Newspaper Page Text
Corn Iliiakiug'. No fnrvi crop is bo liable lo be ncglocted as that of corn. It is usual ly put ijsto tlie shock in good season, but the work of husking and cribbing is neglected to be done at any time, and almost, invariably where this neg lect is made, Ioes attends. Corn now in the shock is fully cured, anil in good condition for stor age. During the Indian Summer is a good time tor lmski: g, and the work should be pressed forward until all the grain is cribbed and the stalks properly bound and stacked or shock ed. Avoid husking on very dry days, as the stalks will break up badly and the best of the fodder be lost, besides all farmers dread to handle corn stalks when they are dry as cinders, and they dislike as much to handle them when they are wet and the ground soft, and miry. Days will be found during Full when everybody is in just the right condition, and upon theae days all the forces that can be easily obtained should be applied. Where corn is allowed lo stand in the shock until Winter, the fodder as well as the grain will be more or less injured by wet., as many of the shocks will become twisted, or prostrate, so that water does not find a free course through, and mold takes place. Be sides this, it will be noticed that where shocks have been for a long limy ex posed to the weather, the outeides are blackened, and almost worthless. Now when husking has been done and the fodder n-shocked, that which is bright is exposed and injured also, so that when fed out nearly one half of the stalks are almost worthless It is a slow proi-epss to haul corn into the barn, and do the husking there, as the slaiks get broken and interwoven eo that twice the handling is required that there would otherwise be, but this mode is preferable to let ting the corn remain in the field until mid-win'er. Twisted hay bands or those made of straw, are preferable to twine, bark or wire, as they are less expensive, bind firmer, and go into the manger as feed for slock. If seed corn was not selected before the corn was put into the shocks, it will be ihe next best way to lay aside the best ears when husking, leaving a'few husks upon them so that they may be hung up in a chamber or some suitable place* It is not in ac cordance with the rules of good farm ing to select seed corn from the crib at planting time. We have always found corn fod der to keep ns well when put «p in large shocks as in any other form outside the barn. It is best to put them under cover, of comse, when it can be done conveniently, provided the stalks are well curcd at the butts, and dry when packed away. Where the stalks are stacked well, they keep good, but when feeding is begun, re aioving the top exposes the fodder to all the storms, and unless fed out very rapidly, it will become so mois tened by Iuavy rains and melting snows a3 to be greatly damaged by pouring and molding. Wh re sh ek ing is done bind the tops firmly in at least two places, then the water runs down the^outsidu and the stalks soon dry off. It is a] much* belter .plan lo set a wagon in the field when husking, and when filled going to the crib with it, than to llnow the corn upon the ground to be gathered up after wards, for two reasons: First, one half of the handling is saved, and second, the corn is not exposed to damage by being left out in the lield through a storm, which is veiy com monly done by mis-calculation when not di and cribbed as fast as husk ed.—awn Oh io Farmer. Prospective Prices of Wheat. The Mark-Lane Express estimates that nine million quarters of wheat will probably be wanted before the harvest of 1870, and sees no hope of liberal supplies from Russia, and America is suffering from a very di fi cient crop of maize, which will en hance the value of wheat. All Ger many and Htr g.iry complain oi very inferior weight and quality this seas on. With every part of the world being rettv well cleared out, Cali fornia excepted, the sending of large supplies is therefore encompassed with more diifieult-y '.linn usual. Nathan McGrew, of Ilostraver township, Westmoreland county, Pa., says that he has an apple tree grow ing in front of his door which was planted ill 1767—one hundred and two years ago. It was one of the nineteen which were brought over the mountains on a pack horse in the fall of the year and planted by Daniel Hammond. The ground was known as Hammond's Park, and the deer destroyed all but this one. It is a sound," healthy tree yet, was loaded with apples this year, and appears to have vigor enough to live another centurv. A Maine piper mentions as one of the unpublished incidents and casu alties of the recent great freshets on the Carrbasset, that J. M. Dennis, of New Portland, lost his mill with all its contents, consisting of portable grist mill, engine, lathe, machinists' tools, blacksmiths' tools, carpenters' tools, §7.3 worth of belting, a good ri ding sleigh, &c. from his dwelling house cellar, seventy.five bushels of potatoes, together with barrels, fir kins, pots, jars, &c., the accumulation of many years of housekeeping. The loss is estimated at $2,Out). Down in Franklin Co., Maine, a short time njo, a close lifted farmer died, after devising one doliar to his only son. The old gentleman was duiy I.uned in the venerable church yard, which suff'.-rcd a terrible wash ing away by the flood, and a little while afterward his body was found opposite the son's place,-having been brought down the river a long dis tance. When the tender-hearted son was informed of the fact, he made the touching remark: "Probabiy como back after that dollar A liorsc that is in harness every day needs an abundance of food and the right kind. Oats make more mus cle than corn, and should always form part of the food of a hanl-working horse. Corn gives plumpness and imparts warmth. The colder the weather, the more corn the harder tlie work, the more oats. It is stated that every farm of 160 acres in Eastern Kansas, is underlaid with 1,550,000 tons of coal or nine times more fuel than if the suilace was covered with heavy timber. Sheep have nearly doubled in num bers in the United States since 18G0, increasing Ironi 2 i,000,000 to more tljan 40,000,000 and their wool horn 00,000,000 to 115,000.000 pounds. I?acl-: eg^s little end down with brau an thick between the lay ers. Threriied oats will answer very well in tho wUo* brs:!- JOB PRINTING!!! EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN AND FANCY EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER, AT THE Bulletin POSTERS, Feb. 26th, 18C9. Office! CARDS, BLANKS. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, BALL TICKETS, PROGAMMF& TEEMS REASONABLE, Orders from a Distance Minted CO a 4f .. ONEPRICE Has just received u Spleiu id Assortment ol JJoots & Shoos direct from the in:inufiicturer's, embracing the best quality of Eastern Work and the cheapest Eastern Boots and Shoes—Price according to Quality—which will be sold at a small profit, strictly adhering to my principle of doi- business—One Price and Small Profits for CASH. Custom work made to order. The best of stock used. A large stock of Gents' and Boy^' Buckskin Gauntlets Gloves and Mittens also Wool-Lined Gauntlets, Calfskin and Buckskin faced, of our own manufacture. None genuine unless with Wiley, maker," plainly stamped on inside. Thanl s to the Public for their liberal patronage for the last 13 years. $uccc§§©rs So Stamford Bros., Havftg made large additions to their fctore room, are now receiving A FULL STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE, Bouse Tricipjings, Mechanics' Tools, Glass, CUTLBH.^, €&?o.. In addition to articles formerly kept by Sanford Bros., such as Farming Tools, of All Kinds, Plows, Road Scrapers, Clothes Wringers, STOVES H^JD im WARE, WITH THE BUST STOCK OF SEEDS IN TOWN .AJRE AGENTS FOR. Threshing Machines, Reapers & Mowers, Seed Sowers, Corner of Main and Walnut Streets, AyKXT1RELY XEW *STOCK OF AND CLOTHING OF TIIE TATEoT STYLES. NEW FEATURES FOR TIIE SEASON CALL AND EXAMINE. FARM FOR SALE. An excellent fiirin. l-n"wn «.« tho Reeves Farm, three miles north rust of the Oily of In dependence, lfi'l iiereH ot I'ruirie itii'l KO acre.'-" of Timhor nliout one mile from tlie prairie l:inil. The lariu is well watered iiml is a superior stocl. farm, a good share cultivated and fenced n house and barn, and a good well near thehou.-i with grove, Iruit trees and shrubbery. For par tlculurs enquire on the promises, ol tho widow or of W. H. bur on, Independence, or of (ic W. ltuddiek, Wnverl.y, Hreincr Co., Jowa. GEOKUK W. ltUDDlCK. Executor. Independent, M» eli 29, 1SCJ. 40.h 1856. rJ irl '.* iaum Sulkv Corn Plows, Sulky Eny Rakes, and other Machinery. jB Li A.T in uiai cv tt:.u«f JO KM WILEY. WE WILL FIND OR ASK IVO PAY, WK, Administrator's Notice. NOTICE SECOND OPENING ^'r7r0 i^T°Tin/ For my trade. Books, tho undersigned, wiil find Strayed or Stolen Horses that have Itoen missing for Mune length of time, or ask no recompense. Persons hsiving Ilorses or Cuttle, .strayed ptolcn, will pica or e notify us liy letter and we will attend to it at once. Addre'* K. h. TRIPP CO. Independence, Iown, June 25, 1869. (y2-3m is hereby given to all persons in terestod, that on the 1Mb day of Septem ber, A. P. IMfi'.l, the undersigned was appoint ed by the Circuit Court of liuehanan County, Iowa, Administrator of the Kstate ot he Morgan, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said Kslato will make pay ment to tlie undersigned, and those having claims against the saino will present them le gally authenticated to said Court for allowance. J. C. Js'EIDY, Adm'r. Dated Sept. 15, 1^6'J, 12-In I Look to Your Titles!! W. G. & .T. B. DONNAN, OWNERS OP A Coxxiploto A-lostraot Titles of Lands and Village Lots, BCCIIAKAX COUiVTV IOWA Arc prepared to give prompt and reliable infor mation relating to tho title of uny real proper ty in the County. The Abstract consists of a set of books which show tho Original Entry of each scpratc tract of land, and every subsequent, conveyance of the same, the kind of Deed, whether full War ranty, Special Warranty or Quit Claim, with tiny and all imperfections in description, form or acknowledgment carefully noted also all in cumbrances. including Mortgages,Hoiids.Trust Deeds, Life Leases, Tax-Titles anil 'l ux Sales, ind Judgment Liens. It is surely wisdom on the part of the purchaser,to know what the title his land is bi-fure In }nrrhimrt and thus avoid any trouble ill the future. Several lusiind acrcsof wild land & several Valuable improved Farma For Sale, in different parts of the County. Also a number of Lots and Dwellings in the Town of Inde» pondenoe. DONNAN. Ponnionr, and all kind* of Wnr Clninu, col ceted pntmptlT. Opposite (he t0 th Fl,rme A full au} ply of Johnston Sweepstakes Controllable Self-Bake, The best Self-Raking Reaper for all work. Is light draft, six feet cut. THE EAGLE MOWER Will cut at an angle of forty-five degrees, op or down. A splendid mower fori^^^ very rough land. All of these machines are easily managed by two hordes I have over $13,000 worth of Sulkey Steel Tooth Horse Hay Bakes I haro vory clioap rake. UJ. hi&A' i-^ioxisrcS', The Ch:in]|ion of Iowa ^reili-r, perfect in I lineii o iiml w rk. Vn (irn n Iri If. the Ori^innl Suec|,!aties 'I'hie^liin/, Mnehincp, miuiufiietiiretl liv V. Anliiimn it o., Cuiiton. Ohio, the Stiiinl iril Eii'I'ess Apron Mncli'iie. Tho A n A Tin lor YIHHATOK, a new The A. 1'. I-ieko.' n"d Willi.-mis'celcl ruled FaMiinjr Mills. The fumed Krislin^ AVn^nns. VrovMi 8 Corn Plan ter?. Eureka Cntlins 1!' xes. »Sti-r Coin SheMcrs. Kalamazoo 3-Horfe Clevis. Brcnk inja. Hlulible iiml Shovel IMows. Iron pin Wood l'umps. I hoy my l''imps hy the cur load un I II! lowest figures, therefore enn I'henp. Wheeler'?. Wiml-M ill tor Ptoek Prmp? l.i-litniii lioils ol fruj.eri' Qu:i iiy mid war ranted perfect from damage from Lightning. WASS0SEB zSL Phc to^raplis, Periodicals, Stationery, Baskets, B1 \nk Bocks, Albums, W 11 Paper, Winclov/ -hades, fcp ctaclen, AT THE Post OlTicc, Indrpendencc. I have Sci'nrcd at «»jtOO WorSh of for (lie Season of 18C9. A partial list of articles lor sale nf the Wigwam comprises $12 000 Worth of Marsh Harvesters. Tlie great Machine of the ago. Twu binders tie the grain under canvas. Think of it. Order early if you want on*», a a the supply very limited. 25.000 Worth of the ^Etnas have been Received. I invite spe. i&l attention to the new Gear Wheel Drive for Keel—a new feature. Examine the the a first-class WOOD REVOLVER for those who want -jV '-Zjff Xr-i CHAiiTENGE WALKER AND RIDER COMBINED, AT $47.-5 AND TIIE CASE SULKEYS. Cook's Evaporators, the Best and Most Popular. Over 20,000 in Successful Operation. And Exaaiiae for Yourselves. No (isargc for Siiofliug Goods. I860. 18G9. Toys, Combs, Brashes, Wal ets, Por fo ios, OK PROUU^ED AS ORDERED. We have receiveil direct lrom the publishers the finest B1 n ks, Stereoscopes & Views, Clnomos, Gold Pens. IVcw Publications Constantly Received English Bibles, S. S. Rewards, Toy Books, &c., Ever seen here. They are very beautiful ami cheap. s. PUBL5C NOTICE! TO ALL PEOPLE WM. FEW & CO.'S loc of WAGGONER & CO. THREE DOORS WEST OF THE MONTOUR HOUSE Store IS TIIE PLACE TO BUY YOUR dby goods, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Boots dfc? Slioes, AXD TIIK PL A CI1. WIIKliE CENTLKMKN CAN GET TITT^TTi CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, IN TIIE MOST APPROVED STYLE. BROADCLCTIIS, GASSIMERE8, VESTIN6S, OF TIIE LATEST PATTEKNS. NEW YORK FASHIONS JUST RECEIVED. WIGWAM, Buchanan C.unty that I have doubtless the Heaviest Stock of Implements ever offered this market, and I hope by fair and honorable dealing to retain the patronage of all old customer* and gain that of many new ones. I Warrant all Goods Sold to be as Hepresented in every Instance. JET\1 MOWGES, 1 ...... My Stock of SULKY CORN PLOWS will Reach $7,000 Strong, and are composed *f the s** ii t».i» U' Supvimr, .ui.l iew Li-.iualB, The Hapgood & Young, Do^-Powers. Horse ITay Forks. Weather Strips. S i u C. ui.' Aliil^. Am a^ent for he HARRIS SAFE. Also, the f.,Mowing Fire & l.if I iMirancn fonip*y^: /Ivtnn. of II trftVd, \-set? over $l.nfln.iiiHi Phoe is. Ilarrford, A.-'sot? orrr $1,500,000. N'atioual, Davenport, Capital $2i0,000 nil id up. ThU is the be^t Insurance Co. the State. O »nn*i,ti,,?t Lif'', and Plia*nix Mutual Life. ii.l. AT I II!.' WK.WA# R, S^.I?S.b2?Xj E5i GREAT ARRIVAL! A NEW AND FREPII STOCK OP 33^S.XJC3rS E I N E S JTJSX ARRIVED. Having found their way to the room former ly occu ied by J. P. SAMl'SON as a liook Stere, are sow all ready to be carefully dealt out to cuffmera by a Pliynician and experi enced Druggist. ALSO A FINE STOCK OF A I N S PAIXT BRUSHES. OILS, RAW ii\D COILED. WHITE LEADS, Both PliRE and Strktlj PUKE, VARNISHES, MACIIIXE OILS (SR0SFH*, BENZOLE. The Purest of Liquors, Sl'CU AS Brandy, Gin, W&ifs, Whisky, Alcohol. For Medieinal, Mechanical, Culiuaty, and Saeramental purposes only, een be purchased there. Cuatomer8 will please remember that ours is a fresh sthok of Diugs and Medicines, and when you purchase of up, yon can expect an artiolf that has not been shelf ridden for years. Terms Strictly Cash. TABOR & IRVIN. A Proposition to the Ladles. We propose to show a hetter assortment of Hoop Skirts, Hosiery and Corsets and at cheap er prices thau were ever before offered in Inde pendence, allowi»c the ladies to be the judges. l'ir«l d"or »rc«t of Montour Hou-e. •1TKNKK I MGI.I.ISII, GEOKGE SMALE. JOHN SMAIL. W SMALE BROTHERS, OAPPALL'S BLOCK (2 Doord East ot Montour House, Main Street, Independence, Iowa, Klavo Just received a new and choice supply of Drugs,. Medicines, And rnnnoron.1 artifloj* suoh ns are found in a First Ciadc Drug iSture, which have been Sefcctcd with Great Care, and bought for cash, and will be s )ld as cheap ns any other house will sell thoaaiue quality of (Jnoily for cash, We shall kei'p our stock complete at ul! times, and aim to keep the bedt articles to be found in the market. A full stock of Paints, Oils, Varnislies, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES of all Kinds, MMPS KHMSOE OH, Bc.*t |uality, at .r'0 cciit-* per gallon, alio the re miirkahle The best in the world, no explosion, entire ly safe. WINDOW GLASS, Any ^ize FR03I 7x9 TO 2«x3G. Patent Medicines We are prepared to sell nearly all of the lead ing kinds by the dozen, at manufacturers'pri- TOILET ARTICLES. We huve a lar^c »t of Perfumerr, Soapg, Hair OiKs, Ihv.Aua, Ci.mlfs, ic. The Purest of Liquors, For Medicin:il, Mechanical, Culinary, and Communion only, such an Braiidies, Wiitrs, Gins, Whiskys, Hum and Alcohol. IBiFtTTSHES: Paint, Varnish, White-wash. SituU, Shoo. Ilair, Tooth, Nail, l'em:il. Striping and Lather. O I Zj JS Raw and Boiled I.i:ifccl, Whale, Fish, Lard, Machine, Ne .tst it. i."t"r. Sweet, Sperm. I'AIXTS & COLORS. The be st assortment in town. WMiSTE £L\ID .• Tlie people's fav(»rito hrand, Knili.-b Cro^n, in iron cans, «inl other brands strictly pure. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded with care and di-j atch. +Vo Trouble to Show Goods. Plen^e examine our 0*od.« before pureha^inp fl^ewhcrc. TlianKtu 1 to a pencr^us jiublic for past favor?, wr wiil endeavor to merit a contin uance of your pntronajra. MI 11.K KR01HKRS. May 7, 15(59. LAKE SHORE miimiiik bailvai, VJA Toledo and Cleveland, The Only Lire Running Through Trains between CHSGACO & BUFFALO .ut yv-ii.-fr or HeFelaud, 5.10 III. Train Runs iily. And has Palin'e Sieci.iiig Coaches Attached, Ruuning Through to New York W1TIIOLT Cll WGE. Passenger? for Oetr- it and all point? in C«« ada, and those lor UJti", Pc'tn*yfrri\n% X0. 56 CT,\RK ST., CHICAGO. F. E. MOUSE, ion. West'n Pas^. Agt. Chicago, 111. C. F. HATCH, Gen'I Sup% Cleveland, 0. A. F.Williams. Gro. A.Williams. Williams it Soii, Sueec5."ors tu L. X. WIH.CIl A CO., GROCERIES Cor. Main & Chatham St§., North tddo Main Street, Iiidcpt'iitleiire, Iowa. We h:iTe on hand, and aro Daily lloeeiTing one ol' the Choicest Stock of Groceries, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE Crockery, ft 'assuarc, Woodniwarc, FLOUR, PROVISIONS, Canned ami Dried Fruits, Oy stores, Fisli, tt?o. We ask the eitizens of In dependence and vi cinity to give us a call. We want your trade. Highest Market Price Paid for Produce. WILLIAMS & m* one 18,196$. 51 tf SCHOOL BOOKS OK Waggoner & Co-, Where may be tuuitd Utu ljesl Stock ot and Stationery ,o the ouunty. M. BUSWELL, UNDERTAKER, KKI I'S Mclalir, \Val nt, and Rosewood FINISHED COFFINS &. CASKETS CONSTANT].Y ON HAND Trimmed and K ady for l-f. ominis ni,n:i) at awtimeof DAY OR NllillT. Hearse and arriagrs Furnished WHEN WANTED. Ware-Room & Residence IN iriLror .vi.i»* BLOCK, MAIN" STltllRT. lNDKl'KNDl-XCK U tl F. C. LIGHTE'S & CO. //••'J'JI'W, Making this the Comfirtabic. Expeditious and Only Dire«.-t K.-ute to Erif, Dunkirk, Buffalo, And ail points in Jfetv I"orh and .Vcic England. the 1'riiii-i|i.11 liailwav." of the North- neft and Southwest connect at C'Ai"'with the Fuur Daily Kxpress Trains, leaving Ohicag') at 7:10 A. M., 11:30 A. M., 5.1j P. M. and 9.00 P. M. Elegant Drawing-Room Coaches JFS" On Day Kxcre.s Trains, betn-eon Chicago, Tnle-io an.l Unlfalo. I A N O S #»IUMFHANT. bathfo received First Premium! AT TIIE IOWA AND ILLINOIS STATE FAIRS, In Compel ilion wHh (he B«8t Celebrated .llaaufacturerM* Aff ARDED 20 FIIISTPREMIliMS! TOGETHER WITU THE HI6HESI PREMIDX WORLD'S FAIR, A3TD ExhibUiou of the Industry tf all IVatioBS. NEW YORK i'iaso forte ran NEWTON & CO.'S PIANO FORTES! & H. W, Smith's AJIEKICAN ORGANS! THE MOST PERFECT AND BE) Musical Instrui^r p- IN THE WORLD- THE American Organs $r\c York nx\\ Xac E»yf-nnI, should purchase Tick et? via Luke Shorn ami Mn-hfjua Southtm Rail icay are on sale ut all the principal Railway Ticket Ollices, and at tho Company's Office, Are pronounced hr more than 500 of the BEST 0rganift» Ii\ THE COUNTRY To be Superior to any other REED INSTRUMENT VET PRODUCED. 17 FIRST PREMIUMS H'ERE ATTAKPED TIIE AMEIJU IN 0UGAN8 ALL COMPETITORS Ol'EIt Consisting in part of In the Month October, '65 TtheirAMERICAN IIK ORGAN'S ar* tu «ti«rl» great ful!nrs» and eompUten«H «f tone. :iiul ehisticity of toiu-h. and are fiaMtwl in the highest style of art, in PanusiUd 0»k, WfcU«t,5ofcwood and Jet. w W. KIMBALL, Wtahiagten SU, CkiMga, AGTI A.T THE BAZAAR, Indrpfndfiirf, livii