Newspaper Page Text
3y T?l.o?rxT?^>3a. I ScareM/y/br <A? CWuVnWa P?omto.l Cable De sp At oh??. m LONDON, August 17.?-The rain storms still continue throughout the country, and it is thought the crops will suffer severely ia some districts. ST. PKTBBSBUBG, August 17.-Far? ragut's squadron has arrived at Cron stadt. Tue usual courtesies occur? red. -1-, News Items. WASHINGTON, August 17.-Brown? low disapproves the changes in the Tennessee franohise laws. The volunteor officers on duty in the Sooth will be mustered out as rapidly as possible. Weather olear and cool-travel bas been resumed. Internal revenue receipts to-day $587,000; for the week, $3,264,000. Gen. McCall and Mr. Edgar, of the commissary department of Fort Har? ker, have been placed in the guard house to prevent a duel. CHABIIESTON, August 17.-The to? tal number registered to-day is 677 222 whites, and 455 blacks. NEW OBTJEANS, August 17.-Sheri? dan's anticipated election order was issued to-day. It provides two dayB for the election-September 27 and 28. The con mention is to be composed of ninety-eight members. The Boards of Registration are ordered to com? mence the revision of tho rolla and final registration fourteen days be? fore the election. The number of representatives in each Parish is de? signated. Tho other provisions of the order are unimportant, and con? fined to tho usual details of a general election, except the following: Sec? tion 7. Should violence or fraud be perpetrated at any of the voting pre? cincts, on tho days of election, the offenders will bo punished in tho sevorest manner, and the election within these precincts will be polled over again, under tho protection of United States troops. NEW YOUR, August 17.-Tho steam? er Virgil, which arrived a few days since from New Orleans, was robbed on Wednesday, during tho temporary absence of tho mate; yesterday, she was observed settling. The vessel was found deserted, and a dead man found aboard. The burglar-proof safe of A. W. O'Brien, of Cornish, Maine, was opened and robbed of $20,000. To-day's specie exports amount to $176,(100. SAVANNAH, August 17.-Sixteen of the most populous Counties in Flori? da have been heard from. The whole number registered thus far, is 8,946; 6,703 colored, and 2,583 whites. \ RICHMOND, August 17.-The City Conned, this evening, adopted a pro? test to Gen. Schofield against the city having to support tho paupers and negroes who have emigrated to the city since the war. Mrs. Jefferson Davis arrived here this evening. LANCASTER, PA., August 17.-Rov. H. W. Bealls, a member of the Mi? nisterial Lutheran Synod, of Penn? sylvania, died while administering the Lord's Supper to lils family. He was aged 91 years. FINANCIAL. AND) COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK,' August 17-Noon. Stocks steady. Gold 40%. Sterling 9;,'U'@10)B. Money 5 per cent. Flour -old tending np. Wheat dull. Pork lower-$20.15Ca)20.18. Cotton quiet -middlings 28) .j. 7 P. M.-Cotton very firm; sales of 1,100 bales, at 28'.j. Flour-old still tends up; now irregular-State $7.50 {a 11.75. Wheat firmer. Corn ex eitod, and 2(??.3C. better-Western mixed $1.12@L14)?. Pork heavy, at $23@2G. Gold strong, at 41. Stocks steady. BADTIMOI.E, August 17.-Cotton is dull; stock and demand lights Re? ceipts of flour light, and holders firm since tho freshet; prices unchanged. Wheat steady-good to prime white and red $2.45. Corn scarce-white $1.08?1.12 ; yellow 81.16@1.18. Pro? visions steady and firm. Bacon shouldors 13>?. NEW ORLEANS, August 17.-Sales of cotton 150 bales; market dull-low middling 26@2G}?; receipts 198 bales; exports 2,825 bales. Flour superfine $8.25(^8.50. Corn dull and weaker-mixed $1.03f?ol.05; white $1.10; choice white $1.12?1.15. Oats firm, at 60. No movement in provi? sions. Gold 39%((?40. SAVANNAH, August 17.-Cotton is steady, with sales of 150 bales-mid? dlings 27; receipts 226 bales. Heavy rains continuo. Crop reports good, excepting from sections whero tho caterpillar has appeared. AUGUSTA, August 17.-Cotton mar? ket dull, and prices lower; sales 26 bales-middlings 26. MOWLE, August 17.-Sales of cot? ton 200 bales; market firm-low mid? dling 25; receipts 24 bales. LONDON, August 17-2 P. M. Consols 94 5"'. Bonds weak, at 73%. LIVERPOOL, August 17-2 P. M. Cotton quiet. Breadstuffs steady. HAMS AND BACON STRIPS, SUGAB-O?RED. t JOHN G. SEF.GERS A CO.'S, Aug 4 Wolfe'* Schiedam Schnapps havo boen boforo the Amorican public for tho last eighteen years. t_ FRESH LEMONS. JUST received at Aug 6 J. C. SEEGERS A CO.'S. FRESH ARRIVALS. KITS SHAD ROE. Tieroes Extra Sugar-Cared HAMB. Tierces Pure Leaf LARD. Firkins prime Goshen BUTTER. Boxes English Dairy, New York State Factory sud Pino Apple CHEESE. Genuine Imported English ALE and PORTER, pints. Pale, Stearine, Chemical. Oliro and a full assortment of Fanoy SOAPS, at reduced prices. , Choice TEAS-Oolong, Young Hyson, Ao. O JFFEE-Old Government Java, Rio, Ac. Fresh Trenton CRACKERS. Now Country FLOUR, Extra Family, low. Frosh Beat primo Carolina RICE. Crosse A Blackwell's PICKLES, assorted. French FRUITS, in Rrandv. MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac. Fresh Goods received from New York and Baltimore hy every steamer, aud of forod at lowest cash prices. Aug 2 GEO. SYMMER8. Bacon and Corn. 20 OOO C?8IDE3SBACON CLEAR 20,000 pounds Clear Ribbed Sides. 20,000 '* Ribbed " 10,000 " Shouldora. 300 sacks Liverpool Salt. 2,000 bushels White Corn. 20 bbls. Now Orleano Molasses. 20 " Muscovado Molasses. 20 " West India Molasses. 20 halos Gunny Cloth. 20 coils half-inch Manilla Ropo. 20 ** " Hemp " 1,000 ponnds Hemlock Solo Leather. SOO " Upper Leather. For salo by COPELAND A BEARDEN. July 30 Imo_ Georgia Cotton Gins. THE subscribers, agents tor Messrs. W. G. Clemons, Brown A Co., of Colum? bus, Oa., are prepared to UH orders for their GINS, which comprise Single and Donblo Cylinder, and adapted to either water or horse power. These Gins are made by a factory established over twenty years ago, and comprise all the chief points of excellence, nainolv: SPEED, LIGHT DRAUGHT and GOOD SAMPLE. DPT Circulars sent when requested. RICHARD O'NEALE A SON. _AngJ3_UGwf_ REMOVAL. /"3? H AVING removed mv FUR- ? f\_ NITURE business to tho Na-fH QgpBQtional Express old stand, IIB would bo glad to seo my former pa- 'T* trons and tho public generallv Rive mo a call, as I have a nice stock of FURNITURE on hand, and will mako to order or repair anything in tho Furniture lino very reason? able, and workmanship to please even thc most fastidious. JEROME FAGAN, Washington st., bet. Main and Assem'y, A few doors from old stand. Aug 10_ fimo FOR SALE," GA C. RAILROAD BONDS. . C. A S. C. Railroad Stock. New York Exchauge. WANTED-C. A 8. C. Railroad Bouds and Coupons. THOS. E. GREGG A CO. Aug ll_ Wolfe'? Schiedam Schnapps are re commended by all tho medical faculty. CANDY. -| O BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, low for y?? cash at J. C. SEEGERS A CO.'S. Aug 9_ OIL! OIL! -| f\ BBLS. Kerosene and Machinery WJ OLL, just received and for sale at greatly roduced prices by _^nJ?A_ J. A T. R. AGNEW. What Do You Drink!- Wolfe's Schio dam Schnapps, lt checks the disarrange? ment of the bowels in warm climates. C L A RET. ON TUESDAY next, 13th inst., wo will have on draught ono pipe CLARET Very LOW for cash by Aug ll E. A G. D. HOPE. Bacon and Tobacco. ONE THOUSAND lbs. Country BACON SIDES. 1,000 lbs. Killickinick Smoking Tobacco. 10 boxes low-priced Chewing " . 3 bales 7-8 Heavv Shirting. For sale low by ALFRED TOLLESON. AugO_ Wolfe's Schicilam Schnapps are good for Rheumatism. FOOD FOR CHILDREN. PREPARED FROM WHEAT. It is almost identical with milk in chemical composition, and contains abundant sup? plies of every element of hoddy organiza? tion. For salo bv FISHER A HEINIT8H, Druggists. Aug 4_ PINE APPLE CHEESE. Ork CHOICE PINE APPLE CHEESE, OU just received and for sale bv July 25 J. k T. Ji. AGNEW. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapp? are put up in quart and pint bottles, with tho pro pri jtor's name on tho bottle, cork and label. Pure Old Brandy ! AFEW CASES just received, and is par ticularly adapted for medicinal pur? poses. Tho rich, delicate and tine proper? ties of this Brandy is especially desirable to givo strength to tho weak and vigor to tho invalid. Thoso who really appreciate a choice Brandy, will find that the ago, purity and exquisito flavor will recommend it to both sick and well. At ^ub/lj4_mG__ E. POLLARD'S. NO. 1 MACKEREL. AFRESH SUPPLY, just roceived at July 12 _ J. C. SEEGERS A CO.'S. Violin and Guitar STKINGrS ! ALARGE and choico selection of ge? nuine ITALIAN STRINGS-some? thing very durable, and also desirable, for their clear sweet tone. Also, a full assortment of VIOLONCEL? LO STRINGS; a varioty of VIOLIN BOWS, SCREWS. TAIL and FINGER HOARDS, VIOLIN BRIDGES, ROSIN, Ac. Ju'it received at E. POLLARD'S. AUK 1 mw24* THOS. E. GREGG & CO., BROKERS. STOCKS, Bonds, Gold and Exohango bought and sold. Oluco at GREGG A CO.'S._i_July 31 HATS! HATS! ALARGE stock of STRAW and FELT HATS-cheap. June 18 ALFRED TOLLESON. MABIE ANTOINETTE, ANOTHER-the latest production of Miss Mublbach'a pen. Randolph Gudan, and other stories, by "Ouida," author of Idalia, Chbidos, Ac. Last Chronicle- of Barset; by Anthony Trollope; with illustrations. Youth's History of Great C?T? War, for 1801 to 1865; by R. G. Horton. Subscrip? tions received. Globo Edition of Bnlwor's Novels, on tinted paper, bound in groen Morocco cloth. Each novel sold separately. AIHO, a number of Cooks in thc German Language. At DUFFIE & CHAPMAN'S August 17_Bookstore. In the District Court of the United States for the District of South Carolina. In the maleer of if elvin M. Cohen, ?nj ichom a petition for adjudication of bankruptcy iras fited on thc iiOlh day of July, A. 1). 1807, in said Court. IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS is to give notico that, on the 30th day of July, A. D. 18G7, a Warrant in Bankruptcv was issued against tho Estato of MELVIN M. COHEN, of Columbia, in tho District of Bichland and State of Sunt h Carolina, who has been adjudged a bank nipt on his own potition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to "hun or for his uso, and tho transfer of any property by him, aro forbidden by law; that a meet? ing of tho creditors of the said banknipt, to provo their dobts, and to choose ono or moro assignees of his Estate, will bo hold at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Wianeboro. in the District of Fairtield. S. C., before J. M. Rutland. Register in Bank ruptcv, on the '27th day of August, 1HG7, at 12 o'clock m. J. P. M. EPPING. United States Marshal, August 17 3 As Messenger RICHARD O'NGALE & SON, Commission Merchants. F1?0M this dav, our charge for storage on COTTON will he 25 CENTS ABALE PER MONTH. Our largo Brick Ware? houses are situated separato from other buildings, and, having a watchman con? stantly on guard, wc believe them moro Bccuru from lire than any other in tho city. Wo aro prepared to make LIBERAL AD? VANCES ON COTTON consigned to our friends in Charleston or Liverpool. ON HAND, 30 bales Gunny Cloth, 100 coils of Grcenleaf aud Manilla Rope, 10,000 pounds C. R. Bacon Sides, 500 bushels White and Mixed Corn, 200 pounds Baling Twine, Which wo offer at marke', rates. August 13 ||uwt COPELAND & BEARDEN, Commission Merchants, COL U MB IA, S. C. STORAGE ON COTTON 25 cents a bale per month. We are prepared to make LIBERAL AD? VANCES on COTTON, and will ship aud attend to tho salo of the same in Charles? ton, New York or Liverpool. We have on hand a largo and well selected stock of BAGGING, BALE ROPE, BACON, SOLE, UPPER and HARNESS LEATHER, which wo offer at LOW PRICES, having bought beforo tho late advance. August ll Imo CRAWFORD & FRIDAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBIA, S. C. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JAMIES K. FRIDAY. rn-T WILL reeuive on storage COT R&^JfTON, MERCHANDIZE and COUN iHWBritY PRODUCE, and sell or forward the samo when desired. Liberal advances mado on consignments of Cotton through us to our friends in Charleston or New York, and forwarded freo of charge. Our Warehouse being located adjacent to tho South Carolina Railroad Depot, the item of drayage will cost but half thc rates as from other parts of ttio city. Ratos of Storage on Cotton reduced to 25 couts a halo per month. Aug O' ?2mo Harvey's Rat and Mice Paste. QET RID OF THE RA TS. HARVEY'? RAT PASTE extermin?tes Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants fr your store-room, cum houses or cribs, your kitchens, your houses; Baves you mo? ney in providing for these thieves; a sure cure for these depredators and destroyers. For sale by FISHER A HEINITSH, Aug 7 Dnitrgists. _ 350 POUNDS KEW CROP TURNIP SEED, Comprising thc following varieties: IMPROVED YELLOW RUTA BAGA, WHITE SWEDISH NORFOLK, SNOW-BALL, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, GLOBE, and RED TOP. Received by last steamer from Philadel? phia. Parties desiring FRESH AN I) RELIABLE ?EED, Can procure them AT MIOT'S DRUG STORE. July 21_ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps are good for all kidney and bladder complaint-. SOMETHING NEW I : CALL AND SEE ! MY stock of Gooda c . Q. -? has been materially f&r __iaddcd to during tho past wcok, and _ am now prepared to show an excellent stock of JEWELRY. Also, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, etc. "Tip-top" GOLD PENS-tho best manufactured. Persons desirous of having tho hair ot deceased friends or relatives preserved in ondnring stylo, can have it MANUFAC-' TUBED into RINGS, BREAST-PINS or j EAR-RINGS, handsomely or plainly orna? mented. VT REPAIRING of all kinds faithfull attended to, and at PRICES TO SUIT Tnt TIMES. I. SULZBACHER, At J. Sulzbacher A Co.'s, Assembly htreet, opposite Market. July 12 MARIE ANTOINETTE AND HEB SON-?n Historical Novel; by Mublbacb. Christianity and its Conflicts; by Maror. Called to Account; by tho anthor of "On Cuard." 60 Couts. No Man's Friend-a Novel; by Bobbi aon. 75 Cents. The Doom, and other new Poetne; by Jean Bigelow. And other new publications, for sale at McCARTER'S New Bookstore, At B. L. BRYAN'S Old 8taud, August 17 _ Main Street. UNIVERSITY OF South Carolina. Aft^ THE next session of this In //tflfti st it ut ion will open on the FIRST " rBfmMONDAY of October, and con ^HB^gEtinuo without interruption until Tf??* tho 1st of July following. *??s?r Applicants must bo at least fifteen years of ago. Each student may select his schools, but, in tho Academic Department, must, unless specially ex? cused by tho Chairman of the Faculty, attend at least three. The Law and Medical Schools having recently been fully organized, there aro now three departments in tho Uuivcrsitv. I. ACADEMIC. II. LAW. III. MEDICINE. The aggregate expenses, including tui? tion, board, wood, lights and washing, fot the scesion of nine months, will be: For Academic Student, attending three Professors, about,.$30i For Law Student, about.281 For Medical Student, attending a full course, about. 37( *a"For catalogues, giving additional in formation, address Rev. C. Bruce Walker Secretary, or R. W. BARNWELL, Chairman of thc Faculty, Aug 0 2mo Columbia, S. C. FEMALE- SEMINARY. yf^^ THE next term of the sub scriber's SCHOOL will com '-jijjjHMf'ilenee on MONDAY, Septembe ',yKji2, and continuo sixteen weeks JStjJ^ H" Friday, December 20, at th following rates, payable half il advance: Tuition in Spelling, Reading, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, with Writing commenced.$ Above, with Euglish Grammar and El? ementary History. 1 Above, with higher English Studies, Mathematics. Ac.1 Above, with Latin or French.S Munie ou Piano .? Board.i aa~lf desired, instruction will bo give to a Select Class of Young Ladies, tim afternoons in the week. Competent Assistants will be employe in the Elementary and Musical Depar Dient?. Applv at corner of Camden ar Pickensstreets. W. MULLER* Aug 1 Imo Medical College OP VIRGINIA, RICHMONI Session of 1867--'68. THE next Annual Course of Lectur will commenco on tho tirst day of C lober, 1867, and continuo until tho 1st March ensuing, making a term of ft mouths. D. H. TUCKER, M. D., Professor Practice of Medicine. B. R. WELLFORD, M. D., Professor Materia Medica, A'c. L. S. JOYNES, M. D., Professor of Pl Biology. Ac. JAMES B. M. CAW, M. D., Professor Chemistry. HUNTER McC.UIRE, M. D., Profess of Surgery. H. T. COLEMAN, M. D., Professor Obstetrics, Ac. F. D. CUNNINGHAM, M. D., Profea; of An.itomv. E. S. GAILLARD, M. D., Professor General Pathology, Ac. I. H. WHITE, M. D., Demonstrator Anatomy. Tho advantages offered bv this sch< both for THEORETICAL* AND 1Mb 'ilCAL INSTRUCTION, are greater tl at any previous period. Abundant t'ai ties are afforded for tho prosecution Practical Anatomy. CLINICAL INSTRUCTION at the H aid's Grove Hospital, the College Hosp and the Richmond City Dispensary, loca in the College Building. EXPENSES. -Matriculation, ?.">; Pro surs' fees, each, $15; Demonstrator of A toiny, ?10; Graduation, $30. Board i be obtained at from r? to $7 per week. For further information, or a copy of catalogue, applv to 'L. S. JOYNES, M. D., July 27 s". Dean of the Facult WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Medical Departmei BALTIMORE, M. 1). FACULTY. Rev. THOMAS E. BOND. M. D., Presid G. C. M. ROBERTS, M. D., Emeritus : fesaor of Obstetrics and Disease Women and Children. A. J. FOARD, M. D., Professor of Desi tivo and Surgical Anatomv. J. P. LOGAN, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, HARVEY L. BYRD, M. D., Professe Obstetrics. MARTIN P. SCOTT, M. D., Profess! tho Diseases of Women and Childre LnWAItD WARREN. M. D., Profess? tho Principles and Practico of Surgi JOHN F. MONMONIER, M. D., Prob of Phvsiologv and General Patholo; J. J. MOORMAN, M. D., Professor of 5 cal Jurisprudence and Hygiene. JOSEPH E. CLAGETT, M. D., Profi of Materia Medica and Therapeutic: CLARENCE MO REIT, M. D., Profess Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy. JOHN N. MONMONIER, M. D., De; strator of Anatomy. THE next session of this inetitutioi commence on tho FIRST TUES OF OCTOBER NEXT, and continu live months. Ono student from each Congress District of tho late slaveholding S will bo admitted to all tho privileg this University, upon tho payniei thirty-five dollurs for each session i tendance. , All the subjects embraced in the c cilium will bo thoroughly taught and porly illustrated. Evory facility will bo afforded for cal study and Anatomical inrettigatioi EEKS.-Matriculation, $5; Disset flit; Professors, $120; Graduation, Beneficiary, $35. For further information, apply tc subscriber, A. J. FOARD, M. D., Doan, No. 47 Libtrtv st., N. E. corner < Lexington, or Barnum's Ho Aug C 1 Charleston Advertisements. Flour, Grain and Produce. IHAVE made arrangements with Mesera. Street Brothers A Co. to sell, oil com? mission, all kinds of PRODUCE consigned to them. I will devoto my personal atten? tion to tho salo of the same. With an oxperienco of twenty vears in the Flonr and drain Unsmoss, and with the advice ann assistance of Messrs. Street Brothers A Co., I am confident that any business entrusted to them will provo satisfactory to thoso who favor the house with consignments. They will mako libe? ral cash advances on all produce shipped to them for sale or shipment to their friends in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore. G. A. NEUFFER. tur Address all letters to "Street Bro? thers A Co., Charleston, 8. C." August ll mw2mo Wool, Hides, Beeswax. TT7E are prepared to purchase tho MM abovo articles at tho HIGHEST PRICES for CASH on dolivory. tfW Prites Current sent free to parties through the count rv. ( "MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, Vendue Baugo, Charleston. Aug 1 mw3mo MITLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS well-known FIRST-CLASS HOTEL has boen thoroughly ropair .ed, refitted and refurnished, and is | ] now ready for tho accommodation of thc traveling public, whoso patronage is re? spectfully solicited. Tho proprietor promises to do all in his power for tho comfort of his guests. _March_ 2J._JOSEPHJ^URCELL, Proper. Charleston Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. COACHES always in readiness to convey passengers to and from tho Hotel. Feb 2G WHITE St MIXER. Proprietors. Livery and Sale Stables, _ CHALMERS STREET, Charleston. S. C. DEI JMFIGHEN & BAKER, Pro-j il /I prietors. Carriages. Photons, Bug- i < gies and Saddle Horses to hire, at all hours. ' ' Mules and Horses for salo. Feb 27 New York Advertisements. JOHN MAC GREGOR & CO., 17S anti ISO Pearl Street, New York, IMPORTERS. Manufacturers and Dealers in INDIA, SCOTCH and KENTUCKY RAGGING, GUNNY BAGS and BURLAP, suitable for Wheat and Corn Sacking; also, a largo and complete stock of Bale Rope, embracing Western machine-made Hemp, Manilla, Flax and Jute, Baling Twines, etc., all of which they offer at fair prices. July 24 2mo_ GEO. C. DUNBAR, Banker, und CommiHglon Broker IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, Tele? graph and Express Stocks, County} City I j and To?? ; Bonds, Gas Stocks and miecel-1 laneous R-ilroad Securities. No. 7 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. ?"Refers to Dr John Fisher and Col. L. D. Childs, Colom? bia, S;_C._ _July 19 3mo "Wolfe".-. Schiedam Schnapps aro good for all urinary complainte. " STEVENS HOUSE, 21,23, 25 AND 27 BROADWAY, JV. Y. OPPOSITE DOWLING QUEEN. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN THE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the traveling public Tho location ia especially suitable to mer chants and buaineaa men; it is in close proximity to the business part of tho citf, is on thehighway of Southern and West? ern travel, and adjacent to all the priuci pal railroad and steamboat depots Tho Stevena Houso has liberal accom modation for over 300 guests; it is well fur lushed, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort "and enter? tainment of ita inmates. Tho rooms hav ing been refurnished and remodeled, wc are enabled to oller extra facilities for tho comfort and plcasuro of our guests. Thc rooms aro spacious and well ventilated provided with gaa and water; tho attend? ance ia prompt and respectful, and the tabbi is generously provided with every delicacy of thc season-at moderate ratea. GEO. K. CHASE A CO., May 31 finio Proprietors._ Wolfe's Schiedam Sehnapp? have a depot in all the largo cities in the Union. ~7AMES~C?NNERS SONS EXITED STATES TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE. NOS. 28, 30 and 32 Centre streot, (corner of Rcide street, ) New York. The typo on which this paper ia printed ia from t(io abovo Foundry. Nov 18 SOUTHERN BANK NOTES! SOUTHERN SECURITIES! Bought anil sold on commiasion by LAWRENCE, BROS. & CO., BANKERS, NO. IC WALL STREET. NEW YORK. MONEY rooeived on deposit from banks, bankera, merchants and others. Or ders in Gold, Government and other Secu? rities executed at tho regular Stock Ex? change by a member of tho firm. Consign? ments of Cotton solicited. April 8 DEWITT C. LA WHENCE. JOHN B. CECIL. CYRUS J. LAWRENCE. WM. A. HALSTED NOTICE. BREAKFAST HOUSE. 1) ASS EN GERS leaving Columbia on tho South Carolina Railroad by tho morning train, can got BREAKFAST at Kingsville, as ample time is allowed for that purpose. C. A. SCOTT, Juno 20 Proprietor. "MOUNTAIN AIR. ifni* PERSONS who deairo to pass tho "^summer months in a healthy section, where good water and mountain air aro tho principal attractions, can bo comfort? ably accommodated at tho WALHALLA HOTEL. Trains now run daily each way. Board by thc week or month at reasonable rates. D. IM K.MANN. July 9__3mo St. James Hotel, NEW ORLEANS, LA. PHOPRIETOBS: WM. A. HURD, of Now Orleans. W. F. CORKERY, Spottswood Hotel, Rich? mond, Va. mr Telegraph and Railroad O?icos in rotunda of Hotel. July 3 Gino A-ULOtioDOL Sales SHERIFF'S SALES. O Y virtue of eundry writs of fieri facias [> to mo directed, I will sell, on tho <TR8T MONDAY and TUESDAY in Sep. ember next, before the Court House in Columbia, within the legal hours, Tho following PROPERTY, viz: 4 pits of Crudo Turpentine, of tho fol owing dimensions, viz: Ono pit 40x15 feet, t feet deep* two pits 30x15 feet, 6 feet deep; me pit 15x10 feet, 6 feet deep -on tho dantation formerly known as Hocott A tawliusou, on the Son th Carolina Railroad, lix miles below Columbia. Levied on as he property o? Daniol D. Hocott, at the mit or tho Rank of Camden, 8. C., vs. Janiel D. Hocott. ALSO, At the store of Melvin M. Cohen, on As lembly street, between Sonato and Pen? laton streets, in Columbia, the entire ?tock of Merchandize, consisting of: Drugs iud Medicines, Groceries, Liquors and tm issortnient of Shelf Goods such as are mindly kept in a grocory store. Also, at dio same place, the following articles of Household Furniture, viz: 16 Mahogany Uhairs, 2 Rosewood Tables, [small,] 1 Mar? aki top Table, 1 Dining Table, 7 Oak Cane scat Chairs, 4 Fancy Cane-seat Chairs, 2 [tocking Chairs, 1 Lounge, 1 Fender, 1 pair Brass Andirons. 1 Mahogany Redstead, 1 Mahogany Warurobo,3 Mahogany bureaus, I Washstand, 4 Mattresses. Levied on as the property of Melvin M. Cohen, at the mit of T. J. Moise A Co. et al. VB. Melvin M. Cohen. Terms cash. F. W. GREEN, 8. R. D. Aug 18 t PWG?NS! Readv for tho Season, at tho MANUFACTORY. Send your order to tho South Carolina Cotton Gin Wauchouse, COLUMBIA, S. C. THEY GIN Faster. Cleaner and make a better Sample than any Gins in tho country with tho samo power. They have been adopted by tho East India Cotton Agency Company, by the Manchester Cot? ton Supply Association, by tho Yicoroy of Egypt, and by the Governments of Turkey, Brazil, Italy, Greeco and India, in thoir efforts to raise thia staplo in thoir midst; und thoir merits are even moro fully un? derstood by those using thom in our own country during tho last two yearB. They aro also warranted to givo satisfaction, or no sale. ALSO. Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, ?Sic. Wood's MOWING and REAPING MACHINES, which have taken the first premium at the Paris Ex? position. The following gentlemen, to whom I have recently sold these Machines, will gladly testify to thoir merits: Dr. B. W. Taylor, Columbia. S. C. W. L. Mikoll, Columbia, 8. 0. Gen. J. J. Bratton, Winnsboro, 8. C. M. E. DeGraffonroid, Chester, 8. C. O. O. WeUs, Newberry, 8. C. J. P. Kinard, Newberry, 8. C. J. F. Hitchers, Union, 8. C. L. A. Lowrance, Salisbury.'N. C. Terms accommodating. Address, w. B. LOWRANCE:, South Carolina Cotton Gin Warehouse, Aug ll Imo Columbia, 8. C. A. It. COLTON, Proprietor._ TO SOUTHERN MIMANTS! ROCK tStaUD GOODS. IF you desire to supply yourselves for the FALL and WINTER TRADE, with the VERY BEST DESCRIPTIONS and STYLES of All-wool Cassimeres! AND WITH THE MOST DURABLE Jeans and Kersey Fabrics ! AU free from shoddy and other iynjmrilies. Order Samples from tho subscriber, and they will ho forwarded, with prices attach? ed, during tho months of July and AugU9t. From these samples you can mako your selections and return your orders; and the goods will bo forwarded directlv from the manufactory. JOHN A. YO?NG, President Rock Island Manufac. Co., Juno 2 4mo Charlot to, N. C. I)c*v of tl?e Alp*.-Udolpho Wolfo, sole agent for the above cordial, manufactured in Geneva, Switzerland, i? used by all the crowned heads of Europe. _ wura IN THE PRICE OF Clothing!! AS is our usual custom at the close of each season, we now oner our stock of SPRING CLOTHING AT COST! BARGAINS in BOYS' CLOTHING, ALL-WOOL CASSIMERES & TWEEDS. R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD, Walker's Block. N. B.-We are daily mak? ing additions to our stock of Clothing, with GOODS OF OUR OWN MANUFAC? TURE. May 14