■ifia v, eel by Candlelight f, con idjret pinpchle, and hearts tarant ® r p i a yed at the Newcomers trad«. ** Tue3( iay evening. Adding an Gr < ' jna i touch was the power fail fwith bidding, trumping, and continued by the light of beer bottle holders. By THTU P* 35 ". in uidles pinochle high was yvon by Mrs. Ganiere with Mrs. John wwia and Connell, low. Mrs. Helen Jun bridge high with Mrs. each - won Egan low. Hearts prizes went jlrs. pete Lyonais, high, and J. M. Giroux, low. The door drawn for Mrs. Roger with Mrs. Doug McDon i winning a bouquet of roses, introduced (8 nith » lbs otn ft, fia: ma, miete was elect were jjewcomers js, Paul Sloan, formerly of Great , 11 s, and Mrs. Jim Egan, former ï&Dî ilifornia resident. Attending for first time were Mrs. Pete Ly is and Mrs. J. M. Giroux. who served lunch at the H Pipe )ell. if eats Hostesses , e close were Mesdames George fa tt, Lee Dickey, Duane Lind, ic Marantette, A1 Shay, and Vella Galbraith. $3. ceil £e p 0U1S Heig liss "ri-Sts C gr. and Mrs. Randall Davis, — jetoents, Iowa, visited Mrs. Eliz siz beth Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Ppme [oW ard Greene recently. Over the « reekend the group enjoyed a trip Pluml sto Waterton park. Major and Mrs. Clayton Craig, Iciahoma, have been guests at the of Mr. and Mrs Ernie Mass and Mr. and Mrs. George He is Mrs. Massman's omes ire (# an 600 rother. Mrs. O. E. Wendt and grand slectrlsughter, Judy Stringfellow, are R jjiting relatives in California, c Edith Clair Lyons and Vada „ore, Caldwell, Idaho, are visit ât the home of Miss Lyons' ( ar ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ly » 13 . R Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lyons ac _-ompanied by Edith Clair Lyons, md Vada Poore, Caldwell; and Jrs. Edith Walchli and Mrs. Ruth dills, Kalispell, motored to Wa erton, Alberta, Sunday to attend IOOF international picnic. about They report there Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and Btheir families present. and Mrs. Roger Ganiere and Jimmie, John Fenholt, Mrs. earl Ganiere took Mr. and Mrs. onard Leschesske and daughter, d Mr. and Mrs. Kenwood Bertel Albert Lee, tour around Flathead were 1500 Mr. and children. son Hirni. , on a ake Sunday and visited points of Merest. Visitors at River Haven were and Mrs Donald McDonald, Mrs. Mr. Blanche Vinifred, Mont; Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Best Bob, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Kenwood Bertelson and Ken and Cleora, Mr. and and son wood, Jr. Mrs. Leonard Leschesske and El eanor, Albert Lee, Minn; Mr and Mrs. Herman Nelson, Charles City, and Mrs. Kenneth Mr Iowa, Brown, Lewistown, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Swan Johnson, Ta visiting relatives in Co coma, are lumbia Falls and Kalispell. Mrs. Johnson is a sister of Mrs. Joe Mrs. Martin Kittleson, Mateka, and Faye Loveall. Nell Heathco and Iva Percy, Indianapolis, visited Mr. and Mrs. Loveall Saturday night. Faye Tiiey are spending some time with Miss Heathco's sister, Mrs. Lloyd Graham, near Kalispell. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bauer and son, Billings, are visiting friends in Columbia Falls. Kenny Peterson is recovering satisfactorily from a broken leg received in a fall two weeks ago. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sig Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Du pont, Wash., are visiting his mo ther, Mrs. Lottie Smith. While here they are visiting also with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beattie and sons, Great Falls, left Sunday af ter a visit at the Henry Tolliver home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hieneman returned to their Riverside, Calif., home Saturday after visiting Mrs. Hineman's brother, J. H. Tolliver. Mr. and Mrs. Geroge Franks and family, Harlowton, Mont., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wixson. Mrs. Ethel Kappel and Mrs. Maude Hooper, Couer d'Alene, are visiting at the J. H. Tolliver and Howard Wixson home this week. Dawn Burke, Couer d'Alene vi sited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Burke, last week. Doug McCully is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pronovost, Kalispell, this week. Mrs. E. T. Tolley, Rigby, Idaho, feturned home Tuesday after vi siting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tol ley and sons. Sand and Gravel Digging Basement Ditching E. J. LUNDSTROM Phone 672 Columbia Falls Mrs. Mike O'Connor and child ren are visiting relatives in Len nox, S. Dak., for three weeks. Mrs. Ella Van and daughter, Kalispell. visited relatives in Co lumbia Falls Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Nies, Kalis pell, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rohel and daughter, Carol Ann, Butte, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adam, Flat head lake, visited Mrs. Carrie Ro hel Saturday. The Dreamland cafe is now under the management of Mr. and Mrs. William Geis. Mrs. H. A. Reich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Battin and daughter, Whitefiah; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mendel and family, Kalispell, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Annan pic nicked at Avalanche campgrounds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loeffler, Missoula, and Mrs. Nellie Wiles, Apgar, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loeffler. Leonard Morrison, his daughter and husband and their daughter, Oregon, Wis., spent several days with Mr. Morrison's sister, Mrs. Sue Main. While here they all toured Glacier park. Marilu Peck returned to Miss oula Sunday after a three weeks vacation spent here. She is a stu dent nurse at St. Patrick's hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kelly and children were Tuesday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, Coram. They cel ebrated Mrs. Kelly's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamm, and family, Portland, were over night guests at the Pat Kelly home last week. The Hamms are for ANNOUNCING OUR Monday July 26 Opening Settera Shoe Shop All Leather Work and Shoe Repairing Columbia Falls Located on Main Street hill IN OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT 14 PIECE ALUMINUM Camping Kits ★ ★ ★ Clean-Out on Tents 8 x 10 Wall Tents 9 x 12 Wall Tents GE Automatic Washer (JUST ARRIVED) 8" Electric Fans Regular $7.95, SPECIAL .. ★ ★ ★ . $22.00 .$24.00 $6.75 MARTIN-DAVALL MERCANTILE HARDWARE — GROCERIES — DRY GOODS The Big Store" Columbia Falls a Our New Steam Cleaner Really Cleans ALL KINDS OF MOTORS ★ ★ * SMITH BROTHERS Columbia Falls mer Kalispell residents. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor J. Krikeu, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Guthrie, Spokane, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ole Carlson. Mrs. Kriken is the former Katherine Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haugen are expected this week from Fair banks, Alaska, to visit the Ole Carlsons. They are en route to Honolulu where Mr. Haugen will be employed. Mrs. Haugen is the former Helen Peck. Mrs. Frank Schmidt and Mrs. Jake Saske returned Saturday from Conrad where they visited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van Wechel and family at a chick en dinner Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vinson, In verness, Mont., called at the Wll am Stevens home last week. Rosemary Watt, Missoula, arri ved Tuesday for a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Watt. Also guests at the Watt home are Mrs. Dean Hart and children, Hamilton. Mrs. Hart is the former Kathleen Watt. Sewing Circle Meets i The Royal Neighbors sewing circle met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Art Haines, Kal ispell. During the afternoon mem bers embroidered. Lunch was ser ved by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs George Mattheisen August 11. Plan Lake Blaine Picnic The Eastside Ladies club will entertain their husbands August 2 at Lake Blaine. It will be an 8 o'clock picnic with Mrs. Martha Kriken is former Katherine Peck. The club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Ada Ellman with Mrs. Esther Jones, co-hos tess. Games were played and pri zes awarded. Luncheon was ser ved by the hostesses. Busy Bees Buzz Mrs. Fred Loeffler was hostess at the Bad Rock busy bees meet ing last Thursday. Following the business meeting a contest was played with Mrs. Ella Van award ed the prize. Mrs. Urval Warner held the winning number in the raffle. A no-hostess lunch con cluded the meeting. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Logan. Open New Shoe Shop The Settera Shoe Shop will be open for business Monday. Mod em, new equipment has been in stalled in the new 20' x 36' build ing located on Main street hill. They can repair any leather goods. Mr. and Mrs. George Settera, ow ners, and five children are former Wolf Point residents. Honor Mrs. Ted Andrew Mrs. Teddy Andrew was guest of honor at a pink and blue show er Wednesday afternoon. Hostess es were Mrs. Jack Andrew and Mrs. Walt Nelson, at the Andrew home. Billie Jo Andrew assisted. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Andrew in a large umbrella. Du NOTICE * * * Herringtons Body Shop Is OPEN FOR BUSINESS Body Repair Work and Refinishing Columbia Falls ( PARK DRUG ' WE CAHOT _ fHE COMPLETE LINE OF FAMOUS WAL6AEE0 M00UCTS Draft wire * Ripuitileo COLUMBIA FALLS MONTANA J (Walgreen <ßqenc Dnuj Stör« ^ 16-oz. EPSOM SALT U.S.P. i i 100 ASPIRIN 43 e PURE 5-GRAIN TABLETS n WALGRE EN BRAND * WOODBURYAOO' SOAP; 3 for 28c. odd Ic and get (L.mi. <) ■ » _ ABSORBING » 98c LUX FLAKES 3«' LARGE PACKAGE. LOW PRICED (L.mi. 1) U 23* ( Limit l ) 4 oz. BORIC ACID Powder: Crystal* 21 * (Limit t) REG 1.25 BOTTLE. 4-OUNCE (L.m.. 25c Size SHINOLA Shoe Whitener 16« / (Limit I ) ») H». * • J vfi imà à Summertime Special / 50c Tube Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE x 43« - TIDY ARCTIC CREAM DEODORANT /r the beaches, m locker rooms public showers. ai the pool , . you may be exposed to infectious athlete s At the first signs (skin WIGDER HANDY NAIL CLIP High quality . : a> tidV 19* fool cracking or peeling between the toes) consult your doctor )2 >- 39* Does the job does it BEST (or treatment When he prescribes, turn to this store s Veto Cream Deodorant one Checks perspiration . . . W W Odorono Deodorant Cflc Creamy soft LARGE . . ww FRESH DEODORANT AOc Cream Prevents odor . "w QUEST DEODORANT Ofc All purpose powder ... V I Pkg of 6 BLUE JAY Pharmacist. \ TONI DELUXE Chrome 2 Cell FLASH LIGHT Corn Plaster» Home Permanent $ 2 29« $1.65 Lock switch Plastic Curlers (Refill Kit. $1) Double Size Listerine Tooth Powder 11 Be Flower-Fresh All Summer Long! I rV 0 37« • Cool, Cool COLOGNES il«* i Trust to Early American s Dickinson Sunburn Easily > 'Xpose' and You'll Ton Liquid i'i-oa 1 \ Cool Device— OLD SPICE WITCH HAZEL ii n ■ 59 c m • $1 Toilet Water • 65c Talc • Rubber Atomizer 39* Summer special! ^ 65 Cer ALL 3 FOR .. ■ ( Limit I ) i3 Richard Hudnut Water $i TANKY CLOVER Toilet TEMPEST COLOGNE Luc CHAMBLY COLOGNE honeysuckle COTY EMERAUDE To,let Ware. APRIL VIOLETE Culu s n * C//i- w _ _ ^ Dolph MOTH BALLS. Lclongl . 50 1.50 cn Creamy Makeup CAMPANA'S - Magic-Touchy ' Stays on tor hours A ounces Hubbard Ayci si Flakes, 10-OZ; Harriet or 21c 1.85 39 1.50 tSDalqrzen (Agency S)ru' Don't forget Thursday hours are 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. ★ ★ ★ PARK MERCANTILE CO. Columbia Falla a "Self-Service Store 11 A1 Shay, Tom Crum, R. L. Sparks, Chet Seymer Chuck Hetzer Er nie Massman Paul Janetski, Jr., Homer Carter, T. S. Carter, Pearl Ganiere Roger Ganiere, James Gumming, Pat Kelly, Gurnie Fow ler and Henry Tolliver. PARK GIVE AND TAKE CLUB MEMBERS Saturday fat 2:30 A dm. 10c to Members ■1 s S, Tkait PARK FRI - SAT, 7:00 and 9:15 OUToOI^ AU OOTpOOZ CP/M Ï I ft* t\ THE HOOSKR HOT SHOTS - KIR8T GRANT • JUNE VINCENT THE SUNSHINE BOTS . THE SUNSHINE GIRLS i THE STARUGHTERS _ A COLUMBIA ffjÊL ylk eicrune PLUS It's bod nnrt for bandits, and good nows far comedy lovers everywhere!, 7. 9 9 I 11 k with AM Din . Vidw hy Fritz FM . Dm Mm J Uqd 6rid|o . Fwmt IMnr A COLUMBIA RE-RELEASE] SUN - MON, 7:00 and 9:00 SUNDAY MATINEE, 2:30 Mickey Rooney in His Greatest Role A PRIZE FIGHTER I I, ¥ \ M-G-M presents I MICKEY ROONEY BRIAN DONLEVY ANN BLYTH « KIL1CR M*«OY I JAMES DUNN • tw mu • u* ioeke WED - THUR, 7 & 9Tp TUE - I SCHARVP^* W. snvLNV I * production of . i^- / _ ti i ? Il IL r, Iv v DORt v a S r\ > I MAMA" i BARBARA BEL GEDDES co-Jfarring OSCAR HOMOLKA • PHILIP DORN SIR CEDRIC HARDFflCKE • EBSAR BEIGEN RUDY VAUEE • BARBARA O'NEIL with