Newspaper Page Text
Telejraph;c~-For#lgn New*. j ?' London, April 5. ? The Times' Berlin corespondent says there is reason to. tear that the impending deposition of the Archbishop of Brestan will occasion a delicate complication between, Prussia and Austria, because a portion of the Arch-Episcopal Diocese lies in Austria. London, April 5.?The' ship Dacca, from New York for this port, is ashore on Isle of Wight, in bad position; weather heavy; crew left in small boats and have not yet been reported; coast guards now 1 on board of ship. Goldsmith s Abdallah was killed at Paris during a stalion show, the shaft of a sulky entering his breast. Advices from Calcutta, in reltation to the difficulties between the India Go? vernment nnd the King of Burmah, con? cerning boundaries nnd other matters, state that the King is making warlike preparations. St. PrrEBsnrao, April 5.?Secessions from tbw Catholic to the orthodox Greek Church continue on a large scale in Hus? sion Poland. London, April 5. ?The Faraday soiled, to complete tue laying of the direct cable. The Queen has ordered Boynton, the American, to exhibit his life-saving appa? ratus at Osborne. Telegraphic?American News. New York, April 3.?During the week at the Cotton Exchange business has been only 'moderate. Spinners have purchased to n fair extent, and on export account some 2,635 boles have been sold. There has been less strength to the general market, as Liverpool did not respond to tho improved feeling, and ex? port buyers were generally occupied in protecting short notice business. The stock is very large and comparative figures show an excess of nearly 75,000 bales over last year. Advices. from tho South are not very favorable, as the sea? son is too backward to permit much pro? gress in planting. The total sales of the Week were 119,581 bales, of which 110, 500 were on contracts and the balance for immediate delivery. Omaha, April 5.?A collision on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Boad; both engines wrecked; the engineer on the Chicago express killed and several hurt Engineer and three others on the Pacific express seriously and a lot badly hurt; one baggage-master missing; cause failure of the telegraph operator to deliver a train order. No passengers seriously injured. Aebant, April 5.?The gorge below broke, when the flood immediately sub? sided, but the docks are still submerged. Boston, April 5.?Two days' rain; rivers rising throughout New England; twenty-four hours" further rain will cause a general break, and disaster certain. The Kennebeo was even with the wharves at Hollowell, and rapidly rising. Several > mills at Lawrence will bo compelled to stop, on account of back-water, which is higher than since I860. New Orleans, April 5.?The Senatorial excursion party to Mexico has been aban? doned. Brooketk, April G.?Professor W. F. Walker, the well known scientist, died from nn;'overdose of fluid extract hem look. John Erwin, aged eighteen, was caught Saturday, stealing $5 worth of dry goods from Hoyt's store, Fishkill, where he was employed. His parents were sent for and settled the matter for $50. Search was then made for the boy, and he was found in an out-house dead, having taken either morphine or arsenic. Let? ters fonnd on him and in his trunk re? vealed the fact that for some time he had been the victim of a blackmailer in Lowell, Mass., who kept demanding money and goods from him at intervals as the price for hushing something young Erwin hod done; but what it was, does not transpire, Habrxsburo, Pa., April 5.?Dr. B. Ross Roberts, the eminent homoeopathic physician, died of erysipelas. New fcYoax, April 6.?Advices from Santo Domingo city to the 22d of March, report that it is stated the Dominican Government is being hard pressed by about 2,000 of its citizens, victims of Boez's action whilo under the immediate protection of United States ships of war, to prepare and present a claim on the United States Government for losses and ??injuries to the Government and people arising' therefrom. The foundation of this claim has been taken from the speech of Senator Snmncr, of March 27, 1871, on the violation of the international law and the usurpation of war powers. The Government argues that the troops of the United States kept Boez in power, and consequently the latter Government is responsible for his acts. The Spanish and Cuban cigar-mak ers struck upon notification of a reduction of wages to $2 per thousand. ? Six convicts escaped from the New Jersey State prison, at Trenton. IWashington, April 5.?Commissioner John C. New, to be Treasurer of the United States, vies Spinner, arrived to? day. New takes possession on the 30th June, The vital statistics of the Board of Health of the District of Columbia for the last week show a total of ninety-nine deaths; while the rate of mortality of the white population was 23 16-100 per 1,000 per annum, the mortality of the colored population was 65 per 1,000 for the same period. \ A despatch from Key West says the weather has changed and it is cooler; no new caaas of fevsr since the last telegram. ' The present indications are encouraging. Probabilities-For tho South Atlantic Gulf and Tevaeseeev generally clear and warm weather, East of the Mis? sissippi, With Easterly to Southerly winds and hi?h rjacotteter, cloudy fol? lowed by cooler weather and possibly min in the South-west f Mobieh, April 5.?The trustees and bond-holders have agreed to postpone the sob) of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad to the first Monday in May. Ohaelbston, April 5.?Arrived? steamships. South Carolina, New York; Raleigh, jBaltimore. San Francisco, April 5.?University Mound flollage burned. Pormvmx*, April 5.?A brakeman em? ployed on ring Shanandaah passenger traln^astpe^ppliee, was atoned, fired upon andrfirnftdi he returnedlb* lire in the dark, wouriding one of his aasail 1 ants. General resumption of work at G?rden Plane*. > ;r<> ? . 81'RiKanzLD, Mars,, April 5.?A span of the railroad bridge at BardweiTs Ferry, on the Troy and Greenpoint Rail? road, was swept away, and the regular running of freight trains through the I j-. ? ? I-CT I T I MP ? ? Hoosfto Tunn el, which bo pun to-day, hw been stopped until the bridge in rebuilt. Habtfobd, Conn., April 5.?Forty towns in the State give Chas. B Inger? soll, (Democrat,) for Governor, 11,158 votes; James Lloyd Greene, (Republi? can ,) 8,808; and Henry D. Smith, (Pro? hibitionist,) 792. Last year, the same towns gave Ingersoll, (Democrat,) 9,808; Harrison, (Republican,) 7,828; Smith, (Prohibitionist,) 941. Ingersoll is pro? bably elected by the people. The Le? gislature, as far as heard from, is about the same as last year. Hartford County, with Hartford, Rocky Hill, Gnmby and. Southington to hear from, give Jos. R. Hawley, (Republican,) for Congress, from the First District, 0,20(5, and Geo. M. Landers, (Democrat.) 6,576. But little has yet been heard from Tolland Countv. Hawley is probably defeated iu this District, by from 2,0'Jfl tc 1.000 votes. President Giant, to-day, in conversa? tion with the writer hereof, remarked in reply to a question, that he was some? what amused lately at the newspaper statements of what he would do in rela? tion to the recent outrages by armed bands of Mexicans invading the Texas frontier. Such statements were inven? tions, as he had not, since these events, j expressed his views to any person?not even to the* Secretary of State, who, like himself, had been absent from the city. It was already known to the public, that orders had been issued to the military for the protection of our citizens on the frontier; but in addition to this, nothing had been done. The Government was not yet fully advised of the extent of the outrages, although it had been officially informed of the arrest of a mail carrier and the burning of a post office by the invaders. The Mexican Government had repeatedly been reminded of outrages heretofore committed by Mexicans on citizens of the United States, both in Mexico and On United States soil, and would hear from this Government in a short time concerning those more re* cently committed, through the Depart? ment of State. There would be a con? sultation with the Secretary of State on this subjeet, and probably it would be brought to the attention of the Cabinet: but in the meantime, all newspaper state? ments as to the action of the Government would be mere speculation. We must, he remarked, determine hereafter what is proper to be done in the premises; he could Bee no reason for apprehension of war between the two countries, but of course no one could tell what might take place in the future. Nothing, however, would be done by this Government to provoke such n result. The President, on being asked whether there was any truth in the rumor about the resignation or removal of Commissioner Douglass, said he had no such knowledge, and therefore the rumor was untrue. The President was also questioned in regard to other rumored removals, whon he said Mr. Johnson, the Commissioner of. Cus? toms, would be retained; bo with Comp? troller Taylor, of whose honesty and up? rightness he was fully assured; and also of Land Comptroller Brodhead. The President said there was a vacancy in the office of Minister to Peru, occasioned -by the resignation of Mr. Francis Thomas, of Maryland, but he had not yet selected his suocessor. Yesterday's Market Reports. New Yqbk?Noon.?Money 3J. Gold 14ft. Exchange?long 4.851; short 4.89J. Cotton quiet and steady;"sales 1,840? uplands 16|; Orleans 17. Futures opened steady: April 16 11-16? 16}; May 17 3-32? 171; June 17 7-16? 1715-32. Pork firm?21.90. Lard firm?steam 15. 7 P. M?Money easy and closed ac? tive, at 6@7. Sterling strong?5J. Gold 16$?16$. Governments dull but strong ?new 5s 15}. States quiet and strong? Tennessee 6s 70; Virginia 6s 33; con? solidated 60; deferred 8A; Louisiana 0s 35; levee 6s 35; 8s 35; Alabama 8s 40; 5s 37; Georgia 6s 86; 7s 97; North Carolinas 201; now 5; special tax 31; South Caro? linas 31; new 301; April and October 301. Cotton nat receipts 496; gross 3,210. Futures closed weak; sales 12,800: April 16*?16 21-32; May 17; June 172; July life 17 21-32; August 17 25-3*2? 17 13-16; September 17'?17 13-32; Oc? tober 16 13-1(5(^10 27-32; November 16 17-32(S\16 9-1?; December 16 9-16? 16 19-32; January 10 11-16?16L Cotton quiet and steady; sales 2,206, at 10$? 17. Southern flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat 1.25? 1.31.1. Com l@2a better and more inquiry -"-88?90. Coffee firm ? Rio 17:' gold. Sugar quiet and steady. Pork excited?new job lots 22.50. Lard very much unsettled?15-i(?..15^ prime steam. Whiskey steady?1.13. Freights heavy?cotlon steam 7-;*2. Baltimore. ?Cotton firm ? middling 16J; low middling 16}; good ordinary 15;}; net receipts 51; gross 157; exports coastwise 280; continent- 103; sales 295; spinners 96. Flour steady?4.25?0.50. Wheat firm?1.2501.37. Corn quiet and firm?85?88. Pork firm?22.80. Bacon shoulders 9j. Coffee quiet?ordi? nary to prime Rio cargoes 1G?19. Whin key quiet?1.14? 1.15. Sugar strong ioi@io8. Louisville.?Flour quiet and un? changed. Com firm?68?71. Provisions active and strong. Pork 22.00?22.60. Baoon?shoulders 9|; clear rib 12f@12}; clear 131?131, packed. Prime lard steam 14J?144; tierce 15}; keg 161. Whiskey 1.11. Bagging strong?12J@13. Cthcinhatt.?Flour steady. Com Arm ?*/2J?73. Pork firm?21.75?22.00. Lard excited?steam 15; kettle hold 16. Baoon firm?shoulders 0; clear rib 12}; clear 13. Whiskey steady. Ghiuaoo.?Flour firm and in fair de? mand?extra spring 4.60? 4.75. Corn excited?No. 2 mixed regular 69} ; fresh 71 i? 72; rejected 70?70|. Pork excited ?22.00?22.10. Lard excited and very eetive?I5.37J. Whiskey dull?1.11. St. Lottib.?Flour in good demand fot Sow and medium grades. Com active? 3@t6. Whiskey firm?1.12. Pork ac? tive?22.00@22.2o. Bacon strong and little otTerhft.' Lard active?141f^li!. NoB*oLK.-7C?teon flrm-mlddOng 16; Set receipts* 2,291; exports 'coastwise ,328; sales 300. Galvbston. ?Cotton firm?middling 15l( net receipt* 1,052; exports coastwise 2.003; sales 2,639. Chabucstok,?Cotton firm?middling I6fo net receipts 979; exports Great Bri? tain 2,683; coastwise 714; Sales 400. New OblbaKs, ?Cotton firm and quiet? middling 16? low middling 161? good j ordinary 14*; net receipt* 2,078; gross ' 2,288; exports France 1,846; to the oonti ' nent 100; to the channel 2,175; coastwise 1,674; sales 7,500. Moan-*.?Cotton firm?middling 15 J; low middling 163&15}; good ordinary 14J; net receipts 292; exports coastwise 98; fwles 1,400. Wilmington.?Cotton steady and nomi? nal?middling 15\ ; net receipts 159. Philadelphia.?-Cotton quiet?mid-1 dling 16|; gross receipts 6. Boston.?-Cotton quiet and firm?mid-1 dling 16}; net receipts 86; gross 693; sales 181. Memphis.?Cotton firm and demand I moderate?middling 16; net receipts 640; | ihipments 1,151; sales 800. Augusta. ?Cotton quiet nnd firm middling 15}; low middling 151; net re- | ceipts 216; shipments 145. Savannah.?Cotton firm?-middling I 16J; low middling l?y, gooil ordinary 141; net receipts 674; exports to Great Britain 2,726; continent 5b^; coastwise | 8; sales 1,193. Paris.?Bentes 64? lie. Liverpool?3 P. M.?Cotton active and flsmer-middling uplands B(^8J; mid? dling Orleans Hlor.81: Kales 2(\000. in? clining 10,700 American; speculation and export 1,000; basis middling' up? lands, nothing below low middling, de? liverable April or May, 8*2>8J; basis mid? dling uplands, nothing below good ordi? nary, deliverable April or May, 8; no? thing ' below low middling,- deliverable June or July, H\. > P. M.?Basis middling uplands, no? thing below low middling, shipped March or April, 8J. MARBLED, "" On Easter Tuesday, the 30th ult. at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Be v. P. J. Shand, MR. JAMES I. ADAMS and MISS CAROLINE P. LEVERETT. all of Richland Countv. I Chicora Tribe, No. 2, Improved Order I of Bed Men. AREGULAR COUNCIL FIRE of Chi eora Tribe will be kindled at their I I Wigwam, (Odd Fellows' Hall,1) 8th Bun, I 6th Sleep, Planting Moon, G. S. D. 384. By order of the Sachem. A. H. HALLADAY. April 6 1 Chief of Beeords. Palmetto Steam Fire Engine Company THE regular I sJi u niontbly meet mg will be held THIS (Tues? day) EVEN? ING, 8 o'clock. By order: T. P. PURSE, _ Secretary. April 6 _ 1 Prepare Your Own Mineral Waters, bt using the I Granular Effervescent Salts. ?OCKBRIDGE ALUM, VICHY, CRAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN. FRIED RI0HSHALL. The Salts represent in a condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, arc coming rapidly into use. One or two large tea-spoon-fuls added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervescence. For sale at L. T. SILLIMAN A CO.'S April 6 Drug Store. Coming Revolution 1 I Yes, Mary's kussed little lamb, Which had so hard a time. Disposing of mit diumond ham. Sought Miry for a dime. Monopoly, 3 for 25 Cents. It sallied forth, in anxious haste, Determined then to spend it; I For speody cure of pain it felt, And thought "asmoke" would end it. Celebrated 5 Cent Cigars I To Perry A Slawson it invoked The dime to be invested In somethin. fine, which could be smoked, And cause the ham digested. Unrivalled Half Dime Cigars! The "Indian Girl" embraced the lamb, Ami gave it two cigars; The lamb, relieved instanter, cried '?Hide out, ye little stars." A few more left of these same panaceas at PERRY A SLWSON K Apr 6 Cigar and Tobacco Store. Notice to tho Public Practitioners and Students of Dental Surgery. THE South Carolina State Dental Asso? ciation will meet in the city of Co? lumbia, on TUESDAY, May 4, 1875, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the rooms of Drs. Boozer & Wright, at which time and place the Board of Dental Examiners in the State of South Carolina will hold their meeting in pursuance with tho Act passed by tho Legislature of tho State, entitled An Act to regulate the practice of den? tistry, and protect the people against empiricism in relation thereto, in the State of South Carolina." Candidates for examination will pre? sent themselves at 12 M. of WEDNES? DAY, May 5, at the above mentioned place. THEO. F. CHUPEIN, D. D. S.. President South Carolina S. D. A. C. C. PATRICK, D. D. S., April 6 Corresponding Secretary. ^B*~Greenville .Ye lo* copy twice a week until day. _ Gas Light Bills for Month of March. CONSUMERS will please give their at? tention to the above. JACOB LEVIN, April 4 3 Sec, and Treas. Gas Co. Land Plaster. 1 Ark BARRELS of the. abpve supe J_V/V/ rior fertiliser, for sale low at I my auction room. JACOB LEVIN, Auction and Commission Merchant. April 4 _ 2 Notice. THE Trustees of the Palmetto Orphans' Home aro requested to meet at my i office, in the Carolina National Bank, on TUESDAY, 6th April, at 12 o'clock. Im? portant business invites a fall attend? ance. J. W. PARKER, Ap 4 2 President Board of Trustees._ For Bent, . gEVERAL very desirable OFFICE BOOMS, in the Central National _ik Building. Apply to April 2 f3 J. H SAWYER, Cashier. Union Bank, of Colombia, 8. C. QUARTERLY STATEMENT, emilag 1 , 3d April, J.875. Published ia ac- ' oordaooe with Act General Assembly: LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In....-$29,372 00 Deposits?General, Saving and Interest-Bearing,. . ,. 49,916 59 Interest, Commissions, Dis? count and Fines. 5,381 29 Profit and Loss. 1,329 17 Due to Banks. 945 01 ASSETS. Protest Fees.$ 22 5-> Furniture and Fix? tures. 691 12 Expenses.. 4,645 8"? Bonds and Stock. . 7,000 00 Bills Receivable.... 42,716 40 Due by Banks and Bankers. 15,324 99 Cash on hand. 16,513 70 $80,944 06 $80,944 06 ' Columbia., S. C., 5th April, 1875. I, G. M. Walker, Cashier Union Bank, Columbia, S. C, do solemnly swear, that the above statement is true, to the best of j my knowledge and belief. G. M. WALKER, Cashier. Sworn to before me, this 5th day of I April, 1875. WILIE JONES. Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. P. SOUTHERN. GEORGE SYMMERS, WM. K. BACHMAN, April 6 1 Directors. " PRESS GOODS! NEW! PRETTY! AND CHEAP! T > RO CADE, Japanese and Lisle Poplins, JL> White and Colored Piques, Plain and Figured Muslins, Suitings, Percales, elegant Sash Ribbons, and new goods of I every description, now being opened at C. F. JACKSON'S, Leader of Low Prices, April 4 128 Main street. Odd Fellows' School. THE undersigned has taken charge of this School, and re? spectfully solicits patronage. *No labor spared to advance ] pupils committed to his care. Terms?Primary Department, $3.00 per month; Intermediate, $4.00; Languages, $5.00. J. J. Mt CANTS, April 4 Imo Principal. Wanted, ASMART, intelligent LAD, who writes a good hand, for office work. Ad? dress, in own hand-writing, "KEY BOX 34."_April 2 City Licenses. ALL LICENSES now due, and past I due, must be paid for on or before the Gth instant; oiler which date, th 1 penalties will be strictly enforced. RICHARD JONES, April 2 3 City Clerk. Coming Revolution. THIS expected change will partially take place next week. So those who want CIGARS cheap had better call to- I day, at PERRY A SLAWHON'S Cigar and Tobacco Store. "Ye little stars, hide your diminished rays." April 3 To Rent, NEAR the up-town Methodist | Church, a large two-story HOUSE, .containing ten rooms, a good gar? den aad barn afw&hed-. Immediate t?os session given. Ulnviuire of W. id. JACKSON. At Republican Printing Company's Oftiee. _April 1 6 That We Wish the People to Enow: 1THAT we have an entire NEW I ? STOCK OF DRY GOODS, i") THAT we have en entire new stock I Jj, of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MAT TINGS. RUGS and WINDOW SHADES 3THAT we have an eatiro new sjock ? of Ladies', Gents' and Children's SHOES: decidedly the largest variety and the best work ever shown in this market. LL the above we ar-' prepared to SELL CHEAPER and give you BETTER GOODS than xny other house j in the trad". ! JONES, DAVIS & B0TJXNIGHTS. Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. I April 3 _. j HEBER D. HEINITSH, M. D., Physician and Sui'tfCOU, RESIDENCE CORNER BLANDING AND MAB ION STREETS, offers his professiomd services to tho citizens of Columbia and vicinity? Calls left at the Drug Store of E. H. HEINITSH will re? ceive prompt attention. April 1 CITY DRUG STORE. A EDWARD H. HEINITSH, 'Assisted by H. R. Wiltberger, Graduate in Pharmacy and Chemistry,) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Opposite Phanlx Office. BUSINESS will be conducted upoa the CASH basis. Medicines will be sold at LOW prices. PRESCRIPTIONS put up in best manner, at lowest cost The Prescription Department will be under the supervision of competent and skillful persons. The community have the as? surance that kaowledge is the best pro? tection against error. The offices of Dr. A. S. HYDRICK, City Physician, and Dr. HEBER D. HEINITSH, will be for the present at thiB store, where all orders and calls for professional services will be attended to at all hours. The Wholesale Department will be conducted by the Proprietor. A full line of choice Drugs and Medicines on hand, to which special attention is called. E. H. HEINITSH, April 1J Proprietor City Drug Stor?. Comirig Revolution. EVERY GREAT REVOLUTION has been preceded by some sign that struck with awo all who saw it; so also the "Coming Revolution" is preceded by a ''Rushing Salo of Cigars," that has struck those interested in a similar man? ner, to be followed by a ohamge of signs that Will designate without tail PERRY A SLAWSON'S Cigar and Tobacco Store, and then "Ye Little Stars, hide your diminished rays." March 30 Opera ONE XlltltT WEDNESDAY, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Rl.COONIZJtD Md. Rcntz Female Minstrela and MLLE. MARIE De LAC OHE'S TROt'PE or m\ mm THIS monster Organization in com posed of THIRTY BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIES and a corps of SPE? CIALTY ARTISTS. Returning from a triumphant tour to Chicago, New Or? leans, Galveston and Mobile, and shortly to appear in Savannah and Charleston. Wherever they lmve appeared, the com? pany have been greeted with crowded und delighted audience*. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Seats can be secured at the Wheeler House. Doors open at 7 P. M.: performance to commence at 8 P. M. Carriages can be ordered at 10.30 P. M. M. B. LEVETT. Gen'l Sup't Harry Phillips, Business Agent. April 4 3 Toe Attractions are Multiplying .VT THH GRAND CMTR.U DRV GOODS ESTAB'IENT I OT WXVT.D. X.OVE&CO. AYING added to oar already large and attractive stock, during the H post few days, a great many NOVEL? TIES, suitable for the season of the year, wc would call the attention of purchasers DRY GOODSl To an examination of our stock, before | making their selections. Our assortment of WHITE SHIRTS, NECK TIES and Gents' FURNISHING I GOODS, is not surpassed by any house this side of New York. We invite every one to enll and be | suited at the Grand Central Dry Goods Establish'nt ] or W. D. LOVS & CO., COLUMBIA, S. C fSr SAMPLES sent gratuitously to all parts of the country on application. April 1 Spring Clothing! h gSpring Clothing \ H Spring Clothing! Just opened {The Largest and Rost Stock Ever seen here, AT D. EPSTIN'S, UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. STYLES. Now and Handsome! FABRIC and DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! PRICES, Lower than ever! Very full lines of Bovs* nnd Youths' CTXyTHING, FURNISHING GOODS and I HATS. Call nnd examine at April 4 Under Columbia Hotel. Special Xotioo. Full lines of Every Description DRY GOODS now os WlllltmOS ATTIIEOUIST.WII i c. mm & cd. -o THE stock is all new and well bought. Opening THIS DAY, all kinds of PRINTS, lrinted CAMBRICS, Printed PERCALES, and a general stock of DRESS GOODS. Pillow Case COTTONS and SHEET? INGS of the best brands. Ycm can now Sot those justly celebrated brands of Hack ALPACAS, so well known by the customers of the old house. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. All we ask is a call, and we will convince yow that this is the place to buv vour DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES* Ac, to the beat advantage. JONES. DAVIS & BOUTtNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. Mat 25_ California and Imported Wines, Liquors, Btc. JUST received, direct from ^JgZBMU''California, a carload of supe ? SR r i or WINES and BRANDIES, ^^Wf^*made qf delicious grapes in that highly favoj Best Impoj Old Jar, Otard Sherrj I amj that suj for whu acquired 8U( putotion. -GL- --j? - warranted free* fr/tn any deleterious in gredients. Ftapsisns xesemmeud tt ^brartds Imported and j CIGARS, Smoking and My SASBQM El^nS^Wwith the beal of everything. J^TJNCl^ every day, at 11 o'clock,' Give mo a ofiR,' at the sign of th< big barrel, Nos. 164 and 166 Richardson street, JOHN C. SEEGEBS. ThefField. Afull line of BATS and balls, just received from tie best makers. also, A fresh invoice of wagons, carts and farlor basket doll wa? gons, at McKenzie s. April 3 3 Main street mm warn Just Arrived! CHILDREN'S 5:2.."H> to $7.00. BOYS' $9.00 to $14.00. KIN Alt I> & WILEY. SPiBC CLI1TH1SC Ju3t Arrived. CHILDREN'S $2.50 to $7.00. BOYS' $9.00 to $14.00. KINARD & WILEY. CITY HALL GROCERY. To-Day's Bulletin COMPRISES arrivals of NEW HAMS, BONELESS SHOULDERS, Extra BREAKFAST STRIPS, Extra George's Bank CODFISH, Boneless CODFISH, something new. Large accessions of Brand v Cherries, Preserves. Ac., Ac. Canned?Salmon, Tomatoes. Lobsters; Fruits?Oranges, Figs, Lemons; Assorted Nnts?Pecans, Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts; Raisins \, I and whole boxes; Chocolate, Broma Cocoa ; Mnccaroni (and Cheese;) Vermi? celli; Sago; Tapioca. CRACKERS?Cocoanut and Tea, mixed. Ginger Snaps, Mushroom, Fancy Candy Tipped and Cream, Ac, Ac. Stock replenished daily. P. S. -Garden Seeds?Full line and the finest assortment of Flower Seeds over brought to Columbia. For sale low. Apr 2 _ GEORGE SYMMERS. _ SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS. Commence your instruction with IM'UMII?LM?SI? UK AUERS, IN 3 BOOKS. BOOK I (35 cents) has a charming course for Primary Schools. Book II (50 cents) has one equally attractive fob Grammar Schools, and Book III (50 cents) is fitted for higher Grammar Classes and High Schools. The very practical, interesting and thorough course in these books was constructed by L. O. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. For a companion book use Cheerful Voices. A large collection of genial School Songs, by L. O. Emer [ son. A popular book. 50 cents. ? Afterwards take up THE HOUR OF SINGING, CHOICE TRIOS, or THE SONG MONARCH. These books are for High Schools and Academies. The Hour of Singing, ($1.) by L. O. Emerson, and w. S. Tilden, is [ arranged for 2, 3 or 4 voices. CAoice TV/os, ($1,) by W. S. Tilden, for 3 Toicee, j are choice in every sense, and The Bong Monarch, (75 cents,) by H. R. Palmer, I assisted by L. O. Emerson, unexcelled i us a book for Singing Classes, is equally ! good for High Schools. All books sent, post paid, for retail price. OLIVER DITSOK A CO., Boston. OHAS. H. DITSON A CO.. Mar 27 sm" 711 Broadway, N. Y. Plain Worms ron the People.?When broken down in health, strength and spirits, it is not necessary that we should I ask a medical man whether an invigorant necessary. Common sense tells us that it is. The only question to be de? cided is. what the invigorunt shall be. A standard tonic and restorative, which has I been many years before the public, and in which millions of the intelligent classes repose the fullest faith, seems, in a casi like this, to present the strongest claims to the confidence of the prudent invalid. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters may be truly said to possess these high recommenda? tions. Its triumphant progress during period of twenty years, its present popularity, and the uniform success which attends its use in indigestion, nervous debility, biliary complaints, fever and ague, and all ailments which depress the physical system and enervate the mind, entitle it to the rank of a stan? dard national specific. It is regarded in that light by the community at large, and hundreds of thousands of both sexes resort to it at this season as a preventive of that numerous and harassing class of diseases which t ike their rise from the miasmatic winAs and vapor* of spring. It is a stimulant, a tonic, an alterative and a mild aperient?four essential re stoiative and protective elements of the materia medioa -united In a single agree? able preparation. Every ingredient is veaetanie, of the finest quality, and ab? solutely pure. Hostetter's Bitters is better known", held in greater esteem, and com* ma ids a larger sale than any -other pro pri itary medicine manufactured in this cot atry or imported from abroad, i pril 2 f3U ? W$ * 01 - I f . i. How to Restore nut Puqsferity or tiu Statt.?Keep yeut money- at home. 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