Newspaper Page Text
ML TheUEWS bar Ikit the book bindery ta w« ill Che Now* office." THE BOOK BINDERY ..JSOT^ MOVED! It Remains over The Times Office Where it has been since 1869, and with UR. VOELKER A WORKMAN OF 33 Y e a s Experience A* foreman, we are able to com pete in P&ZOS and QUALITY with any other Bindery in the State. Pnr Machinery is equal to the beet used in the eastern cities, and quite as NBW as that be longing to the Wews Co., which was packed away in a Chicago basement over FIV2! years a go. Shis statement is made upon no less authority than their foremani' J. M. Boisington. We are prepared to bind all kinds of Magazines, Pictorials, Music, Ac., Ac., as well as to ftarnish all sorts of Blank Books* Ruling, Ac.i Ac., at as FAMILIES S Will flwe call at Church & Bidwell 7 ffclWMMlWUMof Groceries k Provisions, Confectioneries. Fruits, Butter, Eggs, and Poultry. Whatever is demanded at the dining table shall endeavor to supply at Reasonable Rates To all who amy fcvor uavrith their patronage. We have been engaged is the business hero long •nonjh to get "Ihe h«n^" of the tradu and know how lo bu/ what the public demand,. ALL KINDS OF GREEN FRUITS In their season, all Garden Vegetables, Freeh Butter, Young Chickens, and whatever delicacies and sub •UoiIhIn that crtu bo reached by exertion and money, will be piled np for the use of our customers. We pav the Illghest Price to Farmers for choice ar tifle* from the field or garden. Bring us your •hoicent goods and get well paid. Kain 8treet, two doors east of City TTotel fanmr place or business. City customers hare their order* pioni|Hly filled and the goods delivered Pfeo at their ve*pecli ve houses. k7 Oil Your Harness!! ANK MILLER'S I I E A E HARNESS OIL BLACKING!I BY ITS VSH ONE-HALt MAY BR ADDBD TO •. JP« DURABILITY OF HARNESS, CARRIAGE T0P8, AC. i"|[ ii..j N Tor Boots and Shoes, r&AVS MILLBR'I Leather Preservative! AND Waterproof Oil Blacking]! FRANK^XILLBR'S POLISH OIL BLACKING! w 1© (HIE AT DEMAND TOR TUtM AnTT0I.ES HAS BROUGHT TUEM INTO OKftiKRAL USE. .Jf0£ SALE IN NEARLY EVERY CITY audTOWS IN TIIE U. S. AND CAN ADAS. Saaay tor Yoaag Men,OB the Errors,Abusesand MMRMS which'lostroy th. Manly Powers andcrente Marriage, with *nrs meansof relief. tintiainlN latter envelope* free of chare- A1 *rsM,Dr.J.SKILLTN lIOU'JIITONj Assoc! BEMaVHl) I HAYT & BTJRDXCK HATS RRMOYRD TilXS Lumber Yard! Prom their *14 itud on' Hail R,1 To the Foot of 1st St., whore may be found a Largo and Complete assortment of LUMBER! TZ9KBBR! PICKETS, DOORS and SASH. FARMERS, BUILDERS & DEALERS WILL PLEASE CALL ON US 8EF0REJPURCNASIR6. OUR PRIOE8, Wholesale & Retail! A&S VBRY LOW. Ibuktal for thf Liberal Patronage received for the last 12 yean, we hope by fair dealing to enjoy a continuance of the same. WIorbeg famish Terms! and in as GOOD Style & QUALITY As can be done in any City. HAYT BURDICK. McGregor, Ang. 10,18M. QIC DEOORAH Marble Works! BAILEY & FULLER, PROPRIETORS. leave to Inform MM dtiieas of McGrefp and the surrounding country, that w. (bail Monuments, i: Headstonro, Table Tops, We deliver and set all work free of charge, and warrant all work as good if not superior to any other. It will be for your interest by from $10 to $1000, according to the priceof your order, to buy of ns. •14 BAILEY A FULLER. WAIBZBOTOV LIFE INSURANCE CO., 156 Broadway, New York. OT&US CUBTZSS, President. Cash Assets Over $1,500,000 Increasing mure tlinu Two Thousand Dollars per day, over all losses and Expenses. Am't Insured in 1868, $20,553,034,10 Div. Surplus Jan. 1,11869, 405,603,15 It U the only Stock Company whose character ex pressly requires the distribution of all profits among the Policy holders. A clause in each Policy seeures it from forfeiture. All Dividends Non-Forfoitable by Char* ter. Dividends made and paid in cash or in«urance,an nually from date of policy. POLICIES KEPT IN FORCE BY DIVIDENDS. All the profits are divided with the policy holders, and policies become self sustaining in about fifteen years. DR. JAMES WRIOnT, State Agt.,I)os Moines,Iowa. REV. J. S. RAND,Special Agent. BR. HAMILTON, Med. Kxam., Bonk Block, Mc Gregor, Iowa. PAUL A MA80N,0enernl Agents 06T Apples 2 Apples!! GEO. I I HAVE ON IIAND AND AM CONSTANTLY RS OEIVING ON CONSIGNMENT, Steamboat Loads of Apples! And other Fruits, WHICH WILL BB BOLD ALMOST AT BUYERS' OFFERS. Dealers will be Sure of a Profit ON ALL TRUCK THAT I SELL THM. THIS IS AN EARNEST, HONEST, 8TRAIGHT STATEMENT. SEND IN ORDERS OR CALL AND SEE Tu. BASS. en DDIPIf Livery DIlluH Stable, 5 HA£ THE ALLEN(LATE FLANDERS3H0USE, McORKGOR. We wfrolf'dfespeetfnl lyannounc to th ••ptlbTTStliat we are now occupying our new and commodious stable. Onrestabliehm.nt will lie constantly sup plied with as good a stock of Ilorsei- and Carriages aaanystabltin thireity. 603 McLerahan ABoadenot For Livery Teams! CALL ON Pearsall 8c Church, The Pioneer Establishment of McGregor. Onr stock is kind and gentle,lively or fast,and in condition. Quiet folks can select with entire safety, and the irrepressible portion of the human family can secure horses that need nothing but care, wiliern«ss and good sense to carry them any rcaMormble distanee in a given number of hours. Our eHrriages, siugle, double, covered and open, are complete. As winter approaches, we will be prepared to give yon such "rigs," with buffalo accompaniments, bells, etc., as will be sure to please. McGregor Planing On upper Market Square. Reynolds, Leefeli WILL Saw, Dress and Match All kinds of U »y».P ITahOlhctured by PRANK MILLER k* IS ami 20Cellar St., New York. OOMTJUGAX LOVE, A*iTHiHArri«#8OfTBijrJii**iA0*. »»F On order. prepared to AirntaMp^?^ Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Oornice And all kinds of Finishing BKaterial In best style and Quality. Terms can lie made. Orders lillee* on demand. O. II. Le.feld business manager, will treat all callcrs kindly and I SMK* (MIS g*«t TKD CMM. T. W. WOOD Has Removed to the next door Woo of I. R. Barrens, and is ready to fill Or dors, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, in DRUGS' PAINTS, trnts GLASS MedicjnaL Wines and Uqi^s BOOKS* t'2 *nd *TALL FAFBB. Oash Orders from the Country Tilled at the Xiowest Kates. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to Compounding Proscriptions T. W.WOOD. ttttRlOQR.IOWA. 684 A. RINGLING, HALF WAT UP MAIN STREET. ISTURNING OUT SOME OF THK HANDSOMEST as well as tho most substantial A N E S S that McGregor citizens or visitors ever looked upon or used. XTone but the Best Workmen are Smployed, AND ONLY TBS BBSS MAVHZAS used 1 n Manufacture. For HARNESS, coiams: &C.,&C* For leas figures11 by 10 to 00 per cent}, than yon can get of any shop near yon. & V1111 W BRIDLES And Repairing o^ all Kinds, GOTO A. RINGLING, NEARLY OPPOSITE MUBBAY HOUSE. M«Gregor,Oct.l 18«7. §72 i 8 5 4' SEWARD'S A S:ife and Speady Cure fir Coughs.Coldj, Astiuna Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect a iev»re Cough, or throw away monev on a worthless medicine. PRFCE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY & CliENKY. Druggists, Iiufiaio. N.Y. Sold by all Druggist*. SEEL? A At Korth BEcOregor, Zowa, Announce to the public and particularly to tfie people along the fine of the McGregor Western Rail way, aiid those adjacent to its stations, that thejr are well stocked up in Xiumbex%, Lath, Shingles, And all other Building Materials £Sn tho Timber Une. Ilaving established a Planing Mill and 8asb, Door and Blind Manufactory, they can farvish customers with whatever may be repuired in finishing a house, such as Matched Flooring, ,W^1 Boors, Window Sash, Blinds, Ac. At rates which Wi 1 be Satisfactory* Call at the Levee, above Freight and Passenger Depot, fourth McGregor, for any article of wooden material required in building. 477 SBELY A SHAW. DRAKE, i'gU PAYTON* ^^PATOXCK, Keavy and Shelf Hara.ware _, Iron, StaeU Vails* ni&ai* w ALL KINDS OF TOILS'! I finished and Vninishsd W O O W O K W»ofler the following induetmania tsbajrw. The Largest Stocks The Largest Assortment* and the Lowest Prices l«rthpaup!«ii*U*jr of Oa«d«, rtf We can satisfy any on# Jf||«y»ll call and see for themselves. 80T More Sophistry and Hnmbnggery—* Bout well on the Public Debt. As evidence of the financial nonsense snd self-evident hunibugry that is going the rounds of radical papers, and swal lowed by the masses of unthinking men, it ho swallow everything that they hear or read as law and gospel, particularly if it comes from some official source, we give the following from Secretary Bout well's speech in Philadelphia, just be fore the October election. Speaking of tho payment of the interest bearing debt of the United States, the Secretary is reported to have said: "If we wore to pay $100,000,000 a year—which we can pay, if the present system of taxation be permitted to re main—the public debt would be ex tinguished in less than fourteen years If we pay $50,000,000 a year which we can do, while annually decreasing the taxation, tho interest-bearing public debt would be extinguished in less than twenty-two years. If we pay but $26. 000,000 a year and largely reduce tax ation, the interest-bearing debt would be extinguished in about thirty yoars." If we had a boy ten years old w'uo would mako a statement so palpably ab surd, and so mathematically incorrect, we should despair of his ever being fit for any other position in life than to become the successor of Secretary Bout well. At the time of this Statement the hi terest-bearfog debt, including interest then due, as shown by the official stale ment of the Secretary, was over $3,215, 000,000. Now if any mathematician can show by computation how this debt can be paid iu fourteen years by paying $100,000,000 a year, we should like to see the figures.—Considerable over one half of this debt bears six per cent, in terest, a small portion three, find the balance five, making an average of over five per cent. But the ridiculousness of the state ment don't stop here. Supposo the the Secretary to be correct in the time of its extinguishment by paying $100, 000,000 a year, by what rule in math ematics is it that he is able to demon strate that that the annual payment of one-half that amount, or £50,000,000. would pay it in twenty-two years, or at considerable less than twice the time that annual payments of twice the amount would do it, when almost any schoolboy who had learned the simple rules of addition and multiplicafon would say it would take consideiabl more than twice as loDg a time, being increased by the accumulation ox ad ditional interest, and so the smaller the annual payments the greater would be the relative time required, and the lar ger the payment the shorter the time, instead of the reverse, as undertaken to be demonstrated by the learned Secret ary, who has, doubtless, discovered some new rule of mathematics, peculiarly ap plicable to radical finances, by which he can clearly demonstrate this solution of so intricate a problem The next problem that we would like to have the learned, distinguished, and Hon. Secretary solve by his rule, is, "bow much money would a boy earn in 20 days, at 10 cents a day, and how much longer would it take him to earn the same amount at & ee*|fta day?— Favette Co. tin ion. We are reliably informed tbat our Irish citizens throughout the county arc organizing an Association on the joint stock plan, with headquarters in Lansing, for the purpose of carrying on commercial business establishment similar to that conducted by our Scan dinavian brethern. We cordially wish the enterprise that success which it so richly merits. Our Irish farmers com prise at least one third of all the land owners in the county, and arc possessed of ample means and intelligence to start and run an institution of the kind in a manner that must ultimately prove bene ficial, not only to those pecuuiarly and directly interested, but to the entire community. Keep the ball rolling, gentlemen, have primary meetings in the several townships, appoint some of your leading men to solicit subscriptions, and we have not the least doubt, that before the first of joext January* your books may be closed and business com menced. We believe several thousand dollars arc already subesribed, and with a little exertion the enterprise will soon reach a point at which failure is impos sible.—Lansing Chronicle. Hints for Ladies. When your husband returns home at night let him find the fire out, his tea and toast cold, and you reading a novel. If he tells you his expenses are more than his income, and proposes to move into a smaller house, sit down and cry about it. Tell him you always lived in a large house before you were married. If at the end of a few months he fails in business, don't make the best of his misfortunes, or help him to bear his troubles by giving your sympathy, but cry as though your heart would break. Hint occasionally before him how much higher position you held in society before than since your marriage. If he has business to call him out at night, be sure and fret, when ho returns about being out, and about his disliking to be at home with his family. Whine every time he comes in the house about being tiod at home. Then if he proposes to take you out to ride, tell him you arc tired half to death, and don't want to ride. Follow out these hints faithfully, and in return you will have as impatient and discontented a husband as can be found, and one that will come only at eating and sleeping hours, and ^ou m!iy be thankful to see him then. A gentleman once asked, "What is woman when a married man replied "She is an essay on grace, in one volume, elegantly bound- Although it may be dear, every man should have a copy of it." The identical Star Spangled Banner which floated over Fort McIIeury when Key wrote our national song is ofiered for sale by the heirs of Col. Armistead, who commanded the fort and kept the historic bunting. k A Miss Lucy Lee advertises in a Mis sissippi paper that she is "of good birth and education, and is willing to marry an editor, believing herself able to support one." A little girl, worn out by a long ser mon, observing the preacher gathering himself for the introduction of another "point," exclaimcd, "Oh, mother, he is not going to quit ut &1), Uc swelling W| agaia J" Typhoid. If you knock a man down he may rise up again, but after two or three such knockings he loses the power of rising. In ordinary fevers the system has a re cuperative power, especially when the weight of the malady has been removed by suitable medicine but, when that recuperative power is lost the system will not rise to health, although medicine has done all that was cxpectcd from it, and the patient dies. This inability may exist in all forms of disease. "Ty phoid" means "like typhus," and typhus itself means "stupor"—a kind of sleep or death.—There is a growing tendency, in all diseases, "to take on the typhoid type," which simply means that the con stitutions of the people are growing weaker and weaker, less and less capable of resisting the onsct3 of disease hence, a less amount of sickness kills now than fovmerly. And, added to this, physicians of every grade have observed that their patients "can't bear" as large doses of medicine as heretofore, and the tendency is to give less and less and at longer in tervals, and wait and s$e "what nature will do." The practical use to be made by the reader of these facts is to habit uate himt.clf to a greater watchfulness against the causes of all diseases, and to a greater care of himself when he is sick and this eare should bti observed in three main directions 1. In recovering from any form of disease, keep abundantly MM comfort tably warm. 2. Studiously avoid taking cold 3. Watch against over-exercise for several days or weeks. 4. Eat very moderately, and at regular iutcrvals of plain nourishing food. If these four things were dise: ved relapses would be rare, and the patient would be saved. The most difficult of the four is to avoid eating too much there is special danger of yielding to a craving for some particular kind of food. We once knew an estimable lady who was happily recovering from an at tack of typhoid fever but she had such a stvong desire for a sweet potato that it was allowed her in less than an hour the symptoms became unfavorable, and she died the next day. The sleepiness or stupor of typhoid nrlbes from the fact that the brain, and licnce the whole nervous system is op pressed by the disease, is weighed down, c.iunot act, goes to sleep and dies.— Hall's Journal of Health. Said a male advocate of woman's rights: "When I am in a crowded car, and a ladv comes in, I think it is the duty of some other man to get up and give her a seat. I look around the car to sec if any man in the crowd looks like making a move in that direction, snd when I see them all keep their scats, I liide my focc behind my news paper, and blush for my sex." A negro preacher in Louisianateperft* 1 got off the following for the benefit ofh is hearers: "You think the Lord a'n't 'bout heah all de time! if you duz. you is mistaken. One time he met de debblc walkin' roun' like a roarin' lion, aa' de Lord say, I gwine to put you in to de pit for a thousand years, an' I got a great mind to put you dar for two thousand years arter dat, if I cotch you roun' again, I'll put you in dar forebber, if 1 'se got to do it at de pint ob de bay onet 1" Thee are only five of the Memphis aldermen under indictment for cor ruption in office. If to do were as easy as know what were good to do, chapels had been chu' ches, and poor men's cottages, princ es' palaccs. It is a good divine thatfoK his own instructions. I can easier teach twenty men what were good to be done, than to be one of twenty to follow mine own teaching.—Shakspeare. Pc ilk same as milk. A $1,000 cow was exhibited at the Iowa State Fair. Pr.'Nce BLATHERSKITE.—The Lovfoville Courier-Journal does the inimitable Geo. Francis Train up as follows. The Cour ier Journal is evidently not very well ac quainted with George's more valuable qualities: "A locomotive that has run off the track, turned upside down, with its cow catcher buried in a stump, and the wheels making a thousand revolutions a minute— a kite in the air which has lost iIs tail— a human novel without a hero—a man who climbs a tree for a bird's nest and in o\ der to get it saws the limb off between bim and the t'ec—a chip without a rud der—a clock without bands—a sermon that is all te^t—a pantomime of words— an a :ow shot into the air—the apotheo sis of talk—the incarnation of gab. Handsome, vivacious, versatile, muscular, r.s neat as a cat, clean to the marrow, a jud^e of the effect of clothes, frugal in food, and regular only in habits—a noon day mystery—a solved conundrum—a practical joke in earnest—a cipher hunt* inij a figure to pass for something with the brains of twenty men all nulling dif ferent ways not bad as t« nearl, but a man who has only shaken hands wuh reverence.'* An Italian officer is reported to hare made a discovery, by means of which any private soldier is enabled to measure the distance of any object within range, inbi.mtly, and at the same time to aim a un or canon with unerring accuracy. This would make all firearms such mur derous weapons, that two detachments of troops within ran^e would be etw4fled to utterly destroy one another. «»n Why is a beefsteak like a locomotive It is not of much account without it's tender. A man, supposed to he the "Last of the Mohicans,M or some other extinet race, has been discovered in Michigan. He pays bis debts, particularly the printer. A Philadelphia paper represents the catifish in the Schuylkill as swimming about with tin cups in their mout^J^eg ging for a drink. A young woman of Memphis has fol lowed the advice of the Revolution, "proposed*' to a man Bbe liked, and mar ried him the next day. A Wash in 2 ton paper describes a beauti ful young lady as having a face a painter mi lit dwell upon. Tbat would be a delightful residence. Tbe first water power saw-mill of which we have any record, was erected at Saar dam, Holland, in 1596. It will require $25,48G,000 in coin to pay the semi-annual interest on the 5-20 bonds on the 1st of November. A man was recently found dead in his cellar in Princeville, III., with two bullet holes through his.body. and a paper pinned on his cout collar, which rs^d,' 2: Ko. Peterson & Larson, DIALERS IN AKD GROCERIES, Paints, Oils, Window Glass AND PUTTY, Patent Medicines, ALCOHOL, AWWMHNTSIWTl^ Sugars, Coffees* Teas, And Syrups, AGENTS fOR TBI American Powder Company. Dead Shot Rifle Bowder, in 1*4, 1*2 and Whole Kegs. Also, Blasting Powder. Shot, Lead, ruse, and Ctan OapSt Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. Peterson & larson, Public Square, •M McORSGOB, IOWA. Watches & Jewelry Strouse & Bro's Have j«st iMHvel New and Splendid ASSORTMENT OT AMERICAN AMD SWISS WATCHES. NN TKO IMPORTED CLOCKS FINE JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS. «r.-. Mllc makes Sue. «9»IT. Strouse, who has been employed in one of th- largest manufacturing establishments in Kurope, will give his entire attention to the repairing of flue Watches and Clocks. I 49*Opposlte G.O. Ooae's Hardware Store.^ik MedNfor, lowS* CIGAB- MANUFACTORY. Mo. 1 G40*»s and sell either at Wholesale or Retail BOTTOM PUCKS! The Best Largest ISSOfiWEILI OF ALL UH0$. vJ •Z'.'i'it CHOICE Cut & Plug Tobaccos, SNDFrS, PIPR8—low and high costing—POUCIIK8 and all goods belonging to a Tobacco bouse iu lite largest wholesale establishments. How can show Better or MP at Lower Figures. Remember the Place, O.NK DOOR WRIT OF SOX'S BLOCK, Capt. I. N. Morrill, q. Eschar!—, SM McGregor, A NEEDED WAKT SUPPLIED. A FIRST CLASS Dry Goods House!! Where everything that justly belongs to the Dry Ooods business is kept on hand, and in sufficient aHaalllias nienl tho 1 u_/i IUOUH i.unni.T. 'B acpi on URDU, ft Tin in siiincit*t)t ,aft«tltien meet th© growing wants of McGregor.— Inch »n one is now to be found in tin vtorv of STROUSE, SHERMAN & Company, WHOSE TWO LARGS ROOMS AM riSABB TO OTBKVXOWnve PILES OF GOODS 0# iVKRY VARIETY, QUALITY AND STYLE! FASMOiMLE OR DESIRABLE. space will net fVfttft ns to enumerate, but among which will bo found the following': •ilkPopltMt, Irish Pdflmm, Du-Cnpes Silk Ottomans, Wool Delalnea, Cheue Poplin*, Snpress Cloth, T»ch Merit Trench Merlnoes, Coburgs, California Mixturrs, Roman Cloths, Wash Poplins, Ladies Clotluiand Cloakings, Waterproofs, Silks, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. i Laces, ,/ Cluney Laces, Gnfpure and Brussels, Silk fringM, Dress Buttons, Moves, Hosiery, Ralniorals. Trench Corsets, Emliro'd ITd'kfs, ••ml Mt Stitched H'd'kfs, Baskets, Yankee Motion. Wo do not propose to adopt the plan pursued by some merchants, to adver tise a few Cheap Ooods aa LBAPEBS, but sell all onr Ooods at tho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! We purchase onr goods in first hands —of the Importers or Manufacturers— by tho Case or Package, thereby save the Jobber's profit which wo purpose to give onr customers the advantag-o of. Fair and Impartial Compari SSn will Satisfy all Buy* ers of this fact. THE LARSEST M0 BEST STOCK II THE MAR KET. EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AND PMICES. Cloths 9l Cassimeres, Beavers, BLANKETS AND COUNTERPANES, FLANNEL, Whit* LEO. STBOUSB. HBNBY STROUSB. and Colored, Taney, Twilled and Plain. $heetings, Shirtings, Jtonims, Hickory, Tickings, Prints. LHPBTSI Brussels, "Imperial, a-Bly, Ingrain, Bope and Stair. STAXB. RODS, &C. &C. ftOitl 1G1NT8 A NEW FRENCH CORSET, Superior to anything is the market. A140 80LS AGISTS TOR Sterling's 6 Cord Spool Thread Largest Stock IX THl NORTHWRST. TBI FINEST CLOTHING SVBR MADS. 3FSS Rver Offered to the Pablie,at tb» Only On# VrMt Clothing Store IS CniCAGO. Terryit Barnes, SUCCESSORS fO ATA* WVSAM. US and 118 RANDOLPH B.B.T1RRY. ST. W. M. BARN] «U w I I -m'liniii tiiiiif, N E W U S I A N 1 NEW BOOKS! 650 PIECES OF NEW SHEET MUSIT ANB A LARGR LOT OT TINS Italian Violin, Violincello, and Guitar Strings, JOST RKCBIVSD, AT J. B. HAIOHT'S O O K AND MUSIO STORB, Sign of the I O O K F7BLX0 SQT7A&S. Alm nll fee Lnte VabUoittUN. OVER 250 VOLUMES OF NEW BOOKS! Prom all the Principal Publishers in the United Stateo. Sold at Publishers prices. JOHN H. HAI6HT. C. Summer field 40SDRR0T BEAM-HADE CLOTHING, OlOIBI, CASSIMEBES, VE8TIKGS, Gents'FnrnlsWng Goods, 191 fttkkeSfc, W CHICAGO. o- SK FAIRY "THE PRICES REDUCED!!! Pwerjr Lady can have a S E W I N A I N E 25,000 NOW IN USB. The Fair? Sevisg Machine. Only $5 for a Perfect Sowing w""p| ~M«kei tho Look Stitch. Works en ~any Fabric. Will Bom, Tuck and OPell. Embroiders beautifully. Thq ZLadies delighted and will have r"Pairy in every house. P%11 Direc^ "^tions with each Machine. Every Machine sold by us is worth five dollars CDper month to any family in the world. Why pay to $50 for a Sewing Machine wben the •^•'FAIRY" will do the work and can be obtained ^Jfor ouly five dollars. No mechanical ingenuity 2Qre|uirt-d t. uttu litem. Arosimple,and warrantee^ to do perfect stitching on coarse or fine work. ^The seams will not break or ravel. Our agent* __aru making from $200 to $ii00 per month. Any ilady getting up a club order for & machines,an4 ^sending uh lift, will bo preseuted with one foe JJJher commission. On rw:eipt of $6, by mail, a m*Jperfect Fairy Machine will be sent to any addreM •t^or family iu the country. Any on. cau examine the work and operation of th. "Tairy," at i/UE rnmrnOm*. AddreM Fairy Sewing Machine Co* P.O.Box &787. ton 'm •un^ioR at 85 & 87 Dearborn St., Chics go. 49*We refer, by permission,to Sarn'l M. Kick.raoty Ssa., President 1st National Bank, Chicaaoi. I674m6] FOR SALE. Sgoffer I for sale my firm of 200 acres, sltuatad MJ Turkey River, and 7 miles from Gut ten lierg ,CTay county, Iowa, One hundred acres of this fans If on Turkey River bottom. The whole farm is superior A STOCK FABBKI Corn and flay can be grown in almost unlimited Anantitiea. Plenty of Timber on the farm. A .plea* did new bridge has recen|)j' liccn built across Turkey River on this farm, snd the line of the Turkey Valley Railroad runs directly past, and must hav. a dspot here. I also offer for sale a quantity of Sors lattle. Chester White ham Catt! and Bin I will piyn time to suit the purchaser. Tor further Information,apply to the subscriber on the premier* D.OfiTEHfOCR. Gutteoberg, August Sith, 18C8. 472