Newspaper Page Text
JS y Tolegrapn. J Expressly for the Columbia Phoenix.] Cable Despatches. LONDON, August 29.-The insur geuta have captured and hold Sara? gossa, Spain. The official journal of tho South German States says those States will confederate with neither Prussia nor Austria, but remaining independent, will hold the balance of power. The bitterness of the Prussian press in discussing the Salzburg con? ference causes anxiety throughout Europe. . ----- !Ve\v? Item?. HAVANA, August 24.-Eighty cigar factories have closed, on account of their inability to pay the now contri? butions-throwing hundreds out of employmeut. WASHINGTON, August 29.-Tho fol? lowing order was issued by General Grant to-day: . * * * * * * LT. In compliance with the fore? going instructions of the President of the United States, Major-General P. H. Sheridan will, on receipt of this order, turn over his present com? mand to Brevet Major-General Charles Griffin, the officer next in rank to himself, and proceed, without delay, to Fort Leavenworth, Missouri, and will relieve Major-General Hancock, in command of the Department of the Missouri. III. On being relieved by Mnjor General Sheridan, Major-General Hancock will proceed, without delay, to New Orleans, La., and assnmo command of the Fifth Military Dis? trict, and of the Department com? prised of the States of Louisiana and Texas. IV. Major-General George H. Tho? mas will continue in command of the Department of the Cumberland. By command of General Grant. (Signed) E. D. TOWNSEND, A. A. G. NEW OELEANS, August 28.-Gal? veston despatches of to-day state that there were twenty-one deaths on the 27th instant. Gen. Loren Kent, Col? lector of the port, died last night. WASHINGTON, August 29.-During the late contest, thc President placed himself squarely on his constitu? tional rights and duty, and carried his point. It is suggested that a recent letter from Stevens, oppor? tunely published yesterday morning, lashing the conservative Senators for not taking from the President cer? tain rights and duties, some of which Grant claimed, had much to do with the General's retrograde movoment. Customs receipts for the week end? ing on the 24th, $3,702,000. Internal revenue receipts to-day * $514,000. . Gen. Emery succeeds Gen. Canby in this department. , A court martial convenes at Lea? venworth, September 15, to try Gen. Cu8tar, charged with being absent without leave. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Caddy Stanton leave New York for Kansas, where they will advocate female suffrage until the election. RICHMOND, August 29.-Returns from all except eight Counties have been received at headquarters, which shbw registration to be: Whites 110, 000; blacks 90,000. Of Counties not received, four have large white ma? jorities. The blacks having badly beaten one policeman at the circus last night and stoned others, a company of United States troops have been sent to the spot to-night, to prevent a riot, which is considered imminent. CHARLESTON, August 29.-Regis? tered to-day 220, of whom 87 were whites and 133 colored. Arrived-Steamer Champion, New York. Sailed-steamer Emily Sou? der, New York; sohooner E. W. Pratt, Boston. llartlett'a Reversible Sewing Ma? chines.-The most porfoet and simple ma? chino made, for stitching, hemming, tuck? ing, braiding, Ac. ONLY ?25. A now supply of tho UNIVERSAL CLOTHES-WASHER AND WRINSER. Trice $5. JOEL KETCHUM, JR. A CO., July 30 $ Agents. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex? isting between tho subscribers has this day expired of its own limitation. All demands against tho linn will bo present? ed to JOHN A. KAY, and all indebted to naid firm will mako payment to JOHN A. KAY, who is duly authorized to receive tho samo. JOnN A. KAY, RALPH E. R. HEWETSON. Tho subscriber will continuo tho prac? tico of his profession iu tho same oftico as herotoforo. * JOHN A. KAY. COLOMBIA, August 22, 1867. August 2?_|3_ ' Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps are good for all kidnoy and bladder complaints. Violin and Guitar STRINGS ! ALARGE and choice selection of ge? nuino ITALIAN STRINGS-some? thing very durable, and also desirable, for their clear Bwoot tono. Also, a full assortment of VIOLONCEL? LO STRINGS: a variety of VIOLIN ROW8, SCREWS, TAIL and FINGER HOARDS. VIOLIN BRIDGES, ROSIN, Ac. Juot received at E. POLLARD'S. Aug 4_mw24* FRESH LEMONS. JUST received at Aug G J. C. SEEGERS & CO.'S. . - /- ..'v.v.'-'*?* ? ?"..".>. . * FINANCIAL. ASO COMMERCIAL,. Nsw YORK, August 29-Noon. Stocka dull. Money 4@5 per Cent. Gold Sterling 9>?@10>?. Flour 15?20c. lower. Corn ??@lo. better. Pork lower-quoted nt $23. Cotton dull, at 27. . 7 P. M.-Stocks steady. Gold 41%,. Cotton heavy, with sales <of 900 bales, at 27. Flour-State $6.75 ?ll; Southern $9.25?13.25. Wheat dull, "and prices favor buyers-South? ern amber $2.20? 2.30. Corn-mixed Western $1.12?!. 13. Oats firmo: - bouthern 60. Pork $23. Lard steady. Whiskey un changed-in bond, 40. BALTIMORE, August 29-Coffee dull. Cotton flat, and nominally 27. Flour dull, and quotations unchanged. Wheat firmer-fair to prime $2.25? 2.35. Corn lower-white $1.05; yel? low $1.14@.1.15. Oats-good to prime 60@64. Bacon shoulders 13% ?14; rib sides 15%@16. Western mess $24.75. AUGUSTA, August 20.-Cotton dull; sal?s 57 bales; middlings 23???24. SAVANNAH, August 29.--Cotton dull and heavy, and demand light middlings nominally 25. CHARLESTON, August 29.-Cotton dull; sales 24 bales-middling 25. CINCINNATI, August 29.-Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat firmer, nt $2.13@2.15. Corn advanced bnlk $1, and very scarce-the failure of the growing crop causes farmers to hold. Mess pork $23.50. Bacon firm-shoulders 12l?; clear sides 16. Lard 12%@13. NEW ORLEANS, August 29.-Sales of cotton 250 bales; market dull low middlings 26. Flour dull-su? perfine $9; choice $12.50@14. Corn held firm, nt $1.25. Oats drooping, at 67. Pork firmer, and held at an ndvanco of 50c. Bacon shoulders 13%; clear 17%. Gold closed at 41%@41i.<. LONDON, August 29-Noon.-Con? sols 94 11-16. Bonds 73%. LrvERrooL, August 29-Noon. Cotton opens quiet, but steady-mid? dling uplands 10%; Orleans 10% sales t ,000 bales. Estate of Mrs. S. C. Hall. ALL persons having demands againsl the ESTATE OF MUS. S. C. HALL deceased, will present them, legally at tested; and all indebted to thc said esti>t< will make payment to F. W. MCMASTER, Attorney for Heirs, Aug 3 B12 No. g Law Range, Columbia. Estate ol' Mrs. Agnes Law. ALL persons having demands agains tho ESTATE OF MRS. AGNES LAW deceased, will present them, legally at tested; and all iudebted to tho said est?t wUl make pavment to F. W. MCMASTER, Executor, Aug 3 sl2 No. 5 Law Range, Columbia. Estate ol G. V. Antwerp. THE notes and accounts of G. V. ANT WERP and J. F. EISENMANN A CC have been placed in my hands for co] lection, by H. P. DeGraaf, Executor of G V. Antwerp, deceased. Demands agains tho eatato must be presented, legally at tested. Debtors may save costs by catlin and making promises to pay. F. W. MCMASTER, Attorney at Law, Aug 3 812 No. 5 Law Range, Columbia. S TC Ii IC C T BOARDING AND DAY SCBOO FOB YOUNG LADIES. Miss ELLEN'S. ELMORE, Principa THIS SCHOOL will be openc mS^L on tho 1ST OCTOBER, at Mil e&jI^HfeElmorc's residence, on the edf >SBgS~of Columbia. Tho course i study will embrace all tl CB?' branches of a complete Englh education, French and such accomplisl ments as may be desired. Tho situation is noted for health, and tl accommodations such as could be coi manded by young ladies in their uv homes. Every caro would be taken pupils which they could receive in thc own families. Apply to Miss ELMOR Columbia._Aug 15 % "Wolfe'* Schiedam Schnapps shou bo iu tho hands of every housekeeper. Bill to Foreclose Mortgage. Charles M. Furman, Trustee, vs. the Grec villo and Columbia Railroad Company Order calling in Creditors. IN puTSTTanco of the decretal order tho above stated case, "the cr?dite of tho Greenville and Columbia Railro Company holding bonds and coupons < vcred bj" tho mortgage bearing dato 18 January, 185-i, and referred to in tho plei ing8, and all creditors having any inter under said mortgage," are hereby rcquii to present and provo their demauds befe mo, at my office, in Columbia, on or bef( tho lirst day of January next, "or tl tliey bo excluded from all benefit of t decreo to bo rendered in this case. Th< who choose to como in as parties co plainants arc allowed to do so, and tin who wish to do so, may como in na c fendants. D. B. DESAUSSURE, Juno 26 ws3mo_C. E. It. D NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN EQUITY- UNION DISTRICT. Joseph Whitmirc and others, creditors John R. R. Giles, vs. James T. Doug and wife.-Bill to Marshal Assets. PUR8UANT to a decretal order of Honor Chancellor Carroll in this ca tho creditors of John R. R. Giles, deceas lato of Union District, 8. C., aro requi to render on oath and establish their mauds before mo, by the first day of Oe ber next. WM. MUNRO, Commissioner in Equity Union Dis Union C. H., S. C., Juno 20, 1807. June 23_ito Notice is Hereby Given, THAT the Church Council of "Tho E nezor Lutheran Church of Columbi will present their petition, on tho eic, eonth day of September next, to his Ho Chancellor Carroll, sitting at Chamber? Columbia, 8. C., for a renewal, for fo teen years, of tho CHARTER incorpoi ing said Church, thc stock of said corne lion in real estate tiot to exceed $30,1 This notico and the said petition bein <. pursuance of tho Act of Assembly proved December 20, 1800. BACHMAN A WATIES, Attorneys for Petitioner July 18 tli2rr Wolfe'? Schiedam Sehttapps are imi? tated and counterfeited, and purchasers will have to nao caution in purchasing. Bacon and Corn. 20.000 HSf?DA0ONOLEA^ 20,000 poonda Clear Hibbcd Sides. 20,000 " bibbed " 10,000 " Shoulders. 300 sackB Liverpool Salt. 2,000 bushels White Corn. 20 bbls. Now Orleans Molasses. 20 " Muscovado Molasses. 20 " West India Molasses. 20 bales Gunny Cloth. 20 coils half-inch Manilla Rope. 20 " " Hemp 1,000 pounds Hemlock Sole Leather. 500 ?? Upper Leather. For sale by COPELAND A BEARDEN. July 30 Imo_ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro re? commended bv all tho medical facultv. HATS! HATS! ALARGE stock of STRAW and FELT HATS-clioap. Juno 18_ALFRED TOLLESON. CANDY. -1 C) BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, low for LA cash at J. C. SEEGERS A CO.'S. Aug 9 HAMS AND UAC0N STRIPS, SUGAR-CURED, ut JOHN C. SEEGERS A CO.'S, Aug 4 Fresh Lemons, Raisins, AND CURRANTS, at _J. C. SEEGER8 A CO.'S. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps ia tho purest liquor manufactured in tho world. HAVING removed mv FUR- _ NATURE business to the Na- R\ _Itional Express old stand, I NBS would bo glad to soo my former pa- ? I . trons and the public generallv givo me a caU, as I have anice stock of FURNITURE on hand, and will mako to order or repair anvthing in the Furniture lino very reason? able, and workmanship to please even tho most fastidious. JEROME FAGAN, Washington Bt., bot. Main and Asaem'y, A few doors from old stand. Aug 10 Gmo Dew- of thc Alps.-This cordial has only to bo tasted to bo appreciated. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! 3TUFTY bags new EXTRA FAMILY ? FLOUR, in bans of 03 lbs. For salo bv ALFRED TOLLESON. _AugU_ PINE APPLE CHEESE. 0/\ CHOICE PINE APPLE CHEESE, OU just received and t?rsalo bv July 23 J. A T. R. Ad NEW. FLOUR! FLOUR! ! I7*RE8II-GR0UND FLOUR, at wholesale and retail, at Aug G JOHN C. SEEQERS A CO.'S. To All Who Use Liquor--Wolfe's Schiodam Schnapps is manufactured in Holland by a process only known to tho proprietor, and is warranted tho purest Liquor ever manufactured. TOBACCO ! TOBACCO!! S)f\ BOXES CHOICE TOBACCO, just ??Vj received on consignment, and for salo low by J. A T. R. AGNEW. June 30_ Tobacco, Tobacco. TWENTY boxes FINE TOBACCO, for sale CHEAP. Juno 15_ALFRED TOLLESON. KEEP COOL. TEN DOZ. FANS, at half former prices, from 5 cents to $3. Call and got pretty fan. ALFRED TOLLESON. June 18 MARIE ANTOINETTE AND HER SON-an Historical Novel; by Muhlbach. Christianity and its Conflicts; by Marcy. Called to Account; by tho author of "On Guard." 50 Cents. No Man's Friend-a Novel; by Robin? son. 75 Cents.' The Doom, and other new Poems; by Jean Ingelow. And other new publications, for sale at McCARTER'S New Bookstore. At R. L. BRYAN'S Old 8tand, August 17 Main Street. CAUTION! CAUTION! ! IT has come to our knowledgo that per? sons from tho countrv and citv, order? ing that GREAT MEDIC?NE, tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT, have their orders filled by an? other medicine, called Epping's Sarsapa? rilla. Thin is a pernicious habit on thc part of any druggist or apothecary to make such substitutions, and it moat re? flect upon their pharmaceutical knowledge to say to their customers that they aro tho same, when it is known they do not know tho constituents of tho medicino Queen's Delight, as prepared by Heinitsh. This is to caution tho peoplo that "HEI NITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT" is an en? tirely different article-a new pharmaceu? tical product and combination of roots and gums, and is tho only medicine that per? forms so many extraordinary cures among tho people. Over 1.G00 bottles havo boen sold at our store in less than eleven months, and tho demand increasing from all parts of tho country. Purchasers should bo careful to ask for "Hcinitsh's Queen's Delight." This is tho name. Pleaao remember it-"Quoeu's De? light." For salo by FISHER A HEINITSH, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Aug 18_ Butter and Cheese. FIRKIN'S GOSHEN BUTTER-reduced prico. Firkins choico Orange County BUTTER -reduced price. Also, a fresh Supply of that delicious Butter, in 2J-lb. packages-air and water? tight. Pino Apple, English Dairy and prime N. Y. Stato Factory Cheese. For salo low by Julv 6 GEO. SYMMERS. Old Newspapers FOR SALE at the PHONIX OFFICE. SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ! THE PRESBYTERIAN MISSION f CHAPEL, on the squaro South of tho _.Asylum; suitable for a small family residence. Apply to R. L. BRY'AN. Juno 7 I baltimore Advortisoments. 1 Fall and ??iittf Importation---1 $67. R 1 BBO H S. Millinery and Straw. Goods. ARHS?TMTOT& CO., IMPORTER8 and Jobbers of BONNET, TRIMMING and VELVET RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS and VELVETS, Blonda, Notts, Crapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, Ornamenta, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats, [trimmed and untrimmed,] Shaker Hoods, Ac., 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD.. Offer tho largest Stock to bo found in tb?B country, and unequaled in choice variety and cheapness, comprising the latest Pa? risian novelties. VS-Orders solicited and prompt atten? tion given. Aug 21 Imo Charleston Advertisements. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS well-known FIRST-CLASS ?T H'OTEL has been thoroughly repair ULcd, refitted and refurnished, and ie now ready for tho accommodation of tho traveling public, whose patronage is re? spectfully solicited. The proprietor promises to do all iu his power for the comfort of his guests. March 21 JOSEPH PURCELL, Trop'r. Charleston Hotel, CHARLESTON. S. C. COACHES always in readiness to convey passengers to and from the Hotel. ^eb 20 WHITE A MIXER. Proprietors. Livery and Salo Stables, _ CHALMERS STREET, ?Qk^-Charleston, 8. C. DEI-c?fT??^ *W|GHEN A BAKER, Pro ? I ?1 prietors. Carriages, Phaetons, Bug? gies and Saddle Horses to hire, at all hours. Mules and Horses for salo. Feb 27 CRAWFORD & FRIDAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBIA, S. C. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JAMES K. FRIDAY. ^WILL receive on storage COT? TON, MERCHANDIZE and COUN? TRY PRODUCE, and sell or forward the samo when desired. Liberal advances mado on consignments of Cotton through ns to our friends in Charleston or New York, and forwarded free of charge. Our Warehouse being located adjacent to tho South Carolina Railroad Depot, tho item of drayage will cost but half thc rates as from other parts of thc city. Rates of Storage on Cotton reduced to 25 cents a bale per month. Aug G ?2mo ?OPfiL?? & BBARDBN, Commission Merchants, COLUMBIA, S. C. STORAGE ON COTTON 25 cents a bale per month. Wo aro prepared to make LIBERAL AD? VANCES on COTTON, and will ship and attend to the salo of the same in Charles? ton, New York or Liverpool. We have on hand a largo and well selected stock of I BAGGING, BALE ROPE, BACON, SOLE, UPPER, and HARNESS LEATHER, which wo offer at LOW PRICES/biMBg bought | beforo the late advance. Angust ll Imo RICHARD O'NEALB&SON, Commission Merchants. FROM this day, our charge for storage on COTTON will bo 25 CENTS A BALE PER MONTH. Our large Brick Ware? houses aro situated separato from other buildings, and, having a watchman con? stantly on guard, wo believo thom moro secure* from Uro than any other in the city. Wo aro prepared to make LIBERAL AD? VANCES ON COTTON consigned to our friends in Charleston or Liverpool. ON HAND, 30 bales Gunny Cloth, 100 coils of Greenleaf and Manilla Rope, 10,000 ponnds C. R. Bacon Sides, 500 bushels White and Mixed Corn, 200 pounds Baling Twine, Which wo ofter at marke', rates. August 13_Imo 4,000 GINS! Readv for tho Season, at tho MANUFACTORY. Send your order to tho South Carolina Cottoii Gin Waueliousp, COLUMBIA, S. C. THEY GIN Faster. Cleaner and make a better Sample than any Gins in the country with the samo power. They have been adopted by tho East India Cotton Agency Company, by tho Manchester Cot? ton Supplv Association, by the Viceroy of ? Egypt, and by the Governments of Turkey, Brazil, Italy, Grccco and India, in their efforts to raiso this staple in their midst; and their merits aro even moro fully un? derstood by those using them in our own country during tho last two years. They aro also warranted to givo satisfac tion, or no sale. ALSO, Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, . PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, ?Sic. ^ Wood's MOWING and .s<S. REAPING MACHINES, ^jriafo"* ig which have taken the first ^&$j?L>gl?)?$p?to~ premium ut tho Paris Ex The following gentlemen, to whom I havo recently sold those Machines, will gladly testify to their merits: Dr. B. W.Taylor, Columbia, S. C. W. L. Mikell, Columbia, S. C. Gen. J. J. Bratton, Winnsboro, S. C. M. E. DeOraffenreid, Chester, S. C. O. C. Wells, Newberry, S. C. J. P. Kinard, Newberry, 8. C. J. F. Hitchers, Union, 8. C. L. A. Lowrauce, Salisbury,'N. C. Terms accommodating. Address, AV. B. LOWRANCE, South Carolina Cotton Gin Warehouse, Aug ll Imo Columbia, 8. C. A. It. COLTON, Proprietor._ Fresh Lager Beer, DIRECT from Baltimoro, in half and quarter barrels, and by tho glass, at July 21 J. C. SEEGKRS A CO.'S. NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT, ro? THE BENEFIT OF THE LADIES' SOCIETY IN AID OF THE Suffering and Destitute Poor of the Smith, WILL TAKE PLACE IN Washington, P. C;, SeptSO, 1867. THE "Ladies' Society in Aid of the Suf? fering and Destitute Poor of the 8outh" would respectfully and earnestly call tho attention of tho generous public to tho great distress and fearful suffering now prevailing in the Southern States. The public have already responded no? bly to tho call, but not tu tho extent re- j quired to keop starvation from making | victims of many. Additional funds must bo raised at once; tho caso is urgent. Tho Lady Managers, after mature deliberation, have decided to give a Grand National En? tertainment, trusting to their activo co? operation and sympathizing aid for tho immcdiato supply ot means toenablo them to purchase and forward food to starving thousands. Tho Grand National Enter? tainment will bo given at Washington, D. C., September 30,18G7. 300,000 tickets will be offered for salo at $2 each. Half of tho amount will bo in valuable awards to tho holders, and the balance will bo devoted at onco by the Lady Managers to purchasing food to bo sont South for immediate distri? bution among tho most noody. The Lady Managers have entered into an arrange? ment with Messrs. Bentley, Clark A Co. to superintend disposal of tickets and conduct tho Entertainment in a manner worthy tho patronage and support of the public. LIST OF AWARDS. 1. An elegant Mansion on Fifth Ave? nue, Now York City; titles porfect. deed dopositod in Escro; actual value.$80,000 2. Twenty Thousand Dollars in 10-40 Government Bonds. 20,000 3. 1 entire set Diamonds, complote, comprising Pin, Ear-rings, Brace? let and Necklace-very magnifi? cent . 15.000 4. 1 set elegant Diamond*, completo 12,000 5. 1 set Diamonds and Emeralds... 10,000 G. 1 set Diamond Studs and Slcevo Buttons. 7,000 7. 1 Singlo Solitaire Diamond Ring. 5,000 8. 1 Single Solitaire Diamond Pin.. 4,000 0. 1 Single Solitaire. Diamond Stud.. 3.000 10. 1 Diamond Scarf Pin. 2,000 ll to 15. 5 Cluster Diamond Rings, $1,000 each. 5,000 1G to 20. 6 Jolea Jorgensen Watches, [Hunter's,] $600 each..'. 3,000 21 to 25. 5 Thomas Nardin Watches, [Hunter's,] $500 each. 2,500 26 to 50. 25 Solitaire Diamond Rings, $500 each. 12,500 51 to 75. 25 sots elegant Coral, com? plete, $400 each.10,000 7G to 125. 50 sets elegant Garnets, complete, comprising Bracelet, Sleeve Buttons, Ear-rings and Breast-^in, $200 each. 10,000 126 to 1,124. 1,000 Chromas, Artist's Proof. 20,000 1,126 to 6,225. 5,000 elegant Engrav? ings. 25,000 1,226 to 0,225. 100 sets Silver-plated Tea Service, very heavy.10,000 G.226 to 10,000. Consisting of Writ? ing Desks, Work Boxes, Photo? graphic Albums, sots of Silver plated Forks, Fish Knives, Napkin Rings, Boxes, Ladies' Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac. 44,000 Total.$300,000 Tho distribution will bo superintended by a Committee of the Honorary Members, who, in giving their aid and sanction to thia uoblo charity, will not only receive the confidence of tho public at largo, but tho warmest thanks ot tho Ladies' Society in Aid of tho Suffering and Destitute Poor of <ho South. *3- SINGLE TICKETS, $2.00. "S* 5 Tickets.$ 9 | 10 Tickets.18 All orders or communications address BENTLEY, CLARK A CO., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York City .or 222 Pennsylv'a Ave., Washington, D. C. [P. O. Box 10.] UONORARY MEMDERS. Mrs L W Jerome, Mrs Hyatt. Mark Brumagim, A O Richards, JamcB Willets, E C Carrington, E Underbill, M O Cogswell, James Darling, T K Tillinghast, H Shaman M H ((l innell, A Frear, M K Shaffer, Abrah'm Lincoln, C M Garrison, C N Chap?n, A B Mack, M Do?ean, J C Barrington, J H Clark, M A Kellogg, Daniel Sloan, LcGrand Capers, W B Astor, A L DeForrest, A T Stewart, L E Kennedy, August Belmont, B O Taylor, W Aspinwall, J C Fremont, Simeon Draper, Frank E Howe, A Lawrenco, George Munger, R E Fenton. A E Burnsido, Mrs H C Murphy. Major-Gencral Philip H sheridan, Com? manding Fifth Military District, N O. Malor-Goncral John Pope, Commanding Third Military District, Mobile Major-General J M Schofield, Command ing First Military District, Richmond. Major-Goneral E O C Ord, Commanding Fourth Military District, Vicksburg. Mnior-Gcncral Daniel E Sickles, Com maiming Second Military Dist. Charles-ton Major-Oencral John A Dix, United States Minister, Paris, Franco. Gov A E Burnside, Rhodo Island. Gov F II Pierpoint, Virginia. Gov Thomas Swann, Maryland. Gov J Worth, North Carolina. Gov J L Orr, South Carolina. Gov R M Patton, Alabama. Gov Charles J Jenkins, Georgia. Gov J Madison Wells, Louisiana. Gov W G Brownlow, Tennessee. Gov Thomas E Bramlottc, Kentucky. Gov Isaac Murphy, Arkansas. Gov David S Walker, Florida. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mrs Laura Brooks, Mrs ll Sherman, Mrs C Wadsworth, Miss M Duncan, Mrs Drako Mills, Miss Maria Moulton, Mrs E S Adams, Mrs James Clark. Mus. HARLOW E. MATHER, Secretary, 296 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. tar Tickets "for salo at tho PHONIX OFFICE^ _Aug 9 fa Bacon and Tobacco. ONE THOUSAND lbs. Country BACON SIDES. 1,000 lbs. Killickinick Smoking Tobacco. 10 boxes low-pricod Chewing " 3 bales 7-8 Heavy Shirting. For salo low by ALFRED TOLLESON. _Aop ?_?_ Tomatoes, Peaches, Okra, Corn. PRE8ERVE them for winter uso by using tho PRESERVING FLUID just arrived and for salo by . FISHER *A HEINITSH, Au^' 16_Druggists. ?MOLASSES AND SYRUP. 5linns. MOLASSES. 5 barrels Boo Hive Syrup. 100 sacks Family Flour. August23 E. A G. D. HOPE. wfik.xxotl<>33L Sales H. P. DoQraaf. Executor, vs. J. C. Oreen._ Hill to Foreclose Mortgage. PURSUANT to the order of tho Court in tho above stated case, I will sell, be? fen-o tho Court HOUBO, on tho FIRST MON? DAY in September next. All that LOT OF LAND, situate in the city of Columbia, on the corner of Taylor and Bull streets, bounded on the North bv Taylor street, East by lot of-Miles' South by lot of Richard Holmes and West by Bull street, containing one-half acre, moro or leas; together with tho buildings thereon-upon tho following terms: So much cash as will defray the costs of suit and expenses of sale; balance on a credit of one, two and three years, with interest at tho rate of 7 per centum per annum, secured by bond and mortgage of tho premisos. D. B Dr.SAUSSURE, Aug 10 19 A C. E. R. D. J?0TICE._. BREAKFAST HOUSE. PASSENQERS leaving Columbia on tho South Carolina Railroad by tho morning train, can get BREAKFAST at Kingsville, ns ample time is allowed for that purpose. O. A. SCOTT, Juno 29_Proprietor. MOUNTAIN AIE. 4M PERSONS who desire to pass the "^aumnier months in a healthy section, where good water and mountain air are the principal attractions, can bo comfort? ably accommodated at tho WALHALLA HOTEL. Trains now run daily each way. Board by tho week or month at reasonable rates. D. BIEMANN. July 9_3mo St. James Hotel, NEW ORLEANS, LA. (PnorniETOBS : WM. A. HURD, of New Orleans. W. F. CORKERY, Spottswood Hotel, Rich? mond, Va. ttl/r Telegraph and Railroad Offices in rotunda of Hotel._July 3 6mo Wolle'? Schiedam Schnapps are used all over thc world by the physicians in their practice. mr mm IN THE PRICE OF Clothing! ! AS is our usual custom at the close of each season, we now offer our stock of SPRING CLOTUING AT COST! BARGAINS in BOYS' CLOTHING, ALL-WOOL CASSIMERES & TWEEDS. E. & W. C. SWAFFIELD, Walker's Block. N. B.-We are daily mak? ing additions to our stock of Clothing, with GOODS OF OUR OWN MANUFAC? TURE. May 14 Dew of the Alps.- Udolpho Wolfe, sole agent for the above cordial, manufactured in Geneva, Switzerland, is used by all the crowned hoads of Europe._" WHEAT AND FLOUE. IWILL pay tho HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for WHEAT and FLOUR. Will furnish baga when dosired. Juno_ALFRED TOLLESON. Harvey's Rat and Mice Faste. GET Ii I J) OF THE HATS. HARVEY'S RAT PASTE exterminates Rats, Mico, Roaches and Ants from your storo-room, corn houses or cribs, your kitchens, your houses; aaves you mo? ney in providing for those thieves; a sure euro for these depredators and destroyers. For salo by FISHER A HEINITSH, Aug 7 ' __Druggists. TO SOUTHERN MIMANTS! ROCK gUgg COOPS. IF von desire to supply yourselves for tho FALL and WINTER TRADE, with the VERY BEST DESCRIPTIONS and STI LES of All-wool Cassimeres! AND WITH THE MOST DURABLE Jeans and Kersey Fabrics ! AU free fromsltoddy and other impurities, Ordor Samples from tho subscriber, and they will bo forwardod, with prices attach? ed, during tho months of July and August. From theso samples you can mako your selections and return your orders; and tho goods will bo forwarded directly from thc manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, President Rock Island Manufac. Co., Juno 2 1 ni o _Charlotte, N. C. Wolfe's ScUlcilara Schnapps are good for Rheumatism._ FOOD FOR CHILDREN, PREPARED FROM WHEAT. It is almost identical with milk in chemical composition, and contains abundant sup? plies of every element of bodily organiza? tion. For salo by FISHER A HEINITSH. r,uggist9. Aug 1