THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President, HORATIO SEYMOUR, OP N. Y. For Vice-President, GEN. F. P. BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. COLUMBIA. Thursday Morning, July 23, 1868. Ono by one the radicals sse their strengthening props torn from them, and the spirit of desertion spreading through their ranks. Tho Chief Justice, upon whom they relied to place the seal of loyalty on their nefarious measures, left them, in the moment of their need, to publicly enroll himself with their onomies. J The majority in Congress sniffed the coming storm, and hastened to pass a bill taxing bonds, in direct viola? tion of one of tho cardinal principles of radical faith, in order to pavo thc ?way gracefully for a futuro thorough recantation. The old anti-slavery party, on -whose back they rode to power, pnblicly scorned to carry either Grant or his fortunes. With the exception of Logan, and a fow other similar third-rate politicians, all the leaders romain strangely and ominously unimpressed. In vaiu Greeloy scolds and prates of dcop earnestness, in view of tho utter lack of enthusiasm; and Grant sneaks off j ou a journey in which ho finds nono to do him roverenco. Look at tho great radical superstructure from whatovor stand-point we may, says tho New Orleans Times, "decoy's effacing fingers" aro .plainly trace? able Its doom is overhanging it like a dark and portentous cloud, soon to swallow it up in au eternity of infamy. FORK, RICHLAND DISTRICT, S. C., ; Near Kingsville, S. C. R. R., July 6, 18G8. Editor Columbia Phoenix. Sra: A short timo since, a number of tho citizens of this neighborhood orgauized themselves into an associa? tion, under the name of tho "Pal motto Benevolent Sooicty." The object of the society is for tho relief, aid and comfort of the poor and des? titute of our immediato neighbor? hood. At tho last meeting of tho society, tho following resolution was passed, "that copies of tho enclosed preamble and resolutions, together with notice of organization of this society, bo sont to tho Charleston Mercury and Columbia Phoenix, with a request that they publish tho same. " Tbesoeiety makes an urgent ap? peal to similar societios, and to the })ublic, to aid thom in their benevo ent purpose. Any contributions sent to tho caro of tho Secretary and Treasurer, at Kingsville, will bo thank? fully received by tho society. Very respectfully, M. R. CLARK, Sec. and Trca'r. Whoreas, in consequence of tho impoverished condition of our coun? try, superinduced by a total failuro of tho provision crops in this sec? tion, the last two years, famine and want, to an alarming extent, seems to visit every family; especially does it appear that starvation is present? ing itself in the humblo abodes of our extreme poor. Bo it therefore Resolved, That wo, tho "Benevo? lent Society," (notwithstanding our comparativo destitution,) actuated, as wo trust, by that Heaven-born prinoiple bouovolouco, and moved with sympathy for thoso that aro ndw in extremo want, and unable to de? vise ways and means to procuro food, do unite onr hearts, prayers and energies, for tho parp?se of doing all wo can, under tho guidance of a kind Providonco and tho aid of abenili cont publie, to procuro bread, HO as to avert, if possiblo, this now seem? ingly inevitable starvation among tho poor. Resolved, That copies of this pre? amble and resolutions, signed by tho President and tho Secretary and Treasurer, bo sent to similar socie? ties, North and South, with a short lotter, earnestly requesting their kind and immediato assistance in tho shape of corn or bread, howovor small tho quantity it may bo in their power to give, to help supply our now urgent necessities. H. L. JEFFERS. President Benevolent Society. M. R. CLARK, Soc. and Treasurer. Forney's Press announces that "Union politicians aro traversing the South promising poaco and prosperi? ty to all classes and conditions." Organizing loyal leagues among tho negroes and picking up tho property of white men, is nearer the truth, and much more agreeable occupation for tho carpot-baggers, an exchan go thinks. mir., i , ' M ., -i." ? 1 11 j Tit? Blue Ridge' Railroad. FRANKLIN, ?. C., Muy 12. Gen. J. W. Harrison-Mi DKAB SIB: Your esteemed favor of April has beeu received, in which you re? quest me to make to you somo state? ments in regard to "the geology, minorai resources, climate, flora and adajitation of thu soil and climate of Western North Carolina to fruit cul? turo," through which tho Blue Bidge Railroad passes. Although my time is already heavily taxed, I most cheer? fully comply in furnishing you a few brief statements of facts which carno to my knowledge while ongaged as au assistant in tho North Carolina geo? logical survey. To make anything like a fair re? port of tho geology of thia section, would far exceed the limits of n let? ter, such as this is designed to be, and you must accept of a mere sec? tional statement of thu ecology, as it occurs on the line of the survey of the railroad. In tho gap of the Blue? Ridge wo have granite, and thcuce Northward, and underlying the granite, wo have a heavy belt of gneeis, cut by n re? gular runge of serpentine; then wo have, dipping undor the gneeis, very heavy beds of nllurninous mica slate. Then wo have tho taeonic series, consisting of drab-colored talco, micacious slates, quartzite and primitivo limestone, which, at thia point, oousists of marble of superior quality. Wo then pass into clay slates, conglomerates and a sort of argilacious shales, finally reaching tho old silurian limestones, at thc Northern base of the Smoky Moun? tain chain. Immediately beyond thc pointwhere t Lu: line of survey emerge.' from the Smoky Mountains, thorn iv a mass of saud-stone, (tho Cheeleo howeo Mountain,) in which there exist strong indications of bituminous coal. Theso respectivo strata are high." metamorphic, and heavily charg?e with metalic sulphurcts and oxides For example, in this valley wo hov? magnetic iron ore in workable quan tity; copper pyrites, or yellow cop per, rich in its per cent, of metal which, though uot explored in it; frequent deposits to any gren depth, promises to make valuabl mines. Indeed, tho real minin< value of this belt is nut yet under stood or appreciated. At Webster twenty miles East of this place, ii tho County of Jackson, there is a be? of chromic iron, or chrome ore, am tho copper mines of Jackson Count; aro capable of yielding a larg amount of metalic copper. On th Nnnteyalee, in this County, and Val loy River, in Cherokee County, im mediately West, thero is a remark able grouping of valuablo minerals The valley of ?tho Nanteynlee is moro mountain trough, and tho Val ley River valley is not oxceeeling mile in width. In these vallics thet? is immense wealth grouped into narrow belt. We have thero ines hnustiblo beds of heamilitio iron or for a distance of thirty miles. Thea oro beds are wonderful in their 63 tent, ure generally near good watt power, and aro accompanied wit cverj' facility for fluxing and smell ing. Immediately alongside of thes iron beds are white, clouded, gra and flesh-colored marbles, of snporic quality. I compared, somo yeal since, specimens of these marble with the finest quality worked in tli marble yards at tho Capitol grouut in Columbia, and found them equi to tho best. These marbles, mon over, burn into excellent lime, an will bo valuable as a il ax for tho iro ores. In these strata of marble thei aro veins of argentiferous, galet and gold. I have seen specimens < this oro very rich in gold. Tl veins, however, have not been e: plored to any great depth, for tl want of capital and machinery. In this samo runge, and groupe with these other minerals, we hiv large, massive beds of agalmatolit which is identical, in the eloments i its composition, with the Ohinei figuro stoue-a material large worked in tho European porcela factories, and when properly uso makes an excellent Ino brick. I deed, it is waggoned to Duck Ton and used in the copper furnaces, could bo used upon tho ground tho construction of iron furnace which would bo of great durabilit Besides this, with railroad facilitic porcelain factories might bo erecti upon tho grounds, where tho linc ware could bo manufactured in ai desirable quantity. Thero is, a fi miles from this place, a fine bed porcelain clay. In this same Nantoyaloo ran thoro aro fino out-crops of roofii slates, scythe-stouo and griud-sto grits, which, with a railroad, mig bo mado valuable. Thopliinato of this section is sal lirions and bracing. I have solde seen tho mercury in tho Ihermomel mark higher than ninety, and seldc lower than zero. Thoro is a remai ablo elasticity and freshness in t atmosphere amongst Jicso mon tains. Adil to this tho clearest cry tal waters, coming out from ont: these bold and hugo mountains, a you havo a climato of tho grouti excellencies. As to tho floral, I must con fi myself to that which is of the great cst utility. Tho timbers of which our.forests are composed, constitute tho most valuable features. We have black, Spanish, white and post oaks in tho vallies, and ohesnut oak upon the ridges and mountains. These timbers yield the best bark for tan? ning purposes. But we also have the spruce or hemlock, as yielding a valuable bark in tanneries. We also have chesuut in great abundance; and, as a valuable timber, we have the hickory, which is large, and grows to perfection. This timber, with a railroad, would be valuable for the manufacture of wheel car? riages. Wo also have the white pine; and in Haywood, the fir tree, used in bucket factories. In somo of our mountain coves, wo have tho finest of blaok loonst in great abundance. Our furniture timbers are, however, of tho greatest value. We have tho wild cherry, the black walnut, tho maple and black birch. I measured u wild cherry, during my survey, that was thirteen feet in the girth, and about seventy feet to the first limb, with a romarkabiy straight trunk. 1 also measured a black walnut twelve feet in tho girth, and above soveuty five feet to the first limb. I have seen very largo maples, of w hich ] did not tako tho dimension. Thc birch nlso attains good sizo for lum? ber. With a railroad, cabinet shop; might, bo erected on tho road. ] cannot, however, dwell longer opel this topic. In regard to tho adaptation of Mu soil aud climate of this section tc fruit growing, I could say much, bu must necessarily confine myself to i few facts which appear as practica results of tho adaptation to whicl you refer. I must say, however, tba tho generality of our uplands an either composed of or rest upon still alluminous clays, and I bnvo neve seen a section in which the soil upoi tho mountains was so rich and f?rtil to tho very summits. This soil, wit! our peculiar climate, produces th applo tree in great luxuriance, measured in Haywood County a ro^ of applo trees, that averaged abou five and a half feet iu circumference Tho applo fruit iu this climat attains great perfection, and which in point of quality and flavor, I hav never seen cxcelleil. Some of ou best varieties aro seedlings, tho peet liar oftspring of the soil and climate and are not only superior in quality but large and elegant iu appearance But some of tho best varieties, boin of reccut origin, have not ns y< been generally introduced into ot orchards. Those living in our Soutl ern cities seldom have an opporti nity of judging of tho quality of 01 fruits, ns they aro curried to mark? in roail wagons, and much bruise before they reach tho market. Ol people wagon them mostly to Athen Ga., and oven as far ns Atlanta au Augusta. Tho peach is not muc cultivated, and tho pear but seldor. Pears would, however, tlo well her but next to tho apple, tho g ra] would bo tho niost economical ai remunerative Thc soil anil clima are both singularly adapted to tl culture of tho grupo. Hero we cr get any desired elevation for vin yards, and obtain localities where tl humidity is neither too great, u the fruit likely to bo injured by tl lato frosts. An exporimcnt w made, somo year since, by a Frone man, in thc Cahutta Mountain, on locality at an elevation of 900 fe above thc level of tho Oeoneo Rive where his fruit never had milde anel for a number of years was nov injured but once or twico with fro: Moreover, tho rocky strata of tl country, and tho steepness of t surface, aro superior for draining t soil to any tile drains that art c construct; and by cutting into thc steep acclivities, wino cellars can constructed so as to securo uuiforn ty of any desired temperature. Tl is essential in proper vinous ferme tation, abd tho production of t be st quality of wine If your Bl liidgo Hoad was built, there aro te of thousands of acres now in w forests that would soon bo converl into fruitful vineyards, and .settle tho country with a frugal and pr perons population. There is ono other view ot t section worthy of remark. 1 whole linc;, nearly, abounds with 1 grandest water power I ever si Numerous mills and factories can placed immediately by tho track tho road and receive and ship ma rial without any cost for extra tra portation. Again, many of th rich mountains may bo convcr into pastures, either for wool-grow or elairy purposes. Iudocd, che factories might bo established he and any amount of superior che produced for tho Southern marke You will soo, my dear sir, that brief statements which I have mi go to show that tho North Carol section of your road does not, any means, pass through mero bar mountains, without tho hopo of i business to swell the immense frei that must pass over it whou cc ploted. Time and space forbid mo to all to our ceroals, potato crop, hay, I havo said onongh, howevor, to f a bird's-eyo view of this wonde: and delightful country, whose fr< invigorating climate-whoso ht dashing mountain streams, cro.v with trout-pure crystal waters, : untainted atmosphere, will one attraot a thrifty and intelligent popu? lation. Yonts truly, C. D. SMITH. Gen. J. W. HAWHSON, President Blue Ridge Railroad, Anderson, S. G. Material for n. Novel. The Court of Appeals of Kentucky has just decided thc "Jack Lee" case, named from a man who died at New? port, in 1855, intestate, and without known heirs to his estate of some $30,000. In 1858, tho widow and children of Wm. Loo, of New York, a half brother of Jack's, filed their answer and cross-petition, setting up a elaim to the whole estate. The final result was tho confirmation of the right of tho property to tho heirs of Wm. Lee. It then appeared that tho decedent was born in Now York, about the year 1800, appeared for a few years iu tho character of a law student, but passed his time iu dissipation, ?nd having spent a small patrimony, dis? appeared bctwoon 1822 and 1824. Between tho latter dato and 1828, ho arrived in Newport, whero he gra? dually roso from a stablo hand to a bar-keeper; nud, at last, proprietor of a cofFee-house, became less in? temperate than beforo, and gradually economical, if not penurious. In 1SG0, Auu Eliza Selman (late Lee) and james Leo, instituted suits of ejectment iu tho Circuit Court, claiming tho estate of Jack Lee, deceased, as his children and only heirs. Tho theory of their case was, that in 1822 or 1823, Lee came to Maryland as a tailor, and in 1821, at Hancock, in that State, married aud bad two children, James and Ann Eliza. Ho was dissipated, and did uot get along well with his family, whom he abandoned in the fall of 1827, and tho last known of him in Maryland, was, (as the Louisville Journal, from which we take thoso particulars, says,) his going with a string of horses lo East Tennessee, "for a mail contractor named Be? side"-strango that thc once famous l?eesido should dwindle down to an iudefinito article, with his name mis? spelled. In ton or eleven years, Loo's wife, believing him to bo dead, mar? ried one Farrell. About tho year 1845, Farrell and his wife, with tho Leo children, removed to Cincinnati, and, some years afterward, Ann Eliza Leo, having grown to womanhood, mar? ried Garrott Selman. Selman took his young wife and wont to Newport to live. Hero she heard of a man named John Lee, who was, at tho time, keeping a grocery, and, the namo being tho same as that of her lost father, she began to inquire into his history and antecedents. Find? ing that, iu age and personal appear? ance, ho agreed with tho description of her father, and, further, that he had come to Newport about the time her father had abandoned her motlier iu Maryland, she told her mother that she bolievcd this Newport Lee was her father. The mothor was greatly shocked at this, as sho had again married and raised auother family of children; and, in thc Cath? olic Church, of which sho was a devout member, such an offence was a mortal sin. After somo months of effort, the daughter persuaded her mother to go to Lee's grocery and seo him, which she did, in company with a Mrs. Conlan, under tho pro? test of buying some candy, and aOirmed, in tho most positive terms, that sho knew and recoguized him as her husband, and could not bc de? ceived. They had reason, also, to believe that Lee recoguized them, and that he intended to make himself known to them. Shortly beforo his death he introduced himself to Selman, the husband, and told him that ho wished to seo him on important busi? ness. Selman was then on his way to New Orleans, and told him that on his return he would como and seo him, but before Selman got back Loo was dead. Three witnesses who knew Lee be? foro he loft New York city, say that within a few years after ho left there ho made several return visits, aud that he told them, on those visits, that ho had married and had ouo or more children. Tho heirs of William Leo, of New York, claim that Jack Lee, of New? port, Ky., was born and brought up in Bead street, New York; was, for two or three years, a student of law with one Thomas Plienix, on Murray street ; that ho left the Empiro City about thc 1st of September, 1821, and arrived in Newport, Ky., in Oc? tober of tiie samo yoar. They brought forward cvidenco to provo that thoir New York and Now port Leo had existed for many years as a distinct hoing from tho tailor Leo; that while their Leo lived in Now York, tho tailor Leo lived in Maryland; that while thoir Leo lived, Newport tailor still livod in Mary? land; nud that after tho tailor of Maryland was dead, thoir Leo still lived; and that their Loo ucvor was a tailor, but was a 'awyer. Tho ovi denco produced to sustain tho points was quito voluminous, aud somo of it very positivo and oonvincing. Against this, to shorten tho story, stood tho resemblance of both plain? tiffs to Jack Leo, that of James at? tracting the attention of persons who did not know him. Tho first two trials of this caso re? sulted in failures of tho juries to agree. After that, a jury was dis pensed with, and the question left to the decision of the Circuit Court, which decided in favor of the heirs of William Lee, and on an appeal taken to tho Court of Appeals, this judgment has since been affirmed. In the report, bare allusion is mada to tho fact of Leo having been on in? timate terms with a woman in Cin? cinnati, by whom ho was said to have had the children. The Fourteenth Article. RATIFICATION RY SOOTH CAROLINA. Dy the President of the United Slates of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, By au Act of Congress entitled "An Act to admit tho States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida to representation in Con? gress," passed tho 25th day of June, 1808, ? is declared that it ?3 made tho duty nf tho President, within ten days after receiving official informa? tion of the ratification, by the Legis? lature of either of said States, of a proposed amendment to tho Consti? tution, known as article ll, to issue a proclamation announcing that fact; and, Whereas, On the 18th day of July, 18G8, a lotter was received by tho President, which letter being ad? dressed to the President, bears dato of July 15, 18GS, aud was trans? mitted by and under tho nnmo of R. K. Scott, who therein writes him? self Governor of South Carolina, in which letter was enclosed and receiv? ed at the samo time by tho President, a paper purporting to be a resolution of the Senate and House of Repre? sentatives of thc General Assembly of tho State of South Carolina, ratifying tho said proposed amend? ment, and also purporting to have passed tho two said Houses, respec? tively, on tho 7th and 9th of July, 18G8, and to have been approved by tho said R. K. Scott, ns Go? vernor of said State, on tho 15th of July, 18?S, which circumstances aro attested by the signature of D. T. Corbin, as President pro tempore of tho Senate, and of F. J. Moses, Jr., as Speaker of the House of Repre? sentatives, and of tho said R. K. Scott, as Governor. Now, therefore, bo it known, that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America, in com? pliance With an execution of tho Act of Congress aforesaid, do issuo this my proclamation, announcing the fact of tho ratification of the said amendment by tho Legislature of tho State of South Carolina, in the man? ner hereinbefore set forth. In testimony whereof, I have sign? ed these presents with my hand, and havo caused tho seal of the United States to bo hereunto affixed. Dono at tho city of Washington, this eighteenth day of July, iu tho year of our Lord ono [L. s. j thousand oight hundred and sixty-eight, and of tho inde? pendence of tho United States of America tho ninety-third. By tho Presidont. ANDREW JOHNSON. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of Stato. DEATH OF JITDOE FUOST.-Hon. Edward Frost died at his residence in this city, yesterday morning, after a brief illness, in tho sixty-eighth year of his age. Judgo Frost was a member of ono of tho oldest and most respectable families of Charles? ton, and was born hero in 1801. Ho graduated at Yulo College in 1820, at tho early age of nineteen. Ho gra? duated at law in 1822 or 1823, and practiced his profession until 1813, when ho was elected ono of tho Cir? cuit Judges of South Carolina. Ho had, meanwhile, often served in thc Legislature, and was otherwise a prominent public man. In 1853, ho resigned his seat on tho bench, and has since then lived in dignified re? tirement, respected and honored by iiis fellow-citizens, whom, in his high and responsible position, ho had so well served. j Charleston Mercury, 21s/. Hay ti, says tho New Orleans Times, in its sixty years of independence, is a lit illustration of tho effects of negro rule. In that time, from being ono of tho fairest and most prolific islands on the bosom of tho ocean, it has become perfectly worthless us a producer. Its people have relapsed into barbarism; tho marriage rela? tions is no moro regarded than it is among brutes; Fetish worship and Woudonism havo supplanted the ceromonies of tho Christian Church; tho most cruel excesses aro every? where practiced, and tho most beast? ly crimes sanctioned by custom. Yet in the faco of such sickening evidence of tho negro's incapacity for Bclf-governniont, thc control of ton onco independent American States has boen placed in his hands, through tho madnoss of fanaticism. A new machino for navigating tho air, invented by a Scotchman, will bo brought out under tho auspices of tho British iEcrouautio Society. It is a sort of bird, with a body fifteen feet in length, and wings stretching out to tho width of thirty-fivo feet. A tail roachos out behind to givo di? rection to tho movement, while tho wings aro flapped by an engine of forty-horso power. This, it is said, can be mada to proceed through the j air at tho rato of forty miles an hour. Xaooal T.tem?. Mr. Theo. Pollook will serve up, to? day, at his testuurftut, at ll a. m., turtle soup ; also, turtle steaks. ICED MELONS.-WO are indebted to Mr Clayton, of the Central Ice House, for a largo and luscious melon, just from the ice box. Mr. C. keeps these melons on hand, and can supply thom at any time. SMALL BUSINESS.-A lad, aged ten years, son of Col. Wm. Wallace, was arrested, yesterday, on a warrant issued by Magistrate W. B. John? ston. Tho cause of the arrest was a fist fight with a young freedman. Bail was promptly offered, and Wal laco released. THE R. V. R. ASSOCIATION.-A meeting of the Bichland Volunteer . Relief Association, composed of the old members of tho R. V. R., will be held this evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Council Chamber. An interesting meeting is anticipated, and it is to bo hoped there will bo a general attendance. SOAT.-By au arrangement with Mr. Shiver, Messrs. J. & T. B. Ag? new now net us agents for the cele- - bratcd washing soap heretofore sold by tho former. It is furnished to the customers of either party at twen