loodbye Snow, We Hope Gladys E. Shay BV of muddy streets, lit marbles, raking brush, and day mixture « play mg « burning 'Ü'inir (spring fever) diffuse spring is coming, snow fall and the boys bids proclaim th current m ,, only fools and newcomers ^ e m the weather" residents t simply say "spring's here." („using project residents have ere d that it's a lot easier ° their cars on nearby it is to force their park gt3 than through project mud holes, manage to sink deeper into the gumbo and >)> deeper v hasn't passed that at least 'TlrfMe car hasn't been stuck. They 'IPWl travel won't help the situa V' : bit. Rough planking forms * sidewalks as well as trails clotheslines. ■Fencing with rough wooden "Bords is becoming an art for ™ No fatalities reported. Foot 1 practice is coming into style vacant lots and 22's are being jned and oiled for tin can tar shooting. Girls are adding a e more lipstick and pin curls iater-beauty to aid spring ro ces. rush is being burned and ra brought out to help clean up yard a little Daily mails are ging house plans and new id to enthusiastic house plan rs. Anticipated is warmer wea it with its bulldozing, concrete uring, and new homes. Seed ca -J Blogues are being read with ar Nigni-Br and mental gardens planted— fl-So| a t j I'm amily!" ad luiti; laus weeds. IThe "little tots" are enjoying laying outside for longer hours, fcey're all drawn by an Invisible (rce to the nearest and muddiest lot with the inevitible "come in the house" climax. j [Stores are beginning to rear Lge stock, paint a little, display jeds, bicycle repairs, house clean taids, mamoth 25 cent Hershey 1rs, print material, and baby bo fi es. Not forgetting the spring earances and first arrival of esh strawberries and new po And, last but certainly not In le background, is the spring fe ir which rampages school stud s and work in general. But, it is Jy "once a year'' and spring" ne r comes soon enough. Mrs. Mike O'Connor and child k and Mrs. Swede Martin will ave tomorrow for Salmon, Ida j. They will visit the Joye Boyle imily there and plan to be gone a Guaranteed Electrical 3 Wiring of All u V Kinds ft RICE ELECTRIC Route 1 Columbia Falls R - Just a Hint Your Family Will Like The JELLY, JAMS, MARMALADE, PRESERVES (in 1 lb, 2 lb. and 5 lb. jars) MARSHMALLOW CREME & TEXAS FIGS rail lines of AT ANDERSON BROS. dealers in fancy and staple groceries Columbia Falls » « Give Your Car a Spring Tonic HAVE THE Grease changed in transmission and differential Sludge flushed out of the motor Tires tubes, battery and spark plugs checked AND FOR REAL SERVICE GO TO SMITH BROTHERS Columbia FaHs nimummiuuuuuuuuuuuiaunim i n gy Sy O M 0 r U* b "" Mrs. Fred Richmond ren Roly and °bild ren, Belton, spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs Cla ra Green. The public is invited to attend the Royal Neighbors card tomorrow night, Thursday, will be served by the Mrs. Margaret Gibbons, Chica fe°tte m ° ther ° f MrS ' James Maran tette, arrived Sunday to several weeks at her home. party Lunch committee. spend daughters E. snent tT' T ^ ley ' Ri ^ b y> Idaho, week wiïh\ ^ in the Falla week with his son. Harold Tolley by ArkTHall 116 , aCCom P anied y Arlo Hall also of Rigby. Dawn Burke left Sunday tot Couer d'Alene where she will be employed at her former at the telephone position company. Monthly business meeting 0 f the Baptist church will be held to morrow, Thursday. 8 o'clock at the church. Rev. Werner has re ported that the church woodwork ha s been painted, another step in the remodeling. * Mr. and Mrs. Julius C Christman Harr^o^fflaÏys will"St refaf 0 " 1 in Missoula while Julius L f ^ VGS Harrison receTring fm^ i Äec? up. Henry is staying with the eÏ* ward Mattheisen family in t Sr absence. y meir Donald Mattheisen had the mis fortune to cut his wrist Saturday while cutting wood. Several stit ches were required. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee, Wen atchee; Mrs . Theresa Edward Kahspell; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lee and Mrs. Elizabeth Greene Sunday dinner guests Mattheisen home. were at George The Bob Lees were here on business as Mr. Lee plans to start Whitefish. self laundry in a Art Green purchased ton Dodge Monday. a red % s s g M i E ss s es «4UATIM6 jpJ AND ■plumbing B 3 g es. s es H g es es 3 SS H S H H S I QUALITY PLUMBING | at the RIGHT PRICES s BS BS BS BS BS i We Contract New Jobs i a Or Repair Old Ones I BS X Hoerner Plumbing I and Healing | ES S Licensed Plumbers Columbia Heights S BS s H 3 K To Present School Play "The Mysterious Rosalind" will be presented by the junior high Wednesday, tonight, at 8 o'cIock. it will be m the grade school aud< itonum with proceeds to buy school equipment. Mrs. Vi Carter is director of the two During intermissions school twlrlers band will perform. act play, the grade and high school Entertains Baptist Ladies Mrs. Edwin Harder wae , . .LaSalle, was hostess at the Baptist miss ionary society meeting today. The women have been collecting pic ture cards to send to work has been done China and on clothing missionary fields. Mrs. E. R. Rutherford drove Columbia women to the meeting. granges will present one act plays at the La Salle grange hall April 10. The 8:30 program will consist of plays by Eastside. Bissell. and Lower Valley granges. The plays will be followed by dancing. Grange lad-1 are asked to bring cake. for Falls Present Grange Plays Three Flathead ies o H 5 ° II I WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH COMPLETE HOUSE JOBS See Us Before You Build o D WALLBOARD 12 x 12 TILE INSULATION BOARD o COAL Q o COLUMBIA FALLS LUMBER o a q o 0 Pat Kelly Phone 4-2R O IT'S THE Glacier Furniture FOR WASHING MACHINES — RADIOS — GUNS STOVES — CHROME FURNITURE MATTRESSES Anything in the line of furniture Master Violet Ray (One Only) ( ( We Buy/New and Used Furniture f f GLACIER FURNITURE COLUMBIA FALLS SEE THE NEW 1948 Gibson Refrigerator AND Dexter Washing Machine ★ ★ ★ NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE PARK MERCANTILE CO. Columbia Falls Self-Service Store 1 1 For every day low prices Ö Trade at Caleys We Sell For Less o D O o o D a O We Have On Order DAFFODILS AND NARCISSUS To give to each lady coming in the store Saturday D ★ ★ ★ J o » 1 CALEY'S MARKET Col. Falls o Highway No. 37 0 o o Scouts Plan Hike A hike and supper meeting is planned for the Boy Scouts Fri day. They will meet at scoutmas ter Ben Finstead's home at 6 o'clock. Boys are asked to bring food to cook and badges. Any boy 12 years of age or older is invited to attend. Present at pass cooking the organization meeting last Friday were Alfred Reese, Wilbur DeFlyer, Larry Carlson, and Willis Loveall. Eastside Ladies Meet The Eastside ladies club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Pearl Brunelle with Mrs. Martha Nelson co-hostess. Several were played and prizes awarded. Mrs. Mickey Crum received the door Prize. During the evening Ap ril F ° o1 jokes were played on members present. Refreshments were served at the close, Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jean Marantette with Mrs Esther Finstead co-hostess, April games 15. P.T.A. Hears Objectives; Talk on Recreation Mrs. Morris Blake, P, T. A. dis trict president, Kalispeil, spoke at the P. T. A. meeting Tuesday ev ening. Objectives and programs of the P. T. "Boots' Schoenberg was present and explained work that had been done and aims of the local tion center. A program was presented by A. were explained. recrea INDIVIDUALIZE YOUR NEW SPRING WARDROBE With Costume Jewelry It Gives the "New Look" Personality V/i WÀ Earrings, Lapel pins, Ensembles, Necklaces, Chokers You will be delighted with the many fine numbers on display in our windows ¥¥¥ CROUCH JEWELRY Columbia Falls YOU DON'T JUDGE A MAN BY HIS CLOTHES Don't Judge the Big Store By It's Outside Appearance i ( Come Inside and See the New Look f f Clean Up Table ITEMS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 25 to 50% Discounts Dry Goods Department f IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT \ Sunshine HI Ho CRACKIRf MARTIN-DAVALL MERCANTILE it The Big Store yy Columbia Falls ■ X H N H X H M X Wednesday Is A Great Day For The FLATHEAD X X H X M M X M H X X H BS H x H H H H X X H H X X N H M H X Bl I H M ★ X X M H X H H M X X H Welcome Contractors H X H H X B4 H M H X H H X M H N M H N H H X And Other Visitors H H X SS N M X H x X N M ★ ★ ★ H X N H M H H H X N H X X N M H H Th« M—Jiy SbM x X H H X H Chet Seymer—Authorized Dealer Columbia Falls H X x H M X X H I X M X H M H M grade school students from the classes of Mrs. Grace Hall, Mrs. Lucille Olson, and Ralph Magmi aon. Mrs. George Watt and Mrs. Ruth Morris led in group singing. Refreshments were served at the close by Gloria Bugli, Mrs. Clara Blair, and Mrs. Lillian Dougherty. Final meeting before the sum mer vacation will be held May 4 in the high school. Clarence Lee and Dulane Fulton will conduct the discussion on the hot lunch prog ram and high school dormitory. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Plummer visited in Columbia FaUs Monday. They were en route from Wash ington to Thompson Falls, where tm-y have rented a ranch. Enjoy A HOME COOKED 11 )> Type of Evening Meal Six Nights a Week (prepared by Mrs. Nordes) AT THE SNACK SHACK Columbia Falls PARK FRI - SAT 7:00, 9:15 P. M. one blonde m too many I on mt i; > m »Jkf» •I» Pmr SINGLETON Wta LAXE laij SMS PLUS vm aleotra-'Kondj, V f A COLUMBIA • _PICTURE. SUN 2:30, 7:00, 9:00 P. M. MON 8:00 P. M. iMT." % / IV Li \ II Æ ÏTM H ■ T I i i ê 1 \L li] Directed by HENRY KING TUES - WED THUR, 8:00 1*1 fell in love with Cynthia!'* -WALTER WINCHELL mm YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH CYNTHIA,TOO! i £\ X - i y* » r r rj m -< / / >. M I / I m M-G-M mads It! ■ J A ELIZABETH TAYLOR GEORGE S. Z. MARY MURPHY • SAKALL • ASIDR with GENE SPRING LOCKHART - BYINGT0N JAMES LYDON. SCOTTY BECKETT