Newspaper Page Text
I SKttttMg Uorifj Jfotet (Times, Published every Wednesday Morning, yt M'GItEGOR, Clayton Oountv. Iowa. A. P. RICHARDSON, Editor awl Pro) rirtor. TKB.M8 OF sriisuiui'iMo:*. One oop.v, for one year, ?-2,00 in advance. Six months, 1,25 Tii in: i: ,75 Thrrb dollar will bo charged if payment le delayed till the close of the volume, orthe rate of 25 ccnts for oTi-ry quarter. Clhbs of fi can sccuro tlie Time* to one addrew for $10. 13 20. 2') 3it. Tin* inoiipy must nccomjiany »n order at club rat«j. No paper discontinued until nrrearagui arc paid, naloM at the option of tie- puMMicr. •AHY till TISl 11ATJB8. [Din* line.4 Nonpareil, or lo..«, make a fquafe.] lw. 3W Bit. 8W. 3M. CM. 12m 1 fcquaro, tfdo $2 06 S2 L«adfd noticoe uid adTertisoments In double eol amm, •0 per cent extra. l«'t*l ailriTfi'ontents lit leral retei. Keatlia vc-onled i ki k—obituaries at Bu.ilno*s :it one dollar per lino. Jo» Phintihu uoatly executed ftir pat—Blanks al ways on hand. u s i n e s s i n a JVI'G 11 KG01 IOWA. LEE & KINNAIRD, BANKE R8, and lararauco Agents Main Street. McGregor, St. Peters & Missouri River R. R. COMPANY. Jm«. T«om-sux.PrM't. J. Baoww SEE'Y. NORTH WESTERN R. R. CO. OIBce at Docorah. Iowa. O. C. Laa. President. I W. F. Kimiall. TuaM. H. K. AvaaiLL Sec'jr. £. E. Coolit Att'/. V. Baldwin Ctiief&n. DR. G. W. P. HARDING, Phyrfeian 4t Surgeon Otflco Main Street. A K I N Phydelan nnd Surgeon McGrcgor Iowa. nltf WILLIAMS & lIAliVEY, Wholesale and Hot ail Hardware Merchants, aljr HAYT & BU11DICK, Sealers in Luuibur. SIllusion and Lath. Main Strait* MILLER & BASS, Wholeialo and Rctnil dealers in Stovej. and Manufae turnri of Tin. Co per aud .Sheet Iron ware. MERRILL & BARRON, (SueceisuM to Joueii J!a.i Dealenlu Dry Goods lioots hho, DR. S. KIN JR^ Physician i Sur^anu, Will be found at tho Drug Store of J. S. King Jr. ii Co. excupt when sbfvut ro'Vviuually. Having prac'.ieed vwelve years a.nonic e tein ila vate« he XecU iuui-elf prepared to aueud lo ail ca. c^ day audiiifht. iipeeial attention giTeu to (lUear-e* of the Luugs. 10 Oai D. BAUGII, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Merchandire, ligw Tamiture Ac. HOMER E. NEWELL, Is now in fult blast. The Good's that he daily displays consist* of a full Stock of Booh* £tHtii.nery, Wall Pa per. Wrapping Paper. I'ard.! Cird Board and n fact erery thing appertaining to the trad.-. Merchants in the interior call and examine his clock. 41 EAGLEITOTEL" By J. Vordnej Opposite the Califjrnia Hold. ALLEN & SOUTHMAYD, WW«»!« and Ketail Dealers in Groceries—Foreign and jDomefctic Liquors kept constantly on hand for the Trade. 'Near tho Public ttpuare, 7tf AMERICAN 110 U4SS, By W. IT. UAk din j. Maiu Street. ltf WESTERN HOUSE, By Jclivs BoETTrnsa Main street. nltf UPJJER HOUSE, By J., Main street. nltf HOMER KENNEDY, Staler in Luml.yr, fhintflc.s and Lath Leveo, ur JACOB KRAMER, Cabinbt Maxir. Mala stroet Mcoregor lowa. A. P. 5uT$3 00j$3 »7TsT2 5 Sfiuire*/ I 1 50 3 0) 3 00 S 0qT| "7 lo ~i(J S|u 'r«s, 00 ~4 00 6~U0 Ou la 20 4 Square*, 2 5i 5 u) 00 OOj Hi 25 Square*, 3~W j" 0 00 ~7 00 "S'oO^ T^ 18 28 B^quiiro^ "350 7 00 I S 00 1 ifTjO* i 5 "^0 30 Yearly advertisers by the half column or column, Will be allowed o deduction. Buuii0!u uoticei in editorial column®, ten cent* per Une, and Leather Bats Cape Ready-made Clothing House furnishinK Goods Hardware (irorories and Quoeu'e Ware, at the old •taud laiu Street. ISAAC HARRISON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sash Doors and Minds. SCOTT & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocari aiH Deuluii in C'loJiinx Staple aud 7aacy luy Goods. Al o I'i-oS.ivry and Hardware.— (^.froduce bought and Sold. G. II. FLANDERS, Sealer in Gro^criot. 1'roriMons and General Merehan 4ie. New framu Bloalc, ltf J. T. STONEMAN, Attoruey and l'ounelor at Law an 1 Ke^l K'tatc Ajcnt. Ta m* paid for i.o.i-roNotes und Accouute col .lasted. OUIce orcr FlanUerV More. ORLANDO MCCRANEY. Oenrrel tend Real E'tato A^ent McGregor Ii ws. Will at to the puroha o Mid r&le oi Heil Hs :i'.e in any portion or NoiiMwetteri: Iowa. Locale L:tnd U'arrani^ «tiitr Land l.ivo-t moiuy oil gooJ sccariiv .a^ Taxe laTeshgatr li.lei He.. WALTER & BROTHER. iToo'e Si^n and Carr!a^e Pa'nterr. Will do Painting, drawing (tlaaia^ to order ii: tLi be ntyle. RODNEY I1URLBUT, Att«rn^ st Law, Notary Public and JmUee of the i*»ace. R. S. WOOD, Watch JIaV er and J»'we!r respectfully ic&rmsthe dU sens of UcGregor a:id ri'^nity ti:al he .= cariyiugou tho alor« hn in.-s, one door en-t of Mjl'er Jc A!i kiadt of Watche.i €io~:v aad Jvweiry neatly eleaaed aud repaired. Ali work warranted. 3ltf CHAS.TL. SHAW, Wholesale Dealer iu Groceries. Wiriej LlqUon, PtlliJ & Say's celebratud star Brand U iu kv. J. Q. 'AL«I i|Hk 4/ti MASONIC. Beier Lod e of froo aud Accepted .Masons will meet on the third lloiii^y pro-?diug the full Moon in each ui^nth. G. g. C. SCOTT. 51c(ire?'»r. Fel. 19. '57. Six'/. HOFFMAN BENTON & CO, (Sttccestora to En xns Af Conkey.) Wholesale Dealers iu Groceries, Drugs, Paints.Oils Glass Liquors, 'i {ar.s &.n. B. ii. uoiTman, Luvii Bjsstoa, jr., J. V. D. Ubmtoh. SHERMAN Se WILSON, Wholesale and Ket&ii dealers in Qrooeriei. Prorisioni, Boot* aud Shoei &c. Maim Sr. HcOrbuoh. i u u e PEOSTA HOUSII, (LATK CITY H'»TEL) Cfcrvwr Main and Uh Streets, Iowa. Be F- WlVCHKSTKR, G. O. NOREU, Ii*Us of We tern Hotel. N. Y., I'roj.rietor^. This IFoum* lia^ been re-fUtotf and re-furuished thr«iUj?Ti out ami otTcr-* aceoiniaodntiriaH not KurjiaifeU !»y any Motitl i:i the rt'e-t. »nivt) aud dypar' »laily lor all j.arrs of the cuuutry. Otf HOLMES A AVERY, Wlwl#'alo Qrucon and Commission Merchants, and Sealers iu W iuei. Li'iuor.s Porter and A (a. Corner of Iowa and Fourth streets Dubu jue Iown, 7tf BAltR & CO., Sealers iu Dry Good3 Carjietj. Oil Cloths. Window shadoa. mats, ru^s. See. So lui Main street. 3 GEO. L. CHASE. {Formerly Styles »$• Chase,) Manufacturer and huli^ale deuler iu lioots Alices and Hub tiers So. 23. Main street oppo-ite the JuUen liou-e GILBERT & BUCHANAN, wholesale au Itctail Dealers in Boots Shoei. 10W, Alain Street. THE RICHAltDSON, EDITOR. i s i a i e o i i s v J. WHITNEY JR. M. D., Physician & Fuiyeon. (Office in Stuncr's BulUling near K. K. Depot Mnln street. i'rnirie du Cliiiu Wiconxin. J. II. & W. GRANNIS, Dealers hi Dry Goods Groceries Ke »dv-M:ule Clothing Hardware Queen's Ware Tin Ware Stone Ware Drags and atedicincft Oils. Pnintp. Putty. Varnish. 4tc. Main utreot strawberry Point Iowa. ltf r. TSABOCT. J, OLSBH. TEABOUT & OLSEN. Sealers In Dry Goods Clothing. Hats Caps Boots and Shoes Hardware Groceries &c.. &c. All kind* of Produce bought and i?old. "4^, FraukTille. Winn.t Hlii»k Co. lowa. 8tf J. W. VANORMAN, Attorney at Law and Ileal Kstate Airent Osajre Iowa. Land Warrants located: T.ixe-i of non-residents at tended to and collection* made with dispatch. ttiT Meier to Stacy Jc Thomas. Chicago. 111. "t# NOBLE, ODELL DRUMMOND, Attorneys at Lain, Will practice in the Supreme and District Courts of the Stutc. Kbubim Noblb I McGregor. Clayton Co., Wii.lis Dhcnhond. Iowa. Kluaii Odell Guttenberg. Clayton Co.. Iowa. II. V. MARTIN, M. 1). Y S I I A N & S U U E O K Office on M&in stre«t, west of the Monona Hotel. Monona, stay 52.0, 'j7. n.34tf S. HUXTtNGTON. Manufacturer of Writing Fluid and Whole sale and Retail Dealer in Books and Stationery. Windsor layton Co., Iowa. May 29. 24tf ZEIGLRR i: McGLATlIERTY. A O N E Y S A A W West Union, Iowa Will buy and sell lands, pay taxes, make col lections, Ac.., etc., u'14 6m. AMERICAN HOUSE- Front Street, (N'ear the Ferry Landing,) Got tenberg. Iowa, llaggnge taken to and from the L'oatsFreeof ar^e. nnitf E. G. ROLF, Proprietor. AMERICAN- Dealer? in vr- Minnesota. Rochester, Btaic»s leave this House Daily for all parts of the Territory. A Livery attached. C. C. COLE, Proprietor. MO NO N A. J. M. RILEY. Manuftrtorer and Dealer in buck Skin "11 ore Vltiand L&<htis. .\'crcl:ants and Pedlerii supplied at wholesale, lli^hcnt price paid fcr Dur .'kin '.—M iiuna Iowa, aly EVANS & EGBERT, l^n and Domestic Dry Goiids Groceries, I'a l*ar« Xnil.s (.'rockery. Stoves Iron Glass. Queens Ware furniture Sa:h, and Karmius Vton.-ils. DEAN, FRENCH & EMERY, Dealers in I ry Goods tiroceres liurdwate Vails Crock ery Stueware Stovej and iianuf.'. -ti:rcr.- of Sl.ect Iron uud Xiu Ware. (Po-t OUlcu Buildlni R. R. FOSTER, Physician & Surgeon Office at lii.s renidence on Main •Street wast of the Vonona Hotel. T. 11. BARNES, f'hyriclan /c Puivcon Monona Iowa. Dr. Barnes will be found at his reJdcnce unless absent ou prof^rlonal IjUMllClS. ltf CLAYTON LODGE No. 70. OF A. F. & A. M. Monona. Clayton County. Iowa, ip-'.-ctn ou irldav precusling the full inoouiu each uionih. ha. A. I eaw W. i J. T. H. Scott S. W. H. 1mb iv J. W. B.H.OLi*Tip,Treas Wm.II.Thump SON Sei'y. EGBERT HOTEL, By Atwood Fackrlder. This well known I loose has been put In complete order by the )re»ent Proprietor and Truveltrs uav rely upon being well treated at rea*ou aMe charge!. Walker's ttage Lines chauge at this Jlyaicd.iy. PRAIRIE DU CMEX. MONDELL HOUSE. By E. W. Mondell Corner Bluff and MinnesotaStMatB. l'rairie du Cluen. i-. NORTHWESTERN HOUS8,' By It. Otto Ncinhardt's Block Curch Street Prairie du CUieu Win. JOHNSON & BULLOCK, Attomios and Coun.eiors at Law. Offioe on Chnrah Street opposite tne Post Offlee. Prairie da Cliieu. V .V 0 JC Fair an! Tlnrkft. THE suliscriber takes this occasion to ex press his obligations to the people of Clayton Coi n'y l* the generous patronage extended to him thus far in his effort to establish a I'airand .Ma ket at Gutenberg. The sales will be con tinued on the first Monday of each month, wh 'ii all those who wish to sell or buy Horses, Cat le, fchcop aud Hogs are requested to at tend. He would aleo tender his services to the peo ple of the ounty ss an Auctioneer. His terms are \erv reasonable arid he will always endeaTor to render satisfaction to his employers. DMachines, No. JOHN 1IOEY, Wholesale Groeer and Dealer in Imported Brand WktmmUOmm 9ee*ilti»«Haietiigtrnee. E A K S i a e s i i o n s o e s i n lieapers, Grain Prills, Fanuing Mills, Co'n-Shellers, Straw-Cutters, lloise Rakes, Plows, Cultivators, Portablv Saw and (•'rist Mills 1 astern Lumber, and Oemocratic Waggons, Open, and Top liuggics, aud Agri cultural Implements generally. Warehouse, upper end ot Maiii Street, McGitKuoR, .... IOWA. IT/" Particular attention given to Consign ments. KOUERT GRANT, |OUN K. PICK. 1 DANIEL E."MEYER. July 3d, 1857. n38-6m. B. «. a:tAc£a. o. m'cxaxet. K. NOBLE. J. LINTON. S A N E & O BANKERS AND LAND AGENTS. McUJiEUOR, IOWA. Collections made and remittod, Exchange bought and ^old on all tho principal Cities of the I*. S. Interest allowed on Special Deposits, Loans negotiated on good securitv, money in vested for non-residents, «fcc. Also, will attend to the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, pay taxes, investigate titles, and do all business con nected with a Land Agency business. OJJicc up Stairs in Eoans'lXeu) Brick Building. M'arcgor, Iowa, May 29, '57. n34tf OMI.M.YT A' PMICK, i a n e Attorney at L:iw, lleitl Estate and Gen eral Commercial A^eut, McGkeuob, Iowa. Will attend to the purchase nbd sale of Real Estate—examination of titles, payment of Taxes,«(c. Will undertake th« collection of delds und guarantee prompt return. Has for sale several valuable tracts of Land. Town Lots and Mill Properties, in Iowa and iscousin, which offer strong inducement^ to speculators or iLo»c seeking fkil'uandpenuiuieut iuveetuicuts. Office over Collin db Slarks' Store.) McGregor, Iowa, Sept. 1, '57. n483in Chicago Distillery aud Rectifyiug Hoii3e. W. T. SHU. KLDT & CO., Agents, 1!M anil li)r South Water Strati. Dl^riLLKK ami niauuUieturtrj of Pure £ptaits Alooliol Oiii.i K.etiJnd Wlu-l.ey Old live Uour boii :eid Mouoiuahehi liiskey Auiericnu 'lirandies and G.n Port Wine t'heriy and all domestic La).tors. Al-o. Ilyli Wines at ui::ri et rates. As we .-ell to none but the trade tji^' attention of dealer* called to our article ,. Orders promptly liii ed and ood -iiipped at the lowo-t prieus. W T. SHUFi-Liii' 4t CO. lb I i. 9t foutli Watcrct. fort 04«f Box, 4vU. wi"1, "L"i1 WAVEKLY HOUSE. GEO. UPRIGHT, PROPRIETOR, IVCTJREGOR IOWA The j)io]irietor 1ms leaded and fitted up the building, recently known as the ••California House,"airl lie respectfully solicits a sha:e of puldic patronage. His experience in the busi ness eastward, enables hini to flatter himself that he can render satisfaction to those who may make the Wnn-rly iheir temporary home. An entire absence of Alcoliolic drinks, strict at tention to the Tabi.e and Redi ino, and a per sonal "devotion to the comfort of guests are the princij les upon which success is expected. The Waverly is situated near the business of McGregor, but five minutes walk from the Steam Boat Landing. Hnggage will be har.dhd free. Boarders accommodated by tho day or week. Good stabling convenient to tho premises. GRO.U i»nia!iT, McGregor, June 26, '57- l-37-6m AUCTION. NM. U E has established at M'Gregor,an Auction Room, for the sale of Merchandise. Household Goods. Real Estiite and all kinds of Property measureable with money. He is experienced in the business and by strict attention to the orders of those entrusting them with business they hope to be advantageous to buyers and sellers." Con sitri ments made to this firm will tc attended to strictly to th' letters ot instruction, and iro cecds piomptly remitted. Merchanis wishing either to buy or sell owners or purchasers of Heal Estate" will find this Auction and Commission House a conve nient institution and worthy lhcjrpatrona"e. References of the hiohestcharactcr srivcu on application ly M-til or otherwise. u37tf MM. M'. tlfeVIosknji WFTOT.KSAI.I: GROCER, FORWARDING TFE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. New Railroad Depot & 32 Lbvxb. Gai.ena t?" Liberal Advances made on Consigments Mark Packages, "H. F. MCCloskey,"Galena. n2 »tf Or eat Sale of Clothing. Merrill & Barron's a S a e o e a y -M a e o i n Will comnunec June 2Jth. Tl e ob ect of this Sale is to close out our entire Stock of Cloth ing. We are detenu inui go out of this branch of o .r business and therefore shall offer our whole Stock at A U I O N I E S Every man wanting any Kind of garment will do well to examine our extensive JStock.— Our Summer C.'othlng is well made and of good style and finish, almot-t the whole fctock has been ur hased of Mau f.ic'urcis tiiis iiw Trades are inforuicd that we will sell D: the whole of ou: Stock at •Vetr Y'orF Priccs. OJ" We hope c!o-o li e sale in thiity days. MERRILL & BARRON. MctJrei'or, .'une 2 i, 1857. n'7 tf. I/UH7S *?imTZGER AS fitted rp tho East room of Harding's Now lilock as ti II AtlKAKT ANS I e e a S I i e i This establishment will be ib'.nid one d" the moct pleasant p'acea 'o procure a Lunch, a glass of nice Anyr, a lemonade or an Ice Cr^ani of any tlesiml flavor. Oysters, bolsters, Sardines, Fruits. Confec tionary. 1'iesand various other (.'alatablc articles a e a w a y s o n a n e a y o e s e u cotnihand ot the customer. My So!a Fountain is in op-ration ami during the hot weather, it will be an agreeable institution to visit. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. Mc( 'regor. June ^6tli, n j7 Hm. M. O. WALKER 8 aVe lIVsffj'M Stage Line! 1 71 01 li IK .'USE COACHES will leave the American House, Gregor, daily at ).. o'clock A. M., or immediately u miu arrival til' he morning train from Milwaukee mul 'hi* ago. and the Steam Ferry from Prairie du Cliieu.— The traveler to DVcorah. New Oregon and Osagp, or to West In ion, Bradford and [St. Charles, w ill not be delayed if he takes this hue. by any failure to conncet at intermediate points on his way IV, st or North West. At Tecouah the line is continued to St. Paul and the various towns of Minnesota, and to those wanting to see the country the Land routy is far pt ef-'rable to a river passage. Extbah to accommodate all who come, will l*e furuijdfd# Hwy slw«rt notice, on application to D. W. FHEE.MAN, 1 Ag't. at M'uregor. I*. W. FreemanIs also the Agent for the Illi nois Central R. Road. n37 6iu Improved Process of Tanning. K. Daniels of Klkh' tn, WiH., bas dii-covered a new process of tanning leather entirely with ovit Lark, in a (•ln rt fpaee of time and very i cl:eap—besides whieli the leather i* fully et^ual if uot Miperior to the left la.k ttuiud The time occupied rinses from 6 to 1.0 days", according to the nature of the hides to lo tan ned. The materials used arc mainly vegetable, and tH-inx brought into treiieral u?e. i The price of rl-iht-. vary with (lie location.— Couuty rights sell li Irotn i00 tot2( 00 town rights (rem 2 to 6 hundred ihop rikhtt, tin 1 to ."hundred dollar.-. Addre.-s, X. li. T* AWT'.'! Whltewiter, Wis i WM. ANOBRSOM. AlOCSTB DAILY. a e s o n 4 a i i E I I E S AND WHOLE Al.r. DEALERS IN FOREIGN TSC DOMESTIC LIQUORS, E It'., B, W. Brinltuin' St on" Warehouse at the Landing, PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, WIS. Mr. Wm. Aiider-on having been exteieively engaged in the Ui e.ifvinjf and Wholesale Li jUor BuHiie-.s. in St. LonU. Mo., for the lu«t eleven years can av-uro the eustomers it tli" Xew llou,-e here, that all of their ar ticles w.ll be equally as fjood as tho-e obtained from either St. Louis or Cincinnati. We Keep con tunity jtr Salt* Our own brand of Copper DKillcd Whisky. Wm. Au derMin'.s eelei.ritted N'e IViii-ky liaitiinore Cut Our own Brand I'oiiMe lteeii.ied Whi-ky New York Brandies. Pule and drri'um Whi-kv M6non gahela Wlii sky Pure Spirit* aud Whiic Whisky. Winks—Claret Port Madeira and Sherry. BitA.NKiEt--.Uoehidle and Uourilean*. BiTTEK i—Ho -tetter Boker and stomach. fll\D tlE '. Absynthe Curaera Wolf* Schuapps rssencr Pep permint. Vina Cut and Cavendjih Tobocoo Demijohns, *c.. &.«. *YOTICJU! ...V'OODEN VVAitE At Reduced Rates! PAILfl, TWO DOLLAR3 PER DOZ., A U O K s 13 Deaibou Street, Chicago, 111. QT*TsuM.r—Strietly C^ai. aS04tr. i e i o n s The King's Visitor®. I. The King holds court with his rcgaj train, And tl.s wild wind blows at his window pane, And puttering falls the wintry rain And if the King, to merry und free, Would give his cr^wn and his kingdom% fee* And his t'eets that ride on the wild wide sea, To stop the fall of the midnight rain— The gushing, flushing, frolicksome rain-* And silence the wind at his window pane, He'd offer his riches iu vain. IT. And care crawls up the same King's door, Aud takes horseatat his proud heart's core, And tells him deeds that were done of yore And if he'd give his good right hand, His Dukes and Earls that round him stand, And his (Queen's bright eyes that glad the land, To keep such guest from his darkening door, The nestling, wrestling Spirit of yore, And take her tooth from his heart's red core, The Spirit would answer him—"Nevermore." Stabat Mater. The "Stabat Mater" is one of the standard lyrics it| the liturgy of the Rotnan Catholic Church. lis subject i* the grief of the Virgin Mary, watching beside the crow, and it is hence introduced into tl=e services of Good Friday, and constitues part of this eniU-ntial cxrrcises in a festival termed The Seven Sorrows of Mary. The authorship of the poem is not posi tively known. By some writers it is attributed to Pope John XXII. by others to one of the Gregories. Put tt is more probably the work of a monk of the thirteenth century, recorded as .'acobtis de Benedict is. He had been an Su'j'cting himself to severe penances, he be came insane, and so died in 1306. As this celebrated hymn is seldom met with, we subjoin a copy of the best translation ever given in the English language TRANSLATION BY J. R. FRY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Stood the Virgin Mother weeping, Near the cross her vigil kce itijf, W here her Son expiring liun^ Seeing whom in torment languish, Pierced her soul with keenest anguiah, And with helple.-s pity wrung. Oh how s'rickcn and oppressed Was she whom God's love had blessed. Mother of his only Son She, wlcmow with sorrow bending, Trembled while in death attending That divine, beloved one Who so iicat tle.-s. tears could smother, Thus beholding Christ's dear mother. Bowed in utter misery Who not yield to grief's emotion, Witness of her sad devotion, In her Son's last agony 1 part or For his people's mortal errors, Saw the Jesus racked with terrors, M.iuifl by tli scourgcr's rod Saw her loved one—liim all holy, Dying d: solatc and lowly— Give his spirit up lo God. Mother Fountain of affection, Fill me with thy soul 's defection. Teach me ow to weep with theo I I.ight my breast with sacred tire Chri-t, my Saviour, to desire, Messing this his love to me Holy mother may I rhcri«h All his woes who came to perish C.ueirie.l n en mo to s.tve Oh -'eMia' ission move ma, Let his wounds and death pangs prove me Grateful for the life he gavu. Make me anxious here to suffer. On his cross my heart to oiler, For that Son s redeeming lo o Th :s ins ire me, thus ci-min.-nd iue, Sainted Virgin, 0I11 defend me, .'uiiged before the the throu«above Tv that hallowed cross protected," Through the aid of Christ elected, Aid iue grace still to implore Fothat when I yield my sj irit Paradise it may inherit, And God's glory evermore 1 are very cheap en 1 abundant. The co.-t of ma torials i* nlout eq'.ml to peed enk lark at tl! a cord. The co.-t ot fixture.--, ,-ueh as \ats,is oti one-fourtli as much as in the ink procet'B. Ko Ulachiutry is used iu the burines-. A very rc-pcetable ti.nnery, capable of innuu facturing iroiu S to 12 tlioii.-:md dollars vu rth 1 of leiiilur annually can le e.-tat li. lud ut an 1 •spenre of from S'l.'iO to 1200, exclui-ive of the i buildiuK. The above will iucludo the eo.-t of all the vat.-, ur tulB, table tools aud everjthing nece-^ary except tl.e hides and tanning iiiatu- 1 r.ais. i 1 havo ublaiio'd the entire ri^'ht for the i^talo i Of lowa, and will furni-h samples ui.d pive ui:y de-ired iiitoriiiaciou iu relatkui to thu buMiie.-.-. Ihe 1 fee,.— nIt. 1 the i, ui!h l:avo beeu X'ully proved during the la.-t three years ntd are now 1 Good Money !—A banker asked a young lady of city what kind of money she liked best. "Matri-moncy,'' she replied. "What interest does it bring?'' asked the sharp banker. "If properly invested it will double the origi nal stock every iwo years,'' she replied He concluded she was a match for him, but the rest is a secret. ID" The more honesty a man has, the less he effects the aJr of a saint" the affection of sanc tity is a blotch n the face of piety. An Eastern editor heads hia Dal #f births, marriages, and deaths thus "Hatched, Matched, and Despi tched.'' O" It is said that tho kind mothers of the East are growing so aff-'ctionate that they v. their children chloroform previous to whipping thorn. U"The Rochester women who wear the "Bloomer uniform," are warned to do military duty. A uo' iilea. As they want their "rights,'' let theratake the first installment by carrying a fourteen pound musket. jRy "You are very stupid, Thomas," said a country teacher to a little boy eight years old. "You are like a don key and what do they do to cure him JST The Home Journal gives the best definition of "beauty" we have yet 6een: "Beauty, dear reader, is the woman we love, whatever she may seem to others." j&Sf "Talk about the evils of a scold ing wife why. Mr. President, I'd rath er hear the clatter of hammers and stones, and twenty tin pans, and nine brass kettles, than the din, din, din, of to be compared to a scolding \nfe than a little negro to a dark night?" 141 WE MARCH WITH THE FLAG AND KEEP STEP TO TIIE MUSIC OF THE UNION. VOLUME 2, M. 1. McGREGOR, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, 0CT015ER 14, 1857. WHOLE W. 53. eminent jurist, and on account of a domestic i chesks, and cherry lips, while afllictiou, bei aine a member of an ascetic order I the auburn ringlets clustered in a wreath called the Teriiarii. This was about 12G8.— of profusion around her beautiful head, of his stupidity. "AY hy, they feed He flung open the door with a bang lt.n »v. l.w.i, i,:„ 1 1.1 o ... o him more, aud kick him less," said the urchin. the tongue of a scolding wife. Yes, icroP» which should be cut befoie the sir-ee 1 would. To my mind, Mr. President, a smoky chimney is no more peanuts, or I'll catch the measels and ^ow make you pay for 'em." £3T"Itis aggravating to see a good looking man wrestling with your wife in a waltz, without having the privilege of going up aud tightening his cravat. JCST'The Iowa City Republican says that Prof. Sauford, of Keokuk, has re e^, and would soon proceed on his ex pedition FIRST TIME COURTING'. Br JKEMS. We were between sixteen and seven teen years of age, when the event about to bo related transpired, and a.3 a des cription of our personal appearance at that time ia absolutely essential (o the point of our story, we will give it as concisely as the subject will allow. In reference, then, to that period, to say that we were green in the usual accep tation of that term, would give the rea der but a poor idea of the figure wo dis played. Rather imagine a tall, lean, cadaverous, swathy looking chap, with legs like a pair of tuugs, a countenance about as expressive as a plate of Dutch cheese, a mouth that came very near making an island of all the head above it, a face covered with a furze that look eel very much like the down on a newly hatchcd goslin, with a gait that would lead the beholder to conclude that we designed to travel down both sides of the street at ihe same time, and you have a correct daguereotype of Jeems in the seventeenth year of his age. One dark, gloomy night 111 the month of December, we chanced to bo at a "spelling school" not a thousand miles from Baldwinville, where our eyes fell on a "fairy form" that immediately set our susceptible heart in a blaze. She was sixteen, or thereabouts, with blight and her person, to our ravished imagi nation, was more perfect in form and outline, than the most faultless statue ever chisseled by the sculptor's art. As we gazed, our feelings, which never be fore had aspired girlward, were fully aroused, and we determined to go home tpith her that night or perish i?i the attempt. As soon, therefore, as school was dis missed, and our "lady love" suitably bonneted and cloaked, we approached to offer our services as contemplated, and we then learned an important lesson, viz: the difference between resolving and doing. As we ncarcd her, we were seized with a partial blindness—red, green, blue and yellow lighfs flashed upon our vision, and appeared and dis appeared like witches in a phantasma goria—our knees smote together like Rolsl.azzor's when he discovered tho hand-writing on tho wall, while our heart thumped with apparently as much force as if it were driving ten-penny naila into our ribs. We, in the mean time, managed to mumble over sonic thing which is perhaps known to the Recording Angel, but certainly is not to lis, at the same time poking out our elbow as nearly at right angels with our body as our physicial conformation would admit. The air blew keenly, which served in soror sort to revive us, and as our senses returned, what were our emotions on finding the cherished object of our first love, clinging to our arm with all the tenacity that a drowning man is said to clutch at a straw Talk of elysian, or sliding drown greased rainbows, or feeding on German flutes, what are sich "pi el inks" in comparison to those mighty ones that swelled our bosom nigh unto the bursting of our waistcoat Ibuttons! Our happiness was sullhnc, sublimity, suhlijne/y, sublimated, and every person who has ever felt the di vine throbbing of a fledged love prin ciple, fully understands the world of bliss couched in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh words at U19 commence ment of this sentence. Well, we passed on pleasantly towards our Sally's home, talking of "love aud dove and dart and part," until, so cour ageous had we become, that we actually proposed 'to go in and sit a while,' to which our dulcinea very graciously as sented. Alas, for us how soon were wo to bo reminded that the course of true love never did run smooth." Sally had a brother of some ten sum mers who accompanied us along the way, and who was in wonderful high spirits at the idea ©f his sister's having a beau, aud lie would walk around us frequently, giggling iu tho lioighth of his glee, and eye us as closely as if our self and Sally were the world-renowned Siamese twins, and he was taking his first look. Bill, by the way, was a stub bed, chuckle headed boy, whose habili meuts would have made the fortune any two dealers in mop-rags. At length wo reached the bars, and while we were letting them down, Bill shot past us and tore for the house as if pursued by a thousand bulls of Bashan aud exclaimed at the top of his voice— "Mother mother! Jim Clark Is thk Seed CornSelected ?—Now is the time to attend to it. Look out the most forward, thrifty stalks, whero thero are two or three good ears 011 each. Let these ripen thoroughly— if practicable, more than the general sla'ks nios^ for are dead, in order to make tho at tlie "Grandpa, did you know that the United States huye been in the habit of encouraging and acknowledging tories "Certainly not, what kiud of to ries "Terri-tories. Now give me some eara are ceivcd a letter from Equador, which i not freely give advice, aud few are so warrants him in saying that Dr. Fraucis needy that they will consent to take it. is not dead. He was accidently shot! Yet the article is not a drug, for drugs by Mr. Moore, but had quite recover- jare not given gratis—and people take dent soul who has 1 note to pay, and dot it know how to do it, our purpose will be answered.— The text is unique, and the illustrations would be styled irreverent, if it were not so broad in its burlesque. It gives offcnce to no sect be cause it is equally absurd in its references to them all. Read it, laui/h at its nonsense, nnd for any danger done to your buttons, charge the author of. he celebrated sermon entitled "The Harp of a thousand strings." HARP SERMON—No. 3. Mv Beh v-ed Biiektiiekix.- —I am an unlarnt, hard shell Baptist preacher, of whom you've no doubt heern before, and I now appear here to expound the Scripters and pint out the narrer way which leads from a vain world to the streets of the new Juroosalum, and my text which I shall chuse for the occa sion is in the leds of the Bible, some where between tho second Chronic ills and tho last chapter of Timothy Titus, and when you find it you will find it in these words: "And they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of Hepzidam, whero the lion roareth and the wang-doodlo mourneth for its first-born." for its first-born." And now there be some here with fine close on thar backs, brass rings on thar fingers and lard on thar har, what goes it while they're young and thar be brothers here what, as long as thar con stitutions and forty cent whiskey last, goes it blind aud thar be sisters here what, when they get about sixteen years old, cut thar til!r ropes aud goes it with a rush but I say, my dear breethering, take care you don't liud when Gabriel plays his last trump, that you've all wont it alono and got ukered for "they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of Hepzidam, whar the lion roareth nnd the wang-doodlo mourneth for its first born." And, my breethering, thar's more dams besides Hepzidam. Thar's Rot terdam, JJaddam, Amsterdam, mill-dam and don't care-a-dam—the last of which, my dear breethering, is tho worst of all, and reminds me of a circumstance I oncot knew in the Stale of lllenoy.— Thero was a man what built him a mill on the east fork of Agur creek, and it was a good mill and ground a sight of grain, but the man what built it was a miserable sinner, and never giv anything to tho church aud, my breethering, one night thar come a dredful storm of wind and rain, and tho fountains of tho great deep i$ com- en* hum with Soli "Is he?" seroamed the old woman in reply. Wal I declare I didn't think the saji head knew enough f. the in for iodder. Select only soe^ sucl1 oais aro entirely tilled out t0P3 a»d pluinp ker nels. Let these be kept iu a dry place overwinter. The old plan of braiding) them is by no means a bad one, though some may think it troublesome where fifty or a hundred bushels of seed corn is wanted. It pays just as well, propor tionally, to expend time and care for a large amount of seed, as where only a wanted. Proper care in the selection of tho best ears will not only improve the quality but the quan tity of the next crop. And further, a little extra care in ripening and keeping seed dry, may save an extra planting next spring,—perhaps save the loss of a crop. #3TNo man is so stingy that he will calomel at any price who wout take counsel for nothing. jy In these exceedingly closo times in the I into Heaven, nor tho catherlicks what money-way, when farmers look as if their buys through ticPots frum their preests lahor in raising a large crop, was about thrown —but it may liked my broetherinjr away, and our merchants are smashing and •'going up'* all over the country, wo deem the following unctions sermon a treasure. If its Now, my breethering, .as I have be fore told you, I am an uneddicated man, and know nothing about grammar talk and collidge hifalootin but I'm a plain |(^. unlarnt preacher of the Gospil what's 'I0 been foreordained, and called to expound India we lose the world and some the seripters to a dvin' world, and pre-1 *y!'lters anticipate that with the loss ot pare a perverse generation for thedayofj^Vf niagniiicent appendage England wrath for "they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of Hepzidam, I where tho lion roareth and the wang- British isles—with their doodle mourneth for its first-born." abundant population, their healthful cli My beluv- ed breethering, the text says ''they shall gnaw a file." It dont i was broken up, and tiie wa ters rushed down and swept that man's mill-dam into kingdom come, and lo and behold, in the morning when he got up he found he was not worth a dam.— Now, my young breethering when storms of temptations overtake ye, take caro you don't fall from grace, and be come like that man's mill—not worth a dam for "they shall gnaw a tile and flee uuto the mountains of Hepzidam, whar tho lion roareth and the waug doodle mourneth for its first-born." "Whar the lion roareth and tho wang doodlo mourneth for its fist-born."— This part of the tex, my breethering, is another tigger of speech, and isn't to be taken as it says. It doesn't mean tiiueu tin it s/tys. ai uuesu mean tne a. mourneth for its first-born." Mild mrm C. W SMITH, PUBLISHER. nay unto a man what perusal will provoke a laugh for some de-pon- and waded over—hallelujah! for "they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the moun tains of Hepzidam, whar the lion roareth and the wang-doodlo moureeth for its first-born. ra^e say they may but they shall. And now, manufacturing resources, their stormy there's more one kind of file. There's the hand-saw file, the rat-tail tile, single- their vigorous national character, their file, double file, and profile but the f®gu^ted liberty, their science, arts, kind of file spoken of here isn't oneofjan^ literature would still be a leading them kind neither because it's a tigger 1 PoWvr among nations, if Asia were torn of speech, my breethering, aud means! grasP* goin' it alone and gettin' ukered forj But the loss would be great "they shall gnaw a file and tlce unto the grandeur of tha British monarchy would mountains of Hepzidam, whar the lion i India has been the glory of roareth and the wang doodle mourneth the English annals, for history had to cross a river, and when ho ^ot thar the ferry boat was gone, and he just rolled up his breeches Pass the hat, brother Flint, and lot eveiy hard-shell shell out. Amer.. Just Views—The Dominion of the Brit ish in India. The New York Evening Post, in tho course of an eloquent article upon tho present position of affairs in British lu ll ia, says Englaud may puc down tho present rebel lion, or if it be temporarily suc cessful, may and probably will, re-con quer Hindustan. The English power is immense, and it will be exerted to the utmost in the contest. But the perma nent establishment of the English gov ernment, fixing its roots in tho country, and becoming naturalized to the soil, appears to us impossible. For a hund red years England has possessed India and how They have been encamped in the country, an isolated military caste, alien from the population, gaining no accession in numbers, goveiiug by the sword. The effect on England of the loss of India has been diseussod on both sides in a Uit,!c" ll! ,uc an uncut, declared, "If we W1^ S1"^„t0 eTen condition ot Spain, or P°I'tu.^ah are. not our their scientific, agriculture, their minc9 'ron ant^ coal, their boundless 3ca3'Htiiweries of hardy seamen, The has re corded no achievement parallel .to that which brought the native of a cold At lantic Island, near the Arctic circle, to be conquerors and "kings under the tro pic of Cancer." It has been a source of her wonderful opulence, tho outlet of her fiery spirit, the school of instruction of her statesmen, the nursery of her Generals. It has, perhaps, more than anything else, kept alive the heroic ele ment in the national character, by open inga boundless lield to enterprise and daring. It has counteracted what has been said to be a defect of the English mind, a tendency to merely material views and selfish comforts. The future reader of English history may ascribe to the circumstances of India the repu tation of tho two most remarkable men in war and politics that England has produced for where in her annals can she show a soldier of the daring and energy of Clive, or a statesman of the power and Commanding energy of War ren Hastings? Some Dog.—A gentleman left Holy oke 011 Friday afternoon for this city, in a buggy, taking a favorite dog with him. As they progressed toward Will iamsett, the gentleman amused himself by plaguing the dog till lie had got the animal in a state of eomple worry.— Presently the gentleman's hat blew off, and he went back after it, leaving his horse and buggy standing in the road then tho dog took advantage of his mas ter's absence to jump into the buggy and start the animal, who trotted gaily toward the river, followed by the gen tleman, yelling 'wooa" to no purpose. His faithful kog now took a position 0:1 the seat, where he could keep an eye on his master and another 011 the steed, to see fair play in the race. They ap proached the Conecticut river, into which the waggish brute drove, and, keeping his seat, floated out behind the horse, who swam, after getting beyond his depth. They were seen at this 1 iunction, bv persons on the south shore, r. li owliu' wilderness, where John the hard "lio pul oft ma boat, and got them shell Uaptist was fed on locustsand wild haf-lou"aml U! »'1,° worth sU bits a bushel one day and navy rl... imvt—whar niggers are .as thick f.) red the next as black bugs in a spiled bacon ham, aud gamblers, thieves aud pickpoctsgo skit ing about the streets like weasels in a barn yard—whar they have cream col ored horses, gilded carriages, marble saloons with brandy and sugar in 'em— whar honest men are scarcer than hen's teeth, and a strange women oncet tuk in your beluv-ed preacher and bamboozled lo hiui out of two hundred and twenty seven dollars iu the twinkliu' of a sheep's! sels remained at their posts, dying brave tail but she can't do it agin, lLtllelu-! ly doing their duty, but it was owing to jah for "they shall gnaw a file and flee I and potatoes and apples, aud as good! Monongehal v whiskey as you ever drank and I'm mighty apt tu git a big price for it all. But what, oh, my breether ing, would it all bo wuth to me if I uln't relidgion There's nothin' like relidgiou, my breethering. It's better nor silver and gold aud jimcracks, and you can 110 more git to Heaven without it than a jay bird can tly without a tail. Thank the Lord, I'm au uuedicatod man, my breethering but I've sarched the 1400 seripters from Dan to Bursheboe, and found old Zion right side up, and the hard shell relidgin the best of all relidg ins. And it's not like the methodic what expects to get into Heaven by hoi lerin hellfire, nor the universalis! wha|& gets upon tho broad gage nnd goes the l-f!" nxilitary unto the mountains ot Henzidam, whar! •. .• ,• 1 .u 1 11 1 obeying imphcity the orders of their the lion roareth and the wana-doodlo hole hog, nor the united breethering ed negroes one day. "I duun.) Massa-I what takes each other by tho 6eats of Keels bery old 'spccta 1'ac about live or their trowsers and tries to ., '"'d-"'0 ,doS assea. bu it means, my breelherinS, tho I'^uccesiful experiment dnvmg eity of New Yorleans, the mother of' »"d ll'V" J*"* "ft« wi" 1 'I" d«»bt-l!'i" U'° t,mc V ?ocs 1 10 nde- T, Met***) JRep nil i ca n. 1 lw sl story is its truth.—SpringjielJ, Honor. The names of Passengers and crew of the ill fated Steamer "Central America" should be handed down to posterity for their determined courago when in the jaws of death. Instances might be enu merated where the crcws of others ves- discipline habits formed, of 41 1 e Iltir0 13 a My breethering, I am captain of that number of men were assembled togeth flat-boat you see tied up thar, and I'—total strangers to each other, res got aboard of her flour, bacon and cats, traiued. by no one who had a right to and liotiitin»s annlna mul irrbid .1 case where a large command them, impelled solely by that chivalrio gallantry which is inherent in tho breasts of the American people maintaining strict discipline on board tho ship, placing all the women & chil dren in the boats and then, when their safety was secured, without a cry of ter ror or a coward act, resigned themselves to death. A few wero saved, but alas! to their homes with the hard earned savings of years, perished almost in sight of land !—X. -—"How old are you, Pete?" mid a Southern planter to one of his grey head lift thir&elres faix hundred." Of What Women are Made. "Of earthly goods the best U a w| A bad, the biUereFt curse of human Ift." Simonidefl, a jKiwt, famous in Irs generttfoB# wLo tio .rrshed about four hundred years after the sioge 01 Troy, tjJls us, in a noted satire, that tho tods fonn the souls of women out of thoa* »"eis and jiinciplc-s which compose several kiud^ of animals and elements, and tliat their gixd and ad dispositions arise iu them cording as such and «uch seeds and principlM predominate in their constitutions. He pays: The souls of one kind of women were forrtl ad out of those ingredients which compose* swine. A woman of this make is a sloven te her house, and a glutton at hr table. A second kind is of the fox, foxy, and hM an insight into every thing, go or bad som«af this class are irtuous, aud some viciou-*. A third kind of women were made up of canine articles these are scolds, alsraya barking and suailing, ant I live in perpetual clamor. A fourth kind were made out of earth. Sudk arc the sluggard", who pass their time in ind»* lenco and ignorant'®, hang over the firoa whola winter, and apply theim-clves with alacrity to no kiud of business but eaiinir* Tin fifth species of female were made out of the sea, and are of variable, uneven tempers— sometimes all storm and teinposts, sometim«B all calm aud sunshine. The sixth species were made of such ingre dients as compose as ass, or fccast of burden these are naturally lothful and obstinate, bjt, u^on the husband exerting his authority, will live upon hard fa:e und do everything to plcaa* him. Tho cat furnished material for a seventh spa* cie» of women, who are of a melancholy, for« ward, uuamiablc nature, and so repugnant to ihe offer* of love that they fly in the face of tho'r husband \hcn he a proaches them with conjugal endearment*. These species of womeii a e likewise sahjeot to little thefts, cheats, aaift pit' 1 ing 1. The eighth species of female? were takffi out of the" a c. These are such ss are both ugly find ill nuturcd, and having nothing beau tiful in tlmm .elves, endeavor to dotraot froai or ridicule everything which appears so l|l others. Tho mare with a flowing mane, which waa never 1 roken to servile toil and labor, composed a nin'h specie of women. These are they who have lililo regard for their husbands who pau away their time in dressing, bathing, and per* fuming who throw their hair int i the nicoat curls, and trick it up in tie fairest flowers and garlands. A woman of this species is the veiy tiling for a stranger to loop upon, but very doi» riinentnl to the owner, unless it be a king or ft prince who takes a fancy t» sutli a toy. The tenth and 1 at species of women wei® deiait of the bee and happy is the uuNI who ge's S' ch a one for his wife. She is alto« reth.r faultless and unblameable. Her family flot rishes anil improves 1 v her good managv* in tit. She brings him a ra'0 of beautiful and virtuo'iR children. She distinguishes herself among her sex. She is surrounded wi'h graces, fshe never si's among'he loose tribe of woman, nor pitg-es her time with them in wanton dis* courses. She is full of \irtue aud prudeurtt and ia the best wife that Jupiter can bestow ou man. Important Financial Movement isr tub West.—An important movement, bearing directly upon the financial in terests of tho West, has been innugurft* ted in Chicago. The Tribune is inform ed that several of the leading banks of that city have entered into au arrangt ment to advance currency for the pur chase of grain, taking the bills of lading in the name of the Bank making the .advance and selling the grain 011 account of tho homo purchaser. Dean Rich mond is ihe consignee at Buffalo and A. II. Hovey, of Syracuse, the con signee at Oswego. It is of vital ioiK portance to the West that the new crop should be immediately sent forwara* only about six weeks—two mouths ai most—of Lake navigation being left nn the object of the above arrangement is, of course, to move the crop eastward fjr the purpose of making exchange on New York cheaper and thus enabling debtors in tho West to meet their liabili ties at the East without a ruinous saen tice. The Tribune adds that the bank# of Chicago have lostsome twenty thous and dollars or more by consigning grain to irresponsible and dishonest men nl the East, Mho, instead of accounting for the proceeds from its sale, have paid their own debts with the money, thus compelling Chicago, in the present fi nancial difficulties, to shoulder both her own indebtedness and a portion of thai East. It is for the avoidance of this sort of swindling that Mr. Richmond and Mr. Hovey, gentlemen of great wealth .and stering integrity, have bee# selected as the general consignees of all tho banks in tho arrangement. It is thought this movement, if properly earried out, will produce a marked and permanent change for the better in tha financial affairs ot Chicago. Would U not be well for other Western Lake ports to adopt the same policy Smart Children.—A child three years of age, with a book in its infant hands, a fearful sight. It is too oftoni the death-warrant, such as the condemn ed stupidity looks at as fatal, yet beyond his comprehension. What should child three years old—nay, five or six years old, be taught? Ssrong meats for weak digestions make not bodily strength. Let there be nursery tales and nursery rhymes. I would say to every parent, and especially to every mother, sing to your children, tell theni pleasant stories, and if in the country, be not too careful least they get a little dirt upon their hands and clothes, ear^ji is very much akin to us all, and in chihfe* ren's out-of-door plays, soils them i%« wardly. There is in it a kiud of con sanguinity between all creatures by it we touch upon the common sympathy of our first substance, and beget a kind ness for our poor relations, the brutef* Let children have a free, open-air spor£» and fear not tho' they make acquai§* tance with the pigs, the donkeys and the chickens they may form worw friendships with wiser looking ones.-W Encourage a familiarity with all that lom them dumb animals love children, aii& children love them. There is a lan guage among them which the world's language obliterates in the elders. It is of more importance that you should make them wise. Above all things make them loving and then, parents, if you become old and poor, these will be better than friends that will neglect you. Children brought up loving at your kuees, will never close their dooES» upon you and point 'where they would have you go. Irreverence.—Alexander Smith describes one of his characters as— He seemed a mighty angel sent from God Standiug before us—drunk.' Guess ho wasn't very drunk, if he could stand before us or behind us, eith er. Perhaps however, ho was as drunk as an angel Fost. of,if rolutni ought to e o s o n &3T A clergyman observing a pofif, man, by the road breaking stones witly£ pickaxe, and kueeling to get at his work better, made the remark, "Ah, John, I wish I could break the stony hearts of my hearers as easily as you are break ing those stones." The man replied, "Perhaps, master, you do not work on your knets." Why is a pretty young woman, like corn in a time ot scarcity Be cause she had ought to be husbanded*