Newspaper Page Text
........ .. ?;7.; i 11^1 .1 ? ri BY JULIAN A. SELBY The fair for tie benefit cf the Orphan Asylum, in thin city, comes off on Friday evening next, under the management of a number of I young ladies. The following in a lint of | the managers: Gentlemen?Dr. J. W. Parker, Dr. It W. Gibbea, Dr. A. N. Talley, L. P. YoumanB, ..Esq., Cupt. 11. O'Ner.Ic, Mr. J. H. Kinard, Mr. 11. L. Bryan, Oapt T. O. Dunn, Mr: J. A. Selby, Col. F. W. MoMaster, Col. Wm,, Wallace, Mr. C. F. Janney, Capt- Hugh B. Thompson. Jxxdks?Mr?. T. a Dunn, Mm. J. H. Kuiard,! Mrs. L. F. YoumamvMre. J. B. , Ezoll, Mrs. J. A. 'Selby, Mrs. Jano Dar-1 gan, Mrs.. J. D. Pope, Mrs. C. Walker, Mrs. M. H. 'Berry, Mrs. J. P. Low, Mrs. Wm. Peck, Mrs. JR. Swaffleld, Miss Mary I McKenzie, Miss Alice MoKenzie, Miss | F. Livingston, Miss Ida Boatwright. Tho lady managers are requested to moct at Irwin'o Hall, on Thursday morn? ing, at 10 o'clock, to decorate the hall. You can get all styles of job printing,1 from a visiting. card to a four-sheet post-1 er, at the FkociIX office. Prices satisfac? tory. ? Waisting sweetness?putting your arm about a pretty woman. As yon cannot avoid your own com? pany make it" as good as possible. ? Heading matter on every page. Hotico to the Public Practitioners and Studento of Dental Surgery. i THE South Carolina State Dental Asso? ciation will meet in the city of Co? lumbia, on TUESDAY, May 4, 1875, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the rooms of Drs. Boozer .ft .Wright, at which time and place the Board of D< ital Examiners in the State of South Carol Aa will hold their meeting in pursuance with the Act passed by the Legislature of the State, entitled ''An Act to regulate the practice of den? tistry, ? and protect tho. people against empiricism in relation thereto, in the State of South Carolina." :.Candidates for examination will -prc ?en* themselves at ia M of WEDNES? DAY, May 5, at the above mentioned nlaac.. . ' , THEO. F. CHUPFJN, D. D. S., President South Carolina S. D. A. ?V C* C, PATRICK, D. D. 8., ' April 6 ? ? Corres pon ding Secretary. ., J?ft?reenville Newa copy twice a week nnMiqay. rr ? ? ? ? , Just Arrived. CHTLDBEN'S $2.50 to ?7.00. BOYS' $9.00 to $14.00. KINARD & WILEY. ,5 Spring Clothing! {Spring Clothing Spring Clothing! Just opened The Largest and Best Stock Ever seen here, AT D, EPSTIN'S, UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. STYLES, Now and Handsome! ' FABRIC and DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! P1UCE8, Lower than ever! Very ;dU lines of Boys' and Youth?' CLQTHTNG, FUBNISH?fG GOODS and HATS. Call and examine at Under Columbia Hotel. ; Sb?tH-Westerri Enilr??d Batik. CW???HpLDt;l;8 havff?' Prallte Jo iSr^^^d'^bfrUeud 4ttl)?tas6ti6? to be beld-ohthe 13th arid 14th ot April prokimo; WM*4to**t?l2e lodRb tu'etfr with oi'ber ot *fte (p^^wlV?iPoinnjltteo.^Lo vili b? in at ~ ftwcfe ai tfa?. U?U o? ibe, Qabk pt Uftotaanrmg'tbo mofbiug'pf tho 13th .\ tor th& par,<u?? ur verifying rroxlon. / ?BKDHl?Itfl,) Gtamittee "A1MAB, ? ? WpkiiV. 6n , of tho StsalhCslfOllev fUilrbs?aad fctio Houth-wf steroMiftltroad UanH *U?! beld lfrtfiia pity. In the Ball ut tho Bask Oharleaf cd, Korth-efcpj corner of Broad Mm "Let our Just Censx C( CITY D BUG STORE, EDWARD H. HEINITSH, (Assisted by H. It. Wiltbergerj Graduate in Pharmacy and Chemistry,) Wholesale and He tail Druggist, Opposite Phoenix OjHcc. BUSINESS will bo conducted upon the CASH basin. Medicines will t>o sold at LOVf prices. PRESCRIPTIONS put up in best manner, at lowest cost. The Prescription Department will bo under the supervision of competent and skillful persons. The community have the as? surance that knowledge is the best pro? tection against error. The offloes of Dr. A. S. HYDRICK, City Physician, and Dr. HEBER D. HEINITSH, will bo for the present at this Btoro, where all orders and calls for professional services will be attended to at all hours. The Wholesale Department will bo oonducted by the Proprietor. A full lino of choice Drugs and Medicines on band,, to which special attention is called. E. H. HEINITSH, April IX Proprietor Citv Drug Store. A FEW FACTS" That We Wish the People to Know: 1THAT we have an entire NEW ? STOCK OF DRY GOODS. THAT we havo an entire new stock ? of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MAT? TINGS, RUGS and WINDOW SHADES. THAT wo have an entire new stock ? of Ladies', Gents' and Children's SHOES; decidedly the largest variety and the best work ever shown in this market. ALL the above we are prepared to SELL CHEAPER and give you BETTER GOODS than any other house in the trade. JONES, DAVIS & BQUKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A: Co. April 3 PRESS GOODS! NEW! PRETTY*! AND CHEAP! BROCADE, Japaneso and Lisle Poplins, Whito and Colored Piques, Plain and Figured Muslins,'Suitings, Percales, elegant Sash Ribbons, and new goods of every description, now being opened at 0. F. JACKSON'S, Leader of Low Prices, April -t 128 Main street. Solomon's groceries Tute Al. 9? V $ ? ires )LUMBIA, S. C, THURSDA Proposals for Stationery. EXECUTITE DEPARTMENT, Office of Cojiftkolleii-Generai,. Colootjia, 8. C., March 29, 187"/. raccordance with an Act of the Gcn ral Assembly, entitled "An Act to make appropriations to meet the ordi? nary expenses of tho Wtate Government for the fiscal year commencing November 1, 1874," approved March 29, 187*5, the nndersigncd invites all parties interested to submit PROPOSALS for furnishing this offlco with tho "BOOKS AND BLANKS for the County Auditors and Treasurers, and other papers necessary to tho collection of taxes" for tho tiscal year 1875. The following are among tho items re? quired : 45 Auditors' Duplicates, 28x18 inches, I of 250 pages each. 45 Treasurers'Duplicates, 20x18 inches, of 125 pages each. 45 Treasurers' 20% Duplicates, 24x18 inches, of 100 pages each. 200 Tax Receipt Books, 1,000 receipts in each. 200,000 Tax Returns. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Duplicates. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Realty. 1,000 copies Abstracts of Personalty. 1,000 conies Abstracts of 20% Penalty. 1,000 copies Settlement Sheets. 1,000 copies Deductions and Abato t mcnts. 1,000 copies Nulla Bona Taxes. 1,000 copies Abatement Poll Tax. Claims for Abatements, Redemption Forfeited Lands, Circulars, Ac. Samples of the Books, Blanks and Forms required can%bc seen on applica? tion at this office. Parties who desire to submit proposals arc requested to forward the same by mail, on or before tho 15th proximo, en? dorsed "Proposals for Stationery." Any contract awarded will be paid by warrant on the Stato Treasurer, on account of the collections for 1874. The Stationery will be required to bo delivered at this office, on or before the 1st of June next. TH08. C. DUNN, Comptroller-General Stale of S. C. Mar 30 _ 17 New Spring Millinery. MRS. M. O'CONNERhas just >opened, at the store formerly occupied by F. B. Orchard ?fc Co., a fine and well selected stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, to which she would in? vite the attention of the lodies of Colum? bia and vicinity. Prices moderate. April 2_ lint 1 Hardy Solomon keeps choice articles. The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in tho shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sick? ness, bowels in general costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above symptoms attend tho disease, and at other times, very few of them: but th< Liver is generally the organ most in? volved. T? fTj SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR! For nil Diseases of the Liver, Stomach ami Spleen ! IT is evidently ft ?Family Medicine, nnd liy being kept ready for im? mediate resort, will save many an hoar of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testi? monials of its virtues from persons of the highest character nnd re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour ?Stomach, bad taste in*the Month, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys. Despondency, Gloom nnd forebodings of evil; all of which are the. offspring of a diseased Liver. If yon feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongue Coated, you are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness," and nothing will cure yon so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally tlt<* scat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may be faced without fear. As a remedv in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, .JAUNDICE. NAUSEA,, the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine, in the World! "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my l?'e."?H. H.xrsEH, St Louis, Mo. .occasionallyuse, .when my condition requires it. Dr. Simmons' fa vey Regulator, wjtli good effect."?Hon. Ar.v.x. Hi Stevens. "Your Rogulntor has been in use in my family for somo time, and 1 am poivuftded it is A valuable addition to the medical science. '?Gov. J. Gtu, SpottTjiR, Alabama. ' *?I have n'sed'the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen . ' years. I. con safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I !.';'! ?'fuvpe ever1 otfej? ior that class, of diseases it purports to cure."?H. F. ' Tqiavps.. '? . "Simnions' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi ! c^ne."?C.' A. ^trrrpfa, President of City Bank. '.'We have been a^nrtln,tcd \rtth Dr. Simmons* Liver Medicine for ni6re than twenty "yearfl,'.and know it to bo the be**t Liver Regulator offered i<rthe public."?Ml R. Lxox and H. L. Lyon, Druggists, Belle , -fonUnne, Go. 1 ! Mltt0^t?2*m> LIVER. ^mom^xJ^m^TQ^. I -v^ -'VHt DY?P?P?lA, CONSTIPATION, JAUNDICE, BIUOUS AT ? TAOKB, SICK HHAOACHB,f COLIC,DIilPlU?S8tON OF SPIRITS, 8QUR STOMACH, HEAIIT^?RN, 4c., Ac,, Is a fnultleso Family Medicinoj Do en not disarrango the system', I Iii ?nre to eure Jf taken regularly, ' iBttodrfeliori^ont tttea?lhe, :' Docs not interfefe wilh bUsiness, la no intoilcatiti? bdverave, i ' Colitaino the simplest and best remedies. - ;jC^'OTlO,H.-cBny no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER ?'? ? RkGDI^'^OR, nnlees in -oar engraved wrapper, with Trade Mark, ' TltmilfXmil nijrni|>rrfimbrnVr-iii None other la gontfine. .'?jf?^0oi6 . ? ?r^^k^WBMacon, Ga., and Philadelphia. X MORNING, APRIL 8, 18 .Congaree Iron Works, COLUMBIA, S. (.'. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFAC Ig^ TURER Steam Engines, Saw ijflFj^ and Grist Mills, fijfi?^.Gin Gearing, (Sfyffib'"nnd all kinds Mr^Saf Iron' Castings Sftjjjg? for Machinery; |P and Ornament? al Castings for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens nnd Cemeteries, Iron Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass Castings of all kinds. Bells for Churches, Schools, AVork-shops, 4c. Guarantee all my work first class and equal to any North or South. Works at foot of Lady street and nonr South Carolina and Greenville and ColumbiuJlailroad Depots. Nov 18 City Taxes?Time Extended. MT1HE books of the City Treasurer are JL now open for receiving of Taxes for 1875. All XJity Taxes must be paid bo foro the 15th day of April instant There will positively bo no further extension. RICHARD JONES, City Treasurer. Bnd tho True Event." 175. VOL COTTON! QTORED and INSURED at very lowest O rates, and tho top of the market gua? ranteed for all Cotton consigned to us for sale. Advances made at one ran cent, peii month upon all Cotton Stored with us, Xo charge for Drayage. HAY! Northern Timothy and Clover at SI.25 and 1.50 100?full weight guaranteed. SEED POTATOES! Fine Early Rose, Goodrich, Peerless. Peachblows and other varieties. GUANOl Jonesport Fertilizer?as good as an3' used?$45 Tjl ton cash and 60 <3fl ton time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., Feb 19 3m Opposite S. C. R. Depot Administrator'0 Notice. ALL persons having demands against the estate of MARY THOMPSON, deceased, will pleaso present the same, properly attested; and all those indebted will make prompt payment to the under? signed. D7G. THOMPSON, Adm'r of Mary Thompson, deceased. Columbia, S. C, April 2, 1875. April 4 3m Meat ?ptufy'lo Obtain i Gily Residence. -==ssSSS?r3r5feSi= B?H01 Of Valuable Improved and Unimproved REAL ESTATE Together with Other Desirable Property, in of Columbia, S. C. -^s^gS3W?^s^= 1. BRICK STORE?Lot 2Gxl80 feet, on West side Main street, between Blanding and Taylor, valued at.$7,500 00 2. BUILDING LOT, West side Richardson street, be? tween Blanding and Laurel, 26x208 feet. 1,850 00 3. BUILDING LOT, adjoining Lot No. 2, 20x208 feet... 1,850 00 4. COTTAGE HOUSE, half acre lot, containing excellent well of water, with fine fruit garden; a delightful residence, on Elm wood avenue, between Gadsden and Wynn streets. 1,800 00 5. BUILDING LOT, on North side of Gervais street, be? tween Assembly and Gates, 09x208 feet. 1,700 00 G. TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING, lot 74x92 feet, on Gates street, near Pendleton, with every convenience. 1,G00 00 7. CARRIAGE and PAIR EXTRA FINE MATCHED HORSES, Harness, Pole and Shafts, Blankets, &c, complete.. 950 00 [One a promising four-year old, will trot his mile in neigh? borhood of three minutes; both good drivers singly.] 8. BUILDING LOT, on East side of Assembly street, be? tween Blanding and Laurel.'.. 800 00 9. BUILDING LOT, on East side of Assembly street, be? tween Laurel and Blanding. . S00 00 10. COTTAGE HOUSE and lot, corner Gates and Divine streets, 54x108 feet. 700 00 11. BUILDING LOT, on West side Gates street, between Medium and Pendleton. 300 00 12. BUILDING LOT No. 1, half acre, corner of Hender? son and Indigo streets. 2i)0 OP 13. BUILDING LOT No. 2, half acre, fronting on Indigo, adjoining Lot No. 1. 200 00 14. BUILDING LOT No. 3, half acre, corner Pirkonn and Indigo. 200 00 15. BUILDING LOT No. 4, adjoining Lot No. 3, on Pick ens street, half acre. 200 00 10. BUILDING LOT No. .", half acre, corner Tobacco and Henderson. 150 00 17. BUILDING LOT No. G, half acre, on South side To? bacco street, between Picken? and Henderson . 100 00 18. BUILDING LOT No. 7, quarter acre, on East side Pickens street, between Tobacco and Indigo. 100 00 19. BUILDING LOT No. 8, quarter acre, adjoining No. 7. 100 00 20. BUILDING LOT No. 0, quarter acre, adjoining No. 8. 100 00 21. BUILDING LOT No. 10, quarter acre, adjoining No. 9 100 00 22. DOUBLE CASE GOLD LEVER WATCH. 125 00 28. Gentleman's Heavy GOLD CHAIN. 75 00 24. Pair Lady's GOLD BRACELETS. . ?0 00 25. Lady's DOUBLE CASE GOLD LEVER WATCH.... 50 00 20. Lady's SINGLE CASE WATCH. 40 00 27. Lady's GOLD CHAIN. 40 00 28. DOUBLE CASE STEM WINDING WATCH. 35 00 29. DOUBLE CASE ENGLISH LEVER WATCH. 35 00 30. Lady's DRESSING CASE. 40 00 311 DOUBLE CASE WATCH. . 20 00 Total value of property.$21,820 00 Xlokets 86?Nuralwx to fee Xsroei 4,364. . Jt?fTJie Holder of each Ticket will be entitled to free admission to the Musical Entertainment ut the Opera House on the Evening of the Distribution of the Awards. 8@*Titles to tho Property are perfect. The Distribution will be under the supervision and direction of a Committee appointed by tho Ticket-Holders. Tho money received for Tickets will be immediately deposited in tho Union Savings Bonk, with a list of ticket-holders, and instructions to refund in case: Distribution should not take place. It is believed that the Tiokcts will. bo dispdfeed of rapidly and the Distribution made at an early date?probably by the middle of April The only desire of the originators of this project is to dispose of some surplus property, at a fair rate, arid in,such manner iv; to enable any one to procure a site for a home, JULIAN A. SELBY, Manager. Columbia, 8. 0. {^Tickets can bo obtained at Indian Girl Cigar Store, Columbia Hotel Cigar Store, .Wheelor House, California Cigar Store, S. Sheridan's Grocery Store and the Pbonix Office, Columbia. ' ,UME XI?NUMBER l/C JUST RECEIVES! FOB NEW STYLE DATS! OUR SUITINGS Are. very hanUtcme, and will be mad* lo? onier at LOW FBICEB. Mar 10 B. & W. 0. dWAFFIELD. Prepare Your Own .Mineral Waters, by umno the Ormmlnr Effcrvescent Salts. EOCKBRTDGE ALUM, VICHY, CBAB OKCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIEi) BICHSHALL. The Balte represent in a condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, are coming rapidly into use. One or two large. tea-Bpoon-fuls added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling ! effervescence. " For salq at L. T. SILLIMAN & CO.'S April 0_ Drug Store. Hew Books, at Bryan's Bookstore. WOUKING to Win, a story for girls, 11.75. Mistress of the Manse, by T)r. TTclland, author of Arthur Bonoxcattle, SI 50 A History of Qeruiauy, trom the Earliest Times, by Charlton Lewis, $2 50. Manual ot Mythology, Greek, Ron*an, Norse, Hindoo, Fgyptiao and Ola German, Prairie and Forest, the Game of North America, with advqnturea in their pnreuit, by Gillmore. $1 SO. Health and EdnoatIon, by King nie?, 01.70. Hogartb's complete works, in three vo? lumes. The Wild North Land, by Major Butler, wirb plates. 12 CO History orciuba j and Club Lire, London. Book ot Wonder? ful Cbaraolere, with portrait* 1 he Blanr Dictionary.' historical and anecdotal. Hodicb and Haunts of the British Foeta, London, and other ntw books. Kov 1 I Grand Central Java Coffee. \7r7E are agents for the GBAr?D OEN W THAL JAVA COPFEli COMPANY. Their ci-flYe is sold in ponud paokages, ai thirty cents p?r pound, and each case of Ittirty p>WH<l$ contains a superior eiglit dny 1 ciock, which become a the propertj ot the lucky purchaser who buth tbe packn^e con? taining the ticket wbivli mtitlrr tin- owner tbureor to tbe clock, the coffi-e is full vnlin< itself for 1 he price ubargad und the clock in civeii as a prize to induce pur? chased to try the coffee. Jan22 JOHN AONEW ft mon. - S D.EP8TIN. ATTU11NKY AT LAW, Fb'i'.'E, Houni No. 5. Southern Insur? ance Co'Dj.uuv Buildtor, Columbia, S. O. March 11 lino' AU NEW SEE?! C) A COMPLETE STOCK. ALI. SEW.dlrecl Inm the Bted Farme I of IOWA. FLO WEB and VEOETABIE wholeeali- and retail. L?RICK & LGWRANCE. Mareb 10 Columbia. S C WM. H.LYLE8. Attorney and Coumelcr ot Imfr. J^OOM No. 6, 8ecoi?l flrior. New l ife _ IuanratJCb duUdlng, corner Mclard sor^ and WauUington 'Str^*^J^Q^^*' Hew ??gar^re(ffiatt\i. 0NEW YORK en gar-cured HAMB. cft?ie*flu?W*ijast received and Sft?ok?f*lt MaakereiN TTTE oaraJuat raoai^ a fall supply of W, choice MAO REBEL, ooneietW of New It tut Noh. 1, 2 and 3, in barrolo, half barrels and kits, wAicA we ere offering at us**-** pj^&i&t?r PEUHONH having city taxes or licensee to pay. ran savo money by purohAe iuK OiTY OODPONB and OlTlf SCRIP ot JJUKMlVH CIIBBTBR WI . S15 each; ?28 a pair. Chester^ AMMOIH OOBH und IttpOtt** Ol AN 0AT8. 4 pounds by mall, II; p*o*. S2-, i bushol. 18; huohol, $5. Circulars and Baniple Package* M Beads baa for two stamps. Address N. P. B0VBB, Feb 231 c8 ParkGoburg, Cheater Co., Pa,