2 b I X f 20 t tt
t d
Office OffieeOver Over Munroe Chambliss Bank BankOCALA BankOCALA BankOCALA
fJf fIf1iOfl ± taeUpetairs Qa Upstairs Up taJiu Commercial Bank Bldg BldgOcala BMgOcala BldgOcala
For County Treasurer TreasurerII
II har ihoreWr lgr ABIMHOKN aN wAtx wywlf J 1 t as 8 J a cHwdtdatf for forim tnrfflf formo
im fflf 4K mo cteH eN fci tate ettwe < See rf County Treasurer Treasurertf Tr tlrer tlrerI
tf I Marlon I t Otmtity e > tx c sat tfaMt Pft to the action of the theit thef
f it i tlsNwaele > im ara alc lc JtutJ rty 1 > try rv respe respeA rtsJ res ctfnlly pectfnllyA
A It Itltf PIYJ1 3t1rrrI PIYJ1Illterf4
Illterf4 I Mer ltf awjKMtmic Mtjs < df It l H sa a candidate for forWcc torcre forUhr
+ Uhr lice cre of county eotIltt treasures of Marion Mariontjr
o aantr ftt tjr PtI Hiliftct ct t t the action a thMi of the democracy democrllcft democracyA
ft f th < cowaiy cat G < J 1 STKOZJKE STKOZJKEIww STJOZIER4wy STIOZiEEdww
Iww Blttchton P Ft FtII t Via ViaII Ja Ja11J
II 11J r rr + i ai ctfttlly HMIH KItJtfMlMCC MNCC jtysolfn a candidate candidateffcw CIUldfc1lttcl4HitlMttlIrr
ffcw l4HitlMttlIrr fcimeiirer r wt f UrtoM > county c lr HMbjort to 0 the thef thetataghat
la tataghat ttl f tin ti kjMocraltc rlfatO Jc Mtrty MtrtyTllO jutyTM HUt HUtTM4Ji
TllO TM K 1A 1ASTJn TKfU KlWfcH KlWfcHFor rurkJtFor Rur3For
For the Legislature LegislatureH LegislatureIleterr4etyself
H Ileterr4etyself i MHNi > M e myself a ottMdfdate for the Je legis legisare is isc is1MIff
are c swWe 0ntt tjeet ct fc tt the decision dl1 do eis4c tM N of the demo demopwty demonaaRh emo emoCJIIMd
CJIIMd < pwty f 1 11 > A 1 SMITH 51 N1 N1Anthony 1 I IAnthony II IIAn >
Anthony An f hon Via FJaI Ja JaiJit
iJit I WtsreVjKHM acs w ItMJtfMUtoC > nebncesyself iHce myself as a candidate for11wk for fortor forRtttWrf
11wk RtttWrf rr tor Marlon county co nty subject pubj ct toeke to tot toi1ltalt
i1ltalt eke t o NottfeHi aol tt fit d f U tlw It c elfMHOra drmcK lcm < K > ratic 11 c party IartyJ
w > V J CMAMREKP Oraiifrc OraiifrcAt Lake fRkt Lakea1R
At t ttH > r ro < Mfttogt wrat e of f many any frienrtc I Iltnl1r announce announceMD44if announcesW tln tlnM
MD44if sW + f a eaatANlat44 oaw Otl > IHIW MMte f fur r the tJt a legislature subjectfct subj subject > ct ctItitc
fct tH aolh oti M < < nf the d1Nax dem dxrns > cral rata He < > f MarionUwwrtj Marion MarionIK lIlrJo lIlrJohe
Uwwrtj IK UI4 tJ th < prlUMiriet prlUMirietII p t
W K ZKWI LIwtltK LIwtltKt Kr KrI
II in9pceiftiH r pe LfaN rM > HHHHiHc a ac < MiysHf DISf rysc lf f a candidate candidate1wt4 oandhhttll1fotIIoOtM oandidatek
k ll1fotIIoOtM 1wt4 Kstl n IH L + I We Ip 4ahtture fe4 ture subject to the thef theflke thet4H
t4H INM f tike dvHMtcrauc tlc 4 Na + KnelC 1w1 t4 C Jutrt JIM 113 rtyM
M L PAYNK ItA 1 Fairfield < Flu FluII
II t Ptsfmetfntty sj KHstf full ully aniMMnce MMnc myself JII slr a 1 candidate candidatef4M candiduteJwtIIt4l
f4M JwtIIt4l tAn ilkle1s4atwre lejiiS W < < tt Uln re cttlect to 0 the action nt the theftlMftCMdc thedh1Mertc tliel
ftlMftCMdc l i M + entic p party rty CHARLES CH A JURS S Ii MIIIBR MttiaaStandard MIIIBRStandard 11JtRRStandard
Standard StandardII Standard111Wt
II 111Wt Dra IlreeNt < eMt my wune as a aandidute for thek4atwac the thefmhect
f k4atwac 8wf fmhect SW ct to t th the action of the demo demof dcmo0111I denloovatW
0111I porgy 8 of f Marion Mari < Hi county
S4 S J MoCuiLV Fellowship FeHoAvsliipFor Fellow hip hipFor
For Tax Assessor Assessormy AssessorilJMeSiMt
ilJMeSiMt f jwseNt my M MMe me as cammiute a for Cr re reto rci re14eotl
i < 14eotl t > O fotM a to UM > M lice i ice ce of r tax asses as assessor > ssor or for Mn MarI4 Mnirt In InIJiMtt
IJiMtt irt + i GHUHtyBtibjoct CfJUltty Rtl1tject to h the action of the denio denioraic dcmourawc dentoaraWc
air4 I rttDt rw ent my Mt name Ante as a a candidate for or taxair4 tax taxof taxI
I + r of Marion county count y suUjeet suhj t to the theMC thpiHCChtt they theaCftl
iHCChtt MC aCftl < i t + Mt lt of t the t1 d aemocratie > > tGUt8 Ur party partylos partyllts partycos
los T LANriSTFK L cxces7 SfP t Ocala OcalaIaiN OculnI
I IaiN am a 1 MMMiklaU for the th office of taxasosor taxasosorf tax 3SS wseor wseorifw iSor
1 ifw f w M artoH < Jt1rk cm w + Naty < ufy subject to the Democratic DemocraticjjwimHrffS neJlloc Democraticjl ratic raticJffltnMt
jjwimHrffS jl JffltnMt alntwtN > rk s JJHf n II > vin vi iJt r that the pattern stern part > art of oftill oftlitr
till tlitr 11 u lItHtJM ta + + Hnty sfcoHM siw Mld have hit have at leaut one county
Nicer 4M < rr I a3k th thetpport f > fMtrt Mirt of the people peopleJ poopJeJttf ptwpleJDix
J Jttf JDix HN M 1 GRAHAM GRAHAMFor GRnnFor GRtnviFor
For County Clerk ClerkI
I Ihmfly 1 1 aiMMMtitcp aW4 Nnce myself a candidate for forreuitioUoM forJfjrAuJCJi forra
ra reuitioUoM ttgI M t ht the till ofttce of county connt clerk sub suleot 811 subjeot I IfJt
jeot eot I t tike J amthHt CU H nf f the tleiMocratic 1 11tfJnt aatocratic tic party partyT pa rt
> T 1 SlVTK ISTr NK NKFor SKFor 1 1For
For Tax CollectorI Collector
II I Dwreikj I rc4 r awiMMiiMJe aMR UItOe jnj Myself = ef a candidate f rm rmIt foetretd4eLI u ure
tretd4eLI re < i4eoil > H to 0 the wttice c of tax collector sub subnett ¬
ject ijoctittllte nett t 14ft t e aci acatea > N + f the democratic 1f > party lirt lirtIi
For Sheriff SheriffI
I k krartn reVy Jt a + MHOHC < myself a sf as > R candidate for forC9 forrillf
C9 LWte irff tj of rf N Mari Uiw ric < n county sut tilyect ul1l j > ct to the tI action actionf
eM f Ufce Pe3N Democratic eratlc party partyV pltftW
V K t AIIFN A + LtF Gt a McJntosh Tin TinI FinilaJM ria4N
ilaJM I am 4N a oawdidme for reelecton n Itton to the office oilicertf oUicerSIIt
rtf rSIIt 9 Jherif oriff ur 1NtajeCt aHl ul + ct to t the th action of f the demo democratic demoontllie ¬
cratic party pMr atd respectfully make thisttflte thisttflteiM this ttHe txttenteNt
iM 1 nteNt < Ht t ttt < the vwter hr of < f Marion county countyP
P II Xr XrSuperintendent NrasNT NrasNTSuperintendent nn T TiSuperint
iSuperint Superintendent rident of Public Instruction InstructionU instructionw4ect
StI w4ect ct U the tk > action Ctl6 of the > democratic democraticjpart dt democraticpasrtiy > I ocrntic ocrnticIpall1
jpart Ipall1 1 hereby rf > aut a aJtntnnc m + Hnee myself a candidate candidateifw
ifw IJt + rc reelection M to the th lice > of Superintendent Superintendentf SuperintendentdtIttirlic > nt nttKIui
tKIui dtIttirlic f IUMic c InsttueUoti J n t tie + lI and res n > sjtoctfullj 1 1tt ectfull ask askItike Hsktlkf
tt Itike + Meswppert 5 i rt 4 f the cftiitenswf cfti nsnf Marion county count countW
For Justice of the Peace PeaceII
II ai a w < + a can tltlttUdtth ii iMte for re election fPl < ctinn to tlieotliue tlieotliuef thc ottic otticcalf tlh tlhfIiC
calf f ieUiee fMt tiee tJk eM rf f th the < IH MMe acr t for district No CI 1 1DttdlHl 1fChltt 1Ilr
DttdlHl Ilr t it H4l twllt a apt < fk the tk swpptrt > f > t rt of HIV IU friends fripnc1sT friendsT1 friendsTI
For Member of School Board BoardI Board11It
II I 11It wan > m a eR a rwlk1tf H i te f for r reelection to meinher meinheri rnelnbCItl4kA4
tl4kA4 i Rk tp Jt eN M Ute U e Board of c + f lat Public lie Instruetion I from fromMlxiriet
M Mlxiriet I 5rkt tt K t + X Hth ttl lifect cet to th tltP democratic d mncrtt pri pris prlIJtMIftes priUnNriiee
IJtMIftes s aMd H l rolieit H + lic1t tio tliU tt wppert < ui port of Riv friendsItest friends friendsI
Re Itest drolly R I L HrttFor Hi Unl UnlFor u uFor
For County Surveyor SurveyorI
I aaa N 11 eM44Wiit ft < for the f M oAtre flk of o county countyrtMMly con R t tt1e
QwtaK t1e + e + r S4Krit tart rtMMly c c aaty t Mt t bict itC ct t to the tli
jh ficlt + catry Mt 1 l u Mh M KPMKAI tttFHYlFor KPMKAIFor Reut al alFor
For County Judge JudgeI
1 I MUM It it a eitwdltiNte e I s4U4hI4e 6 < < f < r rc rckt reek ket et i i i1t < + n to ihv Ut ofllcc ofllcctf o odicr kl klt e
r + tf wtwty t Mtty t pr ftr4t4t < + 4 bNt le e jwige j Ml M < > ct C t to tt > the th > sup > p
jnnt j4 tit rf the drtnuuerey 4f iM < nKry Mt It Bri Ih BtItocl BtItoclI nCR IOCKaMH4 nCRa
I hereby aMH4 a + Mi naee ItCt ce myself a Cltltdid e candidHte ttteiidatefonNMNty t for fory r
nNMNty M < t y jatdte j ije s S411 li 4 + < ct to tt t + dcJtMnt d < MM > erMtie ti adroitata action actionectf cliolttlrl
ata tlrl 4 eetnlly ectf tlUF lly a4 a the st j gs M + rt of all allin 11111mrt 11111mrtJMd Intrtie IntrtieI
JMd I + a lN in u tlu JHi rtiNre > > tltrit 1 II Bats BatsDISSOLUTION ltlou ltlouDISSOLUTION
Notice Notf tfe e is hereby hereh given gi ll that that J 1 A Aand Ar A1Pfttman
r 1Pfttman t1fmum and Peter Mclntyre doing doingunder doingl Join Joinb g
l b inss n under the t1 firm name of Pitt PittMelntyre Pitttbt PittIattot
Iattot tbt h Melntyre is this day dissolved dissolyedJluoItmd dissolvedll 1
ll Qty y Iu mutual teal consent J A Pittman purdkxsiitg pur pnrdkasiut purdkttsiu
dkasiut the interest int rest of Peter Mcln Mclntyre Mclnio Mclntyre ¬
tyre t re All obligations o4li tiol1s of Pittman PittmanMclntyre PittmanM PittmanMaIntyre
Mclntyre M lntyr are 8r to be h < assumed 8SSuIDe by 1 A APfttman Al At
Pfttman l ttt4 itn and all wcounts due the old oldare oMIAmB ohgran 1
IAmB are 8r to be b < divided tlhi d equally between betweenn bet wepu wepuIJ t
n IJ ° IttI tJRlRIIt k and an n < J Mclntyrc id ntyr as collected collectedJ L LJ
J J A PittmanMcIntyre Pittman PittmanP PittmanPMcIntyre
P PMcIntyreOcru McIntyre McIntyrecent MclntyreOcota
cent l Fla June Tn 5 190 1200Bsathe 190F 1900OA <
OA S T 01 F Et X r A AiBlth A
iBlth lee Kird y i Ita 1c IY3YS Beg BegEic
Eic rattr9 rattr9f
ef f a
Room mouldings R A Hall HallRheinauer Hal1Rheinauer HallRheinauer
Rheinauer leads in wash goods goodsThose goodsThose goodsThose
Those new sash buckles at Burnetts Burnettsare
are pretty prettyMatting prettyMatting prettyMatting
Matting in the latest patterns at atRheinauers atRheinau atRheinau
Rheinauers Rheinau ° rs rsFruit
i t
Fruit Jars in all sizes at the the John JohnMcCarthy JohnMcCarthy JohnMcCarthy
McCarthy Store StoreFresh StoreF
Fresh F sl1 peaches tomatoes and pine pineapplfs pineapplf pineappks
applfs s at TroxlersLadies Troxlers s I IIladies
Ladies Waists in the latest FrenchPatterns French FrenchPatterns I IP
Patterns P tterns at M Fishels FishelsSave FishelsSave
Save money on patent medicines by bybuying hyhu byuying
buying hu b ping of Garrett ° r Gerig GerigThe GerigThe j
The place to buy patent medicines medicinesat
at cost is at Garrett Gerigs GerigsTudge GerigsJudge
Judge Jennings dined with Rev J JC JC TC
C Porter and family yesterday yesterdaylIrs
Mrs Fannie Smiley from Atlanta Atlantais
is 5 visiting her sister Mrs Mellett MellettWilliam lh lellettWilliam J1ett
I IVilliam
I Ihrmm
William Tucker receives daily freshbream fresh freshbream
bream and trout at the city market marketThe marketThe I II
I The younger young folks indulged indulgedin
I in a dance > at the armory last night nightSweet nightSweet I ISweet
Sweet and Sour Pickles in bulk 20 20cents 20cents I Icents
cents a dozen at the John McCarthy McCarthyStore McCarthyStore I
Store StoreGo StoreGo StoreGo
Go to the Montezuma Barbershop Barbershopfor
i for first class work P C Davis proprietor pro proprietor proprietor ¬
prietor prietorCountie prietorCountie prietorCountie
Countie is out for no cow or hog hogordinance hogor1inance hogordinance
t ordinance and is making speeches in inits inits inits
its favor favorTerkeeween favo1Terlce favorTerlceew
Terlceew Terkeeween Terlce weeu een Oil Liniment the bestliniment best bestliniment hestliniment
liniment on earth sold and guaranteed guaranteedin
by in Tydings Tv in t tMr ITS > Co CoMr CaMI
Mr Don Lothian of Arcadia is isin isin isin
in the city it the guest of Mr Clifford CliffordAnderson CliffordAnderson CliffordAnderson
Anderson AndersonD
D M f Boney Bone at the Hole in the Wall Wallhas WaHhas Wallhas
has a big trade on his famous 5 cent centcigar centcigar centcigar
cigar Dixie Girl GirlJust GirllIr GirlMr
Mr and Mrs Henry M Oyer of ofCitra ofCitra ofCitra
Citra spent the H Fourth with Mr and andMrs andfr andMrs
Mrs fr McMillen McMillenSawdust McMillenSawdust
Sawdust delivered to any part of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the city cty1at at 50 cents per load Seymour SeymourSmith SeymourSmith SeymourSmith
Smith Phone 25 25ges 2 2Tust 25Just r
Just opened a nice line of bed loun lounjs lonnges
ges js single lounges loungesM and couches at at1lcIyer atMclver
Mclver M elver MacKays MacKaysPorter MacKaysCaptain MacKaysCaptain
Captain Mrs and Miss Inglis of ofPort offort
Port Inglis and a fair friend from fromGeorgia fromj fromGeorgia
Georgia j > orgia took in Oca Ocalas ca las Fourth rourthHeadquarters FourthHeadquarters
Headquarters for mens Banister Banistershoes Banistershoesfor Banistershoesforstyle
shoes shoesfor shoesforstyle forstyle style durability and price pricethey pricethey
they have no equal equalat at Rheinauers RheinauersMiss
Miss 1 iss Mary f ary Reardon has been for lorsome forome forsome
some < days the charming guest of Miss Missand MissPOltel MissPorter
Porter at her home on corner Main MainMr Mainand fainand
and Third Th itd streets streetsDeWitts streptsDeVitCs streetsDeWritts
DeWitts Little Early Risers are fa fatuous famons ¬
tuous little litt pills for liver and bowel howelmfU8 bowelmens
mous little pills for liver and bowelsoly bowels bowelsoly howelsoly
oly Drug Store Ocala Fla FlaThe FlaTh FlaThe
The Th best meal in the city it for the themoney themoney themoney
money may ma be had at the Ladies andGents and andGents andGents
Gents Restaurant Re taurant next to Mclver MclverMacKay llclverMacKay MclverMacKay
MacKay MacKayThe
The blood is strained and purified purifiedby
by the kidneys No hope of health healthwhile healthwlulp healthWlIIl
while the kidneys are wrong Fo Foleys Foleys Foleys
leys Kidney Cure will make healthykidneys healthy healthykidneys healthykidneys
kidneys and pure blood Anti AntiMonop AntiMonopoly 1lonop 1lonopolyDrugstore ¬
Prugstoro oly DIU stOrf Ocala a Fla FlaHustling FlaRustling Fla1llstling
Hustling young men m n can make 00 00per O Oper 0per
per month and expenses Permanent Permanentposition Permanpntposition Permanentposition
position Experience unnecessary1trrtc unnecessary unnecessaryWrite unnecessaryVritc
Write quick for particulars ClarkCo Clark Clarkc ClarkCo
< c Co 4th and Locust streets Philaklphia Phila PhilaT Philaiiu
1 Iphia iiu Pa PaThe PaThe PaThe
The Greek Grl ek candy maker filled up on oninebriating onin oninebriating
inebriating in > hriating Coca Cola on the Fourth Fourthand Fourthand Fourthand
and in company with Grady a tur turpentine turll tarpentine ¬
pentine ll ntin man slept off his effusiveness effusivenessin effus eness enessin
in the cooler The mayor turned turn d him himloose him100s hillsloose
loose in memory mEmOl of T Jefferson JeffersonBuy Jefferson13u3 JeffersonBur
Buy a 75 Franklin typewriter on oneasy oneasy o oeasy n
easy payments pa ments No better or more moredurable moredurable e
durable machine made For particu particulars particular particittars ¬
lars and to see the machine in daily dailyuse dailyse
use se call at this office officeMrs offileIrs officeMrs
Mrs Hiller wife of Mr h Edwin Hil Hiller Hiller Hiley
ler of Ocala 0 < 11a one of the leading ploy phosphate phophate ployplate ¬
phate men of Florida will leave to tonight toni tonight ¬
night ni ht with her son Sydney Sydl1 and two twodaughters twodtughters tw twdaughters a
daughters Mona and Hazel for forthree a athree athJee
three months outing They will tab take takethe talwthe e
the steamer team Pl Kansas City at Sa Savan Savannah nUl nUlnuh i < u l lattll ¬
nah and go to New Xe York thence to toAtlantic toAt1antit t 0
Atlantic City where they will spend spendsix spent spentsix 1
six weeks amid the gay and festive festivethrongs festivethron festivethrongs
throngs thron s of that fashionable resort resortMrs rt resortMrs sort sortlrs
Mrs lrs Hillerfe excellent social qualities qualitieswill qualitieswill I Iwill
will enable her to fully enjoy the so society societ ¬
ciety ciet of the wealthy and cultured iwo peopie 1f > 0 0ph
pie > who li I10 gather there from f om all parts partsof pattof s I
of the country ountr to spend the heatecterm heated heatedterm h ated atedI 1 I
term I Im They The will be h guests at the theIlesworth theU th thIlesworth e
Ilesworth U worth one of th the finest hotelin hotels hotelsin hot ls s I
in the th place They will spend the themonth tll tllmonth e I
month of September in the mountains mountainsof s
of Maryland arylan Mrs Irs Hillers formehome former formerhomo formerhom sr r
homo On their return home in tin tinfall the thefall e
fall they the will visit friends in HaIti Baltimore HaItimor Baitmore i ¬ I
more and Nashville
Owing to the serious illness of 0 Louise Lou Louise Louise ¬
i ise Scott the meeting of the Daugh Daughters Daughters ¬
t ters of the Confederacy Conf deracy will not take takeplace takeIlace takeplace
r place at Mrs Scotts tomorrow Fri Friday Friday Friay ¬
d day ay
There e is more catarrh in thus th sec section SfCtion seclion
t tion of the country countr than all other di diseases diseaSC8 dieases ¬
eases s put together and until the lastfete last lastfew latfe
few fe years was supposed to b br incur incurable in incurble < m mahle ¬
able a ble For or a great many man years ears doctors doctorspronounced do docaorplronounced tolS tolSpronouneel
pronounced it a local disease andprerribed and andprescribed andIHp
P prescribed IHp r rjlJerJ local remedies and by byconstantly hrconstantly
c constantly failing to cure with local localtreatment
I Itreatment treatment pronounced it incurableScience incurable incurableScience incurableScience
Science has proven catarrh to be a aconstitutional aonstitutional aonstitutional
onstitutional c disease and therefore thereforerequires
I r requires constitutional treatment treatmentHalls treatmentI treatmentHalls
I Halls Catarrh Cure manufacture manufacture1by l lI
I by P J J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Ohiois
i is the only constitutional cure on the themarket theA themarliet themarket
market It is taken internally in indoses indoses incloses
doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful teaspoonfulIt
j It t acts directly on the blood and mu mucous mucous mncoos ¬
cous surfaces of the system They Theyoner Theyoffer Theyffer
offer ° ffer one hundred dollars for any case caseit easeit
i it fails to cure Send for circulars circularsand
and testimonials Address AddressF
F J Cheney R Co Toledo O OSold OSold 0Sold
Sold by druggists 7f 75c 75cHa1Js i5cBalls > c cHalls
Halls Family Pills are the best bestWeather b hestWeather st stWeather
Weather Forecast for Central Florida FloridaCourtesy FloridaCourtes FloridaCourtesy
Courtesy of Postmaster Groves GrovesJacksonville GroesJaclsoni1le GrovesJacksonville
Jacksonville July Fair Ia 1 tonight tonightand
and Friday Williams WilliamsNEW 1 ViJliamsNEW
W v Jeffords C store storeG storeG
G S Scotts office officeMrs oH ce ceMni 1
Mrs Valentin Bock paid the Staroffice Star Staroffip I
office a pleasant call Tuesday and andshowed anelshowell oldshowed
showed her appreciation appr > ciation of theStar theStarHer twSLalHel
Her husband who ti ho is a splendid me mehanic mechatlie
chanic and his son John Townsend Townsendare
n are working on the Dunnellon Com Companys Companys
nr Comv I
r panys barges at Port Inglis InglisANY InglisANY InglisANY
ANY advertised adn rtised dealer r1eClh r is author authorized authorized ¬
ized to guarantee Banner Salve forletter for fortetter fortetter
tetter eczema ZEma piles iles sprains B lJra i n8 cuts cutsscalds cu cutsscalds ts tsscalds
scalds burns ulcers and any a 1y open openor
or OLD SORE AntiMonopoly Anti lonoJoly Drug Drugstore Drugtole Drugtore ¬
store s < Ocala Fla FlaMr FlaIr
Mr Ir 1 F Thus a citizen of Mart Martelproposes 1artfl 1artflproposes el elproposes
proposes to have a bee cutting on his hisplace hi8place
place next Tuesday and has kindly kindlyinvited ldndlyjllvit kindlyinvited
invited jllvit d the Star editor c to saunter upn up upon upon
c on n that occasion occasionWe I IVc
We tlo not sell goods at cost but butwe butwcl I
v we do sell goods as cheap or cheaperthan cheaper I
than those who advertise that they theysell theysell
s sell > 11 at cost c Try us and save aYf money
sJ I
Tydings T J c1ings 8 Co CoElgin
I IElgin
I Ithe
Elgin Butter the very best grade atthe at atthe
the John McCarthy Store StoreThere StoreThere StoreThere
There are no better pills made than thanDeWitts thanDpVitts thanDeWitts
DeWitts Little Early I ary Risers Rh sers Always AIwaysprompt Alwaysprompt Alwaysprompt
prompt and certain AntiMonooly AntiMonoolyDrug Autiilonc uly ulyDrttgy ly lyDr1l
Dr1l Drug Store Ocala Fla1hs Fla FlaMrs Flalh
Mrs lh H Snyder and children left h fl last lastnight lastnigh lasight t
J night n bht for Seahreeze e to be 111 absent sev several severa Storal ¬
oral era I months Mr 11 Snyder left the thesame tJwsamE theyam
same night for New York to look up a afall afan afall
fall stock tocl of clothing and gents fur furnishing furniRhing furWishing ¬
Wishing goods for H T R B Masters De Department Dp1artment 1ery ¬
partment Store StoreExtract StoreExtract MoreExtract ry
Extract of Malt gives strength strengthSold strengUlSold strengthSold
Sold at the AntiMonopoly nti Ionopoly Drugstore DrugstoreTen
Ten cents a bottle bottleFifty llOttIeliif bottleFifty
Fifty liif r cents will stop your having havingchills havingchills havingchillsand
chillsand chills and fever You ask how Be Because Because ¬ 1
cause it will buy bl1 one JOUle of Gar Garrett Garretts GarrettsChill ¬
rettsChill rett retts s Chill Tonic Garrett Gerigs GerigsDrugstore GerigsDrugstore GeribIrugstote s
Drugstore DrugstoreTax
Tax Collector Thagard has a cornnlunicatiuu com communication communication ¬
munication from a party in Michigan Michiganwanting llichigalwanting 1 ichiganwantil 1
wanting wantil g to know if lots in Leroy Lero are arenot arenot arcnot =
T not tt worth lh 3fiOO f > 00 apiece Their value valuedepends vah1PcIPI vainlegends e
depends dependsProf cIPI legendst legendsIroi lHtS lHtSt lHtSProf
Prof Chas P Curd St i Louis UjS Mo Mowrites tirowrites Io Iowrites
writes Vo V unhesitatingly attribute attributethe attributthe e
the recovery rc con > ry and ant continued good goodhealth oid oidhealth u d c chealth
health of our on I little boy 1Jo to Teethina TeethinaTeething Tpft1l 1r tbin tbinTer n l I ITe
Te Teething thiug PowdersNuiinallys Powders PowdersXunnallys POnlt > ls lsXnIll1allys
Xunnallys candies always freshand fresh freshand freshand
and only GO cents per pound at Gar Garrett Garrett ¬
rett Gerigs Drugstore DrugstoreW
W V C Bull came up from Crystal CrystalRiver Cf CrystaRiver stal stalRhI 1
River on the Fourth to rejoice p with withus witsWs
us as did also Dr Don on Sistrunk fret fretDade froiji froijiDado l
Dado 11 > City and Lige Li Dyas of Oxford OxfordStove xfirdStove Xfold8toe
Stove wood ood cut to length for SI 1 per pertwohorse pert Ieltti
twohorse t tti o horse load Free < delivery leli nry Sey Seymour Se Semoltr ¬
moor eC Smith Phone l 25 5 5Hammocks y yHammocks
Hammocks mosquito netting lace lacecurtains lacecurt lac laccurtains e
curtains curt l1s window w shades at Rhein Rheinauer Rheinauer Rheinauer ¬
auer auerNow auerN
Now N > California Perfumes just re recoied repi r rceireci
coied pi pll Palo Alto Pink just th thp t rage raseat rageat ahgeat
at the t 1 < AntiMonopoly nti lonopoJ DJugstolfliss Drugstore DrugstoreMiss
Miss Lizzie Mason Ia on of Belloviow 13elleviowt is isvNitinir isisitin 5
vNitinir t isitin her cousin Mr 1f r Chas Cha5mith tt V VSmith
Smith SmithWe I IPp
We 11 Pp have everything v Tthin t th nt in the th house housefurnishing hu i I Ifurnishing
furnishing n lie line e Our goods oo are new j
fashionable and well trPlelretod1 pIl selected Mclvor MclvorMacKav MlI r 1 I Irad
MacKav Mac rad hay a i iFresh I i IPrebh
Fresh fish both mullet and bottom hot tom m j l
fish received every day kept on ire ireand ir irand e I i Ii Ian i
and an delivered d > anywhere in the city b by byWilliam
William Tucker
At t the Epworth League to rally last lastSunday lastunday
I Sunday S evening at the Methodist Methodistchurch Methodistchurch Iethodistrhllrch
church the delegates Rev T J Nix Nixon Nixon Nixon ¬
on M l M Little and andJ J A Mundengave Mundengave Munden Iundentgae
gave very ery interesting reports of thereat the thetrreat
great g eat State 8ta tC Ep Epworth worth League Confer Conference Conferenc Conferepee ¬
enc held at Gainesville last week weekThe weekThe weekThe
The Conference opened Tuesday Tuesdayevening Tuesdaypvening Tuesdayevening
evening in the Methodist clinch Rev RevV
V J T Carpenter state president
pre presiding presiding ¬
I siding Major Floyd of Gainesville Gainesvillegave Gainesvil1egaye
gave a hearty heart welcome which was wasbeautifully waseautifully
i beautifully b responded re pondecl to by Mrs Liz Lizzie Lizzie ¬
I zie z e Speight Hp ight of Fernandina The pres presidents presiden press
idents iden address followed which was wasindeed wasindeed wasindeed
indeed an able one and then the dele delegates delegatos delegates ¬
gates repaired to the East FloridaSeminary Florida FloridaSeminary FloridaSeminary
Seminary where a grand reception receptionwas
I was w as tendered by the Gainesville GainesvilleLea GainesvilleLeaguf
Lea Leaguf L eague cue The TI ntire Conference Conferencewhich Conferencewhich Conferencewhich
which lasted till nearly noon of Fri Friday Friday Friday ¬
day was one grand season of inspi inspiration inspiration inspiration ¬
ration The sunrise prayer meetings meetingsrevealed meetingsrevealed meetingsrevealed
revealed most the devotion to the thecause thecausc thecause
cause They reached the climax Fri Friday Friday Friay ¬
day d ay morning at a t the consecration consecrationncoting consecrationI
ncoting nc m cting ng when the attendance Hum numbered Humhfn rwmbFr ¬
I bered bFr d about eighty and between n thir thirty thirI thirty ¬
I ty ana nrt forty took part rt in n a few fP w min minutes mi mi1It minutes ¬
I utes 1It < S The address of Hon V 1 N NSheats NI
I Sheats upon The Educational Im Immilso ImI 1mnuls
milso Wednesday evening was agrand a agrand agrand
grand success as was also the ad addross adI adaress
I dross rPHH following upon Duty and Pres Present PrfsI ¬
ent > pit Obligation Cbll atlaIl by Fred T Barnett Barnettn arnettn
n Graduate of the Leesburg College CollegeOn Co1JegpIOu
I IOu On Thursday evening Rev H V Ba Baleer BaJeer I3 I3leer
leer missionary in Cuba delightedveryone delighted delightedeveryone delighte1lfveryone
everyone e with an able address on the theCuban tlwCuban theCuban
Cuban work The reports from the thevarious theI thevarious
various leagues from Crawfordville Crawfordvilleto Crawfoid yule
I to Key I r West v st showed very encour encouraging encouri
i aging a work being accomplished The Thesi Th Thi
i I si s K luring of the Conference was trulygrau1 truly trulygrand
grand led by a large chorus choir choirwith choirwith choirwith
with > Mr 11 F A Curtis of Orlando asleader as asleader asleadm
1 leader There were about 125 25 dele delegates delei delegates ¬
i gates atH in attendance Three delegates delegatescame
i came < from far off Key West Test Gaines Gainesville Gainesille Gainesii ¬
ville v > ii he entertaied en tho th Conference roy royally royaUy roylly ¬
ally a lly while the Ocala delegates think thinkthey thinkthe thinkhey
they the t had the best homes in the city cityThe c cityThe ty tyThe
The following wore Wfl elected officers officersfor
for the ensuing ensuin r year President C C1C CI CE
1C I Howard Howa I 11 of Orlando first vice vicepresident vicepresident ice icepr
president pr sid nt F A Curtis of Orlando Orlandosecond Orlandoc Orlandoecond
second s c > eond vice ice president G B Bruce of ofTampa orTampa ofTampa
Tampa third vice president Miss MissFannie MissJannie MissFannie
Fannie Rankin of Jacksonville sec secrotary secrdary Secrotary =
rotary II S Phillips of Oviedo Oviedotreasurer Ovielotreasnrer Oviedotreasurer
treasurer Miss Belle Breedlove of ofGainesville ofGainesYiJ1e ofGainesville
Gainesville superintendent of junior juniorwork juniorwork juniorwork
i work Miss Carrie A Ray of Starkeeditor Starke Starkeeditor StHrlteeditor
editor of League department of Flor Florida Florida Florida ¬
i ida Christian Advocate Rev R L LMoniker LBonilwr LHoniker
Moniker of Palatka For the Gaines Gainesville Gainesville Gainesule ¬
i ville y district Rev T J J Nixon is exec execcommitteoman executiye exective
utiye u committeeman committe man and M M Little Littleis
is district chairman The next State StateConference StateCOIlf StateCojtferenee
Conference COIlf lenrp goes to Fernandina FernandinaA
Could not express the rapture of An Annie Annie Annie ¬
nie E Springer of 1125 Howard street streetPhiladelphia str streetPhiladelphia et etPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Pa I when she found that thatDr thatDr thatDr
Dr Kings Now Discovery for Con Consumption Consnmption ¬
sumption had completely cured her of ofa
a hacking cough that for many years yearshad yearshad yearshacl
had made life a burden All otherretldies other otherreinjgdies otherren
reinjgdies ren l1ies and doctors could give her herno herno herno
no help but she says of this royalcure royal royalcure roaleure
cure It soon removed the pain in inmy innl inlily
nl my chest and I can au now sleep sound soundly ¬
ly something I can scarcely rememher remem remember rememhe ¬
her he doing before I feel like sound sounding sounding sounding ¬
ing its praises throughout the uni universe llniP1S universe ¬
verse P1S So will every one who tries triesDr triesDr triesIr
Dr Kings New Discovery for any anytrouble anytrouhle
trouble of the Throat Chest or LungsPrice Lungs LungsPrice LungsPrice
Price 50 cents and 1 Trial bottles bottlesJO
J JO 0 cents at Garrett Gerigs Gt > ligs and all allother allother allother
other druggists dr tlg ists Every bottle guaran guaranteed gnarantee guaranteed ¬
W V V Oiyatt C att Jr had a letter from froma
a man way up the country desiring to toknow toImow
know the value of a house and lot in inBelleuew inp1Jer in13elleview
Belleuew BelleuewIf p1Jer p pIf
If you are a 1r r sick all over o r and dont dontknow dont1m
know 1m ow just what ails you its ten to toone toone toone
one your yo 111 kidneys Iddne s are out of order orderFoleys ol < 1 > r rFoleys
Foleys Kidney Cure will ti rll bring youhealth you youhealth youhpaHh
health and energy AntiMonopoly AntiMonopolyDrugstore AntilIonopolyDItlgSt01 AntiMonopolyirugscore
Drugstore Ocala Fla FlaMr Flah
Mr I h t Jos T I Lancaster was out of ofthe ofth ofthe
the th < state on business so could notmeet not notmoot not111et
moot the candidates July Uh UhFrch HhilP
Frch ilP Fr h mullet and bottom fish every everyda Ce Ceday everylay
day da on t ice fe at William Tuckers stallNc stan stalliNo stanXo
No S city market marketSe markNSrp marketSee
Se the uo now v shirt waist wai t sets at Bur Burnetts Burntr BarnetCs ¬
netts nettsTliirt ntrThiltyix netCsJhirtysix
Tliirt Thiltyix > six dozen 107 > 11 bottles of Winter Wintersmiths inter r rmiths
smiths Chill and Fever Tonic just recciwe1 re received reoceived ¬
ceived at the AntiMonopoly Drugstore Drug Drugstore DrugstOl ¬
store Everybody Evcrr body uses Wintersmiths WintersmithsTonic TintersmitbsTonie
Tonic for fevers f > el Pleasant Ple ant to take takeNo takeo takeNo
No o cure 111 > no pay payMrs pa pay11rs
Mrs 11 B A Inglis and baby hal of Mad Madison Madison ¬
ison are visiting Mrs Js parents parentsMr
Mr 11 and Mrs J J H Livingston LivingstonP
P 1 P P Pleasant I Purgative Pellets Pellelfeontain Pelletscontain
contain no calomel > l Nothing better betterPrice br betterPrice tter tterPri
Price Pri Ti 1 c u nts Tydinas Co CoCall CoC
Call C II at Rheinauers and inspect theirvariety their theirvariety theirvariety
variety of negligee shirts at popular popularprices popularprices
prices pricesFoleys pricesFoleys
Foleys o e s Kidney Cure Curemakes Curen1akes Curemakes
makes kidneys and bladder ri2ht rt ht
1 1AtTS
fe b MB > M Mt i B A tt fe A AOVERCOME5
DI5PEl5 pISPE sv S
fS fSri
ITS B ttfttiCIAL EHEj 10 CAL ° j GEl gf fftC fftC8U7 FEdS 15 TBUY
rot SALt ey au u MU4sri H p PIIU tu sot rtllQTttt
Kodol KodolDyspepsia a a aDyspepsia yDyspepsia
Dyspepsia Cure CureDigests CureDigests CureDigests
Digests what you eat eatIt r
It artificially digests the food and aide aidiNature aideNature aldiNature
Nature in strengthening and andrecon andreconstructing recon reconstructing reconstructing ¬
structing the exhausted digcf dfg di8carte tlte or organs 0rgans orans ¬
gans ans It ItisthelatRStdiscaveredIgest ItisthelatRStdiscaveredIgestant is the latest latestdlscoverealg discovered digest digestant st stant
ant and tonic No other pre preparation preparationcan ration ratlollenn
can approach it in efficiency It inetantly in instantly Instantly ¬
stantly relieves and permanentlycuretDyspepsia permanentlycaret permanentlycaretDvapepsia permanentlycnrDyspepsia
Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn HeartburnFlatulence HeartburnI HeartburnFlatulence
I Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea NauseaSickHeadacheGastralgiaCramps NauseaSick NauseaSick
SickHeadacheGastralgiaCramps Sick Headache Gastral la Cram and andall
I all otherresultsot other results of imperfect Impertectdfgestion ImpertectdfgestionPrice digestion digestionPrice
Price 50c and andt 41 Large size contains 2 23i W times tlmetamallslse timessmall ttmet
t small smallsbe si e Book BookaUab all utdysperslamalledtrel aUaboutdyspepslatnalledfrtlePrepared about utdysperslamalledtrelPle dyspepsia mailed fre frePrepared
Prepared Ple ared by E C DeWITT CO Chlca ChlcaAntiMonopoly ChlcaAntiUonopoly Chlcage ChlcageAntiMonopoly
AntiMonopoly Drugstore Ocala Fla Flam FlaOR FlalIltPMAN FlaWEE
y <
m 4 2
LIPPMAN BROS Proprleon ProprleorsDniggists ProprlerorsOnttIgIsts ProprleonDruggists
Druggists LIppnans Ll ppmans lllan Block SAVANNAH U MAntiMonopoly UAntiMonopoly Y Yr YAntiMonopoly r
AntiMonopoly Drugstore Ocala Fla
Vital YltalDirected jllaue1sffl jllaue1sfflDirected Btlsm BtlsmDirected rw
Directed by a scientific training of the mind Is the power ower I use in curing my mypatients m mpatients 3 3patients
patients of all known diseases without the use of drugs or surgical instru instruments InstrlIments ¬
ments ments instruments mentsCHRONIC
Among the many diseases I am treating successfully are Rheumatism RheumatismConstipation RheumatIsmConstipation RheumatismConstipation
Constipation Diarrhea Pulmonary Troubles Urethral Stricture Piles Mallg Mallgnant 1rlalIgnant Malignant
nant Growths Sexual Disorders Neuralgia Paralysis Female Troubles Dys Dyspepsia Dyspepsiu Dyspepsin ¬
pepsin Impaired Memory Deafness Nervous Prostration Morbid Fear of ofDisease otDisease ofDisease
Disease Liquor Morphine and Tobacco Habits HabitsJ HabitsAM
1 r will make a reasonable price to cure any disease Full pay pa If cured curedHalf curedHa1f curedHalf
Half pay if effectually relieved No pay if no relief reliefALL reliefALL
< 5 5ALL
I teach others the art of Magnetic Healing Price 1000 Success guar guaranteod guaranteed guaranteed
anteed or money refunded refundedIt d dIt
It is i pQssible for me to treat all disease successfully by absent treatment treatmentPrice treatmentPrice treatmentPrice
Price of absent treatment 100 per month always in advance For further furtherparticulars furtherparticulars furtherparticulars
particulars call on or address me Consultation free freeOffice freeOffice freeOffice
Office over R E Yonge Cos store Hours 8 to 11 a m 1 to 2 p m mGEO IDGEO mGE0
GEO P E HART Magnetic Healerc Healer HealerAll
c > o 1 1a E FWla FWlaAll 1 a
All AllourPatrons AllourPatronsAre our Patrons PatronsAre PatronsAre y
Are Delighted DelightedWith
With the rich flavor tenderness tender tendermy succulence and general generalhigh generalhigh
high grade excellence of my prime meats and all my mycustomers mycu m Y Ycup
customers cu comers + are a le connoisseurs in 1n steaks chops and andIs roists roistsIt rOf1stsIt ro sts
It Itknow is Gratifying GratifyingTo ra rn
To know that th t my efforts to cater to the tables of the thecritical thecriticalis
critical 1 is successful and as I a am m an expert t judge judgere of ofmeats f fmeats
meats I will 111 serereasonable serve re the best in the land at atthe the most mostreasonable mostreasonable
reasonable prices pricesI pricesTo
Is at a a all times lines prepared le a1 eci to t o furnish furnishor rough roughor rou oughor
or planed lumber in any quantity desired desiredINSIDE desirelINSIDE desiredINSIDE
If I f in need of anything in our line write to or call on us Factory opposite oppositePlant oppositePlant a
1 1Plant
Plant System depot Mill near Montague MontagueOCALA MontagueCALA MontagueOCALA
Telephone 69 b bfile Ocala Florida FloridaThe FloridaThe
The file BaileyLebby Company CompanyCHARLESTON CompanyCHARLESTON CompanyCHARLESTON H
CHARLESTON S SC SCMachinery C CMachinery cMachinery H
Machinery Supplies SuppliesIron
Iron I ron Pipe Brass Goods Fittings Nails Belting inJ Injectors ectorar Shovels Picks PicksWheelbarrows PicksWheelbarrows
Wheelbarrows and Link Belting Beltingfrices Beltingllces Beltingr
frices r ices Qaotea aoten on All Kinds of o Machinery or Uther Supplies SuppliesContracts SuppltesContracts SuppliesContracts
Contracts taken for the erection of plants for putting up machinery of ofall ofall I IaU
all kinds or for repairing any kind of machinery engines or boilers by a acompetent acompetent i icompetent
competent machinist who will will be supplied on short notice noticeG
G Wake Wells Agent Ocala FlaOffice Fla FlaOffice FIaOffice
Office in A E Burnetts Jewelry Store Storey
uAh A U >