Newspaper Page Text
Daily Paper $8 a Year 'Let our Just Censure P??OWTX. Attend the Trae Event.' Tri-Weekly $5 a Year BY JULIAN A. SELBY COLUMBIA. S. C., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1867 VOLUME III-NO. 138. THE PHONIX PUBLISHED DAILY AND TH I-WEEK LY. tm GLMNIR, EYEBY WEDNESDAY MORNING. BY JULIAN A. SELBY, CITY PRINTER. Office on Main street, a few doora above Taylor (or Camden) Btreet. TERMS-IN ADVANCE. BOBSCBIPTION. Dailv Paper, six months.$4 00 Tri-Weekly, " " . 2 50 Weekly, ?? ?' . 1 60 ADVEKTISr.SIENTS Inserted at 75 cents per square for the first Insertion, and 50 conta for each subsequent. Weekly 75 centa each insortion. 49* A liberal discount made on the above raie? token advertisements are inserted by the month or year. AGENTS. W. C. Moore, Abbeville. J. R. Allon, Chester. JnliuB Poppe, Anderson C. H. S. P. Kinard, Newberry C. H. W. T. Sims, Union. J. M. Allen, Greenville. A scriptural student who has just heard of the Russian treaty, says Uncle Sam is like the prodigal son, because he is wasting his substance in a fur country. A Maine judgo has decided that hop beer is not intoxicating. But beer drinkers are nearly intoxicated with delight at the decision. The man who waa hemmed in by a crowd has been troubled with a stitch in his side over since. Brownlow's militia are most of them taking to house-breaking. "WANTED-By a confectioner, acau did young woman. Cigars and Tobacco. THE undersignef1 has iust received, and keeps constantly on hand, a largo and varied atock of CIGARS. Also, a large supplv of SMOKING and CHEWING TO? BACCO, of all brands. F. A. SCHNEIDER, Aug 15 Plain street. FOR RENT, . MTHE large and commodious RESI? DENCE, on Senate street, South of Trinity (Episcopal) Church, containing 13 large rooms, with gas, and ostensivo out? buildings attached. It is admirably adapt? ed for a first-class boarding house, and, from its situation, is well Buited for a boarding school. Applv to Aug 16 Imo_?. S. McMAHON. W. B. JOHNSTON, Magistrate and Notary Public. WILL attend promptly to all office bu? siness. May be found at tho Phoenix Office during business hours. Aug 16 "FRESH LEMONS. JUST received at Aug 6 J. C. SEEOER8 & CO.'S. Georgia Cotton Grins. THE subscribers, agents for Messrs.. W. G. Clemons, Brown Ss, Co., of Colum bua, Ga., aro prepared to fill orders for their GINS, which comprise Singlo and Double Cylinder, and adapted to either water or horse power. These Gina aro mado by a factory established over twenty years ago, and compriso all tho chief points of excellence, namely: SPEED, LIGHT DRAUGHT and GOOD SAMPLE. tar Circulars sent when r< quested. RICHARD O'NEALE Ss, SON. Aug 13_Imo FOR SALE, /""I A- C. RAILROAD BOND8. VT? C. Ss. S. C. Railroad Stock. New York Exchange. WANTED-C. it 8. C. Railroad Bouda and Coupons. THOS. E. GREGG & CO. Aug If_ CORN. 1 000CORN We8tern WniTE 500 bushels WeBt?rn MIXED CORN. At LOW PRICES for CASH Lv COPELAND & BE ARDEN. Aug 6_Imo Ague ?nd Fever-Tho only preventivo known for chills and fever is thu use of | Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps._ THOSTE. GBEGG^C?^ BROKERS. STO0K8, Bonds, Gold and Exchange bought and sold. Oilico at GREGG <t CO.'S._July 31 What Do You Drlnkt-Wolfe's Schio dam Schnappa. It checks the disarrange? ment of the bowels in warm climates. OIL! OIL! -j f\ BBLS. Kerosonc and Machinery X\_/ OIL. just recoived and for salo at greatly reduced prices by Aug_4_ J. Ss, T. R. AGNEW. MABIE ANTOINETTE, A NOTHER-tho latest production of ?\. Miss Mnhlbach's pen. Randolph Gudan, and other Btoriea, by "Onida," author of Idalia, Chindos, Ac. Last Chroniclo of Barnet; by Anthony Trollopo; with illustrations. Youth's Historv of Great Civil War, for 1861 to 1865; by R. O. Horton. Subscrip? tions received. Globo Edition of Bulwer'a Novela, on tinted paper, bound in green Morocco cloth. Each novel sold separately. Also, a number of Books in tho Gorman Language At DUFFIE Ss. CHAPMAN'S August 17 Bookstore. SPECIAL NOTICES. To Remove. On or about tho 10th of September next, we propose to niovo our business stand, and occupy the "LARGE CENTRE STORE," in Walker's Building, Hain street, situated on tho Bquare opposite the Court House. Until that time, wo will bo found at tho cid stand, still offering our great bargains in Dry Goods. July 31_R. C. 8HIVER. Bartlett'* Reversible Sewing Ma? chines.-The most perfect and siraplo ma? chine made, for stitching, hemming, tuck? ing, braiding, &c. ONLY $25. A new supply of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES-WASHER AND WRINSER. Price to. JOEL KETCHUM, JR. & CO., July 30 t Agents. TO THE AFFLICTED-Nothing has as yet been presented in tho way of a Tonic, possessing such properties asPank nin's Hepatic Bitters. Thoy invigorate thc system and impart new lifo to a consti? tution shattered nud worn out by that most distressing discaso known aB Dyspepsia. They should bo tried by all thoso thus aflccted, and will never fail to givo relief. For Hale bv all druggists. April ll thly DR. C. H. MJOTtJAjKon_t._ PARTIES who expect mo to GIN their COTTON will please notify me at once, and state thc probable timo and amount to bo Ginned. W. B. LOWRANCE. August ll_ , DEW Ol?1 THE ALPS. For salo wholesale by all tho grocers in New Orleans, Charleston, Mobile, Savan? nah and New York. DEW OF THE ALPS Received tho first premium at tho Paris Exposition. DEW OF THE ALPS. Thc manufacturers of the above cordial not only received the lirst premium at the Paris Exposition, but were decorated by the Emperor. DEW OF THE ALPS. For sale by all tho druggists, grocers and fruit stores in tho United States. BRANDY, RUM AND WINES. 5,00 i cases old Cognac Brandy, imported especially for private uso. 300 oases old Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, bottled before tho war. 10,000 cases Madeira, Sherry and Port some very old and superior-various brands: all warranted puro. For salo by UDOLPHO WOLFE, Aug IC 3mo 22 Boaver st., New York. ESTADLISHED IN 1828. DUO DAYS-Tho miasma which gene? rates epidemic fevers is now rising in clouds under tho blazing beams of the dog-day sun. Every living body, as well as refuse animal and vegotablo matter, emits unwholeaomo vapors, and in crowd? ed cities and tho dense assemblages v bich business and pleasure call together, tho elements of disoaso aro evolved. The pressure upon every vital organ is nover so great as in tho second and third months of summer, and common sonso teaches us that theso organs require to bo reinforced to meet it. Wo hold our lives, so to speak, on a re? pairing lease, and this is the season when tho process of dilapidation is most rapid and repairs aro most required. Thereforo, build up, prop up and sustain tho powers of nature with that mighty vegetable r?cu? p?rant, HOP-TETTER'S BITTERS. He who takes it may bo said to clothe himself in sanitary mail, against which epidemic dis caso will hurl its poisonous shafts in vain. This is no gratuitous assertion, but a groat medical fact, attested by twelve years' ex? perience in every climate of tho habitable globo. Extremes of temperature always disturb tko functions of tho stomach, tho bowels, thc liver and the skin. It is through theso that tho most dangerous maladies assail us. Tono them in advance with HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, and dofy heat and malaria. Aug 28 fG Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps corrects the chango of water._ II.vre mc l.oit's HAIR DYE.-This splendid Hair Dyo is the best in the world. Tho only true and perfect Dye-harmless, reliable, instantaneous. No disappoint? ment. No ridiculous tints. Natural black or brown. Remedies tbs ill effects of bad dyes. Invigorates tho hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuino is signed Wil? liam A. Batchelor. All others aro mero imitations, and should bo avoided. Sold by all druggists and perfumera. Factory 81 Barclay streot, Now York. t& Boware of a counterfeit. Doo ll ly Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro good for Rheumatism._ FOO^?RCHILDION, PREPARED FROM WHEAT. It ia almost identical with milk in chemical composition, and contains abundant sup? plies of ovory clement of bodily organiza? tion. For salo by FISHER k HEINITSH, Druggists. Aug 4_ N?. 1 MACKEREL. AFRESH SUPPLY, just received at July 12 J. C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. The best Season to Plant Turnip reed. JU8T RECEIVED: WAITE'? ECLIPSE, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA. For salo cheap at FISHER & HEINIT8H'8, Druggists. August 24_ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps are good ? for all urinary complaints._ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro imi? tated and counterfeited, and purchasers will havo to uso caution in purchasing. Bacon and Corn. 20 OOO 0?BIDE8BAC0N CLEAR ' 20,000 pounds Clear Rihhed Sides. 20,000 " Ribhed " 10,000 " Shoulders. 300 sacks Liverpool Salt. 2,000 bushels White Corn. 20 bbls. New Orleans Molasses. 20 " Muscovado Molasses. 20 " Wost India Molasses. 20 bales Gunny Cloth. 20 coils half-inch Manilla Rope. 20 14 " Hemp " 1,000 ponndB Hemlock Solo Leather. 500 " Upper Leather. For salo by COPELAND & BEARDEN. ?Tnlv 30 Imo AV<?l fe's Schiedam Sell nappa are re? commended by all tim medical faculty. HATS! HATS! A LARGE Btock of STRAW and FELT | J\. HATS-cheap. Juno 18 ALFRED TOLLESON. WolTo's Srhlcdara Schnapps havo boon before the American public for tho last eighteen years. CANDY -I O BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, low for X.A cash at J. C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. Aug 9_ HAMS AND ?ACON STRIPS, SUGAR-CURED, t JOHN C. SEEGERS .V CO.'S. Aug i Fresh Lemons, Raisins, AND CURRANTS, at _J. C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps is tho purest liquoc manufactured in the world. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro a preventivo for chills and fever. _ Dew of the Alps.-This cordial has only to be tasted to bo appreciated._ FLOUR I FLOUR Z FIFTY baga new EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, in bags of 98 lbs. For sale by ALFRED TOLLESON. Angil_ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps should bo in the hands of every housekoeper. PINE APPLE CHEESE. Qr* CHOICE PINE APPLE CHEESE, rJ\) just received and for salo by July 25_J. & T. R. AGNEW. FLOUR! FLOUR! ! I71RESH-GRO?ND FLOUR, at wholesale and retail, at Aug C JOHN C. SEEGERS &. CO.'S. To All Who Use Liquor.-Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps is manufactured in Holland by a process only known to tho proprietor, ana is warranted tho purest Liquor ever manufactured. Vinegar, Coffee, 2BBLS. CIDER VINEGAR. 1 bbl. White Wine " 20 sacks RIO COFFEE. 5 bbls. Farina CRACKERS. 5 " Soda ?' 5 " Bnttor " 2 " Sugar 2 " Ginger 8NAP3. For Bale low by July 18_E. ic G. D. HOPE. "TOBACCO! TOBACCO!! i)rv BOXES CHOICE TOBACCO, just ?\J received on consignment, and for sale low by J. * T. R. AGNEW. June 30_ Tobacco, Tobacco. TWENTY boxes FINE TOBACCO, for sale CHEAP. Juno 15_ALFRED TOLLESON. KEEP OOOL. TEN DOZ. FANS, at half former priceB, from 5 cents to $3. Call and get a pretty fan. ALFRED TOLLESON. Juno 18_ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro good for all kidney and bladdor complaints. Old Newspapers FOR SALE at the _PHOENIX OFFICE. SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ! MTHE PRESBYTERIAN MISSION CHAPEL, on tho Bquare South of the Asylum; suitable for a small family residence. Apply to R. L. BRYAN. . Juno 7_ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro good for colic and pain in tho stomach._ MARIE ANTOINETTE AND HER SON-an Historical Novel; bv Muhlbach. Christianity and its Conflicts; by Marcy. Called to Account; by tho author of "On Gnard." 50 Cents. .,<. No Man's Friend-a Novel; by Robin? son. 75 Cents. Tho Doom, and other now Poems; by Joan Ingelow. And other new publications, for salo at McCARTER'8 Now Bookstore, At R. L. BRYAN'S Old Stand, August 17 _Main Btreot. Fresh Lager Beer, DIRECT from Baltimoro, in half and quarter barrels, and by tho glass, at RJuly 21 J. C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. Charleston Advertisements. Flour, Grain and Produce. IHAVE made arrangements with Messrs. Stroet Brothers k Co. to sell, on com? mission, all kinds of PROD? CE consigned to them. I will devoto my personal atten? tion to the salo of tho same. With an oxperienco of twenty years in the Flour and Orain Business, and with tho advice and assistance of Messrs. Street Brothers k Co., I am confident that any business entrusted to them will prove satisfactory to thoso who favor tho house with consignments. They will mako libe? ral cash advances on all produco shipped to them for salo or shipment to their friends in Kow York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore G. A. NEUFFER. 49" Address all letters to "Street Bro? thers k Co., Charleston, 8. G." August ll_mw2mo Wool, Hides, Beeswax. W'i are prepared to pnrchaso tho above articles at tho HIGHEST PRICES for CASH on delivery. ?- Prices Current sent free to parties through the country. MOSES GOLDSMITH k 80N, Vendue Range, Charleston. Aug 4 mwSmo MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS "-ell-known FIRST-CLASS HOTEL has been thoroughly repair? ed, refitted and refurnished, and is now ready for the accommodation of the traveling public, whoso patronag is re? spectfully solicited. Tho proprietor promises to do all in his power for the comfort of his guests. March 21 JOSEPH PURCELL, Prop'r. Charleston Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. COACHES always in readiness to convey passengers to and from tho Hotel. Feb 2G WHITE A MIXER. Proprietors. Livery and Sale Stables, _ CHALMERS STREET, HlhA Charleston. 8. C. DEI- QMMMJ JIW|GHEN & BAKER, Pro-Jg^ac? .1 2l prietors. Carriages, Phictons, Bug Sies and Saddle Horses to hire, at all hours, [ules and Horses fur sale. Feb 27 CAUTION! CAUTION! ! IT baa conto to our knowledge that per? sona from the conntrv and city, order? ing that GREAT MEDIC?NE, tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT, have their orders filled by an? other medicine, called Epping'a Sarsapa? rilla. This is a pernicious habit on the part of any druggist or apothecary to make such substitutions, and it must re? flect upon their pharmaceutical knowledge to say to their customers that they are tho same, when it is known they do not know the constituents of the medicine Queen's Delight, as prepared by Heinitsh. This is to caution tho people that "HEI NIT8H'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT" is an en? tirely different article-a now pharmaceu? tical product and combinai ion of roots and guma, and ia the only medicine that per? forms so many extraordinary cures among the people Over 1,600 bottles havo been sold at our store in less than eleven months, and the demand increasing from all parts of the country. Purchasers should bo careful to ask for "Heinitsh's Queen's Delight." This is the name. Please remember it-"Queen's De light." For sale by FISHER A HEINITSH, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Aug 18 Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapp* aro used all over the world by tho physicians in their practice. FRESH ARRIVALS. KITS SHAD ROE. Tieroos Extra Sugar-Cured HAMS. Tierces Pure Leaf LARD. Firkins primo Goshen BUTTER. Boxes English Dairy, New York State Factory and Pino Applo CHEESE. Genuine Imported English ALE and PORTER, pints. Palo, Stearine Chemical, Olive and a full assortment of Fancy SOAPS, at reduced prices. Choice TE AS-Oolong, Young Hyson. Ac. O )FFEE-Old Government Java, Riv, Ac. Fresh Trenton CRACKERS. Now Country FLOUR, Extra Family, low. Fresh Beat prime Carolina RICE. Crosse A Blackwell's PICKLES, assorted. French FRUITS, in Brandy. MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac. Fresh Goods received from New York and Baltimore by overy steamer, and of? fered at lowest cash prices. Aug 2 GEO. SYMMERS. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps have a depot in all the large cities in the Union NOTICE. BREAKFAST HOUSE. PASSENGERS leaving Columbia on the South Carolina Railroad hy the morning train, can get BREAKFAST at Kingsville, as ampio timo is allowed for that purpose C. A. SCOTT, June 29 Proprietor MOUNTAIN AIR. tifo PER80NS who desire to pass the <Hua-8ummer months in a healthy section, where good water and mountain air are the principal attractions, can be comfort? ably accommodated at the WALHALLA HOTEL. Traius now mn daily eaoh way. Board by the week or month at reasonable rates. D. BIEMANN. July 9 3mo St. James Hotel, NEW ORLEANS, LA. PBOPRIBTOnS: WM. A. HURD, of New Orleans. W. F. CORKERY, Spottswood Hotel, Rich mond. Va. nr Telegraph and Railroad Offices in rotunda of Hotel. July 3 Gmo SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOE TOUNGJCiADIES. Miss ELLEN'S. ELMORE, Principal. - THIS SCHOOL will bo opened /f/J?. on tho 1ST OCTOBER, at M?BB fcjlQjBtp^EIinorc'H residenco, on tho edgo MKjSp^?of Columbia. Tho course ot 5RSr study will embrace all tho <SB3T branches of a completo English education, French and such accomplish? ments ae may be desired. Thc situation is noted for health, and tho accommodations such as could bo com? manded by young ladies in thoir own homes. Every care would bo taken sf pupils which they could reoeivo in their own families. Apply to Mina ELMORE, Columbia._Aug 15 % FEMALE SEMINARY. >Sf^ THE next term of tho sub ffryfk- scriber's SCHOOL will com 'nAyjBfemcnco on MONDAY, September and e. itinue eixtecn wooka, JXJ&P till Friday,December 20, at tho ?T following rates, payable half in advance: Tuition in Spelling, Reading, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, with Writing commenced.$8 Above, with English Grammar and El? ementary History.12 Above, with higher English Studies, Mathematics, Ac. 1G Above, with Latin or French.20 Music on Piano. .20 Board.80 49~If desired, instruction will bo given to a Select Class Young Ladies, three afternoons in the week. Competent Assistants will bo employed in tho Elementary and Musical Depart? ments. Apply at corner of Camden and Pickens streets. W. MULLER Aug 1_Imo UNIVERSITY OF South Carolina. AH?, THE next session of this In ?fUSk stitution will open on tho FIRST ^CKp^MONDAY of October, and coii ^SEMEEtinue without interruption until jg?pPthe Int of July following. <8B' Applicants must be at least fifteen years of ago. Each studont may aolect his schools, but, in the Academic Department, must, unless specially ex? cused by thc Chairman of tho Faculty, attend at least three. The Law aud Medical Schools having recently been fully organized, there aro now three departments in tho Univorsitv. L ACADEMIC. II. LAW. III. MEDICINE. Tho aggregate expenses, including tui? tion, board, wood, lights and washing, for tho session of niuo months, will bo: For Academic Student, attending threo Professors, about,.$305 For Law Studont, about.280 For Medical Student, attending a full course, about. 370 ?7*For catalogues, giving additional in? formation, address Rov. C. Bruce Walker, 3ecretary, or R. W. BARNWELL, Chairman of the Faculty, Aug 9 2mo Columbia, 8. C. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. ~ Medical Department. BALTIMORE, M. J). FA C U ITV Rev. THOMAS E. BOND. M. D., Proaident. 3. C. M. ROBERTS, M. D., Emeritus Pro? fessor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. a. J. FOARD, M. D., Profossor of Descrip? tivo and Surgical Anatomy. L P. LOGAN, M. D., Professor of tho Principles and Practico of Medicine. HARVEY L. BYRD, M. D., Profossor of Obstetrics. MARTIN P. SCOTT, M. D., Professor of the Diseases of Women and Children. EDWARD WARREN, M. D., Profossor of the Principles and Practico of Surgery. JOHN F. MON.MONIER, M. D., Professor of Phvsiologv and General Pathology. I. J. MOORMAN, M. D., Professor of Medi? cal Jurisprudence and Hygiene. JOSEPH E. CLAOETT, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. CLARENCE MORFIT, M. D., Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy. IOHN N. MONMONIER, M. D., Demon? strator of Anatomy. THE next session of this institution will commence on tho FIRST TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, and continue for live months. One Btudent from each Congressional District of tho late slaveholding States will be admitted to all the privileges of this University, upon the payment of Udrty-fite dollars for each session of at? tendance. All the subjects embraced in tho curri? culum will bo thoroughly taught and pro? perly illustrated. Every facility will be affordod for Clini? cal study and Anatomical investigation. FEES.-Matriculation, $6; Dissection, 110; Professors, $120; Graduation, $20; Beneficiary, $:15. For further information, apply to the subscriber, A. J. FOARD, M. D., Dean, No. 47 Liberty st., N. E. corner of Lexington, or Barnum's Hotel. Aug 0_Imo W?lfl-"? Schiedam Schnapps aro Bold by all grocers and apothecaries._ Cabinet-maker, Upholsterer and Undertaker. |MBSSM[SL HAVING resumed thc ?above business, I am pre? ?^???????^5 pared to execute all kinda of work in tho abovo Uno at the shortost notice and most reasonable prices. A variety of COFFINS constantly on hand. Funerals promptly attended. Aug 30 M. H. BERRY. At Brennan j^CarroU's Carriage Factory. 15 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, DIFFERENT GRADES, low to dealers. Juno 30 JOHN C. SEEGERS & CO. FISHER & LOWRANCE, IRONS for GRAY'S PATENT COTTON . PRE8S, $1G5, doliYoredin Charleston; tho Brown Gin, $4.50 per daw. Aug 27 FISHER A LOWRANCE. 1,000 BUSHELS CORN, WHITE and YELLOW, as low as it can bo sold in this market, by Aug 25 FISHER A LOWRANCE. Corn, Flour, &c. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS NORTH CAROLINA CORN. 100 bushel North Carolina OATS. 50 bago FAMILY FLOUR. For sale low by FISHER A LOWRANCE. Aug 9 Bolting Cloths. BEST ANCHOC BRANDS, assorted numbers. May 26 FISHER A LOWRANCE. SODA BISCUIT. FRESH SODA. BUTTPR and MILK CRACKERS. GINGER CAKES, NUTS. Ito. For Halo hy FISHER A LOWRANCE. May 24 A Truly Wonderful Medicine: IIEISITS?SJUEEnDELIGIIT. Liver Complaint Cured by Queen's Delight. THE symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in tho right bide, and soreness upon touch immediately under tho inferior rios; inahility to he upon tho left side, or,- if at all, a dragging sensation is produced which eeriously affcctB respiration, causing, very often, a troublosomo cough. Together with these symptoms, wo perceive a coated tongue, acidity of the stomach, deficiency of per? spiration, and sometimes a sympathetic pain in tho shoulder, with a great disposi? tion to sleep, and depression of spirits,, and somotimes sores in tho month or throat. These symptoms, if permitted to continue, will eventually produce conanmp tiou, the most baneful of all diseases. Dyspepsia. The symptoms of Dyspepsia are varions ; thoBO affecting the stomach are nausea, heart-burn, losa of appetite, disgust for food, sometimes a depraved appetite, sense of fulness or weight in thc stomach, sinking or fluttering in tho pit of the sto? mach, sour eructations, coated tongue, acidity of the stomach, hurried and diffi? cult breathing, Ac. The sympathetic affections aro very di? versified-cold feet, pain or weakness through the limbs, swimming of the head, sudden flushes of heat, Ac. Tho uso of tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT should be persevered in until every symp? tom of Dyspepsia has vanished, and health is entirely restored. Derangements of Liver and Stomach Are sources of insanity. From disorder or obstruction, a morbid action of the sym? pathetic and other nerves follows, and the functions of the brain are impaired and deranged; derangement thero will also produce disease of the heart, skin, lunga and kidneys. It is owing to the same causo that thousands die with Cholera, Bilious or Yellow Fever, and that most baneful disease, Consumption. The origin of numerous cases of Con? sumption is impaired digestion; and many, many cases of supposed Conbiimptiou could be entirely cured by tho use of tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT, as tho emaciation, debility and cough attending weakness of the digestive organs are so near allied to the symptoms of Consumption, that tho one disease ia frequently mistaken for the other. Notice. It is a well-established fact that fully one-half of the female portion of our population are seldom in the enjoyment of good health, or, to uso their own oxpros sion, "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous and have no appetite. To this class of invalids, the Qnoen's Delight is especially recommended. Thoir peculiar tonio and invigorating properties render it invalua? ble in such cases. Thc patient should im? mediately discard all pills and powders, aa they only weaken tho system, and resort tc. tho uso of tho Queen's Delight, the inva? riable result of wh'.eh will bo a strong and hearty constitution, a disappearance of all nervousness, a good appotiteand a perfect restoration to health. Weak and delicato children aro mado strong by using tho Qneon's Delight. In fact, it ia a Family Medicine; it can be ad? ministered with perfect safety to a child throe months old, thc most delicate female or a man of ninoty. ?- Bo anro and ask for "HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT;" nono other> gonu ine. For salo by FISHER A HEINIThH, July 9 Druggists, Columbia .8. C.