Newspaper Page Text
. 'BY J. A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, Si C., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 29. 187L VOll YU-NO. Iii. f. I > . 'I. i ...... it i fl !'.".' i l.'S;..:.?.USii M M CV t.'jX 1:11 HM . - ' . ... .??..?. . "... . if A*t*dbvaBA>B?ftr,:-^ Bea$i<fe hotel lol ,'BO?J howl naturally; *h& mit to lb; The Charming creatures are oat .for (their annual holiday, and ; heudfi of familiojj, tait o tho book ?eat and allow, tho feminine.portion of tUoir household to drive 'the' team. You will see the ladies ot the hotels rushing about' pro? miscuously and. independently^ aa tho gentlemen-n?V iu thu ?ft??o iuqu?rjog for fri?n du abd ohattltig1 with the clerks; BOW ia 1 tho d?ggnge-room bullying tho portera, thou ju tho, barbershop.ander-, going v^o mauinulutiuaa of. tho.ianbl?i head-qe'ritr?s, or driuking. lemonades "oolorefi,,:i? the BO/OH, si ppfrt'g' that cool? ing {beverag^e through 1 Btra we'of extraor? dinary length. . -In short, the ladies de? light iu their independence and absoluto freedom'from rea tra i ut, and so .fake plea? sure* fd 'doing th'd?e!things which','if por petroiod- i-?u i?w?, wouiu shook lure. Grundy out of ripvettty yeore' growth.. Among^the queer u'iguwaysln London are A^dlo ' street, B?tten K?wV ?ry?rig-! pan Altey, Oaudlowick Htreutf Aftifin Cor? ner,- Tripple Court,; :Sormon Laue,- Ha' penny Ajl^ey, Bandy leg WoJLk, ; Shoulder-, of-Mutton Laue, Cal's Castle, ' Heu-and ChiBaon Lane, X?ooh'a Ark Alley, Stink? ing- liane,1' Cut-throat Lane,' Labor-in vain street. Sheep-gut Lane, and Blow bladder street. , A curious invention )s exhibited ia the -window of a New York ' furniture BtonQ., It is a child's cot, to -whioh is at? tached, a most ingenious contrivance, by whioh the cot ia kept iu.porpotuul motion as soon as the child is laid, in it, thus saving the trouble and ti mo" of nu atten? dant to rock it off to sleep. '. Six camp meetings have recently been held in Oregon, and a California paper Bays that State'"has beoome religiously dissolute.*'. . . i '; iy?i ...u_u-Jt. ? 1 y J. a GB33B Gook Wanted. ACOOK, (colored,) who has no encum \f braucoe, can' ?got. ml ulnae ant situation 1 aud good wages, hy,applying at this ofhee. | Julyffi ,, " ' " ? '. To Bent. ROOMS over Citizens* Barrings Bank. Ap ?.plj atftha. Bank. ? ! . ? | July 2a 6 -U To Bent,1 '?? ? ? ' ; A .QQMFOUTABLK COTTA OE. with ! '. four Booms and necessary out-build ?ings. Qobd' well of w?t?r oh tho pro? mises.- Apply at Telegraph Ohioo.. July 8 Wanted tp Bent, EJ A OOTTAQE, at moderate rate, within 1 two or throe Bquaros of the PUCK NIX Omoe. i Apply> Or-address H. K. E., at thia Ofiloe. TBO COTTAGE HOUSE, Washington street, neil door 'to Masonic Halt, C. H. UUHfllR, l'roprleror. TBE Proprietor of thq ?fiTTAGE HOUSEr tho neatest and most retired naToon in tho ?ity-having had-a "large' experience at the Dharlantpn. ,e-nd lOolnmbia, Hotels^pledges to? bie guests tho moat choice brande pf WINES, ITQtjOrtU, ? nd': SEQ A118, and will be pleased bo hav? h?H' old' frrends call and seo'him.' 'A NICE-LUNOH served up daily, fr?rt U to 1 o'clock/ 0. H. DUHME. Jnjy27,.. ", ? ? . --N :E:W-'S^i - TH? Proprietor of the "LITTLR STOPE" has just returned from,New York with a neat aaoortment of Choice Gp?ds. Cheapest yet of the aeaaon. Call and see, at July 27 c? f* J?OK*ON'S. Blain St.' -!- i , . i j ? , - Notice. ?'.. 1 A LL persons having claims against the lato A. .WM. W. WALKER,, deoeaeed, will pre? sent them, properly attested, and those lo? de-Mod will make payment to' tho undersigned without delay. THOB. P.'WALEER, July 25 j . .: 1 . .Administrator. J ' ARTHUR C. MOORE! ~j Attorney And Counsellor at Law, COLUMBIA, S, 0.,' ' ' HAS REMOVED bia'office to No. 2, Law Range. ?.'?> Joly 4 j3mo Pickled Tongues, Beef, &c. JUST opened, ohoico .Fulton Market BEEF, Choice Pickled Tongues', ! Choice Sugar-Cured' llama, Ohoioe Sugar- Cured Btripa, Cbaicp No. 1 Mackerel. Forsatelowhy: JOHN AGNEW & SQN. ? We Havo the Royal Heinitab/a Baking . . Powders! . WHICH1 for tfuritj of material' and per? fection in ahead of all others. Snitable for all Kinda ot batter; is the lightest, sweetest, whitest, .cheapest powders rn tho city. Tho time e?.vod hy the use of thia'pow? der, together with its absolute certainty to make' swoot and light bread, biscuits; cakes of any kind, puddings,-pie-cruets, dumplings, coradsrsad.arei,* jndir it a most economies! and desirable article for good hon so-ke opera. Prepared and f'r.Bale?uJy by , ? -. Jiilv 25 j E. ff. H BI ft ITB ? Drug-frfot. HKNII THO Cl I. A II rilllJSiUB MJUOA1?? caiLLS AN? F&VEBt CURED 1 .'.i:,'i\-A*.-^>1?.????'?? ? ' H?imtsh'B Great Mcdioine, STASA.-ipSBfitCUKE, A POSITIVE ?URBI SEND all tho incurable oaaoa. Ono ' bottle f**lt that'tt??d b? tskofi; Banish palnl Banish Buffering* To the afflicted this is tid? ings of great Joyi ? I havo beert cored. ' J. A. DAVIS. I havo been oared. : 0. B. THOMAS. I have boen oared.- J A. ELKINS. I havo boon ourod. J. If. DIBEXBB. I havo been cured. D. WADE. I havo been cured. ? M. 0. TOOAN. All can bo cured by calling on HE1NITS? and get a bottlo of thia groat.medloino. Pre? pared only by E. H. HEINITSH, kt his Drug Store, opposito Pnootix office July 25 t._. .. Congress Water. OASES for salo low by Juno 17 . ._GEO. 8YMMER8, Imported and Domoatio Cigars atPoxxooK s 10 &&&HQOD : How Lost I ,:Bpw Ec stored ! f. . Just published, ii) a sealed enve? lope. Pi-ice,-sixcents. ii! LECTURE OD the Natural Treatment J3. and Radical Caro of Spermatorrhea or B?mina?- Wb?kncas, - Involuntary EroiBaions,-' Sexual-TJcbllity, and lnxpod?oonte; to Marri ago ,gonerally; Nervousness, Consomption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical In'ca^ puoity. robulting from Belf-Abnae, Ac., hy Ito-, DEBT J. JOULVHnwEJ/L, M. D., author of the "Graen'BoOh," &o. 1 . . ' i >..' ..A Boon to Thoamndi of Sufferers.','. ? "'Hont under seal, io a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on 'receipt of atx cont B, or , two postage stamps, by CH.A?. J. O. KLINE .k'OO.; ' , " . I?T Bo tv .ry, New York-P. O, Hoi, -J ,380. Juno 12 ?,, , ?1 ' _gmo 1 . i ,. , JIIBOllOAJL.. ' ' THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. E8B?Y8 FOR YOUNO MEN, on great so? cial evils and abueoB, which interfere with MABBIAOB, with sure means of relict for tho erring and unfortunate, diseased and de? bilitated.' Sent in Healed lotter envelope?, free of charge. Address HOWARD SAN ITA-, RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth, i Btreet, Philadelphia. Pa._May 21 gmo 1 T'IDLO Celebrated Murray L?nman's Morilla Water. The most lasting, agree able* and refreshing of all perfumes; for use on the 1 Handkerchief, at the Toilet, and in the Bath. For sale by"all Druggists and Per? fumers. Sept 17_t TURNIP SEED Sgt? S ? >3 E. E. JACKSON'S. ?l xv ? latas JiNU?ix The Doctors Recommend S?egers'Beer IN preference to London Porter and Scotch Ale. Why? They know it ia unadulterated. Pearl Crist. 1f\ BRL8. FRE8H PEARL GRIST, juat 1U received and for Bale low by June 15_JOHN AGNEW A SON. Magrath'o Digest of South Carolina Law Reports, ! TO the present time. .Price $5. For aale at BRYAN A MoOARTER'S BOOKSTORE. Juno ll . _ FBESH ' TURNIP SEED! jjUTA BAGA, GLOBE, NORFOLK, BED TOP, FLAT DUTCH, For aalo by W. C. FISHER, Drngglat and Apothecary, July 20 8jgo OppOBlte Columbia Hotel. ,, Whooping Cough Candy. HERE is something Tor children Buffering with Whooping Congh, Croup, OonghB, &o. . .A pleasant medicine in the form of . kiaaes, effectual, in allaying coughs, croup, I oolds. Keep tho patient under the influence of tba medicino contained in thia cundy; will allay the violence of the cough. At June l j HRINITBH'S Drug Store. . Seegers' Beer is Pure. ET don't contain CopporaB, Bait, Lime or Alum. , :_ . March ll HOE GOLD SODA WATER with IPtTOE P&tJIT SYEUPS, can be obtained at MCKENZIE'S SA LOON. Try it; Teas! Toas'.! Toas!!! WE have jnst rceLvcS ah invoice of choice TEAS, c?naieting of UNCOLORED JAPAN, ?yeon,Gunpowder, I oung Hyaon, Imperial, . Oolong and English broattfaet Teas. For sale at our u<mal lew pricos. Jupe 28_ .JOHN AGNEW k SON. 'Diamond' and 'Orango' Brand Hams. 1 C\ TIEUCES of these' "incomparables' IU juat to hand and for aale bv June 17_GEO. SVMMERS. Jewelry and Silverware, OF tho tnqst approved Btylee, eau bo ob? tained at I. BuLZBAOHER'B establish? ment, Main street, Columbia Hotel Row, Bots and half seta iu great variety. Aleo, Bollteiro and olu?tor DIAMONDS. SPEOTA GLEB and EYE-OLAS.tF.S tn ?ult all agen. ? Blackwell's gennino Durham Smoking To bao.o at POLLOCK'S. XV?U ABO uoai-tt?io fer Ton. > IAM prepared to fnrulah' tbe above-GOAL, ia quantities from one to.fifty tofir, at SIB per ton, dehvored in any part of tho oity. Orders can bo loft at L?rick 2c Lowrance's or A. P?lmer'a. Ton tf.OOO Iba. T.' J? HARPER. June 29 _ : . . ;'!-,. -Imo* FEEifi HS COOL I ^^E op?n this day a froah lot of : . ' DRY G O ODS, Direct from first banda. Having no old Btock to work off, wo abow now ?nd fresh Gouda, at Duli Times Prices Wo ask ?special attention and examination of our low price -, 1., SASH RIBBONS. Remember, the only placo in tho city to pro? cure tbcae doairablo gooda ia at POUTER & STEELE'S. June 14_!_._, Seegers' Beer DON'T contain Strychnine. It is pnro, and warranted tobe so. March ll FIRE INSURANCE. George Huggins' Agency, Established in Columbia, S. C., A. D. 1840. THE following companies have complied with the lawa of the State of Bouth Caro? lina, and have boen duly licensed by theCorop troiler-Genoral of tho State, and by city of Columbia, for tho present year, representing a CAPITAL OB* OVER S30.00O.00O. iEtnn, Firo Iueuranco Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. Imperial Fire Inauranco Company, of Lon? don.' Union Fire Inauranco Company, of San Francisco, California. Pheonix Fire inauranco Company, of New York. Putnam Fire Inauranco Company, ol Hart? ford, Connecticnt. Manhattan Firo Inauranco Company, of New York, . GEORGE HUGGINS, Agent. Offico at Ur. Duffie's new bookstore, oppo site the Columbia Hotel._May 20 j3nio uh Livery and Sale Stables, tja THE undersigned will continue tho bu? siness heretofore con? ducted by Agnov & Co., at the old stands of tho late firm. His Omnibuses and Carriages will convey passengers to and from tho Rail? road Dopte to tko Columbia Hotel, (ho Niok ereon Honso, or any part of tho city. Ho will alao furnieh Horses, Buggies, Carriagca, Ac, for hire on roaaonablo terms, and solicita the patronage of tho frienda of the late firm. June 28_ OWEN DALY. GEORGE TUPPER, BROKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, COLUMBIA, S. C. OFFICE over W. 0. Fisher's Drug Store, opposite Columbia Hotel, Main street. May 2 Cheap Dry Goods FOR 5 0 DAYS 3 0 AT "LOVE & CO,'S." PREPARATORY to renovating om stores, we will CLOSE OUT the presont stook at "Low Bown Fr ices," And will open on MONDAY a new stock of "FANCY" FRENCH LAWNS," Together with othor Bress Goods and Linen Goode, For LADIES and MEN'S WEAR, ,;i? tar Wo ?eUoulysTAMDABn makes of Gooda, so that GREAT BARGAINL may be expected and will bo given. W. D. LOVE, Joly 2_B. B. MoCREEBY. STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ?'? '. '.? SOLICIT orders for COTTON. Corn, Flour, Baoon, Lard; uto., and Family Orooerlea f;onerally. Ordern Ulled carefully ?ind prompt _y__ _.Fob % lyr White's Gardening for the Bouth, IJ Y the late Wm. A. White, of Athena, Ga. HOLMES' SOUTHERN FARMERaud MAR? KET GARDENER. $1.80. The Phosphate Rooks ot South Carolina, their History and Developments-Colorod Plates.. $1.25. i Six Sermons on Tempor?neo, by Lyman Beecher. Saorod Rhetoric ; or a Course of Leotures on Preaching, lt. L. Datoiey, D. D. $1.60. Any above eopt by mail. DUFFIE & OflAPMAN, Fob 19 OppoMto Ctdnmhia Hotel._ . A fresh supply cf Bremen Lager ~t POL? LOCK'S. CLOTHING HOUSE tu . ' ? , PF .. .,. CHILDS & WILEY, COL tr M BIA, S . C . WE have jmarked down nit of our largo stock ofREADY-MABE CLOTHING to auch low figures that tho price cemon within roach-of ali that wish a-good titting garment, made in tho lateet stylo und by tho bout raak era in Now York, We aro tho only bouse that Boll All Linen Drawera at $1.50. wo .uro tko only houae that have tho imported See-Sucker Calcutta 8uita, warranted genuine. An in Bpeution.of lour largo H tock will nettle tho mind.of any ono that money ia made by buy? ing from UH. Thirty-two inch Bole Leather'j Tr?nke, only a few left, at $20_Jnno'lS BEAD THIS! "y^TE tako ploasuro in calling tho special attention ortho trade to our largo and well "I: lpt1 solccted atock of Ladies, Missen, Children, Men and Boys' SHIS IN MITIB Which rro aro Belling at MANJJFA CTURER'S PRICES. Give UH a call, and examino beforu ytsi buy. J. H. & M. L. KINAED. Moy 20 __ IMPORTANT NOTICE TO Dealers and Those in Want OP .if!^ - DRY GOODS have now in atore a full lino of the and moat FASHIONABLE GOODS Of domestic, French uud Euglivh manufac? ture, which wo guarantee, at all time*, to sell aa.low, if not at lesa priucs, than any bonne in Columbia, buying oar Gooda from the ?argent and moat celebrated establishment* in tho United Statoa. And aa wo deairo to please all, wo huvo now in our houee tho BEST GRADES OF EVERY CLASS OF GOODS From tho lowoBt to tho highest, and wo feel confidant that all thoao favoring na with an order from a diatanco will be plcaaed and satisfied that OUR HOUSE IB TM ON? In thia city to deal with. Wo will, upon application, aend promptly by mail, full linea of aamplca of thoao kind ot Gooda desired and spoci?od by our friends and eustomers. All orders accompanied by caah amounting to $25 and over, doliverod in any part of tho Btato freo of froight chargea. Thoao unaccompanied, will bo sent C. O. 1). "We respectfully aolicit ordere, whioh-will roccivn tho prompt and poraohal attoution ot one of tho firm. Our prices being low, wo think we can rendor satisfaction to all. Give us a trial. J. H. & M. L. KINARD, May 3 _COLUMBIA. B. a_ SPACIAL ATTENTION given to thooo! loction of Commercial Taper, Interest on State and Railroad Bonds and Btocka, aud Conversion of Btato Securities, hy Nov 23 Cine_F QAMBBILL. Broker. A Ono summer tonio is Hattorfs Bittora ?an bo had at POLLOCK'S. FRENCH CASSlMEflB PANTS, FORMERLY *1G to *1B, wo are now making for 112 ?nd, $13, to close out our linc of French Gooda. Light Cassi m ore Snits at Cost. Kow ia tho timo tb order our perfect fitting' . , . . .ii*r: .'?1 v '.. V SHIRTS, warrantcd^to please. A fow Ltidiea' TRAVELING TRUNKS, at. coat. ta~ Gall and securo BARGAINS at . ii . ,i. ; ... Ju'y ll R. <fc .yr. C. BWAFFIELD'B. Tax Notice. OFFICE OF COONTY. Ans HOB, Il ICU LA ND CO., COM: M m A, S. G., Juno 28.1871. XN puren Anco of au Act of tho General As aombly, at itu laut Bennion, my office in Go- I j liimbiawill bo open, on and after lot day of ! July next, to August 10, to rocclve the returns I of Perennal Property o? the tax-pay era of this I County 'or tho year 1871. Bianka can bo ob? tained at this office, in tbo Court House. I Tax-payera are re quired to enter on bianka all traiiBfcra or purchaaes of real cBtatc, and ' also all now buildings ereoted Binco laut re? turn. Where tax-payers npglcct to mako their ro? turas, tho County Auditor ia compelled, by law, to charge them with tho return of the previous year and add fifty per cent, thereto as penalty. M. J. CALNAN, Juno 29_Auditor Richland County. SHIELDS & GLAZER COLUMBIA, S. ?., Palmetto Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS of 8TEAM ENGINES and BOILERS, Saw, Grist and Cane Mills, all eiisea, nil hindu of Agricultural Im? plements, House and Store Fronte. Iron Bail? ing, Iron and Brass Casting; Shafting, Pul? leys and Hangera made to order. ALSO, Manufacturers of UTLEYS IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESS, which waa awarded tho first premium in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana last fall We also manufacturo the DIXIE SCREW COTTON PRESS-a cheap and durabloono. Send for circulars. Orders filled on short notion and on most reasonable terms. June 24 Smo REDUCTION IN PRIGS OF Spring and Summer Clothing, AT . R. & W. C. SWAFPIELD'S. WE havj tho largest- retail etock in the State, and. anxious to rednce it, will boll it at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. j Thc stock is unbroken, and (he bent atoek j wo have over handled. j New HATS, of a desirable style, just re? ceived.. This reduction will apply aleo to dur CUS? TOM DEPARTMENT. May 16 New Books, bv Express. PHYSICAL CAUSE OF TUE DEATH OF CHRIST, Ac, by Htrund, ?nd lettsr by Sir James Simpeou, M. D. War and Culture, by Arthur Helps. $1.50. Hugh Miller's Life aud Letters, two vol? umes, by Peter Bayne, with portrait. H. Christianity and Po?ilivei?m, by McCoah. Peoplo'a Practical Poultry Book, "complete. Why Did Ho Not Die? From tho German, by MrH. Wist ar. Callirhon, a Romance, by Sand. $2. Climates for Invalida, by L. Lill. $1 25. Body and Mind, by Mandaley, London. $1. Tho Old Fashioned Boy, by Farqnaraon. Little Men, by author of Little Women. Pike County Ballade, by John Hay. $1.50. Mra. Beeton's Book of Household Manage? ment. Most complete work. Illustrated. Also, some now Novels by good authors, juat opened, at BRYAN. A. MoU ARTE R'S Juno 13_Bookstore. Guns, Pistols, Etc. ^ - 1 TNPORM my frionds and ]?><^ publie in general that I have ^?L^^jSfcwjust received an entire new F "??fc 'Wutock ofjDouble and Singlo Bar? rel GUNS, REPEATERS, Flasks, Pouches, Fistol-Belts, Caps. BuckrShot, Cartridges. Cartridges for all kinds of Pistols, Powder and Shot. ALSO, REPAIltlNG done at short notice Oct?_P. W. KRAFT, M Kin street. ~~ . . .. DR. D. L. BOOZER fSSSSB?M ? WOULD respectfully inform ?Ty?Ssafci niH PKtrODS ail(i the public ge ^t-QEuJJ norally that lie baa moved into his now onion, over Duftio A Chapman's Book? store, oppoaito tho Columbia Hotel, where ho h> pr?p?* <>d to c se, satf af ?fct?l ?ly, e.ii ope* ratioua and work, of whatsoever kind bia pro? fession demands. Terms accommodating. Maroh 8 . _ ' Malt Corn Whiskey, WARRANTED two vearsold, at FeV 21 JOHN C.SEEGERS'. Scythes and Grain Cradles. S) DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES. ? 10 don. Griffin's Grain and Graes H ry then, just rece ived and foi sale low bv May 17_ JOHN AGNEW A ?ON. Gnn and Blasting Powder. AFULL supply of the celebrated Dupont's GUN AND BLASTING POWDER, in kegs and cannisters, is now offered to merchant a and consumers at thc lowcat nun-Vet rates, by the undersigned, who aro eolo agents for tho manufacturers at thia placo. May 25_JOHN AGNEW A 80N. Every One Drinks Seegers' Beer, BECAUSE it gives strongth and unproven ? hoir health._March ll _ STOCKS, BONDS omi COUPONS bought and anld by D. GAMBRILL. Rroker. The cooleet Lager in the city con be bad a POLLOCK'S. * : THE C??ST MARKT AJHNOUN??iaBNT More than'Extraordinary! J HXVIt?G disposed o'f' tho bril k> Of our Bum? mer Stock oj Clothing and Hat?/ ' Wo have determined to ?give greater facilitiee un il larger induce- 0 nu ntu to those desirous. Ot purchasing the boat of GoodaM hy aplJing . the tcmainder of our Stock at twenty per cent, .below tho coat, 'mark. . We beg to call tho -'1 attontion of .tho publie, to our fcttf?k of COL? LAR? ?"bd. CUEFfl, ! which, for quantity, ,, quality, ' Btylorand Va? riety,^illetupnisa soy/ . < iu the State, embracing tho w?rM-renowned ' CLOTH - FACED , FA? ' FKJt COLLAR, Bpecial ly adapted to thu eli-"1 mate, doing away with - tho flimsy matcrial'for merly known-as Paper ?. Collars. Do not fail h?. ; oall early, to be convinced of tho above facts," at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR^; Br-7 Juno 2R Main street. AFEW reasons why they should have the - pr?f?rence over all otneraiJ '.:..* %? Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Machino ia . much aimpler than any of tho Others; re? quiring ICBB than half thc amount of ma- ' chinery. . -j 2. Aa.the result of this simplicity, thia ma? chine ls mach less liable than tho others to get out of repair. . < ; 3. Another result of this simplicity is. greater durability. '.' - ' . i.' Another result is lesa friction, and. con? sequently, greater eaae and rapidity of mo? tion, wi th. Ieee noie e. i- . >???>? fi. And greatest of all, that it mea no Bhut-,. tie, ana makea tho lock stitch. It ia the cheapest to buy tho bent. Bt?y tbe machine that has juatly, fairly and honora? , bly won a reputation and ' independence .. against, a strong and bitter competition., For more than twenty years has lue Wheeler A.* Wilson trot only stood UrBt'An'd forcmo8t, *b'nl j now utanda tbe HUI availed Sewing Machine of ", tho enlightened civilized world, Bey the,ma? chine that has been thnstcsted and proVed,' ami then you ure miro to ?get the bett. For j sale on tho easiest pot-Biolo terma. Eales- - I room Main street, aecond door below FncsMrx ?lfioo, Columbia, 8. C. : ? > \ L t . j: S. FUR8L?Y, Agent. A. -Wu YT rc, General Southern Agent. Juno Ul_;_; Gmo The Dexter Stables. * THE undersigned - hayq re? moved their Stables to tho new building, iidxEsdi^tely South of Janney'a.Hall, aud. with anew ^ .stock of CARRIAGES. BUG ana fine HOBBES, are prepared to an? swer all calle that maybe made upon them. Horans bought and aold on commission. Persona in want of good stock, are invited tb give na a call. Liberal advances made on atock left for aale. BOYCE A CO. W. H. BOWIE. O. H. FETTINOIIX. Jan 24 CORRECT TIME MAY be obtained bv calling at IS A AC SULZBAOHEIt'S aud pnrcbaM.ig ono of th fife- jiiBtly celcbratod ELGIN WATCHES, and where yon can fluff a complete atock of Diamond?,. Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of .the beat .manufacture. In addition are the United Staten, Waltham, English, and Bwiss Watches in Gold and Silver Cuace, which will be doced out at Kuw York pricea. Constantly on hand fiuu Gold Chaine, Seal Binga, Charms,Lockets, Slei ve Buttons, 8eta, and a varied stock of Fancy Articles. All kinda of Repairing done promptly, and warranted, by ISAAC KUI.ZBACH ER, April 27 Undor Colombia Hotel. M. H. BERRY'S Furniture Ware-room 'Main Streit, near Plain. NOW on baud und daily re ctiving from tho manufac ??rieB of New York, Boston, Cincinnati and Louisville, tho largest atihortment ot FUR? NITURE ever~kopt m thia market, consisting in part of Walnut parlor. Chamber and Din ing-Boom SuitB; 200 Bedsteads of different, patterns, in Walnut and Imitation ; aToo, the celebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chairs. All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order, i UPHOLSTERING add REPAIRING dono at shortest notice and in the boat manner. Terms cash and Good? cheap. Oct 80 NO FIIIIS USED IN WASHING. : WARFIELD'S ?0LD WATER SOAP. THIS SOAP waahes porf?cUy in cold water, soft, hard or salt. . It removes grease.- I oil and paint , from garments. lt war-hue all Iii n (1B of good ?'--cot ton. flannel, silk or woolen. It rle a II se? ?i iver, plated ware and jewelry . without scratching. It the articles are much.. tarnished, mb ?Lem with ? piece of flannel which bas plenty of the Soap on it.. To people who do their own washing, it is invaluable^ It will save Ita cost In ono waphing.' ' For sale, in boxes of thirty-six bare, by EDWARD DOPE, April 9 Agent for1 South Carolina. For Sale, 30AA ACHES of LAND in Barnwell, ' ?viv/VJ on the Edisto. 750 ACRES iu Kershaw-in lots to snit. Baw Mill and 2,000 acres of Land In Loxing ton, on North Ediato? $7,000. 2,F>00 aerea Wateres Bottom Land, $2 pr acra 2,600 aerea oreek bottom and pins Land, at (2 per aore. 1 Houae in this city, $5,000. HOUSE and thirteen acres LAND, near the ' city-$3.600. Apply to JOHN BAUHRETT-, ' Attorney a t Law and Beal Eatato Agent. - iSerfrgs_' _ ly Lard! Lard!* PURE LEAF LARD-"guaranteed ?fffcffw pure"-in barrel ?".half b?rrela, kegs and . S, 5 aud 10 caddios, for aale at reduced prices, by JOHN AGNEW A SON. OVNTY OI.AIM8 AND JOIXY CKIITI PIOATES bought by Feb 5 D. GAMBR1LL, Broker. gFroo Soup everyday, at ll o'clock, at Pox? LOCK'S.