OCR Interpretation

The Council Bluffs nonpareil. [volume] (Council Bluffs [Iowa]) 1857-1867, December 19, 1857, Image 2

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W. W. 4 T*
A It II. Mllir.
Re pahilcanlam vs. IfiiUrr i«r«l|ily.
•jjln March, 1854, the grand captivating ab-
of 'Squatter Sovereignty' reoeived
e at the hands of a Democratic Congress.
in giving vitality to the so-called principle
"Squatter Sovereignty," a solemn com
fit which bad remained inviolate for more
than a third of a century, was abrogated and
Mndered nugatory. This rutkleu and un-
.llad for act, met with the just and uaqual
indignation and condemnation of all
tyeemcn in the Free States. To this act of
ytrtidy on the part of tho Democracy, the
•ganiiation of tha Republican party is
tfaceable. Tle people of the North had
ling seen, and as freemen sickened at the
•Iglit—the fatal spread of human bondage
•S-the undying efforts of the Slave power
£r political supremacy—its thirst for en
Woncliroent and power, as insatiable as the
gprsve. With painful apprehensions, they
watched the continuous aggressions of
Slave powor over these United States,
and read in its bold acts and avowals, a deep
rooted determination to seise upon every oc
auTion and exigeucyto swell its already infiat
ji powor. It was not surprising then, that
t| 1854, when the Slave power, emboldened
ftjv success, threw off the mask, and ruthless
disregarded plighted faith, and impiously
Jampkd upon ancicntand sacred compacts,
Hat the freedom loving people of the North,
Mmgbt by party organisation to exercise
i^ery constitutional right to chcck the en
croachment of Slavery, and to spread broad
cast the blessings of humanity and freedom.
The Republican party, therefore dates its
organized ov.icnoe from the very day upon
which the Nebraska bill received vitality.—
It has steadily, manfully and consistently
opposed tho principle of "Squatter Sover
eignty"—denying the authority of Congress,
tp a Territorial Legislature, of any individ
or association of individuals, to give
existence to Slavery iu any territory
'ho United States, while the present Con
lie maintained. It has ever
itemed the inviolability of the Missouri
Compromise, and has been lavish in its de
•(nidations of the party who perpetrated
ftat wanton and uncalled for act of abroga- I
tfon. It has never in the least, seemed to
for Freedom." Instead of the people of
Kansas enjoying the right of self-govern-j
mont, they have boen at the mercy of a
Slave propagating Administration. They
organization of Kansas to the present time,
have been defended and upheld by the Dem-
ocretic party and its organs.
ISWIIBar Orach*.
°*1M81TOMS«, i
Wfcsn 1 te«ofcw*art."-(«ks.
Abort tan milM distant, In a Northerly
direction—even beyond the MWred products
of renowned Elliedalo—noir spreading out
JOE is a genius of no mean order. He has
a very comprehensive mind, as is fully pro
ven by the columns of his oracular paper.
When he has anything to say, he says it in
the most abbreviated style of voluminous
prolixity, and when he brings his ideas to a
focus upe« wi fiea«uits it to you in
all its lovely and magnificent grandeur, ilv
has great control over Noah's Unabridged,
and when we read his oraculous articles,
mind becomes confused with tho circumvo
lutionary ideas of our past insignificance
gjve aid and comfort to the principle of
••Squatter Sovereignty." It has ever pro
tested against this usurpation on the part of
tho Ueneral Government. Now, what have
been tho practical workings of "Squatter
From the passage of the act, down to the
present time, tho Government of Kansas has
been a series of violations of every princi
ple of equity and justice. Tho dearest con*
stitutional rights have been taken from the
people of that territory, tyrannical and un
constitutional laws havo been enacted and
enforced by and with the advico of the
General Government—freedom of the press
and of speech has been abridged, and when
theso things have been denounced by the
Republican press, they have been ridiculed
by the organs of the Government as
^d Joe's coming' greatness,
consequence, power, and excelling worth.
When Jos undertakes the elucidation of a
subject, everything in the universe, from
microscopic atoms to system of worlds is
brought to bear upon it, with a force that
beggars description. ALEXANDER POPE must
have hud JOB in "his mind's eye," when
ho wrote:
"Go mishty monarch, mount where science
Go measure e irth. weigU air, and «tat« the lidei,
Instruct he planets what orbs to ran,
Correct "U Time, awl retaliate the BUH.
Go tea- eternal WLMIOIU H^w to rule
Then drop into thyttif and be a fool
But JOE, not satisfied with the laurels al
ready won with his magic wand—not con-
tcnt w t{, tj,0
enjoyment of basking in the
rfty8 of thc 8un of Filme now shin n? g0
upon him—not satisfied with telling
all the worl(1
tho «r(.flt of
th(U ho wn, going t0
Congress—took it up-
placeU'R new
have had imposed upon them by the General tionarv—Seconds, etvmologv and svntax—
Government, tyrannical executive and judi-
cial officers, whose usurped authority, has
been sustained by the strong arm of the
military power of the Government. All the
infringements and outrages upon freedom
and the rights of self-government, from tho
IInving but
annihilate us, not
leaTill„ much ag a greage gpot- JJe h(w
bass-wood chip on his should-
to mortal combat—with
pens for weapons—thefield,
Webster's Die-
knowledge of the field
and not even a speaking ac-
with either of ths seconds, we re-
gpcctfuilv decline ac0(sdill|? lo
his request.
Althou"„h we decline me^ing this flt
Knight of the Qui]lj on th(- fiulJ of let
or MUt UUra wc hopo his falnc (oven
though in a mea8ure it muT bc po8thumous,
Hke ant0 thnt of nll may
The Republican press has remonstrated shine with the lucidity of those countless
with the "powers that be," at every stage gems of beauty, in the golden galaxv, hoav
of these unjust and outrageous acts, but en's asteroidul wreath, and be as enduring as
tlieir remonstrances have ever been met with forever. Without any wiA to prove that
renewed sneers nt Bleeding Kansas." JOE is very circumlocutionory and prolific
While protesting against the principle of in the conveyance of those fabled entities,
"Squatter Sovereignty," as uncalled for by known as ideas, with which he has a very
My exigency, and an interference with vested limited acquaintance, we shall venture to
rights, tho Republican party has not sought
a word in our own behalf, even though
by overt acts to vitiato and overthrow it. i we thereby endanger our claims to erudi
At the same time they have ever proclaimed tionary advancement, as conceded by the
tMeir adherence to the principle, that the Oracle of Crescent City.
Constitution confers upon Congress sover- JOK makes a general charge against us of
eign power over the territories of the United "erring, not only in etymology, but in the
States for their government, and that in the dire decree and stern laws of syntax," to all
exorcise of this power, it is both the right
which, we plead guilty. Not satisfied
and the duty of Congress to prohibit Slavery with a mere statement of the fact, JOE en
in the Territories. larges upon his discovery, and treats us to
But, says the Democratic organs, if you a column and better, of rambling and ejacu
fceld to this belief, and consider the Kansas latory remarks, and nt the close, cries
Mt as a great "fraud and iniquity," why do "Eureka! Eureka!" Thislast^was the "un
now insist upon its being carried out in kindest cut of all"—like Mercutio's wound,
M^ter and iu spirit, without interference "not so wide as a church door, nor so deep
fiom the General Government? Tho reason as a well, it will do"—and we may well ex
tft obvious. The Republican party insist claim in the memorablo words of MARTIN
«PON Kansas being admitted into the Union
VAN BUREN,"our sufferings is intolerable"
Uti a Freo State. It knows that this cannot Had JOE been content to rest his case upon
done, if the Democratic party is now al- a general charge of violating the laws of
l«nred to desert tho Popular Sovereignty etymology and syntax, we should have had
4ogmn,nnd insist upon the application of the nothing to urgo in extenuation. But, when,
principle involved in the Dred Scott decision.' as at the close, he makes a specific churge,
The Administration has shown a willingness then we have something upon which to bang
resort to this dodgo to defeat the will of rebutting evidence—something which we
tfce people of Kansas, and force Shivery up- can moet, even though in the contest, those
that embryo State. To prevent that boots of this veritable Bombastes should be
OOnsummation, so devoutly wished, by a displaced. Let us approach this subject a
gleat portion of the Democratic party, ths little closer, carefully, lest we commit an
Republican party insists upon a faithful ad- egregiousJaux pas. JOE says, that while
Mrence to the iniquitous Nebraska act, as we were at Omaha City, he was
wieferable to allowing tho Administration "Newly p»r«ij*#d with Ttrflo»ing risibility, at »o
fT .» o v• original iiKspUy of Billy Webuttr, which was indeed
%0 AMUmO the oupromo DlCtfltorsuip* in /umintfutauU urigmal- Our Jiicrary hero atiuoiince^l
t&is the Republican party, act entirely on 'h°me
as is embodied in our friend and ool
1J—t|b modeat and aram^r Jimf
lis Merits sow astonish «^d
whole cenrae-liable lkosts «t (OMttioa, they
are bat a foretoken fjt whit lw* it and will
upon ths "bottom" of the "Mad Nhsouri," be. A word, and *fehw"e dtoe. jos, in
now nestling among the rugged bluffs, re
poses in quiet seclusion, a suburban town,
in its pristine juveneecence, y'clept Crescent
City. Howbeit, among other indispensable
requisites, for a Western metropolis, this
town contains a printing office, from whence
is issued a little sheet, bright as a mud
and facetiously dubbed the Oracle. Over
ths columns of this obscure and ambiguous
sheet, doth diligently preside one JOE JOHN
SON, the person of all others, most fitted by
edaeation and natural abilities, to pro
olaim to benighted heathens "th* waif—the
truth—the light!" Of course, JOE is an
Oracle and therefore, we suppose we must
accord him all the attributes. That he is a
person reputed uncommonly wise, whose
determinations are not disputed, or whose
opinions are of great authority, none who
have the honor to be numbered among his
acquaintance, would tor a moment dispute.
That he is grave, venerable, positive, au
thoritative and magisterial, does not admit
of a question. He is the deity who gives,
or is supposed to give, answers to inquiries,
respecting affairs of importance, usually re
specting some future event hence ho is de
nominated, by the pagans of the town afore
said. in accordance with a well-established
precedent, the Crescent City Oracle, as
contra-distinguished from the Delphic Ora
cle. Again, among Christians, oracles in
the plural,
denotes the
communicat ions, reve
lations, or messages, delivered by GOD to
prophets. In this latter category it is gen
erally understood that Jos stands especially
pre-eminent—being a firm believer in latter
day prophecies, and in a small way pattern
ing after somo of the ancient prophets,
having in view the divine injunction to "mul
tiply and replenish the earth."
tSe defensive. There is no inconsistency in JOE, we thank you for this opportunity of
tljeir action—they are but acting on the enlightening you a little. We do not deny
principle of between two evils choose the having made use of the word "conduction,'
leftst." The law of preservation would in a manner approximating the version
e#om to dictate this course. The South has given above. Wc will not try to dodge be
•tlcured iu share of the contract—all tho hind a "short-sighted compositor," nor yet
tlfritory of the United States has been behind tho tail of the plow, nor tho "rcap
tfcrown open to the blighting curse of slave- iUg hook," nor acknowledge that we did not
subject only to the competition of free- read the proof, nor any other such eon
Ifbor. On the question of the extension of teniptible dodge—neither do we own it to
Slavery the 'South stands a unit—ready at have been a lajaiis lingua. If, instead of' existence, and under which alone we can
My moment to make any sacrifices for the turning up your nose a "foot-an-a-half," or
Tho message then lapses into the usual
congratulations of prosperity, and general
political buncombe. As a sample, we pre
sent the soaping ot the Popular Sovereignty
"No retribution can be too severe, if,
through casuistry, or local strifes, or politi
cal infidelity, we provo recreant to that beau
tiful federative system which we owe our
extension and perpetuation of the "peculiar becoming "nearly paralysed with overflow
Institution." In \iew of this fact—well- jng risibility," you had borrowed of some
knowing tho xeal with which the Slave pow- school-ma'am, a copy of WEBSTER'S Dic
seises upon every opportunity to secure tionory, and turned to the 245th page, first
jMitical supremacy—shall the North sim- column, among other definitions, you might
yly oontent itself with protesting against the bar* found the following:
spread of Slavery?-or on the contrary, join ..coxm cTiox-'n.e .ctof tr.i.ins up.
usue with the Southern propagandists, and Tr*°cuu«iua through or d? mm at conductor.
opmtend for thc supremacy, even while pro-' There JOE, does that excite your risibili
Mkting against thc iniquitous act, which has What do you think of our original
ypndered such a proceeding necessary. The WEBSTEB. Whose Taurus gored the ox?—] his people.
Republican party has given the latter course Who now, dare dispute that Jos is the ne "all Israel knoweth thy father is a
the preference, and whilo they assert and plv* ultra of literati} In onr use of the! mighty man, and they which be with him,
Maintain that the Nebraska act was couceiv- word "conduction," we now contend that' are valiant men.
•din iuiquity, and brought forth by the we neither "erred in etymology, nor in the "Therefore I counsel that all Israel be
throes of an inordinate personal ambition— stern decree and laws of syntax, and we in-! generally gathered unto thee, from Dan even
t* gratify the haughty behests of the Slave rite you to show the contrary. Have at us to Beer-shebn, as the sand that is by the sea
Power, they are frank to announce their JOE, a la cacathes scribendi. Had it been I for multitude and that thou shalt go to bat
germination to leave nothing undone-con- proclaimed in days gone by, that Jo« would tie in thine own person.
sistent with law and order—to prevent the have one day become aa oracle, and go to! "So shall we come upon him, in some
admission of any more Slave States into the Congress, the mind of an unappreciative plaee where be shall be found, and tee vitt
Uaion, even though compelled from sheer public would have remained as unindented as light upon him, as the dev falleth upon the
necessity to contend for this consummation, an adamantine rock. How erring is human ground and of him and all the men that
ulkler the principles of the Kansaa-Kebras- belief!—and how little is the world given to are with him, there shall not be left as
kftiaiqoitj. ths ^ipni isfw nf srnihoiitiiiisliii^|siilMjnmrfbns inT* Btsift
there is
future, follow tho advice of Davy Crocket.
"Be sure you're right, then go ahead."
Don't hide yonr talents under a napkin dur
ing your sojoarn at the National Capital.
Acting Governor CCXINO, sent in his
Message to the Legislature on the 9th inst.
It is a verv formal and concise document,
displaying neither ability nor statesmanship.
He eulogizes the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and °nmP»!gn
says that the early organization and rapid!1'118
P^m^cnt greatness."
"O CmtlaM thy Lnla| Kladaeaa."
OM toaec it—hope our uelKb bur trill so rod ihe Cleri
on, till tbe last dirge ot Black Republican
ism ia touaded
on tbe gallant "Missouri Slope."—Bugle.
And the saying pleased Absalom well,
and all the elders of Israel.
"thou knowest thy father and his
men, that they be mighty men, nnd that
they be chafed in their minds, as a bear rob
bed of her whelps in the field and thy fath
er is a man of war, and will not lodge with
•*n ...
ei has mde a di*^
becomtAware thai
HaNlofors, fc'haa stren*
nously opposed evetythfog that Md a squint*
ing towards sectional#(p,or a Hirth
it prates very complaoently of a North, and
of a Northern National Democracy. If the
Democratic party is a National party, why
does our cotempornry make this distinction'/
Of course, if there is a North and a Northern
Democracy, thero must, of necessity, bo a
South, and a Southern Democracy,—ergo,
the Democratic party is a sectional party,
the asseverations of the last Presidential
to the
progress of that territory "have signally il- co-operating with the Black Re
instated the safetv and expansive force of and to judge from the last num
the principles of the federal compact, from
which naturally sprang her Organic Act,
and thereupon says that "Popular Sover
eignty" has been vindicated "Progress"
verified. He forgets to tell us of the prac
tical workings of "Popular Sovereignty" in
Kansas. lie says he will unite with the
Legislature, in effectually protecting the in
terests of the people at large: to elevate pub
lic character to foster
industry, temperanoo
and virtue to build up institutions of char
ity to educate those who are to follow us
to stimulate to public spirit and moral man
liness to systemize and adapt the duties of
Territorial, County and Township officers
to consolidate and perfect a code of prac
tice to develope our natural and mineral
wealth —in a word, to direct the Supreme
power to the best good of the governed
contrary, notwithstanding
Journal U ola5,eU
for the classification. It has a decided lean
ing towards sectionalism. It says that the
Northern Democracy demand that the grand
and vital principle of Territorial government
be honestly and fairly carried out. tl says
the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill
are endorsed by a large majority of tho
voters of the North. It talks all North—it
has nothing to say in behalf of the South,
nor of our glorious Union. Great is the
National Democracy of the North! as con
tra-distingiushed from the National Democ
racy of the South!
Frerdom Shrieksrt.
The Washington Union, the home organ
of the President, is laboring manfully to
bring the Democratic press to dance to its
anL music. A late number of the Union, thus
achieve for Nebraska that sterling name and talks to its freedom shrieking cotemporaries
conspicuous place which her natural re- professing democratic principles
sources and tho spirit of her people deserve "Wo think the deliberate judgment of tbe
and demand. The Message then recommends country will sustain tho action of the con-
vention, whilst the opposition to its action,
so fiercely manifested by the black republi
enns, eonclusivelv shows that continued agi
tation is the real object they have in view.
We repeat our deep regret that any of our
democratic cotemporaries should be found
co-operating with them in a course calculat
ed to prolong agitation. We repeat our
earnest hope that when they see the true is
sue is between the Topeka and Leeompton
organizations, they will no longer be found
co-operating with the black republicans."
1. An earnest appeal to the General Gov
ernment for the reimbursement of the City
of Omaha, for the amount expended in com
pleting the Territorial Capital.
2. That the actual necessities of the Ter
ritory require thc services of a Surveyor
General, and that an effort to secure such
an appointment, will be successful.
3. A renewal of tho memorial for the
proposed distribution of troops along the
emigrant line. That the propriety of such
assistance from the General Gorernment is
4. That provisions for a Railroad to tttt
Pacific along the Platte Valley route should
be urgently sought from Congress, at its
present session, before the most valuable
land shall have been secured by speculators
or settlers.
5. That arrangements for the completion
of the second division of the Atlantic and
Pacific Telegraph, from tho Missouri River
to the Paoilio, have been perfected—the pro
prietors only soliciting from the General
Government protection by the distribution
of troops, in garrisons separated by a rea
sonable distance and having a certain and
daily communication by means of detach
ments. By troops thus apportioned the let
ter mails could be regulurlay transmitted,
travelers protected, railroad projects ad
vanced, thc country colonized and the tele-.
graph line completed in a short space of
time, without additional expense to the Gen
eral Government. The citiiens of the West
can not regard with indifference so public
spirited an effort and in which the only en
oourngcuicnt asked is that protection of in
tercourse which should have been conceded,
iu justice to western interests,
6. That a memorial should be forwarded
to Congress, praying for an appropriation
for the construction of n Military bridge I also repudiated with special emphasis, the and under that impression he felt it to be
across tho Platte river. -*1" L.-duty .I_. _L I
7. Regarding the Banks in the tei^ttOry
as insecure—convinced that thero arehnper-
Our esteemed neighbor of the Bugle, is
here denounced as "co-operating with the
Black Republicans, in a course calculated
to prolong agitation." A good joke on the
Vlewtgnd Opinion! ot Senator Doagla*.
Senator Douglas has left home for Wash
ington. lie has talked with the utmost
freedom upon political topics, and especial
ly upon the Kansas question, with the many
politicians who have sought his counsel.—
lie says openly and uniformly, that he in
tends to stand by the principles of the Kan
sas-Nebraska bill, and to insist on the right
of the people to choose their own form of
government, not only in the matter of Slave
ry—for he says we have had four years of
negroes, and we want somo legislation for
the interests of white men—there are other cially "to find fault.
,• ,|
upset, anU referring b:
of Constitutioii-mukin
Mr. Douglas has also expressed the opinion
from the statements in the public prints, that
the Pro-Slavery men in Kansas havo nt-
fections in their charters—nrgos that some! they can face the North upon any such plat
adequate means be taken to remedy the evil, £"r[a ,ns 'his, lie declares his belief they will
A monthly or quarterly inspection of the] fp'i 'hemselves mistaken. He speaks in the
... «. highest terms of tho courso of Governor
banks, by sworn and responsible officers— Walker, of the sacrifices of comfort and in
the circulation of bank notes of a smaller
denomination at first than five dollars and
afterwards of ten dollnrs, should be prohib
ited and it may be provided that Commis
sioners shall assume the directions of the af
fairs of suspended banks on tho first day of
suspension. It seems also worthy of con
sideration whether tho excessive importa
tion of foreign bank bills should not be re
stricted by requiring the additional endorse
ments of such Banking Houses—chartered
or private as may issuo them.
8. That no Bankrupt or Belief laws be
adopted, believing that true happiness and
greatness have no friends as sure as Integri
ty and Ilonor.
9. Tho appointment of one or two law
yers to prepare a code of practice for the
territory, regarding it as impossible for a
committee of the Legislature to adjust thc
matter satisfactorily during the pressing du
ties crowding upon them in a brief sessiou.
10. The re-arrangement of the Judicial
11. A faithful compliance to the.territo
rial laws in relation to a system of Common
12. A thorough and early revision of the
revenue law now in force.
13. That tbe organization of the Militia
be perfected, drilled and disciplined, and in
readiness at all times, for self-defence, or
co-operation with the Government against
internal enemies.
14. An amendment of tho election law.
15. That penalties should be imposed up
on Road Commissioners, for the non-fulfil
ment of their duties.
16. A rigid enforcement of the act to
prevent the firing of woods, marshes and
17. Tlie aiding in tho formation of In
dustrial Societies in every County, as
means of developing the agricultural and
productive resources of the Territory.
tempted a fraud upon the people. He has ed the action of the Lecompton Convention,
also repudiated with special emphasis, the and under that impression tie felt it to be
doctrine recently set forth bv the Washing- his to state that while he concurred
ton Union, that the several States have no
right to abolish Slavery within their own
limits. If the ultraists of the South believe
vote against him. lie is more afraid of
Slidell in this matter than of Hunter. He
thiuks Wise has crushed out Hunter in Ins
letter. Mr. Buchanan, lie is afraid, will in
dorse the bogus Constitution. He is tired
of Kansas, and he will accept any mode of
settlement that seems tbe speediest.
Starred Rock—The Indian Legend.
A few weeks since wo visited "Starved
Rock," located about seven miles from Peru
near the foot of tho rapids of the Illinois
river. This rock may justly be regarded as
quite n natural curiosity, and is also deserv
ing of peculiar interest from the thrilling
incidents connected with it. Theso incidents
form an interesting episode in aboriginal
Starved Rock is composed of a large mass
of sandstone, rising from the water's edge
to a perpendicular hight of nearly two hun
dred feet. It is inaccessible from the point
fronting on one side. This npproach is
rugged and narrow and could be obstructed
with little labor.
The diameter of the surface of the rock is
probably one hundred feet. It is covered
with a soil scvetal feet in depth in many
places, and which has given growth to many
small trees and vines.
The tradition connected with the rock is
to the effect that about tho time of the death
of Pontine, the great chief, of a band of Illi
nois Indians were engaged in a deadly strife
with thc I'ottawattamies, who in a great
battle succeeded in routing them. The din
comfitted band, in their Sight, took refuge
upon this desolate rock, and soon made
position impregnable to their enemies
They repulsed all the assaults made upon
them, and would have remained masters of
their rocky tower, but for the impoggibilitv
of obtaining water.
They had secured abundance of provis
ions, but their only resource for the former,
under the rock, cut tho ropes as they wero
let down, and thus deprived them of water
altogether. Time rolled on—the brave In
dians could goze for miles up and down the
silvery stream that threaded the plain and
its waves dashed upon the base of their im
pregnable fortifications, and it was impossi
ble for them to obtain a single drop to quench
their burning thirst. The result wits inevi
table—their dnoin was sealed. They all
died, and the mighty rock became their tomb
as Well as monument. For many years af
terward their bones lay bleaching in the sun,
a sod relict of a departed race. Muoy cu
riosities, in the shape of darta and antique
pieces of pottery, havo been picked up by
visitors, who repair to the spot in great
Starved Rock, the mighty monument rear
ed by the hand of the great Architect of Na
ture, will remain while the prairie flower
blooms, or tho Illinois rolls a crystal wave,
to perpetuate themeniory of this heroic band,
who so nobly died upon the grey and craggy
Standing upon the summit of this Indian
mausoleum, you can gaze for miles around
upon the most beautiful and enchanting
scene. The prairie stretches out in front
of you, and rolls away to the distant hori
son like a mighty sea, while to the South had so readily become so sensitive regarding
the broken cliffs rear their heads, as if to tne rights of that peonlo
break the monotony of the panoramic view. tempted such an infringement upon them.
Ihe scene is gorgeous, magnificent, sublime,
and should be visited by overy lover of tho
beautiful.—Peru SentineL
C^" The Mormons are smacking their
ips preparatory to devouring the govern
nent stores which Uncle Sam is sending to
Utah in care of only 1500 troops. Theso
sign is to help themselves to the food »H
nothing tins carried to them.
Sn«.-fte|Mesge of the Pvesii
uint* of the C. S*5was|teceived and read.
Mr. .jponaas Mbmitted a motion for jbe
printinir of tHo nsmU number of OopieO uf
the message and documents, and 18,000 i
copies thereof for thi use of the Senate.—
lie remarked thnt he'concurred heartily and
cordially in the views of the President with
the exception of tliat portion relating to
Kansas nwd the action of the Lecoinbton
Convention. At an «arly day he would ex
press hi» views and give reasons why he be
lieved that the peopjie of Kansas nod not
been left as the orguiic act declnred, per
fectly free to form alid regulate their insti
tutions iu their own way.
Mr. Stuart concurred in Mr. Douglas's
views respecting the Lecompton movement
At a futi.re day would speak on the sub
ject, a.d insist to the extent of his ability
that Ihe people of Kansas should be treated
like all others, and have tho fullest oppor
tunity to have and to regulate such institu
tions as they wished to live under.
Mr. Davis concurred in the views of tho
President on the Kansas question, and would
await the promised remarks of Mr. Doug
las, before he expressed his own views.
Mr. Bigler gave notieo that be should de
fend the position assumed by the President
to the best of his ability, and tyat he would
respond to Mr. Douglas.
Mr. Ilnle spoke in opposition to the Con
stitution formed by the Lecompton Conven
tion, arguing that it perpetuates slavery in
Kansas, no matter whether the people ac
cepted or rejected the slavery clause.
Mr. Seward Bhould be glad to hear the
supporters of the President explain his po
sition, for it seemed to him the message wHs
very lame and impotent in its argument on
Kansas, and that something more would be
required to satisfy the people than is con
tained in the document itself. He trusted
that the debate on this point would not bu
delayed long, for before we wero uware of
it there might be civil war in Kansas. After
reviewing other parts of the message, he
said he hoped that it would be understood
that oil Utah affairs Congress was substan
tially unanimous that the world might be
assured that the Government of tho United
States would not suffer its fame to be tar
nished, its power insulted and the lives of
its citizens destroyed by an enemy, entrench
ed though it may be in the Rocky Mountains
and under the forms of the Constitution of
the United States.
Mr. Mason was free to declare that all in
formation for the last six months relative
to Kansas affairs, had come from question
able sources, if he understood the Presi
dent's position, and he thought he did, the
President's position was impregnable.
Mr. Trumbull denied that the Legislature
of Kansas had authority to imitate the Con
vention. It was, according to a speech once
i/ef »-ieu in tKe Senate by Mr. Buchanan
himself, an act of ti^-'jiation. Congress had
repeatedly refused authoriijt- to the people
of Kansas to form a State Conjoint .™.
,• .. ... r,
questions in that Constitution besides the message imperfectly read by the clerk, and |lldv
issue of Slavery, and they must bo settled therefore could not properly understand it.
Topeka Constitution was ing ton
overboard, as th
set, and referrin
to the people of the
Territory. lie maintains that in this mat
ter we have nothing to do with South or
North, but must stand by the principles of
the Kansas-Nebraska bill. The President
was elected by the peotile, on the pledge
thnt the actual settlers snail be protected in
their right to form their own Constitution.
heard the
Washington Dec. 9.
.7The .Sa".cr'es
crowded this morning in expectation of a
peech from Senator Dougl
Mr. Douglas said, he was yesterday under
the imprssion that the President had approv-
in thc general views of the message, yet so
P«Baylvapia4td uo^ speak bi
-ilthinkJFnm. safe
ritnjpinoisi will
i&ent Mw io bit a
jce that^eiyon vent ion
the ConMtution and
»ple for approval or sen
res's for apnroval. 1 think it is'dedueiblp 1 O of O
rom the message thst the
o Obn-
President does not
tkup b»C*U«* ihe.cnUro Constitution COTJfCIT. Bt.rm UPG«, *», T. 0. «f O.
was not submitted to the people, Kansas HAOO'S »ioc*,on
should be kept out of Union. |»rMdww. Bro»h«r« Iron •broad, Wilting tn* cltyr, ara
Mf. Douglas.—I infer from the message
that the President does not hold that NOTICE!
under the federal constitution, and not be- tor twei»» r«r *M. t«» piM nana, two
cause the Legislature had the power to con- vf4-.
Mr. Bijrler—Whore did vou get tbat?
Mr. Douglas.—A gentleman—meaning
Trumbull—yesterday read from a speech to I
made by Mr. Buchanan that a Convention
created by territorial goverwnent had no
A Worthy Citizea In Blffirallr.
Last Sundav evening a gentleman residing
at Jamaica Plains was sitting with bis wife
and some friends at the parlor fire, when
the door bell was violently rung. The lady
much had been said about popular sover- tte* girt'wa^ut^he "had"" hottw go'to^
etgnty. but this now merely amounts, ac- front door. Accordingly he opened it and
cording to the expositor of the party, to
founJ no one thcre
pving the free white people of Kansas the done up basket, covered with whiie linen,
right to determine the condition of a few
negroes, while they are precluded from regu-
by the people of Kansas themselves. If thc He asked Senators to pause and sleep on the gentleman with being the father, and im
plored him to support it. A rich scene en
sued between tlie injured wife and the indig
nant hasband, the latter utterly denyiug all
people of Kansas themselves. If thc He asked Senators to pause and sleep
Constitution made at Lecompton is not the document, before indulging in a debate that
will of the people of the Territory, then he would go forth to the country, over telegraph
declares himself in favor of throwing that wires, penetrating even to Kansas, and giv
peica Constitution was ing tone to public opinion on the premises
back the whole subject not yet perfectly understood
Senators to reffect before
tions, and uttering sentiments under circum
stances to which ho had referred. On his
motion, tho Senate then adjournad.
lsked lt|e
but there was a nicely I
nt his feet nnd he tho llt he he lrrf the
a female dress departin-. After
.... around the portals, he took the basket into
Mr. Brown said there seemed to be great
anxiety to enter into discussion, nnd espe-
parlor. On the covering beinc removed,
beautiful little child appeared, about fivl
old. Tbe ladv streamed, one of the
took op'the bnl.v and found a
its dress, which charced the
on the premises knowledge of the little one, aiid asserting tyc.,un ot Pottawattamie County, lowa. for an order
I his innocence. The friends interfered, nnd iclurtse"
taking their posi- ,.t Inst thp wifp m,!,,.,,,! I "Ifflcient (jaauuty thereuf tu pay the debts ot s
i at last tne wile w.v, induced to forgive the E-I»»E D. B. CI.AKK, Adminutrctor
ushand, although he stood it like a Trojan N vembor 30-»«-
Finally, tha lady very roguishly told her
hnslmnd that it was very strange "that he did
not know his own child,"for it was their niu-
ofTspring, which had just been taken
frow ta
'crndIe ,)V
speech from Senator Douglas. m.rrm,. nf ti,. .i
dissent. I free from it.
He proceeded to show that Congress could The doctrine of the Administration is,
not admit Kansas into the Union under the 'hat negro slaves are, to all intents and pur
Lecompton Constitution—not only the slave- poses, and in all places, properti/, and that
terect he made in accepting that post, nnd rv question but all others must 6e submit- i 'heir masters are everywhere entitled to bc
of the absolute necessity of sustaining him. ted to the people of Kansas, as they' are 'protected in holding them in servitude. On
Judge Douglas thinks that if tho Admin- guaranteed to establ.sh all their domestic this view, and 'he inference is carried out in
istration wish to have Walker sustained institutions for theinsi'les. On this pritici- terms by tho Union, slave-holders are enti
they can effect it, but if they send in his pal the whole Constitution must be submit- I tied to carry their slati-s into any free State, i 48 hh4p jf o Susar
name ostensibly to be approved, but reallv ted to nssertain whether or not it meets with I and there work and govern them as such. [123 "u.-tied do.
to be rejected, the Southern Senators will their approbation. Mr. D. contended that We admit, that we huve no particular ap- I
i--. ii •_ tho people of Kansas ought to have an op- prehension that these theories can be reduc- w j. bu^ar UosU Syrum
portunity to vote against the Constitution if ed to practice nt present, nlthou^h disposed vHa'crttkw
they propose to do so. lie compared the 'to make great allowances for tho progress I tio tiA aVitba'ao
freedom allowed by the Lecompton L'onstitu- of the age. toe do Soap
tion to the freedom nt the election at Paris,
when Louis Napoleon was elected President,
The reason assigned why the people of Kan
as to tho course Congress should pursue in Constitution invading this right, "would be
regard to the admission of Kansas. Indeed
the President had expresfwtl deep mortifica
tion and disappointment that the wholeCon
stitution was not submitted to the people of
Kansas for their acceptance or rejection.
When Mr. Douglas concluded, thero was
great applause in the galleries.
Mr. Higler replied to Mr. Douglas, saving
tho Convention was culled according to law,
and had been recognized by the president
and the Governor of the Territory. It was
their right to submit the Constitution to the
people or send it to Congress without sub-
keep them out of the Union simplv because
the whole Constitution had not teen sub
mitted to them. To do so would be incon
sistent with the doctrine of nonintervention.
There was nothing in the past history of the
country to justify such a course it would
be the duty of Congress to look at the ques
tion as it came before them, and do thc best
they could,looking nt the happiness of tbe en
tire country. lie had long been under the im
pression it would be tho best for the Uni6n
and Kansas that the State should be admit
ted at tho first favorable opportunitv in or
der to localize the strife. He would have
preferred that the whole Constitution had
been submitted to the people, but persons
outside of the Territory have no right in
interfering with the slavery question there,
lie believed the people of Kansas n«w have
an opportunity to decide whether to have It
Free or Slave State he cOuld not, however
determine his entire course untilthey shall
shall make such decision. He 4nid t'
sition of Mr. Douglas to-daj was
Doujrlus.—I am certain Bigler did not
speak for tho President—1 know that, for
the President has just spoken for him
self, in his message, in which he condemns
the Convention for not submitting the Con
stitution to the people, and refused to rec
ommend us to receive it. The President is
tho ImrB th
purpose of playing the joke nnd the sur
prised hustiand finally joined heartily in tbe
laujrh which was raised at his expense.—
Boston Traveler.
The Pragreaa of tlie Administration.
We have recently referred to the new view#
More recently, the Union has been ad-1
sas were not allowed to vote on the accept- which have vastly more real importance, i iso «ks'm,rcoflee
nnee of the Constitution prepared was, that because it is much more easy to establish
if they had the chance they would vote it! Slavery in the Territories thiin in the free ,{jj| jX-trd p.-e'T' v
down by an overwhelming majority, lie be- States.
lieved they would, nnd that it was a clear As tbe_ matter was left judicially bv tbe I
violation of the organic act, thus to force I decision in the Dred Scott case. Slavery in I 50 do do
the obnoxious Coustitution upon the major- 'he Territories was placed bovond the reach Cisara
ity. I either of Congress or of tho Territorial Leg-
Upon a more careful and critical ezamin- islatures. All this seemed to secure to tho
ation of the Message he was rejoiced to find slaveholders, as against the people, advan
the President had not entirelv approved the tages of position sufficient to satisfv anv
action of that Convention, lie was also re
joiced to find that the President had not
recommended that Congress should pass
laws receiving Kansas into the Union as a
State under the Constitution framed at Le
compton. It is true that tho tone of the
message indicates willingness on the part of
the President to sign any bill Congress
might pass, receiving Kansas as a State into
the Union under that Constitution, but it
was n very significant fact that the Presi
dent refrained from any endorsement of the
Convention, nnd from any recommendation so clenrly
ley shall No doctrine could be more eminently fit
I the no-1 ted to encourage owners of SUVM to teke
-s a e e i n o e e i o i a v *nA it
ilero»atorc to that which he occupied when prohend, mainly with a view to such'
he voted for Mr. Toombs' bill, w£ich pro- kgement that tho caUl w£ wni
posed to malce a Constitution and put it in
to operation without submitting it to a vote
of the people, and this only a short time ago,
he cotild not understand how Mr. Doujjlap
•at in i miw i HIHI«
bit*') report from Committee on Territories.
Three hundred thousand copies were circu
culated as party documents—he himself
paid for a hundred thousand of them (Laugh
Mr. Bigler entered his protest and claimed
the statute of limitation. Ho would not! newTi,?^'0t
Mr. Douglas denied the right of Mr. Big
ler to offer the statute of limitation. None
but tbe authorised Atlorncv of the partv
can tnus interpose. The Senator has denied
authority to speak for the President—be can ttmy-wren (37) we«t. Jonx a
not file that plea.
u t#r of Stctloo
purchase or «tB„rDCJt*.
rignt to supersede It, and to Attempt it would in Township N.,rth of lUnKC No. 44,
b* grow usarpHtion. The Democratic par-
nl Lot K*. tbe v.wn of
CmuiiciI Blufffc nor ih^ 8»iith-K*jit qti*rt«r of Scctiun TIMIC9
**lhe u ni« my own
i, si.-s,ii?hrd5iHM
asserted It a year ago hv endor.-ing his
(Doug- of thur P»t out of my property, I .mdeiermln- eurrtspondingry low and n.m-h B* Kte*
lasMrenort from Committee on Terrltori«. edw n.neof hi.d«bUr MAKT PI sjf. teipnc^.
fBn«I* k. Clarion c.p, 4w.
Dec«mb«r 194*
Flour for Sale!
oon ?,ACK#
consent that Douglas should hold the i ZT WASTED-a lam amount of* COBx^Aruek
President responsible for principles laid fl,cm*rk'' Prlc*
«-ouis EXTRA scnmriKB
Family Flour, a »op»rir,r article lor ule
down 20 years ago under entirely different Coiocii lw'is-nii^0txchu*e
circumstances, it is not half as long since
Douglas declared the Missouri line the best KOTKTi
Compromise. In 1848 he proposed to ex- To John Wolfe:
tend it to the Pacific Ocean, yet he repealed
the whole of it.
Dee IS-K3-4»»
Mr. Douglas approved of the statute of
limitation. He needed one verv much him
self. He had never boasted, he had never
changed his opinions. He felt every year PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES!!
a little wiser than the year before. Has the
Preident ever wiihdrawn that opinion? He the Old Stand of C. Voorhis,
denied the right to plead tbe statute limita
tion against the Cincinnati Convention until
the Charleston Convention met. He stood
now where he stood last year, because he
believed he was right. It was true that he
voted for Toombs'bill, and was ready to •10
C. Vooihif, 1 would mofet respectfully announce
and Burrouodinj couu-
cititensof Council Biufr« and
vote for it again. By doing so there would I-Lwrt eUwher'e in'tL'^cuV.*"
be no quarrel. It would not do to taunt i *e""elected asaortment ol
him with overrating for a measure. He
would not vote for none
after further debate.
The matter was postponed and the Senate
Cbeap at can be par-
DRV.«iOODgj i!'- «t
•BOOTS k. «|!OES}
,.U8t.' ciX^Vr
loting their own institutions in their own looking vainly up and down .the street and I --XT.*««»* parses at r«a-
Country *«hie«.
Bouable fig urea, will find it to ilieir Interest t.. pive sie
To Elizabeth M. Leu-it, William T. WU
son, Robert aI. Ifilson, Eliza A
Wikon, Hester Ann lit/son, George W.
a" the lan)
Good Eastern^ Western, and
Southern Currency i/HU be
taken al Par, at"
W. C. Andrus'
Grocery and Provision Store,
penalty of refusing them admission into tho
As o the right of the slaveholder* to hold
their slaves in the old free States, even if
s u a i s o u e u i i a y a i e i
would be difficult if not imnracticablo to
enrorce it.
ter nnd slave might
VV ufj* uviMons, viz: Butter, Lard, Cheese,
Bao u, Oats, Potatoes, Flur, alio, au
St«rk of ne»Ty and Fancy Groceries,
wLLh will be aold at small profits, a-
may fce ,ound
their limits, by sanctioning or prohibiting
'ibis is now denied by tho Administration,
and, what is of more consequence, the Ad
ministration insists that the right of the
slaveholders to hold their slaves, whether
the new Stntes aro willing or otherwise, is
so clnnrlv "just and equitable," that any
i-aie Baits
'iu s»iion»j
tj" Remember the place. Middle Bread way.
rt! OlMffc, Iowa, opposite Gore'* Gtin Sbop.
November 2I-u
appetite for power not absolutely insatiable".
Until lately, it was conceded on all hands. Carpenter & Joiner,
that when the people of a Territory emerged rr^S LATF.LT OPENED A SHOP OX Lown
into Ihe condition of a State, they might fix JH Bro.idwar, back or tbe om
the personal relations of even bodv within I
wbere he p:c_
will fnrtiifh if deired. upon shuit iwuce, plana and
fur buildings.
53* COFFINS made tu order on short n«ltee.
Council Blatf*, November 21. BSOHI
Timely Notice!
i 0 S
i who Motrol the
cit-v»is one
if to the rights of that peogje after having at- 2 Wood was backed by the eutire
mpted such an infringement upon them.
-i t.
so. It is not respectful to assume that he T»lrtInJrVn »h«t "if
w a a
i n o e o e n a s o I
of the greate^triumphs
party—the Catholic B«h-
CBOW a bank wjiereoo the wild Uipae giova."
^f«f e^ne,, «h^ Senator
•ixljLj rteb-CJ to UI on BOOK Account, Xutcor
otherwise, will come forward and settle before 1st of
Jauusry. 1856 and fare trouble and costs, as tliey will
most assuredly be put in lb£ bands of a Collector upon
th.n ^tle NcBRIDE BOWKX.
rejected by any Congress that ever assem
bled, or ever tcill assemble."
e A i n i s a i o n o i n e a a s a
matter of law, slaveholders mav eanrv their
slaves into the free States, and hold them
there, and which doctrine applies, of course,
to new Statei« as well as to old ones, is far
less alarming in reality than this new dogma bare been legally Pre-Empted, on and alter the lstfc
that Congress will coerce the new States to i1L,U"4
respect the rights of slaveholders, under *'1""
Nuveoiber 14-2m
PEKI9 for Swamp Lands of this County, which
be sn,lde
wc ,ccl 0,,r 10
But thi. coercion, proposed to be exerted I ftmrir ftC rnnntt
upon the new States, to compel them to up- I STOCK OF GOODS
holdall existing rights of slaveholders is •XUX.VREUa*'***
more serious, because it is more practicable. """•c
reduce the pric,
to GOODS in proportion to tbe seal city ol money, and
oifcr our ontire
As tho matter stood before this lust an- I TTGTA 131
nonncement of the Administration, owners
of slaves could take them to tho Territories oaneires, to sen GOODS
and their hold thum against every bod v, but Cheaper than any Other House
tioVuanmto be foriT'lfll^ WEST. Our Stock is one of the LARGEST and I
ion came to be formed, the relation of mas- I wan^*orted mock in the country, eiubracinc a creat
prohibited, by which
thoy yrould lose their slaves, unless season
ably removed.
If future Congrenea oan be controlled to
«ct opon a line of policy now indicated, and
to reject all new States which do not uphold
Statary to the extent of its actual existence,
owners of slaves may take them to the Ter
ritones, secure against all risks, and beyond
the reach of eten Constitutions.
Dry Goods,
il Raft j£ .ii"
Boot*, Shoes,
1, Hat»» Caps,
Fwnltwe, ac., ti"
*iu r«mt-
nfMif icuaOOVS CHKAPER. N.lh at Who|£
al» ami Retail, (ban can powibiy be bontht at any
oUiw Unn». ttKlTL* k JACKSON
Count 11 Bhiffa, Nov 14th, 1867-u
op and his "sheep," the thieves, murdereni,
gamblers and rowdies of the city and their C. E. HACiOERTY
tne is legion but thc people have succeed-! tTAS OPENED ON rppnit SROADWAT ono
ed in throwing off the incubus which had c. VMET.
lastened uphn tbeir necks like the old man B«kery ConfeCttotttrT
'. T?1 *n1 'i 'he election of Tieman, a "here be win t«pi«u«i torn*
qew and better dav dawns upon New York, i
few Advertisement!
appejr before ihe H.ci,ier »ud' Recelrfr J/ Vu'e
Wilson, and James IVilson, heirs at
law oj George 11. ilson, deceased:
make aj.plicatiun unite January Term tlie Coun-
bei-jusmg to said estate
e iana Dci.aiKing to said estate, or t" M!!'""1
thereof to pay the debts ot
New Advertisement!
mpire Block
C*rmcr Pesurl n '•flu.,,
wilb lb* right burs broken iff u »I1 of Mid prupertj
wai toosbt with my ituaer umrf btbrt nimm
with ntd Stephsa Itanai tnS 1 hmaisd iwciae
intention u» ciaio) 1*- ...
An Note Open for EraminaUt^,
mi r/iwtvn*
ibe same my own imlivlduslprep- VV 7 SAU OF
eriy. 1» Rccurder'T Offlc® of PulUwalttmis Cotmty, St OM UWN)
And all peiMnstra bcrebr farther notiSaS not to *1U
Prlc*®, beiieviiif, Uk*tdoin*.
Milium by
1 price*.
Tour carefnl attention to onr varied stock ot
R»«* AH
la *»!Mt»MWfeiHbS your parctMes.
Corn, Wbeat. Oat*. I'otat^.'mVari.
Land o«l .c in mmn. Iowa. «. Vl» Ml. aiy », mmtnl of account..^ "T
January. 185S, it, prove Br M«M So eater bp pre-emp
liun the Sjuth half of the S»uth-Wet Oaarter ana tbe
North-Hart "f tbe Souih-Weat Quarter, and tlie N rth
Wc*i ot He Sjuth-East QuarterSection No. tbirty
noith "f range
t^ten iu
mmas k aowin.
Council BUCi, Imwm.
Bb *he cNDERsiGxen HAVING utinr
iiit *^ve wn HOTEL, take,
portunity of preoentiug it. claim. totl»etr!5T
eiing community He ha, .ecuretl tw £!*,
attentii e and HELP, and hit IABI r. will al.
IvfQS. mwi ..
sure the
may te
ed to for wk
aseto !r•rmanentirwunuiiame*aotneteaJall
cater to tlie wants ail w^
vav«r wm bennar
td to nuke tbt.. a cvmfurletle h»tne for all who ma*
b(" patron-"ma
Cbvgra mederate and regalaied le aalt tbe tiara.
we"-se-iired MK^STABLji' wUhan atSm^wI
Jer^at all nmcs in waiting. JuSfcPH WHIlCfl
Council bluffs, October 34nM»u
CnmttHmr Lmw, Uanynnf
Otnrrml Lm»*
fsr.vt/i murtm, rmwj.
LM4* in Pottawattamie c».jt
IROt, *ArL8, kr.
V.8' tbeRecor-ts of Pee*..
i •s *a
l. all the u-.„u in.at.1 Cvumy, *«,t c.f Hnrr 4u
ali tlie IwU i» O.iu^il Bmti,, ia tlie pr ™,
therct., sU.,winK Ca^L
1 U,lM
ajid araulM n.1
every deed ma.U ..ince tlie em,y ot tl.o ianl t« Ur!Sl
Offlce, tlie character uf ll.c «,nvi'yauce tlie daleuf
U' rCC°rd'
We liave so arranged theae abtrj-tv »!,jt ,t j,r..
mou.cut u. aacertain *lirttvr tbe ctamof
is o,tuple here a
apparent at a. jt vie*.
title tn any tract of lan.i, or k»t,
link je wanting in tbe rbafn. it
bave been at grc*
fujkiiij ilut work a source ot i
p»-..lerty bol'«er» in tbj« .tv ind**
i ..a tlie recora lii« i*en earcli.]:v
,rHt h,Te
iitents thereof -u-j «, aU,vtfu:
insaaierakle emr. in the ile*a iption. *1 Ui»t and M.
In mjtiy untance, tlie record »U*»two or uu,r» „«-rt.
t. (he ramo ir.tc! wlui.-t, other., ,L® ul
nerrWn 'he
,h*" IN*"E™
sa,d u a e
i« of the ntmort
o n e a n e o o i i i i e
forall tliepartica tonioet andc..rnit Uie errors ty mti
Heine, vexativur au.J t'xpeiiMTe suitt
u 'n wuny Miotoficeft,
l^rsou* wiioba*eao.
tnal aprcc
in ctdiicerj
proper*y will fall into tbe Lwil«
equitable title thereto
We ive, alse, taaJe an arrangement
»iti tk« Recorder
of Deed,, lu-nifh on each m. rninf withalutrt
flieti fur record ihe previous 'iav.
We have pr.- ured fr.m the Lar Offlre a hst of S*
"•"•red in tbe County west of Bang* 40, sbowiat
by wb„m entered, whether with warrauts or
P^id'pe^c?" "f *CrN
lOObblj rocliSeU Wliiiky
so do B.juib. n
SO .1.. old Rye d-i
76 do Men ntfabelatlo
2uo do sur Candies
i# i '2® Sterine do:
Toncing, ia behalf of tho Administration, 100 do caiuiie»$
some views, in reference to the Territories,! JJJJj ^c-ls
tbe part"
We Mhai! krep a list of a Ijnd. an.l Lots «»!4 t.,r
Tai. and ot JudKmenls MotR»*e», Eeeds ,.| Trurf, »u4
of al. other Lien. t.y which the Title to Heal E»t«i» tan
be efleot^j.
Cnaive* for an Cxamtatls* or Title wUl
be Reasonable.
Flmtttmf Mmd JUrmmrkSS»r In
-i k 1 E A
Uiuncil Bluffs, Iowa. Oct 3-n-23-u.
I To James A/. Bruner:
is now on file in tbe offlce ol tie Clerk ot the U..
tiict Court of llarriMi. un-y. Ui the Slate of lo*j.
I the petition of .Margaret Haniell chaiyto* that are
^'irod 111 fee ol ihe SoutL-Ka^t Quarter of Se iicn N
Ki^liu-en 111 T„»n»lmi Scvcniy-ii:iie North, of Kai^r
K ri -viiie WoM, Mtuate iu "aid C-tmiy ot Ilarnvn. in
tni»t r«ir ber the said Margaret, aa»i fbat tuq reftjf-e »ti4
ceeiect tocv«vry TO ber the legal estate ID FAN!
aud prMyiog tue District Court ot said Uarri^-n CUUTITTlatxT.
for a decree to compel you to execute such r- nve.tau'e
an«l that vr.le.«s t«u appear an^
her and /.
IS casfcs DraDdy
10 bhls old Ccsnac
!0 (Jo Holland Gin
10 cks Port Wines
6 do Madeira
75 ba'keu Champagne
SO casei Claret
JS uercei itiee
100 d. 7 Brooma
100 d- 2,3 boop palla
15 do wash lK»rd
100 t'XS Haisiaai
50 half do 'j
200 i*» Herrini
76 bbls Nuts assorted ti
35 do Smoking TobacciK.!
6500 »ack! Flour
500 bush Com Xeal.
Doriarg c.f tbe»foii1
•wrt. he boidt-u at t!-e
Sfasu. iiA in
plead thereto, on or before
day of the nex: term of s.-ij.t i
Court 11,-use. the town
of Haniwn, oa the ft.si Jlon-I
will be entered against r,, and a di«je* and judsatti
rendered Uicrcon. D«iied, .'-c I9ih. ltwl
I Hereby Certify, t*at at tbe .November Term. ISo"
ol the District Court of Ilarrix n Cmr.y. ,i «-.u
orderel t-y !i:: ibat tbe lortc. iaK orittinal uo' ice b«.
pubMfhe.J for f„tir sticccstive in tbe -Xonfertil,'
newnpapcr of general circulation, printed «wtl
published ID Cooncil Bluff* City, Pottawattamie County.
Iowa. Dated, NOT.13tb, 1837.
WM. M. I11LL, Clerk.
of HercbandiM, cousiatincof evvry variety of
Dry Goods
Boots. Shoes,
Hats Si Cape
Clothing, Groceries £c.,
wliieh will be sold very low for Ca«h Call and «saa
ine for yourtelves, at the Sin) of ttie BBK I1IVB.
Roofs! RoofflS
lo tbe ptjl lic. that we arc «:i b*rnl, and j)rpj»ari*t
to iwer buiMina-*
nt tl»e .ihorteit
notkc, with RCaSEJ/S F1KK i'ROOr CEilKM.—
Those !n the emintrT or adri'ining towns, wishing a
cheaper and in«rr Uc^irabie rut-/th4U tni. cau procure
anj information that they may ricvire, by ppl]nof to
W. Babbitt, J.«B. Statsnau, G. A. Eob^oaoli, al this
Call and examine for yvnrcelven.
Shop corner uf Miin Jcffem.n «tre#U, Council
Blnfft, Iowa.
niu HlftCOCSs* F&IXQWS^
X. W. Kynett
el., NOT. II, 1857.
County Judg*.
Sink htle Lowtr Bntlwa},,
AU the New & Standard Books, M«tg&
zine, Periodicals, Cheap Publications.
Groceries & Provisions
M«. Partington says that "if anyone /=,
owauntlr luat jraUB liUR
kc.. ta«eibcr with Cautic*. rriUW,
f'W'HilJIO-.A nifilktiit •task K Ipitmg end
\y S-unmrr CMMrif. tot talc i™ at tbe
One Door We* of Hogg's Block, Upper
Hardware^ 7..,-, v,c
and one of the BKST STOCKS (if
at lhe Old itaml of C. P. SMITH, where wiU
kept cotwtamly on band, alt kind# of
Groceries A. Prorisloiis:
CaamMinf in part ol Tra. 8«e»'. Ooflbe. "J0*.
S(arrh, Maci«»l,Sal»oci, DnadAj^'J
Peaches. M..la»«e«. Vinntar, Floor. Meal. Saraa, UsA
t. v.'
/. t. CA8ADT.
Bail Is.
Dealers in Exobaage.
MiM Wflww
2Q inu.
gQ as* jtfo

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