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We're Also Paying As the time approaches for Northwest Airlines to start ser vice into the Flathead valley, we want to clarify the point that the airport truly belongs to the county as a whole. Whatever the newspaper head lines or comments, it is the Kalis peU, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Hungry Horse area, Glacier na tional park and other communities' port, and we hope that it is so When Flathead county commis sioners purchased the land in 1939, they purposely located the pro posed port in the triangle between the three incorporated towns. Then followed federal expenditures of $359,184.00 for building and hard surfacing runways, part of the recognized and described. national defense program. Let it be pointed out that Kalis pell is contributing roughly one fourth of the total $25,000 being raised from the two mill tax levy this year for the airport fund, This tax, twice the previous one Oar Future - In Industry Each of us know that to pro vide continuance for our com munities there is need for fur ther development of agriculture, industry and recreational facilities, Hungry Horse dam construction is a tremendous economic lift, but its peak at least, is temporary. A good, recent example of ben efits of "unheralded" industry is the Plum Creek mill established in Columbia Falls in 1945 with Minnesota capital. Year around Plum Creek employes 40 to 50 men. When the local plant weis os tablished, it was to eventually in clude a box factory, for ideal to the manufacture of boxes is spruce The Flathead's north fork espec ially is spruce country. This week we asked D. C. Duo ham of Plum Creek what was needed here to see the erection of a box factory by his firm. The answer: "Sufficient electrical pow er.' Next question was "How many men will be employed ?" His ans wer: "Perhaps 60, year around It is box factories, having a Craighead Comments On Security Editorial * We appeciate the following let ter referring to the editorial, "Wanted — Security." "I noticed an editorial in your December 17th issue, later car ried in the Great Falls Tribune, and elsewhere, that struck me as correct in all detail. Thanks. We need winter industry in Montana. "Sincerely yours, "Barclay Craighead, Chairman, Unemployment Compensation Com mission of Montana." (signed - Corrects Inter Lakes' Story on Lake McDonald A few folks around Belton-Ap gar are shrugging their shoulders about the Daily Inter Lake's Wed nesday afternoon story on Lake McDonald freezing over. Actually, the Hungry Horse News is always glad to give in formation on our part of the Flat head, which we do. We would have been delighted to have given our daily paper more information as to Lake McDonald, which in cidently is the longest of the park's 200 lakes. The able country columnist was correct when she reported tne lake freezing over Monday, Jan uary 10. From there on the Inter Lake should have spent 25 cents. Their Wednesday front page story added that Lake McDonald froze over last year. It didn't. Our beautiful lake's good name ■was also maligned by calling it windy. Actually it's hard to find a large mountain lake where there is less wind. Completely in error was the 1 Hungry Horse News An Independent Country Weekly, Published Each Friday Entered at the Columbia Falls, Montana, post office as second class matter. The Hungry Horse and Gla cier national park area news paper. Editor Melivn Ruder Harold C. Tolley .... Printer Printers Asst. James Cotton .. Printers Asst. Gladys E. Shay .. Bookkeeper Al Shay Subscription Rates — One year in Flathead county $2.50; six months $1.50; Elsewhere $3.50, six months, $2.00 NATION A L EDITORIAL VÂV I associ 1 at@n e=iife I i ~tr |*Q » 19 mill, is levied on each parcel of real estate and personal property. We recognize Kalispell, where nearly half of the county's popu lation lives, as being the valley 3 principal community. We hope that our city neighbors are diplomatic enough to refer to the airport as the Flathead county port. Taxes on our homes and automobiles too, helped build the new $70,000 ad ministration building, making possible the $40,000 worth of improvements being contem plated for this year, installation of "navigational aids the radio range facilities needed by Northwest Airlines to make a stop here on the Great Falls-Spokane run. This new flight course and stop was authorized about 14 and are This spring should finally see months ago., lines also will be diplomatic enough to recognize "our bucks" in the county-owned MR We trust that Northwest Air centrally port. located pulp mill or pulp grinding plant, and other wood processing that is most likely to give the Flathead future industrial and 'year around' payrolls. You don't get a man to spend $50,000 or $250,000 to set up a plant in the Flathead by writing hi™ chamber of commerce letters, or buying him a case of aged scotch. Credit the man who has control of $50,000 with good sense, first of all. If he's thinking of establishing a plEmt here, he's attracted by cheap and abundant power, an industri ous people, adequate resources, favorable freight rates, and an understandable stable tax system, and tax system? Now how about our freight rates In order to attract industry, we who live here must first of all .realize what various industries want before they would come here. Let's stop thinking in terms of industry being big airplane fac tories. For us industry is more apt to be smaller wood finishing plants MB final paragraph. "This is believed to be the first lake of any size in the county to freeze over so fa.r this winter." Now, Whitefish has more than a pond in their front yard. Their big lake, frozen over since December, is a valued resource of this area. We know that Flathead lake is still open; haven't heard about the Swan, but the rest are ap parently frozen. No offense intended. Give us a ring. MR GSM Breeze "Swing your partner at the gate Like you'd swing her sister Kate" and "elemonde left" were in order Thursday night in the west wing of the GSM mess hall. A capacity crowd attended the old time dance sponsored by GSM-Bureau of Rec lamation associations. "Gus" Em pie, Boise, called. Some dances learned were squares, schottisches, and "put your little foot." More such gavortin' Is scheduled for the future. GSM's general store opens un officially today, Friday, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Official opening will be in about 30 days with more com plete stocks. Sam Gentry is store manager. The recreational hall also opens today, hours 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. Verbal competition is growing stronger between fo be organized bowling teams with the opening of the rec hall today. Suggested names for teams are "Red Noses" (machine simp), "Guzzlers" (truck shop) and N. G.'s (warehouse). AU bowlers and would be bowlers are urged to start immediate prac fmteeéé MADE IN U.S.A. (!) IN THE SILVERPLATE THAT'S STERLING INLAID.. . r »*• /L A fine American interpreta tion of modern Danish design, in the silverplate whose beauty lasts longer because the most used spoons and forks are in laid with two blocks of sterling silver. GOOD NEWS! Holm« & Edwards priest ars still downl Wheeler's Jewelry Kalispell W' » m $ 3 Methodist Church Andrew Olsen, Bible Expositor and Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Our Saviors Lutheran Harry Baker, Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Services are held in St. Matt hews Episcopal Church. 11 am. St. Richard's Catholic Hours of holy mass Columbia Falls Somers 10:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Baptisms by special appoint ment. Sponsors are to be practi cal Catholics. Father H. A. Faley Residence Pastor Columbia Falls Organization Youth meets the first, third, and fifth Monday of each month. Catholic Holiness Methodist Joseph Willett, Pastor Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Preaching service. 8 p.m. Preaching service. Thursday: 8 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting. First Baptist Ralph M. Werner, Pastor Sunday: 10 a.m. Bible School. 11 a.m. Morning worship 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. Young people's meeting. Thursday: 7:30 p.m. Midweek service. Coram - Martin City Presbyterian Sunday Services 9:45 a. m. Martin City Sunday school, Mrs Luding, supt. 10:30 a m Coram Sunday school, Mrs Gordon, supt. 11:00 a m Martin City Morning Worship. 7:45 p m Coram Evening Worship South Fork Assembly Rev. Clyde A. Walden, pastor Sunday school Morning worship Evening worship Prayer meeting, Wed. 7:45 p. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 7:45 p. ru. L. D. S. Sunday School E. L. Brown, Sun. School Supt. Sunday schotfl services of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are held at 10 a. ra. each Sunday at the community hall, V«, mile west and one mile south of Bad Rock school. St. Matthew's Episcopal Services, Sunday, January 16, at 9 a. m. Yen. Norman L. Foote, Helena. tice for stiff team competition. Mrs. Mel Hord left this week for business on pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sayler were project visitors Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Les Gardner was hostess to GSM and Bureau guests Wed nesday afternoon for three tables of bridge. Mrs. Ray Matter left for Seat tle this week to visit friends and relatives. GSM is sponsoring an entertain ment committee for future social activities. Teenagers, don't forget the par ty tonight, west wing of mess hall. Movies, dancing and refreshments. How many would be in favor of a bale of bay and a salt lick for deer in the trees near the first aid station? Would be a better diet than cedar boughs, bark and pine needles. 2,000 WATT, 110 volt light plant for sale; Montgomery Ward used less than year; $3.50 complete with automatic control. Write Eric An derson, Geraldine, Mont. c26 MAKE YOUR CAR RUN LIKE aöÜT row wane « At completely torn down AND REBUILT TO PRECISION STANDARDS « J ★ WORN PARTS REPLACED WITH GENUINE FORD PARTS * AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A Liberal Allowance for Your Old Motor A COMPANY ^ Am yi i0 GAREY MOTOR KALISPELL WANT ADS RATES: 50 cents for one issue, 18 words; $1.00 for three issues; lost articles rate -25 cents. All Want Ads Strictly Cash TO OUR PATRONS; Sorry we close down the, YOUR GROCERY, truck at least temp unable to be at time. had to orarily. I am two places Would sell this lively prosperous business to some one who opérât - of it. A nice deal at the same and take care the right party. Harry Studt, Whitefish, Mont. for c26 WILL TRADE; 2Vz TON REO truck and 25 foot semi- trailer; good condition; want trailer house. First place east of Henry Good farm on old Kalispell-Whitefish road. 25* FOR SALE 1936 FORD sedan "Dutch" Martin City. at the Deerlick 25* see MILES CITY STOCK SADDLE good shape. $45.00 Horace Todd County road 1 mile North East of Columbia Heights. on 24* 1941 Chevrolet two door coach, for sale; good condition. Con Gabrielson, Park tact Edwina headquarters. Belton. 24* FOR PUMICE CHIMNEY blocks 14" sq., 10" high, 9" opening, $1.85 per block, see Lay-Tite Block Co., Heights. Easily installed less ex pensive, better insulation, insurance. y 2 mile south of Columbia same tf 1948 SPECIAL DELUXE maroon, 4-door Plymouth, for sale; four months old; 6,000 carefully-driven miles, 8-tube radio, seat covers, air ride tires, spotlight, complete air control system, rubber under sealed, Price $2,500. Write James L. Atheam. Box 3, Missoula. c24 SMALL HOUSE for rent. 4 rooms and bath, 2 bedooms. Paul Sloan, Columbia Falls. Ph. 79-Y. 24* FOR BETTER RADIO Enjoyment have that set Checked at Glacier Radio, Martin City. c2'3 % NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4647 Estate of Louise E. McClure deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the Administratrix of the estate of Louise E. McClure, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, with in (four) months after the first publication of this notice to the said Administratrix at her home in Columbia Falls, Montana in the County of Flathead, State of Montana, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. MAE F HIGSON Administratrix of the Es tate of said Deceased. Dated at Columbia Falls, Mont, this 8th day of December, 1948. JAMES A CUMM3NG Attorney for Petitioner, Columbia Falls, Montana First published December 17, 19lf8 25 Wheel Aligning AND Brake Service Free Front End Check Up ALL WORK GUARANTEED SSI GREEN BROS.SERVICENTER Across from Hungry Horse News Col. Falls heading for STEP ASIDE. I'm Glacier Radio, Martin City. Re sale 3 for $1.00 c " ?> ords on WASHED SAND AND GB ^ V %; passed government tests, >e north of silver bridge on Flathead river. Reiten and Spencer, O ... Falls. tf HOUSE, for sale; FIVE ROOM wired for 220; semi-modern, not quite finished inside. Can be mov ed priced for quick sale; also household of furniture. Inquire at View Fountain Lunch, Mar Valley tin City. 26* WE MUST SELL our 4 room completely furnished house at once. With small acreage. Insured 86,000 but will sacrifice for $4,500. See anytime. On U. S. highway no. 93, phone Whitefish 181L-3, J. Lewis for appointment for 24* SALE: 11-2 ton Ford, Model 1930, New motor FOR $250; X 24 building, new, complete with windows - $450. Box 133, Coram - N. J. Bonne "A", 16 c-23 FOR SALE - 2 wheel trailer 600* 16-6 ply tires, like new, cheap. H. B. Mason, Columbia Falls. 25* CHEVROLET PANEL new mo tor, 4 speed transmission in A-l shape, real bargain or trade for pickup.. Inquire McIntosh Music House Kalispell Mont. c25 RUBBER STAMPS. Order blanks and other business forms may be obtained at Hungry Horse News. tf FOR SALE: 1941 Ford Tudor Se dan, Heater, Defroster, Frost shields, Prestone, Radio. Robert Patten, Conrad, Montana. 25* WELL DRILLING by experienced drillers. Acme Drilling Co. In quire Apt. 2, Hansen's auto court, west end of silver bridge, Col. Falls. tf OIL ■ HEATER SERVICE. Float valves and parts for all popular makes. All work guaranteed. New Duo-Therm and Coleman Heaters for sale. Standard Station, Hun c2o gry Horse. INCOME TAX RETURNS. Are YOU getting YOUR tax refund ? Due to the new income tax law of 1948 every wage earner is qual ified for a tax refund. To get the most, let me PROPERLY prepare your return. R. Rice, Standard station, Hungry Horse, c26 MANLEY POP CORN MACHINE, never been uncrated. Large all automatic. Latest style. Inquire Bonnies Ladies Apparel, White fish. 26* FOR BETTER PRINTS Send your film to us. High Gloss Finish Prompt Service ★ ★ ★ Glacier Park Studio Kalispell 336 Main 194s Watch Repairing WE STRESS Quality Service Moderate Price We have the past two years enjoyed a won. derful watch repair department patronage. feel sure this is in part because of our policy; consistently offering to you QUALITY work manship, speedy SERVICE., at., all times,., at..| MODERATE PRICES. We personally stand back of all our repair services by a guarantee that assures you of last ing satisfaction. ★ ★ * Crouch Jewelry Columbia Falls BONDSHIRE & BONE-DRY SHOES ARROW SHIRTS a x S H ® HOW ARE YOUR u J < Dress Shoes Q P J The well dressed man is particular about the style of shoe he wears. We have Bondshire Oxfords in oxblood, £ Tan or black in the latest style creations. o O m m J M Our Grocery and Meat Departments have ^ what it takes to satisfy the appetite these cold k days. to h a Our deliveries start at 4 o'clock, so we kindly S ask that all orders be in before that time. < 0. K ★ ★ ★ m a M PARK MERCANTILE CO. Z z £ "Self-Service Store" Columbia Falls O FULLER PAINTS (They last) BIRDS-EYE FROZEN FOODS a •J 5 I I COAL SHEET ROCK ROOFING Doors and Windows STORM SASH AIR TIGHT STOVES Building Hardware 9x12 Linoleum Rugs 9' Yardage PAINT ,r;li â r V : -, i m u. 1 I ■J i US g 4"; * G4 W L .'Qfo 3 You will have to clean it y° ur self madamme. I want to gat from vO** new 9 x 12 linoleum rug umbia Falls Lumber Co. COLUMBIA FALLS LUMBER WE TRIM OUR MEAT — NOT OUR CUSTOMERS Groceries FRESH MEATS — FRESH VEGETABLE * * ¥ CALEY'S MARKET The OVAL E service station is 1 block east of 11 COLUMBIA FALLS