0 CALA EVENIN U STAR d Volume 9 Number 81 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER J6 J903 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Yeat 00 Theyre Coming Plenty 0 good things always on the way with ts I We are for ever unloading good things from the cars t and placing them with our customers Here are some youll like especially Evaporated Apples Peaches Layer Raisins and Fancy Prunes Fresh goods at the TEAPOT GROCERY T W Troxler Agent for Iluylcrs Candy Fwsh Shipments Received VNkly HELP THE HOSPITAL We wish to call the attention of AousekeciuTs to our line of line Fla voring Extracts which are first class in every respect and absolutely full strength We give 10 per cent of the purchase price to any charitable organization and you will find a coupon attached to each bottle Our idea in taking this method to introduce those goods is to help the Marion County Hospital However i these coupons are made payable to I any charitable organization and it rests entirely with the purchaser as to where the coupon goes 1 The price of the extracts is lo cents per bottle of One FULL Ounce and this quantity will go as far as some of the 25 cent bottles of so I called full strength extracts Four flavors Lemon Vanilla Strawberry and Pineapple THE POSTOFFICE DRUGSTORE SEABOARD AIR LINE RY Philadelphia Pa and rot urn for 1 Ir September 11 14 and ir See itlickci 71a Mit for full information c 1 l F 1i iniTI 1 r 1 let h11 i r t I fAll r a1 I J All Flavors that have earned popularity and some novelties that will delight youIce Ice Cream in any quantity the smoothest and most wholesome See me for entertainments C H Dame Professional Cards I R D FULLER 4 DENTIST I 1 Office Over Munroe and Chambliss I Bank OCALA FLORIDA J E CHACE r rn DEhTAL SURGEON Office Upstairs Commercial Bank Building OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH W H MAREAN M D j HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON pcciel attention given to the treat ment of Chronic Diseases and Dis N tst s of Women and Children Ocala Fla Office over Tyd ings Drugstore Of fice hours from S a m to 12 m from 2 p m to 5 p nO Residence No 60 X Main St known as the Nash cottage THE OCALA RIFLES Some Experiences of the Members oi That Fine Company at Camp Jennings i The f flit or of the Star was in radi I HMivHIe yesterday and wont out to Ciunp Jennings to see the Ocala Ri llcx They were doing camp duty in oaronst ohserving flick rules governing a genuine military cramp Captain Nash loturnod to duly Tuesday morn ins relieving Lieut flraham who was almost worn out with overwork as First Lieutenant Vornio Roberts was en the sick list Ocala has reason to iVel proud of the Rifles They are a hotly of genuine soldiers and the city i ot their lejidenoo should not for gel the organization They stand high in the estimation of the commanding officers The editor saw guard mount Tues day morning and it was done in ac cordance with military Boyle The olunteers were coached hy noncom niissioned officers of the regular army a company of the 10th regiment from FIrl MrPhorson whom the Florida I I I oys delight to talk ahout and praise their perfectly soldierly qualities Captain Nash and Lieutenant Gra I ham aided hy their secretary Private Fomey Lancaster were busy making requisition for transportation home dnesday as the camp hroke up this rorning also preparing the pay roll the hays receiving for their service SlJ a month each The commissioned officers get 2 per day and have to foot their own hills In this we think the I I state treats them niggardly Every j thing is found for the enlisted men and their menu almost equals that of the Ocala House which is saying a I gloat deal Their chefs are Ocala dar I keys I The Rifles have the proud distinc tion of having the cleanest and neatest I I camping quarters in the entire camp I which is certainly no mean honor Orderly Sergeant loo Bell was ac cumulating a his pine log pile to dry clothing and bedding which the rainy I weather of the past few days has campened Sergeant IJell went at the root of the matter and huilt small fires in the tents to thoroughly dry the ground on which tho mattresses rested Each company is provided with a fine large range and their cook ing is done on scientific army orders IL 10 Prigance was under the weath er and had not eaten a mouthful since last Thursday I The location of the camp is an ideal one It is to the past of the ostrich 1lm on the hanks of the nohlo St Johns houutifully shaded and it would he difficult to imagine a more l > < rfoet and lovely spot than the one t IIOMMI and utilized The order in cuup has heon splen I did and under the Dix law there are no more of those riot ings and nnseeni lv hohaior thil characterized state ncampnionts in the past which I brought meiited comment and sharp rehnke This encampment has been all work and very little play thorough discip line but with 111 that boys will be boys and they bad a jolly = v1od time and the finest of fellowship exists filming all the companies The Ocala boys are very proud of the coat + lin nt tendered them Mon day by the bcautifui Miss Lillian Thomas of lackonvilie who is leading j 11 the cont tants for the Tr St Louis Fair commission She treated them to a bountiful supply of delicious I ue cream ln ler the < e enticing con ditions bow could they help wishing In r success in the race Captain Nash is vt ry popular with his men and nn his return to camp tlii mornta he was greeted with i hi oo loading ihooij and a true tam many tiger Forney Lancaster is the historian of tin Rifles and as Forney wields a fa rile Father the iiitorostinir and unique notes in ho TimesUnion and Metrop odds ae to his credit Frank Ditto has a clear case of over t 1in which has developed into out rf such an aggravated form that he had to go to the hospital while a fa mous horse liniment was being applied to his judals Warned by the sad fate that IniVIl Frank the others are stick iiip close to scientifically moa > ureil I ard cooked rations I The music by the Second Rociment knd is the thing and the harmonious I mnn > r in which they toot the mil t itMy airs and rho airtime tevo step t fMts all the boy to waltzing There I is not a fiiur nln1 organization in Iho state New and Stylish 0J I I I ID T gfr rIUVJr r I A big line of patent leather I shoes for ladies and gents on I the latest style and last It will He a Pleasure to Snow Tern THE W Ju CHAMBERS SHOE co OCALA FLORIDA SECOND DOOR FROM CORNER OPERA HOUSE BLOCK COST PRICES We have moved the remainder of the Alliance Store Stock of canned bottled and preserved groceries etc to the new Benus Block where we will continue to close out the line at wholesale cost Dono tail to call and look over the stock The goods are the best brands fresh and fine KLEIN CAMPBELL KALOLA CRYSTALLIZED MINERAL WATER NATURES NATURAL REMEDY A comhiiaton of crystals contain ing the medicinal properties of four noted mineral springs Cures Consti pation Indigestion Stomach Kidney Liver and Bladder troubles Take KALOLA six days and eat anything you want A teaspoonful dissolved in a glass of water makes o delightful and inex pensive morning laxative I Price oOc and 1 For sale at drugstores or sent by mail postage prepaid upon receipt of price KALOLA COMPANY i 6 3 d3m Savannah Ga TYLERS MILK I No dairy in the state has the per I fected arrangements and equipments to give you clean pure milk as has I Tyler When you drink it you know you are imbibing the cleanest and best to be hail CROUP y Usually begins with the symptoms of a common cold there is chilliness sneezing sore throat hot skin quick pulse hoarseness and impeded respir ation Give frequent small doses of Ballard Horehound Syrup the child will cry for it and at the first sign of a croupy cough apply frequently Hal lards Snow Liniment externally to thc throat 50 cents at the AntiMonopoly Drugstore I 1I I PUBLIC SALE NOTICE As administrator of the M E Keep i testate I will sell at public outcry with i out roscMve one of the best truck or small stock farms ever offered in Ma rion county This farm is located one and onehalf miles west of McIntosh I all cleared and well fenced consisting I of 131 acres first class hammock land about all in cultivation fourteen acres t in grove with pretty good crop of fruit I twelve acres budded oranges and two acres budded grapefruit in good condi tion and about as pretty a grove as can be found in the county Good mod ern froom frame residence plastered and coiled inside good well and cis tern one large barn one large pack ing house and three good tenant hous I es all in good repair This property I will be sold to settle up the estate and j a better property would bo hard to i find in the state Location almost per I fed The G C G R R divides the I i placo and a station right at the cen I ter of the property Sale will be made I at the residence at 11 a m Wednes day September 30 1103 Terms cash 1v E Allen Administrator A REMARKABLE RECORD Chamberlains Cough Remedy has a reimuknble record It has been in use for over thirty years during which time many million bottles have been I I sold and used It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment ofcroup in thousands of j home yet during all this time no case has over boon reported to tho manufacturers in which it failed to ef I fect a cure When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or oven as I soon as the croupy cough appears it i will prevent the attack It is pleasant i to take many children like it It I contains no opium or other harmful I snbststnco and may bo given as confi lontiy to a baby as to an adult For I sale by all druggists I I FULL GOODS Arriving daily call and see them Variety Beauty Utility I I In oar dry ps Department Are the iloticeaMe features HB MASTERS STILL ANOTHER SIDE I I To the ontroversy Over Young Brake Death in Callisons Convict Camp In the matter of the Brake Calllson I i case where Mrs Brake accuses Mr Callison the Alachua county convict I camp manager of causing the < Kmth I cf her son sentenced to his camp for several months on a trivial charge and aiso in the ringing defense of Mr Cal lison and Alachua county by W R Thomas of Gainesville neither of the I parties make any mention of the fact I that in the damage suit brought by Mrs Brake against Mr Callison in the 1T S district court in Jacksonville and the awarding to Mrs Brake by the jury a considerable sum as dam I ages Why was this fact omitted by I both parties to the newspaper contro versy the womans side of which has had the widest possible publicity The damages were awarded largely on the strength of Mr and Mrs Brakes tes timony Of course Mr Callison has ta ken an appeal to the higher courts TRAGEDY AVERTED Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved writes Mrs W Wat kins of Pleasant City Ohio Pneumo nia had played sad havoc with him I and a terrible cough set in besides Doctors treated him but he grew worse every day At length we tried Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption and our darling was saved Hes now sound and well Every body ought to know its the only sure cure for Coughs Colds and all Lung diseases Guaranteed by the AntiMo I nopoly Drugstore Price 50c and 1 I Trial bottles free I I For I WATCHES And I REPAIRS GO TO I I F G B WEIHE I The Jeweler Tailoring By 1 Skilled Workmen On Choicest Material I I have a complete stock of Spring I Samples also a big stock of Piece I Goods for Suits and Trousers Call I and see my samples and have your I measure taken Seventeen years In I the business should learn your need k I Respectfully Jetty Burnett I Merchant Tailor I One Door North Masters I A C L MAIN LINE North Bound Arrive Ocala 110 p m Leave Ocala 130 p m South Bound Arrive Ocala 240 p m Leave Ocala 3 p m S S O G Leave Ocala 705 a nu 1 I Leave Ocala 3 p m Arrive Ocala 1235 noon Arrive Ocala 630 p m J EDWARDS BROTHERS AT THE CITY MARKET Leading Wholesale Retail Butcheis WESTERN AND CHOICE FLORIDA MEATS x CELERY AND ALL OTHER VEGETABLES IN SEASON FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONE 10x1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 I 0 0o N No Matter How Sma1f ° I j I 1Tf r J No Matter How arge f oI H 0 I I ti 1 0 o I J MONRO CHAMBLISS f J YOUR f I BANKER 0 o I I 0 7 BANKING Will Give It Satisfactory At a 0 I te u1I 1 on o f 1 0 x 0 I Io f I 0 o H I I J Ocala ida o o I fa 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q I W P EDWARDS I At the City Market r Fresh Meat Poultry r Fish and Vegetables 5 in Season City and Country Trade Solicited I Free Delivery Phone 121 aj N G A e HUNTER h ij l I I PRACTICAL and MECHANICAL = o GUN AND LOCKSMITH b I REPAIRING A SPECIALTY < < UMBRELLAS REPAIRED SAWS FILED AND PUT IN GOOD ORDlt Q i South Street Opposite City Hall > r r