Practice What We Preach National Newspaper Week, Oct ober 1 through 8, is a time lor newspapers to remind themselves of their responsibilities. It is not the time for editors to slap each other on the back, and give forth pleasantries such as "a free press is the keystone of demo cracy." We like men with "guts," and we think Article 1 of this nation's Bill of Rights expected a display of "guts" from its newspapers when it stated "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging free dom of speech or of the press." As an institution we have no hallowed traditions; we are little more than two years old. However we believe in a free press, and do our best to follow through. For example we cannot write an editorial on the naming of Bungalow mountain while all of us experience one and two hour waits for telephone calls to travel the 16 miles to Kalispell. A free press, of course, is es sentially the protection newspa pers have to print the truth as Here's the Spur The J,775,280 Montana this summer spent about $55,000,000 representing a 15 per cent increase over last year. More There are several factors that will result in even more and bet ter pleased vacationers. First is the improvement of high ways. That $1,000,000 in gaso line taxes should provide the sting of an old fashioned spur in get tmg U. S highway No. 2. main thorofare to Glacier, into shape, Northwestern Montana, the state s principal vacationing area, deserves better highways. Our local responsibility is the vacationers in than $1,000,000 was paid in gaso line tax. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP I _ , Statement of the Ownership ouireThTiu " fV 0 "' 6tC - RC ; IZui 24 10,0 f 30 "*?" , of August 24, 1912, as Amended by Julv 2 1946 h 3 ' 1933 and Z 7Ù J Of the Hungry Horse News pub lished weekly at Columbia Falls, Montana, for October 1, 1948. State of Montana County of Flathead Before me, a Notary Public in sa and for the state and county aforesaid personally appeared Melvin H. Ruder, who, having been duly sworn according to law, de poses and says that he is the editorjpublisher of the Hungry Horse News, and that the follow ing is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, cir culation, etc, of the aforesaid pub lication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24 1912 as am ended by the Acts of March 3 1933 and July 2, 1946 (section 537 postal laws and regulations.). 1. That the name and address I 2. That the owner is Melvin H Ruder. (There exists a profit shar ing of the publisher, editor, managin editor and business manager is Melvin H. Ruder, Columbia Falls, Mont. namely Harold Tolley, printer, and Al Shay, printer's assistant.) That the known bondholders, mortgages, and holders other security owning 'or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other secur ities are: None. That the two paragraphs next JACK FROST BRAND and blankets. Write H. Shclappy, Utah Wollen Mills rep resentative at Kalispell Gen. Del., Martin City gry Horse News before Oct. 7. 9* ONE 1 MEAT CASE,' ÜTfeet long and three feet high for sale. Electrically operated. Good condi tion. Will sacrifice for $400.00 laid down in Hungry Horse. Write phone S. P. Finley, Havre. FOR SALE; '46 MERCURY 2 sedan, radio and heater. 'low mileage and very clean. Light bine color. Priced right. Car seen at the W. B. Moore 1 block ranch. clothing hotel; or Hun or 11 * dr. can be residence west of the Silvc.' Tip ._ 2 ROOM FURNISHED CABIN for Col FaiK° Ple ' Hansen ' s cabins, ° FalIf '- 9* 9* — Hungry Horse News An Independent , Weekly, Published Each Entered Falls, Montana, second class matter. The Hungry Horse cier national park paper. Melvin Ruder . . Harold C. Tolley V... Printer Al Shay . Printers Asst. Glaays E Shay Society Reporter Subscription Rates—One year in Flathead county $2.50- six months $1.50; Elsewhere $3.50' six months, $2.00 ' Country Friday at the Columbia post office a« and Gla area news Editor flMM news columns and pictures, believe that a country newspaper has a responsibility to the area it serves in seeing that every man woman and child finds the columns We of this newspaper open. As far as we are concerned every man in this frontier-like mountain coun Belton and Essex is a king, and we know of no emperors. try between Columbia Falls to Also important is that we con tinue to recognize that the rights | and benefits of freedom press are not something reserved for being the subject of an editor ial written about of the once a year. MR . clean U P' P ain t U P an d develop Montana look. Always to be kent in mind is that visitors do not like to drive 1,000 miles for a mountain outing, and then have the choice of sleeping in their car, or finding rather a mess pass ing as a cabin camp, Finally we agree with the Hel ena release by the state highway department that a state-financed publicity program is a good idea. But first let's get a good road ser vin g this area from the east and west. Rebuild and improve No 2 improvement of housing and ser vice facilities. Let's continue to MR above > giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and secur Jty holders, if any, contain not ° nIy tile list of stockholders and security holders a s they appear upon th(1 books of thp comp ba t also in cases where the stock holders, or security holders ap pears upon the books of the com pany as a trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the names of the person whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said or corporation for agraphs contain statements bracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stock holders and security holders who do not appear upon the books company as trustees, par em er - anc i 41,.• . to ' believe ^haf ant )h "° association nr e,'™ ° 1 ther , persot1 ' intomet r poration was any ' T f ^ ° r indirect >'« the 'ini« , S a ° Ck ' bonds > or oth «' secur - as 80 stated b y b ™ T,Mt the avc ™ng the past four 2 " iS7 > 1 1 or Fireplace j $12 f/0 cord Delivered * JAIso sawing at wood yard' j ln Hungry Harse. G - T - HARGROVES ' ' » ' tiiey see it. We are not an enemy of the state and subject to hanging if we criticize President Truman (or Governor Dewey) or inquire why both Governor Sam Ford and his opponent, John Bonner con tinue to .ignore such important issues as the present Montana burdensome tax structure. The idea of a free press in the American way also extends to the ( /•; «• i ! I 31 j j $ I » I METHODIST CHURCH Andrew Olsen, Bible Expositor and Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. j Our Saviours Lutheran Pastor Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Morning Worship, Services are held in St. Matt hews Episcopal Church. 11 a.m. ST. RICHARD'S CATHOLIC Hours of holy mass Baptisms by special appoint ment. Sponsors are to be practi 10:00 a. m. Columbia Falls 8:00 a. m. Belton cal Catholics, Father H. A. Faley Pastor Columbia Falls Residence HOLINESS METHODIST CHURCH Sunday; 10 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Preaching service. 8 p.m. Preaching service. Thursday: 8 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting. I Sunday: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Ralph M. Werner, Pastor 10 a.m. Bible School. 11 a.m. Morning worship 8.00 p. m. Evening service. Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. Young people's meeting. Thursday; 7:30 p.m. Midweek service. CORAM - MARTIN CITY PRESBYTERIAN James B. Schofield, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a. m. Martin City Sunday school, Mrs Luding, supt. 10:30 a m Coram Sunday school, Mrs Gordon, supt. 11:00 a m Martin City Morning Worship. 7:45 p m Coram Evening Worship South Fork Assembly Rev. Clyde A. Walden, pastor Services held at the Glacier Bible I 10:00 a. m. [ camp dining hall. Sunday school 11:00 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Morning worship Evening worship Prayer meeting, Wed. 7:45 p. m. Tbe service of holy communion wiH be Sunday, October 3, at 9 a ' m - Ven - Norman L. Foote, He ]' pna ' '----- 45 DOUBLE NUGGET candy and gum P en «y machine for sale. ^ an ma ke good income invpst ment. Write Frank 3106 North Loop, E. L. Brown, Sun. School Supt. Sunday school services of the! L. D. S. Sunday School I Church of Jesus Christ of Latter ! Da y Saints are held at 10 each Sunday at the community •hall. % mile west and one mile south of Bad Rock school. a. m. St. Matthew's Episcopal on small Seay, G 40 ACRES with log cabin, water for sale; Lake Blaine road; 65 acres also unimproved near Lake Blaine. Inquire Lawrence Sands Creston post office. 9* 27 ET. MODERN TRAILER or $50.00 Service. for sale or rent, $1300 month. Summer's Shell Martin City. <■10 1941 NATIONAL equipment for sale. Joyce auto hoist, 7y 2 cu. ft. compressor; chassis Lubes ter Lincoln, gear grease, Lubes ter Lincoln, wheel bearing gun and other equipment. Inquire Lowell IcKeen, phone 212-K, Whitefish. TRAILER house for sale, 20 ft., like new, priced to sell. See at 1204 First east, Kalispell. ave. clO FILLING STATION 9* DRY FLOORING for saleTs^. To.V*- Henry ' one miIe s °uth of Col. Heights. 10 * _ MAKE YOUR CAR RUN LIKE NEW WITH A ^rnrnmm pauitr KM® " * COMPLETELY TORN DOWN AND REBUILT TO PRECISION STANDARDS > y* ** 1 JO $ I ® & m ■Ar WORN PARTS j*® © «0 REPLACED WITH GENUINE FORD PARTS O ■ ( [n : ft AT^AILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE delivery AHowance for Your Old Motor GAREY MOTOR COMPANY kalispell 11 1 Jt V A Liberal :> WANT ADS RATES. 50 cents for one issue, 18 words; f1.00 for three issues; lost articles rate 85 cents. All Want Ads Strictly Cash FOR PUMICE CHIMNEY blocks 14" sq., 10 " high, 9 " opening, $1.85 per block, see Lay-Tite Block i/ 2 mile south of Columbia Co., Heights. Easily installed, less ex pensive, better insulation, same tf insurance. WASHED SAND ana GRAVEL, passed government tests % mile north of silver bridge on Flathead river. Reiten and Spencer, Col. I tf Falls. BUILDING BLOCKS! Both mor tar and mortarless types. Build for less with blocks. Estimate on request. Pumi-Lite Block Co., 4 miles south of Kalispell on 93, crj tel. R-1632. • RUBBER STAMPS, Order blanks and other business forms may! be obtained at Hungry Horse tf News. FOR SALE OR TRADE; Due to my ill health I will s*Il or any of my Columbia Falls real täte and will make the right per son term payments with fair down; payment. The real estate is a dup-, lex on 2nd Ave. West north, 50 x 125 ft. lot with small house near duplex, one business lot, 125, with red barn bordering the alley and just south of the tele-■ phone office. Real Buys. J. E. Greene, Col. halls. c9 30-40 KRAIG rifle, new, Redfield sights. 2 boxes shells. $47.50. Joe Galles. c9 automatic for sale with 150 rounds of ammunition, $60.00. Kost Shoe Store, Martin City. c9 GET THAT ELK or deer this sea .351 caliber Winchester son FOR RENT; Typewriters, adding machines, and cash registers. All repair work positively guaranteed. New portables for sale. R. C. Allen adding machines. Phone 1085-M, 119 W. 2nd St. Kalispell. WELL DRILLING by experienced drillers. Acme Drilling Co. In quire Apt. 2, Hansen's auto court, west end of silver bridge, Col Falls. c9 USED CARS: 1936 V-8 Pordor 1934 CHEV. coupe tf $275.00 $195.00 1937 V-8 ton pickup 1941 V-8'Tudor Glacier Motor Co. Whitefish $525.00 $1150.00 09 WHILE THEY LAST; New 3700 I D CUblC foot home s P ace heaters ^ uIar , J ' st «79.95, Now $62,50. Glacier Motor Oo., Whitefish c9 i I 1 I OR SALE ; 40 horse electric I Westinghouse motor, with drum 1 controller and Call 5112. Col. Falls! COLE HOT BLAST OIL HEATER for sale. Model 956, suitable for 1 4 or 5 room house, used one month Inquire Chief Clerk, project öft er duplex 87, Hungry Horse government camp. WANT A GOOD BUSINESS cation near Hungry Horse dam site? Inquire at Caley's Market, Col. Falls. magnetic cut-out tf 1 ^ ! 1 j dl ice io WHILE THEY LAST: New 3709 cubic foot home space heaters. Regular list $79.95, Now $62.50. Glacier Motor CO!, Whitefish c9 HELP WANTED: Would like re sponsible care for second grade girl 12:30 p. m. to 4 p. m. five afternoons a week until December m Hungry Horse village. See W. Warnock, prefab 143. F. 9* ONE TRAILER HOUSE for sale also one davenport. Inquire Leila Ryan, Martin City. EXTRA GOOD CHEVROLET_ Pickup with rack for sale Has "ew motor, 4-speed transmission 6 wheels, good tires, rebuilt cush lons ' mohair upholstery, new el eetric windshield wiper,' shock ab sorters. In excellent shape — ® 00d appearance. Has had tional Whitefish cabin camp. 11 * 1936 very excep on 93. across from Ren^ ' care. Adair 10 ' FOR SALE; Model A Ford. „ , G. W. I ' owler, across old red bridge. 10* J Po LET'S BREAK high prices, tatoes, winter and early variety Bring miles north for sale, $2.00 hundred, sacks. Art Peters, 1 l-a miles west of Mountain end IVz View Tavern. 10 * BEAUTIFUL BUILDING 34 feet bv 30 feet for sale, on lot 35 feet by 200 feet, located adjacent to a service station and grocery store of the most promising lo- [ in one calities, South Fork. New build ing. has three room dwelling apart of building and a j spa cious business quarters facing gjghvvay No. 2. Complete clear a b s tract furnished. For more par ticulars write Marlin Nash, Gen. Del., Havre, Mont. 9* FOR SALE OR TRADE on car 1940 V-8 SWB dump truck, new 494g motor and transmission. . spee d axle. 8:25 x 20 tires, ready to g0 t0 wor k. Inquire prefab 147, I Hungry Horse. 10 2 | 5 room MODERN HOME for sale .hardwood floors, full basement, | f urn ace, extra bedroom in base I ment. Inquire William Knapton, phone 138-X, Whitefish. 10* es- rooms convenient to Hungiy Horse. Martin City hotel. 9* -- 7—" LOG CABINS, completely furnish ed, for rent by the week, pro J pane heated. Inquire Mai tins 50 : Lodge, Martin City. 10 ! T nw -, T TT.FAGF 1938 Hudson for sa]e> new r i n g S , good rubber, new heater, seat covers, chains, j reasonable; also Harley Davidson 74 motorcycle. Francis Olsen, one half mile east, one half mile south 10 * county airport. ONE THREE BURNER Wickless kerosene rangette for sale, $30. j M rs - Minnie Thompson, Belton. 10* SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools pump od Qut p, hone or write R c . st0 . rey. Tee Pee Lodge trailer court, phone 272-W, Kalispell 10 * IVANHOE OIL HEATER for sale $50.00. 128 Central Ave., White fish. 11 * FOR SALE; 2 Vn octave vibra harp. Inquire at Oasis, or see R J. Rathje, phone 7Y-2, White fish. 11 * 30-06 REMINGTON and 30-06 Winchester for sale; $85 each. Ammunition for above rifles. A. R. Johnson, duplex 113, Hungry 12 by 16 foot CABIN on highway No. 2 Coram for rent or sale; cellent terms. E. A. Holland, 121 Main street, Kalispell. ex 11* WANTED: A partner for con struction work. Must be one who is ambitious and have some money. Lots of work tracted. Wrhf L. Rt. 1, Kalispell, some con A. Peterson, 9* FOR SALE 48 acres wooded bot tom land, lots of wood and saw lo §' s . adjoining city limits of Col umbia Falls and toward Highway frontage. Write Peterson, Rt. 1, Kalispell UOR SALE: 1933 Chevrolet pick up. runs good, 6 tires, 2 new ones, and tire chains. Price $200.00 chard F. Sparks, Irt miles west Col. Falls on 37. river. L. A. S' Ri 11 * WANTED; Auto transportation ... wfll sha™ CaIif - ° Ct 1 t0 15th ' to , . . «Penses and assist with driving, if desired. Contact Un rS City. C - SandS ' *« 135 ' br 9* G - E. ELECTRIC wator * , - 52 £ al,on bot Bonn, \r k ^ ^ br3nd ap W. Bonnie View Cafe, Whitefish. 10* EIGHT WEEKS OLI English setters for The Wigwam, Martin sale. Inquire City. 9* dr. g. H. JOHNSON. DENTIST | Al! Da - V Saturday f Whitefish D 1948 SPARTAN TRAILER, al for sale. Also 1937 Roadmaster Buick with 6-ply tires, over-loading most new tubes, Lifeguard springs, good condition. Inquire Col. Heights Grocery. 9* CABIN, 14 x 20 for sale, partly furnished, on two 25 ft lots. Ex cellent location in Hungry Horse dam town. Inquire evenings at 720 Third Ave. West, or phone 1065-L Kalispell. 9* FOR SALE; Carrots and rutaba gas. $1.00 per hundred and help yourself. Van Aken Gardens. IT* FOR RENT: 12 x 12 cabin, fur nished, but not modem. J. E. Greene. c9 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe, good j condition, for sale, $150.00. Also 1 new Wayne shallow well pressure water system and one Syntroii mo del No. 2 electric jack hammer. See or write L. C. Sands ,bos. 135, Mar 9* tin City. FOUNTAIN GIRL WANTED. Must no£ be under 18 years old. Steady work. Inquire at Norm's Place, Kalispell. 9* 1938 FORD DELUXE coupe for sale, 6,000 miles on motor, excell er *f 6-ply tires, built-in radio, spot light, Ha-dee s heater, seal beam head lamps. This is a rattling good i car $200 under used car lot price. j inquire Montana Realty Bldg - i Martin Cit y~ _^ J NEW LARGE MAHOGANY cool j e r with compressor for sale, also automatic popcorn machine. In quire at George's Bar, Col. Falls, 10 * 12 to 15-FOOT LUMBER SLABS for sale: edged. $15 a cord. A. L. McClom, Route IB, Col. Falls. 10 * DOUGHNUT SHOP EQUIPMENT for sale including 20 ft. counter, 9 stools, 24 inch "Wells" fryer; 20 quart mixer, proof cabinet, 3 bur ner "White Cross" coffee maker, pans, trays, etc. New, used one month. Write for further infor mation to Box 172, Ronan, Mont. 10 * THIRTY ACRE FARM one mile •southwest ' Whitefish, for sale; three bedroom house, new bam, 20 by 40 log chicken house, city water, lights, telephone. Terms to responsible party. $12,000. Mrs. A. N. Hodges, Box 702, Whitefish. 10* It's easy to feel that "OLD MAN WINTE^ has one foot in the proverbial door- ■ >e , an Mr. ston, OUR STOCK OF heir They Mr. •y siting aia Mr. Oil Heaters WILL KEEP YOUR HOUSE WARM COLEMAN iSNSKS — SPARKS INTERNATIONAL Makes In All Sizes LACO Whitefis st { Doing Priced plant in the ting era. Cords for All Ages LT" Saw ter: Ptae M at 1 . 000,000 15,800.00. truck SEE other Hungry ALSO OIL FLOOR FURNACES Don't wor|ry about oil — Statistics prove there be plenty. ★ ★ ★ IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Sizes 3 to 16 years ;and Men WOMEN'S WHIPCORD JEANS BOY'S WHIPCORD TROUSERS s sizes MARTIN-DÂVÂLL MERCANTILE Jrhway DRY G 001% % Columbia Falls HARDWARE — GROCERIES The Big Store rt Do V For Pay Cash X and Pay Less T Ve thish W Offre Co AT Big CALEY'S MARKET Hunters we Pave plenty of grub for that hunting tri Highway No. 37 Columbia F a ' FOR SALE. One comni nished and insulated 4 e on U. S. 93, 1 mile west fish. Winter's fuel g 0es School bus and electric»® at $4750.00 for quick y ' terms. Will consider as part payment. J. ; roo, Of] rt. : hous e Lew is, FOUR WALLS OF ccc"J| for sale, also some 11 her, $40.00. Colby Ardi s five miles west of Col % THE HILLTOP QUICK will be reopened f 0r by the owner Sept. 30; a i Sc home laundry in Martin qJ WOOD. Dry Tamam^J chunk wood, for sale. dJ anywhere. Drop a Bennett, Coram. I ; card t3 ide 12 STORE TABLES^** sizes for sale, also two Jj All in A-l condition. * Longstaff St, Missoula. Wri] FOR RENT at Katnp~î(ül3 Modern, comfortable,, bins for winter months * three bedroom on sizes. I MODEL LS, Latorneau ,'a for sa]e , 8 rt to 12 yard J In' Very good condition. Getter® ; n g Co., Cut Bank, Mont "I --■ ■ 1 require information call Whitefish Assn., phone 259, Whitefish Sept. 15, references oUit .itter DRY STANDING TAM ÀI wood for sale. 12 to 16ifclS $12 cord. Inquire Box 133 N. J. Bonnell. _ he 36 x 48 LOG BUTLDINQpie or lease in the heart . ave Hungry Horse area. Ideal iJaB for drive-in, plenty of r îlr area. Available for iinmedis- one session. Write Box 3H, pflV' burg, Mont. NEW SMALL OIL HeatojÜ Inquire sign off main hi> to Hungry Horse Postoffice Mr CABIN FOR RENT. Fur^f lights, water Inquire justJi of Rex's tavern •r visi FOR SALE : Natural M stroller length fur coat, jsq f' Alaskan seal jacket, $40.00. ' ladies all wool 3 piece suit, I All size 14 and in perfect! tion. Mrs. J. Lewis, 1 mils of Whitefish on U. S. 93. | -undfii îaetor