OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, July 28, 1871, Image 2

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Friday l^orninjr; July 28.18?t
What the Prussian shot and shell could
n'oV'tlo to do'tuoiolizo tho French loyalty
ol tho people of Strasburg, the love of
public placo is accomplishing with the
j, greatest ease. ? Alsatians hunger for
officiai positions of honor and profit as
eagerly as tho provorbial Ameriom offioe
eeokor. Seven of the former Freuoh
officials who stood by the gallant General
Ulrich to the bitter end, now hold posi?
tions under the new imperial rule; mapy
of tbe old justices of th? peabe Lavo
entered tho Gorman- service, and the
former gendarme^ ot the Third Napoleon
are eager to preserve.the pence of the
good city of Strasburg for his Majesty
William First. * So readily do patriotic
Europeans who have long lived at the
publio expense transfer their allegiance,
only to continuo thom in comfortable
quarters, that it does not seem to matter
much whom they servo.
? IN THE FACE:--The Baton Bouge Sugar
Planter says that one day last week Mr.
E. N. Bean, the ohiof constable, balled
on Rev. Luke Billnpa, a worthy oolorod
man, who has accumulated some proper?
ty since thewar, and solicited his vote
and influenco.for Robert Morris aa the
del?galo to the Republican convention in
?^ew Orleans next month. Mr. Billups
_ made this reply to him:
"I cannot support that man nor any
other stranger: I seo around me gen I lo?
men working in the fields with tho plow
ami boo who wore wealthy before the
war. Among them I seo my old master,
Thompson W. Bird, earning his bread
by the sweat of his brow, while noinr
oomero are making their living easily by
staying in the shade, and that is some?
thing I do not understand. I have lived
iu this Pariah thirty-three years and
have always been well treated by every
one residing here, and I shall give my
influence to norman who is not identi?
fied with the Parish. This is all I have
to say about tho matter."
It is hardly necessary to add that the
conference was immediately brought to u
There are now no loss than fifteen
monarchs in Europe who have lost theil
occupation and 'are out of honest em
ployment, with little or no prospeet ol
finding visible moans of support in thai
country. They are: Prince Gustav?
Wnsa, of Sweden, sent to grass in 1809
Count do Ohambord, August 12, 1830
Duke Charles, of Brunswick, Hep tem bei
17, 1880; Oount de Paris, February 24
1848; Duke Robert de Parma, 1852
Grand Duke Ferdinand, of Tuscany
1860; Duke Francis, of M?dena, 1860
Franois II, of Naples, February, 1861
the widow of King Otto, of Greeae, Oe
tober 24, 1862; Duke Adolf, of Nassau
1866; King George, of Hanover, 1866
the Elector of Hes -o, 1866; Empres:
Charlotte, of Mexico, 1867; Isabella, o
Spain, 1869; Emperor Napoleon, 1870
All these orownless soveroigus are foolinj
away their time in Europe-doing worn
than nothing, in faot-wbilo, at the aam<
timo, the retail peanut trado of tbi
country constantly cries to them, tram
pet-tonguod, to come over and cmbarl
in it.
On ANO i" it UN AND RmnoNMBzi.-Jamo
A. MoMoater, of the New York Fret
mans Journal, (Catholic,) thus speaks ci
the two orders out of which sprung th.
late riot. First, of the Orangemen b
There is an oath-bound soorot associa
tion of foreigners in New York, knowi
here, by way of deluding the thought
less, as an "American Protestant Asso
elation. " It is made up of the scum o
the most degraded class of Irish set
vants of the British orown. It is, pur
and simple, tho Orauge Lodges of Ire
Their secret oaths have not been kop
secret, They have boen made known
in one way and another, many times
These oaths are utterly atrocious. Th
fundamental organization of tho Orange
men is an outrage on any civilized soe
oty. Tbe object of their accursed sec
is to shed the blood of Catholics.
And then of tbe Ribbonmon:
There in, in this country, and in thi
city, a large body of Irishmen, baptize
Catholics, but not in tho oommunion c
. the Catholic Ohnrob. They are boun
by tbe "Ribbon mo n's" oatb. Poor fe
lo wal they bind themselves, by an oat
doubly forbidden, to avengo wrong
done to their olergy, or their Churo!
And tbe Churoh they swear thus to prc
toot excommunicates every man of thei
for taking this oath. It excommunicate
them, first, for the manner and form c
their Beeret oath. It also exoommnn:
oates them for the nature of that oatl
whioh is forbidden by the Oatholi
Churoh as recognizing private, or socro
We uso Mr. MuMaetor's language
"Thus," he continues, "there are tw
miserable factions of Irishmen disturt
ing the peaoe of New York-ono <
' whioh factions, Ribbonism, is distinct!
exoommunicateil by the Catholic Cbnrol
and the othor is hated by bor, as beio(
distinctively, of tbe devil." -
An Ohio Judge has decided that tl:
words of.a "common eonjd oro' not m
! Th? Charleston city Election, and tn? 1
Irian Vote.
-y ' >;v COLUMBIA, JulvA27, J871.
MR.-EDITOR: j&Bow n$, through ?he
mediuu^of youri poper?'to oaU'tbfe atten?
tion ofj.jjthe forejgn element portion/of
yonr readers ((or wbbse behellt'.jit ?was
probably written) to an editorial in this
morning's Union, under the caption of
"The Demoornoy and ?the Charleston
City Election." In it an attomptismado
to prevent the foreign element, especially
tba Irish portion of it, from voting the
Democratic ticket' by casting odium on
that party, and by false statements.
To the writer of this communication,
who lived in Charleston at the time and
voted - at the Mayor's election there in tho
very height of. Know Nothingism, it
would bo difficult to make it appear why
the Irish would not vote for, and bo in
harmony with, the Demoorotio porty. I
think I happen to know a little moro
about Charleston city and people, in
those days, than does the oditor of tho
Union, and I can Boy, without fear of
contradiction, that the porty who, with
the aid of the foreign element, elected
Charles Macbeth, Democrat, over F. D.
Richardson, Know Nothing, io 1854,
wore the real friends of tho foreigners.
To my mind, tho portion of the editorial
in questiou referring, to the IriBh ele?
ment would apply with more force to this
city than to Charleston, for I regret that
ciandor compels meto say that the Know
Notbiug party elected E. J. Arthur Mayor
of this city on that issue, and, by its
influonco, put out of the Council a gen?
tleman who was legally elected an Alder?
man by the people, simply because he
was a foreigner. P. C.
CHARLESTON, S. C., July 25, 1871.
letter of tho 17th instant, to the Colum?
bia PHON'IX, you are pleased to say,
"Tons or phosphates have been shipped
over the South Carolina Railroad, when
only a sample was sufficient for the re?
quirements' of the premium lists."
As tbe company whioh I represent
shipped three tons last fall, which were
exhibited at your fair, and whioh were
the only tons, I believe, exhibited, I
would, for your information, state that
tbeso three tons were at my request con
Bigued by tho General Agents, Messrs.
W. C. Bee & Co., to our Local Agents,
Messrs. ti. O'Nealo & Son, Columbia, S.
C., and not consigned to you as Secre?
tary; aud tbat the freight was paid by
our Local Agents, Messrs. R. O'Nealo &
On making application in person at
your offico, you boin?; present, I beHeye,
being un annual member, your assistant,
Colonel Duncan, suggested that I could
make the entry in my own name, with?
out further cost, which I declined to do,
paying tho entrance fee, and taking re?
ceipt in the name of the company-wit?
ness books of your office.
1 incidentally learned that some mem?
ber of your' society was very much
exercised at the appearance of such u
vast stock of phosphates, shipped nt the
expense of the Sontb Carolina Railroad;
presumo bo might have been a stockhold?
er in suid railroad. Never having known
the gentleman's name, I bavo heretofore
been unable to undeceive bim. But for
his further information, I would say that
the Sulphuric Acid Company are neither
spongers by nature, or inimical to the
South Carolina Railroad. Witness the
heavy shipments of fertilizers made over
that road by them, and oonscquent in?
creased shipment of half dozeu bales of
cotton for each ton neut to the plauters.
In conclusion, Colonel, permit me to
say that I expeot to ship several tons to
your coming fair, so that visitors may
seo bow our fertilizers are put up-to
pay tho freight on tho tons shipped
and more, if required, to pay for space
whereou lo exhibit the samo.
Were I allowed to suggest, I would say
tbat it might bo well at next fair to ap?
point n Smelling Committee, to seo that
the railroads wore not imposed on, and
to debar for tho future auy party or par?
ties guilty of such imposition from
making entries; and I hope it may not
be amiss for me to say that tho gentle?
man referred to should bavo a seat on
said oommitteo. Yours, respectfully,
Traveling Agent for ?Sulphuric Acid and
Supor-Phospbate Company.
< ?? ?? ?
An important conference of tbe D?mo?
cratie politicians is to be held at Sarato?
ga, New York, next week, to "take
soundings," us the phrase is, with refer
ouoo lottie noxt Presidency, with purticu
lar reference to the Southern element.
Tho presence of BO many Southern poli
ticians in New York st present.it seems,
has been tho means of eliciting an anx?
ious inquiry as to the position of the
party at lurga relative to the so-called
"now doparturu," and it ia to satisfy that
inquiry tbat the New York leaders have
agreed to meet them, informally, at the
time aud place referred to.
markable series of deaths, by which a
mother and tbreo children were buried,
occurred on Plum street last week. The
mother, a widow lady named Williams,
was buried in the samo grave with two of
the ohildreu, while the third and last,
buried yesterday, waa laid by ber eido.
What is chiefly remarkable in this in?
stance is that they are carried off by no
epidemic, but died under ordinary cir?
cumstances.-Petersburg Courier.
Suiciding is all tho rago in Riohmond,
Va. Tl to mau Coppengur, a German,
jumped into a. mill-race, on Sunday lust,
and was drowned.
An extra term of .th? Court.of Com?
mon- Pleas, for Greenville County, will
commence ut that pince on the 27th in?
stitut. *
ville Enquirer, ol tho 27ih, eaya : >
.?The^sirrbrOatrago Oommittee, con?
sisting Of Messrs. Scott, Stevenson and
Van Trump, roached this placo on Satur'
day last, aoo;0mp?nied by A. &) .Wallaoey
M. O. from phis District. Aa, much ef?
fort had previously been mode to pr??
pare auitablo casca for them, the com
mittoo woro ready to go vlgoroualy io
work early on Monday morning; and th?
early part of tho doy was occupied in
tho examination of aevoral young mon
of thiB town. In the afternoon, Hou.
W. Dr 8impaon and Ool. B. VV. Dall, of
Laureus, after having obbycd summons
to meet the oonimitteo at various points,
obtained an examination, and loft curly
on Tuesduy morning for home. Tho
second day was opeucd by continuing
tho examination of persons from tins
town and the surrounding country. Tho
street reports aro to the effect thnt tbo
p urai H tonco'of tho majority of th? com?
mittee-aided by tho military and other
iofiuenoea equally potent-had beou re?
warded by tho discovery of a witness
who had modo out a capital case for the
next Republican catnpaign document.
This witness, it is reported, stated io
substance to tho committee that be knew
a number of persons who had buen en?
gaged io tho Ku Klux outrages; aud
gavo the names of oighteou gentlemon
from this vicinity-persons of high re?
spectability. These eighteen bad per?
formed a wonderful amount of deviltry;
bad most of thom been present at tho
murder of the negro, Anderson Brown,
which occurred lust winter, four miles
from this place; nod many of them were
also the murdorersof tbo militia captain,
Jim'Raiuey, occurring shortly afterward,
iu tho He tjulun neighborhood, ten miles
bolow here. They bad also rnidod ou
Rosa's hotel, the Probato office, and
dnue other crimes equally heinous. Tho
witness also admitted, ou a cross-exam?
ination, that lie bad stolon a horse, a
quantity of bacon and tobacco from hi?
employer, and waa generully 'a bud mau.'
Elis name is William K. Owens, and be
has beou employed for some timo iu the
coach factory of Messrs. Kerr <fc Roach.
The statements of tbis witness wero so
palpably false iu every particular as to
en nae little concern to those whose names
be bas used ia bis story; but at the same
time, it is sufficiently credible, perhaps,
fur all tho purposes for which the testi
mouy is wanted at Washingtou.
"It is announced that the committee
will oloso their work bore, to day,
(Wednesday,) and dissolve until Sep?
tember, when many of the unexamined
witnesses will bo called to Washington,
aud their testimony taken iu time to
tiuish np tho investigation before the
meeting of Cougress. Thus far, no
arrests of suspected porsous liavo beou
made nt tbis place."
The same paper gives the following:
"On Saturday night last, tba colored
brass baud of tbis town assembled bo
fore Rawlinson's Hotel, to serenade the
Republican members of tho Congres?
sional Ku Klux Committee, who bad
arrived here that afternoon. An im?
mense crowd of persous filled tho side?
walk abovo and below tho hotel, collect?
ed partly by the music of the baud, and
partly, perhaps, to create a d?monstra?
tion in houor of tho members of tho
committee. Thc marshals of the town,
under nu ordinance of the council, oc?
cupied themselves in au effort to koop
th? sido-walks clear of tho crowd, so ins
not to obstruct tba usual passage of por
Hous engaged un other business. To?
ward tho oloso of tho demonstration,
Wm. H. Snyder-one of the marshals
while d?Bobarging this duty, met one
Tom. Johnson, colored, who refused to
givo woy to tho command of tho officer
of the law. Snyder thou attempted to
arrest bim; but Tom. rofusing to no
knowledgo, thu supremacy of tho law,
jerked IOORO several timea aud attempted
to force bis way ut tho hoad of tbo
crowd, whether or no. Upon a third
attempt to arrest bim, he jerked Sny?
der's baton from bis baud aud knocked
him down. Suyder thou drew a pistol
and fired five shots at tho belligerent
darkey, wounding bira iu tho fuco,
shoulder, baud, arm aud back-euch
shot taking effect, but not infliutiug
dangerous wounds. Tbo balls have becu
extracted, aud Tom. is io a fair way to
recover. Aftor a special investigation of
tbe facts Ueforo tho town council, Mr.
Suyder was exonerated of all blame iu
tba matter, the shooting having occur?
red in thc discbarge of bis duty as. au
officer of the town."
Tbo Chester Reporter says :
"We aro informed by persons from
Yorkvillo that, cn lost Saturday eveniug,
?t tbo table of tho King's Mountain
Hotel, in that town, Major James Burry,
incensed at finding himself iu close
proximity to A. S. Wallace, seized a
pitcher of butter-milk and dashed it
into tue face of that distinguished Con?
gressman. Wallaco at onoo retired und
procured a warrant for tbe Major's
tary, the postmaster at Loenville, on tho
North-eastern Railroad, was killed in that
village, on Monday night, by sotno un?
known parties. He took the passenger
train ot Qourdio's Station, and ou ar?
riving ot Leesville got ont to go bomo.
Betweeu tho depot and his residonce he
waa fired upou, and when assistance
reaobed bim, be was found lying on tbe
ground quite dead. Tbe assailants suc?
ceeded iu making their escape, and no?
thing bas been fouud out so far which
would lead to their detection.
The Carolina Spartan hus the follow?
ing regarding tbe Air-Line Railroad:
Wu understand the bridges on thu above
road, between tbis place and Charlotte,
are all under contract by energetic aud
responsible contractors. Tho bridge
across Paoolet will bo over IOU feet high
aud will oust near 3-100, (Jul). Tbe grad?
ing is being pushed lorword rapidly;
considerably over half' is completed be?
tween hero aud Charlotte.
RISIAN INSURGENTS.-Qalignani, in giving
an account o?.tUo diflbmlty. which has
boan created by tho destruction of regis?
te? by tho vpjm munis ts, says: **|<ot
fewer thau G,000.000 Of registers have
been destroyed by the incendiaries of tho
Commune. Those documente were ip
?mformity with law kept in dopllcat?.
he flames which devoured'the Hotel de
Ville destroyed the first, pud tho second
perished in ito Pul?is do Jnotice. Ue
oonls of birffifc, marriages and deaths
have all disappeared. , ' , j, *
TAX BEOErVElti-Tho Board of Hefe rees
appointed to decide the controversy be?
tween the Charlotte, Columbia and Au?
gusta Railroad and the receiver of tux
returns, relative to the value ot the real
estate owned in this County, by the
former, has decided against the railroad
and in fuvor of the tnx receiver. They
decide the property of thc railroad to be
worth $70,000 instead of $15,000, as it
had been roturned.
I Augusta Constitutionalist.
A WITNESS TO ORDER.-The great sen
satiou with the Radical proas North, just
now, is the testimony before tho Ku
Klux Ontnmit*oe of on? J. C. Norris
better known in this State a? Chap Nor?
ris-a creature'whoso word, on oath,
would not be believed hy any honest
mon in Gaorgiu who knowB him, and
whoso note for a quarter-dollar would
not buy a lucifer match. And yet, the
testimony of sucha wretch is paraded all
over tho North in condemnation of the
Southern people!-Savannah Republican.
following is from the Washington Chro?
nicle, nf tho 21th instant: "It is current?
ly reported in Churlestou, S. C., that R.
C. DeLmrge, whose scat in Congress is
eon tested by C. C. Bowen, has consented
to withdraw and yield tho contest to
Bowen. This is supposed lo be from thc
knowledge that thu proof of fraud on
the putt of bis friends iu tho election is
iucootestible. Mr. DeLarge, it is said,
will accept tho position of post master Ol
collector of tito port."
SUNDAY IN NEW YORK.-Nearly 250,00C
peoplo are reported by the keepers nu
having visitod Central Park, Now York,
on Suuday lust. A corresponding orowcJ
roamed all day through the Brooklyr
park. Thousands wont over to Staten
Island, and tho excursion bouts were lit
orally overrun. Tho Now York Timet
Hunks it is not an unreasonable caleula
tiou tbat $50,000 were expended for ex
oursiou fares alone from New York ant
Brooklyn, the largor portion of wuicl
went to the horse railways.
A young lady of Auroia, Illinois, pur
chased her shroud and burial garments
went home?, took strychnine, and die<
instantly. As it was the anniversary o
ber mother's death, she hud fixed tin
day as the day she would commit suicide
John J. Wilkie, who was summoned a
one of the corooer's jury, died on tilt
way to tho inquest, from rupturing ;
blood vessel.
A gentleman in Jefferson City, win
was troubled with bed-bugs, soaked th
bed with kerosene aud turned in, leavin,
the light burning. Justas be was dream
ing that a regiment of bugs were draw
ing up a set of resolutions condemuiuj
him for using kerosene, he was awakene
hy a fireman pointing tho nozzle of i
hose through tho window. Tho hous
was injured, but tho mau was not.
Simultirneonsly with the announce?
ment of the disappearance of tho jello'
fever at Buenos Ayres comes that of tb
breaking ont of Asiatic cholera in Pc
laud aud Persia. It is six years sine
this last fearful scfourge made such bavo
in Europe or Asia. Io 1805, the oboler
was very severe in Alexandria, Constat
tiuople, and several Mediterranean porte
As a farmer living in Madison County
Illinois, was thieshing bis wheat, tb
friction set bis machine on fire and ec
tirely destroyed tho thresher and tb
stacks of 'wheat. Tho fire also bwer.
over thc entire field, consuming everj
thing that came tu its way. It was wit
difficulty that even tho horses werosavec
PEDDLEUS -There is but oue peddle
in all Ireland. Ho takes bis certificat
irom tho County of Down. The fact a]
pears in a Parliamentary return, and ot
copies a whole page. Thorn aro iu Enj
land and Wales 07,901 peddlers, aud i
Scotlaud 11.802.
States Court for this District convenes i
this place on Monday, August 7. Vi
hear of sumo casos under the Ku Kit
bill, but, outside of that, there will I
but little of interest.
I Greenville Mountaineer.
ROAD.-Mr. B. Burgh 8mith, residei
enginoer of this railroad, advertises fi
bids for 28,000 cross-ties, for buildic
1,500 feet of pile and trestles, and f<
grading tho lino to Wadesboro.
A correspondent of the New York Tr
butte states that an aggravated case i
ouncer in the faoo was cured by insortic
a seton in tho leg, and thus keeping ti
a perpetual issue. All vestiges of tl
usually fatal affliction have vanished.
fourteen feet long and about tweli
inches In circumference, was killed c
the Lamb placo, nt Ten-Mile Hill, on tl
South Carolina Railroad, Suuday befo
John Heistand, one of thc oldes
wealthiest aud most respected farmers
Lancaster County, Pa., committed sc
cide, Sunday night last, by banging. 1
wus subject to fits of despondency.
Calais, Maine, is a nice placo for yoni
mon to go to. Tho local paper the
says that two-thirds of the wealth of tl
towu is to be inherited by young girl
The rich men thero do not have BOUS.
Tom Huchea saya be found New Yot
thoroughly cosmopolitan-ono portie
being like Paris, another Vienna, and
third like Rotterdam, whilo tho roar <
sf root traffic was thoroughly English.
SZJ, OOal ItO TYl es .
PHOKIXIANA.-Tho price of single
oopieSi of the*n<^nx~$ ?Uc?a^ >
?..Tbfo woekly batbecue off taefjSociBl
Olub ? oomcR. aff? to-ri?y, ^fot Geiger's
Spring. TicketeBl. 3 g .ri
MrT Woe-Hoy ad vertfaes -fttr article of
general utility-a patent fan nnd fly
driver-just tfjo thing for n noon sieBtn.
See bis notico.
A meeting of tho Board of Trade is
called for thia evening, and a full nttend
siice is desirable.
It bas beou noticed by al! whose at?
tention bas been called to tho subject,
that the* glorious bird.mimics of the
South are rapidly disappearing from our
midst. A mocking bird's nest is con?
sidered public property, aud tho yonng
are invariably token from it as ebon aa
discovered. Sent to tho North by hun?
dreds, they sell at high prices, and the
demand is even greater than tbje supply.
In a few yearn, unless something is
done to preveut the vandalism, the race
will become extinot, and tho sweet motin
and vespir notes of these wonderful
feathered songsters be no longer beard
about our bornes. "Wo hope that tbe
next Legislature will pass an Act to put
a Btop to tho robbery, aud imposo a fine
upon] all persons who cutch ur shoot
mocking birds.
Mtssrs. Bryau ?fe McCarter keep up
their stock of readable novels. We have
received from thom "Jamea Gordon's
Wife," issued by tho well-known pub?
lishing houso of D. Appleton & Go.,
Now York. This work is likoly to coua
tnaud unusual attention, for the story,
the style and the skillful delineation of
character. The price is fifty couts.
Tbe mechanics' barbecue, yesterday,
was a particularly pleasant affair. Tho
participants went in for a frolic, and
they bad it, too. Intoxicating stimu?
lants wero tabooed, and the day was
spent as tbe originators intended-as a
Wo would suggest to persons who have
not yet returned their personal property
to do so at once, und save the penalty of
fifty per cent. Mr. Caloan's office is in
tbo Court House.
Our merchants, aud others wishing to
prepare for the fall business, will please
take notico that tho PIUKNIX office is
supplied with all necessary muterial for
as handsome cards, bill heads, posters,
circulars, and other printing that maybe
desired, as any offioo in tho city. Qiro
ns a call and tost our work.
Tho Governor bas appointed Peter
B. Glass, E<q., of Columbia, a Notary
We exceedingly regret to anuounce
that our enterprising fellow-citizen, Mr.
John C. Seegerp, has met with another
unfortunate blow. A boiler attaabed to
bis ice machine exploded on Wednesday
night, about 12 o'clock, and so injured
tbe machine as to delay operations a
short time. Mr. Seegers has gone to
work to repair damages, and will soon be
all right again. His loss will amount lo
several thousand dollars, it is feared.
A mau whom we oan put np with-A
good hotel keeper.
A beautiful picture is tho full page
illustration in this week's issue of the
lilustrateti Christian Weekly, entitled
"Nature's Looking-Glass." A li tilo bare?
foot girl stands on tho brink of a stream,
overshadowed by woods, gazing into its
depths. "Lifo in the Coal Mines" is
illustrated with four engravings. In
"Wind aud Waler," we have a pictur?
esque Hudson River scene. "Specimen
of tbe Work Dono Inside" is an effective
temp?rance lesson. We wish the Ameri?
can Tract Society success in their noble
work of placing a healthy and cheap il?
lustrated weekly in the hands of onr
A good book and a good woman are
excellent things fer those who kuov*
how justly to appreciate their value.
There aro meu, however, who judge of
both from tho beauty of the covering.
George W. Earle, Esq., chief engineer,
with an able corps of assistants, yester?
day commenced the survey of the ronte
from Columbia to Augusta for Colonel
Bridgors' new road-the Wilmington,
Columbia and Augusta Railroad.
Tbe presence of a Government Post
Office detective is again necessary in this
department. Three money letters for
the PHOENIX have, from offices on the
Greenville and Columbia Railroad, failed
to come to hand dnring the last month.
The match game of base ball botween
the Mutuals and Ugly Club will take
plaoe this afteanoou, at 2% o'clock, on
tbe garrison parade ground.
Tbe proprietors of the Piokeua Senti?
nel expect to isano the first number thja
week. ' .
The first hale of now cotton this year
is reportod from Columbus, Texas. It
was received at Galveston oa last Satur?
Tho Pollook House thermoroote.- re?
corded 0S;fbllowa yesterday : 7 A. -M.-, 74;
12 M., 88,^2 P. -il.i 89)7 P. MM 84^.
Ii the City Council will - refer}; to the
Acta of Ibe Legislature, thoy, will:-Und
tUftb tho ground for>: Ibo Potter's Field
wai donated to -'tile Commissioners' of .
Streets of tho town ot* Cbl?bi^fo, ns a
plnqo of1 burial, "which shallj ne/fr?e for
all the ^inhabitants," Mas also; for .tho
burial of ull str?ngen, who may die in
the naid1-'to wu." Tho Aot was ratified
00 the 21st December, 1793.
What grows bigger the mord you con?
tract it? Debt.'
Povertyis, exoept where there iVan
actual Want of food and raiment, a thing
much ,moro imaginary than real. The
shame of poverty-the.shaine of being
thought poor-ia a great and fatal weal??''
\ Company D, Capt. Falcka, of tho 8e
1 oond United States Infantry, arrived in
Colombia yesterday, oo their way to
Spartanburg. They have beep stationed
for a U ng th of time in Chieraw, and
their departuro is sincerely regretted by
the citizens.
MAIL A un AN O EM EN TS.-The Northern
mail opens at 8.00 P. M.; oltisee 7.15
A. M. . Charleston day mail op'??s 4s00
P. M.; closes COO A. M. Charleston,
night mail opens 0.30 A. M.; closes COO
P. M. Greenville mail opens 6.45 P.
M.; closes 6.00 A. M. Western'mail
opens 9.00 A. M.; clodes 1.30 P. M. On
Suuday office open from 3 to 4 P. M.
there is not the remotest corner or little
inlet of the miaute blood vessels of the
body that does not feel some wavelet
from tho great convulsion produced by
hearty laughter, shaking the central man.
The blood moves more lively-probably
its cbemic.il, electric .or vital condition
is distinctly modified-it conveys a
different impression to all the organs of
the body, as it visits them.on that par?
ticular mystic journey, when the man is
laughing, from what it does at 'other
times. And thus it is that a good laugh
lengthens a man's life, by convoying a
distinct and additional stimulus, to the
vital forces. The time may dome when
physicians, attending more closely than
they do now to tbe innumerable subtle
influences which the soul exerts upon
its tenement of elsy, shall prescribo for
torpid patients, "so many peats of laugh?
ter, to bo undergone nt such aud sacha
time," just as they do that; far more
objectionable prescription, a pill or an
electric or galvanic shock.
Look most to your spending. No
matter what comes in, if moro goes out
you will always be poor. The art is not
iu making money, but iu keeping it;
little expenses, liko mice in a barn,
when they are many, make great waste.
Bair by bair h eada get bald; straw by
straw, the thatch goes off the cottage;
and drop by drop the rain comes into the
chamber. A barrel is soon empty, if the
tap leaks but a drop a minute. When
you mean to save, begin with your
month; there are many thieves down the
red lane. The ale jug is a great waste.
In all other things keep within compass.
Never stretch your legs farther than the
blankets will reach, or you will soon be
cold. lu clothe*, choose suitable and
lasting Btu ff, and not tawdry fineries.
To be warm is the main thing; never
mind the looks. A fool may make
money, but it needs a wise man to upend
it. Bemember it is easier to build two
chimneys than to keep one going. If
you give all to back aud board, there is
nothing left for the savings bank. Fare
bard and work bard while you are young,
and you bavo a chance to rest when you
are old.
P. Cantwell-Peach Brandy.
John Woolley-Fan and Fly Driver.
Meeting of Board of .Trade.
Monteith & Fielding-Auotiou Sales,
Jacob Levin-Auotion Salen.
Apply at thia Office-Cook Wanted.
John C. Seegcrs-Notice.
BOOMS.-Wo are happy to inform our reader?
that their old acquaintance, Ur. P. P. Tonie,
while continuing n?a manufactory of doora,
sashes, blinds, etc, on Horlbeck'e wharf,
Charleston, 8. 0., has opened a h and BO mo
office and extensivo enies room? at No. 20
Hnyne street, where thoy will lind it more
convenient to call on him when they visit tho
oity. The eales rooms extend to No. 33
Pinckney stroet, where there ie another en?
trance. Send and ?ot a new and extended
price Hat of latest st) lea, etc. Seo advertirte
men?. Ju?y U Imo;*}
_--?s?> *>
NOTICB TO OnooKBs.-An unprincipled firm
have recently been copying oar advertise?
ments ontire, with the single oxctptiun of
anbatitutiog their name in place of oars.
The imposition, althongh well calculated to
deceive jour ouatomers, can be easily avoided
by ? little care on your part to eee that Doo
Lier's YEAST POWDEB is tho ono they are
aearshing for. While the action of tbe party
only adda further teatimouy to tho popularity
of our Yoaet Powder, we aoem thia caution
neceaaary, not only for your protection, but
that of the customer. booxxT A BBOTBBB,
C9 New street, Now York. July 25 43
QOFFIOIAL RAFFLE Nunukjis Charleston Charl?
table Association, for benefit Free School fund:
RAFFLE OLA88 NO. 103 - Morning-July 27.
Witness our hands, at Charleston, thia 27th
day of Jn!y, 18T1: FENN PECK,
. Juiy.28 Sworn Commissioners.

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