Newspaper Page Text
BY JULIAN A. SELBY Troy, N. Y., boasts of having a man forty-nine years of age, who is perfectly hairless. The Press says of him: "Not a semblance of a hair has ever put in an appearance, either on his head, face, arms, or body. His cheeks are as smooth as those of a young lady; the top of his head smooth, as ivory, and the touch of his hands and arms is as soft as silk. He is positive that his baldness is not the result of any disease he has had in his life? time. He says it must be a freak of nature." ? : In Shreveport, the other day, a ne? gro shot a soldier "in the suburbs." That means, we suppose, he hit him somewhere outside the limits of his corporation. "There!: that explains where my clothes-line went to!" exclaimed an Iowa woman, as she fonnd her hus? band hanging in the stable. A*New Orleans paper says thel dollar stores in that city are places where you may buy a twenty-five cent article you don't want, for four times its value. It isn't loud praying which counts with the Lord so much as giving four full quarts' for every gallon, says an Arkansas circuit-rider. Uncle?"How did the mother of | Moses hide him?" Niece?"With a stick." Proposals for Stationery. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Office of Compteoeleu-Genkbae, Columbia, 8. G., March 29, 1875. raccordance with an Act of the Gen ral Assembly, entitled "An Act to make' appropriations to meet the ordi? nary expenses of the State Government for the fiscal year commencing November 1, 1874," approved March 20, 1875, the undersigned invites all parties interested to submit PROPOSALS for furnishing this office with the "BOOKS AND BLANKS for the County Auditors and Treasurers, and other papers necessary to the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1875. The following are among the items re? quired: 45 Auditors1 Duplicates, 28x18 inches, of 260 pages each. | 45 Treasurers'Duplicates, 20x18 inches, of 125 pages each. 45 Treasurers' 20% Duplicates, 24x18 inches, of 100 pages each. 200 Tax Beceipt Books, 1,000 receipts in each. 200,000 Tax Returns. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Duplicates. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Realty. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Personalty. 1,000 copies Abstracts of 20% Penalty. 1,000 copies Settlement Sheets. 1,000 copies Deductions and Abate- j month. 1,000 copies Null a Bona Taxes. 1,000 copies Abatement Poll Tax. Claims for Abatements, Redemption Forfeited Lands, Circulars, &c. Samples of the Books, Blanks and Forms required can be seen on applica? tion at this office. Parties who desire to submit proposals ore requested to forward the same by mail, on or before the 15th proximo, en? dorsed "Proposals for Stationery." Any contract awarded will be paid by warrant on the State Treasurer, on account of the . collections for 1874. The Stationery will be required to be delivered at this office, on or before the 1st of June next THOS. C. DUNN, Comptroller-General State of S. C. Mar 30 17 First-Glass Work OUR SPECIALTY, ye*. dv USIMO chia.TO ORAfcTM op STOCK, ' wb car 7u&M1?h WORK at LOWEST tiyiHG PBICES. flffiFASHIOIBLE STATIIEM, Pirl$a Paper and Envelopes. MfMto?aaA $aU gavitatioas es ths ?s??trees iMfrMifrfi? i? tri 1: SeptT Solomon's groceries rate Al. DAILY "Let our Jost Censures COLUMBIA, S. ?., SUNDAY lECULATOR Tbe symptoms of Liver Complaint .hhimI easiness and pain iu ihn eide. Homoiinie* tne nain iu in the shoulder, and iami-t ak< n for rheumatism. 'J he stomach is sff eted with Iobs of appetite and sicktieB*. t>owels, in general, costive, eon-a times hIh rusting with lax. 'J lie Dead is tronbli d will- pain, and dull, heavy sebsatioD.eoneidetai di lots of memory, accompanied with painlol sen? sation ot having left undone something which ought to have been done ? dien com? plaining of weakness, debility mid '<??? spirits. Sometimes many <i the ah'-vo ?ymptonib attend the disease, ucd at ? thei tiroes ver.. few of them; bui ti e Livir iu generally the 01 gait inori invi lv? 6 THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY Ih warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injm ions aim ih)sub Btance.butiB PUUEbY VKOETABLK, ?Containing tboae Southern Itoote and Hoibo, which an A)l-v?iso Providence bus placed 1 in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Disufet e ci nnt! by De? rangement of the Liver and Bowels. SIMMONS' L1VEE REGULATOR, OR MEDICINE, Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready for immediate inert, will save many an hour of Buffering, and many & dollar in time and doctors' billt>. After over Forty Years' trial, it is still receiving tho meet unqualified tettimoniala to its virtues from persona ot the highest character and responsibility. Eminent pbysi cians commend ft aa the inoBt EFFECTUAL. SPECIFIC For Constipation, Headache, Pain-in the Shouldcre, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Bad Taste I in the Mouth, Bilious Attacke, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the Region ol the Kid? neys, Despondency, Gloom andForebodingB of Evil ?all of which are the ? fTcpriLg cd a Diseased Liver. FOR DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGE8TI0N. Armed with thin ANTIDOT]:, all climates and changes of water and f.iod may he faoed without fear. Ae a remedy in Malaiious Fevern. Bowel Complaints, RestitseiKee, Jaundico, Nausea, IT HAS NO EQUAL! It ia the Cheapest, Pureet and Beat Family Medicine in the World! CAUTION! Buy no Powders or prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless iu our engraved wrapper, with Irade-inark. Ktamo and Signature unbroken. None other ia genuineT J. II. ZBIL.II* & CO., Muton, 6u., und k'ttllatldphla. FOR 8ALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Take Simmons' Liver Regulator For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Ab a remedy in Malarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Dyepi psia. Mental Depression, Restlessness, Jaundice, Nausea, Sick Headache, Colic, Constipation and Biliousness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. TESTIMONIALS. The Clergy. ' Have been a dyspeptic for years began Regulator two year* ago; it liae acted like a charm in mv case."?Rev. J. C. Hclmeh. 'I have never aeon or tried Buch a *im | pie, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in mv life."?H. Hainer, St. Louis, Mo. Hon.'Alex. H. Stephens. "I occasionally use, when my condition I requires it, Dr.BimmonB* Liver Rogu'stor, I with good effect."?Hon. Alee. H. Ste? phens. Governor of Alabama. "Your Regulator bae been in ubo ia my family for some time, and I am persuaded It is a valuable addition to the medical science."?Qov. J. Qiee Shobter, Ala. "I have used the Regnlator in my family for the past seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world an the bent me? dicine I have ever uecd for that olaee of , diseases it purports to cure.?H.F. Tbio I pen. President of Cify Bank. "Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good aud efficacious medicine.'V-C. A. Ncttino. Brugg lit. "We have been acquainted with Dr. Sim? mons' Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Re? gulator offered to the publio."?M. R. Lyon akd H. L. Lyon, Bellefontaine, Oa. "Iwaaoured by Simmons' Liver Regu | lator, after having suffered several years with Chills and Fever."?R. F Anderson. Lady's Endorsement. "I have given j our medicine a thorough trial, and in no caso has it failed to give full satisfaction."?Eelen Meacuau, Ctiat tahooebee, Fla. Sheriff Bibb County. "I have uaed your Regnlator with euc ceBBlnl effeot in Bilioua Colic and Dyspep? sia. It is an excellent remedy, and cer? tainly a publio blessing."?C. Maktehkon, Bibb County, Ga. ? My Wife "My wife and sell have us.ed the Regula? tor f?r years, and tet-tify to it* gr?-at vir? tues."?Rev. J. R. Feloeb. Perry, Oa. "I think Simmons* Liver Regnlator one cf the beat medicines ever made fur the Liver. My wito and man? others have used it with wondeilul effect."?E. K SPAiKs, Albany, Ga. lt. D. "I have used tbe Regulator in my family, and aluo in my regular practice, and have found it a most valuable and satisfactory medicine, and believe if it wan uatd by tbe profession, it would he of sei vice in very many cases. I know very much uf its com? ponent parte, and can certify its medicinal anilities are perfectly haimles* "?B. F. moos. M. D.. Macon'. Ga.l Jan GOJwGm Patriot. THIS thorough-bred 8TAL _/"AG LION will stand for tbe sea. L My WS son, commencing March 15, I Jf 1875. at the Wheeler House l""lBSBBJBB?stablea. on Plain street For terms and pedigree, apply at the Stables. March 5 tlmo New Books, at Bryan's Bookstore. WORKING to Win, a story for girls, ?1.75. Mistress of tbe Manse, by Dr. Rolland, author of Arthur Bonuycaetle, tl 50. A History of Germany, from the Eailieet Times, by Charlton Lewis, $2 50. Manual of Mythology, Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindoo, Kgyptian and Ola German, by Murray, 13.25. Prairie and Forest, tbe Game of North America, with udveutmes in their pursuit, by Gillmore. tl 50. Health and Education, by Kingsley,11.75. Hogarth's complete woike, in three vo? lumes. The Wild North Laud, by Major Butler, with pistes, $2 60. History of Clubs and Club Life, London. Book of Wonder fnl Characters, with portrait*. The Blani Dictionary, historical and anecdotal Homes and Haunts of tbe British Poets, London, and other new books. No* 1 Seed Potatoes, Bacon, Butter. Lard f)P 15-POUND pails Choice Gilt-Edge UoBhnn UUi'TER 100 bbls. Early Rose POTATOES?ae Icoted seed; early crop. 100 bbls. Chili Red POTATOES?selected seed; late crop. 100 bbiB. Ohdlce Eating POTATOES. 25 boxes Oboioe Dry Bait SIDES. 10 bexeB Choice Dry Salt BELLIES? 50 tubs Pure LEAF LARD. 25 tabs Choioo Gosh en BUTTER. 25 tnbs, Gothen BUTTER?for bakers. 50 kits MACKEREL?Nos. 1 and 2-fnll I weights. 50 boxes Family SOAP. ? 25 boxes Factory CHEESE. Constantly receiving CHANGES. BAN A NAS, COCOANUT3, Ac, from cargoes sr I riving iu Charleston. All of tbe above we guarantee to be Bold at lowest market rates, at wholesale only by r ?. J. LAU HEY, i March 7 fig Opposite Pncamx Office^ Coughs and 0olds BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. Chlorate PotsBh Paut ilcs, Gelatine Loxenges. Wistar'aBalsam Wild Oherry, Hill's Balsam Honey, Ayor'o Cherry Pectoral. Jayne's Expectorant, Piso's Cote, For tale at . L.T.BILLIMAN 4C0.'B Deo 29_;_;_Drug Btore. City Taxes. PERBONB having olty taxes or Uoenses to par* nan save money by purooaa I ing CITY COUPONS audCITY ? OR IP of For Sale or Rent, A COMMODIOUS \nd handsormlv ?niabed COTTAGE HOUSE. North weet corner Penaleton und Assembly streets; with line Stables, Kitchen. Gar den, etc , attached; Hot and Cold Water and all othor conveniences. Fob- eeeBioii given April 1. Apply tu March5 JO * TAYLOR._ WM. H. LYLES. Attorney and Counselor at Law. ROOM No. G. Second Floor, New Life Insurance Building, coruer Richard aon and Washiugiou Street?, Colombia, 8.C. Murinen* LANUK Kill's GARDEN SEED! AFULL assortment just received at L. T. SILL1MAN A CO.'S Jan 1C Drue Ktore. ? D. KPSflM, ATTOllNEY AT bAW, OFFICE, Room No. 5. Boa there Insur? ance Company Building, Columbia, B. C. March 11 tmo March 8 D. GAMBRILL, Broker, 107 Main street. 100 New Sugar-Lureo Hams. NEW YORK sm?ar cured HAMS, choice quality, just received nud lor sale bv JOH N AG NEW A SDN. Annual Meeting ot the South Caro? lina Railroad Company and of the South-western Ranroad Bank. SHAf.EhOLDEhS having Proxies in? tended to be n?ed al the Meeting to be ho)d on the 13th aud lTh ot April proximo, are requ*Hted tu lodge them with ei her of tbe following Committee, who wib be in at? tendance ai. tbe H?U of tbe Bank ot Ohsrhston during the morning of the 13th 8rox., for the purpose of verifying Proxies, a the f 'Rowing day, during the election, other duties may prevent the Committee from examining batches of Proxies before the hour for closing the polls. L. O. HENDK1CKS,) Committee O. P. AIMAR. V on T. M. WARING, ) Proxies. Mar 1316 20 23 27 30, A13 GJUO12 18 14 Annual Meeting of the Btookhblders of tne South Carolina Railroad Company and of the Boutt-west? ern Railroad Bank. CHARLESTON. 8. C. Mabcb. 1876, fllBK Annual Meeting of the Stockholders JL of the South Carolina Railroad and o! the South-western Railroad Bank will be held in this city, in the Hall of the Bank of Gbarleston, Nortb-eaotoorner of Broad and Stoto streets. ON TUESDAY, April 13th or ox., at 11 o'olook A. M. On the day fol? lowing, an election will be held between the hours of 9 A. M. and 8 P. M., for fifteen Di? rectors in the Railroad Company and thir? teen Directors in tbe Bank. A Committee to verify Proxies will attend. Stockholders will be passed over tbe Road, to and from the Meeting, free of charge. J. R. EMERY, Honretary. Mar 13 10 20 23 27 30, Al 3 C 8 10 12 1314 MORNING, APRIL 4, 1870. Auotlpn sales? 1 Foreclosure oi Mortgage. O. v i'KiX'U TO SON, Auctioneers. Agnes S Tailey r.v Wm H. LyBraud ? Foreclosure of Mortgage. T>URfUANT to the power? of aalo con ? tainted in a mortgage dum Win. H. I L?> Rrsnd to Acnen S. Tailey, dated Auguat '58, 1673, recorded in the office of Register i?f Mrr ic Confevances Richland County, Rook H.tMi'i-g r.2?" an'' G2G I will eeM, ou the PIRS V MONDAY IN APRIL NEXT, before the Court Bonne, in Columbia, 8. C, at 10 lo'u'och A. M , or aa booii thereafter aa practicable, , AJl ? hit piece, parcel or LOT OF LAND, situate, lying and being in tbo city of Co? lumbia, on tbo Weat eido of I.icbardaon etreet, fronting thereon 2G feet, more or lees, and running back one hundred and forty-nit.e feet four inches, moro or lese; bonndeil North by lot Bold by executors of Henry bavin to W. K. Greenueld; Eaat by Richardson atroet; South by lot Bold by ex? ecutor* of Henry Davia to John 8. Mcln tceh. and Went by lot eold by William H. L\ bi and to Lewis Baker. Teiimm of Bale?Cash; purchaser to pay for pupera AGNES S. TALLEY. Sale Under Power to Satisfy mort? gages. it. C. PKiXUTTO & SON, Auctioneers. BY virtue of the power of attorney, en? dorsed upon the mortgage of Thomae J. LaMotto, to the Citizens' Savings Bank, of South Carolina, empowering the under sigutd to eell tbo premieea mortgaged, I will Hell, on the FIRST MONDAY IN APRIL NEXT, at the usual hour, before the Court House, in Columbia, the follow? ing described lota of land, all situate in tbo city of Colombia and Richland County: 1. The LOT OF LAND, bounded on the South bv Blinding street; East by lot of John B."Dennis; West by lot of F. L. Cor doy.o, and North by lot of Thomae J. La Motte; measuring on Dlauding street one bundled and four feet four inehoa, and t ben l nnning back two hundred and eight feet eight inches. 2. LOT, bounded on the North by lot of J dm B Dennis; East by lot of John B. Drums; South by lot of Thomas J. La Motteand lot of F. L. Cardozo, and Weat1 byGadadeu street; meaauring on Oadadon nircet one hundred and four feet four loche*, und running back two htiudred and eight feet tight iucbea. 3. LOT OF LAND, containing three fourth- of nn acre, bounded North by lot fomcrly o! J L. Beard; on the Eaet by li.ii nwe'll etreet; on the South by lot of B.irro. and Weat by lota of A.C. Hank ell and Cooper. 4 Lo t' OF LAND, containing one acre, boundi d Ninth by lot of Auguetue Conpor; Eaat by lot of A. Traeger; South by Wheat atreet. aud Weat by Assembly atreet. TuuMHyr Bale?Cash. JOHN FISHER, Mar 14 m2 A4 TruBtee in Bankruptcy. Valuable City Iroperty for Sale. D. C. PEIXOTTO & SON. Auctioneer*. Sale Under Power to Satisfy Mortgages. BY virtue of tbo power ui attoriisy of John Fielding,empowering theCaahier ot the Citizen?' Savings Bank, of South Carolina, and bio assigns, to sell the pre miai a hereinafter deacribed, for th< par pone of eatiafying certain mortgagee of the aaid John Fielding to said bank,or held bv aaid bank, I will eell. on the FIRST MONDAY IN APRIL NEXT, at the u-nal hour, belore the Court ri*> Columbia, Alithat LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, sitnato and beiug iu the city ot Columbia, and County of Richland, butting and bounding to the North on lot of McAllister; to the Euk on lot of John P. Southern; to the South uu Plain street, and to the Weat on lot former'y of Henry Davia and of D. Epatin. Tkhus or ai.e?One-half caeb; balance on credit ul one year, aecuied by bond and mortgaged premieea. JOHN FISHER, Mar 14 m2 A4 Trnatee in Bankrnutcy. Fort closure of Mortgage. H. 6i a. He: A It U. Auctioneer*. The Mec.ianica' and Farmert' Bnilding and I Loin Association, of Richland County, South Carolina, again-t lehonj -Mitchell. BY virtue oi power to me uiven, aa Pre? sident ul tbo Mechauicr' and Farmers' Building and Loan Association, ot Kichlaud Comity. South Carolina, by the above numed Inborn Mitchell, by hie deed, scaled mid delivered, tc eell the property herein? after deacribed, and for biui and in his uaui<- to i xecute proper titles to the pnr okastr oi pn ohasi-re of the said ptcmt.-eB, l hereb\ give notioe, that on the FIRST MONDAY UF APRIL NEXT. I will etil, at public u net ion, iu t be city of Columbia, be- ] I boe the Court Hourc, to tbi highest bid? der for cash, AllihaiLOT OF LAND, with buildings thtreon. situate in the sity of Columbia, and bounded as hilimv-, to wit: Un the North, by Plain etreet; South by lot for? merly belonging ?o Casar (jelly; and West bv lot uow or foriuerlv belonging to I'.an dail The aaid lot coutuiue ouc-haM acre, innre or leea. R D. SENS, Piesidenr of the Mechanics'and Farmere' building and Loan Association, ot Rich laud County. South Carolina Foreclosure oi Mortgage. I!. ?Si x. HEARD, Auctioneeis. The Mechanjoa'and Farmers' Building aud Loan Ar nodal ton, ot Richland County, South Carolina, agaiuet William M. Hayue. BY virtue ot power to me giten as Pre? sident of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Building and Loan Association, ol Rich laud County. Seuth Carolina, by the above named William M Heyne, by hit* deed, eon ed. and delivered, to sell the property herein aft* ii described, aud f >r him and iu his usaSe to esecute proper titles to the purchaser or purchasers of the said pre* inises, I hereby give notioe that on the FIRST MONDAY OF APRIL Nl XT, I will sell, at pnblic auction, in the city of Co? lumbia, before the Court House, to highest bidder, for cash, All that LOT OF LAND, situate in the oity of Columbia, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the Weat by Winn etreet; on the South b* lot marked No. 7 on survey; on the East by the " Ditob," and on the North by lot, supposed to belong to Mrs. Heat? ings. The lot herein conveyed is desig? nated no Lot No. 8 on the survey, contains one-fourth (1) of an acre and twenty-oix .perohoB, and rune along the line of Winn street forty-five feet, and along Lot No. 7 foar hundred and fourteen feet, and on the North along the corner lot of trust estate, parallel with the line of Lot No 7 three hundred and seventy-seven feet. R. D. 8ENN, President of the Meobanios' and Farmers' Bnilding and Loan Association, of Rich land County, Booth Carolina. 4 Qtt the True Event." VOL Foreclosure of Mortgage. The Mechanics' and Farmern' building and Loan Association, of Richland County, ' Honth Carolina, against Charles Jaggers. BY virtue ot power to me given as Presi? dent of the Mechanics'and Farmers' Building and Loan Association, of Bich iand County, South Carolina, by ibe above named Charles JaggerB, by hiedoed, sealed and delivered, to sell the property herein? after described, and for nim and his name ..._1_-mi... .? . v, ?-1-m .? 1 ACVUIU UlUpCI UUL'O b.r urn |;ui\j".mJi VS. purchasers of the said premises, I hereby give notico, that on the FIUST MONDAY OF APRIL NEXT, I will sell at public auction, in the city of Colombia, before tho Court House, to tho highest bidder. All that LOT OF LAND, situated in oity or Columbia, and bounded ae follows, to wit: On the North by lot of Thomas J. LMaotte, East by a etroot as yet unnamed, South by lot ot Storgia and on the Went by lot of Allen. Tho lot herein convoyed is situated in the Eastern portion of Columbia, known sb Waverly; measures on its Eastern and We-tern lines C9 feet 2 inches, and on its Northern and Southern lines ICG feot, and is a part of the Tract of Land covoyed by doed to Thomaz J. LaMotto by 8. Olm Tal? loy. B. D. 8ENN, President of the Meobanios'and Farmers' building and Loan Association, of Rich la T.clOounty^8outhCarolina._ Foreclosure of Mortgage. II. & 8. BEARD, Auctioneers. Tho Columbia Building and Loan Associa? tion, of Richland County, South Carolina, against Simon May and Claries a May. BY virtne of power to me given as Presi? dent of the Columbia Building and Loan Association, of Riebland County, South Carolina,by the above named Simon Mav|and Clarissa May, by their deed, sealed and delivered, to ee'l the property herein? after described, and for them and in their name, to execute proper titles to the pur? chaser or purchasers of the Baid promises, I do horebv give notice that on the FIRST MONDAY IN APRIL NEXT, I will sell, at public auction, in tho city of Columbia, be? fore the Court Hooeo, to the highest bidder, All that LOT- OF LAND, aituato in the city of Columbia, with tho Buildings there? on, fronting on Marion street forty (40) feet, bounded South by lots of 8. C. NicholB and Wanuamaker; K?st by lot of said Simon May and Clarissa May; West by Manor, street, and North by lot of said Simon May and Clariasa May and lot lately of C. Bouknight. Baid lot runs back on Southern boundary EaBtwardly one hun? dred feet, more or less, and on Northorn boundary rune back Eastwardly, with a front of forty feet, to a point fifty-two feet from Marion street, when it narrows to twenty-seven, moro or less, and runs back to a point one hundred feet, moro or less, from Marion street Eastwardly. Terms cash. OEO. L. DIAL, President of the Columbia Building and Loan Association, of Richland County, South Carolina Marob 14 ni4 Foreclosure of Mortgage II. o? S. BKAliD. Auctioneers. The Mechanics'and Farmers'Building and Loan Association, of Richland County, South Carolina, against Josephine Schulthiee. BY virtue of powir to me given %n Presi? dent of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Building and Loan Association, of Rich land County, South Carolina, by the above named Josephine ScbultbieB, by her deed, sealed and delivered, to sell the property hereinafter described, and for her and in her name to execute proper titles to the purohaser or purchasers of the said pre? mises. I hereby give notice that on the FIRST MONDAY OF APRIL NEXT, I will sell at pnblic auction, in the city of Colum? bia, bafore the Court Honae, to the highest bidder,for cash, All that LOT OF LAND, with Buildings thereon, situate in the city of Columbia, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the North by Bloeaoni street, fronting thereon one hundred and thirty-seven feet; East by a lot formerly belonging to Ciesar Oully, deceased; South by estate of Sarah Brown, and running thereon one hundred and twenty-four feet, and West by lot of Augus? tus Cooper, mnniug thereon one bunlied aud fifty-two feet. R. D. SENN, President of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Building aud Loan Association, of high? land County, South Carolina. Foreclosure of Mortgage. II. & 8. BKARD, Auctioneers. The Colombia Building and Loan Associa? tion, of Richlond County, South Carolina, against Simon May and Claiiaaa May. BY virtue of power to me given as Preei dont of the Columbia Building and Loan Association, of Itichlaud County, S C , by the above named Simou May aud Cla? rissa May, by their deed, sealed and deli? vered, to sell the propetty hereinafter de? scribed, and for them and in their name to execute proper titles to tho purchaser or purchasers of the said premises, 1 do here? by give notice that on tho FIRST MONDAY in April next, I will sell, at pnblio -anotion, i j the city of Columbia, before the Court House, to the highest bidder, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Build? ings thereon, in the city ol Columbia, on the East sido of Man m street, between Tavlor and Plain; bounded on tho West by Marion street, fronting thereon fifty-two feet, more or leas; North by lots now or lately or C. Bouknight and U, Daniele: East by lot now or lately ol the estate of C. Beck, aud south by lo:a ol 8. C. Nichols and Wan? uamaker. Terms cash. OEO. L. DIAL, President of the Columbia Building aud Loan Association of Riohland County. Foreclosure of Mortgage. II. ?u 8. BKA ft D, Auctioneers. Tho Columbia building and Loan Aaaooia-* lion, of Richland Cuuoty. South Caroli? na, against Emma E. Singleton. BY virtne of power to me given, aa presi? dent of the Colombia Building and Loan Association, of Richland County, South Carolina, by the above named Kama E mnploton, by her deed, Healed and deli? vered, to sell the property herelnaner de scribed, and lor her ana in her name to execute proper titles to the purohaser or pnrohaeeraot the said premises.!, dohero by jrive notico, that on the FIRST MON vAi iKArBiL, HEXT, I wiil se)Lat publio anoiion, in the city of Columbia, beforo the Court Bous?, to tho highest bidder. All that LOT OF LAND, with the Build? ings thereon,situated in the city of Colum? bia, and bounded ae follow*: On the Weal by Assembly street, and fronting thereon forty-five (45) feet, more or less; Sooth by Mrs M. A. Stratton, and running thereon one hundred (100) feet; Eaat by let of E. F. Baldwin, and lot formerly of Dedriok Haue; North by lot of E. F. Baldwin. Terme cash. OEO. L. DIAL, President of the Columbia Building and Loan Association, dt Richland County. ,UME XI?NUMBER ljL Foreclosure oi Mortgage. II. Si H. BBARDi Auctioneers. The Mechanics' end Farmers' Building and" Loan Association, of Riohland Conn!y. South Carolina, against O.J. Houston, Morris Seabrook and William M. Taylor, the threo principal offloers of Lehanon Liodge, Mo. 0, Free and Accepted Ancient York MaqonB, their successors in office and assigns. T>Y virtue of power to me given, as Pro?i jj rjcnt of the Mechanics' and Farmers* Building and Loan Association,of Bichlacd County, South Carolina, by the abovo named O. J. Houston,MorrieSeabrook and William M. Taylor, the three principal officers of Lebanon Lodge. No. 6, Freo and Accepted Ancient York Masons, by their deed, aigned. sealed and delivered, to sell the property hereinafter doacribed, and for them and their successors in office and assigns, to execute proper titles to the Purchaser or purchasers of said premises, hereby give notice, that on the FIRST MONDAY OF APRIL NEXT, I will seU, at public auction, in the city of Columbia, be? fore the Court House, to the highect bid dor, for cash, All that LOT, with a two-story "Jiflok-. Building thereon, r-iluale in U e clt-rot Co* lutnbia.on Oervais ntreet. ?< <l Louncufl ao follows, to wit: On the. Nun., amddiaatbv lot of NilcB O. Parkor, and running North aixtv-nine feet, more or leas; .W?Bt by lot ol Mra' S trat ton, and South by Gerv&isatreet,. fronting thereon thirty feet. R. D. 8ENN, President of the Mechanics'-and Farmers' Building and Loan Aeaooiation, of J licit land County, South Carolina* Mar 14_I_mtB8 State South Carolina?Riohland Co.. By B. I. Boone, Judge of Probate Richland County. Walter Brlce and Martha E:, his wife; Banks Thompson and Barak E., bis wifei - William Ragsdale and Mary E., hfs wife'- . John 8. MoGowan and Adeia C, bis wif?j* Augustus John Orovs and Louella, hiu wife; Wm. H. Gill and Mrs. Wm. H. GUI, his wife; George W. Hill, Robert M. Scrny deru. Viola Saunders, LawrencoKing and* Ella M., his wife; John Kincaid and Sarah . A., his w'f?; Moaea S&rvi6 and Lilly M., his wife; William H. Hardic and Rebecca, hia wife; Susan A. Moore, F&nnie E. < Moore, Ida Moore, Lydia Moore, John M. - Moore, Michael D. Wade, Martin Phlllipn and Rebecca, his wife; Mary Gage, Jane. W&de, Elizabeth F. Harrison. Sarah It. Hicklin. Wm. T. Thorn and Fnnnie P., his wife; Mary L. Douglaas, L. S. Dou? glass and Thoa. J. H. Douglass? i kg: YOU are hereby iequired> to appear* xr the Court House iu Columbia, for - Richland Countv. on the THIRTIETH day of AprU, A. D. 1875, to shew eoueo? if <auy yon can, why the real estate of R?booea- ? Moore, deceased, eitnale in said County, and described in the petition of Rotina Wade, filed iu my office, should not he di? vided or Bold, allotting to the Baid Boeina Wade and the other devi-cos and heirs of devisees of the said Rebecca Moore, ale ceased, enumerated in this citation, the in reapective shares, according to their re? spective rights. Given under my band and seal, this ninth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy five, and iu the ninety-ninth year of Ame? rican Independence. B. I. BOONE, March 14 m6_Judge of Probate. JUST REOmVEDL mm UK FOB NEW STILE HATS! OUR SUITINGS? Are very handsome, and will be made to I order at LOW PRICES. Mar IG R. & W. C. oWAFFTELD. Grand Central Java Coffee. WE are agents for the GRAND CEN? TRAL JAVA COFFEE COMPANY. Their coffee iu aold in pound packages at thirty cents per pound, and oac\\>cuse qf titty pounds contains a superior eight day clock, whioh becomes the property of the lucky purchaser who burs too package con? taining the ticket whisk entitle* tin, owner thereof to the clock. The coffee is full value itself for the* price charged, and the oloek is given as a prixa to induce pur? chasers to try the coffee, j Jan 22_JOBB Afrft&W ftpN. Mackerei 1 ?acfcereiu Nets Mess Kos. 1. a and S, ftt barrels, half' barrels and kits, which we an offering ?t gi'catly reduced prices, at wholesale ana re? tail. JOHN AGNEW & SON. AX.X. NSW A COHPtBrB BTOOK. . ALL NEW, direct fromithe Seed Faruv?' I of IOWA. FLOWER and VEGETABLE-? wholesale and retail. L?RICK ft LOWRAHOE, March 10 Columbia, 8. O