Friday Horning, August 30, 1867.
Th? Two Race?-Harmony.
"Wo ore gratified to learn, trom the
Alexandria Gazelle, that the colored
population of that city aro waking
?up to the issues of tho day, and are
beginning to realize the true charac?
ter of some of their wonld-bo leaders
from abroad. Many of tho more in?
telligent nod prominent among them
aro denouncing, in fierce terms, the
duplicity and party trickery of those
.who seek to uso them as a lover to
hoist them into office. They declare
they will never uominato one of these
people, or voto for ono under any
circumstances; but that their votes
shall, if cast for a white man, be
given to some old and trust-worthy
citizen. The Gazelle remarks, that
thoso who express themselves in this
way occupy a position of influence
among the colored people, and are
familiar with their pretensions and
prc del ic ti ons. This revolution in
feeling, as we learn - from the Virgi?
nia papers, was caused by the late
Iii cl un o nd Convention, the majority
of the delegates attending that mon
jgtcl assemblage expressing them?
selves as being disgusted with the
. .conduct of the leaders, and the dis?
graceful management of that meet?
We have no doubt but that the
thinking colored men in Virginia as
"v-vell as everywhere else, will feel that
?whatever may bo their power, it would
bo impolitic to use it in ? way to ex?
asperate the white residents, whom
they should rather strive to conci?
liate; and would be, if nothing more,
to their interest to cultivate the
kindly sentiments of the whites to?
wards them, seeing that they must
livo with and bo dependent on them,
At least for some years to come.
Above all party considerations, above
all delusive theories with regard to the
benefits conferred upon them by their
recent enfranchisement, wo hope the
colored people of the South will con?
sider their truo position, and, in?
stead of opposing those among whom
they were raised, at tho bidding of
strangers, for party purposes, they
will work with them for tho benefit
of their section, not only in politics,
but in industrial pursuits.
. REGISTRATION.-Tho following is the
result, says tho Newberry Herald, so
far as heard from: Frog Lovel
Whites 85; blacks 118. Jalappa
Whites 38; blacks 130. Broadway
Whites 226; blacks 77. Longshores
-Whites 48; blacks 13G. Williams'
-Whites 2S; blacks 173.
Thaddeus Stevens is becoming
moro and moro feeble every day. He
had intended to visit Bedford this
season, but was compelled to abaudon
tho idea, on nccount of ill health.
He is not confined to his bed, but is
compelled to keep the house by rea?
son of his increasing infirmity. An
intimate friend of his thinks it doubt?
ful whether ho will ever reach Wash?
ington again.
? O ?>
Prof. J. C. Watson, of Ann Arbor,
Michigan, announces tho discovery
of a new planet, hitherto unknown,
which was first seen by him on the
24th. It is situated in the right
ascension one degree forty minutes,
and in declination three degrees ten
minutes South. It is moving West
and South.
Tun WiNNSBo?o NEWS.-Major W.
W. Herbert has assumed tho editorial
management of our Fairfield cotem
porary. Tho following is tho con?
cluding paragraph of his salutatory:
"In the discussion of tho issues
before tho country at this time, tho
military bill shall bo tho writer's
guide, believing as ho docs, that tho
acceptance of tho congressional plan
ol' reconstruction is tho only ono
which tho peoplo can look to for a
solution of the difficulties which sur?
round us; and never having been an
extremist upon any political question,
he will suffer no circumstances to lead
him to a support of any measure,
which, in his judgment, will not con?
duce to tho good of the whole people.
VICE VERSA.-Tho time was when
a lady wanted a nurso or ;i cook to
try them and see how they liked
them. Now a "colored lady, under
tho new law and order of things,
tries tho white lady, and if she can't
get along with her, shu lots her know
it, and sooks a more profitable and
pleasant person to live with.
Disorderly Conti act of Freedmen.
On lost Wednesday, registration
was commenced in St. Thomas Pa?
rish, at the Brick Church, under the
superintendence of Mr. Lt. P. Smith,
white, and Jeremiah Yates and Aaron
Logan, colored. Mr. Smith is a
Northerner, who has lately settled in
this State. When the polls were
opened, about 1,000 freedmen were
present, most of them being armed
with guns and muskets. Mr. Smith,
the chairman, addressed them on their
duties as citizens, explaining to them
their rights, and urging them to keep
the pence. Some of the freedmen
requested to know the rights of the
planters, and if their wages could be
deducted while absent from their
work at the polls, i Mr. Smith was
about to reply, when interrupted by
his colleague, who made a violent ha
ranguo, stating that the planters
could not interfere with their move?
ments, and that this was tho time to
assert their rights over the whites,
who could not bo trusted.
He proceeded in this style of lan?
guage for some time, until Mr. Smith,
seeing that the passions of the crowd
were becoming excited, exercised ins
authority, and adjourned the Board.
Pursuant to tho adjournment, the
Board met at Mount Pleasant on
Monday, and when the books were
opened, about 300 freedmen were
?resent, armed with various weapons,
tr. Smith again addressed the crowd,
when he was interrupted a second
time by Aaron Logan, who was more
violent than on the former occasion.
On his declining to desist, Mr. Smith
closed the pol], and came to the city
end reported tho facts to Qen. Clitz,
the Commandant of the Post. Logan
came to the city on the same boat, to
present his statement of the case.
On hearing the circumstances, Gen.
Clitz promptly ordered the arrest of
Logan, who was sent to Castle Pinck
ney, on a charge of impeding regis?
Mr. Smith returned to Mount Plea?
sant yesterday, accompanied by Maj.
O'Brien, the Provost-Marshal. The
poll was re-opened and the freedmen
invited to register, but this they de?
clined doing, unless Logan wns re?
leased. A number of the negroes
were armed, as on tho previous occa?
sions, and Maj. O'Brien commanded
them to deliver their weapons, and
explained to them their violation of
law and order, but to no avail. Not
being supported by a sufficient force
to ensure obedience, and being un?
willing to provoke a disturbance, he
returned to the city and reported the
facts to Gen. Clitz.
The freedmen, finding that they
were not permitted to enjoy the
rights that Logan had declared them
entitled to exercise, slowly dispersed,
with threats to burn tho village if
they were not granted. We under?
stand that Gen. Clitz will visit Mount
Pleasant this morning, with a sn ili?
ci?n t force to "prevent any riotous
assemblage, and to compel the freed?
men to obey the laws of the land.
The entire difficulty was caused by
the action of Logan, and we trust
that when the freedmen see the fate
of their adviser, they will refrain
from any further disturbance.
[Charleston News.
That is no evidence of ignorance,
wo ?.re sure-who was President for
the last two years has been a problem
old political heads have vainly en?
deavored to solve-and it is a doubt?
ful matter yet. The honors of the
Presidency are divided between tho
entire rump, one General Grant and
Andy Johnson, and at latest dates
"honors were easy" between them
all.-Brick Pomeroy.
_Augnst 30
WE WANT about 3,000 bushels of good
cloan Barley, for brewing Lager
Beer. Tho cash will bo paid on delivery,
at market rates.
August 30 J. C. SEEOERS A CO.
Extraordinary Milch Cow for Sale.
MILCH COW. Sho is tho best,
perhaps, over offered in this
market. She has a heifer calf,
six mont lin old, very valuable.
August 30 f_D. P. GREGG.
The Clendining House.
IN ORDER to meet tho
neccBsitioa of tho times,
tho rates of board for tran?
sient boarders will "crcaf
ter bo $-? per day. Singlo meals 60 cents.
. Traveling guests will lind tho best ac?
commodations and largo and airy cham?
bers, on reasonable terms.
Attached to the Houso is a neat ami pri?
vate BAlt-ROOM, whero the best of Li?
quors, Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Ac, will
always bo found, and at reduced prices
from those ordinarily charged at thu pre?
sent time.
August .10 Imo J. CLENDININ'Q.
North Carolina Central Railroad.
COMPANY SHOPS, August 29,18U7.
ON and after this dato, tho following
will bo thc schedulo over this road:
Leave Charlotto 5 o'clock p. m.; arrive
10.00 a. m.
Passengers have choico of routes tia
Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, reach?
ing all points North at samo timo byeither
ronto. JAS. ANDERSON, Sup't.
August 80
pf/\ BOXES English Dairy and choice
tJ\J Cutting CHEESE, just received and
for sale low by J. A T. R. AGNEW.
Au<r 25
An editor was shaved in a barber's
shop recently, and offered the barber
a dime, which wrns* refused. VBo- .
cause," caid he, "I understand dat
?'on is an editor." "Well, what of
t?" "Why, we nebbor charge .
editors nuffln.,T "Bat such liberali?
ty will ruin you. " "O, nobber mind,
we make it off de gemmen."
Tho entire Southern Relief Fund
amounts to $2,875,809. Of this
amount, $500,000 comes from Louis?
ville; "8321,000 from New York;
$1,000,000 from the State of Mary?
land; Boston, $49,127; St. Louis,
$347.875; Philadelphia, $65,000, and
Chicago, $11,306.
It seems to be supposed that Gen.
Gordon Granger is the "officer of
the Regular Army" who is to bo ap?
pointed to tho chnrge of the Freed?
men's Bureau iu case Gen. Howard
is displaced.
There is an editor in Minnesota
who weighs 542 pounds. His name
is Frauk Daggett, and he derives his
sustenance from, tho Wabashaw He
rahl. Heavy literature iu his forte.
It is stated that a Life Insurance
Company has refused to insuro the
life of Andrew Johnson, because
they couldn't make ont tho Presi?
dent's policy.
Four cargoes of 1,082 Coolies ar?
rived at Havana in a single week
last month. Of 11,462 Coolies ship?
ped for Havana from February 2 to
June 30, 1,360 died at sea.
Six months ago, a Boston house
Bent out a cargo of 500 hoop skirts
to Japan as a venture. Tho Jnps
put a cover on them and used them
for umbrellas.
Mr. Joseph Thomlinson, nu old
and respected merchant of Charles?
ton, died nt Mount Pleasant, ou
Wednesday, after a few hoars' ill?
Tho Detroit Board of Trade has
passed a resolution that two hundred
pounds shall hereafter constitute a
barrel of flour.
A Kansas editor claims for his wife
the credit of having introduced base
batel clubs into that State. She had
twins lately.
Tho Sultan didn't know how tc
shake hands when he arrived iu
England. Gen. Grant thinks he was
a fool for learning.
Dumas is writing a novel, the scent
being laid in America during the re
THE subscriber has opened i
where he bas on hand an assort
Flour, Corn, Uacon Strips,
Starch, Candles, Butter,
Lard, Mackerel, Choose,
Fine Killickinick and Durham Smokin
Fino Chewing TOBACCO, 8 plugs to a lt
Segara, various brands, and evervthiu
required by a f?mily in tho grocery line.
10 boxes "Magnolia" Chewing Tobacco,
Bbls. extra Corn Whiskey, at wholesale
All of which will be sold at tho LOWES
A frosh assortment of all gooda in m
lino will always bo found at tho atoro, coi
uer of Pendleton and Assembly street
next door below Melviu M. Cohen's ol
stand, below thc Stato Honso.
Ague and Fever-The only preventb
known for chilla and fovor is tho usc <
Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps._
Georgia Cotton Grins.
TnE subscribers, agents for Messrs. V
G. Clemons, Brown A Co., of Golan
bus, Ga., aro prepared to fill orders fi
their GINS, which comprise Singlo ar
Donblo Cylinder, and adapted to eith
water or'horse power. These Gina a
made by a factory established over twen
years ago, and compriso all tho chi
point* of excellence, namely: SPEE1
OV Circulars sent whon requested.
I Aug 13_Imo
. CA 8. C Railroad Stock.
New York Exchange.
WANTED-C. A S. C. Railroad Bon
and Coupons. THOS. E. GREGG A CO.
Aug ll_
What l)i> Von Lirlnk.!-Wolfe's Sch
dam Schnapps, lt checks tho disarranf
mont of tho bowels in warm climates.
MTHE largo and commodious RE:
DENCE, on Senate street, South
Trinity (Episcopal) Church, containing
largo rooms, with gas, and extensive o
buildings attached. It is admirably ada
cd for a first-class boarding house, ni
from . its situation, is well suited foi
boarding Behool. Apply to
Aug 16 Imo_J. S. McMAHON
Columbia Female Academ
THE exercises of this Sch
/jZS^ will bo resumed on tho 1st
<JXL3Rj^Octobc'r. Arrangements hi
^fSBClthcen made fur receiving pnj
3F?Pr ?f all ages. Tho Pm,Vip
<imaJr deem it necessary to make t
statement, as they havo hitherto f
.nontly doclinod receiving children uni
twelve years of age.
BOARDERS will bo received as usual.
tfW For terms and further part?cula
apply to tho Principals,
Aug 28_tl
The best Season to Plant Turnip Se
RUTA BAGA. For sale cheap at
August 24
WANTED.-A broom for sweeping
assertions. A collar for a neck of
land. A quizzing glass for an eye to
business. A rocker for the cradle of
the deep. A few tears from a weep?
ing willow. Some down from the
bosom of a lake. A feather from
the crest of ft wave. Some quills from
the wings of the wind. A fast book
The Kneing Calendar.
A Boston boarding house-keeper
says that good butter is an extrava?
gance, because- the boarders are sure
to eat it up. When the inferior
article is served, however, the smell
contents the consumer. We presumo
it is n matter of taste.
A report comes from Constantino?
ple that the Emperor of Bussia
proposes to visit tho Uuited States
within a year or two, coming in a
steam yacht of 3,000 tons, now build?
ing for him.
The St. Louis 7"imes says that
crime of every nature is on tho in?
crease in that city. Six murder trials
are set down for the present term of
the criminal court.
Missouri is nearly as much excited
over the discovery of tho tin mines
in that State, as was Pennsylvania
when petroleum first came to the
The coolies continue to arrive in
New Orleans. They are shipped at
once to the plan tat ion s in the interior.
Guano! Guano! !
Pif\ BAGS just received, ZELL'S RAW
OvJ BONE PH08PHATE, expressly for
turnips and wheat.
August 29 2 JAMES G. GIBBES.
resume tho exercises of their
.School for Young Ladies, on
[TUESDAY, tho 1st day of Octo?
A very limited number of
BOARDERS received.
Terms as usual. _ Aug 20 j
JUST received, a larne lot of ROPE and
BAGGING, which I offer for salo low
for cash. J. MEIGHAN,
Main st., first door above Court House.
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
OPERA, Pailor and Sacred;
the latter taught in a class.
DRAWING in Pencil and
_ 'Crayon. Persons who desire
instruction in either of tho above, will
please apply immediately or by thc 15th of
September.* Terms made k.iown at tho
residence of Mrs. E. STENHOUSE, next
door to Capt. Wado._Aug 28 ||4j3
THE firm of MULLER A BENN was dis?
solved bv mutual consent on the 1st
inst. II. M?LLEU will pay all demands
against the firm, and will collect the notes
and accounts due us. H. MULLER,
Columbia, AugUHt 28, 1867.
Tho subscriber, having purchased tho
cntiro interest of Mr. R. D. BENN in the
lato firm of MULLER A 8ENN, will conti?
nuo the business at thc samo stand; whoro
he will keep on hand a choico selection of I
FAMILY GROCERIE8, to which ho invites
tho attontion of his friends and tho public
generally. H. MULLER.
Columbia, August 28,18G7. .
The undersigned, in retiring from tho
firm of MULLER A BENN, would hereby
recommend his lato partner, Mr. H. MUL?
LER, to the favorable consideration of tho
pnblic, and bespeak for him a continuance
of that patronage which has heretofore
been extended to tho late firm.
Columbia, August 28, 1867. Aug 28 3
Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps are good
for colic and pain in tho stomach.
Sportsmen's Equipments,
THE undersigned has re?
moved his stock of goods in
tho above lino to the store
'next to Fisher A Hoinitsh's.
Guns and Pistols ropaired and put in
perfect order, at reasonable notice
Main street, opposito Phoenix Office.
Aug 28_
iU 50 coils Manilla Rope,
200 lbs. Bagging Twine. Just received
and for salo low by J. A T. R. AGNEW.
Aug 25 _ _
li Main street, near Lady. CANDIES,
wholesale and retail. August 23 (5
I tal.e pleasure in giving the information
to my friends and the public in general,
and the rest of mankind, that I am nearly
reconstructed, having REMOVED my
Main street, next door to tho corner of
Lady street, opposite tho ruins of Nickcr
eon's Hotel, where I shall bo happy to
serve all that call, with everything fresh
and good in my lino.
Twine, Rope, Iron Ties, Bagging.
O AA LIW- TWINE, 50 coils ROPE.
?iVfYj 100 bundles patent IRON TIES.
20 halos superior BAGGING, just re?
ceived. Planters will find it greatly to
their advantage to give us a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Aug ll J. A T. R. AGNEW.
Local J.toms.
. Divine service in the Presbyterian
Church to-day, at 9 a. m., anda quar?
ter before 8 in the evening.
The gift entertainment for the re?
lief of the destitute poor of the
South will bo given in Washington
City, on tho 30th of September.
Persons desirous of obtaining tickets
will apply at once at tho Phcenix
office, as returns are to bo made
prior to the 16th of September, so
that the necessary arrangements can
be completed.
vertisement of this private boarding
house will bo found in another co?
lumn. The careful management of
tho establishment is well known.
The rates for table board, as we learn,
havo been reduced to $5 per ".'eek.
A "sample room" is attached, where
the thirsty traveler can bc furnished
with something elso than a glass of
ice water, provided his system should
require it.
We have received a copy of the
"Catalogue of tho Greenville Baptist
Female College, for the year 1867."
The corps of teachers is complete
and efficient, and tho institution is
fully snpplied with chemical and
philosophical apparatus, and experi?
mental and illustrative lectures are
regularly delivered. The pamphlet
is neatly and tastefully printed by G.
E. Elford, Esq., of thc Mountaineer.
REQISTE.VTION.-The number regis?
tered yesterday, in this city, was whites
65 ; colored 80. 77/ t's in the last day foi
registration in the city, and we hope
that, even for our local municipal
election, the resident citizens will
not fail to enfranchise themselves.
JOB - FEINTING.-The Job Office o:
the Phoenix is as complete as any ii
the South. It is furnished with nev
fonts of type of all descriptions ant
of the most modern styles. All worl
executed promptly, with taste ant
skill, and at reasonable rates.
HAM.-We assume that most intelli
gent persons have some idea of th
uses and advantages of a knowledg
of phonography. The advantages o
such knowledge are incalculable t
the professional man-especially th
editor, the teacher, the lawyer, th
preacher, the lecturer and the lutero
leur. We have devoted seven
months to a careful comparison c
tho two latest books published-Grt
ham's (Pitman's) and Munson'i
Graham's was published in 1858 an
Munson's in 1866-eight years latei
This throws the presumption at one
in favor of Munson. Upon exam
nation, with the aid of some expi
rience in leaching other brunches t
knowledge, we find Manson snpi
rior to Graham in a great number <
?points, the most important of whic
are: 1. In abolishing the two styli
of Graham, the corresponding ar
the reporting, and making the who
system one and uniform. In Gr
hara, after thc student has spoi
months in acquiring tho correspou
ing style, he must set in anew upc
the reporting style, which is diff?re:
in so many particulars and print
pies from the one already acquire
that the work is almost equal
learning an utterly different systei
Munson's entire sj'stem is about
long, but not so hard to learn,
Graham's corresponding part. 2. !
abolishing tho old turn-over plan a
plied to F and V, thus getting quit
a most perplexing source of conf
sion and discouragement to tho st
dent. 3. In adopting tho now ai
natural scale for tho dot-vowcls. 4.
adding tho ter, tcuy and yay hool
thus shortening a large class of wort
With such advantages, wo belie
that Munson is far superior to Gi
ham; and we further estimate tl
his system eau bo thoroughly learn
in, at farthest, three-fourths of t
time required to learn Graham to t
same degree. Wo aro not iudebt
to either of these mon for any favo:
or even courtesies, and present o
opinions for what they aro wor
from our own stand-point; Duffie
Chapman havo both books. Gi
ham's sells at $2; while Munson's
cheaper at 82.25, because, iu conn*
tion with tho former, you have
buy a lot of collateral books, reade
dictionaries, Ac. J. W. D,
take pleasure in referring our readers
to the advertisement of this excel?
lent institution of education. WV?
have been acquainted with the sjlF
tem pursued in this aoademy for
some years, and we can confidently
recommend it, both to residents and
to those abroad, ns one of tho best
institutions of learning in tho State.
BASE BALL.-The following aro the
names of the officers of the two clubs
recently organized in this city:
CHICOKA CLUB.-President-F. L.
McKenzie; Vice-John Mapus. Sec?
retary and Treasurer-I. Sulzbacher.
Directors-Jesse Radcliffe, Wm. H.
Mc-d, James McDougnl. Scorer
W. L. Gary.
COLUMBIA CLUB.-President-Wm.
Anderson; vice-President-R. B.
McKay. Directors-C. A. Carring?
ton, W. B. Green, F. N. Ehrlich,
James Scarborough, J. A. Sutphen.
A GOOD CHANCE.-An elegant tea
sett, heavily plated, is to beraffiedas
soon as the chances nie made up.
The sett can be seen at tho Phoenix
offiee. ^_
POST OFFICE HOUBS.-The office is
open from 8 a. m. until 3}? p. m.,
and from G until 7 p. m. Tho North?
ern mail closes at 3>? p. m., and all
other mails close at 8 p. m.
Read Udolpho Wolfe's advertise?
ments in to-day's paper.
Nr.w ADYEBTWEMEKTS.-Attention is call?
ed to tho following advertisements, which
are published this morning for tho first
Kow Schedule on N. C. C. lt. R.
D. P. Gregg-Milch Cow for Sale.
J. Clendining-Cleudining House. *
J. C. 8cegers A Co.-Barley Wanted.
A fine lot of Desirablo Goods have just
been opened by Mr. lt. C. Shiver, who still
adheres to his proper principle of good
articles for little money. Bead his adver?
tisement, and then examino tho goods.
Magistrate and Notary Public.
WILL attend promptly to all office bu?
siness. May be found at tho Phoenix
Offico daring business hours. Aug 1G
Wolfe's Schiedam Sohnappi are good
for all urinary complainte.'_
A Plantation as good as any in the
State and in good repair, and my own timo
and attention furnished-if any responsi?
ble party will furnish money to carry it on.
For further particulars, address "C. V. D.,"
Columbia P. P., 8. C._Ang 13 tuf
Cigars and Tobacco:
THE undersigned has just received, and
keeps constantly on hand, a largo and
varied stock of CIGARS. Also, a largo
supply c' SMOKING and CHEWING TO?
BACCO, ol all brands.
Aug 15 Plain street.
Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps arc gcod
for Gout._
Fancy Articles,
Silver Ware,
Gold Fens,
Clocks, Sec.,
In great variety, just received and for sale.
Assembly street, opposite the Market.
Hair Work
Neatly executed, and at short notice.
Aug 28_
500 bushels Western MIXED CORN. At
Aug C_Imo
STOCKS, Bonds, Gold and Exchange
bought and sold. Office at GREGG A
CO.'S._July 31
-| f\ BBLS. Keroseno and Machinery
?\J OIL, just received and for sale at
ereatlv reduced prices bv
A NOTHER-tho latest production of
?\. Miss Muhlbach'8 pen.
Randolph Gudan, and other stories, by
"Onida," author of Idalia, Chindos, Ac.
Last Chronicle of Bareet; by Anthony
Trollope; with illustrations.
Youth's History of Great Civil War, for
1801 to 1865; by R. G. Horton. Subscrip?
tions recoivod.
Globe Edition of Bulwer's Novels, on
tinted paper, bound in greon Morocco
cloth. Each novel sold separately.
Also, a nnmbor of Books in tho German
Language. At
August 17_Bookatore._
Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapp* aro
good for Dyspepsia.