«d»y> Horse Notes itjff Ostrand - Fern Steffes . parmerT - Bowman, has oh» 'T 14 lots in the Damtown »"J is starting construction ' Jral cabins. of Norman Ih Van Richleau fashioned Sunday and had house raising worked while the a big picnic lunch, had a wonderful still a bachelor, Bill tells us that a be in order and old Tbe men prepared I everyone e Norman his R' end ■ «ri will soon nV be carried across the y is will bride threshold. Matthews several days visit with in Missoula, and Mrs. Grey were Seattle over the week bought lots from Holl and will return start building a hotel, owns a large beauty returned Mon jlark from V Mis. King from They Wagner irtly t0 J, King q Seattle. Z Baden of Kalispell is the (pin A *' ' contractor for Brown and who are putting up a for a bar on High me Under L building l No. 2. L Don Edmondsons are en •nng their cafe to provide twice j present seating capacity, j l Barnes and Ted I. Walton have started con Spokane the Damtown cafe. Ben Edmonson ruction on Hr. and Mrs. to Great Falls Thursday, returned Sunday night ac tnpanied by their son Leon who /remained in Great Falls to list the school term. Brenner and Dan Lan ove Herman te went to work for General ROBERT N. SMITH Contractor and Builder ★ ★ ★ FIRST CLASS WORK FREE ESTIMATES Box 454 Columbia Falls f mJope/ K< n GENUINE REGISTERED RINGS DIAMOND ♦ Trod* Mark v R«girter«d IW J in our store you may select the very finest symbol of love ; . . a genuine registered Keepsake Diamond Ring. For your pro» tection, identify Keepsake by the name in the ring, and the words "guaranteed regi^ tered perfect gem" on the tag. Wheeler's Jewelry KALISPELL, MONTANA y«® SE3ÜW HCRl k a fisc «/ REGULAR pria! : ; of a ■S.V 1 u S r Qujurij ljl& Oval-E Motor Oil will do th#»o things for your car's motor: Give oasy starts with quick lubri cation whan cold . . . resist heat ... maintain high stability . . • operate with low carbon con tent .. . and last a long, long Mme I What more could you want your oil to do? Si ■ : 0 y : IMl m . i Ill :■ % mn y : p I: i y / if / / ! ! the carter oil company Billings, Mont.. Denver, Colo. s ill % y L / I y 1-0 y the Emblem of excellence St S3 OVAL-e y y Green Bros. Servicenter y S Columbia Fai Highway No. 37 Shea this week. John Bader, part owner of the Hungry Horse Lumber company bought a house in this area He is expecting his family to join him soon. Mrs. Margaret Roberts, Colum bia Falls returned from San Di ego this week and is visiting her son Don Edmondson and his fa mily. Mr. and Mrs. Voss from : bought two lots next to the tavern. They plan to build a large building and use part of it for a meat market. The Ted Andersons, Whitefish have purchased a lot on the high way on which they will build second hand store. Harold and Homer Bauers are putting in a sidewalk in front of their place. Art and Ray Tangmo, Seattle and Missoula, purchased one of the Nash buildings in South Fork. They will open a shoe store. Poison j Villa a North Fork Locals by Mrs. Phil Stevens ,,,,,, . . hat is so rare as a day in June? en, i ever, come perfect days;" Leistner's Furniture & Hardware GENERAL LINE OF FURNITURE, HARDWARE, AND TOOLS Davano & Chair Sets starting at $99.50 Inner spring mattresses and box springs, from $49.50 PLOMB TOOLS — BY THE PIECE OR SET See Us for all your needs 48 2nd Ave West Kalispell Auction Sale FRIDAY NITE STARTS AT 7 P. M. been written about i s reol , K ", Fork - ° ld mother nature „ y knockm £ herself ^ Parts ' The Forest service crew have repaired the bridges at Trail creek and Whale creek and washout Rabbit hill. The summer home of Dr. Cul vertson, Kalispell, located Kintla ranch, out up at near was carried away by the high water of the Flathead river. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day spent Wednesday evening at the Stevens ranch. Mrs. M. J. Greenshields has turned to her home in Polebridge after spending the winter in White fish. re Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Braden and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sherman spent Memorial day weekend at their summer home at Trail Creek. Sunday afternoon they ertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilson and two sons moved from Kalispell to Kintla ranch May 28. were ent Mrs. E. P. Jex and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holcomb called on Mr. and I Mrs. R. Stevenson at the Canad ian customs station Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holcomb are spending a few days in Kal ispell. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jex, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Block, and Mrs. Dan Block spent a couple of days in Kalispell this week. When they returned, Mr. Block was driving a new Mercury. Nice going, Walt. your correspondent has a bicycle to make the four mile trek to the mail box and back, her dogs have invented a new game. They call it "Let's run in front of her and see which one gets bumped first." This win ter their favorite game was "Let's go to the dump pile and see who can carry the most home." Never a dull moment here. Now that Repeat Grange Plays Repeat performance of two of the plays given last week by the Stillwater and Bad Rock granges will be given at the Bad Rock Held Over By POPULAR DEMAND A ★ ★ WE AGAIN PRESENT FOR YOUR APPROVAL Cole Winter (The Crazy Auctioneer) WITH A NEW SHOW ★ ★ ★ SUNDAY NIGHT JUNE 13th COME JOIN THE FUN ★ ★ ★ The Oasis Whitefish, Mont. ! s s ; K ; y : ANNOUNCEMENT E s s ; S - y fe K : S y S3 I : : I H EFFECTIVE JUNE II ; s; s s s y S y y E H El ::: y Kalispell Retail Establishments '■ y s y y K y y : : Will Remain Open Every Friday Night Until 9 p. m y y D3 s y M y K y El s s E M a y y g y 1 y H s y ■ y so :: I . iKHSHSHKSSSMEHIMSM*SSSSSSMaiS*M*HSH*H*HSBfl HZHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHXHZHXHZHZMXHEHSHX»3| y s S3 y ■ y For the Convenience of Those Who Cannot Shop During Regular Store Hours : St a St y !■ St y r. : s I ■ y y H y. Sponsored by Kalispell Chamber of Commerce ; y S3 y y y y y : s S3 . : X SS grange hall tomorrow, Saturday at 8:30. The Bad Rock play, "Among Us Girls," is cast with Betty Lei ghty, leading lady, supported by Emma Leighty, Elma Donaldson, Ruth Rayola, and Grace Hall. Stillwater's farce comedy," The Dummy" with Vernon and Thelma Johnson, Mrs. Joe Rhodes, Har old Tutvedt and Carl Grosswiler as characters. Both plays were en Gifts of Enduring Beauty DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY JEWELER WATCHMAKER FINE INSTRUMENT MACHINIST ★ ★ ★ Olson Jewelry de P. Olson AGENT: JEAN'S FOUNTAIN, DELIVERY EVERY SATURDAY Creston, Mont. Martin City Under New Management, of Eddy & Anne Kittleson THE Mt. View Tavern MODERN — OPEN EVERY NIGHT it ★ ★ Old Time Music By Rabideau and His Mountaineers EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT The Top Hat Modem Music By A Four Piece Orchestra SATURDAY NIGHTS 'A good place to have a good time with your friends' Located: 7 miles south of Columbia Falls in High way No. 2. 11 miles east of Kalispell on Highway 2. joyed by a record crowd at Still water grange ladies are asked to bring cakes. Grange activities in the near future include a Pomona picnic at Lake Blaine Sunday, June 27, when east side granges will play west side granges at baseball. Carl Grosswiler and Rue Carr will be captains. An all western costume dance will be held July 3 at the Odd Fellows hall, Kalispell. I 1 1 i 4 4 They Say I Give Stuff Away ! ! ! ! Well, that's' sorta true, at that. Cause the only kind of prices you'll find at the old Montana Trading Post are GIVE-AWAY prices. Of course, I do expect my customers to leave just a LITTLE money— but they always find that pen nies do the work of dollars here. Army Officer Type DRESS OXFORDS $ 5.95 Wear 'em on your feet — wear 'em on your hands — but at this price you can't afford NOT to wear 'em someplace! Brown shoes with plain toe — take high polish. All sizes. Underpric ed about 4 bucks. Get Out And Stay Out! (m f. 0« And don't go back in the house till winter comes. Enjoy the ■ great outdoors while yon can — and here's just the stuff to help you do it: Air Mattress It's 72 inches long, 27 inches wide. For inflated comfort at a deflated price. $12.95 Army Flashlight $1.15 Brand new, complete with two batteries and a bulb. It's heavy on one end, but LIGHT on the other. Canteen, cover & cup 65c The government's not the ONLY bunch with a surplus of these things. We got 'em, too! Insect Repellent The pest is none too good. Get rid of him! 10c I : 10" Half Round File 27c This is a gen-u-ine Kearney & Foot file that'd cost you 95c most anywhere else. Just the right size to bake into a cake. 65c DuPont Car Wax Large can of Speedy Wax — the EASY way to make your old car look like a 1949 model. Of course, there's one little technicality—you gotta apply the stuff, then polish it. I $1.59 Coat Rack Slips over the seat of your holds 12 coat hangers. car Now you won't be wiping your feet on that "other" suit of clothes. I got two things to remind you of: (1) Lissen to my radio show over your Z Bar Network station every mor ning at 11:45. (2) Order the things by mail if you can't get into the store. Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Y er Money Back \ Î JO iWfâWÂl OtNG feiVAR SURPLUS J Owned and operated by veterans 600 Central Ave. Gseat Falls Third at Central Avenue West Other Stores in Fort Benton, Shelby, Butte, Billings, Martin City