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THE DAILY Daily Paper $8 a Year "Let our Jost Censure PHONI?. Attend tile Tme Event.' Tri-Weekly $5 a Year BY JULIAN A. SELBY COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1867. VOLUME III-NO. 140. THE PHOENIX PUBLI8BED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY. ! THE GLEANER, EVEBY WEDNESDAY HORNING. BY JULIAN A. SELBY, CITY PRINTER. Office on Main street, a fow doors Rbovo Taylor ( or 0* -.aden ) street. - TERMS-IN AD VANCE. SUBSCRIPTION. Dailv Paper, sis months.M 00 Tri-Weeklv, " " . 2 50 Weekly, " ?? . 1 50 ADVEKTL 1*MENTS Inserted at 75 cents per square for tho first insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent. Weekly 75 cents each insertion. A liberal discount made on the above rates tchen advertisements are inserted by the month or year. AGENTS. W. C. Mooro, Abbeville. J. It. Allon, Chester. Julius Poppo, Anderson C. H. S. P. Kinard, Nowborry C. H. W. T. Sims, Union. J. M. Allen, Greenville. A mean swindler, in Philadolpbin, advertised for peach pickers to go to Delaware City. About fifty poor Germans responded, and met him, according to direction, at the depot, where he collected $1.25 from each to pay their p&ssage. Ho then de? camped, bat his poor victims did not discover tho swindle, until they had ridden several miles and were called upon by the conductor to pay their fares, and were obliged to get off at the first station. The continuance of the cholera detains tho Pope at Borne. He in? tended "to pass tho summer at Castle Gondafo, but he refused to leave the city while the people require the moral support of his presence. "Well done, Holy Father," as Thiers said in 1847. The Louisiana radicals are short of fuuds, and have sent a delegation to the North for pecuniary aid. Tho negroes, too, in that State, aro said to bo apathetic. FRESH LAGER BEER. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN C. SEEGERS & CO. Au pu at 30_ BARLEY! BARLEY!! WE WANT about 3.000 bushels of good clean Barley, for brewing Lager Beer. Tho cash will be paid on delivery, at market rates. August 30 J. C. SEEGER8 & CO. CHEESE! CHEESE! tZf \ BOXES English Dairy and choice OU Cutting CHEESE, just received and for salo low by J. & T. B. AGNEW. Aug 25_ ROPE AND BAGGING. JUST received, a largo lot of ROPE and BAGGING, which I offer for salo low for cash. J. MEIGHAN, Main st., first door above Court House. Aug 23_fi Ague mul Fever.-Tho only preventivo known for chills and fever is tho uso of Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps._ Vocal and Instrumental Music. ?.^-^?A OPERA, Parlor and Sacred; r-Cyfe>5-^k thc latter taught in a class. Xa??^?!) DRAWING in Pencil and Xi^g^. 3/Crayon. Persons who desire instruction in cither of tho abovo, will ?deane apply immediately or by tho 15th of Soptombor. Terms made known at tho residence of Mrs. E. STENHOUSE, next door to Capt. Wade. Aug 28 ||4t3 Twine, Rope, Iron Ties, Bagging. OAA LBS. TWINE, 50 coils ROPE. jyVJKJ 100 bundles patent IRON TIES. 20 bales superior BAGGING, just re? ceived. Planters will find it greatly to their advantage to givo us a call bo foro purchasing elsewhere. Aug 14 J. it T. R. AG NEW. FOR S AXE, G.fc C. RAILROAD BONDS. . C. & S. C. Railroad Stock. New York Exchange. WANTED-C. .t S. C. Railroad Bouda and Coupons. THOS. E. GREGG i CO. Angil_ FOR RENT, ?TH E largo and commodious RESI? DENCE) on Senate street, South of Trinity (Episcopal) Churoh, containing 13 largo rooms, with Ras, and ettonsivo out? buildings attached. It is admirably adapt? ed for a first-class boarding house, and, from its situation, is woll suited for a boarding school. Apply to Aug 16 lino_J. S. McMAnON. BAGGING AND ROPE. i rv BALES GUNNY BAGGING, J_v/ 50 coils Manilla Rope, 200 lbs. Bagging Twine. Just received and for salo low by J. tc T. R. AGNEW. Aug 25_ Wolre'a Schledum Schnapps aro good for Rheumatism. A PARTNER WANTED, IN a PLANTING INTEREST, next year. A Plantation as good as any in tho Stato and in good repair, and my own timo and attention furnished-if any responsi? ble party will furnish money to carry it od. For further particulars, address "C. v. D.," Columbia P. O., 8. C. Aug 13 tuf SPECIAL^ NOTICES. Bartlett's Reversible Sewing Ma? chines.-The moat perfect and simple ma- ; chine made, for stitching, hemming, tuck? ing, braiding, kc. ONLY $25. A now supply of tho UNIVERSAL | CLOTHES-WASHER AND WRINSER. Prico *5. JOEL KETCHUM, JR. & CO., July 30 t Agents. PARTIES who expect me to GIN their COTTON will please notify mc at once, and state tho probable time and amount to be Ginned. W. B. LOWRANCE. August ll_ IF you require a Tonic, ask your Family I Physician what he thinks of PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, and ho will not fail | to tell you that it is tho only Tonic which ho can safely recommend. They arc no | quack medicine, but are simply an invigo? rating, harmless Tonic. For salo by all I druggists. Du. C. H. MIOT, Agent. April 13_ aly DBW OP THE-ALPS. For salo wholesale by all tho grocers hi New Orleans, Charleston, Mobile, Savan? nah and New York. DEW OF THE ALPS Received the first premium at the Paris Exposition. DEW OF THE ALI'S. The manufacturers Of the above cordial not only roceived tho first premium at thc Paris Exposition, but. were decorated by tho Emperor. DEW OF THE ALTS. For ?ale by all the druggists, grocers and fruit stores in thc United States. BRANDY, RUM AND WINES. 5,000 cases old Cognac Brandy, imported especially for private uso. 300 cases old Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, bottled before the war. 10,000 casca Madeira, Sherry and Port eomo very old and superior-various brande; all warranted pure. For sale by UDOLPHO WOLFE, Aug IC 3mo 22 Beaver st., New York. ESTADLISUEn IN 1828. POVERTY OF BLOOD.-Tho prova lenco of thin diseased condition of tho blood is nollcoablo everywhere. Seo tho young man or tho young girl with a palo, waxy, blanched appcaranco of thc countenance and integuments generally, as well of tho lips, tongue, mouth, a puls?; feeble and rapid, loss of appetite, with indigestion and il&tulencc and irregular action of thc bowels, low spirits and severo headache, great debility, with langor, you may set it down thc blood wanta richness. A thou? sand complaints How from this ono thing. Tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT is tho great blood pnritier and renovator. Get a bottle and uso it. It is an invaluable medicine fir poverty of blood. It is tho cheapest and best medicine you can use, as it cleanses and purifies tho very fountain of life. Bo sure to ask for Hcinitah's Queen's Delight. For salo by FISHER A HEIN ITSn, Druggists._ Aug 20 tuf Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps should bo in tho hands of every housekeeper. DUG DAY'S.-Tho miasma which gene? rates epidemic fevers is now rising in clouds under tho blazing beams of the dog-day sun. Every living body, as well as refuse animal and vegetable matter, emits unwholesome vapors, and in crowd? ed cities and tho dense assemblages v hieb business and pleasure call together, the elements of disease aro evolved. The pressure upon every vital organ is never so great as in the second and third months of summer, and common sense teaches us that tbosc organs require to be reinforced to meet it. Wo hold our lives, so to speak, on a re? pairing lease, and this is thc season when thc process of dilapidation is most rapid and repairs aro most required. Therefore, budd up, prop up and sustain the powers of naturo with that mighty vegetable reen porant, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. He who takes it may bo said to clothe himself in sanitary mail, against which epidemic dis? ease will hurl its poisonous sliafts in vain. This is no gratuitous assertion, Lut a great medical fact, attested by twelve years' ex perienco iii'every climate of tho habitabl globe. Extremes of temperature always disturb the functions of the stomach, tho bowels, tho liver and thc skin. It is through these that the most dangerous maladies assail us. Tono them in advance with HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, and defy heat and malaria. Aug 29 -fO Wolfe'? '"chu ila in Schnapps corrects the change of water. BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-This splendid Hair Dyo is tho best in tho world. Tho only true and perfect Bye-harmless, reliable, instantaneous. No disappoint? ment. No ridiculous tints. Natural black or brown. Remedies tho ill effects of bad dyes. Invigorates tho hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. Tho genuine is signed Wil? liam ?. Batchelor. AU otters are mero imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all druggists and perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay etreot, New York. MET Beware ? of a counterfeit. Doo ll ly 1 NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS ! ! THE subscriber has opened a [FAMILY ORO CE HY STORE, I where he has on hand an assort? iment of SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, MEAL, GRI8T, Flour, Corn, Bacon Strips, Starch, Candles, Butter, Lard, Mackerel, Cheese, Fine Killickiuick and Durham Smoking TOBACCO. Fino Chowing TOBACCO, 3 plugs to a tt>. Segars, various brands, and everything required by a family in thc grocery linc. ALSO, 10 boxes "Magnolia" Chewing Tobacco, Bois, extra Corn Whiskey, at wholesale. AU of which will bc sold lit tho LOWEST RATES for CASH. A fresh assortment of all goods in my lino will always bo found at the store, cor? ner of Pendleton and Assembly stroets, next door below Melvin M. Cohen's old stand, below the State House. Aug 28_RICHARD ALLEN. REMO VAX.. sy^as, PISTOLS AND Sportsmen's Equipments, FISHING TACKLE, &c. THE undersigned has re? moved his stock of goods in "the above linc to the store ?next to Fisher it Heinitsh's. Guns and PistoU repaired and put in perfect order, at reasonablo notice. P. W. KRAFT, Mn:n street, opposite Phcsnix Office. Ang 2>s To AU Who Vac Liquor-Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps is manufactured in Holland by a process only known to the Eroprietor, and is warranted tho purest iquor ever manufactured. CORN. 1 OOO COItN We8t0rn WHITi 500 bushels Western MIXED CORN. At LOW PRICES for CASH bv COPELAND & BEARDEN. Aug 6 Imo THOS. E. GREGG ?c CO., BROKERS. STOCKS, Bond?. Gold and Exchange bought and sold. Office at GREGG .t V?.'i?_ _July 31 ~0IL! OIL! 1 C\ BRL8. Kerosene aud Machinery WJ OIL, just received and for sale at greatlv reduced prices bv Au? 4_ _J. <t'T. R. AGNEW. Wolfe's Schlctlnm Schnapps are imi? tated and counterfeited, and purchasers will havo to uso caution in purchasing. CANDY. 1 6) BOXES ASSORTED CANDY, low for JL^ cash at J. 0. ?sEEGERS &. CO.'S. Aug 9_ HAMS AND li ACON STRIPS, SUGAR-CURED, nt JOHN 0. SEEGERS ct CO.'S, Aug 4_ Fresh Lemons, Raisins, AND CURRANTS, at J. C. SEEGERS .t CO.'S. Wo UV H Schiedam Srhnnpps ia thc purest liquor manufactured in tho world. FLOUR ? FLOUR! FIFTY bags new EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, in ba-,'s of 1)3 lbs. For salo by ALFRED TOLLESON. Aug ll_ FLOUR! FLOUR! ! ?7UIESII-G ROUND FLOUR, at wholesale . and retail, at Aug 0 JOHN C. SEEGERS A- CO.'S. Wolfe's Schii'dum Srhnupp? uro good for Dyspepsia. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex? isting between tuc subscribers has this day expired of ita own limitation. All demands against tho firm will bc present? ed to JOHN A. KAY, and all indebted to said firm will make payment to JOHN A. KAY, who is duly authorized to receive thc same. JOHN A. KAY, RALPH 53. B. HEWETSON. Tho subscriber will continuo the prac? tice of his profession in tho samo office au heretofore. JOHN A. KAY. COLUMBIA, August 22,18G7. August 2'.)_$8 Violin and Guitar STRINGS ! ALARGE and ehoieo selection of ge? nuino ITALIAN STRINGS--some? thing very durable, and P.'.HO desirably, for their clear sweet tone. Also, a full assortn. it of VIOLONCEL? LO STRINGS; a variety of VIOLIN BOWS, SCREWS, TAIL and FINGER BOARDS, VIOLIN BRIDGES, ROSIN, ?c. Juot received at E. POLLARD'S. Aug 4_? mw24* Wolfe's Sch lula m Schnappt aro good for Goat. TOBACCO! TOBACCO ! ! ?)f\ BOXES CHOICE TOBACCO, just 41/ received on consignment, and for sale low by J. A T. R. AGNEW. June 30 MARIE ANTOINETTE AND HER SON-an Historical Novel; by Muhlbach. Christianity and its Conflicts; by Marcy. Called to Account; by tho author of "On Guard." 50 Cents. No Man's Friend-a Novel; by Robin? son. 75 Cents. Tho Doom, and other now Poems; by Jean Ingelow. And other new publications, for sale at McCARTER'S New Bookstore, At R. L. BRYAN'S Old Stand, August 17 Main Street. The best Season to Plant Turnip Seed. JUST RECEIVED: WAITE'S ECLIPSE, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA. For salo cheap at FISHER A HEINITSH'S, Druggists. August 24 _ Wolfe'? Schiedam Schnapps aro good for all urinary complainte. MARIE ANTOINETTE, A NOTHER-thc latest production of /\_ Miss Muhlbach's pen. Randolph Gudan, and other stories, by "Onida," author of Idalia, Chindos, Ac. Last Chrouiclo of Barsot; by Anthony Trollope; with illustrations. Youth's History of Great Civil War, for 1861 to 1865; by R. G. Horton. Subscrip? tions received. Globo Edition of Bulwer's Novela, on tinted paper, bound in green Morocco cloth. Each novel sold separately. Also, a number of Books in tho German Language. At DUFFIE A CHAPMAN'S August 17 Bookstore.^ PINE APPLE CHEESE. Orv CHOICE PINE APPLE CHEESE, OU just received and for sale by July 23 J: A_T. R^AGNEW._ FRESH LEMONS. JUST received at Aug 6 J. Cv SEEGERS A CO.'S. W illie 's Schiedam Schnapps aro good for all kidney aud bladder complaints. HATS! HATS! ALARGE stock of STRAW and FELT HATS-cheap. _Junel8 ALFRED TOLLESON. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro used all over tho world by tho physicians in their practice. FOOD FOR CHILDREN. PREPARED FROM WHEAT. It is almost identical with milk in chemical ..imposition, and contains abundant aup pliea of every element of bodily organiza? tion. For Balo bv FISHER A HEINITSn. Druggists. _Aug 4_ Dew of thc Alps.-Udolpho Wolfe, solo agent for tho above cordial, manufactured in Geneva, Switzerland, is used bj* all the crowned hi'ads of Eurolie. Harvey's Rat and Mice Paste. (iKT DID OF THE DATS. HARVEY'S RAT PASTE exterminates Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants from your store-room, corn houses or cribs, your kitchens, your houses; saves you mo? ney in providing for theso thieves; a sure euro for theso depredators and destroyers. For sale by FISHER A HKINITSH, Aug 7 ' Druggists. A Bacon and Tobacco. ONE THOUSAND lbs. Country BACON SIDES. 1,000 lbs. Killickinick Smoking Tobacco. 10 boxes low-priced Chewing " 3 bales 7-S Heavy Shirting. For sale low by ALFRED TOLLESON. Aug 0 Tomatoes, Peaches, Okra, Corn. PRESERVE them for winter use by using tho PRESERVING FLUID just arrived and for sale Ly FISHER A HEINITSH, Aug 10 Druggists. 1M0LASSES AND SYRUP. 5HHDS. MOLASSES. 5 barrels Ree Hive Syrup. 100 sacks Family Flour. August 23 _ E. A G. I). HOPF. NO. 1 MACKEREL. FRESH SUPPLY, just received at July 12 J. C. B?EGER8 A CO.'S. Cigars and Tobacco. THE undersigned has inst received, and koopa constantly on band, a large and varied stock of CIGARS. Also, a large supply of SMOKING and CHEWING TO? BACCO, ol all brands. P. A. SCHNEIDER, Aug 15 Plain street. Wolfe'? Schiedam Schnapps aro re? commended by all the medical faculty. 15 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, DI ITERENT CRADES, low to doalers. Jun.- 30 JOHN C. BEEPERS A. CO. FRESH ARRIVALS. KITS SHAD ROE. Tierces Extra Sugar-Cured HAMS. Tierces Puro Leaf LARD. Firkins primo Goshen BUTTER. Boxes English Dairy, Now York State Factory and Pino Apy le CHEESE. Genuine Imported English ALE and PORTER, pints. Palo, Stearine, Chemical, Olivo and a full Assortment of Fancy SOAPS, at reduced prices. Choice TEAS-Oolong, Young Hyson, Ac. O JFFEE-Old Government Java, Rio.Ac. Fresh Trenton CRACKERS. Now Country FLOUR, Extra Family, low. Fresh Boat primo Carolina RICE. Crosse & Blackwell's PICKLES, assortod. French FRUITS, in Brandy. MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac. Fresh Goods rocoived from New York and Baltimoro by every steamer, and of ferod at lowest cash prices. _ Aug 2_GEO. SYMMERS. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps aro sold by all grocers and apothecaries. Watches, Fancy Articles, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Gold Fens, Clocks, Sec., In great variety, just received and lor sale. I. SULZBACHER, Assembly street, opposite tho Market. Hair Work Neatly executed, and nt short notice. Aug 28_ Bill to Foreclose Mortgage. Charles M. Furman, Trustee, vs. the Green? ville and Columbia Railroad Company Order calling in Creditors. IN pursuauco of the decretal order tho above stated case, "tho creditors of tho Grconvillo and Columbia Railroad Company holding bonds and coupons co? vered by tho mortgago bearing dato 18th January, 1854, and referred to in the plead? ings, and all creditors having any interest under said mortgage," aro hereby required to present and provo their demands boforo me, at my office, in Columbia, on or beforo the lirst day of January next, "or that they bo excluded from all benefit of tho decree to be rendered in this case. Those who chooso to como in as parties com? plainants arc allowed to do so, and thoso who wish to do so, mav como in as de? fendants. D. B. DESAUSSURE, ^nno M jvs3mo_C. E. B. D. RI CHX A ND--LN EQUITY. M. D. Wood, Adm'r dc bonis non, et xix ct al., vs. Mrs. Ann Bock el al. IN pursuance of tho decretal order in thc above stated caso, tho creditors of tho I lato CUAS. BECK are hereby required to provo their demouds beforo me, within three months from publication hereof, and to file their objections to the prayers of | tho complainants' bill. D. B. OKaAU???IlE, O. E. Tl. D. July 14_mw,'kn o RICHLAND--IN EQUITY. Mrs. Emma T. Hopkins, Executrix, vs. Henry Caughman ct al.-Hill for Sale of\ Jieal Estate. IN pursuance of thc decretal order in tho abovo stated case, tho creditors of WRIGHT DENLEY, deceasod, aro hereby directed to establish their demands beforo ino, in Columbia, on or before the first day of December next. D. B. Ot?AUSS?RE. C. E. R. D. Jnly_14_ mwSmo ^RICBXAND^INE^UTTY.. Edward Kinslcr and Henry O. Kinslcr, Executors of J. J. Kiusler, deceased, vs. Amelia B. Kinslcr ct al.-Bill for Injunc? tion, Sale of Heal Estate, ?fcc. IN pursuance of tho decretal order in tho abovo stated case, tho creditors of tho late J. J. KINSLER aro hereby required to establish their demands against the estate, beforo me, in Columbia, on or before tho ] first day of January next. D. B. DESAUSSURE, C. E. R. D. _ July 14_mw3mo Richland District-In Equity. Franklin H. Elmore and Albert R. Elmore, Adm'rs, vs. Grace B. Elmore et al.-Bill | to Marshal Assets, Sale of Heal Estate, Relief, Ac. IN pursuance of thc decretal order in the above stated case, tho creditors of HARRIET C. ELMORE, deceased, aro horoby required to establish their de? mands before mc, on or before tho first day of January next. D. B. DESAUSSURE, July 14 mwSmo C. E. R. D., RICHLAND-IN EQUITY John W. Parker vs. John L. Boatwright, Adm'r, et al. IN pursuance of tho deeretal order in thc above stated ease, the creditors of tho late JOHN H. BO AT W RIG HT ai o directed to render and establish their demands against the estate, beforo mo, in Columbia, on or beforo tho first dav of October next. D. B. DESAUSSURE, C. E. R. D. July 14 _____ rnwSmo NOTICE TO CREDITORS." IX EQUITY-BUNION DISTRICT. Joseph Whit-ire and others, creditors of John R. R. Giles, vs. James T. Douglas and wife.-Bill to Marshal Assets. PURSUANT to a decretal order of his Honor Chancellor Carroll in this case, tho creditors of .lohn fl. R. Giles, deceased, late of Union District, S. C., are required to render on oath and establish their de? mands 1/t tore me, bv the first day of Octo? ber next. ' WM. MUNRO, Commissioner in Equity Union Dist. Union C. H., H. C., June _0, 18G7. Juno _3 t*_L_ NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against tho Estate of JOHN MAYER, (ked., will preseut them properly attested, and all persons indebted to thc said Estate will mako payment, to G. EILHARDT, August 8 mog_Executor. "NOTICE. ALL per?ois having claims against tho eatato ol REBECCA MOTLEY, do coasod, will present thom properly attest? ed; and all porsons indebted to tho samo will raaV.o pavment to mo, at Kingsville. Feb 3 q4 J. ROB'T 8EAY, Adm'r. NOTICE. ALL porsons having claims against tho catato of JAS. H. SE AY, deceased, wUl present them properly attested; and all persons indebted to the samo will make payment to me, at Kingsville. Feb 3 q4 J. ROB'T 8EAY, Ex'r. FISHER & LOWEANCE, COLUMBIA, s. c. IRONS for GRAY'S PATENT COTTON PRESS, $165, delivered in Charleston; the Brown Gin, $4.50 por daw. Aug 27 FISHER A LOWRANCE. 1,000 BUSHELS CORN, WHITE and YELLOW, as low as it can bo sold in this market, by AUK 25 FISHER A LOWRANCE. Corn, Flour, &c. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS NORTH CAROLINA CORN. 100 bushel North Carolina OAT8. 60 bags FAMILY FLOUR. For sale low by FISHER A LOWRANCE. Aug9 Bolting Cloths. BEST ANCHOR BRANDS, aesorted numbers. May 26 _FISHER A LOWRANCE. SODA BISCUIT. FRESH SODA, BUTTER and MILK CRACKERS. GINGER CAKES, NUTS. Ac. For Bale bv FISHER & LOWRANCE. May 24 A Truly Wonderful Medicine! IIEMTSII'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT. Liver Complaint Cured by Queen's Delight. THE symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in tho right side, and soreness upon touch immediately uuder tho inferior ribs; inability to lio upon the left side, or, if at all, a dragging sensation is produced which seriously affects respiration, causing, very often, a troublesome cough. Together with these symptoms, we perceive a coated tongue, acidity of tho stomach, deficiency ^f per? spiration, and sometimes a sympathetic pain in tho shoulder, with a great disposi? tion to sleep, and depression of spirits, and sometimes sores in tho mouth or throat. These symptoms, if permitted to continue, will eventual!) produce consump? tion, tho most baneful of all diseases. Dyspepsia. Tho symptoms or Dyspepsia are various; thoso affecting the stomach are nausea, heart-burn, loss of appetite, disgust for food, sometimes a depraved appetite, sense of fulness or weight in the stomach, sinking or fluttering in tho pit of the sto? mach, sour eructations, coated toDgue, acidity of the stem.'.ch, hurried and diffi? cult breathing, Ac. Tho sympathetic affections are very di? versified-cold feet, nain or weakness through the limbs, swimming of tho head, sudden flushes of heat, Ac. Tho use of tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT should bo persevered in until every symp? tom of Dyspepsia ha? vanished, and health is entirely restored. Derangements of Liver and Stomach Aro sources of insanity. From disorder or obstruction, a morbid action of the sym? pathetic and other nerves follows, and tho functions of tho brain arc impaired and deranged; derangement there will also produce disease of the heart, skin, lungs and kidneys. It is owing to the samo causo that thousands die with Cholera, Bilious or Yellow Fever, and that most baneful disease, Consumption. Tho origin of numerous cases of Con? sumption is impaired digestion; and many, manv cases of supposed Consumption could bo entirely cured by the uso of tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT, as the emaciation, debility and cough attending weakness of the digestivo orgRus aro so near allied to tho symptoms of Consumption, that the ono disease is frequently mistaken for tho other. Notice. It is ft well-established fact that fully one-half of Ibo female portion of our population aro seldom in tho enjoyment of good health, or, to uso their own expres? sion, "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous and have no appetite. To this class of invalids, tho Queen's Delight ?B especially recommended. Their peculiar tonio and invigorating properties render it invalua? ble in Buch cases. Tho patient Bhould im? mediately d. scard all pills and powd*"*s, as they only weaken tho system, and ret ort to the uso of tho Queen's Delight, the inva? riable result of which will bo a strong and hearty constitution, a disappearance of all nervousness, a good appetite and a perfect restoration to health. Weak and delicate children aro made strong by using the Queen's Delight. In fact, it is a Family Medicine; it can be ad? ministered with perfect safety to a child three months old, the most delicate female or a man of ninety. mr Be sure and ask for "HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT:" none other is genu? ine. For salo by FISHER A HEINITSH, July 9 Druggists, Columbia ,8. 0.