Newspaper Page Text
BY J. A. SELBY; ~ C0?itfi??lA,o?. C., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 15. 1871. YOL. VII-NO. 100. tfOfJ comea fromtJDoIaware o? ao eogen, tHo pfiAopner who has^ct%eVSf riolty of \hia 'criminal nttorttpt to en? lighten, mankind. . To tome TexteAt nb did on?gbton that abstraction, hut not as be intended to da Ho had some theory or other in regard to the uso oj his parachutes, which he absurdly con? nue tu ch, with pyrotechnics, and BO,' on tho'^th of jjjly, shortly after dusk, he clandestinely ereated in his own yard a hage sky-rooket, ut the head of which was attn, ched his paraph uto in euch a way that while the rocket was seeking the mobo it wohld r?inaih ot?se?, but when its upward: flight ccBsod it would theo? retically open like ht>"ambrolla, and thus Waft him, safely to tho ground. > He attached himself to the lower,.end of the stieb'" w?t'?i'.'tno fuso. turned away from bini in Emoh a way that tho ?ro from tho rocket would not-injuro him. Then ho blabed uw'?y. und. v<ont whizzing through the air,vdangling and bobbing ,UH he spe^'wltli *'Sre. fastening itself upon hita-sohiewhat "like the pale" martyr in theiehirtof Uro," If-'his parachute pycr.opoued hc did not know it, for pre1 sop tty those who beheld the wondrous engine'saw. it turn sharply, in midair and fall. '"The poor' fool, was found burned and mangled sot far from bis own philosophy shop. REOIFB POR Cono TOMATO CATSUP., The following recipe, furnished' to tho Lunoaator Ledger, in highly recoin nionded and worthy of a trial: Take half ?"pecfc of' ripe tomatoes; half a gallon' of apple vinegar; ono ton oup of aalt; on'e tea oap of mustard seed, ground flue; one tea cup of horse radish;'four .pods of red pepper; three table spooDH-ftiK ot black pepper; one band-full of 'celery seed. Let all-the in? gredients be /cut fine and mixed cold. Pat the .catsup immediately into bottles, which should be corked and sealed se? curely. Tt will be ready for use in a few clays,'but will improve ny age. ./?a . .Tho. Honolulu Advertiser ia JOB pon Bi? ble- for, tho statement that a harpoon waa found in a/'recently captured whale in tho A rot io <sea?, on th b We s torn side of the ao?tinent, that wau k??Wn to ? ship at that, timo.cjrniuing in tho ?ame seaa on the'opposite side of the continent- The mipp?aition is that the .fish'passed from ono open nea to 'another, ?fa the' pole; and ho mast havh found open'water, for whales 'must occasionally come , to the surf ac? and bjow. One ol the ohurohes has sont out eight: female missionaries this year. This is kinil Qiiil r.nnfiidorntn. Wa have long beep, of,, tho opinion that if the Feejee Islanders prefer a roasted missionary of thitrkind to the old-fashioned sort, their preference-: ought to be gratified. ? Western woman bas invented "epjrjt-bridu photographs,"in which the bashful baohelor'a physiognomy is sur? rounded by. the maids who would not be h verso to becoming his bride. ^ The; female p?palation of Edinburgh exoe?ds tho malo in nearly 19,000. Not mach trouble for men to get wives there. .Wanted, AYOUNG MAN, to stand bohind tho desk in a storer. Must.writ? a fair hand. r . Address Post Qfttce Box 34. Joly 26 iii! I i To Rent, TVQOM8 over OitixonB' Savings Bank. Ap XV ply at the Bank. . July 22 6 To Bent, A COMFORTABLE OOTTAOE. with 'four Booina and necessary ont-buTld ,, "iugs. Good woU of water .on -the pre mises. Apply at Telegraph Oftico. Joly 8 Wanted to Bent, ... A COTTAGE, nt mp?erate rate, within two or three squares of tho Primwix Office. 'Apply, pr.addrosa H. N. E., at this Office. ... t rt ARTHUR. 0. .MOORE, . Attorney and Counsellor ai Law, " ' ' " ' . COLUMBIA, B.'O..." ' - "T?fAS REMOVED ble offleo tu No. 2, Law JIL Bange. ii July 4 J3mo * Peart Grist. i./\.BBLB. FRESH-PEARL GRIST, Jual J.U received and for ealo low by Wune 15 JOHN AGNEW A RON. IttagratlPs Digest of South Carolina Law Reports, TO the proseot timo. , Price t3. For aalo at BRXAN ^.MP^A&TEU'S BOOKSTORE Jnne ll" Native and Foreign Wines. SdUEPElfNONG, Concord, lanterns, Cla? ret, Cbampaguoa, Just rooeivod and for salo low, by E. HOPE. ..., . ..'Beegers Beer . , DON'T contain Strychnine It iii puro, end warranted tobo ao.. March ll IO Congres* Water. GABES/or sale low by . Juno 17 : GEO. SYMMER8. Claret Wine O?Kdr&ugbt, THI8 DAYj'at a' low price, bv f: the, gallon or doaon. EDGARD HOPE. . .Whooping Cough Candy. KSSSJ "t| ERE iVfloihet hing for children suffering '.'XlL' wfth WBooning Cough.. Croup, Coughs, .Ac, . A ptek?an.t .medicine lu . tho form of ^WSH35, .efToctdal in Allaying coughs, croup, .?dlds^ Keonthe, patient under the influen?a Sf thc medicino contained in tills candy; will Uay 'tb? vtolonco Of tho couch. At " June lt" . HEINirSH'S Drug Btoro.. '?' Smoked Herrings. O AA BOXES 8M0K?D HERRINGS, just1 ja\J\J rt/coiyod' and for salo, at fifty cents per box,"hy '';'.'' JOHN AGNEW A BON. Red ^Aub Cqat-?-S16 Per Ton, IAM prepared' to' furnish tho abov'o COAL, I in qiuiptltioB 'from ono to fifty tons, at $15 Sjr ton, delivered Jn' any part 'qt, tho city, raer? oap bo left al.L?rick ?t Lowrance's or A/Balmer'a. Ton 2,000'lbs. T. J, HARPER.Q JuhosJ . . ' . " ' ' ?' ' Imo? Spring Water loe. MY Ico Machino is now in completo order, and can furnish ICE to city and coun? try. This leo is frozen at a low temperature, and will melt vory llttlo by transportation. Price, one dollar per ono hundred pounds; ICBB quantity, ono and,a half cents per pound. Sunday open from 'Ho 10 A. M. July 2 _/? C. HKEQERB. Imported Ale and Porter. CASKS-rints-best brands, in store and for salo . GEO. 8YMMERS. 25 jMerj1 ^MANHOOD: <'.. .'?" JSlsy How Lost! How Restored! tJj&Stf Jual published, in a sealed euve JO*sV Iqpq. lyr ice, six eenta.i ' ALE?TUBE on tho Natural Troatmeit j .and BodioaliCure of Spermatorrhea or Kbminal Weakness, Involuntary EraiasionB, 8oxual Debility, rind Impedimenta to Marri? age generally:. Nervousness,. Consumption, Epilepsy and'Fita: Montai and Physical Inca? pacity, reanlting fr?tai Self-Abuse, Ad., hy" R? uEit? J. CULVWIWELL, M. D., author of .the "Groon Book," Ac, " 1 <?A Baon'to Tbotiiandt or Bafftorera.1*. . Sont,undor soal, in a plain envelope, to any a'ddro'aa, post-paid, on rocoipt or eix. conta. Or tw? poetado BtarnpB, by OH AB. J. O. KLINE A CO., lar Bowery, New Vork-P. O. Box, 4,000. Jnno 12 ? _h_gmo ?. ?JIKDICAIi. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. ESSAYS FOB YOUNO MEN, on great so? cial ovil H and abuaea, which interforo. with MAURIAOB, -with euro moana of relief for the erring and unfortunato, diseased and de? bilitated. , Sent in sealed lotter envelopes, free of oharga. Address BOWABD BAN ITA RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth atroot, Philadelphia. Pa._May 21 3mo OClxo OelelDratecl Lanman's Florida Water, The most lasting; agree? able, and refreshing of ali perfumes, for. use on the Handkerchief, at the Toilet, a.nd in tjie Bath. For sale T>y all T)i'iiggists and Per? fumers. Sept 17 _i Tihe University of Virginia . CQHPBISE8 THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS I ?SCHOOL OF LATIN. 2. School of Greek. j? 3. ' Sohool of Modern Languagea. 4. ohool of Moral Philosophy. .5. Sohool of Siatorv and English Literature. G. School of ?hernia try. 7. Behool of Natural Philosophy. 3. Behool ot Mathematica. 9. School of Com? mon and Statute Law. 10 School of Consti? tutional and Civil Law and Equity, ll. School Of Physiology and Surgery. 12. School of Anatomy and Matoria Medica. 13. Behool of Medicino aud Obstetrics, ld School of Ap? plied Mathematica. 15. School or Analytical, Industrial and Agricultural Chemistry. 10. Sohool of Natural Hiatory and Agriculture (Professor to bo olectod.) ' ?ar Provision made for claaBoa in Mineralogy and Geology, Hebrew. Political Economy, Practical Physics, Medical Jurisprudence and Sanskrit. Diplomas and Certificates of Proficiency aro (riven in tho soparato schools. Tho following Degrees aro conferred: 1. Bachelor of Letters. 2. Bachelor of Solenccs. B. Master of Arts. 4. Doctor. of Medicine. 5. Bachelor of Law. 6. Civil Engineer. 7. Mining Eugineer. 'M i' The exponaos of tho stndcnt, CXCI.UB?VO of text books, clothing and pocket money, amonnt to from $365 "to $395 per session of nine moui of which sums $220 to $'260 aro pay? able cn admission. Session opens October 1. Por catalogues, address ORAULEN S. VENABLE, li Chairman of Faculty, i P. O., University of Va. Joly 23 m th 0 10B COLD SODA WATER with PURE FRUIT SYRUPS, can be obtained at MCKENZIE'S SA? LOON. Try it. GEORGE TUPPER, BROKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, COLUMBIA, 8. C.. OFFICE over W. O. Fisher's Drug Store, Apposite Columbia Hotol, Main street. May 2 For Sale, S?AA ACRES of LAND in Parn nen, ^9nyU on the Edisto. 750 ACRES in Kershaw-In lots to snit. Saw Mill and 2.000 acres of Land in Lexing? ton, on North Ediato, $7,000. ' 2,600 seros Watcrco Bottom Land, $2 pr acre 2,500 acrou crock bottom and pinn Laud, at ?2 per aero. 1 Honso in this city, $5,0U0. ' HOUSE and thirteen acres LAND, near the 3ity_?8,500. Apply to JOHN BAUSKETT, Attorney ut Law and Uval Estate Agent. . 8eo?.-25_J__;_ly_ Notice. THREE months from this dato, application will bo mado to tho G reen ville and Cob) Ju? bln. Railroad Company for tho renewal of tho following SCRIP, belonging to the eeiuto of JESSE DERRUHL, which lian been lost or mislaid, viz: , ' fHbek Scrip No. 1,102, 250 shnros. ,i Aaspssincut Certificate ou same, No. 1,182, ?1,000. ' " Sorip No. 1,3.17, 5 thar? 8. Assessment Gortifloatn on damn, No. 1,514, .20. WM. H. PARKE Bi .Bocoiver Eatatc of .Tt-ijeo DuRruhl. dee'd. JUMB 2,1871. Abbeville C. H. Juno 0 .;? _. jflpm Livery and Sale Stables. ?J THE >-undersigned | ,will continue tho bu? siness heretofore con? ducted by Agnov; A Co., nt tho old stands of tho hilo Arm. His Omnibuses and Carriages Will convey passengers to and from tho Rail? road Dopts to tho Columbia Hotel, tho Niok orBon Honso, or any part of tho city. Ho will also furnish Hora?w.'BnggloH, Carrie goa, 'Ac, for hire on reasonable terms, and aobeits tho patrunago of tho fi ii nd? of (belate firm. Juno 28_ OWEN DALY. BlaokwoH'a genuino Durham Smoking To. bao.o at POLLOCK'S. Notice. A LL pertsoHM having claims against tho lato .?\. WM. W. WALKER, deceased, will pre? sent thom, properly atteatod, and those in? debted vf ill malu) payment to the undersigned without delay. . TUOS. P. WALKER, - July 25 j_ Administrator. Refined' Oil. COTTON SEED REFINED OIL, by tho gal? lon or barrel. Also, inglaass, pints and quarts. , For salo,Ipw._, E. 1IOPE. Cheap Dry Goods FOR 3 0 D A YS 3 0 AT "?.OVIS & CO.'S." PREPARATORY to renovating om atores, wo will GLOSE OUT the proaout stock at "Low Down Fr ices," And will open on MONDAY a now stock of "FANCY FRENCH LAWNS," Together with other Dress Goods and Linen Goods, For LADIES and MEN'S WEAR. a a" Wo sell only BTANDAnn makos of Goods, so that GREAT BARGAINS may bo expected and will bo given. W. D. LOVE, July 2_ B. D. MoOREERY. " " North Carolina Corn Whiskey. rr f\ BARRELS of superior quality for sale OVJ by I he barrel. ._E. HOPE. MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! ~et-?.. ... - i.^.i ?PBS - - -- But the Diamond Spectacles will Preserve lt. IF yon valuo your eyesight ose thceo PER? FECT 1.K5SES. Ground from minute crystal pebbles, melted together, and derivo their name "Diamond" on acconnt of thoir hardness and hriUianoy. They will lat-1 many yoars without change, and aro warranted su? perior 'o all othorB, manufactured hy J- E.'SPENCER A O?..-N. Y. CAUTION.-Nono -genuino unices stamped with our trade mark. WM. GLAZE, Jeweler and Optician, is solo agent for Columbia, S. G., from whom they can only bo obtained. No peddlers employed._July 20 ||ily_ . CHEROKEE SPRINGS. Eight Miles from Spartanburg C. I/., S. C. k jgt?i^\ HOTEL open Juno 1st, 1871. jB^uumLlJl Board por month $30; per ?;g??^?_wcck $12; por day f2 5?. Tho LmrtfrtSSmVL-vfiior is Chalybeate, and is cool and pleasant to tho tasto. Has proven efficacious in curing Liver Complaint, Dys? pepsia, Kidney Diseases, Gravel, Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Cutaneous Affections, Chili? and Fever, Goneral Debility, and many other ills of a kindred nature. Tho tablo will be pro? vided with the best tho country affords, and every attention given to visitors, calculated to mako their stay pleasant. Mineral and Freostono baths; Gymnastics. Cabins to rent. Uaoks ran daily to tho Springs from Spartauburg. R. 0. OLIVER, Proprietor, Spartanburg C. H., 'S. C. J. L. WOFFOBD, M. D., Manager. Juno 22_tht . 12 FRESH AND COOLI w E opon this day a fresh lot of DRY GOODS, Diroot from first hands. Having no old stock to work off, wo show new and fresh Goods, at I Dull Times Prices. We ask especial attention and examination ! of our lon price SASH RIBBONS. Remember, tho only piuco io the oily to pro? cure theae desirable gooda ia at PORTE It & STEELE'S. Jeno 14_;_ Whito's Gardening for the South, toXj Ui.e lato Wm. A. Whito, of Athens, Ga. HOLMES! BOHTilERN FARMER and MAR? KET GARDENER. $1.50. The Phosphate Rocks ot South Carolina, their Historv aud Developments-Colored Phitoa. $1.2?. Six' Hormona on . Tempor?neo, hy 'Lyman Defchin*. ! Sacked .Rhetoric; or a Courte of Leatkrcs on Preaching, R. L. Dabnoy, D. D. H.50. Any above ?ont by mail. DUFFIE & CHAPMAN, Foh'lQ_Oopoftto Colnmbla Hotol.!.u The Doctors Recommend Seegers'Beer I IN preference to London Porter and Scotch | Ale. Why? Thoy know it ia ithadultorated: Jewelry and Silverware, OF tho moat approved styles, can bo ob? tained at I. H ULZ BACH ER'S establieh mont, Main street, Columbia Hotel Row. Sots and half sots in groat variety. Also, solitaire and clutter DIAMONDS. BPEOTA 0LE8 and EYE-GLA8SF.B to ault all ages. Tho coolont Lager in tho oity can ba had a Pontooa's.. C&OTHX?G HOTTSE2 OF CHILDS & WILEY. OOLT7KBI A, 3 . C . WE bavo roarkod down all of our largo stookof READY-MADE CLOTHING to euch low nj; urea that tho pr ico comee wit inn roach of all that wish'a good ii tiing garment, m ado ?TI tho latent etylo and by tho beat mull? era in New York. We aro tho only lionne that aell All Linen Drawers at $1.50. Wo aro tho only houao that have tho imported Kce-Bucker Calcutta Snits, warranted conuino. An in? flection of onr largo stock will settlo tho mind of any ono that monoy ie made by buy? ing, from na. Thirty-two inoh Hole Loather Ti unka, only a fow left, at $20. Juno 23 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO Dealers and Those in Want OF" D R Y Gr O O D S. W E have now in storo a full line of the newest and moat FASHIONABLE GOODS < Of domeatio, French and English manufac? turo, which wo guarantco, at all times, to soil aB low, if not at leas prices, than any house in Columbia, buying our Oooda from the largest and most celebrated establishments in tho Unilod States. And as we desire to pleaae all, we have now in oar hoaee tho . BEST GRADES OF EVERY CLASS OP GOODS. From tho lowoat to tho higlieat, and wc feel confident that all those favoring ua with an order from a distance will he plcaeed nnd satiafiod that OUR HOUSE IS THE ONU In this city to deal with. Wo will, upon application, send promptly by mail, full linos of samples of thone kiud of Gooda dosirod and specified by our friend? and cub tornera. All orders accompanied by cash amounting to $25 and over, delivered in any part of tho State froo of freight chargea. Those unaccompanied, will bc neut C. O. D. Wo roapootfully uulicil ordere, which will re?oive tho prompt and porsunal attention of ono of tho firm. Onr prices being low, we think wo eau render satisfaction to all. Give ua A trial. J. H. & M. L. KINARD, Jlav? _ COLUMBIA, B.C. READ THIS! "T^J^TE tako pleasure in culling tho special attention of the trade to our targe and well soloctud stock of Ladies, Misses,"Children, Lien and Boys' sun m WK Which wo aro B??jilig ut MA SOFA CTUHEIVS FRICKS. Give us a. call, nud examino bi fore you buy. J. H. & M. L. KIN ARD. _ May 26_ STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CU., Grocers and Commission Merchants, I CHARLOTTE, N. U. SOLICIT orders for COTTON. Corn, Flonr, Bacon, Lard, &o., mid Family (iroccrioa C;onorally. Ordere li lied careful ly a ml prom pt y._Fob 7Jyr A fresh supply of Brenton Lager at Foi. LOOK'S. FREMD CASS1HERE PANTS, FORMERLY tlO to *1B, WO 'aro now making*for 112 aiid? $13, to clono out oar lino of F&i?eh OobdB. Light Oassimere Suits at Cojst. Now is tho timo to order our perfeot fitting SHIRTS, warranted to pleaec. A few .Ladies' TB AVELINO TRUNKS, at cost. SS" Gall sud secure BARGAINS st Ju'y ll R. A W. C. SWAFFIELD'S. Tax Notice. OTTICE OF COUNTY AUDITOB, RICHLAND Co., COLUMBIA, B. C., Jane 28, 1871. IN pursuance of an Act of tho General Aa soothly, at ita last soasion, roy office in Co? lumbia will bo open, on and after lat day of I { July next, to August 10, to rccelvo tho returns I of Personal Property of the tax-p&yersof thia I County 'or tho yoar 1871. Blanks can he ob? tained at this oilier, in the Court House. Tax-payers aro required to enter on blanks all transfers or purchases of real estate, and also all new buildings erected sine? laut re? turn. Where tax-payers neglect to mahn thoir re? turns, tho Couuty Auditor is compelled, by law, to charge them with tho return of tho provious year and add fl itv'por cent, thereto as penalty. M. J. o A I,NAN, Juno 29_Auditor Richlacd County. SHIELDS & GLAZE, COLUMBIA, 8. C., Palmetto Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS of STEAM ENGINE8 I and BOILEB8, Baw, Gttst and -Cano I Mills, all sizes, all kinds of Agricultural Im? plements, Honse and Store Fronts. Iron Bail? ing, Iron and Braea Casting; Shafting, Pul? leys and Hangers made to order. ALSO, Manufacturers of UTLEY'S IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESS, which waa awardoc the llrst premium in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana, last fall. We also m ann facta re the DIXIE 80REW COTTON PRESS-a cheap and durable one. Send for circulara. Orders ?i?ed o? short '?oiiao and on muai reasonable terms. Juno 24 3mo "REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Spring and Summer Clothing, AT R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD'S. WE havj the largest retail stockin tho State, and, anxious to rednoe it, will sell it at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tho stock ia unbrokon, and tho best stock wo havo ever handled. New HATS, of a desirable stylo, Jnst rc- ! ccived. This reduction will apply ah o to our CUS TOM DEPARTMENT._May 16 New Books, bv Express. ' PHYSICAL CAUSE OP THE DEATH OF CHRIST, Ac, by Stroud, and letter by Sir Jamie Simpson, M. D. War and Culture, by Arthur Helps. $1.50 Hugh Miller's Lifo aud Letters, two vol? umes, by Petor Bayne, with portrait. f4. Christianity and Positivciara, hy McCosh. Pooplo'e Practical Poultry Rook, completo. Why Did He Not Die? From tho German, by Mrs. Wiatar. Oallirhoe, a Romaneo, bv Sand. $2. Climates for Invalids, by L. Rill. $1 25. Body and Mind, by Maudsloy, Loudon. $1. Tho Ohl Fashioned Roy, hy Farquarnou. Little Mon, by author of 'Little Women. Piko County Ballalla, hy John If ay. (1.50. Mrs. Beeton's Rook of'Household Manage? ment. Mest completo work. Illustrated. Also, sumo now Novela bv good authors, Just opened, at BRYAN A McCARTER'8 June 13_Bookstore Guns, Pistols, Etc. I INFORM my friends and jublio in general that I have Just received au entire new Frttock of Double and Singlo Bar rol OUNB, REPEATERS,* Flaaks. Ponchea, Pistol-Bolts, Caps, Ruck-Shot. Cartridgos. Cartridges for all kinds of Pistols, Powder and Shut. AT.flO, REPAIRING done ni short notice. ?CT 0 P. W. KRAFT/Main street. DR D. L. BOOZER ^?333gfe WOULD respectfully inform (; rR??ScL bis patrons and the public gc ^^IXS-LJy ncrally that ho has moved inti) bia new office, over Duffle A ('haj man's Book? store, opposite tho Columbia Hotel, where hu is proparod to execute, satisfactorily, all ope? rations and work, of whatsoever kind bia uro fessibn demands. Terms accommodating. March 8 #' Halt Com WhiskeyT WAUltAK'l lil) two years old. at F?V Q JOJIX^.HELGfc'^'. ?c\ tlics nnd Grain Cradles. 2DOZ. superior OHAIN'CRADLES. 10 doz. tiriflin's Grain and GrassEdythe*, ju*! rt coi vet! and to.? sido low hy May PT _ i? I UN AGNEW A PON Gun and Blasting Powder. AFULL, tmpply of tho c?l?br?t od Dupont's GUN AND BLASTING POWDER, In kegs and caiiidatf ra, is now offered'to merchants and connumera at the lowest market rates, by tho undersigned, who are sole agents for tho manufacturers at this placo. May25 JOHN AGNEW A RON. Every Ono Drinks Seegors' Beer, BECAUSE it gives strength and improves their hOaltlu_March ll STOCKS, DONDK ami COUPONS bought and gold by ,'. D, GAMBRIf.Ij. Rroker. Tho boat place to get a cool summer drink la at POLLOCK'S*. ?TW fluty Per $eii-.i Below ' THE COST MARK! ANNOVNOSM-NT More than Extraordinary! .HAYING disposed of t Ii o bulk of oar Barn mor (Stock cf Clothing and Hats, Wo Lavo determined to give greater facilities ami larger indaoe m?nta to those desirouB i bf purchasing the beet :of Gooda, by Bolling tho icmainder of our Stock at twenty per cent, below Hie coat mark. Wo bog to coll the attention of the public to our ?tock of COL? LARS and CUFFS, which, for quantity, quality, style and "va? riety, wili aarpass any in tho Bte te, embracing tho world-renowned OLOTH-FACED PA? TER COLLAH, special? ly adapted to this cli? mate, doin g away with tho Aim ny material for? merly known na Papor Collars. Do not fail to cull early, to bo convinced of the above fact?, at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR, Jane 28 Main street. AFEW rcaeons why they aboald have the preference over all others: . 1. Wheeler - Wilson's Sowing mach simpler tban any of tho others; re? quiring loee than half tho amount of ma? chinery. 2. AB tho result of this simplicity, this ma? chino is mach lesa liable than .tb? others to got oat of repair. 3. Another result-of this simplicity ls greater durability. 4. Another result iu lesa friction. And, con? sequently, greater ease and rapidity of mo? tion, with loss noise. ' . 5. And greatest of all, that it uses no Shut? tle, and makes tho lock stitch. It is the che aneet to buy the best. Buy the machino that hos justly, fairly and honora? bly won, a r?putation and independence against a strong and bitter competition. For moro than twenty yearn baa the Wheeler A Wilaon not only stood first apd.foremoat, bat now standd tho antivallcd Hewing Machine of the enlightened civilized world. Bny tho ma? chine that baa been tbUB tested and proved, and then you aro euro to get tho ber t. '. For salo, on tho cattiest poaaiblo terms. Sales? room Main td reef, icc omi door below FB?BKOE office, Columbia, S. C. J. S. FURSLEY, Agent. A. WHYTE, Genoral Soatbern Agent. Jnne 21_ Gmo The Dexter Stables. THE undersigned have re? moved their Stables to tbe new building, immediately South of i J an noy's Hall, and, with a new Xatock of CARRIAGES. BUG GILS ano Ano HOBBES, are prepared lo an? swer all calls that may be made upon them. Horses bought and sold on commission. Persona in want of good stock, are invited to glvo as a call. Liberal advances made on stock left for sale. BOYCE A CO. W. H. BOYCE. C. H. PETTIMO-X._Jan 2_ "CORRECT TIME MAY bo obtained by calling at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S and parbbseing one nf tboBe justly celebrated ELGIN WATCHES, and where yoa can fine! A complete stock of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of the' beet Lmannfacturo. In addition aro the United States, Waltham, English and Swiss Watches in Gold and Kilver C?sea, which w.?l be closed eint at New York pricca. Courtt?iiitly on bund lino Gold Chains. Beal Ringa, Charma, Lockets, Slocvo But tona, Sota, and a varied stock of Fancy Articles. All kinda of Repairing dono prompt!v, and wairanted, by ISAAC 8ULZU?CHEB, April '27_Under Colnnibla Hotel. . M. H. BERRY'S Furniture Ware-room AfVim Stret t, near Ptain. NOW oh hand ?iid d.iily re? id iving from the manufac? tories of New York, Boston, Cincinnati and Louisville, thc largest assortment of FUR? NITURE ever kept m thia market, consisting in part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din Ing-Room Balta; 200 Bedsteads -of different patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, the i-oirbratcd Georgia Split-bottom Chairs. All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done at ahortcst notice and in the boat manner. Terms cash and Goode cheap. ? Oct 80 FIRE George Biggins* Agency? EstaVUhfd in Columbia, S. C., A'. D. 1M9. TBE following companies' have complied with the lawB of tho State of? South Caro? lina, and havo been duly licensed by the Conip trollor-Genoral of tho State, and hy city of Columbia, for thoprcBentybar', representing a OiMMTAt, OP oViert 830,000.000.. /Rtrt_ Firo Tn*?nracco Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. * ? Imporiul Firo lunnruneo Company, of Lon? don. Union Fire 7iuur&uco' Company, of Bau Franf inC'Vl'alifornift. Pheonix Pif?'- Insurance Company, of Now York. mitncm Fire Iimurauco Company, ol Hart- ' hird, Connecticut. ;, Manhattan Fire Tuan ra ii oo Company, of No'w York. (UCOItOB HUCiUlNb, A_e*>t. Oihefr at Mr. Du file's now booketoro, oppo- . lilts the Columbia Hotel. May ,20 |8mo Lard! Lard ll PURE LEAF" LARD-"guaranteed'strictlv pure"-in barrels, half barrels, kegs ana S, 5 and 10 oVddiea, for sate st reduced prices, by _JOHN AGNEW A, SON. SPECIAL. ATTENTION given tothooo! leotion of Commercial Paper. Interest ohBtato and Railroad Bonds ana Stock?, and Gonveraion of State Securities, by Nov 28 6mo P GAMBRILL, Broker. A Ono summer tonio is Hattorrs Bittora can bo had at POLLOCK'S.