Trail Riders Schedule Trips Into South Fork Two 10 day trips into the prim itive area of the Flathead nvers south fork are being sponsored by the American Forestry assoc iation. Trail Riders of the Wilderness expeditions include a July 5 de parture from Monture Banger sta tion north of Missoula- and ac ross the continental divide into the Sim river headwaters, then back to the Flathead dry nage passing the Chinese wall to Big Salmon lake, and finally Hollaed lake at the headwaters of the Swan, Chi July 16. the second expedi tion starts from Holland lake re tracing the previous trails back to Monture and Missoula. The sire of a eastern state primitive area Is completely unirJ astride the continental divide. These non-profit trips are lim ited to 22 persons, and usually are accompanied by a forest ran gers guide. Last year they were accompanied by Ranger Horace God f re y , stationed at Seeley, 1 Russell Cksünger Big Prairie. •1 ana Fool Hen Ridge Pine Planting Totals 24-300 Planting of 24.3CO pos>derosa pine seedlings on Fool Hen ridge up the Flathead rivers nc-rth fork was owepiete-d __^ by District Ranger John Castles and his crew. Next North Fork T V planting by the Flathead nation a1 forest is oes Teakettle moon Seedlings are also being tlan: ed oc Desert wattain Coram and Belter, where District Ranger R A. Bealey is About 100.000 small trees in all are being planted, and they aver aged 900 to the acre at F>:1 Hen ridge Install Garris' System A three charm-el carrier tel phote hue .is being mscalled arn-ss Omcier natb'vul park from Belt .m to St. Mary this spring There are 275 tekphoees in the park acKeniriatj:»ns. for visitor frie figh ting and administrai**!. Now at headquarters is Duncan Moo tâeth. park service eieciriDSi ei Falls Home & Lots Sold Recent read estate IB CntumlM transa-miens Falls reported by Hungry Horse Resit fctkTirs ; Ruth Skian p of two lots owned by J. J. Haes M. E. Lyons p urch ased and Th ~ ly moved mtc the KeDy home. The Kelly's are hav ing a new heme bnUt in Lencn vü3e tbe are mer Psi Moses an,d Hegland. Washington state purchased a lot from Frank Schmidt in the Kennedy adcitioci: Paul Jane -sir- Sr, bought the Ted Andrew home. The An dr e w s are also building a home in Lencn iHe . H. H. Village Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Cook «Twi family. Missoula.' are new re - sklents in the prefabs. Mr. Cook is a surveyor. Mr. and Mrs, Don Brown and family, Washington D. C., are also new residents. Mr. and Mrs. Cion Jacobson and where Mr. Jacobson will be en pioyed as a driller. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Seng re tamed thi» week from Tacoma, where they spent two weeks. Upon tbeir return they moved to Mar ün City. Dinner guests at the Bak sites home Monday were Mr. »nr) Mrs. Harry S. Brown and Mr. ■ad Mrs. Chester Brown and fa only. Whitefish. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Komberic Kalispeil Sunday to have dinner with Mr. Komberic's bro Iter. Sirs. Irren Stohl has gone to Gteagow to spend a week with her aiatej. Sunday aimer guests of Mr and Mrs. Figenskaa were Mr. and Mrs. cam Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. leer Christianson. Mr. and Mrs Bud Michels spent Sunday with the Mem Howells at Deer Park Vr. and Mrs. Harry Gets have mo vedto Deer Park in the Harry Adams place. Mr. and Mis. Karl Kannen berg bad Sunday dinner eelth the Jl-.n my Wallaces. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McDonald and (bei- sons spent the weekend with Doug's folks at Winifred. Mr. and Mrs. Fran Wamoit »a Care 11a enjoyed Sunday "brunch" with the Tom Posts at their new home in Coram. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Morehead were among those at tending the hmior prom at Col umbia Falls Friday night. Every reported an enjoyable time. Mr and Mrs. George E. Cham bers spent Monday and Tuesday ;n Missoula. Mrs. Harry MacLean entertain ed at a dessert bridge Thursday one 4 1 A li ,-saP- 5, î r Go Sewt-roffl ;k*.* 1 - -,rd re r*.- *-« Stic bw—urvoj i ' - hemcFlo~Ti mil re kaein ss G-z-txg restored To seurie its tiomed here. Tee : ».wùr». 5 mot KKUsr«r. r w mDAY ». Î Mary lake « Gloofr nnfiofeil j«s o-the~Sum ing-to-tÂC-S** f'.tsVt This attraetire Pians are To natural Itttf »otxî « (T il kare a meer oecupiej nmt re mmtmrmiiST iieceae ffZZ *C*ar before _ StTawhemeS, W 6 Hope - Come Help Yourself To Visitors Baagr uner c*n heip them News selves to strawbemes. . Prmters Har Al d un : can't like r eat the Tm; week W alt Ch. out about 100 pàtrrr; srry Herse Ne - ie_ Mes. Dam» g^rdea w±iere las: k~_-— ■ sme of h< Weines 's eggs, LT. Arthf Oo: Cut need ther t?j- v 5^ri oxer £r 'ST£.£TZ C vb0a r~ : 5 >l±>çr. AL T*l r :k J after n : - r ^~c F'Tr*f HfC-r r-fr?: w-_ beecane News' >og buü ig €Etr Cut Bank Lrrg-tm of Chris the Corrigea ^ are frei Paaee. and Joan eight dewn tm Martin x-arle HtClm, Hoard Frii two big evergreens of f ri-lgr KikresttE Mrs. r'Tsi-r anf ilr*. ire?- ♦a M» Mr? - Hr sad Mrs DsrSd S. C^v-r ?r Mr. ani Mrs Marens Hilden Lnf Mrs- Dceaid Hyrsk, an 3 Hce- AT at 2 Mr — "" —" ■ ——- — after* a lz ~ t-r—scsce. Mr d Mrs Mb; group will hcl-d their final mee Monday at the Culver residence, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taft and year old daughter. Eeverl newest residents in the duplex ar ea. They moved here from Coulee Dam and are living in Duplex 12R. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. DeSart eel are et5 rated their tenth wedding an niTersarv April 30. tv an evening out witi Mr and Mrs. Bamev Potter and Jack VanderVort. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greiner had visitors Sunday when Mr. and Mrs - CarI Greiner and daughter, Jean came from Poison, ^ r - Mrs. Norman Bjom stad were verj- happy to have Mr. _. , BF-cmrtads mother. Mrs. Charles Glson. Endertm. N. Dak. as their &n est - or four days. She was en coûte home from a visit in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. George Van Gies en - formerly of Aurora, Colo., are now residents at 22R in Hungry Horse village. i | mi - ru î ) remits in the serial i • nîfanm ' ?1,f for this ^ ek from Billings. Chapter X !^ printed next xceek. Friday by plane for Rochester i Minn., where Mrs. Greenshields receive medical care. The rtate highway patrol ted ; 06 at the EalxspeU city hall May 1S through H for the purposes of T^ving examinations. This xcOl in dude Sunday. ar Mr. and Mrs, Myrel Greenshielos ! | | i , ( For Good Draft Beer « IT'S George's Place ★ * * BILLIARDS — George Bousîlinan Columbia Falls President Sends Regrets A by Robe; ior For n rcedv-i rradtau particular reasit; se: sch t-teste: to President T White « da - re: W: - Hot 194» continues; My dear Mr The President has ed tout nt'te of April twen; ?u :o V in >£ tbe au32»naccsD€st of :t Zisf-rcises of Coniris kmc ire Coni menefct School. He has to yt>u and s congrarula tions and very best wishes. Very smterely yours. William D. Has tretary to the President.", in tradition of be ä top bia Falls High p-le-asu y&sr Srf n to the very top. Gopher Control to Start P 2 ®® r la £beed z retrain will ge" gnpher —__ c r— oc-r: Htt 'an* v Hunt in ci wc: ent Wall - 342 -»j of the 400.000 e valley were covered Balance will be covered - " crew, and then certain sec gone over. 1080 is County A; L using- 2 wlli i Forest Jobs Rise Flathead national forest emp t will increase by 20 men loy hext week. Men are being employ- ? «i hi road, trail telephone line \ maintenance and slash disposal. with former summer employes gl v «n preference. There's a job for, on c more packer. By the end of May there will be 100 seasonal employes working for the forest service: the end of June figure will be 150. and the peak will be reached in July with I 250. Year around employes total 27. The ladies guild of Hungrv Horse , illa?e ^ changed the : r __ 3 ROOM HOUSE, 2 lots, other buildings, fruit trees, city water. Dorwin DeWitt, Box 31, CoL Falls meeting date to Thursday. May 13. It will be at the home of Mars. Gifenskau, prefab 151, at 8 p. a A new tile floor was being laid Wednesday and Thursday at the Cozy Comer in Columbia Falls. Dog licenses should he purchas ed from Police Chief Spike Sen ner. They cost S2 for males and ! S10 for unspayed females Seven homes in Columbia Fal's i between the center of town and ! Van's hatchery were hooked on to Mo un t ain States Power lines r*t)« week 42* Glacier Packers Return Starting work Monday in Gia ôer nsmcsna: park will be four packers preparing saddle and pack 'equipment for the summer. Head packer wùl be William J. Tenne, Cresson, with Cliff Travis, Conn Fred and Albert K. Pol Camas The park's *3 faor ses and 32 mules are expected to r- fr: _gh: frcm winter range tea Rm w-P late in May. They are ■used fur : r- r.gnt.r.g rrr\ sion-1 mg lookout statuons, and inspec rkms in the interior of the milhon acre park. HOUSE and 2 lets near school 22 % 34. Lake McDon aid: namlv finished. 10t 170' x 50' $4200.00 ' 4 ROOM HOUSE. 4 lots- high «SItSKIKSKSSSÄSHSKIHSSSMS SBS1DESCE £2c»o.oe. HOUSE T3TRV ST. S4COO Ô ROOM MODERN FuU base Bsrtlv furnished. Stucco, tsEstered; r«* school meet. ACREAGE 4 ACRE' tracts $S50- $ ACRES HIGHWAY 2. $3000 : TSUSIXtSS LOG BUILDING. Columbia Heights, statical. $3500. GROCERT STORE Columbia Heights. SERVICE STATION. Belton. nd Pon of We have m: v mere -tstmss ; t ■ss. acreages. We blD residence, never too busy to shew you listings. Fire. AvTorncbüe. Cosi*o*iv. Imsmromcf. Btd Bernds HUNGRY HORSE REALTORS Columbia Falls, Montana * WHY. . » - ,i . '■ i .• ■ m t /• . ; ::ï. » - you/i cat val-L a 0 m -, j t 9 V |\ A > w « • ¥ t / % Q>il must lubricate as much à 0.4E ACRE OF MOVING SURFACsi / y y :• ■ C/)/? Af/Z£ *,*,*crn w-n: er Oil can î take it Youtchh case shc-ujd be drained. Sashed and rehllec with fresh summa grade Ova!-E Motor Osl that heids its bedy at high / v ■ ' engine lempersrores. / If ■ / m —^ J r j ß)lFFEGEHmL j LUBRICATION ) MUST 5TRND UP _ j UNPER*5HOCK LOAD* [ PRESSURE UP TO I 50 TONS FtR SQUARE j INCH Worn out J can t protect against wear j mission shook! be drained « High quality Oval-E Gear Lubricants provide de- B pendable hot weather protection. H ■i *UHE CHA55I5 OF AN AVERAGE CAR HAS 25 vital points requiring SPECIAL LUBRICANTS as speohed by the wqs, shack* w SUINTER FAST. BECAUSE COLD WEATHER LOWERS THE CHARGE Terminals WEARS OUT BATTERIES % î inter lubricants must be cleaned cl dirt and ccrrcacn. worn cables replaced; connections tightened fresh chstilied water added to proper ievel car's designer. All these po in t s of weer Dtfferential and trans* lushed and refilled iei steering a_ mevirg perts— niusî be prot ec ted ^h gocc lubncar.ts. jct jcoger saier car hie. } I ■ 1 " uu. W\ 1 # \ Qj 71777^ NLY 10% DROP IN EFFICIENCY OF RADIATOR CM cause. SERIOUS ENGINE OVERHEATING NE FOULED SPARK PLUS CAN WASTE AS MUCH AS ONE GALLON of gas • J IN EVERY TANK FULL ' / >< £ £ s w • y Yc*» car s raebaxr «baid be drœsec sne Sutbec sD ho»e oconecactjs ogM er.ed Water pump àecxed >c amure proper circulation lor hoi It'' 1 w j Warier-weary sperk plug# I Akajac be deaned j g a pped toreaner starting WHEEL BENUMB c B.GLECTEP CAN CAUSE SERIOUS TROUBLt,, COSTLY REPAIRS Should berep^** with Ovel-E Wheel Beannç Gréa» M " cad leimoou« and »bekt to the ph P n,e< ^ * | aodanoedt power Socöy I y. =1 j worn piuga dueiiri be I bearing» in ad weather --I *5» IP w> î „ _S?! WORN SOPPING I FAN BELT oar. Lit*r 1$ A TIRE KtUMM Ua d«r € 0^** in IC^* fjsxr- effj« eic«j heat Le: ja c neck your tire* iai.ure c: coding iyitecn Should be Ogrtiened Co®-* reg»—iariy WeT 4_ac j'ssçieci tf* »•nod or o BtJ iti: ervcersce d ior proper ebqrmesA or DidTCe replaced tßß .SG A Z [s'OOP VISIBILITY K THE CAUSE OF SERIOUS i accident t Wir.dshiehd i «Iper:a%«dl)gbl»ib 4 inld | it a<)* BP® thio iV<3 £Z y I® % ■ ^ oe replaced i ret efficient ; I TH AP.TER OIL COMPANY -west Division., Mont Powerine Division Denver Colo N In î 0val*€ the Emblem of €xcelieiice / Bros» Servicenter Highway No. 37 Colombia Faljj , ^ electr j C warning light was piace j ^ opera non Wednesday ai l ernoon a t the junction of the bu 0 f reclamation's - Colorado WvtL ^ U S highway No. 2. This Dear the project administration building. Another light was pla at the iunction of the dams;:? acc ess road and No. 2. Making in r ,allat;c>=s were Foreman B. F. potter with electricians. Myro.i s; e tten and Norman Rouselle ______ XOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL DI