Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY J?_PH(MII, Daily Paper $8 a Year. "Lot our Just Censuro *^^^!^^^SS^S? Attend the True Event." Tri-Weekly $5 a Year BY JULIAN A. SELBY. COLUMBIA. S. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER S. 1868. VOLUME IV-NO. 171. THE PHONIX. JrUIlLISHED DAILY AND TIU-WEEKI,T. THE GLEANER, EYEUY WEDNESDAY MORNING. BY JULIAN A. SELBY, EDITC-H AND PB??UETOB. Office on Main strcot, a few doors above Taylor (or Camden) street. TER ATS-IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTION. Dailv Paper, six months.$4 00 Tri-Weeklv, .? " . 2 50 Weekly, " " " . 1 T ADVERTISEMENTS lii.H'i'u-? at 75 conta per square for tho ?rit insertion, and 50 contsforoach subs?quent. Weekly 75 cents each inBortion. ?gr A liberal discount made on the ?IOODI) rates when advertisements are inserted by '.he month, or year. AGENTS. Lexington-B. J. Hayes. Spartanburg-Hiram Mitchell. J. lt. Allen, Chester. 8. P. Kinard, Newberry C. H. James Grant, Union. Julius Poppe, Anderson C. H. Another Letter from B. II. Hill, of Georgia. Tho Now York Tribune contains another long lotter from B. H. Hill, of Georgia, adding some further facts touching tho Camilla riot. Ho has read nil that has appeared in tho Tribune, and waited for additional information himself, from his State, that ho might bo euro of corrcstness in what ho writes. Ho makes tho following points: 1. Tho chief information upon whioh Maj. Howard's first letter was based, and upon which Bullock baaed his message to tho Legislature, and upon which your correspondent from Albany seems to rely, waa derived from, the statemonts of a notoriously bad negro, who had served a term in the penitentiary, and whom 500 wit? nesses, black and white, would dis? credit on oath in a court of justice. 2. I have been planting several years in that region. I nm there habitually. It is one of my homes in the State. I have never seen or known of, or, before I read it in your paper, heard of a bloodhound in that country. I am assured, and do be? lieve, there is not ono in that whole region; and I do not believo there is a dog there, of any kind, trained to track either a black or white man. 3. I know, personally, Judge Vasou and the gentlemen who acted with him in investigating this matter, and whose report throws all tho blamo on Pierce and Murphy. I knbw also some of tho witnesses who gave their evideuco under oath. We have no more reliable citizens in our State. Judge Voson ii an old Whig and Union man; was long Judge of our Superior Court; is a Christian gen? tleman of fine educution and most exemplary character and elevated mind, and whom any Northern jury would believe without doubt or hesi? tation. .i. The letters of your correspond? ent, at least tho statementa thoy make, aro originated by some per? sons for the express purpose of in? flaming tho Northern mind, and influonciug tho elections ponding. 5. You think it strange that so many negroes were killed, and so few whites injured. To mo thia is not strange. Tho negroes were slaugh? tered, as they will always bo under such circumstances. Their white leaders escaped, aa they intended beforehand to escape. If tho people of tho North will not be moved by tho wrongs and dangers to tho whites of tho South, I beg them to rescue the poor negroes from suro destruc? tion, by repudiating these reconstruc? tion measures, and thereby remove tho inducements offered to carpet? baggers and renegades to breed strife and hate, that they may get ofHco. G. Is it not singular that so many Northern people will persist iu believ? ing, with implicit confidence, the wild statements of frightened convict ne? groes, and of bad white men who abandon white soeioty to uso tho negro for solfish ends, and of anony? mous writers, and summarily set asido tho most solemn statements under oath of our host white people, and tho assurances of the wholo whito race of tho South, as moro attempts to "white-wash rebe] ontrnges ?" Strangers and renegades, of tho most original secession stamp, aro inciting negroes to acts which lead to their slaughter, in order to make dupes of educated, rofined Northern whites, that these Northern whites may, in turn, and for vongeanco, make vic? tims of tho Southern whites, all to tho end that those strangers, and worst secessionists, may got tho offices for their loyalty. Those are the only fruits which the reconstruction mea? sures have produced, or can produce at tho South. Ought such moasures to be "maintained and perpetuated ?" Tlic Spanish Revolution-Espartero, Chief of thc Government. Tho Spanish revolution progresses, in tho most orderly and satisfactory manner, towards complete realization in tho establishment of a free Go? vernment, elicited by tho public voice, and trusting for solidity in the future to tho electoral approval and support of ii nation suddenly awaken? ed to .1 knowledge of ita rights and tho endorsement of the millions who havo proved themselves, so fur, well worthy of their enfranchisement. Marshal Serrano, neenmpauied by seven generals of the regular army, entered Madrid on Saturday. Tho soldier liberators enjoyed a triumphal ovation, iu which the citizens and military took part, and which, ac? cording to our cable telegrum de? scription, partook of tho character of as fine a "turu out" ns could bo wit? nessed in Now York, even about "these times" of a Presidential elec? tion. The streets and buildings of the capital, public edifices aud private mansions wero decorated in the most superb manner; tho side-walks, squares and house-stops were crowd? ed with people; there was au im? mense procession, and the generals wero hailed with "wild enthusiasm." A military parado and review of tho National Guard followed-a very fine affair, aud which evoked tho most fervent expressions in manifestation of the popular will. The inscriptions borne on tho banners re-affirmed the sentence of the expelled dayuasty, and proclaimed the programme of the reformed policy of the nation in a few short, but decisive sentences. These were, "Down with tho Bour? bons," "Sovereignty of the People," "Religious Liberty" and "Free Edu? cation." With their case thus set forth to tho world, and their futuro inten? tions thus enunciated, tho Spaniards came down to practical work. Mar? shal Serrano addressed tho multi? tude, informing them that ho had united with General Prim, in calliug Marshal Espartoro, Duko do Vittoria, to tho head of tho State. Tho cable telegram does not say iu what con? stitutional capacity, or under what designation tho old soldier is to serve, bat it may bo presumed that it will be ns chief of ti provisional go? vernment, pending the drafting of a Constitution and tho submitting of it for ratilicatiou or amendment to tho people by universal suffrage. A new cabinet was then formed, with Ser? rano us President of the Conned, Prim Minister of War, Senor Madoz Minister of Finance, Senor Oloynga Ministor of Foreign Affairs, and other eminent reformers with portfolios. Manuel do hi Coucha was placed under arrest, the people thus official? ly obliterating a personification of many irritating remembrances at the moment when they had cleared and ably pioneered the path of Spain for lier advanee to political dignity, religious liberty and tho enjoyment of intelligent measures of citizen equality and freedom. [New York Herald. A LEARNED DRAYMAN.-In Wash? ington, tho other day, ono Charles Hunt stated that ho was a Dane by birth, was educated iu tho military school at Copenhagen, knew how to speak seven different languages, came hero in 1801 as nu officer, but thero being too many oincers to tho regi? ment, he left and went to driving a dray. A "bravo tar," of Water street, New York, thus delivered himself at a recent prayer meeting in that local? ity: "Fellow-citizens: Give mo tho Presbyterian for discipline, tho Bap? tist for water, and tho Methodist for fire! I'm Presbyterian whee on duty, a Hard Shell Baptist in hot weather, and ti Methodist in the winter." Tho Louisville Journal contains a denial of tho report that Mr. Pren? tice hus been discharged from tho editorial staff, and says, also, that Mr. Proutico is not poor, but in tttllueut circumstances, his homestead alone being valued at $30,000. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. MUNICIPAL- OFFICERS-CITY COLUMBIA. For Mai/or. COL. J. P. THOMAS. Far Aldermen.-WAKD No. 1. T. W. RADCLIFFE. CLARK WARING. JAMES CLAFFEY. WAKD NO. 2. . L. BRYAN. O. Z. BATES. WARD NO. 3. W. P. GEIGER. W. T. WALTER. JOHN AGNEW. WARD NO. 4. ED WAHI) HOi'E. W. O. SWAFFIELD. L. P. MILLER. SPECIAL NOTICES. AVOID POISONT- IN VALID READER! ?lo you know what nine-tenths of tho hit? ter compounds you aro solicited by tho proprietors to accept as universal pana? ceas aro composed of ? Givo heed for a moment. They aro manufactured from unpuritied alcohol, containing a consider? able portion of fusil oil-a poison almost as deadly as prussic acid. Tho basis of the regular tinctures of tho Materia Me? dica is tho same. No amount of "herbal cr.tractb" can overcome tho bad tendency nf this pernicious element. The esaenco of sound rye, thoroughly rectified, is tho only stimulant which can bc safely used as a component of a tonic, alterativo and anti-bilious medicine, and IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS ia the only medi? cinal preparation in thc world in which this articlo ia used as an ingredient. Heneo tho extraordinary elfccts of this great specific. It givcB strength without producing excitement. No other tonio doca thia. All tho ordinary hitters Hush the faco and affect tho brain. Hoatetter's Bitters diffuses an agreeable calm through tho nervous system, promotes digestion and producoa sleep. No other tonic so quickly revives tho exhausted physical energies, restorea tho appetite and re? moves tho gloom and depression which always accompanies weakneaa of the bodily powers, lt purges from the sys? tem the morbid humors which retard its natural functions, and which I ring pale? ness to tho cheek and Buffering to tho brow. It banishes those clogs upon plea? sure, restorea the system to high health, and necessarily proves a valuable adjunct to the digestive organs. A trial is nil that is needed to ('stablish it in the confidence of the skeptic. September .'10 fG ?MANHOOD."-Another New Medical Pamphlet /rom tho pen of Dr. Curtis. Tho Medical Times says of thia work: "This valuable treatise on the cause and euro of | premature decline shows how health is impaired through Beeret abuses of youth and manhood, and how easily regained. It gives a clear synopsis of tho impediments to marriage, tho cause and effects of ner? vous debility, and tho remedies therefor." A pockot edition of tho above will bo for? warded on receipt of 25 Cents, by ad? dressing Dr. Curtis, No. 58 North Charlee street, Baltimore, Md. May 27 ly INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. JUST received, now patterns of Dresses, Sacques, Capes and Overalls. Alao, new Hoop Skirti. August '2.! Summer Tonics and Invigorants. HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, Schiedam Schnapps, Sumter Bitters, Plantation Bittcra, Chcanut Grove Whiskey. For salo by FISHER & UEINIT8H, July 22 t_Druggists. Aromatic Life Bitters. ASUPERLATIVE TONIC and Invigor? ating Cordial, composed, in part, of | American Centaury and Life Everlasting, with other valuable vegetahlo products. It will ho found an excellent STOMACH BITTERS, an appetizer, and an anti dyspeptic remedy. It. is invaluable as Tonic, for Debility, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Nervousness, Torpid Liver, sluggish Circulation. A generous stimu? lant. quickening the action of tho organs of life, and imparting now powers to tho wholo body. Directions. -A table spoon-full to a wine glass maj' bo taken, as often aa occasion requires, with a littlo sugar and water, or without. Dyspeptics may tako it just before meala. For sale by FISHER & HEINITSH, August ll t Druggists. Enameled Preserving Kettles, ENAMELED and PLAIN SAUCE PANS, FURNACES, Ac., Ac, just received and for salo, low, bv July 24 FISHER & LOWRANCE. Richland---In Equity. C. M. Furman, Trustee, vs. tho Greenville and Columbia Railroad Companv. IN pursuance of tho decretal order of Juno 19, 1808, tho Creditors of the Greenvillo and Columbia Railroad Com? pany, whoso Bonds against the said Com? pany aro secured hy any lien in tho nature of a mortgage, whether first mortgage or otherwise, whether said mortgage has been executed by tho Company or is in the nature of a statutory lion, aro hereby re? quired to provo their demands before me, "'designating the security claimed SH that] claimed to bo for thc security of the bonds so proved," on or before the 1st day of I January, IN<>;>. 'D. B. DKSAUSSURE, C. E. It. D. Jnlv 12 rn Machine Oil and Belting. FOR sale bv May 31 FISHER A LOWRANCE. Smoking Tobacco. 1 f\C\ LBS. Puro Spanish SMOKING lilli TOBACCO, 100 lbs. Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco. Por aale low by E. & G. D. HOPE. Brinly Plows. ?N store and for Male hv _Aug 29 FISHER St LOWRANCE. Extra Family Flour. i}{\f\ BARRELS and hags, at lowoet cash prices. September 10_E. St G. D. nOPE. Woodonware and Brooms. TUBS, Painted and Brass Bound Buck? ets, Churns, Woll Bnckots. Cothes pins, Bung Floggers Barrel Covers, Wash Boards, Measures, Flour Palls, Sugar Boxes, Lomon Squeezers, Bowls. Trays, Kegs, Mats, Baskets, Matches, Ac, just received and for Bale low by Sept 13 J. St T. R. AGNEW. Democratic Newspapers runr.isnED AT THE CAPITA LI OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THE attention of the MERCHANTS, FARMERS bud HEADS of FAMILIES gcnorallv throughout tho mpcr Districts, is called to tho MANY ADVANTAGES to be obtained by subscribing for THE DAILY PHOENIX, Published every morning, oxcept Monday, at $1 for six months; $2 for throe months. TRI- WEEKLY PHOENIX, Published Tuesday, Thursday and Satur? day, at 2.50 for six months; $1.25 for three. WEEKLY GLEANER, A mammoth paper, containing forty-eight columns of reading matter, is published every Wednesday morning, at $1.50 for six months. These papers are recognized as thc cen? tral Democratic organs, and contain, be? sides Political Matter, the latest TELE? GRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE-Markets and a daily summary of News from all J parts ol the World; interesting Editorials on general topics; Local Matters; Corres? pondence; News Items; Miscellany-Sto? ries, Poetry, .tc. Address JULIAN A. SELRY, Proprietor, August 20 Columbia, S. C. JCzJ'Our country exchanges are requested to give tho above a few insertions. THE WEEKLY GLEANER, A LARGE ETOHT-rAoi: JOURNAL OF j NEWS, POLITICS, LITERATURE. An excellent Paper for Country Reading. ITS POLITICS DEMOCRATIC IN THE OREAT FIGHT AGAINST RADICAL. USURPATION. TO TUE PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY GLEANER-Devoted to the rehabilitation of tho South inits former prosperity-is offered to subscribers at tho low rate of $1.50 for six months. Thc annals of tho American Republic show no political campaign comparable in tho magnitude of its issues and thc mo? mentousness of its results to that for the Presidency, now pending. Indeed, the very lifo of free government is on trial, and it will bo a sad commentary on the capacity of the people for tho exercise of that high trust if they, tho jurors who are to try tho issue, pronounce a verdict of solf-cop.domnation. If tho South has any hope it is in the success of tho Democratic partv in tho coming Presidential election; and every citizen is vitally interested in the progress of the battle, and cannot afford to bo without a sound and reliable newspaper. As an organ, not only of sound Demo? cratic principles, bnt as a vehicle of ge? neral news, tho GLEANER is confidently commended to Southern support. A largo eight-page paper, of forty-eight columns, lilied with tho contributions of ablo cor? respondents, the daily wealth of tele? graphic communication and readable edi? torials. Especially will it bo valuable as an organ to disabuse the Northern mind of the falsehoods in relation to Southern thought and actions, with which it is the industrious vocation of certain parties to poison the springs of Northern feeling on Southern subjects. In this view of the matter, no moro valuable aid to the true reconstruction of the country and restora? tion of just sentiment at the North toward tho South can bo rendered than by sub? scribing to tho WEEKLY GLEANER and sending it to acquaintances and friends in the Northern States. We ask tho aid of such of our political comrades as shall see this prospectus, in the distribution of the paper; especially during tho progress of the impending campaign. The WEEKLY GLEANER is published every Wednesday morning, and mailed to singlo subscribers at ?3.U0 per anum; Six Months, $1.50; Three Months, 75c; Single Copies, 10c. Sample copies will bo sent on receipt cf address. Money for sub? scription should bc sent in drafts or post oftico orders, but may bo sent in a regis? tered lotter. Writo your address, post office, County and State, plainly. JULIAN A. SELRY, Proprietor Phoenix and Gleaner, July 17_Columbia, 8. C. Just Received at Phoenix Office, A lot of BILL HEAD PAPER-which will bo i < atly printed, at short notice, and NEW YORK TRICES. Call and aee. Old Newspapers FOR SALE at tho PHONIX OFFICE. NEW FALL GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NOW AT R. G. SHIVER'S. AFTER HAVING WITHDRAWN OUR ADVERTISEMENT, FOR THE PAST eighteen months, wo find it desirable to EXTEND OUR 'TRADE, And again advertise our business for a short time, promising, as of old, tho strictest attention to our patrons, rigid economy in our prices, and absoluto fairness in all our transactions. To tho CITY and adjoining COUNTRY MERCHANTS, wo beg to say that wo feel that we can sell them their goods, for cash, as cheap as they eau possibly land them from any other market, and wc aro exceedingly anxious to savo thom tho timo and expenso of going abroad. Wo have on hand, at ibis time, a large lot of the following goods, which wo had thc good fortuno to buy when they were exceedingly cheap, and we offer our patron* tho advantages of the purchase, viz: Osnaburgs, Yarns, Sheetings, Shirtings, Bed - Ticks, Homespuns, Checks, Stripes, Prints, Kerseys, Etc. Also the following New and Desirable Goods : CASSIMERE3, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MERINOS, DELAINES, CASEMELES, COBURGS, REPS, FOPLINS, OPERA FLANNELS, CLOAKINGS, VELVETEENS, ALPACAS, BOMBAZINES, CRAPES, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, JACONETS, SWISSES, NAINSOOKS, MULLS, LAWNS, GLOVES, HOSE, HALF HOSE, MERINO VESTS, MERINO PANTS, MERINO HOSE AND HALF HOSE, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, RIBBONS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, THREADS, NEEDLES, TINS, BUTTONS. TAPES, HOOKS AND EYES, CORDS, TRIMMINGS, TOILET COMES, BRUSHES, TOILET ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS, EXTRACTS, POWDERS, POMADES. And articles beyond enumeration, all of which we offer at fair prices. R. C. SHIVER. September 1?