Newspaper Page Text
BY J. A. SELBY; ~ C0?itfi??lA,o?. C., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 15. 1871. YOL. VII-NO. 100. b?rW?fcbf tb?fib ?f cMr r'???erB!Wh? are not-raembora of tho Klau, wo give fh? following; toa^imonj of: au ollogod K. Ki, who jin? MBU $profited, iu .Kentucky and turned Stale's ?vidence. It ia evidently a'tissue! bf tho- Wst absurd lies'ovot fabricated'in the" brain''bf nu i th agi nu- . tive wilnessa i . rr..-. lUi A ? ?Payne waa, interrogated ?Uis^rening, and gave an account of tho wiernty of the Klan, ns follows: 11 .. - T'flrst signified my intention o?1 ibin ing tho band to Henry .'.Jams, working* ia the samo tl rift, wit h me. Ho.tqoU ruo to the middle of "tho drift, nnd^in. ipje. s?h'?'? bf 'Jo'tifr'Putncking,'after' asking mb: *to pat l!ap my ''left batid 'orb.'my breastabd hoid np my right - baud,' be' adffliuiatorod the jtollowiog oath: j.?,?n^i ?.You do solemnly ?wear that yon will, not reveal a sign or pass-word of tlii-i' BOcret'drgnOizaticrn'to which yon t?bw1 at taoli '.yourself; als'o.i you will ? nid it rid assist, ?,ny brother in any difiioulty iu which he way become inyolv?l j(, .j?il? snpjpo^VlHe DeruperWy;, ami may'i yt)'nJ"8iin?f yotir'boc?y?'t? bu cut} iii four peoria and caafto tho lourMitiarEer? of 'Ht h earth before you will reveal-.m sigo ott pass-word of this Beeret organization,'.' There was also something - about ' ne? groes in lt. Adams alB?Tgrtve -me signs and passwords to reopguizo u brother at a distance. We raise,the hat with-our right hand, pull the brim down over tho right eye:' The answer is the same with tho l?ft:hond. Both then draw their loft hands across their mouths, as if wash? ing''and strike their breasts [ with tho right./ The grip is.made by/grasping bauds in tho nail fd manlier, with tho thumb pressing slightly .between, tho other's thumb and forefinger, giving ono shako, saying, "I nm all right, how aro yott?" He answers, "I hm all right." I reply, "How may I aro all right?" He answers, "By word or letr ter." I ask,'"Whick do you prefer?" He may call for either. If ho 'oaks for a letter! teU him ispell." He eays,' ?'S'?'* l eay ."L," he says "A," I say fflBjftv he says "U," I say "P,"r he says, spelling out, *'Sl?p Up," whichiBtbetest'wordof the order. If Iget inf ba difficulty and am overpowered, and desire to know if any, brother io.-present, I.;lock arms aeroRa rny breast us if cold, Baying, "I wish I know if onybf St. .Mary's obil dreh were about.". If any brother is about, ho will Ootna to my aid. If my opponent bo a tnomber of that baud be will immediately desist. ; When . tr avel? ing nt night, ou meeting a person, and desiring to ?now if be is a brother, I say "halt," aq'd give a loud slap with my hand on my tbigb. He answers with two slaps. When it is- desired by tho captain to call a. meeting, he sends the. marshal to inform each member. The place o! meoting ! is always in some dense wood?, without fire or light of any kind, . No man mus If .leave home for tho place of meeting beforo dark. When the meeting is assembled ? and the roll called, the absentees are sent for and compelled to. come under guard. No raid in ever made unless every member of tho band io along. ,A DETEB.WINED INDIAN Fia HTJB.n.- A correspondent .bf tho " Chicago Tribune gives a graphic description of an Indian fighter. He says: At Fort D. J. Bussell, near Cheyenne -'Whioh is no fort at nil, but merely a beautiful village of barracks, officers* quarters, cottages, and a long green lawn, Where a band of music plays every ovoning-I heard an account of an of* ?our celebrated for Indian prowess. The subject was . the .war in Arizona and Crook's substitution for Stonema'oj .'Ob,- Indian 'hunting is Crook's special? ty,'.?Boys one. "The fact is, Crook is potbiog but au Indian anyway. I mean that his mind, physiognomy and .educa? tion are all Iudian. Book at his face the high cheek1 bones, the' contour of1 the skull; - and his manners-stolid, EC-1 parate, adverse to talk. He is a perfect Iudiau iu endurance. He can take bis gun und cross tho do Bert, subsisting on tho way, where yon and I wonld starve. Perfo'otly Bolf-rolb auf for any - venture, delighted with lonely travel and persouul hazurd, carry? ing nothing but his anns, he will walk aft?r a trail all day, and wbon night I oomes, no matter bow cold, be wraps himself in au Indian blanket, humped up, Indian'fashion, and pitches into a heap of sage-bush, there to bo-por feut ly easy till morning. M Ho will follow an an? telope for three' days. ' Ho requires no? thing to drink or smoko, and very little to cat. Abstemious, singular, utterly ignorant of fear, and yet stealthy ns a cat, he rejoices in exile, is shy of women and strangers; and whoo he was a eulot, I ho had alt tho,name traits. Tho other| "d?y he 'departed for Arizona with one j soldier, his rifle abd two clean shirts the latter he took only to be presentable !on-,the steamer,! - - His stylo is to bunt continuous hiding places by dhy" for bis command nud move them uppn the Iud i a na by nigh^j amibo can outwit the keenest .-Indians in tho country. When- ho ."waa iu com? mand in Oregon j his wife, who1 bad taken the responsibility of following him, al? though herself gen Cly reared,, sh ar ed-h i s quarters out-iu tho wilderness. -, Crook did not have $10 worth of furniture in his'quartern Sometimes be would re mark; "Well, Pin'going off." .And ho would bo gono a week, perhaps, scout? ing, and return just when he liked, bis. wife flaying nothing. : If Crook don't get killed, he'll cleau oat tho Apaches, provided the politicians let bira, alone. He o u g bb to-be kept in command there in Arizona till the 'Apache question is 6 tiled, j--?-r>-t> There ore twenty-seven candidates for Governor of Massachusetts, not count? ing those who surreptitiously "indulgo a hope." Soegero' Boer DONT contain Strychnine. It is pure, and warranted to be >o. March ll IT3i CURB: AND ITS PREVENTIVE, I j BY a. ?I. SC/HBNCK, Ai. ?. ; MANY a huinan.being-has paased away, forclose deathIbero was no Other r'ca sou than tL? neglect'of .known andipdispnt \ ably pro TV n moana of, curb.- Those, JJ oar and \ dear td family tv.a frtoiid?-'?ro ald?pWg tho' I dreamless elumberinto.whioh.. bud they ccim I jy adopted . . ... I "' UU. JOSEPH H. S'CltENC?CS I ' SIMPLE TREATMENT. 1 "' * And availed themselves of hia wonderrul'??u ctoioua niedioiuo.e, thor would not bavu fallen. Dr. Schonck bas. in hia own cayo, proved ! that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that ' vitality, by. bia medicines, and his directions \ for their uso, is quickened into hcaltbiul I vigor. "* : 1 ? ' . ' ? In thia etatemont theroie nothing presump? tuous. l*? tho faith of tho invalid is made no r?orcsenttetion that is not a thousand limes substantiated by- living and vb-ihlo works. I The theory of the cure by Dr. Sckcnck'a mo dlolne ia aa simple as it ?B unfailing. Ita phi- ! loBophy requires no argumont. lt ia Bcli-aa auring, sell-convincing. Tho Soawoed Tonio and Mandrako Pills aro tbeiirat two weapous with whi"h the citadel of 'tho malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition tho bronchial tubes "sympathize" with the stomach. They respond to tho mer? bine action of tho livor. Hore, then, comes tho' culminating reoult, and tho setting in, with ah its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tho Mandrako rills are composed of ono of naturo's noblest gifts-tho Fodophillum Pol tatum. They possess.all tho blood-search? ing, alterative- properties of calomel; but, un? like calomel, tboy ?LEAVB NO STING UKH1M)." Tho work of euro ia now beginning. Tho vitiated and mucous deposits in tho bowels' and in,the alimentary canal aro ejeoted. Tho liver, Uko a clock, ia wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach act? v-espon Bively, and tho patient begius to feol that ho is getting, at last, A|8TJPPL.Y OF1 GOOD BliOOD. Tho hoiwcod Tonio, in conjunction with tho Fills, pormoat os and assimilates with the food. Ohyhncation is now progressing without its previous tortured. Digestion becomea^pain lose, and the cure is seon to bo at baud. There is no moro flatulence, no exacerbation of tho ?toniach. An appetite aeta in. Now'comoa tho greatest Blood Purifior ever yet given'by an indulgent father to suffering man. Bchenok's Pnlmonio Syrup comos in to perform its functions and to' hasten and com - plato tho euro. It once upon itu work. Nature cannot bo cheated. It collecta and ripons tho impaired and diecaBcd portions of the lunga. In tho form of gntberinge, it prepares them for expectoration, and lol in a very short time, tho malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied in renovated and made new, and the patient iu all tho dig? nity bf refrained vigor, steps forth to enjoy tho manhood or the womanhood that was GIVEN UP AS LOST. Tho second thing is, the patients moat stay in-a warm room until they get woll; it ia al? most iaipoaeihlo to prevent taking cold whin tho lungs aro diseased, but it must bc pre? vented, or a euro cannot bo effected, freak air and riding out, especially in thia section of tho country in tho fall and winter ecaaon, aro all wrdug. Physicians who recommend that courue IOHO their patients, if their lunga Are t idly diseased, und yet, becauso they are in the houao, they must not sit down quiet; thoy mast walk about tho room as much and as fast as tbe strongth will, bear, to got up a good circulation of blood. Tho patient? must keep in good spirits-be dot ermined to get well. Thia has & groat doal to do with the app?tit o, and is tho groat point to train. To despair of cure aftersuch evidence of its possibility in the worst cases, and moral cer? tainty in all o thors, is sinful. Dr. Bcheuck's personal statement to the Faculty of bia own cure .vas in tbeao modest words: "Many years ago 1 waa in tho last stages of consumption; confined (o my bcd, and at ono timo my physicians thought that leonid not live tv weok; thoo, like a drowning man catch? ing at straws, I heard of und obtained t ho preparations which I now oi?. r lo the public, and they mado a perfect euro of mo. It scorned to me that I could feel them penetrato my whole system. Thoy soon ripened tho matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensiro yellow mutter overy morning fur a long time. "As soou as that began to subside, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats all bogan to leave mo, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that I could keen from eating too much. I soon gaintd strength and have grown in flesh over since. "I wa$ weighed shortly after my recovery," added tho Doctor, "then looking liko a mere skeleton; my weight was only ninety-seven pounds; my preaent weight is two hundred I and twenty-Uvo [225] pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Hcheiick has discontinued bis profes? sional visita to N'JW York and. Boston. De ur his son, Dr. J. Uk Schonck, Jr., still continue to eeo patienta ab their office, No. IC North Sixth street, -Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Thoao who wish a thor?ngh examination with the Itespirnmeter will bo charged (5. The Iteapirumotcr de? clares tho exact condition of tho lnriga, and 'patients can readily learn whether tboy aro .pureblo or not. I' Tho directions for taking tho medicinen are adapted to tho Intelligence oven of a child. Follow thoeo directions, and kind nature will 'do thereat,'excepting that in soma casca the Mandrake Filia or? to be taken, in increased doaea;. the throe medicinca need no other ac? companiments than tho' cmfVl? i ns tr net io ns th uti accompany them: First create appetito. ,Of hunger is tho most wcl ct?m?'s'ymptom. Whet? lt comes, es it will como,; let tho. despoiling at once bo of good cheer. ,Good blood at once followH,.tho cough loosens,' tho flight sweat ie abated. In a short time both of th ns o morbid symptoms aro gpne forever. Dr.Sohonok'e medicin?is Aro conni an tl y kept in ten? ot thousands af families. As s> laxa? tive or purgative,-rho* Mandrake Pills are a standard proparationt while tho Pulroonic Syrup, aa a ourcr of coughs und colds, may bo regarded aa a pr?phylacteric against con? sumption in any of ita forms. Prlco of tho Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonio, $1.50 a brittle, or $7.50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 ots. & box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. JOHN F. HEN KY, 3 Ol lego Place, New York, Wholesale Agent. . NovlO_tty SPECIAL, ATTENTION given to theool leotion of Commercial Paper, Interest on State and Railroad Bonds and Blocks, and Convokion of State Securities, by No?Memo . B> QAMBBHiL.Broker. Blackwell's genuine Durham Smoking To bao-o at POLLOCK'S. Uar sn IIB are He Ives, aucT- through mil? lions ofiorificea OOEOB tho transparent finid, which 'nature doon not need, for vital pur* pos?n. This is a wiso provision ol' Frovi doncC.'b?t excessive poiap?r&li?n is, never? theless, oxtren???y Weakening. D?ring tho heats of Bub* tn or all a?,rd-Wb'rlui>g men per? fcp?rd to an extont that is'-ntortrbifloaB dbbjlil tating. Tb?y, of ali classes pf thojpommu nity, ? cijuire'a wbolceomo. invigorunt at thiB season. Let them not seek it in thc liquors bf tho bar-room; they will "not Hud il there. A medicated stimulant, puro and undefiled, is what they need; and among 'this class of remodies, Hosteller's Stomach Hit tore ?tamis alono. No valid nicaean bo urged against its. uso, oven by tho genius of Tempor?neo itself: for oven tho Maine law permita tho Balo of diffusive stimuli for medicinal purposes. AB a general renovating preparation, tho Hitters has no equal anywhere Bat this ia only ono of tho merits of thin famous^ invigorator. Ite regulating properties give it an i amiento su? periority over all tho ton ?CH of thc Pharma cbp'roia. In caBCB of chronic constipation, it ia tho most nseful and certain of all aperi? ents. lt creates no violent commotion in tho discharging organs, but, gently relieving them br their obstructions, loavcb them in a healthy, vigorous condition. It seems unne? cessary to stuto, iu view of thc mses of tosti raony as to its effects in dyspepeia, that it is a permanent enro for that terrible and but too gcncnal complaint. Tho numerous "Bittere," under various ?amen, which mercenary dealers endeavor to snbstituto for Hostottor'R Stomach Bitters, should ho avoided, for their own sakes, by tho Bick and tho public at large. Ilostettor's Bitters aro procurable in bottles only, and never sold in bulk._July if> -fd MANHOOD : How Lost], Blow Restored! Just published, in a seated cute Zope; ' Price, six eents. ALEOT?RE on tho Natural Treatment and Radical (Juro of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, involuntary EmistdoiiB, Sexual Debility, and Impedimenta to Marri? age generally; Ncrvou8ncBB, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca? pacity, resulting from Belf-Abuso, io., by Ro BEBT J. CuiWKBWELL, M. D., author of tho "Grcon Book/'A-C.' ?A Doon to Thoa'ianiU of* SniTercrs.'* Bent under eeah in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps,, by CHAH. J. C. KLINE A CO., 137 Bowery, N'tw York-P. O. Ilox, 4,580. Jnne 12 tn_3mo nunile AI,. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. E3SAY3 FOR YOUNG MEN. on great so? cial evils and abueoa, which interfere with MAU n i A OK, witti eure means of relief for tho erring and unfortunate, diseased and de? bilitated. Sent in teated letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD SANITA? RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Niuth Btreet. Philadelphia. Pa. May 21 3mo Red Ash Coal-S?5 Per Ton. IAM prepared to furnish thc abovo COAL, in quantities from ono to fifty tona, at $15 poi* ton, delivered in any part of the city. Omers can be left at L?rick & Lowrance's or A. Palmer's. Ton 2,000 lbs. T. J. HARPER.Q Jnne 29_'_Imo* Salada Dental Society, WILL meet in Greenville. S. C., at half p.iBt 8 o'clock P. M., AUGUST 1,1871. Dentists generally aro iuvitcd to attend. Ar? rangements will be made for tho usual reduc? tion in ruilroad und hotel rates. N. SIMS, President. J. R. THOMP-ON, Sec'y. July 111 14 State of South Carolina-Greenville Co. Conni oi' COMMUN PU?A8. W. n. McCarroll, assignee, E. W. Keeler, ad? ministrator, Nolly Turner and Jessie Crcn shaw, plaintiffs, against William We at, S. James West, and Thomas W. West.-SUM? MONS you RRLIKF. To the Defendants, William West, S. Jumes West, and lhonias W. West: YOU aro hereby summonud and required to answer tho complaint in this action, which is thia day filed in tho cilice of tho Clerk pf tho Court of Common Pleas for Greenville Countv, and to serve a copy of your answer on tho subscribers, at their of? fice, ju the city of Greenville. S. C., within twenty days after tho service hereof, exclu? sive of the day of Buch service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within tho timo aforesaid, tho plaintiff iu tine aation will ap? ply to tho Court for tho relief demanded in tho complaint. EARLE .t BLYTHE, 11 Plaintiffs'AttornevB. Datod at Greeuvillo C. H., S. C., Juno 12, 1871. To the Defendants, S. James West and Tlios, W. West: Tako notice that tho summons iu this ac tion. of which tho above is a copy, together : with tho complaint, waa filed in tho (illico nf I tho Clerk of tho Oonrt of Common Pleas tor Greenville Countv, S. C., on tho 12th day of June, 1871. . Y EARLE ,t BLYTHE, Juno 23 IO Plaintiffs' Attorneys. White's Gardening for the South, "J^Y tho late Wm. A. White, of Athens, Ga. HOLMES' SOUTHERN FARMER and MAR? KET GARDENER. $1.50. Tho Phosphate Rocks of Month Carolina, their History; and Developments--Colored Platea. $125. Six Sermons' 6n Temperance, by Lyman Beecher. . ' Sacred Rhetoric; or a Coure o of Lectures on Preaching, U. L. Dabney, D- D. il 50. Any above eent by mull. DUFFIE A CHAPMAN, _Fel? lfl_ j_Ouno?ite Oohunbia Hotel. The Doctors Recommend Seeders' Beer IN proferonco to London Porterand Scotch Alo. ' Why? They know i Ma unadulterated. 8TENH0U8E,1 MACAULAY & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SOLICIT orders Tor COTTON, Corn, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Ac, ?nd Family Groceries generally. Or dors fi lied oar cf u ll v and prompt? ly,_Fob 7 lyr Pearl Grist. -I f\ BBLS. FRESH PEARL GRIST, Just IU received and for aale low by Jone 15 JOHN AONEW A SON. Magrath's Digest of South Carolina Law Reports, TO tho preaent tim?. Price |5. For ealo at BRYAN A MOOARTER'S BOOKSTORE. Junoll A flus summer tonio ia Hattorfs Bitten eau bo had at POZXOCX'B. C&O?mfcTG HOUSE! CHILDS & WILEY. COLUMBIA, 8. C . WE have marked down nil 6Y our largo stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING to such lowflguros that theprloo cornea within roach of all that wish a good fitting garment, niado in tho latest stylo and by the best muk ora fn New York. Wo are tho "only boufto that sell All Linen Drawers at ll.50. Wo are tho only hons? that have tho imported Seo-Snckor Calcutta Suite, warranted gonuiuo. An in? spection of our largo stock- will nettlo tho ndnd of any ono that rooney is made by buy? ing from us. Thirty-two inoh Sole Leather Trunks, only a few left, at $'?0. Juno 23 STOVES! STOVES! STOVES ! Tin-ware ! Tin-ware ! Tin-ware ! PLUMBING, ROOFINO, GUTTERING, and all work in this liuo, put np to order aud ready fur salo at tho GARO-LINA MANUFACTORY Call at cither houso-Columbia or Nowbcrry HENRY H. BLEA8E, March 22 t Proprietor. WM. GLAZE, (Formerly (?laze <t Radcliffe,) HAS on hand, at reduced prices, GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIL? VER and PLATED WARE, nouso Furnishing Goods, Gunn. Pistols and Sporting Gc ods. N. B. Having tho agoncv or the American Philadelphia Watches, (Paulus Pat. 1803.) I am prepared to furnish them at manufac? turer's prices. I can recommend them a ?rat clasa time piece. Repairing aud Engraving dono by first claBS workmen, and warranted. WM. GLAZE, Ono door North Scott Si Son'e Ranking nouso. Juno ?) f 2mo ^LRTIFICLIYICEETH. REYNOLDS' JMPR O VEMENT. rrUIOSE who havo loat several Natural I Teeth, and havo been advised to part with remaining sound ones, aa the first step towards obtaining artilicial substitutes, are requested, before submitting to a practice, cruol in itself and often unnecessarily per? formed, to convince themselves of its fallacy, by looking closely into a maller of so much importance. Tho .ibovo improvement wa? designed to re? sist so deplorable a practice, and after a tho? rough test of mme t lian three yen raj is found capnblo of accomplishing what no other sys? tem of Artificial I :entis! ry hasherotoforcdoiio. It is now possible to obtain partial cases, which will * ave lor years Natural Teeth, ano bo at the same time reliable in every respect. An invitation is hereby given to such as feel interested lo cai! ut our Oncrating llooniB, and examino duplicate specimens of cases now in actual use. Nov (i t REYNOLDS ?V REYNOLDS. MONLY CAN??T~BUY IT! For .Sight I? Prlcel?*?! Hut ?he Diamond Spectacles will Preserve il. IF yon vain" your, eyesight use three PER? PECT LKssicsl Gronnd from minuto orystal pebbles, melted together, and derivo their name "Diamond" on account of their bardnosa and brilliancy. They will lust many years will,out change, and are Warrant? d su? perior to all others, manufactured hy J. E. SPENCER A CO., N. Y. CAUTION.- Noiiu genuine unless stamped willi our trude nun):. WM. GLAZE, Jeweler and Optician, is Bole Agent for Columbia, 8. C., from whom they cnn only bo obtninpd. No peddlers employed. July 20 Illly GEORGE TUPPER, BROKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CO LUM n IA, s. c. OFFICE over W. C. Fisher's Drug Store, Opposite Col nm bi a Hotel, Main street. May 2 For Sale, Q ?AA ACRES ol LAND in Ram well, 0?vH-'\/ on tho Edistu. 750 ACRE? in Ker.-haw-in loth lo shif. Saw Mill ami 2 OOO aeres til Lund in .exing ton, nu North Kdisto, i7,<"><>. 2,501) acres Wut cree Holton) Lund, #2 pi acre 2.500 iiere.< neck bottom und pine Land, ut $2 per aero. 1 House, iii this city, f-5,000. HOUSE and thirteen acres LAND, nenr the city-$S.50O. Apply td JOHN RAUSKETT, Attorney Ht Law and Real Estate Agent. SoV. 25 " Iv Livery and Sale Stnbics. TUE uudcr*hjued ,wlll continuo thc bu - -us^slnen* heretofore con? ducted by Ague? & Co , at tho old ata?d* of the late Arm. His Omnibuses and Carriages will oouvoy passengers to and from tho Rail? road Dept* to tho Columbi.i Hotel, tho Nick oreon House, or any part of thc city, nc will also furnish Horses, Buggies, CarriagOB, fte., for biro on reasonable torilla, and solicita the patronngc of tho friends of the lute firm. Jnuo28 OWEN DALY. Di ar rh o a Medicine, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, ReattosanesB, Bad Boweis, Cholio, Paine, A desirable medicine. We advivo mothers and nurse - to try it-only twenty-five cents. For sale only at HEINITBH'S May 80 t_ Family Drng Btoro. r~\OVNT\ CLAIMS AMD JURT CBRT1> \J FICATKB boucht br Fab S D. G?MBRILL. Broker. Heals f ur ninhe-d at all hours at Poixocx'a. FREKIJB CASSiPRE; PANTS, FORMERLY $10 lo $18, ITO 'aro now making for $12 ?ag'tWKj $13, to clono ont our lino of French. Gooda. Liirht Oassimere Snits at Cost. > ill 'I . / , li - 7. i Now ia tuc timo toiordor oar perfect Qlliog SniltTS, warranted to please. -, A few Ladies' TRAVELING TRUNKS, at coat. HST Call and securo BARGAINS at Ju'yll R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD'S. Tax Notice. OrricF. or COUNTY AODITOH, RICHLAND Co., COLUMBIA, S. C., Juno 28,1871. ?N pursuance of an Act of tbe General AB Boubly, at itB last acaaion, my office in Co lumbla will bo open, on and ni tor 1st day of j July next, to August 10, to recoivo tbe returns | of Personal Proporty of the tax-payers of this County 'or tho year 1871. Blanks can be ob? tained at ibis office, in the Court House. Tax-payora aro required to enter OD blanks all transfers or purchases nf real estate, and altin all new buildings erected ainco last re? turn. Whero tax-paycra neglect to make their re? turns, tho County Auditor ia compelled, hy law, to charge them with tho return of the previous year and add lilly per cent, thereto as penalty. M. J. OALNAN, June 29_Auditor Hichland County. SHIELDS & CrXiiLZE, COLUMBIA, 8. C., Palmetto Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS of STEAM ENGINES and BOILER8, Saw, Grist and Cane Mills, all sizes, all kinda of Agricultural Im? plements, Uonae and Store Fronts. Iron Rail? ing, Iron and Brass Caeting; Shafting, Pul? leys and Hangers made to order. ALSO, Manufacturera of UTLEY'S IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESS, which waa awarded tho lirst premium in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana last fall We abjo manufacturo tho DIXIE SCREW COTTON PRESS-a cheap and durable one. Send for circulars. Orders filled on short notice and on most reasonable terms. Jnne 94 Sm o REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Spring and Summer Clothing, AT R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD'S. WE hf.v.i tho largest, retail stock in the State, and, anxious to reduce it, will sell it at G HEATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tho stock is unbroken, and the beat atock we havo ever bandied. New HATS, of a deairablo etyle, just re? ceived. This reduction will anplv oleo to our CUS? TOM DEPARTMENT/_ May 16 New Books, bv Express. Ph/SIOAL CAUSE OF THE DEATH OF C?HIST, Ac, by Stroud, and lotter by Sir Janie s Simpson, M. D. War and Culture, by Arthur Holpa. $1.50. Hugh Miller'e Lite ami Letters, two vol n m es, by Peter Bay ne, with portrait. 14. Christianity and Poailiveiem. by McCosh. People's Practical Poultry Rook, completo. Whv Did Ho Not Die? From thc German, hv Mrs. Wist ar. Callirkoc. a Romance, hy Sand. $2. Climates for Invalida, by L. Lill. $1 25. Dody and Mind, hy Mandoley, Loudon, fl. Tho Old Fashioned Boy, hy Farquarson. Little Men, hv author of Little Women. Pike County Dallada, by John Hay. $1.60. Mrs. Ucctun'ri Dook of"Household Manage? ment. MOB! completo work. Illustrated. Also, sumo new Novels liv good authors, BRYAN & Mc J AKTE R'S Jutio 1:1 Bookstore. Guns, Pistols, Etc. I INFORM my friends aud ?iublic in general that I have ust received an entire new Jutock of Donnie and Single Kar? rol GUNS, REPEATERS, Flacks, Pouches, Pistol-Belts, Caps, Ruck-Shot, Cartridges. Cartridges for all kinds of Pistols, Powder and Shot, ALSO, REPAIRING dune ut short notice. Oct S_ _ P. W. KRAFT, M?iiUtroctii DR. D. L. BOOZER ^^S?SJU WOULD respect fully inform (fff?mvSk\ his patrons and the pnhlic gc J UJL?-r licrally that !i? has moved into hie new oflico, over Duffie & Cha] man's Book? store, opporile tho Columbia Hotel, where he is prepared to execute, satisfactorily, all opc ratlnus end work, of whatsoever kind his pro furisiou demands. Terms eccommodating. March 8 W Matt Corn^Whiskey, All It ANTED two vear?nld, at Fer ?I JOHN O.SEEOKdS' Fcythes and Grain Cradles. ?> DOZ. superior O HAIN CRADLES. ?i 10 doz Griffin's Grain and Orass Scythes, Just received and fol salo low by M * v 17 _ JOHN A O NEW h SON. Gun and Blasting Powder. AFULL supply of the oolobrated Dnpont'a GUN AND BLASTING POWDER, in kegs .and cannisters, is now offered to merchants and consumers at the lowest markot rates, by tho undersigned, who aro.solo agents for the manufacturers at this place. May 25_ JOHN AGNEW A SON. Every One Drinks Seegero' Beer, BECAUSE it gives strength ?nd improves their health. March ll STOCKS, BONOS and COUPONS bought and sold by D. OA MERILL. Broker. A fresh supply of Bremen Lager at POL LOOK'S. " THE ' * COST MARK!" ANNOUNCEMENT More than Extraordinary! ' HAVING disposed of the hulk of our' Sum? mer Stock of Clothing and Hats. We Lavo determined fco give greater facilities ana larger iodocp ineida to thoso desirous, ofpurchafcing the best* of Gouda, by soiling tho remainder of out Stock tat -twenty per cent, .below the cosb mark.' .. ?Wo-bvg to- call, tia? attfntiQh of the..pnblic to dur brock' bi COL . LAH? and C U F F ft', which, for quantity, quality, etylo and va? riety, wiii aurpaea au y in the State, embracing tho . woTld-reno\vnea CLOTH ? FACED JPA^ FElt COLLAR, special? ly adapted-to 'this ?l?? mate, doing away with tho ilnntiy material for? merly known aa Paper Collars.' Do hot fail to' cali carly, to bo convinced of the above facts, at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR, , Juno 23 Main street. 1 AFEW rca ?on H why they should Lavo tlia preference over all otheraV 1. Wheeler A Wilson's Sowing Machine is much simpler tli,*\n niiy of ..tho others; re? quiring IC?B than half the . amount of ma? chinery. 2. Aa tho result of this simplicity, this ma? chine ia much lem liable than the-others to get out of repair. 8. Another reeult of this simplicity ia greater durability; 4. Another result ia ICES -friction, arid, con I Bcqnently, greater case and rapidity of mo? tion, with lesa noieo. 5. And greatest of all, that it uace no Shut? tle, and makes the lock stitch. It is tho cheapest to buy the best. Bny the machine that han justly, fairly and honora? bly won a repututiou and independence against a strong and bitter competition. For more than twenty j ears has tho Wheeler A Wilson not only stood Urst and foremost, but ; now Bland* tho uni i vailed Sewing Machino of ibo enlightened civilized world, "?v tho ma? chin? that has been thus lesleo s . , oved, and then yon are sure to get tho b. For ealo on tho easiest pusaiblo tcrma. Sales? room Main street, accond door below TncENrx office, Columbia, S. C. J. 8. PURSLEY, Agent. A. WnvTE, General Southern Agent. June 21 Gmo The Dexter Stables. THE undersigned have re? moved their 8tables to tho new building, immediately South of kJanupy'e Hall, and, with a vat s fatock of CARRIAGES. BUG OlES ano fino HORSE8, are prepared lo <in Bwer all calls that may be made upon them Horses bought and sold .on commission. Persons in want of good stock, are Invited to give us a call. Liberal advances .made oo stoek left for salo. ROYCE A CO. . W. H. BOTCE. _G. H. PETTWOILI~ Jan 21 CORRECT TIME MAY be obtained by calling at ISAAC SULZIIA'JHEH'S and purchasing one of thoi-e justly celebrated ELGIN WATCH Eb. and where yon can fin<" ? completo stock of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver and Plated NV are, rf the beal .manufacture. In addition are the United States, Waltham, English and Swiss Watches in Gold and Silver Cases, which will be cloted ont at New York prices. Constantly on hand lino Gold ChaiiiH, Foal' Kings, Charms, Lockets, Sleive huttons, Seta, .nid u varied ?tock o? Taney Articles. All kinds of Repairing done prompt Iv, an? warranted, by ISAAC SUI ZU Af j il ER, A pi it 27_Under >'o!umbta Tend. . M. H. BERRY'S Furniture Ware-room Af im Slr m I, mar Plain. NOW on hand ?ml daily re? iving fi nm-the mntiufao tories or New Wrk. Bonton, Cincinnati and Louisville, the largest assortment of FUR? NITURE aver kept in thia market, consisting in part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber ami Dln ing-Room Ruit?; 20? Bedsteads of different patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; aho, the celebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chairs. All kinds of MATTRESSES nisdo to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done at shortest notice and in the host manner. Ter m H cash uud Good* cheap. Oct 30 Q. R. D. Symbolic Admonition! THE MT.unn 1B at hand when the h nm nr. family is more nfllicted than during any other part of th* jear. The sui's raye -acting upon the di eayod vegefablo and animal mat? ter, poiflons the atmosph?re, and produces manv disorders of tho BJ stem-Chills and Fe? ver,'Riliona Complaints; niarri,ma. Dysen? tery, Cholera Morbus, Crampe and Cholle, etc. Heneo the system requires an'invigorating and tonic medicine, that will braco np its shattered forcee, and enable the organe to perform their proper fonctions. Fer this pur? pose wo would recommend .tho nae of I1L1N ?TSH'S QUEEN'S, DELIGHT. For Dyspepsia tfnd -w?akrotomacli. . For tho Liver and Kidneys}' For Couitbs a.nd Soro Throat. For. tho Lungs and Spitting of Blood. For VVcakuesa and GcneralDehtlity. For" loss of Appetite. For Sick Hoadee'x. For Diarrhma and Dysentery. For Fever:and Ague. For Hiltons Fever. For Cholera Morbus and OrampB. For Palpitation of the Heart. For Rrokon Down Norvouo System. For Neuralgia and Rheumatism. For Purifying the Blood. 1 HILIMTBH'JS QTOKK'B SEUQBV The peoplo approve of. and phyeioiane sane tion Us use, because it is ? good m edi etoo. Take no other medicino. Ii is a spring invi gorator, a Bummer tonio, a purifying beve? rage, admirably adapted to all conditions, male and female-grown persona and chil? dren at thia particular seaeon. Be euro an4 call at Heinitah's Drug Store and get a bott! of his groat medicine. Propared only by E. H. HEINTTSH, May KO t Druggiat and Chemie*.