gg^May _ 'oram to Get Fire Tank .-mg-ements have been com K ^for delivery of a chemical fighting unit to Coram Boos ! 6 the Columbia Falls volun department. gesture of good relation towns in the Hungry by fire t's a between area. Columbia Falls fire Ornent president, Joe Opalka, rSef Bud Darling feel that d can get along without the 'Leal unit with its 50 gallon 6 and other equipment, so it turned over to Coram at jps iks being charge. Uey agree with Coram Boos ts president, Jack Forsythe that Ebtihg fire is a mutuaI problem. L conferring with the Colum Falls firemen from Coram >re Piggtr Brown, A1 Cleveland, Fehlberg and Clem Hamer. tto elton Briefs By Jane McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gruber rived Monday at their home on jte McDonald. They live in Ar during the winter . Mrs. Nona McCarthy is home her visit to Seattle. Mrs. Mary Thompson has come from Glacier Park station visit with the Dave Thomp n family David Bartlett is visiting the Bartlett family, Winnett, ont, for a month. Mrs. Jose Skinner left for her in Thermopolis, Wyo., after ending seven months here with sister, Nellie Calder. Late, but important: The en igement of Miss Doris Cunning im and William Jenning was an iunced at the ranger dance Ap jna )m 1er r a n me 16 . Mrs. Fred Lathrop entertained ■itch and chatter club last week. Seniors from Browning on Mon ty and Cut Bank, Tuesday stop in Belton during their senior beak day.. Mrs. Ralph Kimball, formerly [irginia Mahoney, left Thursday fcening from Whitefish to meet husband in Tacoma. They then tent to Portland to visit Mrs. Wal Daniels, formerly Dorothy Ma kmey. Mr. Kimball was on his to San Francisco bay area, | Phone 968 Kalispell (COLLECT) FOR Flowers by Hansen AGENTS: Jeans Fountain, Martin City Coram Tourist Service, (Otto Fehlberg,) M KNO w ONTANA.. LINCOLN COUNTY —By W. R. Littcll Editor Western News. The first explorer to enter Lincoln county was David Thom pson, who in 1808 came down the Kootenai river from Canada. Bur traders soon followed Thompson. Prospectors reached here in the '60s when it was part of Oregon Territory. Later it belonged to Washington Territory. With the organization of Montana, it became part of Missoula county, then of Flathead, and in 1909 organized as Lincoln county with Libby sts was county seat. Mining is carried on, but lumbering is the principal indus try, 90 per cent of its two and one-half million acres being ^forest land. Farming is principally in the northeast section. ?• N. R. R, covers more miles here than in any other county it crosses. Lincoln is famed, for its scenic attractions, fishing and hunting. err _ —By M. G. O'Malley, SILVER BOW COUNTY Montana Standard I The county of Silver Bow is named for Silver Bow creek. Silver Bow creek was named by a group of prospectors who bad wandered in from adjacent mining camps. "We were clus tered on what you now call Anaconda hill," said William Claik Denver, 60 years ago, "and sat down on our heels to rest. The sky had been cloudy. Suddenly the sun appeared. The stream in the valley glistened in the sunlight. 'Look at the creek,' exclaimed Bud Parke. 'Look at it. Just like a silver bow.' We were all placer miners and we headed for tiia creek. There was gold in Silver Bow." Butte is county seat. ANACONDA COPPER MINING COMPANY "Work for a Greater and More Prosperous Montana' 2 New cars are hard to get - we suggest genuine parts installed by factory-trained mechanics Flathead Motor Sales Co —1 RADIOS, SAFETY LIGHTS, SEAT COVERS "EVERYTHING IN THE AUTO LINE'' -7-$f KALISPELL YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER COMPLETE STOCK OF ACCESSORIES having been recalled vice. Virginia will to army ser return Wed ™ moming on the streamli ner. Mrs. Bartlett twins, Donnie cared for the and Linda, school days and "Uncle Bill'' took over weekends. The Kyper family ram. Warren is moved to Co nnH n i . a fourtù grader and Delores m the second. Mrs. John Sloan returned to Spo kane for medical attention. She had intended to make a longer vi sit here. Marie Sloan was in Belton over the weekend to attend her sister Dorothy's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuma ker are in Great Falls on business. Paul 'Blondie" Sunnel was here for a few days looking over his property at Apgar. He is on a va cation from Boeings in Seattle. The Apgar-Belton-Coram boys tackled the ABC's of baseball Sunday afternoon in a seven inn mg game at Coram resulting in a 14-5 win for Coram. But, wait, üiere will be a return game this Sunday afternoon if weather mits. per A big bear left his claw marks high on the back door of the Grif fins house in Park Headquarters Sunday night. Mrs. Nettie Arthur, Lacrosse, Wis., is here for a few days look ing after business interests. The Union construction is put ting the base gravel course on the road east from Belton. The Belton-Apgar P. T. A. will hold its final meeting Monday at the park hall. The new officers will be installed and reports will be given. There will not be a pot luck supper as planned due to the scarlet fever scare. A demonstra tion of the use of movies also will be postponed but a substitute pro gram is being planned. Around Apgar By Apgar School The state superintendent, Miss Ireland, and the county superin tendent, Miss Barnard, were visit ors at the Apgar school Friday afternoon. Miss Ireland gave a talk on preparing our hands, heads and hearts for our future work. The talk was enjoyed by everyone. carnet aU pleased that they sS longed ^ C0Uldn> b v P | r > ' nCe ' ,^ e littIe lam e deer fed C L JL C *" d . ren of A Pgar in a spe '" rp , ffor ' t0 sa ve his life, disap P d about two weeks ago. We were array the coyotes had got a "_ hl "- however, he was seen again by Alice Ross Sunday ev enmg. He is growing litle horns, his first set. t Hoger Anderson and Kenny Kee put a new roof on the bird s feeding ù° use at A pg ar sch ool and made other repairs. ort Q " lte . a few fr °m Apgar attend ed the junior prom at the Colum bia Falls high school, were spent in trees, cedar boughs, crepe paper flowers and lattice work made un the attractive south sea Prom king Gene Lenz agate ring and anne Powell The weeks decorating palm scene, received an prom queen Jo was given a dozen roses. Everyone thought the jun ior class and their Aubert, had done gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neitzling. Ka lispell, called at the ans home Sunday. The Apgar mothers have sponsor, George a fine job. Con Jean Sulliv been earnestly trying to learn to ride bicycles. A new sign appeared. It read "Caution! Mothers No one seems to know who put up the sign. The Florens, Apgar, ing a brand new Buick. Sonny Anderson has been of school with the came ill last Wednesday. There was a baseball game be tween Belton and Coram Sunday. Belton scored 5, Coram, 11 . The game was at Coram. The road to the head of Lake McDonald is pretty good, though there is still the at play!" are sport out mumps. He be remains of a YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE BIG Democratic Banquet TEMPLE TEA ROOM, KALISPELL SATURDAY, MAY 15, 7 P. M. Prominent democrats from all parts of the state be in attendance and every democrat in Flathead County are expected to attend, as well as others in terested are invited to this initial gathering. Senator James E. Murray AND Hon. Mike Mansfield will be speakers of the evening. They will touch on HUNGRY HORSE LEGISLATION AND APPROPRIATIONS They both have done much to bring about the build- § ing of the fourth largest dam in the world. J For reservations see or call F. J. Bailey, Chairman £ Banquet Committee, 36, Second\Ave. W., Kalispell. f * £ V* x v I t î' \ g « t ' ' K3 1 Be at the Gala Saturday h M ■ U I» M S H M I H ; M E M : ! DANCE K 2;: H ; E H ■ H H : H M M Angler 9 s Lodge M 6i H S H Between Coram and Martin City H ; H M H E M The West Coast's Accordion Ace and His Orchestra 3 M N S M X H H M M X H ¥ * * FREE CASE OF BEER FOR MEN ? FREE ? FOR THE LADIES ? H H N » » Dofelmire at Guam Sergeant Jeck E. Dofelmire, 20, Belton, is working at the head quarters, 20th Air Force, Guam in the 8056th rescue boat detach ment. He arrived in Guam Febru ary, 1947 from Hamilton Field, Calif, He works as a marine en gineer aboard one of the rescue boats and takes part in sea pat rols and rescue calls. His sister, Mrs. Virginia Nelson, resides at Belton. slide covering part of the road i one place. m Mr. Holland, Kalispell was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross Sunday. Vicki Ann Vincent was born May 1 to Jack and Ann Vincent. She weighed seven pounds, two ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Reader Jackson, Lake Blaine, were callers at the Roy Wiles home Friday. Donna Brewster will celebrate her sixth birthday Tuesday with a party for her little friends and their mothers. She will have a big birthday cake with candles. Billy Price has come back to school after having his tonsils out. DR. G. H. JOHNSON, DENTIST Open All Day Saturday Whitefish He was out of school two weeks. The Wiles are busy overhaul ing their boats for the opening of the fishing season. Mr. Blake and sons, Kalispell, visited at the Bob Powell home Sunday. Dorothy Sloan and William Mackin were united in marriage May 1 at 9 o'clock in the St. Ri* chards church, Columbia Falls, by Father Hugh Faley and Father John Tuohy. Mrs. Jane Estensen was matron of honor and Jim Con nolly acted as best man. Mrs. George Watt, Columbia Falls, played the organ during the ceremony. The church was beau tifully decorated with large bas kets of calla lilies and snapdrag ons. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was held at LaPlante cafe, Whitefish. Father Cronin, W AGGENFR Ê CAMPBELL Funeral Directors PHONE 36 525 MAIN ST. KALISPELL, MONT. "Thoughtful Funeral Service" > l 'ft. : ?■ V r% 'L 3 a WIE c (O / Me L'■ v / \40 A3 • Sharp trading! Yes, there are some sharp traders in the used car business these days. But you'll NOT find it here. As a factory-authorized Ford dealer, we assure you of full value for your money. l 3 ? • • • Glacier Motor Co. Whitefish PENNEY'S ANNUAL SUMMER DRESS CARNIVAL NOW SHOWING More and More New Dresses $ 8.90 * 10.90 * 5.90 * 14.75 COTTON GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAYS, EYELET BERGS, CREPES, JERSEYS. PIQUES, RAYON BEM FLOWER FRESH WASHABLES, AFTERNOON AND DATE STYLES, SOFTLY DETAILED CLASSICS, FORMALS Yes, the whole town is talking about this magnificent collec tion of summer dresses! You'll find your favorite styles and fab rics here, in every size imaginable! Crisp 2-piece cottons with pert, gathered peplums. Linen-like spun rayons that wear beauti fully, resist wrinkles like magic! Smart rayon crepes in petal pas tels and bright go-everywhere prints! In short, a carnival of smart new styles all at amazing Penney-low prices. BALCONY — READY - TO -WEAR PENNEY'S AT KALISPELL Whitefish, and 25 friends and rel atives attended. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included the bride's mother, Mrs. Martha Sloan, and Marie Sloan, Spokane, who came Friday. MURRILL'S BELTON Texaco Products, Pittsburgh Paints, Fishing Tackle, Curios, Lee Tires ., Store Cafe Hotel WEEKEND SPECIALS * * ¥ . 29c 10 cans for $1.00 LARD, pound. HEINZ TOMATO SOUP, SHILLINGS or HILLS COFFEE, pound 53c POTATOES, U. S. Com, 10 lbs GOLD MEDAL CHEESE, 2 lbs CIGARETTES, carton . LETTUCE, pound. ORANGES, 252s, dozen . HAM BUTTS, pound. BACON JOWLS, pound. $ I 49c 99c $1.65 ll 12c 29c 53c ti 32c Bar open in connection with cafe Page Burning permits easily obtained are required by Montana state law after May 1 for all slash dis posal fires. See forest service dis trict rangers or sheriff's office.