, is likely to folio these bilious symptoms. Try the Queen Delight, the cheapest and best remedy fi biliousness, liver complaint, and chill an fever. For sale by FISHER & HEINITSl Druggists. July 21 ??? TO MAURY tnt NOT TO MA It K Y : WHY NOT? Surious Reflections f< Young Men, in Essays of tho Howard A sociation, on the Physiological Error Abuses and Diseases induced by ignoran of nature's lawB, in thc first ago of ma Sont in souled letter envelopes, free charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN 1IOUG1 TON, Howard Association, I'hiladelphi Pa. _Mayl9_8mo BATCHEL.OR'8 HAIR DYE-Th splendid Hair Dye is tho best in the worl Tho ouly true and perfect Dye-harmlec reliable, instantaneous. No disappoii mont. No ridiculous tints. Natural bia or brown. Romedios the ill effects of bi dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it s< and beautiful. The genuino is signed H liam A. Batchelor. All others are mc imitations, and should be avoided. Sc by all druggists and perfumers. Factc 81 Barclay Btreet, New York. MW Bewt of a counterfeit._Deo ll I3 Bartlett's Reversible Sewing ll chines. THE most perfeot and simple machi made, for stitching, hemming, tm ing, brailling, Ac. ONLY $25. A new supply of tho UNIVERS CLOTHES-WAS HER AND WHINS! Price $5. JOEL KETCHUM, JR. & CO. July 30 t_ _Agent TH0S. E. GREGG & CO., BROKERS. STOCKS, Bond*, Gold and Exchat bought and sold. Office at GREGG CO.'S._ July 3 'Wolfe'? Schleda?u Schnapps ar preventive for chills and fever. HAMS AND BACON-STRIPS^ SUGAR-CURED, Rt JOHN C. SEEGERS Sc CO.'i Aug 4 ? Bacon and Corn. 20.000?"T10*4" '20,(?no p< Hindu Clear Ki libed Sides. 20,000 " lUbbed 10,000 " Shoulders. 300 hii'k? Liverpool salt. 2,000 bushels White Corn. 20 libls. New Oilnnm Mi il H-M .:>. 20 " Muscovado Molasses. 20 " Weat India Moiseses. 20 Itali s Gunny Cloth. 20 colls half-inch Manilla Ilnpe. 2tl " " Hemp 1.000 pounds H em nek Bole Leathur. 600 " Upper Leather. For ?ale bv COPELAND A DEARDEN. July 80 imo_ Georgia Cotton Gins. THE subscribers, agents for Messrs. W. G. Clemons, Drown A Co.. of Colum? bus, Ga., aro prepared to fill orders for their GINS, which comprise Singlo and Doublo Cylinder, and adapted to either water or horso power. These Gins aro made by a factory established over twenty years ago. and comprise all the chief Eoints of excellence, namelv: SPEED, JG HT DRAUGHT and GOOD SAMPLE. ?ir Circulars sent when requested. RICHARD O'NEALE A SON. AUK 13_H^L REMOVAL. 7*28? HAVING removed mv FUR- _ "TL NITUEE business to the Na-ni ggdfiationul Express old stand, I In would bo glad to seo my former pa- * T" trons and tho publie geiierallv give mo a call, as I have a nice stock of FURNITURE on hand, and will make to order or repair anything in th? Furniture line very reason? able, and workmanship to please even the most fastidious. JEROME FAGAN, Washington st., het. Main and Assem'y, A few doors from old stand. Auer 10_'_?mo_ Wolfe'* Schiedam Schnapp? aro rc commendod by all tho medical facuRy. CANDY. -i O BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, low for Jua cash at J. C. SEEGERS A CO.'S. OIL! OIL! -J JTV DDL8. Keroscno and Machinery JLv/ OIL, just received and for sale at greatly reduced prices by Aug 4_ _ J. A T. R. AGNEW. Harvey's Hat and Mice Paste. GET RID OF THE RATS. HARVEY'S RAT PASTE exterminates Rats, Mico, Roaches and Ants from your store-room, corn houses or cribs, your kitchens, yonr houses; saves yon mo? ney in providing for these thieves; a sure euro for these depredators and destroyers. For sale by FISHER A H EIN ITS H, AUK 7_Druggists. What Do Voa Drink?- Wolfo's Schie? dam Schnapps, lt checks tho disarrange? ment of tho bowels in warm climates. C L A It K T . ON TUESDAY next, 13th inst., we will havo on draught ono pipe CLARET Very LOW for casu bv _Aug ll _3^3- D- nOPE. Dew of tim Alpa.-Udolpho Wolfe, sole agent for tho above cordial, manufactured in Geneva, Switzerland, is used by all thc crowned heads of Europe. FOOD FOR CHILDREN ~ PREPARED FROM WHEAT. It is almost identical with milk in chemical composition, and contains abundant sup? plies of every element of bodily organiza? tion. For salo bv FISHER A HELNITSH, Druggists. _Ang_4_ To All Wlio Uso Liquor.-Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps is manufactured in Holland by a process only known to the proprietor, ami is warranted tho purest Liquor ever manufactured. Fresh Lager Beer, DIRECT from Baltimore, in half and quarter barrels, and bv tho glass, at July 21 _ .T. O. SEEGERS A CO.'S. PINE APPLE CHEESE. O/Y CHOICE PINE APPLE CHEESE, OU just received and for sale by July 25 J. A T. R. AGNEW. Wolfe's S< hit (lum Sehnapp* aro put up in quart and pint botijos, with tho pro? prietor's name on tho bottle, cork and label. _ KEROSENE OIL. THE CHEAPEST LIGHT in the world, if you got the host. Just received, an? other fresh lot, which is offered at lower price by the barrel, gallon, quart and pint, at FISHER A HEINITSH'S July 24_Drug 8tore. ggWolfc's Schiedam Schnapps are imi? tated and counterfeited, and purchasers wilHiave to use caution in purchasing._ FOR SAUS, f*i AC. RAILROAD BONDS. VX? O, A S. C. Railroad Stock. New York Excbange. WANTED-C. A 8. C. Railroad Bo..ds and Conpons. THOS. E. GREGG A CO. Aug ll_ FOR RENT, MA HOUSE, on Main streot, contain? ing six rooms. On the premises are a good kitchen, stablo and all neces? sary out-buildings. The location ls oppo? site the South Carolina University. For further particulars, apply to JOHN McIN TGdH, Main stroot, ono square bolow the Stato House._Aug ll 6 Bacon and Tobacco. ONE THOUSAND lbs. Country BACON SIDES. 1,000 lbs. Killickinick Smoking Tobacco. 10 boxes low-priced Chewing " 3 bales7-8 Heavy Shirting. For saiolow by . ALFRED T0LLE80N. Aug 9_ NO. 1 MACKEREL. FRESH 8?PPLY, inst received at July 12 J. 0. SEEGERS A CO.'S. FRE8H ARRIVALS. KITS SHAD ROE. Tierces Extra SuRar-Curod HAMS. Ti? recs Puru Leaf LARD. FirkiiiB primo Gothen BUTTER. Boxi8 En gi ?HII Dnirv, New York State Factory and Pino Apple CHEESE. Genuine Imported English ALE and PORTER, pint?. Tale, Stearine, Chemical. Olive and a full assortment of Fancy SOAPS, at reduced price*. Choice TEAS-Oolong, Young Hy ?on, Ac. C ?FFEE-OldGovcrnment Javu, Rio.A'C Frchh Trenton CRACKERS. N"\v Country FLOUR, Extra Family, low. FrcHh Rcat prime Carolina RICE. Crosse A lilac!, well's PICKLES, assorted. French FRUITS, in Brandy. MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac. Fresh Goods received from New York and Baltimore by every steamer, and of? fered at lowest cash prices. _Aug2 GEO. 8YMMERS. 350 POUNDS SEW CROP TURNIP SEED, Comprising thc following varieties: IMPROVED YELLOW RUTA BAGA, WHITE SWEDISH NORFOLK, SNOW-BALL, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, GLOBE, and RED TOP. Received Ly Inst sicamor from Philadel? phia. Parties desiring KKESII AND RELIABLE SEED, Can procure them AT MIOT'S DRUG STORE. July 24 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ! THE 600D POTASH. ANEW POTASH, or CONCENTRATED LYE: will make better soap, with less trouble, than any other potash out. It ia much cheaper, and a ready soap-maker. Try it. Try lt. Now things must be tried. This 1'otash is genuine, and is warranted to make Soap. Buy it at the right place, and you wont bo deceived. The Grand Potash is for sale only by FISH?R A HEINITSH, Druggists. July 21_ MOlASSES AND BACON. 5HHDS. MOLA8SES. 0 .? Clear Ribbed SIDES. 5 hhds. SHOULDERS. For sale low by July 18_E. A G. D. HOPE. NEW BOOKS. LOUISA, OF PRUSSIA-by Mies Muhl bach. Bench and Bar, its wit, humor, Ac.-by Bigelow-with plates. College Lifo; Dy Rev. Dr. Stephen Olin. Thackeray's English Humorists, and the Reigns of the Four Georges. Libur Librorum-Structure, Purposes, Ac Seabrook's Travels in Germany and Switzerland. Mr. Wynyan's Ward; by tho author of Sylvan Holt's Daughter. Raymond's Heroine-a capital novel, says the London Timen. Diavola, ur Nobody's Daughter; by Miss Braddon. Also, new supplies of nil Miss Muhl bach's Historical Romances. For sale at J. J. McCARTER'S Bookstore, July 19 K. L. BRYAN. Vinegar, Coffee, Oraoltore, Hito. 2BBL8. CIDER VINEGAR. 1 bbl. White Wino 20 sacks RIO COFFEE. 5 bbls. Farina CRACKERS. 5 " Soda " r> " Rutter 2 " Sugar SNAPS. 2 " Ginger SNAPS. For sale low by July 18_ E. & G. D. HOPE. Butter and Cheese. FIRKIN'S GOSHEN BUTTER-reduced prico. Firkins choice Orange County BUTTER -reduced price. Also, a frexh supply of that delicious Butter, iu 2J-lh. packages-air and water? tight. Pine Apple, English Dairy and prime N. Y. State Factory Cheese. For sale low by July fl _GEO. SYMMEKH. Tobacco, Tobacco. TWENTY boxes FINE TOBACCO, for sale CHEAP. June 15 ALFRED TOLLESON. 15 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, DIFFERENT GRADES, low to dealers. June 30 JOHN C. SEEGER8 A CO. WHEAT AND FLOUR. IWILL pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for WHEAT and FLOUR. Will furnish bags when desired. June_ALFRED TOLLESON. KEEP COOX?. TEN DOZ. FAN8, at half former prices; . om5 cents to ts. Call and get a pretty fan. ALFRED TOLLESON. June 18_ TOBACCO! TOBACCO ! I OA BOXES CHOICE TOBACCO, just JU\J received on consignment, and for salo low by J. A T. R. AGNEW. Juno 80_ The best Season to Plant Turnip Seed. JUST RECEIVED: WAITE'S ECLIPSE, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA. For salo cheap at FISHER tc HEINITSH'S, Druggist?. Readv for the Season,*at the MANUFACTORY. Send your order to the South Carolina Cotton Gin Watitliousf, COLUMBIA, S.O. THEY OIN Faster. Cleaner and make a better Sample than any Gins in the country with the same power. They have beeu adopted by tho East India Cotton Agency Company, hy tho Manchester Cot? ton Supply Association, by tho Viceroy of Egypt, and by tho Govornroonts of Turkey, Brazil, Italy, Greece and India, in their efforts to raise this staplo in their midst; and their merits aro evon moro fully un? derstood by thoso using them in our own country during the laal two years. Thoy ,aro also warranted to givo satisfaction, or uo sale. ALSO, Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, ?Ste. ^ Wood's MOWING and .^S. REAPING MACHINES, ^??whieh have takon the first Jf^flfc?^a^t.- premium at the Taris Ex Tho following gentlemen, to whom I haye recently sold these Machines, will gladlv testify to their merits: Dr.* B. W. Taylor, Columbia, S. C. W. L. Mikell, Columbia, S. C. Gen. J. J. Bratten, Winnsboro, S. C. M. E. DcGrafTeiireid, Chester, S. C. 0. C. Wells, Newberry, S. C. J. P. Kinard, Newberry, 8. C. J. F. Hitchers, Uuion.'S. C. L. A. Lowrauce, Salisbnry.'N. C. Terms accommodating. Address, W. H. LO Wit AN CK, South Carolina Cotton Gin Warehouse, Vug ll 12_Columbia, 8. O. Wolfe'? Schiedam Schnapps are good for all kidney and bluddor complaints. NOTICE. BREAKFAST HOUSE. PASSENGERS leav?ug Columbia on the South Carolina Railroad by tho morning train, cnn get BREAKFAST at Kingsville, as ample time is allowed for that purpose. C. A. SCOTT, Juno 29 Proprietor. MOUNTAIN AIR. fffi^j} PERSONS who desire to pass tho ?^auinmer months in a healthy section, whero good water and mountain air are the principal attractions, can be comfort? ably accommodated at the WALHALLA HOTEL. Traine now run daily each way. Board by tho week or month at reasonable rates. D. BUSMAN N. July 9 , 8mo St. James Hotel, NEW ORLEANS, LA. PBOPBIETOBS: WM. A. HURD, of Now Orleans. W. F. GORRERY, Spottswood Hotel, Rich? mond, Va. ??f Telegraph and Railroad Offices in rotunda of Hotel. July 3 Gmo Wolfe'? Schleilum Schnapps have been before the American public for tho last eighteen years. SOMETHING NEW ? ? CALL AND SEE ! f~t? MY stock nf Gooda ~. y/V has been materially ? '-J ""^VJC flSii^ft'tddcd ;,i durn.g the past Week, and l .mi now prepared ?<. show an excellent si.>ck of JEWELRY. Also. WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, eic. "Tip-top" GOLD PENS- the best manufactured. Persona desirous <>f having the hair of deceased friends i r relatives preserved in enduring stvle, can have it MANUFAC? TURED into RINGS, BREAST-PINS or EAR-RINGS, handsomely or plaiuly orna? mented. ?*- REPAIRING of all kinds faithfully attended to, and at PRICES TO SUIT TH? TIMES. I. SULZBACHER, At J. Hulzbaohcr A Co.'a, Assembly street, opposito Market. Joly 18_ _? Wolfe'? Schiedam Schnapp? are good for all urinary complaints. TO SODTHBSN HBBOBANTS! BOCK ISt?ttO coons* IF von desire to supply yourselves for tho FALL and WINTER TRADE, with the VERY BEST DESCRIPTIONS and STYLES of All-wool CassimeresI AND WITH THE MOST DURABLE Jeans and Kersey Fabrics ! AU free from shoddy and oilier impurities, Order Samples from the subscriber, and they will be forwarded, with prices attach? ed, during thu months of July and August. From these samples you can make your selections and return your orders; and tho goods will bo forwarded directly from tho manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, President Rock Island Manufac. Co., June 2 Imo_Charlotte, N. 0. Wolfe's Sch lr dam Schnapp? are good for Rheumatism._ HATS! HATSF ALARGE stock of STRAW and FELT HATS-cheap. I June 18 ALFRED TOLLESON. FISHER & LOWRANCE, COLUMBIA. S. C. ONE THOU8AND BUSHELS NORTH CAROLINA CORN. 100 bushel North CaroUna OATS. 50 bago FAMILY FLOUR. For salo low by FISHER A LOWRANCE. Aug 9 Flour. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, from now wheat, for sale by June 80 FISHER A LOWRANCE. Bolting Cloths. BEST ANCHOR BRANDS, assorted numbera. May 26 FISHER A LOWRANCE. SODA BISCUIT. FRESH SODA, BUTTER and MILK CRACKER8. OIN GER CAKES, NUTS. Ao. For sale by FISHER A LOWRANCE. May 24 THE TRIUMPH OP ART! MORE TESTIMONY IN FAVOR OF Heinitsh's Queen's Delight. EXTRACTS FBOM LETTER8: "Tho Queen'a Delight is beginning to awaken the attention of our physicians. Its remarkable curative power is seen in its wonderful effect upon disease. As a blood purifier, there is no medicine like it known to tho profession. A gentleman told me that his son has been taking tho Queen's Dolight, and is more benefited by it than by any other medicine. He wants a dozen bottles." Extract from a letter: "It is duo to yon to state in this publio mannor, in order that tho people may know the truth, that I have tried your Queen's Delight, and found it not only what you said it waa-"a pure medicine"-but the beet medicine I nave ever taken for eruptions and general bad health. 1 had an eruption all over my body, with impaired digestion and disor? dered livor, and have tried a great many medicine.-* without any benefit. I have taken ono bottle of your Queen's Delight, the eruption has disappeared, my appetite is hotter, my liver und digestion is im? proved. I am satisfied ono or two moro bottles will enre me." Extract from a letter: "At the close of the war, my constitution wa* shuttered. 1 could not eat, sleep or perform any dirty whatever, such wu? my prostrate condi? tion. Medicine and medical aid I had In abundance, such was my condition up to a few mouths since, when I began the use of your Queen's Delight. I have used two bottles, my constitution ia greatly im? proved, my appetite ia good, enjoy refresh? ing1 sleep, ano am able to perform my whare of daily labor." Extract from a letter-Wonderful effect of only ono bottle: "I have used only a half bottle of 'Queen's Dolight* for boils and eruptions of the skin ann itching hu? mors of the blood, which annoyed me veiw much. I am entirely cured. I think your medicine a valuable one." A remarkable case of liver complaint and headache cared by thu usu of "Heiuitsh's Queen's Delight:" A lady of unquestioned worth and reputation voluntarily gives tes? timony of tho wonderful effectB of this medicino. She has been from early years a martyr to headaches, caused by imper? fect action of the liver, producing intense headache and pain over tho eyes. She has taken only four bottles, and assures us of the perfect cure it has made. She now en? joys good health. Still another: "During last spring. I had boen troubled with obstinate chills and fover, which, when cured, left my system in a wretched condition, blood impure, and I was afilie ted with an angry, and, os I at one time thought, an incurable, cutaneous eruption over my entire body. The most violent remedies suggested failed to work a euro, until, at the instance of a friend, I tried Dr. Heiuitsh's Queen's Delight. Less than two bottles cured mo, leaving my skin in a healthy condition. My R^neralhealth is as good as ever. For such purposes, I have, over sinco my cure, ur hesitatingly recommended your Queen's Delight." Don't buy any but tho right kind. All genuine Queen's Delight has the copy-right mark on the outside, and it is tho only medicine which produces these wonderful cures. For Bale wholesale and retail at FISHER A HEINITSH'S April_Drug Store. Fresh Biscuit and Crackers. BBLS. SUGAR CRACKERS, Bbls. Sod? Biscuit, Bbls. Cream Crackers, M Butter Crackers, " Ginger Schnapps, Just receivod per steamer, and for sale by J. A T. R. AGNEW. JulyO