OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, January 19, 1869, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1869-01-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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4 5 C
11 12 IS
18 19 2C
25 26 27
1 2 ii
8 9 10
15 10 17
22 23 24
29 30 31
5 6 7
12 13 14
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26 27 28
8 4 5
10 ll ! 12
17 18 19
24 25!20
I 1 21 3 4 ?
7 8| 9 10 ll li
14 15|1G 17 18 IS
21 22?23l24 25 2C
28 29 30
j 12 3
5 Ol 7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15 16 17
19 20 21 22 23 21
26J27I28 29 30 31
Sa far as authentic record is concerned,
perhaps the oldest single tree is that known
as tho Cypress of Somma, in Lombardy. It
was known, says an account, to be in exist?
ence in the time of Julius Ca)sar, forty-two
years before Christ, and is, therefore, moro
than 1,900 years old. It is 106 feet in
height, and twenty feet in circumference at
one foot from tho ground. Napoleon, when
laying down the plan for his great road over
the Simpl?n, a lofty pasB cf tho Alps, di?
verged from a straight line to avoid injuring
this tree.
A Rocky Mountain paper publishes an
obituary notice of the famous "Jim," chief
of the Washoe Indians, who died recently.
He is said to have been a good, though very
dirty, red man. He possessed a well-ba?
lanced head of hair, and stomach enough for
all he conld get to eat. His regard for truth
was remarkable-he never meddled with it.
He left no will, and his estate, consisting of
a pair of boots, will have to be settled by
his heirs through tho medium of a game of
"old sledge." After life's fitful fever aud
ague, he sleeps well.
An exchange says Jubal Early will take
advantage of President Johnson's amnosty
proclamation and return home, singing,
"The year of Jubal E. is come; return, ye
wandering sinner, home."
To Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
COLUMBIA. January 7, 1869.
PROPOSAIS will bo received by tho City Coun?
cil for contracting to do the BLACKSMITH
and WHEELWRIGHT WORK connected with tho
Street Department, for the ?resont year. Tho
contract will be given to the lowest bidder resid?
ing and doing business within tho limits of tho
eity. Bids to bo left at this oflico on or before
Tuesday, the 10th instant. By ordor of thc City
Council. J. s. MCMAHON,
Jan 8 City Clerk.
-^ THE largest and best eollec
^Sgjgk tion of FRUIT TREES ever^Sgfc
^BOjggLs before grown at these Nurseries
JSHJSe^^is now offered for fall and win- <S?5
^Sf^gA^ter planting, embracing APPLFS and
'i PEACHES of all tho choice varieties,
including many Southern kinds, particularly
adapted to our soil and climate, from tho earliest
to the latest. Pears, tho large?t and best col?
lection in the South, with now Southern varieties;
standards and dwarfs, of large size, can bo fur?
nished. Apricot % and Nectarines, Plums, Cher?
ries, Quinces, Medlars, Everbearing Mulberries,
English Walnuts, Spanish Chesnuts, French Ha
zlonuts, rod and white; Pomegranites, Figs, several
hardy kinds; Grapes, all tho choico table varie?
ties and for vineyards; Raspberries, Strawberry
Plants, all tho beat, suited to the climate.
varied collection, embracing many new Cypresses
and Junipers, suitable for Cemeteries; Magnolias,
Deodar Cedars, Ac, fine Boodling plants; Roses,
all the best, including the new French kinds;
Dahlias of every shade and color; Gladiators, now
French and Belgian; Tubo Rosos, Crysanthe
mums; Asparagus and Horso Radish Roots; Osage
Orange and Macartney Rose, for hodgos-plant
these to protect your Orchards and Vineyards. A
new general descriptive catalogue, containing all
necessary information, in press and will be for?
warded to all patrons. All orders should be ad?
dressed direct to mo and will receive prompt atten?
tion. WM. SUMMER, Agent,
Nov 5 13mo__ Tomar?a. S. C.
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Valuable Beal S?tate for Sale.
?L DWELLING told LOT, corner of^^
Upper wad Boll stroote. 3H
2. Dwelling and Lot on Lumber Btreat. ,
3. Fine Building Lot on Arsenal Hill.
4. Lot corner of Lady and Hain streets.
6. Lot 52 feet on Main street. .
9. House and Lot near Charlotto Depot.
7. Lot comer of Taylor and Assembly streets.
8. Three Lots in Waverly.
9. The Barhamville Property and Lands adja?
cent. . ?
10. 14 ?cres on Uppor streot, adjoining tho Fair
11. 2 Fine Dwellings on Arsonal Hill.
12. 1.400 acres of Pine Land, near Camden, well
wooded; containing two good mill sites and one
mill completed, the survoy of the Chatham Rail?
road passing through it.
13. 640 acres Pine Land, in Kershaw.
14. 216 acres of Land, in York, rich in gold.
15. 1,667 acres productive Land, in Abbeville.
16. 5,000 acres productive Land, in Laurens.
17. 1,900 acres productive Land, in Marlboro.
18. 976 acres of productive Land, in Fairfield.
19. 1,600 acres Phosphate Lands, near Charles?
ton, on Stono River.
20. A fino Saw Mill Property, noar Lexington.
21. 1,800 acres, in Richland, River Swamp Lands,
with a good Mill.
22. 11.000 acroB of Hoavily Timbered Land, in
St. Stephen's Parish.
23. 600 acres of Cypress Land, near Gadsden,
convenient to North-Eastorn Railroad.
3 Fino COTTON PLANTATIONS to rent, low.
We havo Landa near Columbia which can bo di?
vided into small tracts to suit purchasers.
?Tan 8 _ Real Estate Agents.
Chester Nursery Garden.
FRUIT TREES, of all descriptions, for salo.
Tho very best early and late Southern Apples
and Peaches, Evergreens, Roses. Dahlias, Flower?
ing Shrubs and Vinos, Green-house Plants, Ac.
Persons who wish to procuro Trees or Plants to
improve their homesteads, will do well to examino
my Price List, which can bo had by addressing
W. BLAKE, Nurseryman,
Oct 22 }3mo_Chester. S. C.
^ CO O
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New Stock Guns, Pistols, Etc?
Directly opposite Phonix OJJicc.
i'HE undersigned informs his
friends and tho public generally that
ho has received a large and select
assortment of Singlo and Double
for all kinds Guns, Rifles and Repeaters on hand.
SPORTSMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, all of which will
bo sold low for cash. GUNS and PISTOLS made
to order and repaired at short notice and.moderate
price. Cash system rigidly adhered to.
Oct 7_P. W. KRAFT.
THE best and most popular Medicino in uso.
The Queon's is tho groat Blood Purifier.
The Queen's Delight is a safo Alterative
Tho Queen's Delight is a certain cure for Diseases
of tho Blood.
Tho Queen's Delight is the best Liver Invigorator.
Tho Queen's Delight is tho medicino for Scrofula.
Tho Queen's Delight is for Head-aches.
Tho Queen's Delight is for Nervous Affections.
Tho Queen's Delight will cure all Skin Diseases.
Tho Queen's Delight will remove Blotches and
Tho Queen's Delight will cure Chills and Fevor.
The Queen's Delight will cure Cancer and Indolent
Tho Queen's Delight will euro Erysipelas and
The Queen's Delight will euro Asthma.
Thc Queen's Delight will cure Bronchitis.
Queen's Delight will euro all Female Complaints.
Tho Queen's Delight will restore the loBt Energies
of Man.
Queen's Delight will ree tore the Feeble to Health.
The Queen's Delight lor Young and Pale-faced
Tho Queon's Deliget has secured the favor of tho
Queen'? Delight is now tho great Family Medicino.
The Queen's Delight has been tried, and gives
universal satisfaction.
Tho Queon'B Delight should bo hi every Family.
Tho Queon's Delight is the cheapest as well aa
thc best Medicino youcangiva.
Strong Testimonials. ?-.?i.
Ur. E. JJ. Heinit sh-DBAB 8IR: Upon the recom?
mendation oi a friend, I purchased a bottlo of
your QUEEN'S DELIGHT, and took it for
('hills and Fever. I report to you a completo euro
of my caso. I have been living on Big Lake,
whore tho Chilla and Fevei prevail, as an epidemic.
I havo escaped them entirely, after taking your
valuable mixtum. I can recommend its general
usc, in cases of Debility, and in Derangement of
the Liver and Stomach. It is a valuable medicine.
Yours respectfully, J. J. DOUGLASS.
LANCASTER, Penn., Sept. 25, 1867.
Mr. E. II. IJeinitsh- DKAR SIR: Tho bottlo of
QUEEN'S DELIGHT which I bought from your
agent in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, has given ino
entire satisfaction. I have been a dyspeptic for
many years, and never found relief from an
attack, excopt by traveling. A chango of climate
and diet always improved my health, hut this
made it necessary to travel. Your QUEEN'S
DELIGHT does away with this expensive process.
No medicino ever before produced so good an effect
after using ono bottle. I am almost entirely
relieved of pain. My bowels are regular. I expe
rioucn no nausea, and am improving in health.
Tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT is ce rtainly tho best
medicine 1 have ever taken. 1 will recommend its
uso. Yours respectfully, JAMES F. DOUNEY.
Prepared only hy E. H. Heinitsh. Wholesale
agents. * FISHER <t HEINITSH,
Oct 2:1 t Columbi* M ('
Billiard Tables for Sale.
I complote order, Marble and
Slate Bedding, with Balla. Cues
and Counters included. Sharp k
Griffith's mako. Will be sold low. Call nt
Decl3 G. DIERCK'8.
SMOKED and Pickled SALMON,
Smoked Hallihut, White Pish, Cod
and Blue Fish,
Dutch Herrings, Pickled Sardine?,
Swiss, English Dairy, Goshen Cheese
Fisks' Hams, Breakfast Stripe, Mackerel,
Self-Raising Floor, Beean Nuts, Almonds,
Raisins, Preserves, Currants, Prunes, Ac.,
Holland Oin, French Brandy, Madeira Wine,
Shorry Wine, Rhine Wino, Candies, assorted,
Fancy Soaps, Crackers, assorted, Pipes, Sega rs,
Tobacco, Walking Canes, Ac.
Low for cash, at G. D1ERCKS.
Latest New York News.
JbooK Oatl Look Ont ?I Look?ul?
"Beautilion the Complexi?n."
"Gives ? Roey Glcw to the Cheeks."
"A Baby Tinge to the Lips."
"Removes all Blotches ?nd Freckles."
.The Beat in tibe World."
Bitter-sweet and Orange Blossoms
Ono Bottle, $1.00. Three for $2.00.
1,000 BottloB sold in ono day in Now York city. Q j
03- All Druggists in COLUMBIA sell it.
Or address "COSTAR," No. 10 Crosby st., N. Y.
COSTAR'S" Standard Preparations
..Costar'*" Rat, Roacli, ?Sec., Exterminator*.
"Cottar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator*.
''Cottar'*" (only pure) Insect Powder.
"Only Infallible Remedies known."
"18 years established in Now York." .
"2,000 Bosos and Flasks manufactured daily."
" lil Beware !!! of spurious imitations."
"All Druggists in COLUMBIA sell them."
Address "COSTAR," 10 Crosby street, Now
York; or, JOHN F. HENRY, successor to Domas
Barnes ? Co., 21 Park Row, Now York. Sold in
COLUMBIA by the principal Druggists.
Dec 22_ly
For Diseases of the Tltroat and Lungs, such o$
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron
chilis. Asthma and Consumption.
PROBABLY never before in the whole history of
medicino, has anything won so widely and so
deeply upon tho contldcnco of mankind, as this
excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints.
Through a long series of years, and among most
of tho races of mon, it haB ri6cn higher and bighor
In their estimation, as it has become better known.
Its uniform character and power to euro the vari?
ous affections of the lungs and throat, have mado
it known as a rcliablo protector against them.
While adapted to milder forms of disease and to
young children, it is at tho samo timo ti.o most
effectual remedy that can bo given for incipient
consumption, and tho dangerous affections of tho
throat and lungs. AB a provision against Budden
attacks of CROUP, it should bo kept on hand in
every family; and, indeed, as all aro sometimes
subject to colds and coughs, all should bc provided
with this antidoto for them.
Although settled CONSUMPTION is thought
incurable, still great numbers of cases where tho
disease seemed settled have been completely
cured, and tho patient restored to pound hoalth by
the CHERRY PECTORAL. So completo is its
mastery over the disorders of tho lungs and
throat, that, tho most obstinate of them yield to it.
When nothing else could reach them, under tho
CHEBRJf PECTORAL they subside and disap?
protection from it.
ASTHMA is always relieved and often wholly
cured by it.
BRONCHITIS if? generally cured by taking the
CHERRY PECTORAL in small and frequent doses.
So generally are its virtues known that wo need
not publitdi tho certificates of them here, or do
more than assure tho public that its qualities arc
fullv maintained.
For Fer.er and Ague, Intermittent F?ter, Chill
Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical
or Hilious Ferer, ?fcc, and indeed all the affection?
which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasma?
tic poisons.
As its name implies, it does Cart, and does not
fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bis?
muth. Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisenous
substance whatever, it in nowise injures any pa?
tient?. The number and imuortance of its curcB in
the aguo di-tricts. aro literally beyond account,
and we believe without a parallel in tho history of
Aguo medicine. Our pride is gratified by tho
acknowledgments wo receive of the radical cures
I effected in obstinate cases, and where other reme?
dies had wholly failed.
Unaccliniated persons, either resident in, or
traveling through, miasmatic localities, will be
piotectcd by taking tho AG?E CURE daily.
For LIVER COMPLAINTS, arising from tor?
pidity of tho Liver, it is an excellent remedy,
stimulating tho Liver into healthy activity.
For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it
ia an excellent remeky. producing many truiy re?
markable curcB where other medicines had failed.
Frepared by Du. J. C. AYER A CO., Practical
and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Massachusetts',
ind sold all round thc world.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines
everywhere_Jan 1 3mo
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IQUENCH NOVELTlES--Perfumery. Extracts,
' Odors, Boquets, Fountains, Antique Oil, Ger?
man Cologno, Lubin a Extract? and Powder, Royal
Lavender, Perfumed Crackern, French Pomades,
"Cosm?tique," English Huir Brushes, Dreesing
Combs, assorted; Fine Tooth Comba, English and
FionohTooth Brushes; 1 h/nut Toilet Soap-Rose,
I Almond, Honey, Glycerine. Windsor, /abater. Skin
Soap, for the complexion; Powder Puff* and Boxes.,
in variety; Toilet Waters; all very cheap itt
Dec20f FISHER .v HEIXITSli'S Dru? Rtor?.
English Dairy Cheese. Cranberries.
KA BOXES English Dairy Cutting, Pius Apple
')\J and Young America CHEESE.
18 bushels CRANBERRIES, in fine or.'tr, aud
for sale low by E. A G. D. HOPE.
The Flaco to Get lt.
fIF you are desirens of obtaining tho very
beat branda of WINES. GIN, BRANDY,
WHISKEY or BUM, by the glass or bottle,
besides first quality SEGAlts and TOBACCO, call
at the Carolina House, on Washington street,
near Sumter. B. BARBY,
W Jan 16_ Proprietor.
The Pollock House.
Jjgfcaw THIS first claBB RESTAURANT is
WBBfa loomed on Main street, a few ??or8?-TSa
' "JU w from Washington. Is furnished Hf
with the best of WINES. LIQUORS, LAGER, ?sf
etc. OY8TERS aud GAME, in season. Comfort?
able rooms attached for pnvato Dinner and Sup?
per parties. A handsomely fitted . " ?
up BILLIARD ROOM tn tho ?^-<???f
cond story,with Sharpe s improved WFJasfxpaev- f?
' Jan 14 T. M. POLLOCK, Proprietor.
Main street near Lady, Columbia, S. C.
tiffi ' RESTAURANT is sup- <@W ^
CggjMfcpliod with tho vory best of WINKS,
und SUPPERS furnished at short, notieo. Tho
cooking is unsurpassed. OYSTERS, GAME, Etc.,
in season. J. B. LANIER, Proprietor.
R. HAMILTON. Superintendent. Dec 10
Columbia Restaurant, j^^^
WE have remodeled our RESTAURANT. Wil1
daily receive Oysters, Fhh, Gamo, Venison.
Ac,of choice quality. Our motto shall bo punctual
attendance, moderate price?, and desire to please
all. AB UH c.al. our WINES, Liquors, Sopara, ?co.,
aro of tho best. Give IIB a call and judgo for
yourself. LUNCH from ll to 1 o'clock.
Oct 29 $8mo Opposite South End of Market.
Prompt, Cheau and Accurate.
EST A P. I. [SHED ^^i^^^ MARCH, 18C5.
Bool.. Joh and Newspaper Pow? r Press
Mn in Si reut, ? hov*- 7 u> lor,
THE proprietor has recently made EXTENSIVE
ADDITIONS to his ! irmor large stock of material
Type, Pressrs, Colored Inks, raper, Cards, etc.,
introducing '!.. LATE:"! STY I hS, aud is fully
prepared to undei Ink? unv and < > er? tluug ::i the
From a CarU
feet Poster.
a ca
"3 o
o -
'Z >,
Vis?telo a massive volume or a thirty
The following aie the inducements:
.2 'r
Priees are Lower than any otb? r establishment
In this stat--, or <-v?-i! New York.
Pamphlet?, (Mrmil.srs. Rill Heads, Briefs,
Ball Tickets. * Invitations,
Dray Tickets, .'?^??J?BMI Receipts,
Programmes, Hand-bills,
Letter Head. - Bostels
Cheeks, ? Blanks,
Drafts, Labels,
Wedding, Visit inc and BIIS?IIUSH Cards, Ac, Ac.,
of all styles and s:/..--.: in fact,
Any and ?.very Description of Printing)
In ono. two, three Colors and Bronze, promptly
attended to. J?LTAN A. SELBY. Proprietor.
Old Newspapers,
FOR Wrapping and Pattern Cutting, for sale
at th.- PHOENIX ol PICK.
Smoked Heats, &c.
"C^XTRA Sugar-cured HAMS,
JfjijExira Sugar-cured Strips,
hxtra Fine Smoked Tongues.
Smoked Salmon, Yarmouth Bloaters,
Pickled Trout. Pickled Pig Pork. Bigs' Feet, No.
1 Bay Mackerel, Fulton Market Beer, and a full
assortment <>f Fan ey and Staple Groceries-for
sale low, by GEORGE SYMMER8.
Greenville and G o Iambi a Railroad Co.,
COLUMBIA, S. C., December 28,18G8.
NOTICE is hereby gi von that at a recent meeting
of the Board of Directors of this Company, it
waa determined to pay the six months' interest
upon onr mortgage and guaranteed debt, falling
doe on the 1st day of JANUARY next; Provided,
the holders of th? said mort cago and guaranteed
bonds, and certificates of Indebtedness, will fond
all interest accruing upon them np to Joly 1,1868.
We are, however, compelled *o nanpena the pay?
ment until the Legislature valid?tes the Acts of
1861 and 1866, authorizing tho guarantee of the
Stats upon our bonds, because until that is done,
we cannot fund tho back interest in the oamo se?
curity which it now has.
When such aotion ia. taken by the Legislature,
notice will bo immediately given and payments
and settlements made, in accordance with tho
above terms. H. P. HAMMETT, President.
Deo 30_._
Charlotte and South Carolina and Colombia
and Angosta Railroad Companies.
COLUMBIA, S. C., January li, 186S.
BMB?WW^ sass:
Traine over these Boads will run Daily as follows:
Lve Charlotte 6.30 a. m. Arr. Columbia 1.50 p. m.
Lve Columbia 2.30 p. m. Ar Graniteville 7.30 p.m.
Lvo Graniteville7.40 a. m. Ar Columbial2.15 p. m.
Lve Columbia 12.50 p. ra. Ar Charlotte 7.35 p. m.
J?-C1OBO connection at Charlotte, with North
Carolina Railroad, for all points North; aWGranite
villo, with South Carolina Road, for all points
Jan 14 Superintendent.
The Great Inland Freight Route,
Charlotte & South Carolina E. E.,
11HIS FAVORITE and RELIABLE Route offers
. superior advantages to tho MERCHANTS of
COLUMBIA and UP-COUNTRY, in transporting
FREIGHTS at low rates and quick despatch to and
from Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and
Boston, ter RatOB always guaranteed as low aa
tho published rates of any other line.
tar No change of carB, or breakage of bulk,
between Charlotte and Portemouth.
Marino Insurance from one-half to three
quarters per cent, leas than by competing linea.
For further information, fates, classification
ehcota, Ac, apply to, or address,
General Freight and Ticket Agent,
July24 Charlotto and South Carolina R. R. Co.
i**JP?fryi?^yuusaMwill run as follows, viz:
Lcavo Charleston for Columbia. 6.30 a. m.
Arrive Kingsville_1.30 p. m. Leave 2.00 p. m.
Arrivo Columbia.3.50 p. m. Lcavo 6.00 a. m.
Arrivo Kingsville... 7.30 a. m. Leave 8.00 p. m.
Arrivo at Charleston.3.10 p. m.
Tho Passenger Train on tho Camden Branch
will connect with up and down Columbia Trains
and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Trains
Night Express Freight nnd Passenger Accom?
modation Train will run as follows:
Leave Charleston for Columbia. 5.40 p. m.
: Arrive Columbia 6.05 a. m. Leave 5.30 p. m.
Arrivo at Charleston.5.40 a.m.
M ar ch21_ H. T. PEAKE, Gen'l Snp't.
Greenville and Columbia Railroad.
rS^imanSSmen PASSENGER Trains run
gWF*??J-t^^si^&-?- daily, Sucday excepted, con?
necting with Night Trains OU Charleston and
Charlotte Railroads:
Lvo Columbia 7.00 a.m. Lvo Greenville 5.45 a.m.
" Alston 8.40 " " Andiraon 6.25 "
NewberrylO.10 " " Abbeville 8.0O "
Arr Abbovillo 3.00 p.m " Nowherry 12.35 p.m.
" Anderson 4.20 " " Alston 2.15
"Greenville 5.00 *' Arr Columbia 8.45 p.m.
Trains on Blue Ridge Railroad run aa follows:
Lve Anderson 4.30 p.m. Lvo Walhalla 3.30 a.m.
" Pendleton 5.30 " " Pendleton 5.30 "
Arr Walhalla 7.30 " Arr Anderson 6.20 "
Tho train will retnrn from Belton to Anderson
on Monday and Fridav mornings.
JA'MES O. MEREDITH, General Snp't.
Spartanborg and Union Railroad.
r^imOg?J PASSENGER Trains lcavo Spartan
4 ijg?2^5g?burg Court Houeo Mondays, Wednes?
days and Fridays, at 7 A. M., and arrive at Alston
1.20 P. M., connecting with tho Greenville Down
Train and trainB for Charlotto and Charleston.
On Tuesdays, Thursdaysjand Saturdays, the Up
Passenger Trains, connecting with the Greenville
Up Trains, leave Alston 9 A. M. and arrive Bpar
tanburg Court House 3.20 P. M., as follows:
Down Train. Up Train.
Milos. Arrive. Leave. Arrive. Leave.
Spartanburg_ 0 7.00 3.20
Pacolet.10 7.45 7.48 2.32 2.35
Joneavillo.19 8.25 8.30 1.50 1.55
Unionvillo.28 9.15 9.40 12.40 1.05
Santuc,.87 10.16 10.21 12.03 12.08
Shelton .48 11.10 11.12 11.06 11.08
LylcB Ford.52 11.36 11.38 10.39 10.42
Strother.56 12.02 12.05 10.12 10.15
Alston.68 1.20 9.00
Jan 7 THOS. B. JETER, President.
Office North Carolina Railroad Co.,
Trains over this road:
Leavo Charlotte..11.36 p. m. Arrive. .11.35 p. m.
" Greensboro 5.05 a. m. and 7.17 p. m.
'* Raloigh 9.41 a. m. and 3.20 p. m.
Arrivo Goldsboro 12.25 p. m. Leavo . 12.80 p. m.
Through Pasecngera ny thia line havechoice of
rout ( H via Greensboro and Danville to Richmond,
or via Raleigh and Weldon to Richmond orPorta
mouth; arriving at all points North of Richmond
at the same time by cither routo. Connection is
made at Goldsboro with Passenger Trains on the
Wilmington and Weldon Railroad to and from
Wilmington, aud Freight Train to Weldon. Also
to Newbern. on A. A N. C. Road._
Laurens Railroad-New Schedule.
CrcamiEWn MAIL Trains on thia Road run to
^S?^"!s?E?return on same day, to connect with
np and down Trains on Greenville and Columbia
Railroad, at Helena: leaving Laurens at 5 A. M.,
I and leaving Helena at 1.30 P. M. same days.
July 9 J- H- BOWERS. Snperinteudent
Purifies the Blood.
For Snle hy I>ruggl*t* Ilverywhere.
Burglar Alarms.
WE have purehasod tho right of Utlcy's Patent
BURGLAR ALARMS, and now offer them
for snlo at th* low price of $10 each. They will bc
found a secure safe-guard .for Protection of Stores,
Dwelling?, Gin-houses, Darns, Smoke-houses, <?t\,
from tfiieucs and incendiaries. Call and seo them
at tho store of * J. A T. R. AGNEW.

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