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Temperance Column.. By the Ocala Temperance Reform Club. i ndited by J. A. Munden. .The Club ni-jets every Sundiy afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Temperance ilo-l. Tne Public" are invited. CHRISTIAN C r T J Z E X S 1 1 1 1 The World's W C. T. U., at its recent meeting in .London, estab lished the Dc;partment of Christ ian Citizenship,' with Mr?, Sarah D. La Fetra, of Washington, D. C., as superintendent. She writes: 'The aims of this department shall be the promotion of Christian citi zenship. A citizenship which shall ht one of brains and intellect and unselfish devotion to principle; where the golden rule shall be the 'basis of action; where loyalty to re ligion not formalism, but religion pure and undt filed before God and the Father, a religion of helpful ness and personal consecration shall be the standard. A citizen ship whose aims shall be the ex termination of every form of vice which debaucheth the citizen or worketh ill to its neighbor. One which stands for the preservation of the Chris' ian Sabbath and all institutions whose purpose is the. betterment of humanity, for pub lic and private virtue, for the sanctity of marriage and the pro tection of the homes of the people. A citizenship which stands un compromisingly at the ballot box, and elsewhere; and always for the overthrow of every institution, or trade, or business which robs womanhood and childhood of the sacred right to make the very best of life, which is given of God for his glory and for the purest human happiness. The department will co-operate with the oppressed and the downtrodden of every land in securing and enforcing just and righteous laws, and may God grant tiis blessing evermore upon the work and the workers." Ex, TETSO 9 DeLAND, FLA., IPEHS OCTOBER 2, 1895, State Institution of F1da Baptists. 'mil BOTH SEXES. -College, formal School Acad emy, Art School and Con servatory of JJitsic. An Institution of the First Rank. -Faculty of twenty-one teachers. Seven elegant buildings, heated by steam, lighted by electricity. Hot and cold water baths in dor mitories. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED GYMNASIUM Department of Physical Culture with military drill for young men. Library of 6000 volumes. Read ing room with leading home and foreign periodicals, and daily pa- pers. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL LABORATORIES. Separate building for music and art schools with artists of estab lished reputation in charge. Send for catalogue givng full in formation to JOHN F. FORBES, President. DeLand, Fla. 2;niiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiHnfiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiH!!uu I JiimciiavaciiiiaJi 5 Cips, Cabinets and Tables, adapted to the ous- 5 5 turns and usages of all branches of the Christian church. Illustrated descriptive catalog ree. GLOBE FURNITURE CO., Northville, Mich. S Manufacturer of Furniture for Church, Chapel, Sunday S 3 School anil A.'-rrablv Rooms. , 9iiHiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitItiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie AH7 i im H 11 e Bring us your Job Work if you want it done neat and at .Reasonable prices. "Lookey Here Man!" Take the STAR if jozc icant the latest news. Buggies & Harness. Two hiprht awards Ht World's Fair for Jr-tir5ii,ISouty and Low lriw. hix years ago we diM-anled tli Hvaler and bepran selling rtirM't to Consumers at wholesale prices. Result: up ward ef IOO.OOO VeliiIol , and our factorv now the lareesw on earth.dealindire-t withepn n nifi4. Send for nr mammoth A rd.SS7.&o. liivpatre illustrat. rr e cr.iai' ALLIANCE CARRIAGE on.. CINCINNATI. O. ey Ho for the Beach ! The Plant System have on their summer rates to St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Clear Witer, and For points on the east coast, for rates to all summer resorts call on F. J. Huber, Ticket Agent, Fla. So. Depot, or C. F. Faires, City Ticket Agent, Ocala House. gnolia Barber Shop Ior IXiiii' Gutting and S-liii "V in-. All work done in Moderd Style and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A. G. BELL, Proprietor, West Jricle of J. W. Davis, City Market, Dealer in all kinds of Florida and Western Poultry, Vegetables and Fish. 'Bring in your Produce and try, my Goods. James Chace, Dentist. Office over First National Bank OGALA. - FLA. A. H. R. Fredrick, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. Office opposite Arlington Hotel. Ocala; Fla. T. P. Lloyd, Attorney at LaAv, JESroolcrtrille, Xla. Will Practice in all Courts. James D. McOonnell, Attorney at Law. Office in First National Bank Block, OCALA, FLA. Edgar P. Allen. Albert Wright. Allen & Wright, Attorneys at Law. Room 3, Merchants Block, . OGALA, - FLA. J ames H. Hill, Attorney at Law. County Judge's office in Court House. OCALA, FLA. FOR SALE. Eight-room cottage in the city of Ocala. Lot contains 2 acres, with stable, carriage hou.e, ser vants' house, well, cistern, fruits, flowers, etc. Fitteen acres good land under fence adjoining, just outside city limits, can be leased for a term of years verv Jow it desired, inquire quire at this office. Subscribe for the Star. Ma Meats. W. H. Chaille, adies' and enfismen's Board and Lodging Opposite Post Office. We carry a full line of Choice and Fancy Groceries also in con connection a first class BAKERY. Bread, Cakes and Pies baked by best Baker in the city. RESTAURANT tit rear of store. First class fare for the local and traveling j public. Give us a trial. J. Edwards & Son, Baptist Witness Building, corner Fort Kins: and Osceola street. L. S. BLACK, Stall No. 11. City Market. FRESHWATER FISH OS ICE DAILY. Fresh water varieties Bream and Trout. Salt water varieties constantly on hand. Country Produce, Eggs and Poultry, Bought and Sold. Also a full line of fresh meat, sau sage, salt fish and outside oysters always in stock, very cheap for cash. H Jeweler and Engraver. SPECIAL PRICES. At Carlisle's Drug Store jnards Brothers DEBLKRS IN Chicago and Florida Meats, Turkeys, Chickens, Eggs, Sausage and Country Produce. Stalls 6 and 8 City Market. OCALA, lArwY. J. A. Pittman & Go., Undertakers and Embalmers. Dealers in Coffins, Iron and Wood en Caskets. Burial Outfits. j Charees lowerthan ever before in nio a i, .ti ; Qcala. Also dealers in all kinds of Second-Hand Furniture. Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or telegram. Mesdames McGloskiin & Lawrence Dress Ala king and Plain Sewing. Cutting and Fitting a Specialy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. Call and give us a trial. Butler Block, first door west of Fuller and Clark's. The New Brunswick Restaurant Misses Richards & Hallett, Proprietors. Board $3.50 per Week.1 Resrular Meals 2e Cents.i Hot lunches,, coffee, etc., at all hours of the day and night. Ex tra dishes served at moderate prices. Near Dukes' Corner BaSlics. R. D. Fuller, Dentist. Office over Merchants' National Bank. FLA. OCALA, Thomas J. Clary, Justice of the Peace, First District, Marion Co., Fla. Office in Court House. Prompt attention given to all Civil and Criminal Cases under my Jurisdiction. OCALA, - FLA SfllTH HOUSE Large, cool and comfortable ; rooms nicely furnished. Best of j accommodations for the general I and traveling public. Rates $1.00 j per day or $4.00 per week. Corner of North Second Street and Orange avenee. Times Are Hard and you need not deny it. But yti will forget it when you buy Ciroceries and General Family Supplies of the OCALA INVESTING CO., They also run a first-class Department where they d Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing, All work done to order arnd sat isfaction guaranteed. OCALA INVESTING C(X, T. N. NORWOOD, Business Manager, ' ' ' " ' W. H. Marean, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. lilectro-magnetic and Massage Treatment employed in treating Chronic Diseases. Diseases of Women and Children a specialty. Office, corner of Second and Main streets. Residence, corner of Second and Watula streets, OCALA, - FLA. LIDDON BROS., Liverymen iMrst National Bank Block, Ocala, Fla. Fine Livery Turnouts and Saddle Morses. Charges Reasonable. Orders by Telephone or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Proprietor of the only first class Colored Barber Shop in the city. I have taken charge of my ofd stand on Exposition gt., three doors west of First National Bank building and solicit your patronage I am fully prepared to do4 Shaving, Hair Cutting a: U Shampooing in the latest styl Only first class men employed. Give me a call mmmm 4