N ary a Roadbuilder » Montana's primary election is less than a week away, and we've yet to see a "down-to-earth" pro posai from any of the eight can didates for governor about im proving highways. Governor Ford apparently real ized last month that the roads were bad, so he arranged for the creation of a state-wide commit tee. Exactly why the governor waited until just before the elec tion to do something about the When there already exists a highway commission with repre sentative citizens from the various parts of the state, we believe that creation of an advisory commit tee on highways is just a stall. There has been a flow of mim eographed news releases about highways from the various cam paign offices. Often these state roads, we don't know. Rodeo for the Hungry Horse It is fitting that a rodeo be sponsored each summer almost within the shadow of the now under-construction Hungry Horse This is the west and Montana with the addition of Glacier na tional park, the mountain lakes and streams, and now the start of the world's fourth largest con crete dam. The average visitor to this area travels 1,000 miles, and in coming to the west as he does, the add dam. Visit Bad Rock Grange Members of the Tobacco valley grange, Eureka, visited the Bad Rock grange meeting Saturday. There were 24 Eureka visitors present. Winton Weydemeyer, master of the state grange, and Mrs. Alvor son, home economics chairman of the state grange, attended the meeting. Mr. Weydemeyer spoke flood control while Mrs. Al vorson asked cooperation in sen ding in reports to the state pro ject. Nell West, lecturer of the Tobacco valley grange, presented an interesting and varied program enjoyed by all. on Hustlers Meet at Brews The Hungry Horse Hustlers 4-h club met at Joan Brew's home last Friday. After a short busm ess meeting we brought our rec ord books up to date. Mrs. Joe Brew will be our new sewing lead er. Joan served pop and doughnuts. We had a lot of fun spinning our pop bottles on her dad's self-ser ving picnic table. After which we enjoyed singing with Joan play ing the piano. She then enter tained us with the mandolin at tachment. Gene Cada, club reporter. jm Hidden Hazards WHO MAKES RATES? Does the Montana Fire Rating Bureau at Butte make the rates? Does a group of executives or underwrit ers around a table decide arbitrar ily how much policyholders shall pay for their Fire coverage? If not,who is responsible for the cost of insurance? The answer is: Mr. Public makes his own rates. When you and I decide to build or maintain our home or store so that the fire hazard is reduced and when our neighborhood maintains a high standard of fire protection .we make the rates. The purpose of this column is a community service to familiarize you with essential facts of cons truction. If action taken by you from the hints in this column results in the saving of a home, one life, or one substantial item of precious pro perty -the purpose of "Hidden Hazards" will be accomplished and it's cost justified. Sincerely surance agent, BARTON PETTIT your friendly in BARTON PETTIT Columbia Falls, Montana Hungry Horse News An Independent Country Weekly, Published Each Friday Entered at the Columbia Falls, Montana, post office as second class matter. The Hungry Horse and Gla cier national park area news paper. Editor Harold C. Tolley .... Printer At Shay Gladys E Shay Society Reporter Melvin Ruder Printers Asst. J Subscription Rates—One year in Flathead county $2.50; six months $1.50; Elsewhere $3.50; six months, $2.00 n ments have lacked sincerity and have had the ring of "that should win a few votes." flow of excuses: "this is a big There are other big states in the west with small populations, discourage travelers, and they spend money in Montana, in this immediate section through efforts by the maintenance crew are in better repair than a year ago, but it's been temporary patchwork, to see a man come out and say, to get highway No. 2 into A-l shape from North Dakota to the Idaho line." Nor are we impressed by the state with a small population" In the meantime, poor roads It should be mentioned the roads Now our idea is that we'd like "If elected governor, we're going And brother that's talking. MR itional feature of a rodeo is at tractive. With activity on the dam in creasing each summer, there will be more visitors, and we hope Columbia Falls will see fit sponsor a Hungry Horse rodeo each July. For a traditional event the ro deo is off to a good start. Bud testants put on an excellent show here last Saturday and Sunday, Folks enjoyed it. Lake, Bob Rooker and the 75 con MR If your fish weighs under 24 pounds glad to have you use the Hungry Horse News scales, about 10 minutes walk from the river. Jim Faulds, Missoulian state ed itor, who ' is a guest at the Sey mers, weighed a six pound Dolly Varden trout Tuesday morning. HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ FOR SALE Locker plant, .Cold storage & artificial ice plant, complete with modem meat cutting equipment, wholesale and retail meat business grosses $2,000. per week, 4 rooms and bath living quarters in rear, priced at $35,000. for quick sale $25,000. will handle. 20 acres on oiled highway 7 room house, good barn, several chicken houses, electric pump, good well, a fine location for a broiler farm, can be had for $14,000 2.8 acres adjacent to Martin City A very nice location priced for a quick sale. 45 acres, 9 room house one mile from town on oiled highway, price $6,500. terms Garage & 4 room house on two lots doing a good business, owner must sell account of poor health, price $10,000, terms Lots of other good buys at or near the Hungry Horse Dam Site. Christensen and Jones Highway 37, P. O. Box-558, Columbia Falls Mont. ZHZHXHZHXHZHZHXHZHZHZHXMl CERTIFICATE OF DOING BUS INESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME We, H. E. McMILLIN and W. D. SMELTER, certify that we own that certain business engaged in building construction under the name of MODERN CONSTRUC TION & FABRICATION: That the said business is so transacted by us in the vicinity of the Hungry Horse Dam in Flathead County, Montana; that the principal place of business of the said business is Seattle, Washington; that we are the only owners of the said bus iness; that we are conducting the said business as a co-partnership; that our full and true names .to gether with our places of residence are as follows: Herman E. McMillin, Columbia Heights, Flathead County, Mon tana William D. Washington. HERMAN E. McMILLIN (s) WILLIAM D. SMELTER (s) STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OP FLATHEAD On this 28th day of June, 1948, before me, James A. Gumming, Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared be fore me H. E. McMillin and W. D. Smelter, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Smelter, Seattle, ss JAMES A. GUMMING (s) Notary Public for the State of Montana. Residing at Co lumbia Falls. My commission expires October 17, 1950 (SEAL) DR. G. H. JOHNSON, DENTIST Open All Day Saturday Whitefish I I > « METHODIST CHURCH Andrew Olsen, Bible Expositor and Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Our Saviours Lutheran Harry Baker, Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Services are held in St. Matt hews Episcopal Church. ST. RICHARD'S CATHOLIC June 13 to September 13, 1948 Hours of holy mass Park-Lake McDonald hotel 7:30 Belton-Recreational hall 8:30 Col. Falls — St. Richards 10:00 special appoint 11 o.m. Baptisms by ment. Sponsors are to be practi cal Catholics. Father H. A. Faley Residence Pastor Columbia Falls HOLINESS METHODIST CHURCH Joseph Willett, Pastor Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Preaching service. 8 p.ra. Preaching service. Thursday: 8 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting. first baptist church Ralph M. Werner. Pastor Sunday: 10 a.m. Bible School. 11 a.m. Morning worship 8:00 p. m. Evening service. Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. Young people's meeting. Thursday: 7:30 p.m. Midweek service. CORAM - MARTIN CITY PRESBYTERIAN James B. Schofield, Pastor Sunday Services 9:00 a. m. Hungry Horse Village Sunday school at building 25R, 10:00 a m. Martin City Sunday school, Mrs Luding, supt. 10:30 a m Coram Sunday school, Mrs Gordon, supt. 11:00 a m Martin City Morning Worship. 7:45 p m Coram Evening Worship South Fork Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Services in Davis home west of town. Frances Wat ne, Supt. Rev. E. H. Davis, pas tor in charge. MEN OR BOYS bicycle for sale at $20.00. Inquire Claude Chris tensen, Columbia Falls. BAND INSTRUMENTS — Used clairnets, cornets, trumpets, trombones, French horns. Buy now for school bands. Also fine display of new King, Olds, Bues cher, Eelmen instruments. Trade your old hom in, easy terms. Mc 52* Intosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 25 NEARLY NEW Five tube ta ble model coin operated radios, for hotels or auto courts, for sale at $35.00 each. Write E. P. Davis, West 1108-8th Ave., Spokane, Wash. 52* OIL WATER HEATERS. A few new heaters at big discounts. Gua ranteed highest quality. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 CERTIFICATE OF DOING BU SINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME I, WILLIAM O. SARETTE, cer tify that I own that certain salary loan, real estate, and insurance business engaged in business under the name of the HUNGRY HORSE AGENCY; that the said business is so transacted by me in the Town of Martin City, Montana, which is the principal place of business of the said business; that I am the sole and only owner of the said business, and that I am conduct ing the said business as a sole proprietorship; and that my full and true name, together with my place of residence, is as follows; William O. Sarette, Martin City, Montana. Dated at Martin City, Montana, the 18th day of June, 1948. WILLIAM O. SARETTE (s) MAKE YOUR CAR RUN LIKE NEW MWWMWBHim « * COMPLETELY TORN DOWN AND REBUILT TO PRECISION STANDARDS ★ WORN PARTS REPLACED WITH GENUINE FORD PARTS ★ AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A Liberal Allowance for Your Old Motor <â J* 'JL '£9 a A te V, ß Ik A GAREY MOTOR COMPANY KALISPELL » WANT ADS RATES: 50 cents for one issue, 18 words; tl.00 for three issues; lost articles rate 25 cents. 1934 DODGE PICKUP for sale; $150. Also Ward Electric Wash machine. $45. Inquire Nor Ventling, Steele's cabins, Col. ing man Heights. 50» HEAVY DUTY LOGGING trai' for sale, dual axle, A-l con Priced reasonable. er Call dition. 527-M, Kalispell. c50 FOR PUMICE CHIMNEY blocks 14" sq., 10 " high, 9 $1.85 per block, see Lay-Tite Block Co., Vs. mile south of Columbia Heights. Easily Installed, less ex pensive, better insulation, same insurance. opening, tf THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Whitefish for sale; modern ex cept heat, lot 50 x 130; lots of flowers and garden space, nice basement attached to garage Lots of extras including house. most furnishings. First $7,475.00 takes it. W. R. Neff, 327 O'Brien c51 ave., Whitefish. GOOD GOING BUSINESS in Hungry Horse area for sale. The Crooked Tree drive inn, com pletely stocked, also four room house. Built-ins, propane gas stoves on 200 by 75 ft. frontage highway No. 2. Also two cabins, rented, plus cabin site. $5,000.00 down, balance terms. Write or see Alvin Nash, Star Rt., Col. Falls. c51 FOR PLASTERING or Stucco work see C. Justice, 45 years suc cessful work in the state. Not the cheapest, but the best. Columbia Falls, Box 156. telephone 19-3 tf WASHED SAND and GRAVEL. passed government tests hi mile north of silver bridge on Flathead river. Reiten and Spencer, Col. Falls. tf EXPERT MACHINE SAW Filing, Inquire Mike Baumann, Canyon View station, highway No. 2. ntf FIVE ROOM modem house and two-room modem cabin, on five lots, for sale in Whitefish. Will sell one or both. Also 1939 Chevy panel track for sale. Inquire Al bert Herman, 619 Sixth street, Whitefish. 52* 1942 K-7 INTERNATIONAL Dump track, for sale. Good shape; Also 3,000 gal. tank moun ted on semi. Inquire Arthur Rho des, 85 Third ave. West North, Phone 807L, Kalispell. FOUR ROOM MODERN HOUSE, completely furnished, for sale. Built-ins, insulated and on 142 x 40 deeded lot. See Clyde Schwach, Byrd addition, Martin City. c51 WANT A LIFE TIME business in the building trade? If so we hé ve for sale six to ten million yards of volcanic aggregate suit able and tested for building blocks. Tf interested contact H. M. Ccn ; nt, situated in the Hog Heaven dist, post office, Elmo, Mont. 2* 36 x 48 GARAGE building with 52* equipment sale, also 4 room modern house with 4 lots. $10,500 with moderate part pay-' ment. Must sell immediately due to illness. Box 344 or phone 173, Joe Galles, Col. Falls. 51* PAINT, Navy white, $3.35 per gallon. Columbia Heights new War Surplus store. FIVE DESIRBABLE HUNGRY Horse lots for sale; In the Dam town section just off highway No. 2 and next to government town. Inquire Pat's Tavern, Coram. 52* DUE TO ILL HEALTH I am foT ced to sell my rooming house at Martin City. If interested con tact Leila Ryan, Martin City. c50 c50 STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD On this 18th day of June, 1948, before me, James A. Gumming, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared be fore me William O. Sarette, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing in strument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. JAMES A. GUMMING (s) Notary Public for the State of Montana. Residing at Columbia Falls. My commission expires Oct ober 17, 1950. (Notarial seal) ' S3. 50 ICE ICE ICE ICE ICE for sale. Inquire Griffin Used Car lo t, Hungry Horse. WANTED TO SELL: One used, double deck 12 ft. Hussman meat case, complete with coils, reason able. Inquire North Side Grocery & Market, Kalispell, Mont. _tf BUILDING BLOCKS! Both mor tar and mortarless types. Build for less with blocks. Estimate on request. Pumi-Lite Block Co., 4 miles south of Kalispell on 93, or tel. R-1632. 50 tf a lka, Col. Falls. _ Q BUSINESS LOTS and four PEERING MOWER for sale 'n good condition, cheap. Joe Op ti buildings for sale. W. K. Neff, 327 O'Brien Ave., phone 221-L, Whitefish. c50 14 FOOT BOAT built to ride the high waves on Kintla lake, for sale. In excellent condition. One 4 h. p. Evinrude outboard motor in good condition. J. E. Greene, tf WOOD OR COAL Stove with res ervoir, and hot water tank for sale, Mrs. E. T. Broadwater sec ond cabin from Lake McDonald hotel cabins. 50* THREE SIDED BUILDING logs for sale, available now. Frank West, four miles west of Columbia Falls. 51* DEWALT SAW, one 4% h. p. out board motor, one 7% h. p. outboard motor, for sale. Write or inquire at Columbia Garage, Co lumbia Heights. 51* THREE ROOM HOUSE and lot for sale.. Inquire at Asa Po wells, Apgar. 51* SMALL SAWMILL and 60 h. p. case power unit for sale or trade. See Elwin Reed near Coram 51* post office. ACCORDION (piano), 12-32-48 96-120 Bass, Hohner-Soprani Ancona & others. Several used bargains. Trade in your old one, easy terms. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 HOT PLATES—Deluxe hot plaT tes guaranteed. Reg. $17.25, spe cial, $12.50 .A real buy. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 TWO HOME-MADE Trailer hou ses for sale. Reasonable. One large, one small. Inquire Pat's Tavern, Coram. 52* Practically new handy hot $19.50. Several re conditioned washers, $19.50 up. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. WASHERS c52 PIANOS—Used pianos priced $50. $55., $150., $225., $250. A few real bargains in Spinits, Baldwin Winter, Wurlitzer. Easy terms. McIntosh Music House, 40 Main st., Kalispell. SAVE SAVE SAVE $$$$$$ at the new War Surplus store in Columbia Heights. % brass seat globe valves, $1.65; 8 ft. benches perfect condition, $1.50; qt. cans c52 rubber cement, $.35; 8" spring dividers, Miller Falls, $1.00; desk, executive and steno type, $25.00 up; 1 pt. plastic wood, $1.65; h'z, %, x 2" spun glass pipe covering, $.20; large gal. restaurant sinks, elec ranges steam tables, large roasting pans, etc. Come by and look us over. Tri State Merc Co. Columbia Heights, Mont. DOUBLE BUNK BEDS with mat tresses, for sale: can be used as twin beds. Ideal for cabins or sum mer homes. Just $15 a set. Phone 69 or contact Sam Frederick, Whitefish. c50 50* NEW UNFINISHED House, 16 x 20 to be moved, for sale. Mater ials to finish included. George F. Brown Vz mile north of highway No. 37 on Half Moon road, Col. Falls. 51* WORK WANTED for 1947 dump or flatbed track. R. A. Snod grass, Martin City. 51* RIVERSIDE GROCERY and drive inn for sale; on highway No. 93 at entrance to Whitefish. c50 DRY HOUSE LOGS, 24 feet long, for sale for house 24 x 24. Real bargain for $155.00. Oscar Rothe, box 71, Col. Falls. 50* CHOICE FRYER RABBITS for sale, advanced juniors, trios, and young bred does. Joe Cada, Col umbia Heights. c50 HEAVY BAND SAW large with 32 inch wheels for sale. Has tilting work table and sev eral extra blades Made for com mercial work. Mrs. M. J. Rader, Birch Grove school, seven c49 near miles north of Kalispell. WILL SELL MY Lake Five home and 10 acres of land with five modem house either fumish room ed or unfurnished; also garage and bunkhouse; good place for tourist cabins. O. W. King, Box 51* 74, Belton RUBBER STAMPS, Order blanks and other business forms may be obtained at Hungry Horse News. tf 3 PRESSURE TOILETS, $35.00 each, at Whitey's 51* RUST DAVENO for sale, $45; Also cut alfalfa hay in field at $14 ton. Inquire Colby Ardis, five miles west Columbia Falls on highway No. 37, log house. c51 PHONOGRAPHS, electric and spring wnd from $9.50 on up. Terms. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. RADIOS, 20 used radios, table and console from $5.00 to $35.00. Mc Intosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 c52 32 VOLT REFRIGERATORS, A few Norge 32 volt available now McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 WINDOW SCREENS, all sizes, perfect condition, $1.75 each lots of 6 - 150. Columbia Heights new War Surplus store, Tri State Merc. Co. c50 MAN OR WOMAN to work in store and do some typing. Tri Co., Heights, See Mr. Morehouse. c50 NEW TENTS, 16 x Î2, special $67.50 until July 21; 9 x 9; 16 x 16 Columbia Heights new War Sur plus store, Tri State Merc Co. c50 TWO - LOG BUILDINGS and one frame building located at Bad Rock canyon for sale, to be mo ved. Contact Mrs. Emma Laden burg, % mile south of Blue Moon Col. Falls. State Columbia Merc. 52* NORGE OIL HEATERS, 2 used 5 and 7 room, like new heat ers. Bargain prices, terms. Mc Intosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 SOLO VOX— Hammond organ at tachment, only used 15 times, big discount. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell. c52 AMPLIFYING SYSTEMS, (pub lic' address). Several used and new systems from $25. up. Terms. McIntosh Music House, Kalispell c52 EAST LAKE SHORE lots and tracts for sale on Flathead lake. Write 329 Fifth avenue east, Ka lispell. NEW AND USED FORD tract ors and implements for sale. Pri ced reasonably. Write to Jake Stelzer, Wolf Point, Mont. TWO LITTER REGISTERED Scotty pups for sale, three months old, one male, one fe male. Black. J. McMullen. Two 52* 52* Mile Drive, Kalispell. WILL GIVE $5.00 REWARD for information regarding one cas ting rod, with Go-ite reel and line, one telescope rod with reel and line, on casting rod. Lost on river bank near Walters house. Contact E. R. Warde, Col. Falls. 50* c50 / aid, $4200. WHEN SELLING OR BUYI1 SEE LEE DICKEY Insurance of all hinds. Ph. Columbia Falls, Mont. SMSHSMaHSMEHSHSMSHSMSHl _comp Report of Condition of BANK OF COLUMBIA FALLS, INC. Columbia Falls, in the State of Montana, at the close of business June 30, 1948. Published in accordance with a call made by the Superintends! of Banks of the State of Montana ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection (Sched. F) United States Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Obligations of states and political subdivisions Loans and discounts Overdrafts Furniture and fixtures 8385 . 643 2il.0l9.lthe 35,740® 116,179 1,438.® 390.® $810,440.5 TOTAL ASSETS $550.651.1 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations Savings deposits Other time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations United States Government deposits, including postal savings State, county and municipal deposits Other deposits (Certified-and officers' checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS Other liabilities (Schedule E) 14.932-1 5,929 139.238.® I- 253 $763,583.79 3,970 $767,554.! $30,000® 10,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL ACCOUNT Capital: (a) Common Surplus Undivided Profits 2,885 $42,885. $810,440 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNT MEMORANDA Assets pledged to secure public deposits and other liabilities Deposits and other liabilities secured by pledged assets I, T. J. Sillers, Cashier, of the above-named bank swear that the above statement i and belief. $175,000.' $145.178.! do sole»" t knottkdl true to the best of mj is T. J. SILLERS. Cashier Correct—Attest E. J. MARANTETTE J. G. EDMISTON ANN LAMB SLIFER State of Montana County of Flathead ss . J£) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of /, u ' y ' ba J and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this -j LEE DICKEY Notary Public for the State of Mon an Residing at Columbia Falls, Mo "J? na ... ■ My commission expires Oct. 6, l® 5 (NOTARIAL SEAL) Directors one new national ister, one used Nan register for sale atl s' tio ° r f Write Frank 87, Clinton , Mont. MODERN "five roouT full basement. gf 2 acres land, on La San for sale. Write box 1 , gry Horse News. ' e of » cash lona] excellent Miller, hoi ga e r SALESMAN OR ed: To AGENCY JccWent aM ' hosplul «» Write Elmer Rapn Mont. m atu 1Q suraa box is Ki, 9 x 18 WÖÖlTrug most new, electric er. On display at ware. Col. Falls. ÏÏ SQUARES shingles for sale, bench saw with « i . - Harold Stanley, south 0 f service station, C ol. Falls Hl TRAVEL-EZÈ batyT'bjrr; sale; also wit bpMl vacuum c i ea Chet 's Hat, white elect , good condition. Inquire Dave n avina, park h dq. Belton 'I 1940 HUDSON CLUb'~T for sale; also two wheel with steel box; also set of bar tools and chair and one store one platform scales. W. H 1% miles north of Col. Heirt on No. 2. HiWay CABINS f^FlSliTF^ ins, wash house and office, acre land on highway 93 14 mi south of Whitefish. By T. Cheever Ca COUP trail owner PAINTING insideor~öütsideTpij, fer to contract. Free estimat®,„d W. M. Kao. Box 695, Whitefi ____®turd NEW HOUSE for sale, Coi Heights. Ray Murphy. Col. F Inquire Rex's Tavern. XHBHKHSMSHSMEMSHSKSHÎS1 HUNGRY HORSE REALTORS BUSINESS CABIN CAMP, Whitefish. M; highway. $13,000. $6,000 do» Good terms. GARAGE 70 x 80. $10,000 w handle. This is located in t heart of Hungry Horse. CAFE. Hungry Horse Cit $3000 down, look at this you buy. RESIDENCE IN COL. FALLi HOUSE, good location, HOUSE, $3000.00 SMALL RESIDENCE, $2000. 6 ROOM modern 3 lots, landscape $4750. $2750 down, t lance, easy payments. 4 ROOM modern, near scho $3600. Kennedy additi* MISCELLANEOUS CABINS in Hungry Horse C® 14 x 26 3 room house Hun Horse. 22 x 34 house near lake HcDo®