Newspaper Page Text
BY JULIAN A. SELBY Rules on Poker?By Gen. Skunk. 1. Don't buy half as many cbips at tu? start as the other players. The expectation is that you will win, and if you lose it is bettor to bor? row or "owe" up. 2. Never ante up until some ono tells you to, and then say that you have and stick to it, which will generally persuade some one else to "come in" twice. This rule, though an excellent one, must be followed with discretion. If prac? ticed too often it is liablo to pro? duce unpleaBent feelings. 3. Toward the end of the evening it is always better to owe up your anto "for a minute" than to put up, as the winner of the pot frequently forgets to charge up the debts, and none of the other players will re? mind him, as they may wish to do the same thing. 4. "When the oredit system begins to creep in, as it generally does about the middle of the game, you should always owe up if possible, and bet chiefly against those who always put up. This is one of tho most important rules. To win in cash and lose on credit is the great ] seoret of successful poker playing. 6. In dealing, always observe the bottom card, which you can easily do before the out. Then, by notic? ing how thick a cut is made, you oan tell whether that cord goes out. This may help you in the draw. G. Keep a sharp eye on the dis? Cards. They may be of sorvice if ] your draw is not satisfactory. 7. When you are "in luck," watch your opportunity from time to time I to put some of your checks in your pocket without being seen. This will enable you to "owe" up if luck turns, and will prevent your being J borrowed from. 8. "When any one wants to buy more cheeks and you have plenty, get him to buy of you, if possible, in preference to the bank. It Ena? bles you to conceal tho amount of your winnings, and, besides, the bank may not bo able to pay up. 9. When you are "chipping out"! for drinks, &c, put a cigar in your pocket evory once in a while. You are sure tob e so much ahead of the game, and they come in very handy, even when ybu don't smoke. 10. Never permit anything to make you forget for a moment that the whole object of your game is to save your own money and secure somebody else's, and let everything! you do, however trilling, tend to this desirable end. .11. When tho game is over, if you are winner, deny it entirely, or fix. the figure as low as possible; if you are loser, declare that you nave lost twice an much as you really have. This rule is never de? parted from. The money lost at a game of poker always foots up four times as much as tho money won. 12. When it is inconvenient to i avoid paying your poker debts entirely, use discrimination in the matter. Debts to persons whom you are not likely to meet very often you can avoid. Many play? ers feel a delicacy about asking for a poker debt?these are safe ones to pay. Long Chase After a Defaulter At a late hour on Monday night Detective Spittle, of tho London police, arrested W. H. Neoves in Now York, on a charge of having embezzled about $4,000 from his employers, Higgins, Egan & Co., of. London. Spittle says that rhe has followed Neeves over a great portion ,of the 'world, having tra? veled in all about 8,000 miles. The \ prisoner was placed on board the nteamor Wisconsin/ whioh sailed for Liverpool .on Tuesday. < What changes a few'years' bring about?don't they? * Yesterday the citizens of Arbor Hill were aware of a: wpmah rmadly tearing along, potato^mashor ' in haftd, 1 g^vittg chase^ ifcdli^ hTi^bAnd, who was fly? ing from her presence liko a (deer. Eight yeara ngo tho same female took a medal at an Eastern, semi? nary for a; graduating essay on "Repose of character." A Montana editor bemoans the calamities of 1874, in tho following teaching strain: f "First, that Beeohor ibusinesa; then the grass? hoppers,thon tho democeatio vic? tories, and* fiayr on ;increased ?tax on whiskeys Whit Ts t?i. poor coutftry c'dmingftot *' : "Let our Just Censu 001 IciTY 1> it U <i STO?E, EDWARD H. HEINITSH, (.Assisted by K. i\. Wlltberger, Graduate in Pharmacy and Chemistry,) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Opposite J'hcenix Office. BUSINESS, will be conducted upon the CASH basis. Medicines will be solTl at LOW prices. PRESCRIPTIONS put up in best inannor, at lowest cost. The Prescription Department will be under the supervision of competent and skillful persons. Tho community have the as? surance that knowledge is the best pro? tection against error. The offices of Dr. A. S. 1IYDRICK, City Physician, and Dr. HEBER D. HEINITSH, will bo for the present, at this store, where nil orders and calls for professional services will bo attended to j at all hours. Tho Wholesale Department will be conducted by tho Proprietor. A full lino of choice Drugs and Medicines on hand, to which special attention is called. E. H. HEINITSH, April If Proprietor City Drug Store. A FEW F ACTS That We Wish tho People to Know: 1THAT we have an entire NEW o STOCK OF DRY GOODS. 2THAT wo have on entire new stock ? of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MAT? TINGS, RUGS and WINDOW SHADES. THAT we hnvo an entire new stock o of Ladies', Gents' and Children's SHOES; decidedly the largest variety and the best work ever shown in this market. ALL the above we are prepared to SELL CHEAPER and give rou BETTER GOODS than any other h'ous? in the trade. JONES, DAVIS & BOUXNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. April 3_, DRESS GOODS! NEW! PRETTY! AND CHEAP! BROCADE, Japanese aud Lisle Poplins, White and Colored Piques, Plain and Figured Muslins, Suitings, Percales, elegant Sash Ribbons, and now goods of every description, now being opened at C. F. JACKSON'S, Leader of Low Prices, April 4 _ 12M Main street. Solomon's groceries rate Al. [AJMBI.A, B. C, WEDNESD. Proposals for Stationery. | EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Office of CoMrTitoj.r,Er.-Gi:nf.i;.vi.. CoLruniA, S. C, March 29, 187"?. IN accordance with un Act ol* tlx; Gen ral Assembly, entitled "An Act to make appropriations to meet the ordi? nary expenses of the State Government for the fiscal year commencing November 1, 1874," approved March 29, 1S7"?. the undersigned invites all parties interested to submit PROPOSALS for furnishing this office with tho "HOOKS AND PLANKS for the County Auditors and Treasurers, and other papers necessary to tho collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1875. Tho following arc among the items re? quired : I 45 Auditors' Duplicates, 28x18 inches, of 250 pages each. 45 Treasurers'Duplicates, 20x18 inches, of 125 pages each. 45 Treasurers' 20?,; Duplicates. 21x18 inches, of 100 pages each. 200 Tax Receipt Books, 1,000 receipts in each. i 200,000 Tax Returns. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Duplicates. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Realty. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Personaltv. 1,000 copies Abstracts of 20?;,' Penalty. 1,000 copies Sottlempnt Sheets. 1,000 copies Deductions and Abate? ments. 1,000 copies NuUn Bona Taxes. 1,000 copies Abatement Poll Tax. Claims for Abatements, Redemption Forfeited Lands, Circulars, Ac. Samples of tho Books, Blanks and Forms required can be seen on applica? tion at this office. Parlies who desire to submit proposals are requested to forward the same by mail, on or boforo the. 15th proximo, en? dorsed "Proposals for Stationery." .Any contract awarded will be paid by warrant on the Slate Treasurer, on account of the collections for 1874. The Stationery will be required to be delivered at this office, on or tiefore tho 1st of June next. THOS. C. DUNN, Comptroller-General Slate- of S. O. Mar :10 _ 17_ New Spring loillrnery. AgMCT^ MRS. M. O CONNER has just f*JjSajH?penr-d, at the store formerly a_*^jfijfloccupied by F- 1>. Orchard & ?j> San Co., a fine and well selected stock of MILLTNERY AND FANCY GOODS, to which she would in? vite the attention of the lodies of Colum? bia and vicinity. l*rices moderate. April 2 _' lmj Hardy Solomon keeps choice articles. tip ?7^ The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The. stomach is affected with loss of appetite, and sick? ness, bowels in general costive, anil sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable hiss of memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the | above symptoms attend the disease, and at other times, very few of them; but the Liver is generally the organ most in volved. TABLE SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR! For :ill DIhcukcs of the Liver, Stomacli und Spleen ! IT is evidently a Family Medicine, and hy^hcilig kept ready fur im? mediate resort, will save many an hour Of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving tin1 most umpudirled testi? monials of its virtues from persons of the highest character und re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for CossTiivviioN, HEAnAcwr., Pain in the Shoulders. Dizziness. Sour Stomach, bud ta-te in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom mid forebodings of evil; all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongue Coated, you are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, <>r "Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time. <;re.>t suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. * Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and ehnnges of water and food may be faced without fear. As a remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS. RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life." - II. Hainkii, St. Louis. Mo. ')I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect."?Hon. Alex. H. Stkvknk. "Your -Begulntor has been in use in my family for some time, and 1 am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the' medical science. '---Gov. J. Gu.i, SnouTiut. Alabama! "I have used tho Regulator in my family for the past seventeen i tears. ? I can'safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine 1 hate ever used for that class of diseases it purports to eure." -H. F. Thiufex. ? ? ??Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi? cine."?C. A. Nuttino, President of City Bank. ??We have been ucquointetL.with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine for i more than twenty years, and know it to be the. best Liver Regulator offered to the public"? M, R. LvoM and H. L. Lrox, Druggists, Belle fontaine, Ga. ?? ?X3VCA0:O3NrS' LI Vint A.TQR For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION*, .JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AT? TACKS, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC,' DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SOUR STOMACH. HEART BURN, ic? &c., X* J??B4BI JSTci Is a faultless Family Medicine, Does not disarrange the system, i Is sure to cure if taken regularly, Is no drustio violent medicine, 'Does not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating Leverave, Contains the simplest and best remedies. CATJTTON.?Buy no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade Mark, Stamp and Hignaturo unbroken. None other is genuine. Jan 80 JwGmo J. H. SpMTfnr & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia ph<mi Attend the True Event." AY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1875. VOI fcCongaree Iron Works, < VI. CM Ii JA, ft <:. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFAC? TURER Steam Engines, Saw nnd Grist Mills, ^Gin (Jonring, is'and nil kinds Tron Castings for Machinery; and Ornnment ;,l Castings for I Stor< ft mid Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, li on Settees I and Arljor Chairs; also, Rrass Castings of all kinds. Hells for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, &e. Guarantee all my work first class and equal to any North or South. Works nt foot of Lady street and near South Carolina and Greenville nnd Columbia Railroad Depots. Nov 18 City Taxes?Time Extended. THE books of the City Treasurer aro now open for receiving of Taxes for j 1875. All City Taxes must ho paid be? fore the. 15th day of April instant. There will positively be no further extension. RICHARD T"XES, City Treasurer. COTTON! STORED and INSURED at very lowest lutes, nnd the top of the market gua? ranteed for all Cotton consigned to us for sale. Advances mau? at OSE pee cent. I'ee month upon all Cotton Stored with us, No charge for Drayage. HAY 1 Northern Timothy and Clover at $1.25 ! and 1.50 Tj1 100?fuil weight guaranteed. SEED POTATOES! Fine Early Rose, Goodrich, Peerless, Peaehblows and other varieties. GUANO! ?Tonesport Fertilizer?as good as any used? S-15 ton cash and 50 "53 ton time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., Feb 10 3m Opposite S. C. R. Depot. S'? *? Administrator's Notice. ,4 LL persons having demands against iL the estate of MARY THOMPSON, deceased, will please present tho same, properly attested; and all those indebted will make prompt payment to the under? signed. D. G. THOMPSON, Adm'r of Mary Thompson, deceased. Columbia, S. C April 2, 1875. April 4 in3 a City Eesike. ISfRIBHTIOI I Of Valuaiile Improved and Unimproved real estate Tooetuer with Otijer Desiraule Property, is .1. BRICK STORE?Lot 26x180 feet, on West aide Main street, between Blending and Taylor, valued at.$7,500 00 2. BUILDING LOT, "West side Richardson street, be? tween Blanding and Lnurel, 2Gx208 feet. 1,850 00 3. BUILDING LOT, adjoining Lut No. 2, 2(5x208 feet... 1,850 00 4. COTTAGE HOUSE, half acre lot, containing excellent well of water, with fine fruit garden; a delightful rosidence, on Elmwood avenue, between Gadsden and Wjnn streets. 1,800 00 5. BUILDING LOT, on North side of Gervais street, be? tween Assembly and Gates, (59x208 feet. 1,700 00 G. TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING, lot 74x92 feet, on Gates street, near Pcndleton, with every convenience. 1.G00 00 7. CARRIAGE and PAIR EXTRA FINE MATCHED HORSES, Harness, Pole and Shafts, Blankets, &c, complete.. 950 00 [One a promising four-year old, will trot his mile in neigh? borhood of three minutes; both good drivers singly.] 8. BUILDING LOT, on East side of Assembly street, be? tween Standing and Laurel. 800 00 9. BUILDING LOT, on East side of Assembly street, be? tween Laurel and Bland ing. S00 00 10. COTTAGE HOUSE and lot, corner Gates and Divine streets. 51x108 feet. 700 00 11. BUILDING LOT, on West side Gates street, between J Medium and Pcndleton. 300 00 12. BUILDING LOT No. 1, half ncre, corner .if Hender? son and Indigo streets . 200 00 13. BUILDING LOT No. 2, half acre, fronting on Indigo, adjoiniug Lot, No. 1. -200 00 11. BUILDING LOT No. 3, half acre, corner Pickens and Indigo. 200 00 15. BUILDING LOT No.,-1, adjoining Lot No. 3, on Pick ens street, hah' acre.'. 200 00 1?5. BUILDING LOT No. 5, half fiere, corner Tobacco and Henderson. 150 00 17. BUILDING LOT No. <;, half acre, on South side To? bacco street, between I'ieb'ii.s and Henderson . 100 00 18. BUILDING LOT No. 7, quarter acre, on East side Pickens street, between Tobacco and Indigo. 100 00 19. BUILDING LOT No. 8, quarter acre, adjoining No. 7. BUILDING LOT No. 9, quarter acre, adjoining No. 8. BUILDING LOT No. 10, quarter acre, adjoining No. 9 DOUBLE CASE GOLD LEVER WATCH. Gentleman's Heaw GOLD CHAIN.. Pair Ladv's GOLD BRACELETS. Lady's DOUBLE CASE GOLD LEVER WATCH.... 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 100 00 100 00 100 00 125 00 75 00 (50 00 50 00 40 00 2G. Lady's SINGLE CASE WATCH 27. Lady's GOLD CHAIN. 40 00 28. DOUBLE CASE STEM WINDING WATCH 29. DOUBLE CASE ENGLISH LEVER WATCH... 30. Lady's DRESSING CASE. 31. DOUBLE CASE WATCH. 35 00 35 00 40 00 20 00 Total vnlu* of property.$21,820 00 Siskets 85--Number to fee Issued 4,884? ?SyTho Holder of each Ticket will bo entitled to free admission to tho Musical Entertainment at tho Opera House on the Evening of the Distribution of the Awards. ?QfTitles to tho Property are perfect. The Distribution will be under the supervision and direction of a Committee appointed by the Ticket-Holders. The money received for Tickets will be immediately deposited in tho Union Savings Bank, with a list of ticket-holders, and instructions to refund in case Distribution should not take place. It is believed that the Tickets will be disposed of rapidly and tho Distribution made at an early date?probably by the middle of April. The only desire of tho originators of this project is to dispose of some surplus property, at a fair rate, and in euch manner as to enablo any one to procure a site for a home. JULIAN A. SELBY, Manager. Columbia, 8. 0. ^"Tickets can be obtained at Indian Girl Cigar Store, Columbia Hotel Cigar Store, Wheeler House, California Cigar Store, 8. 'Sheridan's \ Grocery Store and the Phcenix Office, Columbia. AJME XI?NUMBER 13./k JUST RECEIVED! FOB SEW STYLE BATS! OUR SUITINGS Are yory bandeomo, and will be made to order at LOW PRICES. Mar IC R. & W. O. dWAFFIELD. Prepare Your Own Mineral Waters by usrso the Granular Effervescent Salts.. EOCKBRIDGE ALUM, TT CHY, CRAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED | BICHSHALL. The Salts represent in n condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, are. I coming rapidly into ubc One or two largo tea-spoon-fuls added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natura 1 j Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervescence. For sale at L. T. STLLIMAN & CO.'S April fi_;_Drrtg Store. New Books, at Bryan's Bookstore * WOhKINQ to Win, a story tor girl*,. ?1.75. MislroHo of .the Mause, by Dr. Holland; . author of Ai thur Uouuvcart ie, $1 50 A History uf Germany, lrom the Earliest Times, by Charlt-m Lewi?, $2 50. Manual of Mythology, Creek, Bon an, Korne, Hindon. Kgyptiau and Ola Ofvmun Prairie and Forent, the Game of North. America, with adveutureu in their purfuit-; by Oillmoro. (1 50. Health and Education, by Kingelej, $1.75. Qogaith'-t complete woika, in three vo? lumes. The Wild North Laud, by Major Butler, with plates, $2 50 Histt r> of Club? I and Club LiTe, London. Book vt Wonder? ful Characlern, with portraits, "ihe Slanr Dictionary, hiatorical and anecdotal. Homes and Hauuttt of the Brit nh Poetu, London, and other new hooks. Nov 1 Grand Central Java Coffee. \X7E are agents for the GRAND OES VY 1 UAL JAVA COFFEE COMPANY. Their ciffi o is sola in pouud pankage*; it thirty cents per pouud. and each case of sixty pounds contains a superior eight day clock, which becomes the property ol the lucky pnrebs? erwtao buyi< the pack ape con? taining the tiekol wbidh etiful? >> the owner thereof in the clock, 'lbe coffee is In!, value itielt for the price charged.-and tin oleck in Riven as a prize to induce pur. ehaecr? to Irv the couhc. Jnn22 * ? JOHN AQNEW .V SON. 3 D.EPSTIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, Room No. 5, Sinthern Insur? ance Conip&nv Buildiug, Columbia . 8._CL__ _ March 11 lue? AX.X. NEW . SEEBf A COMPLETE STOCK. ALL NEW, direct frc-ni tho Reed Farm.. I of IOWA. FLOWER and V HCl ET ABl B - wholesale and retail. L?RICK & LOW RAN OE. March 10 Columbia. K C WM. H. LYLE8. Attorney and Counoeior at La w. ROOM No. G, Second Finer, New Liu Insurance build'OK. corner Riohaid I rion and Washington Street*, Columbia, j 8.0. Marl0fl6?r New iSugfir-Oured H?mo, 1 r\f \ I,EW YORK sugar-cured HAMS, jLvIU choice-quality, just received and foraalnbv JOHN AGNEW A BON. Maokeidit Mackerel 1! WE havo just received a full supply of choice MACKEREL, con?lsting of New Mess Nos. V, 2 and 8, in barrels, half* barrolo and kito, which tod ari offering at greatly reduced prices, at wholesale ana re? tail. ' JOHN AGSBW tt SON. City Taxes. PER80NS having city taxes or licenses t-> nsv. can onvo monoy by purchas? ing CITY COUPONS and ClTYStBIP of D. GAMBRILJ., Broker, March 8 ? ' 107 Main sirest. P~~BtRMIUI? CBB?Tlti? WftVtM Plot r $10 oaob; $38 a pair. Chester County MAMMOTH COUN ?od imported BEL? GIAN O.VTB. * ponaaa by mail. ?; peokt $2; 4 buahol, S8> baohol,85. Circulars and Bample Packages of B>fds ftHTM twot Stamps. Address ; 1 K P/TOYEB, Feb 23 tu8 Parkcaburg,ChesterCo;,Pav...