OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, April 25, 1872, Image 3

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- rorolgn Air*irs.
MADRID, April 24.-2,000 Carlista
have concentrated in Navarre; smaller
banda elsewhere.
American Intelligence.
MEMPHIS, TENN., April 24.-A conven?
tion of West Tonuessee with Mississippi
and Arkansas BaptiRt*? have pledged
$200,000, if the Southern Baptist Col
lege, at Greenville, S. C., be transferred
to the vicinity of Memphis.
CHICAGO, April 21-Deaths during the
week, twenty-one from small-pox, and
twenty-one from spinal meningetis.
NEW ORLEANS, April 24.-The sixth
grand State Fair of Louisiana com?
mences to-day, and continues six days.
NEW YORK, April 24.-The steamer
Italy, from Liverpool, brought the first
of the now crop of rioe, which is un?
usually early; the arrival is owing to the
rapid transit wbioh results from the
Suez Canal. lu former years, the first
of the East ludia crop was generally
placed on the American market nbout
from the first to the middle of July;
while now a saving of timo is made of
nearly three mouths, by means of tho
new route. The parcel is bold in crain,
very whito and peculiarly well brushed.
Sir Edward Thornton, at a dinner
speech bofore the Society of St. George,
said no ooo, upon signing tho trenty of
Washington, behoved that indirect da?
mages would bo injected. Plo was con?
vinced that a waiver of the claim would
be applauded by every nation, aud
would do honor to the great republic.
The yacht Sapho has sailed for Cowes.
Anthony Jaoksou and Isaac Day woro
to-day eleotod by tho New York Colored
M. E. Church Conference as delegato? to
the General Conference, to bo held in
Charlotte, N. C., is Jane next.
CINCINNATI, April 24.-The ruco track
of the Buck-Eye Club sold for ?110,000.
Arrangements for the conveution are
LOUISVILLE, April 24.-A number ol
Presbyterian ministers from all parts ol
the State met here last night, to hold o
conference on the subject of organizing
a new university, nuder tho auspices ol
the Southern Synod of Kentucky-thc
Centre College, at Danville, having boon
virtually turned over by a recent deci?
sion of the Supremo Court of the United
States to the other wing of the church.
The oonferenoo resolved to establish sucL
an institution, audoalled a convention ol
the friends, mombers and officers of thc
ohuroh and alumni of the Centre College
in sympathy with tho movemont to meei
in Lexington, Ky., May 7, to organizi
the project. The Synod of Kentucky
will probably be called together at tin
simo timo aud place.
CHARLESTON, April 24.-Three pri
soners from York County plead guilty o
conspiracy. David Hausier, indictee
for murder and conspiracy, plead guilt;
of conspiracy, and the murder churgi
was abandoned by the Government.
WASHINGTON, April 24 -In the Senate
lhere was a triangular contost betwcci
Abbott, Gov. Vaneo ?ind Gen. Hansom
?which resulted in seating Hansom.
In the Seuato, upon seatiug Ransom
Thurman cangratulated the Senate tba
for the first time nineo 1861, every sen
was filled. Sumner presented a petition
signed by 13,000 persons, against God i
the Constitution. Abbott gets salar
and mileage to date. The deficieno
?bill was resumed. A. motion to tabl
Morrill's amendment of limited juris
diction of the Court of Claims, regare
ing captured aud abandoned property
was lost-25 to 25-when Colfax vote
nay. Alcorn proposed an amendment t
Morrill'? amendment, making it somi
what more genoroaB to tho people of tl
South, whiah was discussed to adjouri
In tho House, a bill giving half <
Goat Island to the Central Puoifio Rai
road for a terminal depot, upou sue
terms as the commission appointed 1
the President may prescribe, passoi
The case of Dr. Howard, who is impr
soned in Spain, wai discussed at gre.
length. No action.
Hersohel V. Johnson and F. P. Stai
ton argued bofore the Sub-Committeo
Ways and Means in favor of the bil
referred to that committoe, refund?!
tho cotton tux. The argument was upc
tho unconstitutionality of the tux. Tl
whole amount colliioted was $05,000,00
Referring to tho despatch in tho new
papers, that August Belmont was nt Ci
oiunati, urging tho nomi nation of Chu
Francis Adams as a candidate for Prei
dent bofore tho Convention to assaini
there next week, giving assurances th
Adams would receive tho Democral
support, Hon. Fernando Wood, chu
man of tho joint caucus of Democra
Senators and Representatives, is antin
ity for saying thnt there aro no Dora
orats in Congress in favor of Adan
and that, in his opinion, it is quito ci
tain that the Democratic National Ct
vention wcvuld nominate another ticl
if Adams shall bo chosen at Cincinno
Although the time and place for holdi
the Democratic National Convention i
not formally fixed, it is understood i
4th of July will bo tho time and !
Louis the place.
Among the delegates elected to C
cinnati are Gov. Bradford, Milton WI
ney, Col. Weigel. Tho regular Hopi
lioan convention effected a tampon
Probabilities-The barometer will c
tinue falling North and West of
Ohio Valley, and tho lowest will pro
vbly move Eastwardly, over tho up
lakes, accompanied by brisk and h
winds, wbioh will extend to the lo
lakes on Thursday. Cloudy and thn
ening weather, with probably rain, .
prevail on Thursday from the Misse
and Ohio Valley to the upper lakes, i
extend to tho lower lakes. Clear i
pleasant weather will gonerally pre
over the East aud Middle Atlautic i
Southern States on Thursday.
BROWNSVILLE, April 24.-Fifty ni
raised by stock mon, left hero to" fol
the cattlo thieves, and will follow th
if necessary, into Mexico.
Financial and Commercial.
NEW YOEE, April 24-Noon.--Stocks
Brm. Gold strong, at 11%. Money
Arno, at 7. Exchange-long 9>?; short
10}?. Governments strong and steady.
Flour firm and quiet. Wheat quiet and
unchanged. Oom aoaroe and very firm.
Pork Btoady- mess 13 [email protected]. Lurd
heavy-steam Cotton dull
uplauda28>?; Orleans '23%; sales 9,100
boles. Freights dull.
7 P. M.-Cotton weak; sales 728 bales
-uplands 23}4; Orleans 23%. Flour
8oarco and advancing-common to fair
extra [email protected]; good to choice 9 30?
9.50. Whiskey a s bude Armer. Wheat
steady and in fair export and milling de
mund-red winter Westorn 75@80. Oom
lo. better. Rice firm, at 8%@9)?. Pork
13.60. Lard unchanged. Freights dull.
Sales of cotton for future delivery, 9,000
bales-April 22%. 2215-16; Mar 2216-16,
23; June 23>?, 239-16; July 23%; Au?
gust ?311-16, 23%; September 21%,
2115-16; Ootobor 20??\ 20#. Money
4@5. Sterling 9>?(3)95?. Gold 12@
12?j,. Governments very strong and up
%. Tenne88ee8 strong; now South Ca
roliuaa off % to 1, bot recovered; other?
wise States unchauged.
CINCINNATI, April 24.-Flour brisk.
Corn Bteady, Pork dull-prices asked,
but no demand. 13 ?cou demand light;
market firm. Whiskey ndvauced to 85.
LOUISVILLE, April 24.-Flour and
coru in good demand. Provisious io
speculative dem ?nd for sound lots; prices
SAVANNAH, April 24.-Cotton easy
receipts 385 bales; Bales 300; Htock 24.037.
WILMINGTON, April 24.-Cotton quiet;
receipts 142 bules; sities 51; stock 2,516.
BALTLMOBE, April 24.-Cutt ou dull; re?
ceipts 181; sales 140-120 lust evening;
stock 11,480.
CHARLESTON, April 24.-Cotton dull
middling 22!?; receipts 233 bu les j sides
50; stock 14,Gb3.
AUGUSTA, April 21.-Cottou receipts
150 hales; sales 75.
GALVESTON, April 24-Cotton quiet;
receipts 100 bales; stiles 100; stock 15,181.
NEW OULEANS, April 24.-Cotton in
fair demand-middling 22%; receipts
820 bides; sales 2.900; stock 1?G.053.
MOBILE, April 24-Cotton quiet; re?
ceipts 94 bales; sales 500; stock 24,133.
LONDON, April 24-Noou.-Consols
92%. Bonds 90.
FRANKFORT, April 24.-Bonds 95%.
PAKTS, April 24.-Rentes 55f 20c.
LIVERPOOL, April 24-3 P. M.-Cotton
opened dull -uplands \\}&\ Orloaus
LIVERTOOL, April 2?- Eveuiug.-Co -
ton closed dull and unchanged.
Wheu we first became acquainted with
Skinner, he was the leader of the orches?
tra at ooo of the theatres. And while
he was acting in that capacity they got
up some kind of a fairy spectacle, for
which .Skinner provided choice music.
LCe was particularly proud of au over?
ture arranged by himself. It was copied
out by hand, and it happened most un?
fortunately that tho copies wore not
finished iu time for rehorsul, and so
Skinner had to take the chances ot the
musicians gutting it right on tho first
attempt in tho presence of tho audience.
A couple of hours before the theatre
opened Skinner weut around aud placed
the music upon the stands of tho orches?
tra. Ten minutes afterwards, wheu
Skinner had gone away, a friend of his
namod Browu, came in and saw the
music, and for tho Bake of playing a
little joko on Skinner, he gathered up
all that music, and replaoed it with an
old lot of sheets, containing fragmentary
musio of about twenty different kinds,
which he found in a closet in tho orches?
tra room. After a while the audience
assembled. Skinner brought in his
musicians, took his place, and whisper?
ed to tho players to exercise exceeding
care. Then Skinner gave a couplo of
taps with his batou, aud tho orchestra
went into action iu furious earnest. It
was awful. There was a most terrific
discord, with six or seven different kinda
of time, twenty varieties .of tunes and
such a jangling, und tooting, und scrap?
ing, that ull the women in tho audience
jumped to their feet and eoreamed. Tho
first violinist exerted himself to saw out
a passage from "Martha;" tho mun with
thu flute struiued himself until he was
red iu tho face, ovor na air fretu "Stab it
Mater;" tho doublc-bnss mun engaged
in a futile effort to interpret tho "L ist
Rose of Summer;" tho clarionet shrieked
ont thu "Little Brown Jug," while thu
drummer, finding that ho could not play
tho "Faust" march, hammered away ut
raudom. Skinner was wild with ama/, J
meut and rago. lie looked cross-03'id
for a momeut at the trombone man, who
was attacking "See, tho Conquering
Hero Carnes," with intense earnestness,
and thou, throwing down his baton, ho
gavo ono ferocious yell, aud leaped upon
tho trombono man, with murder in II?B
eyo. They had it out right there iu the
orchestra, and it lasted just five ment?tes,
amid the cheers of tho audience, until
Skinner, having jammed one leg through
tho drum, and torn away a quurter of u
milo of fiddle-Btrings with lu.; fist, landed
the trombone maa in the body of tho
bnss viol, and smashed that sweet in?
strument into kindling wood. They had
no overture thnt evening, aud another
mun had to load what was loft of tho
band, for Skinner went homo. Ho is
still hunting for the man who changed
tho musio. When he finds Mr. Brown,
there will bo a still more terrific combat.
[ Pittsburg Leader.
ED CITIZEN.-Wo regret to announce
that Mr. J. C. Waters, an esteemed citi?
zen of tho neighborhood of Cokosbury,
in attempting to monnt, wus throwu
from his horao, during tho past week,
with such force as to break his leg and
inflict other severo injuries, from which
ho died in a few days after. Tha de?
ceased was a man of high character aud
had passed ft long and useful life, re?
spected by all who knew him.
[Abbcrilk Presumid Banner.
TY.-On Tuesday of last week, near
Grahamville, in this County, a young
man named J7arr, while riding toward
tho town on a mule, wa? hutted by a
voice from a thicket hy the roadside.
Turning his bend, ho saw a mau armed
with a gnu, cuitrgn from tho bushos,
whoso fauo was concealed by tt quantity
of gray moss, hm hands showing him to
be that of u negro. Tho young man
spurring up his animal to escape, was
fired upon by tho highwayman. The
ball pasHod thaough tho lappel of his
coat and entered tho shoulder of the
mule, without, however, iuflio iog a dis?
abling wound. Booing that the attempt
waa futile, thc Ku Klux disappeared into
the woods.
On tho same afternoon n lady named
Dupont, living nour Grahamville, re?
turning to her house after a brief ab?
sence, saw a man jump from a window.
Over his face was u white eloth, with
eye-holes in it. His hands, also, showed
him to be a colored man. He had
robbed the bonne of money und silver?
ware.-Beaufort Republican.
man, who had for long been givon up
for dead, by ull who were dear to her,
lately appeared, "tho ghost of her formor
Belf," to those who bud thought never to
seo her nguiu. She told ii story of
strange und horrible sufferings. More
than ii Booro of years ugo she hud sailed,
a young girl of eighteen, with her mis?
sionary husband for "India's corni
straud." The vesstd was wrecked ou the
Arabian coast, und nil ou board perished
save her husband and herself. Ho wus
preserved only lo fall ii viclim to Arah
cruelty und she ti? Arab shivery. While
her beauty lasted ?ho was thu favorite
wife nf the mont powerful chief iu tho
South Arabian Desert, but wheu that
waned she fell from her "bad eminence '
uud was transferred to the harem of an
inferior sheik. And sn she lived, prayed
for death, but not daring to die, till,
baudied from one barbarian to another,
she, a Boston lad}*, in whose veins flowed
tho purest Puritan blood, found herself
the wife of au Arabian water carrier.
From his power an American traveler
freed her and provided her with the
means to renell home.
Tho report recently made iu Parliament
upon the slave trade, which hus buen
curried on for the past iifteeu years
under thu British flag among the South
Pacido Islands, gives a particular ac?
count of its methods as well us extent.
Per hs ps tho most cburaclorisUo ruse ol
these slave-tradora was to take advuutngo
of tho great und nobie reputation of
Bishop Pattersou in tue South-western
seas. Tho kidnapper would go ashore
at "the Swallows," "the Solomons," or
"tho Loyalty Islands," dressed in ti
white surplice, and would proceed to
hold with his mate and crew a sham reli?
gious 6crvieo ou tho bench. Accus?
tomed to hear of tho good bishop and
his priests, tho natives threw asido sus?
picion and cheotfully accompanied tho
white hypocrite on board, whereupon
tho anchor was got up, aud the vessel
sailed off. Such, say? a correspondent,
aro but specimens of the villainy which
has gone on, nod, by this last horrible
piece of evidence, is still going on uuder
tho British flag, nod for tho benefit of
tho British colonies.
A most terrible a oident occurred in
Aiken on Saturday afternoon last by tho
careless uso of fire-arms, whioh resulted
in the death of a most estimable young
colorod woman, named Mary Williams.
It seems that a colored youth, named
George Wilson, who was at tho time in
the yard of tho deceasod, was exhibiting
a pistol whioh he possessed, and while
handling it the pistol exploded, the ball
entering directly under the left shoulder
and penetrating tho lungs, causing death
in u few moments. A jury of inquest
was om pan nu! ed, who, ofter tho exami?
nation of a good mauy wituesses, re?
turned the following verdict: "That
Mary Williams came to her deuth by a
ball from a pistol in tho bauds of Geo.
Wilsou, aud that it was by accident; but
tho jury censure George Wilfou for tho
careless manner in which he handled
said pistol." Tho deceased was a step?
sister of George Wilsou. Such careless?
ness as is ovideuced iu thc testimony ad?
duced is really criminal.
-.- . o~ -
Tho notorious Dau.'Sickles threuteus,
through his lawyer, John Graham, to
prosecute the editors of the New York
)VorUl for libel, nulos.? that journal will
retract certain expressions lately used in
its editorial columns, which Sickles aud
his counsel think are "grossly defama?
tory upon tho character and reputation
of Major-General Sickles." Tho Worhl
declines to retract, and goes on to say
that "wo have repeatedly and deliber?
ately culled Sickles an acquitted mur?
derer-a mau who shot tho alleged se?
ducer of his wife, and afterwards ex?
cited tho loathing disgust of gontlemen
and men of honor by creeping back to
tho bed which he had killed another
man for defiling-cohabiting ngain with
tho dishonored wife whose shame ho had
published to tho world and proved in a
court of justice, as a means of saving
his nock from tho gallows. Thcso ure
some of tho things which wo have deli?
berately ?nd repeatedly Baid of Mr.
that a colored mau WUB seized on our!
street?, on last Saturday night, by ti
party of disguised negroes, who, foi
some real or fancied grievanco ut his
hands, gavo him an unmerciful cow?
hiding. Tho maltreated negro, by some
menus, of which we aro ignorant, suc?
ceeded in identifying all of the whip
pists, and hud them arrested ou Sunday
morning, nuder warrants issued by Trial
Justice Hurst. They were ndmitted to
bail, for their appearance at the uc:it
tenu ot the court.-Sumter News.
ever see a woman tbrow a stone at a hon?
It ?R one of the most ludicrous soones in
every day life. Wo recently observed
tho process-indeed, wo paid more at?
tention than the hen did, for she did not
mind it nt ult, and luid an egg next day,
an if nothing had happened. In foot,
that hen will now kuow for the first time
t<he served in the. capacity of a target.
Tho predatory fowl bad invaded tho
precincts of the flower bed, and was in?
dustriously pecking and scratching for
the nutritious seed of thu carly worm,
blissfully unconscious of impending
danger. The lady now appears upon
the scene with a broom. This she drops
and picks up a rooky fragment of the
Silurian age, and then made her first
mistake-they all do it-of seizing the
projeotilo with the wrong hand. Then,
with malioe aforethought, she makes the
further blunder of swinging her arms
perpendicularly instead of horizontally
-thereupon tho stone flies into tho air,
describing an irregular elliptical curve,
aud strikes the surface of tho earth as
far 'rom lim heu UH thu thrower Blood at
tho timo, in a course due West from tho
same, the hen thon bearing by the com?
pass North-North-east by half East. At
tho second attempt the stone narrowly
missed tho head of the thrower herself,
who seeing that aoy furtbor attempt at
the kind would be suicidal, did wbut she
might have dono first, started after the
ben with an old familiar weapon. The
moral of which is: Stick to the broom
st ick.-Providence Herald.
We regret to record that this Tearful dis?
enso is still doing its work of death in
certain sections of this County. Quite
a number have died since our last issue,
and it is said that not one in five recover.
Tho attack is sudden, and but a few
hours iuterveue ero tho victim attacked
censen to live. It is not a littlo remark?
able that it is ooufiued entirely to the
colored population, not u siugie white
person, so far as we have heard of, being
affected ; und this fact hus excited the
superstition of ibo plantation negroes to
a considerable extent. One of tho popu?
lar ideas is that the spring at Bush Uiver
Church has boeu poisoned, although
those who have not yot drank of tho
water are stricken down; another is that
there uro witches about, casting spells on
them; and still another, that tho meat
which is imported to this placo lins been
all poisoned. Tb ero may lie other super?
stitious which we have not heard of yet.
These superstitions and suspicious are
sad enough; they will prod nco grouter
distrust and fear, which latter must act
as a suction not ut all friendly toa better
sanitary condition. It is a puiuful eoin
meulary, and wu charge those of their
people ami leaders, who have heart aud
intelligence, to mako no delay in disa?
busing their minds of thoughts so dread?
ful in their tendency. To fail so to do,
ia to bo guilty of a grievous sin of omis?
sion.-Newberry Herald.
many friends, and from things at Ince
ends, Good Lord deliver ns!
From a wife who dount hiv us, and
from children who doaut like ns, Good
Lord deliver us!
From snnix in the grass, from snuix in
our bates, from torch-light processions,
and from all now rum, Good Lord do
liver us!
From pack peddlers, from young folks
in luv, from old aunts without money,
from kolora morbus, Good Lord deliver
From welth without cburitce, from
prido without eenco, from pedigreo worn
ont, and from ull rich relations, Good
Lord deliver usl
From nusepaper sels, aud from pils
that ain't fisik, from females that faint,
aud from men who flatter, Good Lord
deliver us.
From virtue without fragrance, from
butter tint smells, and from cats that
aro ooarting, good Lord deliver us.
From old folke's secrets, and from our
own, from mcgiunis and wioiucu com?
mittees, good Lord deliver ns.
From pollyticiens who pr?, and from
saints who tipple, from ii koli!, red her?
ring and olo grass widdcrs, good Lord
dol iver us.
From folks ?ho won't luff and from
them who giggle, from tito bu tot?, easy
virtue, und ram mutton, good Lord du?
li vt r us.
. <^
An exchange thus describe tho i li! ?r j
of thu Tribune:
"Mr. Griiley has a style, if he isl
philologically a failure. To see him
walk is not to realizo the poetry of mo?
tion; but to see him bow is lo bo won at
sight. Ut? hitches np his little nose, he
opens with a partial smile his pleasant
mouth, he pokes his head a littlo one
side, ho gives a preliminary flop with
his hand, and in tho dear, child like way
of the infant orator, jerks his polished
old head und makes a how. I defy his
wor.st enemy to whom ho makes that
bow to acenso him of anythiug whorcin
there is guile. Ho is as innocent ns a
Saddlo Kock oyster. Ho puts on no
airs; ho blows his noso mildly in a red
silk handkerchief, and begins to talk na?
turally and unaffectedly. Tho cheers of
tho public, with whom ho is a great fa?
vorite, fall unnoticed upon his ears."
Wo regret to learn of tho death of
Mrs. Saruli E. Kawl, wife of Mr. Bouj.
Kawl, of this County, who died very
suddenly at her residence, ou Sunday
last.-Lexington Dispatch.
Tho California Legislatura lins passed
a bill that "religion shall neither ho
taught nor practiced in tho public
There were fourteen deaths in Charles?
ton for the week ending the 20th inst.
whiles live, colored niue.
Tho jury in the caso of Mr. John Rod
per, on trial in Charleston, for ?liege?
Ku Klux, made u mis-trial.
"Hattie and pqucuk" is the popula
naine for ham ttnd eggs ?ii Iv.na i i City.
We regret to bear that Major Way, re
Biding abont twelve miles from this
pince, had his dwelling and all ont
buildings destroyed by an incendiary
fire, a day or two since. The loss is esti?
mated at 83,000. We aro not informed
whether it in covered by insurance or
not. The wretch who perpetrated this
foul deed has been arrested nn^ pleads
guilty. She acknowledges having set
tiru to tho house three different times,
the two first attempts boing unsuccess?
ful.- Orangeburg Times.
INCREASE OP WEALTH.-Ad vaneo sheets
of tho ninth census show that the total
real and personal propertv of the United
States was 330,008,518,507 in 1870, a?
against $16,159,616,068 in 1860, and
$7,135,780,228 in 1850. The por contage
of inorease in wealth during the last de?
cade is found by calculation to have
been over eighty-six per cent., notwith?
standing the immense diversion of pro?
ductive energy and the enormous de?
struction of property consequent upon
the war.
YonK.-In New York, for the week end?
ing on tho 20th inst., tho total deaths
were 698. against C91 for the week pie
vious. Tho number of small-pox cosef
reported was sixty, being the lowest foi
un j week since January; tho deaths wen
thirty-nine, tho highest in auy week foi
thu same period. In Philadelphia, foi
the same week, there were sixty-ont
deaths from Bmall-pox-a decrease o
niuo compared with the previous week.
limo the Spartanburg and Union Rail
road will bo oonneeted with the Air-Liu<
Road by a temporary track through oui
town. Tho track is already located, ant
the work ou it will bo pushed with tb
greatest vigor. This connection ismadi
to carry the iron to the Air-Liae, il
order that the track-laying may com
meneo nt this poiut.-Carolina Spartan
Montgomery (Ala ) Slain Journal men
tiens tho fact that a citizen of Wilco
County has made a contract to delive
to plauters iu that County 120,000 bush
els of corn, nt 81.25 a bushel. As thi
corn will como from the West, it wi
require 1,500 bales of cotton, at price
now ruling, to pay for it.
In Alleghany City, Pa., tho boys cate
all the cats they can find, dip them i
tar and then roll them in fine grave
This gravel-roofing tho animal make
him simply invincible in a freo figh
tending both to preservo his body nn
keep his grit. Leonard's sheet iron ci
exterminator would suspend business o
the first dozeu of Alleghany gravel cat
BRUTAL MURDER.-A black fien
named Orren Mercer, on Mouday last, i
Edgecombe County, N. C., brutally mu
dered his illegitimate child, by forcing
vial of concentrated lye down its thron
during tho absence of its mother, :
consequence of having been ordered 1
law lo support it. The villain is und
On Tuesday, in Boston, n boy w
stabbed by another boy in the side, ni
called upon a physician in Portia!
street to have the wound (quite a de
one) dressed. Tho disciple of ?Escu!
pius asked him for his fee, which ho w
utinblo to produce, aud so the doctor i
fused him help, aud he went homo ai
IMMIGRANTS. -A correspondent writi
from Hartford, Conn., informs ns tl
tht ro aro many Germans in that seoti
who are willing to come South and pla
ou shares, if au opening oould be i
sured them. Cannot some of our pla:
ere' associations turn their attention
that direction?-Charleston Courier.
A telegram from Hong Kong brir
intelligence of a terrible marine disusl
on the Chinese coast. The Fren
steamer Avato oame into collision w
thc steamer Rona, and the latter vee
was sunk. Sixty poisons who wore
board tho Rona ure missing, and it
believed they have all been lost.
that tb ero was a very severo storm
Cokesbnry last week-a section of I
same, wo suppose, which did si
damage at Columbia aud Chester-blt
?Hg down fences, unroofiDg houses, n
indicting other damage.
[Abbeville Press and Banner
of Newark, N. J., seeing atue.ug tho
ligiotts notices that a certain clergyn
would preach, "D. V.?" said at ouee
would go and hear him, presuming
she did, that tho subject ol thediscot
was ''Dolly Vurdeua."
The tornado of last week struck
plantation of Mrs. Lucinda Smith,
Cypress Creek, livo milos from Gillis
ville, tearing up trees nud destro
every house on tho plano except i
stable. Mrs. Smith was slightly hurl
a rafter from her falling house.
The Chicago Post says that since
great American farmer has been nc
mitod for the Presidency by the yo
Irishmen of Now York, ho signB him
"Horace O'Grcoley," and talks al
opening a shamrock quarry at Cha j
Au exchango says: "A Milwai
lover, dying lately, loft his swoetlu
n poor maiden, a fortune of $20,
There are few such lovors to be font
True, and the girls complain that w
they uro fourni, it is very difficult tc
them to die.
fljCouversatiou iu a Wisconsin si
Polite young dork-"Can J. show
anything else to-day?" Lugubt
customer-"No, I reckon not. I
two horses and my wife lust fall, a:
feel pretty poor. Good span of ho
;->Mr. and Mrs. Jem Mace have ?ect
a bouncing young pugilist, whom
havel christened Benjamin Franki!
the in ?po that ho will strike bko I
liing when ho grows up.
Au Indiana man bas canned Hie n
of his grand-mother, w ho attacked
in i en wit fd ly and outrageous manu
Axxo-tlojOL Sales,
Bedsteads, Bureau*, Tables, Wardrobes, Bid?'
board*', <?c.,<?c.
THIS [Thursday] MORNING, 25th instant, kt
10 o'clock, in front of our Auction Boom,
wo will positively sell the following well
kept ?nd desirable FURNITURE, belonging
to a respectable family declining house?
keeping, constating of
Double and Sing lo Bedsteads,
Mahogany and Walnut Bureaus,
Mahogany, and Walnut Tablea,
Wardrobes and Sideboards,
WasbstandB, Hat Hacks,
Safes, Spring Beds,
Cotton and Hair Mattresses and Pillows,
Window Shades. Blankets. Cm-tains,
Quilts, Cooking Stoves and Utensil? in largo
Crockery and Glassware, Pictures, Yaaos,
Carpeting, Matting, &o.
Thia is a fine opportm itv to replenish or
tarnish, and thoso in need would do well to
A suporior MILCH COW and her yonng
CALF. Conditions caeh. Aprd 25
Hams and Pearl Grist.
TIEROES B. Davie. Jr.'s, celebrated Dia
10 barrels very suporior PEARL GRIST,
just received from St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by H. MULLER.
April 25 _8
New Butter 1 Irish Potatoes ! !
4TUBS choice now BUTTER, j nat received
by last steamer from Now York.
10 bbie. Peach Blow POTATOES, iii iiuo
I order, and of best quality.
For sal? by H. MULLER.
April 25_g
DURING my absence from the State, my
son WILLIAM C. ANDERSON ia author?
ized to attend to my business, and all acts by
him will bo recognized SB valid by myself.
April 25 3j?_lt. C. ANDER80N.
?J'JU for salo low for oasb, at
April 25 CANT WELL'S, Main street.
The Stallion Charley Sall
WILL stand at the "Dexter
Stables" from this date to the
1st of Jnno.
TZBMB-$15 in advanoe; $1 for
the groom._April 24 12
HAYING boon appointed by the Jndge of
Probate for Richland to the omeo of
Committee of the Person and Estate of
I THOMAS DAVIS, of this city, adjudged a
Innatio, we respectfully ask that ali persons
baring demands against him will present
them to 'IB, or to Messrs. Melton & Clark, our
J. KINSLER DAVIS, f Commiitee'
April 25 6
IN' quality, not prico, is true of tho STOCK
now offered at the sign of the INDIAN GIBL.
In order to close out tho present and make
ro m fur i very large block recontly pur?
chased, SEGARS will be aold remarkably low.
April 25_
R 0
WE would respectfully invite the atten?
tion of the Trade to our fresh assort?
ment of
Anticipating a liberal trade, wo are now
! prepared to exhibit in great variety a well
sclcctod atock, embracing every stylo and
quality of Men's and Boys' WEAR. DRESS
GOODS, and an endiosa lino of NOTIONS.
As it would bo almost impossiblo ts onnme
rato our largo stock, vt ill eay, aa tho season
advances, a numbor of new styles will bo
?added, so that pnrshaeers can alwaya rely
npou being supplied with tho latest novelties
in th3 market. AU orders roceiveour prompt
and personal attontion. Our prices will bo
lound as low as any can or will offer for cash,
i Soliciting thc favor of a call and examinatiou
ot' our stock, wo are, very respectfully,
April 25 rORTER & STEELE.
"Glarissa Harlowe"
Plain and Fancy.
Hartaban (Dropes,
I April 25

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