Newspaper Page Text
•iHI Slmpm»*i L«K»I Many years ago, the Legislature of Tannesnee passod an act to organize the county of McNairy alias Snake. At that time the eountry embraced in the limits of Snake was occupied by a sturdy set of backwoodsmen, totally unacquainted with oourts, jail, &o. The county assembled at the appointed •ite, for the purpose of cutting logs, mak ing boards, ctc., to build a court house and jail. The only theme of daily convenatios when the men were assembled, was the court, etc. None of them had ever seen ft court in session, as yet developed. Each one would give what his idea of a court was but none were entirely satisfactory, until at length Bill Simpson was called on to give his ideas. Sill said he knew all about a court— that he once had a lawsuit in North Caro lina. And he proceeded to narrate the particulars: "One of my neighbor's hogs kept comis when I fed my hogs, until it got fat. ONI mornin' 1 got so dam mad that I shot the dog-goned hog. I thought it wouldn't do to throw it away, so I cleaned and salted H. Shortly after, my neighbor and a ma« come to my cabin, examined the smoke house, and tuk me to town and put me in a little office. About three months after that, this man came and tuk me up to a large room. A big man sat upon high bench—a man was sittin at a desk—about a dozen fine dressed men sat in a place that was paled 'round. The man put me in a pen just behind the fine dressed men. Re then called in twelve men, and they took seats jest in front of the fine dressed men. The matt that was writin' gave the twelve men a book, and then two of the fine dressed men had the biggest quarrel you ever heard and sometimes Mister Simpson, but dam seldom. After they had quit quarrel in', the biff man talked awhile to the twelve men, ana they went out and staid a short time, ana came back and said some few words to the man at the desk. The big man then •aid something to the man who put me in the offioe, and he took me out and tied me to a persimmon tree and commenced fight* in' me with a cow-hide, and it made me so dog-goned mad that I shook all the per simmons off the tree!"—Winchester Home Journal. Acs or ANIMALS.—A bear rarely exceeds twenty years a dog lives twenty years a wolf twenty a fox fourteen to fifteen lions are long lived—" Pompey lived to the age of seventy. The average of cats is fifteen years a squirrel and hare seven or eight years rabbits seven. Elephants have been known to live to the great, age of four hundred years. When Alex ander the Great conquered Pharua, King of India, he took a great elephant which had fought very valiantly for the King, named hiin Ajax, and dedicated him to the sun,, and let him go with this in scription Alexander, the son of Jupiter, hath dedicated Ajax to the sun." This el ephant was found with this inscription tnree hundred and fifty years after. Pigs have been known to live to the age of thirty years the rhinoceros to twenty. A horse has been known to live to the age of sixty-two, but averages twenty-five to thirty. Camels sometimes live to the age of one hundred. Stags are long lived sheep seldom exceed the age ot ten cows live above fifteen years. Cuvier considers it probable that whales sometimes live to the age of ene thousand. The Dolphin attains the age of thirty years. An eagle died at Vienna at the age of one hundred and four years. Ravens frequently reach the age of one hundred. Swans have been known to live three hundred and sixty years. Mr. Mallert has the skeleton of a swan that lived to the age of two hundred hundred years. Pelicans are long-lived.— A tortoise has been known to live to the of one hundred and seven years.—Ex age ot change. XR7W STOKEX NSW GOODS! AND RETAIL! S.M.Lampson&Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVE! IhDnl Stack ef GROCERIES, Clreen and fried Fruits, (Purchased rinse the racant Decline is Geada,) which they effer to the public AT TBI Lowest Figures! ^rt, FAMOTOAOTDT! Pnacrlftjaa. WealsekaTeaSplaaild StMlfgr FA1TOT GOODS! •3 MASOWIO BIrfKUC, I.t *i!EIBr McGregor, Iowa* SON, Jobbers and Betail O E S W. McGregor, Zowa. Urli N S W FX ME'11 "i RRlIiBI & SING, (Iteemora to MATHEWS A LADS,) DEALERS IN ANO MANUFACTURERS OF Stoves and Tinware, XcSUMX, IOWA. PARTICULAR ATTENT GIVEN TO ALL IINDS OF JOB WORK. If yen want a food Beef, Chimney Stack, Brickaa and Bacape Pipe, Oar Baa£ taft Bavt Tronghinf, Wall Backet, Wall Pipiar, or anything elaa in the lab Work Line, five na a call and yon will be satisfied Thirty years* experience in the business will enable as to comply with all we promise. N. KRIEBS (MS) J. J. KINO. LIBERTY BOWEN, Wholesale and Retail Dwlir in FURNITURE! ALL SIMM. StffalrtBf am Veneering' Wsll and Promptly DcQm. WCTOWfRAKS, MOULDINGS, WORKKKES, AC. Ulnar's Patent ELASTIC SPRING BED BOTTOM For KM* Durability and Price it NOT EXCELLED by •ay other in OH. They are easily adjusted to any .^edatsed, only requiring from ten to fifteen minutes time, vermin WILL NOT live around the rubber. The Springs can be elevated to any height desired, ao that one mattress will make a fall bed. PRICE OF SPRINGS FOUR TO ElfiNT DOLLARS. Agents for the Celebrated Wilcox A CHbbs' Sewinf Machine Metalic Burial Cases. Otflai ready made ar faraiakadta order. OM Stand, oppeeite Ittowe A Rove's, Main' St., 4tt MoQRSGOR, IOWA. O. Summerfield, jouifter READT IAH CLOTHIlfG, is SLOTHS, A S S I E E S '-sari LISTINGS. Gents' Furnishing Goods, LakeSjU, 181 CHICAGO. 1 i i i -X i An Hlbctial Worm Stedteine. BROWN'S tfEWIFUGE COMFITS,OR WORM LOZENGES Much sickness, undoubtedly, with children and adults. attrtfe*tet to qthsr causes, is oocasfeaofl by worms. The "Venniruge Comfits," although effectual in deetroylag worm, can do no possible injury to the moat delicate child- TMe valuable combination hM been saoosmftilly a»ed by physicians, and fouad to bs •afi aad Mrs in eradicating worms, so hurtful to chit- CBILDSXIf HATING WOSMS require immediate aegioet of (So tw able often caasos pro longed sickness. SYMPTOMS or WORMS IN CB1UMXV are often overlooked. Worm la the stoasaeb and bowels cause irritation, which can bs removed o red only by the ase of a The eomMaatioa .. a of ngraoeats a*sd i, aaMUag Brown's-TcrmiAigs Comfits" Ja sach as to gtre the heat peeslhle eCset with eafMy. (Wnl MOW*, PraHolon, If. V. Sold by all 2c*a«iabex ySQt USE niATT ft BtTTCOTlt*9 CELEBRATED MAOIC OIL Warranted la eaees of Rheumatism, neuralgia, BiaisM or Pains. The Best sad Cheapest Herie and Cattle Mcdtclne In the World! W A E S O A N S CONDITION0 POWDE I i A 7 A K A K I N o 1 1 s s u n a i e Uted throughout the United Statu and Can ada* during the tatt *3year*. For the cure of Uie Various DImmm to which Horses and Cattle are subject such as Founder, Distemper, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Inward Stmt us,Yellow Water, Fistula, Poll Evil, Scratched or Grease, Mange, Inflammation of the JEyea, and Fatigue from Hard Labor also, Rheumatism, (commonly called Stiff eomplalnt), which nrovea fatal to So many valuable Horses In this country. SLOAN'S CONDITION POWDER Has the largest sale of any Horse and Cattle MedletSS la this country. It is composed ef herbs anJ roots, and hr mildness, safety, certainty and thoroughness, stands pre eminently at the head of the liet of Uor$e and flililt Mtdicinet. It carriea off all gross humors, prevents horeee from beoMuIng stiff or foundering, purifies the blood, loosens the skin, aad gives It a'Mnooth aad glossy appearance, •leaasas the water and strengthens every part of the body. It Is also a safe and certain remedy for ccmgka Sad eolds, which generate eo many fetal discos so. The Oow requires to be supplied with an abundance ef Sod—not to make her flit—this I* not dsslrsble, bat to keep up a re. ular accretion of milk, and all owners of •ows will And by girlog them iloaipi ooxvsrrzoiv powbiri twice a week, a large Increase in quantity and quality of milk and cream. It csrriee off nil fever and Im parities of the blood. The effect is eoen throoghont the by a rich and abundant flow of milk. The farmer la beginning to be aware ef the valuable properties of Moan'* Condition Hoarder, in pro moting the condition of hie sheep and preventing many of the dissaasi of all the domeeticated animals. 4VA fifty, cent package of Mloan't CemdUUm ffMNifr put into a barrel of swill Is better than two bushels Of corn to fatten a hog, and is a certain pr* ventlve or Hog Cholera, Blind Staggers, aid other common among bogs. CA VTIOlf.—To protect ourselves and the pnblie ha being imposed upou by worthleee imitations, the genuine will bear the fac nnili signature of the ha prietor* on the wrapper. for sale by Druggists and Merchants everywhere. V. O. Drawer MM. Sole Proprietory Chlssgs, HL Sold at rstail by WOOD & BRO., 8. J. CASB ft OO., B. B. NEWELL. 616 Rockford Nursery. J. 8. SHEHBSAN, Proprietor, Rockford, Illinois. A CHOICE LOT OF BULBS, For fall-setting, of recent importation,consisting of TULIPS, HYACINTHS, CROWN IMPERIALS, CROCUS ES, JAPAN LILIES, AC. THE Proprietor would again return his grateful ac JL anuwieuginents to an appreciating public for the liberal patronage bestowed in past years, and would most respectfully call their attention to his large and varied assortmeat of MJRAEKY STOCK, consisting of 500*000 Grafted Apple Trees Of various ages, from one to five years, Fears* Standard and Dwarfs Of Hardy varieties, adapted to our climate. Plums in varieties Dwarf Apples, Dwarf Cherries. Hardy and Prolific. 100.000 Maple, Balm of Oilead and Poplar Tre«s, from 1 to 4 years oWL 100,000 OB APES, Of all the hardy varieties, including the Delaware Diana, Concord, Hartford, Prolific, Adirondac, Iowa, Israelis, Northern Muscadine, Logan, and all the new nnd hardy grapes of excellence, many ot which have fruited the present season. [For further particulars plSftfirape Catalogue. Also, Foreign kinds. 6000 SIBERIAN CRABS, IN VARIETIES. K? Bvergreense An assortment of all the hardy Evergreens,large aad well trained, some of which are Norway Snrace, Red Cedar, White Cedar, Balsam Fir, Chinese Oodar, Siberian Cedar, Austrian Pine, Scotch Pino. Shade Trees, Silver Maple, Silver Poplar, Balsam Poplar, Flowering Shrubs, Lilacs of all sorts, Mountain Ash, Spireas of all sorts. Honeysuckles. Hybrid Perpetual, Hybrid China, Bourbon, Bengal, Tea, Hardy Climbers in great variety,Perpetual Mosses, Summer Roeee, an endless aasortmeut. OurrantSe Cherry, White and Red Orape, Ao. •trawberrie* lussll^tfiiillfc, Triomphe deGand Wilson's Albany and others. Gooseberries* White Smith, Crown Bob, Houghton, and others. t|. Past experience has demonstrated- that Fall is as good as any other part of the year for sotting most kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Sand your orders to these Nnraeries an4 |jpt what yea aend far, or ta Reaidaat Ayt, Farmersbnrg, j. i. mw-m, AS0 Rockford, Illinois. W.F. STRBICH, inm, KTULER ADD MAMJFMTURiK ST BOOTS & SHOES Oawalti's Block, Corner of Majs «a4 Third Streets, McGregor, Zowa. A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STSRT style aad grade of ladies', Kisses, Ken's, Boys' and Youth's Boots and Shoes, which we are determined to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Our goods are alt selected by an experienced work man, and w therefore offer none hut well made goods. Our stock of O v e S o e s of the different stylss aad materials, comprises ths best and the moet sought for. Bspairinr Bone Bromptly! rs MTadntars to sniv aad kav oaastantly on id a fkll supply of oua ovv won, which we WARRANT ||4 Lumber, Lumber! -yyB Havs oa haad aad are eoastaatly reeslviagHt Worth MeSrifori Assertsasat af u e a PICKETS SHINGLES, of the best quall'y aad maaalheturs, which we offer la oar customsrs, and the public generally, at Wishing Lumber by tbo CAR LOAD save expense by ordering from PARTICULAR ATTENTION «VEN TO F&LINfl ORDERS A Liberal Discount ssada to dealers. ORT LUMRER, LATH AND DOORS ALWAYS OR HANS! All Lumber, Ac., delivered oa cars free of charge. 4SI HATT A SURDICI. Something Newl S I O JJig opsnsd a stsro el N O E E O O (opposite Hoxsie's stand,) and filled it with all kinds ofsupplies required In trade: among these are Family Groceries* HITS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE. KEROSENE ON* FRUIT, JC. BUTTER, E66S, NONET, FURS, HIDES, POTATOES, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE I fPAKEN IN PAYMENT FOR 6000S. The proprietor trusts that the people of North Mc Gregoi and viciaity will see that it is thsir iatsrest to sustain their own businsss msn. Ooods sold as Bow as at Bowor To •BL MOIVOHIBF, aa old acquaintaaea sf the public hereabouts, is an associate manager of tbe concern. 477 New Location! IN consequence of a "little which befel this city Dec. 8th, 1816,1 was compelled to makes quick move of my stock from ALLKM'S BLOCK to BASS 1ELMENDORPS COMMISSION SLOCK, •ARKKT BQUARZ, —only three or four doors from the late ataad. 0a toaurs will Aad hare a large stock of F1NB LIQUORS, AT Wholesale aad Bstalk Those desiring stock of this kind for retail, for per sonal or fcmily use, or tot medical purpoeee, can get IMPORTED OR DOMESTIC WINES AMD LIQUORS AT VS10BB THAT DRFT COMPETITION. A E S A N I O A 8 and all tbo MOff IPHIOIID AND POPULAR StftBtfN BITTERS of the day are also sold at this House. Call and ses. Orders from abroad filled promptly. TOWNBUND. McGregor, Dec. 90. Go to tbe sign I O O K In ths large ntw Brick Staff* Mark«t 0q«artf for MHIMi BMAflft J. B. Corlet. MISCELLANEOUS BM AND PERIODICALS, AU of the latest, which ars received ss soon as posrfbls after they are oat. STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PICTURE FRAMES, PICTURES. POCKET CUTLERY, POCKET ROOKS, CLOTHES BRUSHES, PORTFOLIOS, FINE PERFUMERY, HAIR RRUSHiS, TOOTH BRUSHES NAIL BRUSHES, T0N1T SOAPS. raanaca»« riniMiSTt BMDCASIS iC..lC. JC wvw wUHf MN pii PAPER HANGINGS and Window Shades. A large st^sk ftt reduced prices, Jast rscslvcd. ^oaUrgsstoekaT VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDCMS, FLUTES, |0i A large stock ot Stsrsosopss and Stsrsoesplc Views. A largo aad fell s—flarnat of FISNNW TACKLE, "d everything In the FANCY GOODS TOY UNE t^at can pooelbly be thought of. •liar** -t I.E BAIOBT. Tbe Wine of America see Aptta tw Haifa's Mkarry, nssaflwtml af Ikilsfb Wins at Nvilm, OL, mmd tst BKate McKinnie's Stare and Tinware Depot, Near ths City Seals% Mala Street, BKcOrefor, Zowa, A complete aanrtment of all stylos aad pattstasof Stores, amoa^' which ta the F. F. Stewart itoirel The embodiment of the best principles which thirty years' time and scientific study have developed. The peculiaritiee of the Stove may be stated briefly as fol lows In regard to durability, the Stewart Stove is made to last, and WiLL LAST. It is not only made of a supe rior quality of iron, but it is also from fifteen to twenty per cent, heaver than any other Store made. The Structural form is such that the frame-work CANNOT BORN OCT. The heat from the fire is spent mainly upon the loose plates, which ran be replaced without taking the Stove apart. It is whnt it purports to be— 4N AIR-TIUHT COOKINQ STOVB. Only perfect Slatesis are used in the structure, and, throughout, the tove finished in the highest degree of mechanical skill. Has a double-sheet bottom flue, by which the heat is equalized and the amount of fuel required di minished, and will save its entire cost (at the present high prices of fuel) in from twelve to eighteen months. Baking Is always considered the most important cnlina ry operation. The Stewait Stove is not only absolutely perfect in this quality, but has greater oven space,aad, by the peculiar construction of the double sheet ilao, gives a more even bake than any other stove made. Special attention paid to all orders tot COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WM. Boofs byBg* psrte&ced Workmen. Sarre Trong-hs Fnrhnished, aad Job Work Bono Vromptly. Bays and Copper bought a* the Highest Market Frios. Mat. DScKinnie. Steel aad ITailSe Ohas. B. Brown & Co., Iron Merchants. Manufacturers of ISBBard'i Pataaft Seamless Thimble Skeins, and Olmataad & Densmora's Tire Shrinking Machine, And Cald Punch. We keep constantly on hand a fall assortment of Goods in our line, whieb we an sailing at the lowest market price. IRON. STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS ANVILS, BELLOWS, VISES, AXLES, SPRINGS HEAVY HARDWARE AND MFNT STOCK. HUBS SPOKES, FELLOES, AC. Ohas. B. Brown At A Co.* 43Tp HI sb ii 8t., opposite Tremont House,Chicago SXaEIaT & SHAW, Worth KcCtregor» Lumber the A NNODNC1 to tbo public and particularly to J\ people along tbe line of the McGregor wesl Kafiway.and those adjacent to its stations, that they are wall stocked up in eetern Lath, Shingles, Aad all other Building Materials Is the Timber Uae. Having recently established a Planing Milland Sash, Poor aud Blind Manufactory, they can furnish custom ers with whatever may be required iufluishiuga house, such as Floarisf, £uu»*. Peers, Windew Saab, Blinds, At rates which Will be Satisfactory. Call at ths Levee, above freight and Passenger Depot, North AlcUregor, lor auy article of woudeii ma terial required in building. 47 7 Heely A Clergyman, while residing in South Ainertaa as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervuas Weakness. K.irly Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, aud the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Ore tt numbers have already been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate. I will send tbe recipe lor proparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envel ope. to a»y one who needs it,/r« c\f chwrat. Address, JOSCPK T. INMAN, Station IK Bibk House, New York City M3 m. T. CLARK^ President, ABBEY. Tics President, W. C. ADSIT, Secretary, NORTHWESTERN XNSUBAJTOB CO. Gov. Vm. M. Stone, Dee Moines, 3. W. Thomas, Cashier 1st Nstional Dank, Lansing, B. H. Williams, Ex-Judge 10th Judicial District. II. S. Wiser, Banker, Decorah, W. W. McHenry, A. Bradish, R.V.Miaoa, C. ZS. DANIELS & CO., ^SUCCESSORS TO DANIELS, HA1W00D A CO., At the Sign of the $ 5 lathe DECORAH. IOWA.. Snsvret Afatast Boss or Bamaye by Itoi ttlfttntaf. Capital Over Two Hundred Dollars!! Orfanisad for the porpeae af gaenriaf ta the ysspU af tba Mertbweat a BaliaUa and Bcanomieal Insurance Company. DwalUif Baaaas, Vtaraa, Pablie Baildinga, Farm and Paraanal Property, Insured an Faworable ^[fw Brick Store, Terms, and all lasaaa Promptly Bd^nated aad Paid. Sxtra Hazardous Risks are not Taken. orriGSRS of the company BIO BSD BOOT! Bavinr been compelled by Fire to make a very sndden E O Y lost below the Square* Plfi THE EVANS HOUSE. THET IIAVE A LARGE STOCK, AND WILL Sell Very Cheap JO] Tu Have opened their stock of BOOTS & SHOES TOR THE CASH. w» H. C. BRADLZ3Y & OO. S2K EAST WATER STREET, BBilwankee* Wisconsin* Wholesale Dsalers ia Yankee Notions, flIVELOPES, WRITING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPEK Whfch thsy otter to tbe teads at X.O*W" PRICES for Oashe BACW Mi Ht ktads of PAFBBWTOOK wauted. Mv Ladies, Take Partlenlar ffotlea. THE SEAL VELPEAD FEIALE BILU. [WAKKANTKD FKENCII.] ^PIIESE PILLS, to eelsbrated many ysars ago ia To married ladies and young girls who hare never been regulated, they are peculiarly raited. They will, in a short time, bring on the monthlj period with regularity. Cautiok.—Married ladies should never take them when there is any reason to believe them* •elves pregnant, for they will be rare to produce a miscarriage. These Pills are entirely safe, under all elreum* stances, being composed entirely of aubstanocc from the vegetable kingdom. Each box has the eoat of arms for the city of Paris lamped on the box, with the words "Trade Mark," in Freneb, to counterfeit which ia a misdemeanor, and all persoas will he dealt with aeoording to law. Full directions accompany each box. Ladies oan obtain a box, sealed from the eyea of the curious, by enclosing one dollar and eevea postage stampa, to any respectable drugglat, or So 0. Q. STAPLES, General Ageat for the Halted States* Water town, N. T. Agenta, Bte., Ats. LOUIS BKNTON, JR., H. E. NEWELL, and CAtB^^JWHsgn,!^ Kotice. N' dt Shaw. A Card ta Invalids. OTICB is hereby given that L. 3. Bads, A. P. Richard»on, T. U. Bolton, B. H. Bowman, Jr., W. D. Tuwuseud, and all other persona who may be come associated with them, haveorgauitedthemselves luto a IxMly politic, by the name of the "8TAK IN SURANCE COMPANY, for the pun one of iutiurlng property nKaiimt loan or damage by ftre or lightning, also live «tock a« iin»t death or theft in theHtateof Iowa. The priutipal place of buoiuess is at the city McGregor, Iowa. Ti e Company U a Mutual Insur ance Company, with an authorised capital of Five Hundred Tliounand Uollars. This cor|o ation com mence on the fll'teeutli day of November, 18M, aad continue* for the term of t«r-uty years. Private property Is to be exempt from corporate debts. The business of snid Company is to be managed by a Board of not less than Ave nor more than fifteen directors. As now con«tituted, It is managed by Ave dtrecturv, conaistirg of the corporators until othera arerhoeen. L. T. BADS,President. A W UEINLY, ?»cretsrr Thousand GEO. C. WINSHIP, Treasurer, G. •. FORBES, Aadltor, J. C. SMITH, Ooasral Ageai. DIRECTORS AND REFERENCLST Win. B. Allison, M. C., Dubu^as, Hon. Charles Panlk, Wankon, 3. H. Baston, Pree. 1st Natioaal Bank ftWMfab, O. O. Wright, Judge Snpn ao CoartTvee Moiasi G. B. Dickerman, Decorah, Hen.M.V. Burdick, H. B. Williams, u Ve flTiilli Broajd—te FICTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Amid tbe great and glorious cry, To shut the Clothing buyer's eye, W|th a la French and Bnglish, too, My Mends—their number's not a few. One-half of this is false pretense, Well known to critics of good sense, The truth to you let me disclose, If you'd be dressed In genteel clothea. One-half these high-toned shoddy lords Have French outside on their street-boarda, Invite you in on French I'll bet, And let you out on satinett. Mow if OOO OOODS you'd really bay* With ABKM. KOI1N you'll find supply, American, French, and Kngliah. too, Made of pure wool all the way through. Of ABRM. KOIIN, on our Main 8treet, Who, judges say cannot be beat. His Cut ana Style are all the go. And what he tells you you'll find so/ Z Advertise Best on the Backs of MY OVITOM&&I. TBRT article I sell is a first class recommenda tion. My stock of E READY-MADE CLOTHING, PIECE OQOIh. HATS AND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISH' GOODS, TRUNKS. VALISES, *, Is IMMENSE, and at Frices the ftowost la Xefnror. I am more particular than my customers are that their clothes FIT WCLL, and recommend my Bstablieh ment. All kinds, styles and siies of O O I N Mens'. Youths'and Boys all gradee, from MEDIUM to SUPERFINE,or which I have a FULL I COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, NEW AND FASMIONANIE which is being replenished daily. My prices being based upon the LOWE8T MARKET KATB8 or tbe season, are Lower than the Lowest elsewhere. An ex amination invited. Jacobia fc Kimball, SUCCESSORS TO E. P. CLARKE & CO., Wholesale and Salaratusv Spices* ., AC. Paris for the relief of female irrega larities, and after* wards ao notorious for their criminal employment in tbe practice of abortion, are now offered for tale for the first time in America. They havo been kept in comparative obscurity, froiu the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpean, isA physician in Paris, of great wealth and strict conicientioui* principles, and has witheld them from general use lest tliey should be employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming Female Obstructions, Falling of the Wouib, Whites, Green Sickness, Suppres sion, Retention, or Immoderate Flow the Monthly Discharges, Nervous and Spinal Affee tions, Paias in the Back and Limbs, Fatlgne oa Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the lleart, HJi terici, Ac., aud will sffect a euro when all other means have failed and, although a powerful remedy, do not contaiu calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Cftrar* Dried aa4 Canaed Traits* Oysters* «wder aai Shot* srotftoaa, Wooden Ware, See. Oar Meek will to kept fUlaftka tost inality—-eelected with cara iatha Baat arn Markata. Oriara alwaya pramptljr filled at fha Lawaat markat rataa, aad aa paiaa aparad ta five aatinftctioa. Oldfiriaada aad fatra^pararafaaat ta call aad aacaakiaaaar Stack kaferabay iaf KaaMiabar tha plaea, aid ataad af M. P.Olarka dt Oa., ayfaatta tkaBraad Asa, MaGMflOi, IOWA. Liquors and Wines ostte* AT Wholesale k KataiL P. PI8HB1, BectiAer aad Dealer la ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, ONE DOOR AIOVE COATS OLD STAND, BBoOrefor* Xowa. An especial examination ia asked ef all ah* want any brand of Pare Wiaaa ar Lifaara, for Medical or other purpnsaa 4#omplete sasortment always oa band. y« WONDEBFUX, laifrara yaar Oamylaziaa Ladiaa! By sending 60 cents to me you can get one of tbe bast receipts in the business, aud no looting, for beau tifying and cleaning tbe ekin aad removing tan and freckles and all other eruptions, breakings eat or pim ples oa the bee. Also for removing stales, paint, spots greaae and dirt *ihb •!». aattna, calieo or woolen elotba,aad others. V. M. PICA. Ntal McGregor, Iowa. 1MP0STSSS ANS Wholesale Dealers Si Foreign A Domestic Wines and Liquors, MMML, NIGN WINES, PUNE SPIRITS, COPPER DISTILLED MC, i Abrm. Kohn. Mala Street, McOragar, laws. |f, B.—Clothing made to order at short notice. Deal ere in Clothing will find it to their advantage to ex amine my stock, as I can fill their orders on very lib eral terms. 619 Retail Dealer in Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Bices •Frapp AND RMN0R6ANELA WHISKIES, SSI Mala Street* DUBUQUB* I i i 6- i I w a e i 3 I I n w I i ^fORKMAL^I fLONt" I N S Vegetable Ambrosia IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE. GRAY-Hare KADED PEOPLB have their locks restar ed by it to the dark, luttrout, tilktn tresiu of yonth, and hajpy! YOUNG PKOPLK, with light, Jaded or red Hair, have these unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful aoburn, and rejoicet People whose heads are covered with DattdrufT and Humors, use it, and hare clean coats and clsar aad healthy scalps! BALD-HKADKD VETERANS have their remaining locks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a lux uriant growth of llair. aud dance for joy 1 YOUNG GENTLEMEN use it because It is richly perfumed! YOUNO LADIES use it because it keeps their Hair in place 1 EVERYBODY mutt and icill use it, because it is the titanttl and but article in the market. FOR SALE NT DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. "Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia" is a real genuine "Hair Preparation." I have used two bottles ef it with the happiest success. My head ha* been partial ly bald for several years, and lam having a fine growth of hair on it, from its use. Several or my friends have used it for a Hair Dressing," removal or dandruff, aad to change the color, all of which it will certainly do. H. II. CHANDLER, Merchant. Galena,UL NL J. JCASI & CO., Mcdrsfar, CM Wholesale Agents lor tbe Northwest. W. S. OONANT'S aoacoir Cracker Bakery MUCKERS OF Mi KINDS Constantly on Band, oa Made to Order. All aflha Best Qaality f. ASS AT PRICES Tf ft mw.. Wo Salt the Vrade. TWO DOORS RELOW BRICK CHURCH, M'GREGOjt WALTER fc BROS., Wkalaaala aad Betail Furniture House I BCcttrefor, Iowa w Invite the public and par ticularly dealers thronghou'l' North Iowa, South Minnesota am that part or Wlsconsia adjacent to* this point, to Examine our Stock! before they make their purchases, as we reel sure that OKI facilities and long experience enable us to Defy all Competition in our line. Our only motto ia QUICK 8 ALBS AMb SMALL PBOT1T8. Ml Call i ka OaaTiacad