Newspaper Page Text
' THE I) AIL Y ... JK PHONIX. Da ly Paper ?,8 a Year "Let our Just Censuro j2^^^^^?^Sfi^l^. Attend the True Event." Tri-Weekly $5 a Year HY JULIAN' A. SELBY. COLUMBIA. S. C.. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1867. VOLUME HT-NO 130. THE PHOENIX, PUBLISHED DAILY AXD TRI-WEEKLY. THE CLEANER. EVERY WEDNESDAY MORXrXO. BY JULIAN A. SELBY. CITY PRINTER. Oiuee on Main street, a few doors abovo Taylor (or Camdon.) street. TER MS-IN ADVANCE. ? scpscntmox. Duilv Paper, six months.$4 00 Tri-Wooklv, "? " . 2 50 Weekly, " ?? " . 1 50 ADVERTISE!! EXT9 Inserted at 75 cents per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent. Weekly 75 cents each insertion. O* A liberal discount 7iiade on the above rates when advertisements are inserted by the month or year. AOENTS. W. C. Moore, Abbeville. J. R. Allen, Chester. Julius Poppe, Anderson C. IT. S. P. Kinard, Newberrv C. H. W. T. Sims, Union. J. M. Allen, Greenville. The manner in which far Western towns accommodate themselves to exigencies is amusing. ' Nebraska City, having been damaged by diver? sion of travel by the Union Pacific Railroad, is gradually disappearing, and the North Platte Index says that that city is disappearing ns if bj' jugglery. It says: It is a novel Bight to see a whole town packing up aud walking off in 2? single day. Nearly every who has been engaged in busi? ness here is going into business at Jnlesburg. The next number of the Index will be published at Jnlesburg." POPDI?ATION OP MILWAUKEE.-Two years ago, a census showed that the population of Mal wau kee was 55,000, and the Sentinel now claims, on tho basis of a directory, just published, 76,000 permanent citizens, and also predicts that in 1870, three years hence, that city will roll np an enu? meration considerably over 100,000. TO RENT, THAT desirable COTTAGE RESI? DENCE, on Assembly street, next to .the Catholic Church. Apply at this office._Aug 18 CAUTION! CAUTION! ! IT has come to our knowledge that per? sons from the conntrv and city, order? ing that GREAT MI? Did NE, the QUEEN'S DELIGHT, have their ordern filled by an? other medicine, called Epping's Sarsapa? rilla. This is a pernicious habit on the part of any druggist or apothecary to make such substitutions, and it must re? flect upon their pharmaceutical knowledge to say to their customers that they are the same, when it is known they do not know I the constituents of the medicine Queen's1 Delight, as prepared by Heinitsh. This is to caution the people that "HEI NITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT" is an en? tirely different article-a new pharmacon f tical product and combination of roots and gnma, and is the only medicino that per? forms so many extraordinary curcB among the people. Over 1,600 bottles have boen sold at our store in less than oleven months, and tho demand increasing from all parts of the country. Purchasers should bo careful to ask for "Hemitsh's Queen's Delight." This is the name. Please remember it-"Queen's De? light." For sale by FISHER lt HEINITSH, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Aug 18_._ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnnpp* arc good for Gout._ Tomatoes, Peaches, Okra, Corn. PRESERVE them for winter use by usiogthe PRESERVING FLUID just un i ved and for salo by FISHER & HEINITSH, Aug 10_Druggists. FOR RENT, MTHE large and commodious RESI? DENCE, on Senate street, South of Trinity (Episcopal) Church, containing 13 large roomr., with gas, and extensivo ont buildings attached. It is admirably adapt? ed for a first-class boarding house, and, from its situation, is well suited for a boarding school. Apply to Aug ie imo_J." s. MCMAHON. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapp? arc a preventive for chills and fever. Magistrate and Notary Public. WILL attend promptly to all o?ico bu? siness. May be found at tho Phoenix Office during business hours. Aug IC i E\v FLOWSWPINIKW. K RBLS. BEE-HIVE SYRUP. *J 500 bushels Whit?) and Mixed CORN. 100 sacks Extra FAMILY FLOUR. Low for cash by Bj ft G. D. HOPE. Cigars and Tobacco. THE undersigned has just rc ::eived, and keeps constautlv on liand, a largo and varied stock of CIGARS. Also, a large supply of SMOKING and CHEWING TO? BACCO, of all brands. F. A. SCHNEIDER. Aug 15 Plain stree*. FOR SALE, C\ ft C. RAILROAD RONDS. \X? C. A 8. C. Railroad Stock. New York Exchange. WANTED-C. ft 8. C. Railroad Bo,,d<i and Coupons. THOS. E. GREGG ft CO. Aug 1? SPECIAL NOTICES. REGISTRATION. 1st Precinct. Richland District, S. C. THIS Board will commence duty August li), for tho accommodation or tho voters at Camp Ground, and will sit in session, bo tweet, tho hours of 9 a. m. and S o'clock p. m., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, An I gust 10, 20 and 21. On tho 221, it will convene at Ford's Mill and will servo six hours d uly, nt above time, for three days, viz: Thursday, Fri? day and Saturday, August 22, 23 and 24 thus alternating three days in a week at each place, until registration is complete. Tho books v ill be open for public inspec? tion, at Camp Ground, September 10, ll, 12, 13 and 14. The final session, for revis? ing the lists, will be held September 23, 21 and 25. Tho books for Ford's Mill box will be open for public inspection September IC. 17, 18, 1U and 20. The final session, for revising tho lists, will be held on tho 26th, 27th and 28th. All persons qualified to vole under the provisions of tho Act of Congress passed March 2, isr?7, entitled "An Act to provide for tho moro Elu>ie:it Government of the Rob? 1 States," and tho several Ac!t? sup? plementary thereto, are invited to appear before the Board of Registration. JAMES WINDSOR, Chairman Board Registration First Freciuct, Ric) il ami District, S. C. Aug 14_6_ NO medicino has ever been introduced whic!: has become so popular, both with physician and.patient, asPANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS. They have been exten? sively nscd, and numerous testimonials have been received, bearing evidence of the undeniable fact that they, never fail to relievo dyspepsia, nausea, headache, nerv? ous debility and other diseases arising from the stomach or liver. For salo by ali druggists. Dn. C. H. MIOT, Agent. April 16_tnly_ PARTIES who expect me to GIN their COTTON will please notify mo at once, and state the probable time and amount to be Ginned. . W. B. LOWRANCE. August ll_ To Remove. On or about the loth of September next, we propose to move our business stand, and occupy the "LARGE CENTRE STORE," in Walker's Building, Main street, situated on tho square opposite the Court House. Until that time, we will bo found at tho old stand, still offering our great bargains in Dry Goods. Jnly 31_R. 0. SHIVER. DEW OF THE ALPS. * For sale wholesale by all the grocers in New Orleans, Charleston, Mobile, Savan? nah and Now York. DEW OF THE ALPS Received the first premium at thc Paris Exposition. DEW OF THE ALPS. The manufacturers of tho above cordial not only received tho first premium at tho Paris Exposition, but were decorated by the Emperor. DEW OF THE ALPS. For sale by all tho druggists, grocers and fruit stores in the United States. BRANDY, RUM AND "TNES. 5,000 cases old Cognac Br y, imported especially for private use. 300 cases old Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, bottled before the war. 10,000 cases Madeira' Sherry and Port some very old and superior-various brands: all warranted pure. For salo by UDOLPHO WOLFE, Aug 16 3mo 22 Beaver st., New York. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. Wolfe'* Schiedam Schnapps have been before the American public for tho last eighteen years._ TO MARRY OR NOT TO MARRY I WHY NOT? Serious Reflections for Young Men, in Essays of the Howard As? sociation, on the Physiological Errors, Abuses and Diseases induced by ignorance of nature's laws, in tho first age of man. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH? TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. May 10 3mo BATCHBliOR'S HAIR UYE-This splendid Hair Dye is th? bei?t in tho world. The only true nnd perfect Dye-harmless, reliublo, instantaneous. No disappoint? ment. No ridiculous tints. Natural black or brown. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. Thc genuine is signed Wil? liam A. Batchelor. All others aro mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all druggists and perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay street, New York. tfW Boware of a counterfeit. Dec ll ly Bartlett's Reversible Sewing Ma? chines. THE most perfect and simple machino made, for stitching, hemming, tuck? ing, braiding, Ac. ONLY $25. A new supply of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES-WASHER AND WRINSER. Price i5. JOEL KETCHUM, JR. ft CO., July 30 ! Agents. MARIE ANTOINETTE, ANOTHEU-the latest production of Miss Muhlbach's pen. 1U nd .Iph Gudau, and other st or los, by "Onida," author of Idalia, dundos, Ac. Last Chronicle of Barset; hy Anthony Trollope; with illustrations. Youth's Historv of Great Civil War, for 1861 to 1K?3; hy it. G. Horton. Subscrip? tions received. Globe Edition of Buhvcr's Novels, on tinted paper, bound in green Morocco cloth. Each novel sold separately. Also, a number of Hooks in the German La i . gu a gc. At DUFFIE A CHAPMAN'S August 17 Bookstore. Wolli'* Sr li leda m Scluiupps aro good for all kidney and bladder complaints. REMOVAL. HAVING removed my FUR? NITURE business to the Na _|tienal Express old stand, I would bo glad to soo my former pa? trons and tho public generativ give mo a call, as I have a nice stock of FURNI TURE on hand, and will make to order or repair anything in tho Furniture line very reason? able, and workmanship to please even the most fastidious. JEROME FAGAN, Washington st., hot. Main and Assein'y, A few doors from old stand. Au ir 10 _Gmo ~MARLE ANTOINETTE A ND HER SON-an Historical Novel; A. hy Mnhlbach. Christianity and its Conflicts; by Marcy. Called to Account; by tho author of "()n G nani." TiO Cents. No Man's Friend-a Novel; by Robin? son. 75 Cents. Tho Doom, and other new Poems; by Joan bigelow. And other now publications, for sale nt McCARTER'8 New Rookstorc, At R. L. BRYAN'S Old Stand, August 17 Main Street. A PARTNER WANTED, IN a PLANTING INTEREST, next year. A Plantation as good as any in tho Stat o and in good repair, and my own time and attention furnished-if any responsi? ble party will furnish money to carry it on. For furlhor particulars, address "C. V. D.," Colombia P. P., S. C._Aug 13 tuf Dew of ?he Alps.-This cordial has only to bo tasted to be appreciated. TWO WIDOW LADIES, WITH several daughters, can obtain good SITUATIONS, and steady em? ployment, bv applying immediately to CHILDS, JOHNSON A PALMER, iu this city, or at Saluda Factory._Aug 15 'Wolfe'? sci??etinni ScUu?pp? are used all over tho world by tho physicians in their practice. Twine, Rope, Iron Ties, Sagging. OAA LBS. TWINE, 50 coils ROPE. ?Uvl 100 bundles patent IRON TIES. 20 halos superior BAGGING, just re? ceived. Planters will lind it greatly to their advantage to givo us a call before purchasing elsewhere. AUK 14 J. A T. R. AGNEW. FLOUR! FLOUR! ! I7JRESH-OROUND FLOUR, at wholesale . and retail, at _Aug6 JOHN C. 8EEQER8 A CO.'S. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps should be in the hands of every housekeeper. CORN. 1 000 CORN Vrc8teru WHITE 500 bushels Western MIXED CORN. At LOW PRICES for CASH by COPELAND A BEARDEN. Aug G_Imo The best Season to Plant Turnip Seed. JUST RECEIVED: WAITE'S ECLIPSE. LARGE WHITE GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA. For sale cheap at FISHER A HEINITSII'S, Druggists. Aug ll_ CANDY. 1 O BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, low for cash at J. C. SEEGERS A CO.'S. Aug q_ OIL! OIL! -t f\ BRLS. Kerosene and Machinery 1_\J OIL, just received and for sale at greatly reduced prices bv Au?_4__ J. A T. R. AGNEW. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro good for colic and pain in the stomach. HAMS AND BACON STRIPS, SUGAR-CURED, at JOHN C. SEEGERS A CO.'S, Aug 4 FRESH LEMONS. JUST received at AngO J. C. SEEOERS.V CO/S. C L A RE T . ON TUESDAY next, 13th inst., we will have on draught ono pipe CLARET Yorv LOW for cash by Angil E. AG. V. HOPE. Bacon and Tobacco. ONE THOUSAND lbs. Country BACON SID KS. 1,000 lbs. Killickiniok Smoking Tobacco. 10 boxes low-priced Chowing :i bales 7-H Heavv Shirting. For salo low bv ALFRED TOLLESON. "AirgO _'_ Wolfe*? Schiedam Schnapp? are good for Rheumatism. FOOD FOR CHILDREN, PREPARED FROM WHEAT. It is almost identical with milk inchomical composition, and contains abundant sup? plies of ovory element of bodily organiza? tion. For sale by FISHER k HEINITSH, Druggists. Aug 4_ Wolfe'* H<iit<?lam Schnapps are re? commended by all thc medical faculty. FRESH ARRIVALS. r ITS SHAD ROE. J.X- Tierces Extra Sugar-Cured HAMS. Tierces Pure Leaf LARD. Firkins primo Goshen RUTTER. Boxt-s English Dai rv, New York State Factory and Tine Apr.lri CHEESE. Genuine Imported English ALE and PORTER, pints. Palo, Stearine, Chemical, Oiive and a full assortment of Fancy SOAPS, at reduced prices. Choice TEAS-Oolung, Young Hyson, Ac. O JFFEE-Old Government Java, Kio, A e. Fresh Trenton CRACKERS. Now Country FLOUU, Extra Family, low. Fresh Rcat primo Carolina RICE. Crosse A Blackwell's PICKLES, assorted. French FRUITS, in Brand v. MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac. Fresh Goods received from New York and Baltimore by every steamer, and of? fered at lowest cash prices. Aug 2_GEO. SYMMER3. Bacon and Corn. 20.000 20,000 pounds Clear Nibbed Sides. 20,000 " Ribbed 10,000 '* Shoulders. 300 sacks Liverpool Halt. 2,000 bushels White Corn. 20 bbls. New Orleans Molasses. 20 " Muscovado Molasses. 20 ? " West India Molasses. 20 babs Gunny Cloth. 20 coils half-inch Manilla Rope. 20 " " Hemp " 1.000 pounds Hemlock Hole Loather. 500: " Uppor Loather. T?rsalo by COPELAND & DEARDEN. JulyJH) liiio_ Wolfe** se hte ?linn Sc loiupps ure sold by all grocers and apothecaries. Harvey's Rat and Mice Paste. (JET HW OF THE RATS. HARVEY'S RAT PASTE exterminate* Rats, Mice, RoncboB and Ants fro.,i your store-room, corn houses or cribs, your kitchens, your henees: saves you mo? ney in providing for tlieeo thieves; a eure cure fer these depredators and destroyers. For sale by FISH EU A HE1NITSH, Aug 7_Druggists._ 360 POUNDS SEW CROP TUMP SEED, Comprising thc following varieties: IMPROVED YELLOW RUTA BAGA, WHITE SWEDISH NORFOLK, SNOW-BALL, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, GLOBE, and RED TOP. Received by last steamer from Philadel? phia. Parties desiring FRESH AND RELIARLE SEED. Can procure them AT MIOT'S DRUG STORE. July 24_ What Do You Drink!-Wolfe's Schie? dam Schnapps, lt checks the disarrange? ment of the bowels in warm climates. FLOUR! FLOUR ! FIFTY bags now EXTRA ?FAMILY FLOUR, in bags of 98 lbs. For sale by_ ALFRED TOLLE80N. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ! THE 6000 POTASH. ANEW POTASH, or CONCENTRATED LYE; will m ak o bottursoap, with less trouble, than any other potash out. It is much cheaper, and a ready soap-maker. Try it. Try it. New things must be tried. This Potash is genuine, and is warranted to make Soap. Buy it at the right place, and you wont bo deceived. Tho Grand Potash is for salo onlvbv FISHER Sc HEIHITSH, Druggists. July 21_ MOLASSES AND BACON, 5HHDS. MOLASSES. G Sf Clear Ribbed BIDES. 5 abes. SHOULDERS. For salo low bv July 18_E. Sc G. D. HOPE. ' Vinegar, Coffee, Craolters, Etc. 2RBL8. CIDER VINEGAR. 1 bbl. White Wine 20 sack? RIO COFFEE. 5 bbls. Farina CRACKERS. 5 " Soda " 5 ?' Butter " 2 *' Sngar KNAPS. 2 " Ginger SNAPS. For sale low by Jnlv 18 E. A G. D. HOPE. To All Who U*e Liquor.-Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps in manufactured in Holland by a process only known to tho Eroprietnr,'and is wai ranted tho purost liquor over manufac tired. . Tobacco, Tobacco. TWENTY boxes FINE TOBACCO, for sale CHEAP. Juno 15 ALFRED TOLLESON. 15 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, DIFFERENT GRADES, low to dealers. June 30 JOHN C. BEEPERS & Cp. WHEATTAND FLOOR. IWILL pav the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for WHEAT and FLOU U. Will furnish bags when desired. _June_ALFRED TOLLESON. TH0S. E. GREGG & CO., BROKERS. STOCKS, Bonds, Gold and Exchange bought and sold. Ortico at GREGG St CO 'S. Jnlv 81 SELECT BOARDING AP DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Miss ELLEN S. ELMORE, Principal. THIS SCHOOL willbcopcncd on tho 1ST OCTOBER, at Miss ?Elinore's residence, on tho edge [of Columt>ia. Tho conrso ot study will embrace all the branches of a complete English education, French and such accomplish? ments as may bo desired. The situation is noted for health, and tho accommodations such os could bo com? manded by young ladies in their own homes. Every caro would be taken of pupils which they could -rocoivo in their own families. Apply to Miss ELMORE, Columbia._Aug 15 $ UNIVERSITY OF South Carolina. TnE next session of this In? stitution will open on tho FIRST ^MONDAY of October, and con ~ ? tinne without interruption until the 1st of July following. Applicant rf "must bo at least llftccn years of age. Each student may select his schools, but, in ibo Academic Department, must, ?nicas specially ex? cused by thc Chairman of tho Faculty, attend at least tinco. Tho Law and Medical Schools having recently boen fully organized, thero aro now three departments in tho University. I. ACADEMIC. II. LAW. III. MEDICINE. The aggregate expenses, iucluding tui? tion, hoard, wood, lights and washing, for tho Bcssion of nine months, will be: For Academic Student, attending throe Professors, about,.$305 For Law Student, about.280 For Medical Student, attending r. full course, about. 370 jWFor catalogues, giving additional in? formation, address Rev. C. Bruce Walker, Secretary, or H. W. BARNWELL, Chairman of the Faculty, Aug 9 2mo Columbia, 8. C. FEMALE SEMINARY THE next term of tho Bub ecriber's SCHOOL will com? mence on MONDAY, September 2, and continue sixteen weeks, till Friday, December 20, at the following rates, payable half in advance: Tuition in Spelling, Reading, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, with Writing commenced.$8 Above, with English Grammar and El? ementary History. 12 Above, with higher English Studies, Mathematics, Ac. 16 Above, with Latin or French.20 Music on Piano .20 Board.80 js'j-If desired, instruction will be given to a Select Class of YOUD g Ladies, three afternoons in the weok. Competent Assistants will bc employed in the Elementary and Musical Depart? ment j. Apply at corner of Camden and Pickens streets. W. MULLER Aug 1 Imo WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. Medical Department. BALTIMORE, M. D. FACfLTY. Rev. THOMAS E. BOND. M. D., President. G. C. M. ROBERTS, M. D , Emeritus Pro? fessor of Ohstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. A. J. FOARD, M. D., Professor of D. scrip tive and Surgical Anatomy. J. P. LOGAN. M. V., Professor or the Principles and Practice of Medicino, HARVEY L. BYRD, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. MARTIN P. SCOTT, M. D., Professor of tho Diseases of Women and Children. EDWARD WARREN. M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. JOHN F. MONMONIER, M. D., Professor of Physiology and General Pathology. J. J. MOORMAN, M. D., Professor of Medi? cal Jurisprudence and Hygiene. JOSEPH E. CLAGETT, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. CLARENCE MGR ITT, M. D., Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy. JOHN N. MONMONIER, M. D., Demon? strator of Anatomy. THE next session of thii institution will commence on tho FIRST TUESDAY OF OCTORER NEXT, and continue for five months. One student from each Congressional District of tho late slaveholding States will bo admitted to all the privileges of this University! upon tho payment of thirty-five dollars lox each session of at? tendance. All the subjects embraced in the curri? culum will be thoroughly taught aud pro? perly illustrated. Every facility will be afforded for Clini? cal study (ind Anatomical in^esli?aiHon, Fits. -Matriculation, $5; Dissection, $10; Pr..lessors, $120; Graduation, $20; Beneficiary, $35. For further information, apply to the subscriber, A. J. FOARD, M. D.. Dean, No. -17 Liberty st., N. E. corner of Lexington, or Barnum's Hotel. Aug 6_Imo Wolfe'* Schiedam Schnapp? is the purest, liquor manufactured in tho world. Butter and Cheese. FIRKINS GOSHEN BUTTER-rednced price. Firkins choice Orange County BUTTER -rcducod price. Also, a frosh supply of that delicious Butter, in 2J-lb. packages-air and water? tight. Pinn Applo, English Dairy and primo N. Y. State Factory Cheese. For sale low by Joly 6 _ GEO 8YMMER8. ?Wolfe'. Schiedam Schnapps corrects e chango of water. FISHER & LOWRANCE, COLUMBIA, S. C. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS NORTH CAROLINA CORN. 100 bushel North Carolina OATS. 50 bago FAMILY FLOUR. For salo low by FISHER A LOWRANCE. AngO Flour. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, from new wheat, for salo by Juno 80 FISHER k LOWRANCE. Bolting Cloths. . BEST ANCHOR BRANDS, assorted numbera. May 20 FISHER & LOWRANCE. SODA BISCUIT. FRESH SODA, BUTTER and MILK CRACKERS. GINGER CAKES, NUTS, Ac. For salo by FISHER A LOWRANCE. May 21 A Tmly Wonderful Medicine! IIEIXITSII'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT. Liver Complaint Cnred by Queen's Delight. THE symptoms of Liver Complain', aro uneasiness and pain in the right side, and soreness upon touch immediately under the inferior ribs; inability to ho upon the left side, or, if at all, a dragging sensation is produced which seriously affects respiration, causing, very often, a troublesome cough. Together with these symptoms, we perceive a coated tongue, acidity of thc stomach, deficiency of per? spiration, and sometimes a sympathetic pain in the shoulder, with a great disposi? tion to sleep, and depression of spirits, and sometimes sores in tho mouth or throat. These symptoms, if permitted to continue, will eventually produce consump? tion, the most banelul or all diseases. Dyspepsia. The symptoms of Dyspepsia art! varions; those affecting the stomach are nausea, heart-burn, loss of appetite, disgust for food, sometimes a depraved appetite, sonso of fulness or weight in the stomach, sinking or fluttering in the pit of tho sto? mach, sour eructations, coated tnngne, acidity of tho stomach, hurried and dilli cult breathing, &c. The svmpathctic affections are very di? versified-cold feet, pain or weakness through the limbs, swimming of the head, sudden flush'.") of heat, A e. Tho uso of the QUEEN'S DELIGHT should bo persevered in until every symp? tom of Dyspepsia has vanished, and health is entirely restored. Derangements of Liver and Stomach Are sources of insanity. From disorder or obstruction, a morbid action of thesym ?.nt botic and other nerves follows, and tho unctions of tho brain are impaired and deranged; derangement tboro will also produce diseaso of the heart, skin, lungs and kidneys. It ls owing to tho same caneo that thousands die with Cholera, Bilious or Yellow Fever, and that most baneful diseaso, Consumption. Tho origin of numoroua cases of Con? sumption is impaired digestion; and many, many cases of supposed Consumption could be entirely cured by the uso of the QUEEN'S DELIGHT, as tho emaciation, debility and cough attending weakness of tho digestivo organs aro so near allied to the symptoms of Consumption, that tho one disease is frequently mistaken for tho othor. Notice. It is a well-established fact that fully one-half of tho fer?alo portion of our popnlatinn aro seldom in the enjoyment of good health, or, to us: tl.cir own expres? sion, "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all cnergv, extremely nervous and havo no appetite. To this class of invalids, tho Queen's Delight, is especially recommended. Their peculiar tonic and invigorating properties render it invalua? ble in such casca. Tho patient should im? mediately discard all pills and powders, ns they only woaken the system, and resort to the uso of tho Queen's" Delight, tho inva? riable result of which will bo a strong and hearty constitution, a disappearance of all nervousness, a good appetite and aperfoct restoration to health. Weak and dolicatj children are made strong by using tho Queeu's Delight. In fact, it is a Family Medicine; it can bo ad mtnisf ered with perfect safety to a Child throe leo,tb : old, tho mostdolicatefemalo or a m vn of ninety. MW t> sore and ask for "HEINITRn'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT;" none other ia genu? ino. For salo by FISHER A HEIN1TSH, July 9 Druggists, Columbia S. C.