Newspaper Page Text
_ ?- -? T ?----J Tit? Cautil? ot ito? Over bi?? of Honda.' ^ As our reader? -/nay presumo, we have not the honor of Governor Scott'scon? denoo. Nor does tho PHONIX interview people whoso ?tateme nts, after they are marie, may jolt o% well be deetrigd false as true. Aa his Excel 1 ency is now ar-' reigned before the bar of tho public, and baa been placed.'by tho New,York World in th? ortmiaaTs dook, lt is proper that' his defence bo heard. Tho correspond ent of the Charleston Courier has inter? viewed 1 OoViT Booti.' 'About the"'oily praotioal piece of information he gives, is that arrangements have been made to take tho financial agency of the State from the present agent and place it in the banda of the Union Trust Company, Of New York. That is, Gov. Scott A Ob. propose to look the stable doors after toe horses of the State have been stolen; and be, perhaps, not the least pdtoriorjB in the bond of the Radi? cal officials who have grown, fat and waxed Baucy upon the bleeding and mu? tilated body of prostrate Carolina. Why, we oak his Excellency, did you make Kimpton your financial agent in New: York, and pince millions of State secu? rities in his unknown hands, without ex? acting eren, a bond from him, such as an assistant cashier gives in one pf onr oity banka? You Sud your advisers, we aay to bis Eioellenoy, are responsible in law and morals for all'that the Stato of South Carolina may lose from the great con? spiracy-flnaaoial-whereby unknown millions may perhaps have been added to the public debt of Sooth Carolina. Is it true that, tho public debt pf this State may/new "bo, QYIM?, $25,000,000?' If so, oan oar poor and plundered people pav 9l,50O,O0Q per annum interest oh: that debt, ?nd,'besides that sum, the current expenses of the Government? Whither are wc drifting?.' Whither sails, the ship of State? Ao d what says the Attorney-General of the State? Have yon no duties'in thia crisis to discharge? If tho State has been plundered-if the treasury bas been invaded-as we know is the osse-is it not the duty of the At? torney-General tb proceed against the plunderers? : Where frauda were alleged in New York, Gov. Hoffman pnt his At? torney-General to work. If Scott is no Hoffman, is it also the case that Cham? berlain is no Champlain? We said that this man Kimpton would cost the State at least $1,000,100. Is it that our esti? mate was very moderate? It looks very mach like it. Alas for South Carolina, when swindlers and robbers prey upon her, and then hide themselves under the TjDited States flag! Scott & Co. plunder onr people, and then call upon Graut, and be puts them under military rule! ? ^ ? ? The Recent Triennial Convention nf thc Protestant Episcopal Cliurcn. Thia august and imposing body com? pleted its labors on Ootober 26, last. It was held iu Baltimore, and amoog the divines and laymen present were repre? sentatives from South Carolina. There were representatives also from the Mo? ther Church in Old England. The ses? sion of the Convention lasted twenty days, and a good ' deal of business was despatched. We observe that tbe an? cient reputation of the Protestant Epis? copal Church for u wise conservatism for tbat golden mean which lies between extremes-was maintained. The debatt a were harmonious. Tbe first not of the "reveroud fathers in God" was to signify their desire to canonically forbid certain praotices which we're creeping into the the Church and loading it Homewards. This subject led to an interesting de? bate, and introduced the vexed question of ritualism. Finally, as wo aro in? formed, a resolution was almost unani? mously passed, "condemning ceremo? nies, ko., foreign to standards of the Church, and holding that the paternul counsel and advice of the bishops wus sufficient ai this time to suppress all that is unseemly and irregular." An? other important work of this Conven? tion wag the declaration of tho House of Bishops as to the word "regenerate," as nsed in the offices of the Church for the ministration of the baptism of infanta. It was held that no moral change ia wrought in the subject of baptism. The Convention also decided to restore tbe .noient order of "deaconesses" in the Church, and authorised the organiza? tion of "houses of meroy," where wo? men oan take vows and live a holy life in acts of charity and religious servioc. Upon the whole, we aro inclined tc .onclndo that the Convention did its bu? siness in a calm, wise and sagacious spirit-as noto God and not unto man. If work of no striking character wut done, and if few great points were set tied, yet a vast amount of regalar and necessary busioess was transacted, ano the foundations of tho Charoh were hf! firm. ' ?i ?iwjanjyfsTTiiis.iwgr " The State Agricultural end Meobaui 0*1 Society met last evening io tbe Coa rt Ho nye,7Prest den t Hagood llu th e oh ai rf, The B^BsidoQ^ onaoenoed ?spheJfiraf mattest bus?jesa tfco questf?ip ofjtbfc biliary to the society, abd threw out suggestion? aa to it? vital importance. Col. Thornes seconded the suggestions of the, fl?air. and urged the adoptiou of the tioheme as the ono beat calculated to sooaro the eada aimed at by the society.' Mr. Ri ohardBon took the same "ground," us did Judge Moiton. Gan. Ohesnut. Gol. Ai? ken, and Mr. Mblntosh. It had been de? termined previously to organise upon the basis of .810,000 subscribed. Mr. Ri? chardson, seconded by Mr. Baxter, moved the Secretary open the lists for eubeoriptiooa forthwith. This was done and a handsome* som immediately sub? scribed-tho understanding being that each subscriber would put bis s?bscrip tion in the form of a note, upon printed forms being provided. Upon motion, a committee of twelve was appointed to proceed forthwith to canvass the oity of Columbia and the visitors to the fair in behalf of the joint stook scheme. The President appointed Edward Hope, J. S. Biobardson, lt. C. Shiver, R. O'Nenie, Jr., Dr, R. W. Gibbes, G. E. Bogga, J. M., Baxter, A. B. Springs, J. J. McClure, Dr. G. H. Miot, B. G. Lamar, J. C. Sedgers.; 1 Mr. Lawton moved the appointment of delegates to the Agricultural Googress at Selma: Wade Hampton, T. W. Wood? ward, J. S. Richardson, A. H. Waring, H. T. Peake, A. B. Springs, M. W. Gary, J. H. Sor even, T. C. Weatherby, R. M. Sims, E. S. Ketti,- A. M. Foster, J. A. Leland, T. H. Clarke, Samuel MoAliley, Carlos Tracy, A. D. Frederick, D. Wyatt Aiken, W. H. Duncan and J. P. Thomas. Generui Cbosout moved that Dr. Means, the delegate from Georgia, be invited to address the society. , Dr. Menus delivered an interesting, suggestive and eloquent address, foi which, on motion, he received the thanke of the KOO ie ty. The committee on nominations report? ed the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Johnson Hagood; Vice Presidents, William Wallace, T. W, Woodward, W. M. Lawton, B. F. Wil liamaon; Executive Committee, J. P Thomas, E. McIntosh, J. B. Moore. R O'Neale, Jr., T. D. Dotterer; Seorotarj and Treasurer, D. Wyatt Aiken. Upon motion of Gen. Chesnnt, the re port was adopted. Upon motion, the sooioty adjourned tc meet at the Court House, on Friday evening next, at 6 o'clock. Rica GEOBOIA.-Governor Bullock the notorious carpet-bagger who ha? lately disgraced the position of Oo verti? of Georgia, has resigned his office With singular frankness ho assigns ai the cause of this not tho fuot that tin Legislature had impeached bim, ant that bis conviction is certain. Of con rsi the Legislature is, in his own view utterly corrupt, and he is a sort of latter day Christian martyr, greatly improvet upon tho original model of the earl; martyrs. He, however, expresses a con ?dence that the Lieuteuuat-Governor who suooeeds him, will prove as worth; of confidence-on the part of Genera* Grant-us he himself bas proved; whiol munt be a very gratifying oertiUcato o character to his successor. This fellov has beou ono of the most subtle tools o tho administration io ruling the South His dishonesty sud utter waut of de coney, have bneu perfeotly familiar ti everybody. Yet the press hu until now steadily defended him, um uuswered every protest of patriotic mn honest Dieu against him by the ory o disloyalty and tho accusation of Ki Kluxism.-New York World. -. - KINQVILLE TO MILLEN.-The Sumte Newa learns that it is proposed by company to purchase from the Wi I mingtoD, Columbia and Augusta Ruil road Company the ead of their roai from Sumter in the direction of King ville, (which will probably be abandone on the completion of the through line, and build au air line from tbat point t Millen, Georgia, which will open a shot through line fur the Southern und Weal ern truvel going North, and place Sun: ter on au important through line fe travel. THE undersigned wishes moot respeuttuli to apologize to tho ladies, who, this day, a tended the races at tho Ht ato Fair, and wi nesacd his improper conduct. Ho assurt thom that any language ho may havo give utteranoo to, did not, in any manner, reflu? upon thom, and was made whilo un 1er grei excitement. As for tho opinion formed by any of tl malea, who may hare become incensed, I be wiebes it distinctly understood bo dnoa n< caro an iota. O. B.-FltANKLIN. ConuMiUA. 8, 0., Novena bur 8, 1871. Nov 0_1 For Sale, ONE now, eight [8] horan stationary E? OINK and .101 ii hil. warranted in tira rato order, and ?rill bu sold at a bargain I applying at thu oftlco. '_Nov 0 3 Found. r^rJRi NE A H tho Fair Oronnds, laut ove gg. afra Uo<:l-Hau SAOULE, whioh il Tr^^1"""" can get by paying for tn ?uvertiaomeut. The Saddle mav be seen i the I uotNtx UIHoa. JOHN LLK. Nov0 1 Yesterday,. eke . crowd . at - the fair groanda far oui-ai|?^bjMr^^kat oi lba, previous ?*tyr anttTra^ Uih* If tKe officers of the association. -A^to tolghonr. Mi*W^kWl. ip commence? moving the oity-48wardji?8$?f?\m9*i?ad Qpr lombia's street! presented a gala appear? ance, such as wo hate seldom oeoo since tho war. The nnmber of Strangers from tiff oquatry. had^wateas?d very percepti? bly sinde ' aton?r?V, fln'd many happy greeUngs were ?jlveo; anc? received from fr louds encl ncqnaiBtundoff ti) na brought together* in" happy meeting. Smiling faces were visible everywhere, and it seemed as though,each and everyone bad determined to hi y aside tb? cares aod troubles which are surrounding us on every side, and let happiness reign supreme. Tbe grounds and buildings were thronged in every part, until it became almoat impossible to pass from one part to another, yet every one submitted to the compressing process good-naturedly. Even the ladies seemed to enjoy it-per? haps they were nsed to it. At 10 o'clock, the brass bands "played off" for the championship of the State, as the best blowers. The Firemen's Band, of this city, nader Prof. Ly Brand, and Thompson's (colored) Band, were tbe two contestants. Eauh band per? formed two of their best pieces, and elicited the applause of the large num? ber of listeners, filling all the Beats sur? rounding the amphitheatre. The com? mittee selected consisted of Cols. Bush and Taylor and Prof, W. H. Orchard. These gentlemen awarded the prize of $300 to LyBraod'a Band, but all unite in a_h<gbly complimentary notice of Thompson's Band. At ll o'clock, a game of base ball was played between the B. E. Lee and the Alert Clubs. The game was very spirit? ed and hotly contested, and resulted in a neuro of 14 to 23 io favor of the Alerts. We regret that circumstances inter? fered with the arrangement for baking bread and cooking other articles by u little girl, eleven years of ega. Every? thing wa s ready for the contest, but the stove having been placed upon the wrong side of the building, it was found that there was not Buffioient draught, lt is to be hoped that a more successful effort will be made to-day, aod that all the vi? sitors will take an interest in this mutter, as too much encouragemeut cauuut be awarded to those who ure willing to work with their own bands. A number of fine horses were exhibit? ed in the arena, giving a tine opportuni? ty for horsemen to show off their cques trianBhip. Among the horses on exhibi? tion at tho fair, we particularly noticed a finn animal entered by A. Eshelman, Esq. For size sad beauty he cannot be excelled. We were pleased to observe that oar frieads from the oouatry seemed to be interested in tbe portable gos machines on exhibition. These uro tbe very tbinge for country towns and private housed, and should be very extensively intro? duced throughout the State, especially in hotels aud public buildings. The machine known as the Columbia Porta? ble Gas Machine, took the prize yester? day at the Mechanics' Institute Fuir in New York. The other machine, by thu Southern Oas Light Company of Colum? bia, claims many advantages over all others. They are both, doubtless, good machinan, and worthy of extensive snle. Wu noticed a very superior carnet and rug from tho establishment of Messrs. J. II. & M. L. Kinard, which attruoted the attention of housekeepers. The dis play of carpets is exceoJingly handsome, from the three bouses of Messrs. Ki nurd's, Shiver Sc Co., and Love A Co. A show cuso filled with silver ware, t( bo given away us prizes, was a new at traction. They are furnished by tin well-known Charleston house of W. G. Whildeu, and ure of the very best muk? and material. Among them wo obaorvi silver te? sets, pitchers, goblets, cups, spoons, ladies, forks, fruit knives, nap kiu riugs, uud immy other articles, all o which will be givea away to tho fortn natu exhibitors who excol in their re? spective departments. Many persons wero attracted to tin neighborhood of the pianos, as a mini ber of amateurs tried tho instrument and pronounced them very iiuu. A li ttl? miss, not moro tbau ten years of age played so ve ral pieces with great preci sion, showing marked musical talent. The bazaar wus the centre of alt rsc (ion, particularly about dm uer time, am it was to be regretted that more spuci bud not been allotted to the ladies, ai they could have kept three times tlx number of tubles whioh they bad, con stuntly occupied with customers. Mun; a hungry waiter was observed, wuitio) for a vacant obair at some table, whil the lady wuiters earned goldeu praise by their patient efforts to pleuso und ac oommodate all who came. We trus their receipts wera largo, to compens?t them iu some degree for their urduou labors. A groat nnmbor of sido-shows were ti bo seen on every baud-some with larg teots aod flowing placards, nnaounciui fat woman, Indian jugglers aod dolla stores; while others were stationed ii various places upon the grounds, catch tog the unwary with every manner o s?beme to ease them of tboir raooej Thero were shootings at targets, throw I lug dice, pitching hogs and variou other questionable amusement*. Tb flying horses attracted tbe attention c the children, and wero well patronize by the little folks and tboir nurses. lo the afternoon, there were two race for purses of 820. The horses entere were Geode Annie, by H. Browo; Littl Elia, by W. C. Mikel!; Palmetto, by I F. Chapeau; Gary, by John Woolley sorrel saddle horse, by T. J. Har pei aud Wild Arab, by Boyce & Co. Ot jeotiou having beeu raised, the last thro horse1!} were "withdrawn." Tbo first threw ran?-Gentle Annie winning the race, one aiile, in 55>?. The last three horses then ran for another paree of ?20-Gary Winning the raoo in 49|$. g j There were, several ecrnb races, but nothing of any Yu ter est, "~ a v - The day closed without any accident occurring to any of the largo throng collected to goth or, arid every body re? turned to their homes in good spirits, and Veil repaid for their day's labors. To-day the great attraction will' be the riding at the ring, by quite a number of geptlemen, ' who . baye ontored their nauiea. "W.eJearn .J'".*' uiosteen or twenty h?ve volunteered for~the oc? casion, so that there may bu expected much interest' to-day. We trust a large number of visitors will bo ?o hand, to give encouragement tu the ridera, and cheer them np in their work. A large number of ?trangers arrived last night by all the trains, so that the city is crowded almost to ita ut m ont ca? pacity; still, there is room for a few moro. Let all oome who cnn, aud we will try to give them a hearty welcome. We had nearly omitted to make par? ticular mention of a magnificent horse, on exhibition, by Dr. J. F. Ensor. Hie admirers were numerous, aud many were tho sentiments of praise bestowal upon him. The Doctor may well feel proud of his speoimen in the stock line. Poon SOUTH CAROLINA. - The New York World says : "We were wrong in thinking South Carolina only tormented by tho yellow fever which desolates her sea-coast and Mr. Grant's despotism which harries her western border. A third calamity op? presse.) ner, and that is the astouudiug robbery which bret fl ods a revelation in our columns to-day. It 6eems that the debt of the Stute, which wus $5,000,000 when the present scoundrel government took place, and which waa admitted by Governor Scott shortly after tho Tax? payers' Convention meeting in Columbia in May laat to bo from $12,000,000 to $14,0U0,000, is now ascertained to be, at the least, $25,000.000. Bouda to over $20,000,000 have been printed in thie city, and the exact stains of the South Carolina debt no man can to-day say. The reconstructed Governor Scott, now in this city, caunot tell, neither unn any of his ofllcial8, all of whom have like? wise swarmed hither of late, Bay. An im? penetrable cloud rests over these ?nancea, and all that clearly appears is this: that thens have been $20,000,000 of bonds printed in this city, and of the whole inane, it may be written nulla vnsti gia retrorsum -none cun explain where tho money has gone. We bear that in? terest payable in this city has beeu promptly met after the fashion of swind? ling corporation:! winch borrow money to pay dividends, while interest payable in the capital of South Carolina baa been allowed to go by default, in the hope that such default in that far-swi?y region might not excite the attention any de? fault in Wall street would arouse. Fur? ther, we have it that open war is declared betweeu Scott, the reconstructed Govern? or, and the broker formerly his fidus Achates in this city for the management of tho Stnte funds. "Still further, iu ull this appear the ear-markB of that great natioual gift taker, Mr. Grant. The reconstructed Governor Scott was, prior to his election, a Freedmen's Bureau mun, ono ui Phil? anthropist Howard's servitors. Philan? thropist Howard beiug a bird of the samo feather with Receiver-General Graut, a kindly feeling is entertained to? wards reconstructed Governor Scott by the administration. Whether this fel? low-feeling has led to tho military despo? tism now existent in South Carolina with the object of keeping those monstrous financial rascalities in the family, does not now appear. It soon may." CAPT. W. F. CAUUIIMAN.-The nu? merous frieuds and relatives of thia estimable gentleman will be pained to learn of bis death, which occurred at his hom?, hear our village, on tho moruiug of the 2d inst., in the forty-seventh year of his ugo. Capt. Cuughmno leaves u widow and nn interesting family, with a largo circlo of irieuds and relutives in our midst, to mourn tho loss of a good, kind, generous and Christian man, honorable ami upright citizou. [Lexing'on Dispatch. Mrs. Crossland, of Sumter, who hud nearly reached her ono hundredth birth? day, diud last work. There were GO deaths in Charleston for the week ending the 4th-whites 2b; oolored 20. New York claims ot noon on a week day to have 1,400.000 population. One and Two-Horse Ploughs. THE undersigned offers for sale several of tho above, which will bo dixpeaed of at very low prices. JOHN ALEX kNDUR, Nov 9 3 Conj;ari-o iron Works. Pocket-Book Found. ArOOKKT-HOOK, with a sum of monoy, was found ou Upper struct, betweeu tho Fair Grounds and Main street, yesterday, winch the owner can have by aDplying to Ur. W. M. Iuuker, at the Central Hotel, proving property and paying for thia advortiaement. _Nov9_ _1* Racing. TUB pnblic aro informod that the following trials of spoed will take placo on tho Track attaohed to the Fair Grounds, punctu? ally, at 3 o'clock TO-DAY. Entries to be m ado with the Heoretary of the Mouth Caro? lina Agricultural and Mechanical Society by 2 o'clock l\ M. First Haoo, mile beata. Purse, $100 oy Society; I'iiS by subscription. Second Race, trotting milo beats-beet 3 in 5. By Society, 130; subscription, $125._Nov 9 Tournament. THE GRAND TOURNAMENT, nndor the auspioes of tho Stato Agricultural and Mechanical Society, will take place on the Fair Grounds, THIS DAY, at 12 o'clook. The Knights wishing to participate will ninet punctually on tho grounds, at ll A. M. No Knights allowed to entor afior half past ll o'clock. First, Second, Third and Fourth Piigos will bo awardud by tho Mauagcis. By order of tho Managers. Nov 9 I T. HASifiLL GIBBEP, 8oc'y. TL-? o o ct i 11? orat"? ? PHOXIOXXAHA.-The prioe of Bingle oopies of the^HO??ixji fije cent?. ? Tao PHO?NIX office ? supplied wi?h all ^eceisary material for aa h au deo roe car dp, till heads, poatoro, pamphlets, hand-bills, ! rentare, and other pr?pting that may be desired, as any office in the South. Give us a call and test our work. We issue a suppl?ment with our daily of this morning, to which the attontion of readers ia iuwited. {. f ! - Owing- to the. troubled a ta to of the aouutry, Dr, Wheeler baa been ioroed to indefinitely postpone his distribution of rea! estate, advertised for to morrow. ?ll per?ons who have purchased tickets are requested to call nt Temperance Hall and have their money refunded. Tho Independents paraded with their steamer, yesterday, beaded by the Fire? men's Bsad. Tho "play off" ???? very satisfactory, and afforded intense gratifi? cation to the numerous visitors. A colored employee of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augnsta Railroad had three fingers of his left hand so badly mutilated, yesterday, as to necessitate empatatioii. The Firemen's Band wes conveyed to the fair grounds, yesterday, in grand style-a four-horse team, gaudily oapar risoned, attached to one of the wagons of the Southern Express Company. J. N. Robson, Esq., the well-known dealer in fertilizers, gave OB a call, yes? terday. He is well and hearty. The Tremaine combination met with a brilliant reception, last night. Pierson waa, as usual, warmly received; while Mr. P. carried out his varied parts to perfec? tion. Take it all in all, it was a per? formance npt soon to ho forgotten. To-night, the performance will take place at the Niokeraon House Hall. Mayor Alexander offers for sale-low down-a numbor of one and two horse plows. Tbe attention.of planters is in? vited. J. St. Clair Abrams, Esq., traveling correspondent of the New York Herald, paid us a visit yesterday. Ho has jost returned from a visit to the insurrection? ary district*, and reports a terrible state of things. Gen. Jubal A. Early is expected by the 2 o'olock train to-day. He will be the guest of Gen. Hampton. We present to onr readers this morn? ing the excellent address of Gen. Ha good, the Pr?sident of the State Agri? cultural and Mechanical Society. It will repay perusal. Secure your tickets, if you desire to attend the supper of the Survivors' Asso? ciation, from either of the committee, Messrs. Swaffield, Shiver, Campbell, Leaphurt and John Crawford. The light-fingered gentry were at work last night, and lifted several pocket? books. Two gentlemen, from Orange burg, suffered quite heavily. Mr. John Bahlmann has prepared a perpetual almanac, nu a small sized sheet, for ready reference. Wo have to thank him for a copy. Tho ball of the South Carolina Club comes off this evening, and a grand affair it will be, too, without doubt. President Wm. J. Gary requests ns to eay to gentlemen expecting to attend, that tickets of admission can be obtain? ed at tho drug store of Mr. W. C. Fisher, opposite the Columbia Hotel. Secretary R. E. Ellison will bo ou hand. There was auothcr rush at tire differ out hotels yesterduy, and the storn away abilities of the proprietors were folly tosted. Policeman No. 1 requests us to say that our reporter must have been mis? taken as to his being intoxicated at the fair grounds, cn Thursday last. He says that ho might have been a littlo ex? cited by the crowd; bnt as he dooB not drink, it must have been a mistake. Wo havo been requested to say that the committeo to obtaiu subscriptions for the joint stock company will meot al the Seorotary's office, on the fail grounds, at 10 o'olock, this morning. "THE DESPOT'S HAND."-A gentleman, who arrived from Union, describes thc oondition of things in that unfortunate County as terrible. Individuals are ar? rested right and left, and there is no re dress. In several instances citizens hav< been Imprisoned for more than a week, and were then coolly informed that "i mistake had been made." Another mic was made upon the town of Union, jes terday morning, at an early hour. Al the roads leading to the town were pick eted, and no one allowed to leave ci enter. Several carriages, containing ladies, (on their way to the railroad de pot, to visit the fair ia this city,) wert halted and turned baok. At the tim? our informant left, arrests were being made by squads of soldiers, accompanied by Deputy United States Marshals. Ties? squads were toonring the streets, having ia their hands "black lists." A tsp or the shoulder, and the uulnoky wight ii turned over to an armed guard. -?bw?"cooipt?"iotf *refc ?ahments st tho .'Memorial' B*zaar/| *es4en*ay>, were heavy. The lady waiters ?re attesttv? ?ad tho varied wantii.ior'harigT/iha^ l'$!*? Wrbecoe at tbe^.f e^pqnds',will )What ia it voa esa take wi thoat hands? Ahint. ,v' . ; .' '. ' ; f'?; ? _ Messrs. L?rick Je Lo.wiAO?e claim. to have l?e largest tioak of agrioult^ral i m plo mente; hardware "and groceries of any house in Columbia,'and beg to cali the especial attention of visitors to the fair . to their display of agricultural im? plements and hardware* on the fair grounds, and to their stock in store on Main street-which, for quality of goods and prices, cannot be- anrpusaed by any boase South of Baltimore. . * A Nsw AND Novan LNVBNTION.-Petti arew'a patent hand plo*? requires no horse to work it. Ita principle ia simple and perfect, being adapted to tho planta? tion, farm and garden. Coonty and State rights for sale by P. P. Toale, Charleston, S. C. Mr. P. T. Morey, at the Colombia Hotel, has the plow in charge, and will, be pleased in ?bowing the plow to any parties interested. We deem this es an important invention, and believe a for I noe open to the right man. ' THE JOINT STOCK ENTKBPKIBE.-Wp call the attention of oar citizens to Ibis enterprise, BO intimately associated,with the interests of Columbia. Subscrip? tions de novo, have bess started. The Stats Agricultural and Mechanical So? ciety have appointed a committee tV> ob? tain subset ip tiona from this city and the visitors to the fair., We b olio va that oar citizens Will move generously and promptly in this matter. No part of the State can have HO large un interest aa Columbia in th? development of the State fairs. ' On Friday .evening next, , the Stat. Agricultural and Mechanical Society will meet, chiefly to rooeivo tba report of the canvassers, ot which our public-spirited citizen, E. Hope, Esq., is oh airman. Let ns bave a good report for ColuuaUio. LIST OF Nsw A ry? E UT i H BU KN TS . Racing at the State Fair. ? ?g Thoa. Taylor-Notice. J Tarran t's Belize r Aperient. - s Obipley ?- Hutchison-Corn Shellfire. John Alexander-Ploughs. John Lee-Saddle Found. W. M. Tucker-Pocket-book Fonnd. Miss O. Mordecai-Boarding. Jacob Levin-Auction Sales. OFFICIAL RAFFLE NUMBKHHCharlosionChari? table Aasooiation, for benefit Fret? behool fund: RAFFLE CLASS NO 197 -.Morning-November 9 4-42-10-9-50-46-19 27-47-67-65-51 Witness my band at Columbia, thre 8th day Of November, 1871. F KN N PECK. Nov 9 Sworn Commissioner. MANUPACTUMNO ErrranraiBB IN CHAHLBS TON -oharieniun ia taut becoming a manu? facturing aa well as ? commercial city. The largest manufactory of doors, sashea, blinds. Ac, iu tho t?ouihorn States ia that of Mr. P. P. TOALS, on. Horlbeck's Wbarf, in that city, salea rooms at No. 20 Hayne street. Mr. TOALE'S advertisement appears in another column. NovSt Notice. ? i THE Committee on Horses will examine thia moruiug, commencing at iq o'clock, all the entries under the firm, second, third, fourth and fifth claaaoa, for premiums', ana parties having entries under those olasats, are respectfully requested to have their ani? mals reaily at thu call of the Marshal. THOMAS TAYLOR, Nov 9 1 _Superintend! nt. State of ?oath Caroiina-Newborry Co. LY COMMON PLEAS. Expirte W. H. Whitlock. Petition to enforce Mechanic's Lien. Ex parte Jorry Evans. Petition to enforce Mech nio's Lien. BY order of this Court, passed in the anora stated oases, James W. Uayward, 'for whom the buildings described in tho said pe? tit inn* wcro erected, and on which William IL Whitlock and Jerry Evana hold mechanic's liens, is required to anew? r said petitions, on or before- tim next term of this Court. All others, the creditors of tba said James W. Hayward, aro required also to take notice hereof, and to u-t*biieh their claims, if any, against said building, or tho samo, will bs barred TIIOB. M. LAKE, C. C. P. N. O. Nov 9 thO SELTZER AII EB BILIOUS hTOMACH -Tho sto? mach, like the body politic, resents ill treatment by rebellion. And wheo it rebels, the liver, the bowela. the nerves, the circula? tion, the brain, revolt likewise, and the whole system ia disastrously agitated. Pacify and regulate the deranged digestive organ first, and tbs diaturbanoe in its dependencies will apoedih cene. The tonio, alterative, correct? ive and purifying properties of TARRANT S SELTZER APERIENT, render it an irresistible remedy in oases ot in? digestion and its concomitant ailments. It Ii a fine stomachic, and its oathartlo opera? tion ia so mild and genial that it never pro? duces the alightoat nvmptoma of debi'ily. SOLD HY ALL DHUO0I8T8. Nov 9 18 Hales and Horses. Mk I HAVE Jost received a - IA car load ot fin? took- TA-T?-V -=7l KORdliB ?nd MULES- f**-y-V * some ui whiob will bu on exhibition iii* at the Fair Grounds. Persona in want ot rosily fine autmvs aro requested to examine either on the grouuds or at Logan'* stables. Nov 8 J. H. TOLBERT.