Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. The negatives taken at Mr. Putney's Pho graph Gallery, during the last two years, ve come into the hnnda of Ensuiinger A I!KC, and will bo reserved a short time sub e«t to orders. Parties interested take notice ...White and Black Grenadine Shawl?, just the tiring for warm weather, at the Now York Store. ...GRATIS.—All Wa'l Paper bought of Wag goner k Co. will be trimmed gratis with Yeo man's Paper Trimmer. ...The Ladies are requested not to forgettbat the best assortment of White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ac., is fo*nd at Turner's. ...A rare chance for persens whowantapood Sewing Machine to purchase one. I am now gelling the Wheeler & Wilson Machines on monthly installments, which brings them with in the reach of every person. J. B. TURNER, Agt. For the Wlieeler & Wilson Machine. Ladies and gentlemen call and see the New Goods just opening at Few's Empire Store. —Beautiful Organdie Muslins, at le/ss than oost, at the New York Store. Gentlemen wishing Garments Made to Order In the latest style, go to Few's Empire Store. A splendid assortment of .Summer Ilats for men, women and children, at lew s Lmpiie Store. —Parasols, the largest stock ever brougl* to Independence, and the lowest prices, at the, Xiw York Store. The best selected and choapest stock of^Cloth ing in the city for men aud boys, at Few's em pire Store. —A few more of those beautiful Dress Goods tor suits, at the New York Store. —Call at Itiddcll's store and see those beau tiful Mcrrimac Prints, only 12j cents per yard. —Kid GlovesTonly $1.25, at Riddell's store. —Good Prints, 10 cents per yard, at Riddell's store. —New style Parasols, at very low priccs, at Riddell's store. —Riddcll is just receiving a large stock of Xew Goode. bought at the late prices, and which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash. Figured Grenadines a few left. Choicc designs. At the New York Store. —Stainless Kid Gloves—positively the best made—for sale by Chcslcy A Morse. The best and choapest Black Alpacas, a the New York Store. Brussels Three ply Ingrain, and all other grades of Carpeting also, Oil Cloihs and Mat ting of all widths, for sale by Chesley 4 Morse. Trimming Satins,all colors, at the New York Store. —Citizens of Independence and surrounding louo'ry, by all means, give A. II. Fon^a a call »nd look for yourselves if he is not doing just M- he tells you on another part of this page, {U&ranteeing satisfaction every time. —A splendid new Stock of Spring Goods, of »very description, just received at Myers'. A large stock of Marseilles Trimming, just received at the New York Store. —A very full bupply ot the latest styles of Otethin". for spring and summer wear, at Myers'. GRATIS.—All Wall Paper bought of Wag goner A Co. will be trimmed gratis with Yeo man's Paper Trimmer. OHKAP STAXDARD BOOKS.—The complete works of Sli ikspo:ire, Milton, Hums, Tenny son, &e., for 50e Waverly Novels, at 25c each and Dickens' at 15 to oOe each, at Wagoner & Co.'s. Call often at Waggoner & Co.*s Iudepen^ »nce Book Store and see those beautiful hromcs a they arrive they don't remain REMEMBER that Waggoner & Co. keep all Uie best near books. They have the best jtcek of miscellaneous books ever offered iu .his city. We mean what we say. A fine stock of Stereoscopes and Views, at Waggoner & Co.'s Independence Book Store. A fine assortment of Photo and Tintype ilbunis, very low, at Waggoner & Go. s. DIARIES for 18(I9, also Blank Books aud Legal Blanks, at Waggoner & Co.'s. Farrrers, do you want to htld your grain ftr hit/her prices? Store it with Newman k Chamberlain. To CoiiKiiiMptivcs, THE Advertiser, having Won 1 (stored to heftithin a few weeks hy a very pimple reme dy, nf/er having suffered set eral years with a severe lung afieetion, aud that dread disease, Consumption—i?5 anxious to makckuown to his fellow-sufferers the mesins of cure. To all who desire it, he will .send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will lind a sure Cure fur Consump tion, Asthma, IJrntiehiUs etc. The object ot the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the nfflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable: and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 22-ly] Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effccts of youthful indiscretion, will, for sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and direcions for making the simple remedy b}' which he was cured.— Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, with per fect confidence, JOHN B. OCiDEN, 22-ly No. 42 Cedar St., New York. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at oucu agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick'- falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied aud decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty scdi .ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tlie hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Frco from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous aud injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely l'or a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts lopg Oil the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL THE BULLETIN. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COMITY. LARGEST CI It VL.jt TiOJT West of Dubuque. CITV AND COUNTY. TIME TABLE.- D. &. S. C. INDEPENDENCE. Going Eait. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17,1869. For sale at this office, a large box Stove and drum, in good order. A very fine lot of Lace Collars can Iw found, at Morse's. MOXEY TO LOAN. First licna on Real Estate required as security. Enquire of 23-tf D. D. HOMIRIDQC. NOTICE.—All persona indebted on the books of N. O. L'AWtoa must call and settle immediately. 2o-3w JAMKS JAMISON. All kinds of Dress and Cloak Trimmings, in Velvets, Fringes, Luces, &c., at Morse's. LECTURE OS WOMA.V SUFFRAGE.—The undersigned will deliver a lecture on Wo man Suffrage, at the Baptist Church, in this city, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 21st, at 7J o'clock. Men and women of all shades of political and religions belief, are requested to be present. J. L. Looxis. Two hundred pairs Kid Gloves from twenty-five cents to one dollar aud a half per pair, nt Morse's. DEPUTY SHERIFF.—J. F. Gates has been appointed by Sheriff Davis as his deputy. The selection is a good one and will give satisfaction. Mr. Gates will make an hon est and efficient officer. It may he as well to say that he also has legs enough to make up anv deficiency in bis principal. The attention of the ladies is called to the fine assortment of Cluuy, Valenciennes, Thread, Guipure and other Laces, to be found at the store of W. H. H. Morse, next to the bridge. Another cf Mr. Rich's interesting letters will be found on the second page this week, in which his impressions of France and her gay capital are given. It is proper to say that these letters were not written with a view of publication, but in the free and easy style of friend to friend. This state ment is made in case that any hypercritical reader should detect any looseoess of com position, or departure from a terete stand ard of style. FURS1 FURS!—A large stock to beclosed out bv the 1st of January. A great chance for bargaius in Furs, at Morse's. AN ,T. F. Hodges is now receiving the largest and tinest Mock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furs, &c., ever brought to this market. Don't fail to drop in and see them. OVERSHOT SEPARATOR.—We saw at the levator of J. F. Lyon, the other day, a machine which for ingenious simplicity and effectiveness takes the palm. It ij a grain cleaner and separator, which furni»hes its own motive power and will clean 500 bush els per day. It is simply two inclined vi brator* screens, at the lower end of which is placed an overshot wheel or drum into the buckets of which the cleaned grain from the chute beneath the screens falls, and thus furnishes the power and motion which drives the whole. All that is necessary to make it run until it wears out, is to supply it with grain at the upper end, and the more fur nished the faster it runs. Its ingenuity is ouly equalled by its simplicity and it is well worthy the inspection of the curious. Lace, Embroidered and Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, in endless variety, at Morse's. SuRrniSES.—Some members of the choir of the i ptist Church were very agreeably surprised last Monday evening at the resi dence of J. F. Lyon, E.*q., by the reception of costly and valuable presents at the hands of the ladies of the congregation. The oc casion was one of much jollity and good feel ing, the host and hostess coming in for a good share of badinage over their evident bewilderment at the invasion of their par lors by a score or more of laughing couples. The presents were of plate and were pre sented by Rev. Mr. Hunter, as follows: To Mrs. J. F. Lyon a silver butter dish and knife to Mrs. J. L. Loomis a silver cake basket, and Mr. Samuel Ripley a silver cake disk Shortly after this ceremony Mrs, Hunter, wife of the pastor, and one of the most enthusiastic of the surprisers, was iu her turn surprised by the present of an ele gant cloak, the gift of Mrs. J. II. Campbell and Mrs. II. K. Plane. And to cap the list of surprises, Mr. Hunter announced that he had been the recipient of a splendid over coat from J. H. Campbell, Esq. Two hundred Corsets for sale at the low est price, at Morse's. PRESS CIIAXOES.—The Cedar Falls Ga zette establishment has passed from the hands of Snyder Bros, into those of L. D. Tracy, formerly of the Grundy County Atlas, and Geo. K. Shaw, recently connected with the press of Minnesota. We part with Sny der Bros, with unfeigned regret. The Ga zette under their management was one of the best papers in this part of the Stale, and every way worthy of the enterprising city in which it is located. We extend to the new proprietors our congratulations up on their having secured so favorable a lo cation, and our best wishes for their abun dant success, cf which there is no room for doubt. The Waverly Republiein hag again changed hands, Butler & Mallahan sell ing to Scott and Fichtborn, The new man agement gives evidence of ability, in dustry and discretion, and will undoubtedly place the Republican in a promiucut posi tion among Iowa newspapers. One hnndred pairs White Blankets of good quality, at very low prices, at Morse's. To TIIE BOYS AND GIRLS.—The young, sters belonging to the BULLETIN'S public will find something especially for them in the letter from '"Aunt Em" in another col umn. Despite her "cap and spectacles'' Aunt Em writes with a freshness, and as thorough an appreciation and sympathy with the "petty woes" of childhood, as if she still danced the rope or swung the care less satchel on her way to school. Children of a larger growth may haply find iu her etter something suggestive of duties unper ormed, and sympathies uncultivated. Let evary parent who reads it resolve that the co:ding holidays shall be a season of unal 1 ed joy aud jollity to those who soon a jugh will enter tipon the cares and per- L-xities of life. CHEMISTS, W acknowledge the receipt of an iuvita i ion and complimentary to a Railroad Ban- 1 ['ietto LOWELL, MASS. FBICS $1.00. be held at Vinton on Tuesday ev- i euing next, in celebration of the coinplete lion of the Burlington, Cedar Rtpids and Minnesota Railway to that poi*t. F«B II1E CHILDREN. A LETT BR FROM AUNT EM. DmtrChildrcn:—I suppose the most of you are surrounded by kind friends, who by every means in their power, strive to make your lives pleasant and happy, and I pre sume too that at Christmas, your stockings are filled to the very brim with the very things you most longed to possess, there fore it would be useless to write to you how sad a day Christmas may be to some peo ple, and you would think me a very disa greeable old auntie to be spoiling your fuu with such gloomy thoughts, so you need not take my letter as addressed to you at all, but to poor little Charlie. His Christmas was spent in thinking what a nice time Tommy was having across the way, and watching him as he whirls off for a ride in the country. Or to little Julia, who with red eyes surveys her broken-nosed, one eyed dolly, thiuking all the time what a mer ry Christmas it would have been bad Santa Claus dropped such a doll into her stocking as he did into the more favored hose of her playmate Mary. Perhaps you are think ing that Charlie's mother was one of th se poor women who sew in garrets, and live on crusts, but you are mistaken, for Char lie's lived in just as elegant a mansion as Tommy over the way but the trouble was that his parents thought Christmas was all "fol-de-rol," and the necessity of buying presents all a delusion, ard as for wasting time to take the little ones out to Aunt Sa rah's, why that's all folly too any other time would do just as well, and so Charlie uiay flatten his nose on the window-pane and wipe his eyes on the skirt of his jacket to his heart's content, if he cannot see things in the same philosophical light that his parents do. R. R. Going 1T«(. Freight T'n 5:40 A. u. 9:00 A. M. Pass. Train, 12:00 noon Freight" 1:45 P.m. 8:30 Pass. 11:45 Freight" 12:55 a.M. I Freight T'n 10:30 A. M. I Pass. Train 12:00 noon Freight 1:25 p. M. 5.26 8:30 Pass. 12:40 A. M. Freight 3:50 And Julia, t. o, winks very fast to keep back the tears as she dandles her ancient dolly, and murmurs, It' Mamma would but couldn't, I wouldn't care." Yes little Julia, there's the rub. If your mamma was a poor woman aud would but could not, you would take up the cross of poverty and bear it bravely for her sake, but when it comes to the case, "MammacouldbutMammadon't," I ain afraid the little folks are apt to forget the sage maxim, Whatever is, is right." Well now little Julia and Charlie, per haps it will comfort you a little to know how my Christinas used to be spei t, for misery love company yon know. When I was a little girl, and didn't wear cap and glasses, uiv elder sister and I used to hear real deal about an old fellow called San ta Claus, and as we were little and didn't know any better, we used to hang up our stockings in a perfect fever of excitement as to the possible chances of the night, but morning always set us into a brown study, trying to think whv it was, that Santa Claus was so liberal with other little folks who were as naughty again as we were, while he would only drop the tiniest paper of candy in ours, or some other trifle which hardly repaid the trouble of turning our stockings wn ng side out to get to. Bye and bye, when we got old enough to understand who the real Santa Claus was, father and mother began to think we were old enough to do away with such nonsense altogether, and from hence, Christmas in stead of being the joyfully commemorated birthday of our best friend, the dear Savior, became for us a sad day of longing, and repining thoughts of what might have been of the Christmas tree which Lucy's folks had, and the ride Maria's father was to give her to aid the digestion of the roast turkey and plum pudding, aud of the beautiful presents Jennie had brought over for our inspection subjects not calculated to raise our spirits, or render the day a particularly merry Christmas." Perhaps you may think it strange, but the older we grew the more we missed the kind remembrance of Santa Claus, and the jollity and good cheer which made this the merriest day of the year to our more favor ed companions. But so it was, and when we were big girls, and wore lon^ dresses, and hair '"done up," our longings for the real "merry Christinas" of song and story were just as strong a3 when our hearts beat under a lafor •. Parents do not realize what a powerful influence for jrood or evil, for joy or sorrow, such a small thing as the observance of the holidays exert. If thev did, they would make these anni versaries green spots iu the memories of their children, which the cares and troubles that maturity brings could never efface. Now little ones shall we laugh or cry over our troubles? Ah! laugh do you say? Well laugh it shall be, and remember if you don't have a tree this Christmas, and all the other good things pertaining thereto, it will not be Aunt Ein's fault. Cloaks and Cloaking* at less than cost of manufacture, at Morse's. Miles J. Randall, of Fairbank, Buchan, an County, a cripple for life, desires inform ation concerning his father. Miles Randall, from whom he parted at Boonsboro, Iowa, II years ago, and has not seen or heard trom him since. He is willing to pay $25 for the desired information. Papers io the Northwest please copy. The largest stock of Staple Goods ever offered in Independence, consisting of Prints, Sheetings, Bleached Cottons, Cotton Flannels, Shirtings, Stripes, Tickings, Den &c., can be found at Morse's, at the very lowest prices. CALLS.—Bro. Smart, of the Waterloo St porier, shed the light of his countenance upon us since our last. We are pleased to observe that the suggestion of his name as a candidate for State Binder is being re ceived with considerable favor by the press of the State. Cole, of the Jesup Recorder, also made us a short but welcome visit the other day. We notice that Cole speaks rather slighting ly of thar kind of connubial happiness tbat finds its expression in rolling the loved one on the floor. But Cole being of tbat forlorn class, (the old bachelors) don't know any thing about happiness anyway. Reform, Cole. GOOD TGMF'.ABS' EN-TCRTI!KVC*V—Tlte A VALUABLE BOOK.—Rev. Jag. Murphy, of Ilazleton, will canvass this township within the next two weeks for the "Devo tional and Practical Family Bible," the most complete and comprehensive edition of the Holy Scriptures ever issued in this country. It contains 1,300 pages,of which 400 are explanatory matter, mhracing a complete Bible Dictionary, Gazetteer and Concordance, Chronological Tables, Maps, Photograph Allium, Family Record, Ac. Asa practical help to the student, the mat ter contained in this edition is invaluable. Its price will be from $7.50 to to 2,00. DOLLAR STORE.—Gilbert & Co.,from Du buque, have opened a large stock of Holi day Goods neat door west of the Post Office, which will be sold on the one dollar plan. This is no lottery or chance scheme of auy kind, but every article in the store is for sale at tbe regular price of one TRANSFER* OF REAL ESTATE IK SUCBABAJ COCSTT. Reported for the Bulletin by John HoUett, Co. Recorder, Notary Publit and Real Estate Agent. FOB taa WEE*EXDIIKI DEC. IS, 1889. Lyman and Savage to Kit Vox POPULI.—Tbe voice of the People is unanimous in praise of one thing at, that is Morse's Indian Rod Piils, and it is well deserved. Tbe best remedy in the world for almost all diseases that afflict the human race. They act directly on the blood, stomach and bowels. Keep your blood pure by an occasional dose of these Pills and you will not be sick. The blood is the life, keep it pure by using the only medicine that will completely cleanse it, Morse's In dian Root Pills. Use the Moise's Pills in all cases of Billiousness, Liver Comlaints, Female Irregularities, Headache. Indiges tion Ac. Sold by all dealers. A COUGH, Cold, or asore Throat, requires immediate attention, and shonld be check ed. If allowed to continue, Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Tbroat-Affectiou or an Incurable Lung disease. MOUSE'S EYPB-TORANT having a direct influence on the parts, give immediate lelief and is warranted to cure Croup and the worstcough and colds. 2f4w. dramatic entei'ainment by the Good Tem plars on next Wednesday and Thursday evenings, promises to afford mnch pleasure and amusement. The plays of "Fifteen Years of a Drunkaid's Life" and "Robeit Emiuet," will afiord the more serious part of the •irogramme. while the roar* tig farces of "Slasher and Crasher" and the '"Stage Struck Yankee" will stand for the fa*. Of course evervbody will go. |pUafr4lie customer making bis own selectiotk' [ILL, MIY»^) 1 9, 1866. cinati, O.—V( PLEASANT lit April DR. C. W. ROIIATK, Cincinati, (.— Dear Sir Last fall my wife had the iiver com plaint so bad that she was unable to sit up but a few minttes at a time. 1 bad a phy sician doctering her for some time, but the medicine he gave her seemed to do her but little or no good. I was adyised to get a bottle of your Bi'ters and let her try them, and see if they would help her. So I thought if one bottle would be good, two would be better, and I got her two bottles, and when she had taken the last bottleful she could do most of her housework. I got one more, which entirely cured her, and she looked the best 1 have seen ber for four years. We recommended them to several of our neigh bors, who have used tbem with great suc cess. Address I.\ UFPKJI DFS(l E MARKET* COBSTnr PRODUCE. DRIF.D FIII'ITS. Wheat 10063.Apples. 17(3)20 Corn "i 40Q40 IllackhorriM, 25(a)28 liarlejr* jr Currants, 20 Beam,'"*' l.SO FIgs, 20 Cheese, county, 15 Prunes, IS Hides, dry flint, 15 Peaches, pared, 35 Hides, green, Peaches, anpareit, 18 I.iiril, 2i ltaiaina, 20@25 Meal, Corn- 160 Tallow, 10 TOBACCOS. GROCERIES. IChew'g,finec't Hoi.50 Codec, Rio, Coffee, Java, (a)40n"k"'K-com- 30aM« Molasses, i 00| BUNDERIES. Molasse*, Sorghum 80.Fish, 8@12) Rice, IMIamsA ftboldori 16to20 Sugar, brown, 14(^)15 Keroaeiw Oily 60 do crushed, 18 Bacon, 20 do pulv'ix'd, 40 do Coffee, 20 Nails, 0 Syrups, l.OOf'ii 1.50 Salt, 3.50 Tea, l.i0(^2.00 Wood, $.500 8,00 VFRLNTHICOP JHABKKT. Corrected weekly by J. 1L Palmer & Co. Wheat, Corn, Oats, Hides, NEW TIME'TABLE.—The new time table which went into operation on Monday last will be found at tire head of onr local col umns. It will be seen that the day passen ger trains meat at this point at precisely 12 o'clock, and that the night train going east isdue here thirty-five minutes earlier tll:45,) and that going west twenty minutes later (12:10) than by the last table* 45fi)S0e Wood, $6 00(3)7 00 45 fajf0c: Lard, Butter, Beans, Potatoes, 40c 32(^*f5e:Flour, $5 00 7Jc Coal, $7 50 25c Salt, $3 50 lA(^18c:D. Hogcr, $9.50@$10.50 20 (a) 27c Lumber, $15(g)$22 DRY CiOODS MARKET* Corrected Weekly hif A. J/yr*, rftnfrr in Dry Good", CiothiHtff uruiihing Goodt, d*e., Jiidepmdtuetf iowttr Brown Sheeting, henry, do light, Blcached Sheeting, Print*, Wamsutta, Prints, Lowell, Prints, AiuosKOttg, Priats, Merriiuac D., Ginghams, Domestic, do Scotch, do Freneb, Do LAiocs, do Denims, Stripes, .. Cktok, Pj*ot Thread, Persons who have become thoroughly chilled from any cause, may have their cir culation at once restored by taking into the stomach a tea-spoonful of Johnson's Ano odyne Liniment mixed iu a little cold, wat er, well sweetened. Every farmer who owns a good stock of horses, cattle and sheep, and intendj to keep through the winter, should get at once a good of Sheridans Cavalry Condition Powders. One dollars worth will save at east a half ton of hay. 140 100 tridgo, It 8 bk 8, Fargo's Add Jaa Boeklej to S Pond, sw ne 7 83 9 RC4B Bolton to II Burlingham, sw ne 31 and «w nw 20 and eh nw 20 87 7 II Burlingham toWmA Jones, sw ne31 sw nw and eh nw 20 87 7 Sheriff Buchanan Co. to Jai Jamison, It 6 bk 9, Winthrop 358.95 0 Marsh to II Barrows, Its 9, 10 and 11 bk 5, Marsh's Add, Jesup W A Joues to II Burlingham, w lots 3 and 4 bk 12, S ft McC's Add 2S00 3500 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. Bodcll's Medicines. 150 F4RMERS AND OWNERS OF HOR SES LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS* 1800 W Myers to W Deming, und. i 40 ft wide off n end and w of the bal ance of It 210, Jesup S Curtis to Curtis, ne no 16 and pt ne nw 8 89 0 Matthews Cornwell to Curtis, nw 5 89 8 Daniel Boyle to Jas Jamison, wh ne 38 89 7 A Cordell to Kimball, 5} acres of sit ne nw 27 88 8 frill IS if to certify, that we have used I)r. R. I W. Kodell's Horse Medicines for several years, and can safely Add our testimony to their merits. We cheerfully rccominemi them to the puhlio as containing more medicinal virtues than any other we have ever used, and can war rant his Condition Powders to be the beit the market affords. 1000 100 2103 1000 T5 E Moore to "Win It Ilall, s 5) acres on w 10J acres sh ne nw 27 88 8 II Kinyon to Emma Kays, lots 326 327, Jesup A Potter to Chas Hoyt, Iti 4 and 5 bk 10, Marsh's Add, Jesup Randall Pease to A Pease, Its 1 and 2 bk 6, S A McC's 2d Add A Pease to Backus, Its 1 and 2 bk 6, S & McC's 2d Add Gideon Dana to Ann E Lyman, lots 7 and 8 bk 13, Close's Add II Bush to Rhino, It 4 bk 7, Fair bank Peter C»rr, Sen to Peter C&rr, Jr sh so 23 87 7 Michael Nohe to S Jenkins, sh se 15 89 7 100 300 Alisma removes and prevents dandruff, which is the rpsult of a languid, unhealthy condition of tbe surface vessels of the scalp —a premonitory symptom of the falling off the hair. A daily application of the Alis ma, with a free use of the brush, will soon free the head from dirt and dandruff. If you don't want to disgust every body with ycur offensive breath enre your Ca tarrh upon which it depends. $500 reward is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Sages Ca tarrh Remedy for a case of Catarrh which he cannot cure. It is sold by druggists. Can get it for Sixty Cents by mail from Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo N. Y. THE SECCRITV INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK.— Assets $1,909,303 the most popular company in the United States, has sent James Kephart Ksq, formerly of Farley to take up his permanent abode among us. Mr. Kephart is a young man of sterling in^ tegrity, and his company worthy of all con fidence. The Security has been doing a large business in Dubuque City and County, for fourteen years, has paid every loss promptly and never contested a claim. No sharp practices resorted to in settlement. Business men will do well to patronize Mr. Kephart, and his noble company [21 3w THE DKS MOISKS BULLETIN offers a Christmas or New Year gift to every boy and girl, under fifteen, who will obtaiu one or more subscribers for the BILLKTIN be fore New Year. The BULLETIN is a large thirty-two col umn newspaper. Is published" every Satur day, and is given to every subscriber at the lowest club rate of $1 a year. Boys and Girls, here is a chance for a Christmas gift. The BULLETIN is the cheap est newspaper in Iowa. It will be easy to get subscribers for it. Address your letters to Orwig & Co., Publishers, Des Moines, Iowa. 23-4w WHEN ADAM delved and Eve span, dis ease was unknown but since that time tbe race has degenerated and at the present time mankind is afflicted with many diseases, yet if people would take a medicine upon the first symtoms of disease which would pass direct to the afflicted parts and restore healthy action thereto, they would greatly prolong their lives. We believe Dr. Judson's Moun tain Herb Pills to be the best and most Universal of Medicines, they should be used in Liver Complaint. Female Irregularities, Billions Disorders, Dispepsia, &c. Use the Mountain Ilerb Pill-, and by a fair trial convince yourself of their efficacy. Sold all dealers. Hesry Swartxel, O Newell, W Tallcy, Samuel Cuskey, McGowen, S Penrsall, II Murkham, lavid (iathrie, Thomas Digg ns, W E.Idic, Duniap, Singer, 1M 1500 500 John Merrill, James Bcdinger, EW Hastings,-Drug'at A Crooks, Curtis Morgan, Neidy, I Hastings, Mart Kuhn, Chas E Kent, This is to certify, that' T, George Rice, of Quasqucton, Iowa, have beea troubled with pain in tbe Breast and Lungs for some time, and oould not get anything to help me until I was induced to try Dr. BodeU's Challenge Lin iment. which entirely cured me with three ap plications. I ean reoommend it to the public as being one of the best medicines for man beast in use. I have known Dr. Bodell for several years, and ean recommend hita as a skillful Veterinary Surgeon. 3000 200 GEORGE RICE. This is to certify that I, Wiu. Manson, of Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa, have had a sore on my leg for some time, and havo tried all the physicians to get cured, but failed until tried Dr. Bodeli's All Healing Ointment, which cured it up sound and well. I think it is the best ointment for man or beast I ever saw. WM. MANSON. This is to certify that I, John Canedy, cf Winthrop, Buchanan County, Iowa, had my feet frozen the winter of 18fiS-69 until they were perfectly black, and by using Dr. Bodeli's All Healing Ointment have eured tbem. I have known it used in a number of cases with suc cess. JOHN CANEDY. I, Edward Mosier, have used Dr. Bodel 's All Healing Ointment, and would not bo with out it at twice its cost. E. MOSIER. We, the undersigned, are personally ac quainted with the above named oitisens of Buchanan Co., Iowa, and they are among th9 best men in the County. JED LAKE. H. CAMPBELL. Asst. Assessor. H, B. OLDER, ex-Co. Treasurer. A. DAVIS, Sheriff. to. L. SMITH. Clerk D. C. EDWARD BREWER, cx-Cl'k D. C. 25-tf] JOHN HOLLETT, Recorder. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons interoeted, that on the ty of No vember, A. D. 1S69, tho underpinned was ap pointed by the Circuit Court of Buchanan Co., I 'wa, Administrator of the Estate of John Stoneman, deceased, late of said County. All persons indebted to said Estate will make pay ment to the undersigned, and those haviug claims against the same wfll present them le gally authenticated to said Court for allowance. SAMUEL BRADEN, Adm'r. Dated November 13, 1S69. 25-4w SHERIFF'S SALE. BYunder virtue of an Execution issued out of, aod tho Seal of (ho District Court o Buchanan County, Iowa, in favor of Johu 11. Palmer, and against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of J. A. Boganlis, I have levied upon the following dc&cribed property, to-wit: The South-west quarter of the South-west quarter of Section Fourteen, Township Eighty seven Range Eight, in Buchanan Co., Iowa. Which property, as above described, I wi I sell at Pubic Auction, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office, in the City of Independence, Iowa, on Saturday, Janunry 15th, 1S70, at 2 P. M., to satisfy said Execution and cost*. JOHN A. DAVIS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Independence, 1 $7.50] Nov. yth, 1869. 25-1 w SHERIFF'S SALE. BVunder virtue of an Executitn issued ontof, and the Seal of the Circuit Court, of Buchanan County, l-.wa, in favor of A. R. Lo«mi*, and against the lands and tenements of Catherine Fanning and John Fanniug, I have levied upon the following described mort gaged property, to-wit: Tbe North-east quarter of the South-wwt quarter of Section Two, Township Eighiy fleven. Range Seven, west of the 5th P« M. Which property, as above described, I will sell at Public Auction, to tho highest bidder, at the Sheriff's Office, in the City of Indepen dence, Iowa, on Saturday, January 15th, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M., to satisfy said Execution and cost3. JOHN A. DAVIS, Sheriff. SherifTs Office, Independence, I $7,501 Dec. 14th, lSf-0. 25-4w SHERIFF S SALE. BYunder v'rtuo of an Execution issued out of, and the Seal of the Circuit Court of Bu chanan County, Iowa, in favor of J. N. Hill, and sgaiiH- »he lands and tenements of John Fanning I have levied upon the following des cribed mo1.** ^vged property, to-wit The E.:t half of the West half of tho South west quarter of Section Two, in Township Ei^hty-scvco North of Range Seven, west, in Buirhaiirn County, Iow:t. Which o»»erty, as above described, I will seH at PF.» Auction, to tho highest bidder, at ihe She JTs Office, in the City ol Independence, Iowa ou Saturday, January 15th, 1^70, at 2 o'clock P. Al. to satisfy said Execution aod CObtS. JOHN A. DAVIS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Independence, $7.50] 14th, 1809. 25-4w SllEKIFF'S SALE. BYunder ORVIS A. MASON. Pickwick, Winona Co., Miaa... virtue of an Execution issued out of, •lid tho Seal of the Circuit Court of Bnchanan County, Iowa, in favor ol Newman, Chatuberlin & Co., and against the lands and tenements of Andrew Lawrence, I havo levied upon the following described mortgaged prop erty, to wit: Lot Five in Block Eight, in the village of Littleton, in Buchanan County, Iowa. Which property, as above described, I will (•ell at Public Auction, to the bight st bidder, at the door ot the Sheriff's office, in the City ot Independence, Iowa, on Saturday, January 15th, 1S70, at 2 o'clock P. M., to satisfy «aid Execution and costs. JOHN A. DAVIS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Independence, $7.60] December 10,1860. 25-4w Sheriff's Sale. Bmid Y virtue of an Kxi'culion issued out of, und-r the Seal of tlic Circuit Court of Huclinnan Cuunly, Iowa, in fiivor of Klizn Kvett, and against the hinds ami tune int nts of Casper J. Reed, I have levied upon the following described mortgaged property, to-wit: The south-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section seventeen, in Township ninety, north of range uiue, west, in Buchan an CoUHty, Iowa. Which property, as alxive described,I will sell nt Public Auction, lo the highest, bidder, at the Sheriff's ottic!, in the City of Indepen dence, lowo, on Sfitui'dny, January l.rth, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M-, to satisfy said Exe cution and costs. JOHN A. DAVIS, Sheriff. MILLINER^ And Ladies' FURNISHING GOODS. MRS. A. BLOOD Is now receiving at her New Store, IN WILCOX' BLOCK, Large Additions to her Stock of Millinery Goods, Comprising tho LATEST ST~5rUE13 And Patterns in BONNETS. IIATS, TRIMMINGS, &€., Which she will take pleasure In showing to those who may favor her with a call. Mrs. Blood would also invite Special Attention to her large stock of SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Iu All Cases* 21-tf Prepare for Winter. TIIK pul.lie is informed that MRS. RICH ARD SWEET, of Waterloo, is prepared to Manufacture and Repair LADIES' MUFFS, GENTS' COLLARS, GLOVES, AC., 40. To All Whom It May Concern. ALL person* indebted to mo are requested to cull and settle at ouce, as my business rtiimres prompt settlement. IS-tf N. BURR. LORlLLARD'S 'EUREKA' Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. —Wherever introduced it Is universally ad mired. -It is pot op in handsome muslin bags, in which orders fur Meerschaum l'ipes are daily packed. LORlLLARD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior being deni cotinized, it canuot injure nerveless constitu tions, or peoplo of sedentary habits, —It is produced from selectiors of the finest stock, and prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic, mild, nnd light in weight—hence it will last much longer than others: nor does it burn or sMng the tongue,or leave a disagreeable after-taste. —Orders tor genuine, elegantly carved Meer schaum Pipes, .silver mounted, and packed in neat leather poeket cases, are placed in the Yacht Club brand daily. LORlLLARD'S CENTURY Chewing Tobacco. —This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. It i^, without doubt, the best chewing tobac co in the country. LORlLLARD'S SNUFFS Have been in general use in the United States over 110 years, and still acknowledged "the best" wherever used. —If your storekeeper does not have these article* for sale, ask him to get them. —They are bold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. —Circulars mailed OP application. P. LORILLAKD St COM 24-12w New York. 00K AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES AND TRIUMPHS OF W.itten by Himself. In One Large Octavo Volume—Nearly S00 Page*—Printed in Eng lish and ftermnn. o'\ Klegant Full Page En gravings. It embrace* Forty Years* Recollec tions of nis I?usy Life, a* a Merchant, Manager, Ranker, Lecturer, aud Showman. No book puhli.^liert 50 ncccpr tiile to all cia.«.«e?. Kwry one wantft it. Agent* average from 00 to 100 subscribers week. We offer extra terms, and pay freight West. Illutrated Catalogue and Terms to Agents sent free. J. li. Bl'lUl & CO., Publishers, 21 -Sw] Hartford. Conn. CD DRESS TRIMMINGS, SHEETINGS, 6 Sf If ($ TO THE WORKING CLASS.—M'e are now prepared to itirnUh all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from o0c to $5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Roys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who sec this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled ofler: To those not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sam ple. which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People'* Literary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers pub lished—ail sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO., Augusta, Maine. 21-13w Great Distribution lly tbe metropolitan Gilt Co. CASH GIFTS AMOUNTING TO $500,000. Ejerr Tickvt Draws Plilf. 5 Gash Gifts, each $20,000 10 10,000 20 .%000 40 1.000 200 300 oO Elegant Rosewood Plaftoi, eaeh $300 io 75 Mclodeons, 75 to mu !!f0 Sewing Machines, each 00 to 175 500 Gohl Washes, 75 to 300 Cash Prize*, Silverware, Ac., valued $1,000,000 A'chnnco to draw any of tho above Prizes for 1!5 c'nts. Tickets deforcing Prizes are nenled in Knvelnpesi nnd well mixed. On re ceipt of 25c a Seated Ticket is drawn, without choice, and sent hy mail to any address. The piizc named upon it will he delivcrod to the ticket holder on payment of Our l)dlar. Prizes ore immediately sent to any addrct$*by express or return mail. You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Any Prize exchanged /or another of the tame vahir. No Hlanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. RKKEitENcrs.—We select ihe following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes, and kindly permitted us to ptfWfrklhein: An drew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,000 Mtes Clara S. Walker. Baltimore, Piano, $S00 James M. Mathews, Detroit. $5,000 John T. Andrews, Savannah, $5,000 Miss A^nes Siuimons, Charleston, Piano, $000. We publish no names without permission. OPINIONS OK THE PRESS.—"The firm is relia ble, and deserve their success."—Weekly Tri bune, May 8. "We know them to be a f»ir dealing firm."—N* V. Iferutd, May 2S. #A friend of ours drew a $500 prize, which was promptly received."—Daily Xrw*t June 8. Send for Circular. Liberal inducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kvery pack age of Sealed Envelopes contains ONK CASH' GIFT. Six Tickets for $1 l.'i for $2 3.Y for $5:110 for $!5. All letters should be address- L° Sheriff's Office, I ndependence, 1 $7.50] Dec. 13, 1869 25-4 ir CHAPPED HANDS AND FACE, SOKE LIPS. AC., cured at once by tho use of liegeman's Camphor Icc with (ilyrcrinc, keeps tho hands soft in the coldest weather. See that yiu get the genuine. Sold by lrn gists. Pricc, 25 ccnU per box sent by mail for 30 cents. 11EQEMAN A CO.. New York. 24-4w P. O- Box 222S. I was oared of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will send the rercipt free. MltS. M. C. LEG U ET T, SMrw Hobokan, N. J. irtvyp in —now made in 10 hours without VIllLlfAn. drags. For Circulars, address L. SAGE Vinegar Works, Cromwell, Catia. S4-8w 12} (3)17 10(g) 15 fioo A MOUTH SAt.AUY PA ID for Agents, male nn«l female business prrmanitHt. Enolose stamp. Van Allen & Co., 171 Broadwaj, Y. 2Mw 10 T2J 12 12! 15(a25 »2b(r$M 40^50 15(rt)20 40 l.- (*,:', IAM35 18(3)40 AGENTS WASTED.- *ost invtfptlffn out —tho Mew Self-adjusting Guides, for cutting perfcet fitting Pants, Roundabouts, and Ladies' Dresses. Jndispensible in every household. Address RAMKtiY SUOXT, Pittsburgh, Pa. 24 -4w Sets IIAKI'F.R, WII,SOJF Sc CO., 21 12w] 11)3 Brondwwy, New York* A. F. & A. IW. Regular Ciiiimunication« Independence I, oil CO, No. 87, n the first Wedtieadu/ in or before full moon, in each month. C. M. DURHAM, W. M. D- L. SMITH, Pce'y. Regular Convocations of Aholiab Chapter, No. 2f, on the first Thursday, on or after fal moon, in each month. W. \V. EST A BROOK, H. P. 4 OBORSR WAR»K. Sce'y. NOTICES. WHEREAS my wire, Eliiabcth Hujt, has left my hod and board without my con oonsent. No* this U to notify nil persons not to trust her on my accouut. as I will pry no debts of her contracting after this date, d, EDWARD RUST. Pccembor 1st, 18«9. 2.1.3* NEW STAGE LINE! INDEPENDENCE & VINTON Trunning IIK undersigned desire to iafora the trav eling public, that tliey have commenced the of a Tri-Weckly Line of Ma?M between Independence «nd Vinton Ha Bran don. Comfortable t\*«-hirsc llitck* will lcav* Independence on Tue*do,ys, Thursdays and Saturdays at o'clock 1*. M., mid returning1 inavo Vinton on Mondays, Wednesdays and FLANNELS of all colors, FAI'EK CUFFS & COLLARS, figVELTT I!uv the Xovelty Wringer, or at least take it on triril with i",y or .ihcrs, and keep the BEST. Fur Sate. Knryirh're. N. 11. lMlKl.t'S Si CO., Gen. Ag'ts, 17 Cortlaudt St., N. Y. lS-2m N. BUBS, Dealer in all kinds of AG1K11LTHAL igpnt Celebrated Dodge and Kirby REAPERS & MOWERS Beaver Dam SEEDER and CULTIVATOR, The Great American Sifter Tke nost practical FANNING MILL in l'*c Call at the Old Stand on Chat ham Sreet., before purchas ing elsewhere. FOR A fiOOD ASSORTMENT OF 11,11111 HIllll IMPLEMENTS, GO TO J. O. M'GOWEN, BOWLEY & ORCUTT'S S O E Is Ibe Guide to Ilic Citizens of Bnchanan Coiinty WE DAVE NOW IN STORE THE LARGEST STOCK EVER IMPORTED IN THE WEST! IN DRY GOODS We have all the Novelties. Drfss Goods, Silks, Frish P«p!hs«, Parr.ales, !Iaspn fe!qufi# Grenadines in fron Frame and all olh?r qualifies in Blirk nnd \Y!iis. A beautiful line of Lawns and French Organdies, A nice lino of Mourning Goods for Geiis and Laditfi Al! grades cf Paisley and other Shaw's, and Lace Points. In Clotliing: W« have a very Large Stock—from tin* Finest down to tlic Lowest Gnules—At Prices that Defy all €3itnpstitioft. tf} B0&7S MQ SHOES Our Stock is now complete with tlie Host Work, in IVg^er] ami Sewed. HATS AND CAPS in Every Style. We have lately added a nice line of GROCERIES which we are selling Very Cheap. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is carried on bjr one of the best Cutters that eould be in tlie country, with as trim a UM CLOTH®, DOESKINS, IJROADCLuTIIS. CASSIMERE.S, fcc as you ever saw. WEDDING SUITS GOT UP OX SHORT NOTICE. We Warrant All our Work or No Sale. Casb. Paid fOr Butter I CASH! CASH!! CA: To All Whom it May Concern! KNOW YE, THAT Is Selling Goods on a Strictly CASH Basis Consequently he can sell Goods from TEN to TWENTY per cent, less than those who sell on Cietftt. Therefore he asks all who pay Cash on delivery of Goods to call and Examime hia Slock, and get bis prices fi keeps a General Stock, consisting of the At Chicago Wholesale Prices, Freight added. DOVOT FORGET THE PLACE, Latest Styles of Dress Goods, BUTTONS, PRINTS, BLEACHED MUSLINS, WHITE GOODS of all kinds. GLOVES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANS, HATS & CAPS, LADIES' SHOES & GAITERS, HOOP SKIRTS & BALMORAL SKIRTS, A Beautiful Assortment of FANCY CAPS. lOTTOMDES, all grades and prices* A SPLENDID STOCK OF Ready-Mad© clottLins:. A YJ:RY CHOICE STOCK OF TT-A.JSTCY GROCERIES, BIBDEMj'S store. Be sure and Call before purchasing elsewhere, and get my prices. Remember the place up street, Nearlg Opposite the Post Office. CHICAGO, IMPLEMENTS Threshing Machines, Reapers, Mowers, 500 100 Wagons, Seeds, etc. J. P. RT. BIT It It. Indcf»»dmo«, Oet. J», 186?. iS-tf Wiullirop To All Whom It May Concern* Ihnvo rented the Store next west of the l'i?t Officc for a Shop, where I propose keeping u live worktmin always ready for nil kinds ot Ituilding or Siua.Il JuMiing. 1 wil! .aUo en deavor to keep up with the demand for Terry's I'nrivalled Farmers and others contemplating building early next season, will do well to give us a call. D. S. l'AUK. Independence, Nov. 24, '09. 22-3in Dress Making. THE undersigned ate now prepared to do first class 1'ress Making, Shirt Making, l'lnin Sewing and Machine Stitching. One Door Eul of the Old Presbyterian .3*1 w mien LUCK. KITTKEDGE'S ICE-ckeam Washing Machines, (which please call and examine alto tho la test nnd beit Weather-strip, for making Doort wind and weather proof. I nl-'o keep an assortment of Mouldings for builders, nnd will furnish extra sizes of Sash Doors and lilind«. All work warranted to give satisfaction. A sliaro of patronage solicited. Wilcox' New Block. ALL THE LATEST PAPERS, Popular Mngazinea and Periodicals,' may be found at our counter. A lull Stock ol TOYS, CONFECTION IRY, GREEK AND DKIE1) Flll ilS, Cutlery and Stationer). Please Give us aL'all. J-II NEW MUSIC A Waggoner & Co's. [«W IFt. IFLiddoll- FINE WATCilES AX» TIME GILES BRO. NEC. & CO., ILLIIs OIS, Offer the largest and most carefully selected assortment of Amer ican and Swiss Watches, French Clocks, Silver Ware, and Jewel ry for Wedding and Holiday Presents, to be foun tiio West. Manufacturing ourselves, and through our New York and Geneva Ileuses, wo have the advantage of ottering the newest patterns and at the lowest prices of any house in the trad ?. It will be for the advantage of those about purchasing, to compare our priccs with other manufacturers in Chicago and New York. GILES BRO. & CO., Agents for Roger Smith & Co.'s unrivaled Plated Ware. (24-6® CHEAT PREPARATIONS MAKING AT THE BAZAAR. FOR THE HOLIDA1' r$i' C. I HEllfL •A.TT CTION R6oMS Commission —ANT— NEWS DEPOT, Store Wilcox' New B'ock SALES EVERY SATl'RiU 4-tr JOSLIE", The Insurance RBPKBSENTS TBB V£»V bk-. Insurance Companies CAM. I t'0.\ itl-M FOR RELIABLE INDEMNITY.