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..-... oca La evening star, Saturday, November 27, 190 - - oMp""M"sMssoooBooooooooosoMooooMe WW UMV I I I VU -rrn rvn ' H II I II I mm feft r1! Mfci I ftl I .VIVBBlfll.Vfll II IMfc a II I mt II iiji mm - ana as .- . aa as an m as ai an i i i sa aw r as aw as 1 a a a a is aa a a i uuu uu as sasss-SBS luiuuuiu uiiuuiiuiii 11 iiiirui ii'inni 11 11 Ii'; ... ' - : - - - 111 II llllll I I if I ..I II II II II - j - . w mm mmt m m m mm mm mm)-:, mm m m mm- m m -mm iii . ii llllll Bill rv:?-- r .-... . . ii - ii u mi m w uiluu u . --' " .- .. 1 II - - II Ocala Fla., November 30th. 'V profAbnthari ever before- to maintain e and to Amaze and Delight Their Eb-TinELY NEW, S III : . - - - - - - - - - ,A FEW OP THE MAT PRATirPFia vnu itii.t. avv- ,IAKIOy SHERIDAN AND HER TROUPE OF PERFORMING LIOXS . ' PROF. BUCKLEY'S HERD OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS . v - Including DUCHESS, the La rgest Elephant in the . Woria ROSEpALE, THE BEAUTIFUL TEN THOUSAND DOL : . t . . LAR KENTUCKY HORSE JAKE, LARGEST GORILLA EVER EXHIBITED IN AMERICA He is Five Feet Ten Inches in Height and Weighs 150 Pounds, has Tremendous Strength, Marvelous Agility, and his Powerful Arms are a Wonder to Behold. A TRULY WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF TRAINED ANIMALS 400 PEOPLE. 250 HORSES AND PROFESSOR WHEELER'S The, Flower an- Pick of Feature Performers from all nations, in a Pro- gram Extant, startling struggles . and ludicrous revelries, carry ing the spectators by storm and wildly applauded by all. - BRING THE LITTLE ONE TO SEE EB Pl IS AN ENDLESS PROGRAM OF STARTLING EVENTS SEE THE FREE SPECTACULAR STREET PARADE Starting from the Show Grounds at 10 a. m. 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY - 2 Afternoon at 2 o'clock. Night at 8 o'clock. THE WORLD'S C;REATEST ACROBATS, THE FAMOUS EDDY FAM ILY, DIRECT FROM, LONDON, ENGLAND Educate '1 . I have educated more young men and women and placed them into good positions as Bookkeepers, As sistant .Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Typewriters, , and Telegraphers than any other man in Florida. My- grad uates get from $10 , to $25 more a. month than those of other colleges. Terms reasonable both for tuition and board. Enter now (no examinations required to en ter) and secure Immediate employment. Correspondence Requested. President IIATTON A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND. CURES BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, DYSPEPSIA, KiALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER AND ALL UVER COMPLAINTS. A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases caused by a TOR PID UVER. One bottle purchased to-day may save you a serious sick spell tomorrow. SMALL DOSE, LARGE BOTTLE PRICE 50c GET THE GENUINE. BALLARD SNOW 500-502 North Second Street, SOLD AND RECOMMENDED Ihe Valine- off Good. Big Is easy to figure if you know what your stomach b worth. Kodol keeps the stomach at par value, by insuring good digestion. Kodol cures Dyspepsia Kodol Iniures food digestion by absolutely txuplicatlng Nature's normal process, in perfectly digest Ins all food taksn into the stom . . cb. , v Whllt Kodol Is doing this, the 1 stomach is resting and becoming strong and healthy. A strong and healthy stomach guarantees a sound and actire brain. The man .with a sound stomach r- stomach that Is doing for the body Just what Nature intended It to do is the man who is always ' prepared for any emergency. He Im "there with the goods." The man with a sick stomach. Is a man sick all ovsr.. When the . stomach is irritated by undigested ' food, the blood and heart are di rectly affected. Then dullness, un matnral sleepiness, sick-headaches, . Teriigp and . fainting spells, and Yen serious brain trouble derelop. .. ,Hodol will prevent these. Currlng the stomach and brrin FOR SALE BY ALL ' - ' Tuesday, their unrivaled standing and Thousands of Patrons. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES PONIES. 20 FUNNY CLOWNS MILITARY BAND MONKEYS CAMELS LIONS ELEPHANTS For Tampa, Florida LINIMENT XO., - ST. LOUIS, MO. BY ALL DRUGGISTS to special effort by "tonics" and "stimulants" doesn't cure anything, or accomplish any good. Neither does dieting. Indigestion and the serious ailments which it induces can be averted and corrected only by natural means. Kodol supplies this ' natural means. It performs the stomach's work for . it Just . the stomach should perform it while the stom ach takes a little rest, "for the stomach's sake." . - Our Guarantee Go to your dm ftt today and gvt dot lor bottlo. Ttaoo of tor you ooto mood too entire contents of too bottle If you honestly ooy, thot it boo not done you ooa. return too oottto to toe arrngflmX e lrlll refund your money wltoout q ton or deloy. We will then poy the di let for the bottle. Don't heoitote. ruggisto know thot our ruoroateeie sood. This offer opplieo tothelarg-e bottle only ond to but one in a family. The lorge bot tie contain S4 time oo much m toe fifty cent bottle.' - - Kodol is prepared at the labora tories of . C. DeWitt Co, "eiK FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES esooini From Srodlmey s By GE036E BARR riGUTCHEON Cyrilkf. IMS, by Mi M.d O C. CHAPTER VII. THE BBOW2VE8 ASBITK. ONTRARY to all expectations, the Brownes arrived the next morning. The Depplnghams and their miserably frightened C servants were scarcely out of bed when Saunders came in with the news that a steamer was standing off the shallow harbor. Bowles had telephon ed up that the American claimant was on board. The deepest gloom pervaded the household when Lady Deppingbam discovered that not one of their reti nue knew how to make coffee or broil bacon not that she csred for bacon, but that his lordship always asked for it when they did not have it. Bromley upset the last peg of endur ance by hoping that the Americans were bringing a cook and a house maid with them. "The Americans always travel like lords," she concluded, forgetting that she served a lord and not In the least intending to be ironical. "That will do, Bromley," said her mistress sharply, "if they're like most Americans I've seen they'll have noth ing but wet nurses and chauffeurs. 1 can't eat this vile stuff. Come on, Deppy. Let's go up and watch the ap proach of the enemy." Scarcely half an hour passed before the advance guard of the Browne com pany came into view at the park gates below. Deppingham recalled the fact that an hour and a half had been con sumed in the accomplishment yester day. He was keeping a sharp lookout for the magic red jacket and the Tom my Atkins lid. Quite secure from ob servation, he and his wife watched the forerunners with the hand bags; 'then came the sweating trunk bearers and then crated objects in what? Yes, by the Lord Harry, in the very carts that had been their private chariots the day before! Deppingham's wrath did not really explode until the two were gazing open mouthed upon Robert Browne and bis wife and his maidservants and his ass, for that was the name which his lordship subsequently applied, with no moderation, to the unfortunate gen tleman who served as Mr. Browne's attorney. The Americans were being swiftly, cozlly carried to their new home in litters of oriental comfort and elegance, fanned vigorously from both sides by eager boys. First came the Brownes, eager faced, bright eyed, alert young people, far better looking than their new enemies could conscien tiously admit under the circumstances; then the lswyer from the States; then a pert young lady in a pink shirt waist and a - hat; then two giggling, ut terly un -llsh maids, and all of them loli ' luxurious ease. The red jscke u. visplcuously absent. It is not bv. wondered at thst his lordship looked at his wife, gulped in sympathy and then said something memorable. Almost before they could realize what had happened the newcomers were chattering in the spacious halls below, tramping about the rooms and giving orders in high, though appar ently efficacious voices. Close at their heels trooped the servants, all of whom took part in the discussion in cident to fresh discoveries. At last they came upon the great balcony, pausing just outside the French win dows to exclaim anew in their delight. "Great!" said the lawyer man after a full minute. "Finest I've ever seen! Isn't it a picture, Browne?" "Glorious!" said young Mr. Browne, taking a long breath. The Depplng hams, sitting unobserved, saw that he was a tall, good looking fellow. They were unconscionably amused when he suddenly reached out and took his wife's hand in his big fingers. She was very trim and cool looking in her white duck. "What does Baedeker say about it. Bobby?" asked Mrs. Browne. Her voice was very soft and full the quiet, well modulated Boston voice and man ner. The pert girl in the pink waist opened a small portfolio, while the others gathered around her. ' She read therefrom. The lawyer drew a com pass from his pocket and pointed vaguely Into what proved to be the southwest. "We must tell Lady Deppingham not to take the rooms at this end," was the next thing that the listeners beard from Mrs. Browne's Hps. Her lady ship turned upon her husband with a triumphant sniff. "What did I tell you." she whis pered. "I knew they'd want the best of everything. Isn't it lucky I pounced upon these rooms? They shan't turn us out. You won't let 'em, will you, Deppy?" "The impudence of 'em'." was all that Deppy could sputter. At tbat moment the American party caught sight of the pair in the corner. For a brief space of time the two par ties stared at each other, very much as the hunter and the hunted look when they come face to face without previous warning. Then a friendly, half abashed smile lighted Browne's face. "I beg your pardon," said Browne. "This is Lord Deppingham?'' "Ya-as." drawled Deppy. with a look which was meant to convey the im pression that he did not kuow who the deuce he was addressiug. "Permit me to introduce myself. 1 KH sin Robert Browne." f C Oh," said Deppy, as if th ; . did uoi convey anything to him. Theu, as ai afterthought, 'Glad to know you, I'm iJon't try to patch up a linger ing cough by experimenting. Take Allen's Lung Balsam and relief is certain to follow. Cures the most obstinate coughs, colds, sore throats, or bronchial inflammation. All dealers. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.. New Tork. sure.- eim ne am not rise, nor aia ne extend his hand. For a moment young Browue waited, a dull red growing In his temples. "Don't you intend to present me to Lady Deppingham?" be demanded bluntly without taking his eyes from Deppy's face. "Oh er is that neces" "Lady Deppingham," interrupted Browne, "I am Robert Browne, the man you are expected to marry. We are here for the same purpose. 1 sus pect. We can't be married to each other. That's out of the question. But we can live together as if we" "Good Lord!" roared Deppy. coming to bis feet in a towering rage. Browne smiled apologetically and lifted bis hand. "as if we were serving out the pre scribed period of courtship set down in the will. Believe me, I am very happily married, as I hope you are. The courtship, you will perceive. Is neither here nor there. Our every is sue is identical. Lady Deppingbam. Doesn't it strike you that we will be very foolish if we stand alone and against each other?" "My solicitor" began Lady Dep pingham and theu stopped. She was smiling In spite of herself. "Your solicitor and mine can get to gether and talk it over," said Browne blandly. "We'll leave it to them. I am quite ready to be a friendly ally, not a foe." "Let me understand you." began Deppingbam, cooling off suddenly. "Do you mean to say that you are not going to fight us in this matter?" "Not at all, your lordship," said Browne coolly. "I am here to 4igbt Taswell Skaggs and John Wyckholme, deceased. I think both of us will run no risk if we smash the will. If we don't smash It the islanders will cheer fully take the legacy off our hands." "By Jove!" uiiatered Deppy. looking at his wife. "Thank you, Mr. Browne, for being so frank with us," she said coolly. "If you don't mind, I will consult my so licitor." She bowed ever so slightly, Indicating that the Interview was at 11. D. FULLED C. I. AVER FULLER & AYER DENTAL SURGEONS Office Over the Munroe & Cliambliss Bank OCALA, FLORIDA TERMS, CASH J. E. CHACE DENTAL SURGEON Rooms 9, 10 and 11, Second Floor, Holder Block, OCALA, FLORIDA TERMS, CASH' L. F. B LA LOCK Dental Surgeon Office Over Commercial Dcnh Phone 211 Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m. TERMS. CASH CHARLES D. HULBERT, U. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Second Floor the Munroe & Chambliss Ban'.,. Building. Ocala, Florida. Telephones Office, 222; Residence, 221. Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.; 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. F. E. McCLANE Physician and Surgeon General Practice Calls Made Irompt- ly Night or Day Special Attention to Obstetrics,' Di seases of Women and Children Office Rooms 3-22 Holder Build ing, Second Floor; Phones, Office No. 333, Residence, No. 333. OCALA, FLORIDA THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN Our ice by our new process is fro zen at a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero, i.s as clear as crystal and as pure as can be made. We guarantee it to last longer. BUY FROM THrl BLUE WAGONS And Not be Disappointed in Service and Quality. QCAU ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT & TAYLOR Phone 34. stops Use) eootfl E an end and, moreover, that It had not been of her choosing. "Any time, your ladyship." said Browne, also bowing. "I think Mrs. Browne wants to speak to you about the rooms." "We are quite settled, II r. Browne, and very well satisfied. she said pointedly, turning red with a fresh touch of anger. I tru6t. you have not taken the rooms at this end." "We have. We are occupying them." "I'm sorry." said Browne. "We were warned not to take them. They are said to be unbearable when the hot winds come in October. "What's that?" demanded Depping ham. "The book of instructions and de scription which we have secured sets all that out." said the other. "It's strange that the servants didn't warn you." "The the confounded servants left us yesterday before we came, every mother's son of 'em. There isn't a servant on the place." "What? You don't mean It? I say. Brltt, come here a moment, will yon? Lord Deppingham says the servants have struck." The American lawyer, a chubby, red faced man of forty, with clear gray eyes and a stubby mustache, whistled soulfully. "I'll see what I can do, Mr. Browns. Got to have cooks, eh. Lord Depphmg ham?" Without waiting for an an swer he dashed off. The native car riers were leaving the grounds when Brltt's shrill whistle brought them te a standstill. The lawyer waved a tri umphant hand to his friends and then climbed into one of the litters to be borne off in the direction of the town. "He'll have the servants back at work before 2 o'clock." said Browne calmly. Deppingham was transfixed with astonishment. "How how the devil do youdoes be bring 'em to time like that?" he murmured. He afterward said that If "Good Lord ! " roared Deppy in a totr ering rage. he bad had Saunders there at that hu miliating moment be would have kick ed blm. "They're afraid of the American bat tleship," said Browne. "But where is the American battle ship?" demanded Depplngbim, looking wildly to sea. "They understand that there will be one here hi a day or two If we need it," said Browne.' with a sly grla. "That's the bluff we've worked." He looked around for his wife and, find ing that she had gone inside, politely waved Lis band to the Englishman and followed. At 3 o'clock Brltt returned with the recalcitrant servants or st least the "pick" of them, as he termed the score he had chosen from the hundred or more. He seemed to have an Aladdin like effect over the horde. Calmly taking Lord Deppingham and his following into his confidence, be said, in reply to their Indignant remon strances, later on In the day: "I know that an American man-o'-war hasn't any right to fire upon Brit ish possessions, but you just keep quiet and let well enough alone. They just simply know that I can send wire less messages and that a cruiser would be out there tomorrow If necessary pegging away at these green bills with cannon balls so big that there wouldn't be anything left but the horizon in an hour or two. You let me do the talk ing. I've got 'em bluffed, and I'll keep 'em that way." Over In the gorgeous west wing Lord Deppingbam later on tried to con vince his sulky little wife that the Americans were an amazing lot. after all. Bromley tapped at the door. "Tea is served in the hanging gar den, my lady," she announced. Her mistress looked up in surprise, red eyed and a bit disheveled. "Ask some one to bring the tea things in here, Bromley." she said sternly. "Besides. 1 want to give some orders. We must have system here, not Americanisms." The tea things did not come In. In their stead came pretty Mrs. Browne. "Won't you please join Mr. Browne and me in that dear little garden? It's so cool up there, and it must be dread fully warm here. Really, you should move at once into Mr. Wyckholnie's old apartments, across the court from ours. They are splendid. But now do come and have tea with us." (Continued Monday KILLS TO STOP THE FIEND The worst foe for 12 years of John Deye, of Gladwin, Alien., was a run ning ulcer. He pai.1 doctors over $400 without benefit. Then Bucklen's Ar nica Salve killed the ulcer and' cured him. Cures fever sores. bol!.. felons, eczema, salt rheum. Infallible for piles, burns, scalds, cuts, corn. 25c. at all druggists. Oysters served in all styles, night or day. at the Brick City Restaurant. FREE TO YC1I-MY SUSTTER f& IffnMrj? rT"fi d awe e or'"ci r g 'f t teo. ' sayy J? " mt eaoo. oatirolr roa yoia wtaseor. frvrot "WOMAN'S OWN Kf.BICAI. ADV&r ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION And Proposed Charter ef the Ocala ' Investment Cempeny The undersigned Intending and pro posing to organize a corporation under the general laws of the state of Flor ida relating to corporations for profit, hereby make and publish the-follow Ing articles of corporation and pro posed charter. L The name of the corporation shall be the Ocala Investment company, and its principal place of business shall be at Ocala. Marion county, Florida II. The general nature bf business to be transacted is to acquire, buy. own. lease, sell and encumber real estate, to buy. acquire and own personal property incident to Us business, and buy and sell securities and to do and perform such other business as Is In cident to the purpose of this charter and not Inconsistent with the laws of the state of Florida. IH. The amount of capital stock author ized Is the sum of five thousand dol lars, which will be divided Into fifty shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, non-assessable. IV. The corporation shall exist for a term of fifty years. V. The business of the company shall be conducted by the following named officers, to-wit: A president, a vloe president, and a secretary and treas urer, which last named offices may be held by the same person, and by a board of not less than three directors, which said officers shall be elected st the annual meeting of the stock hold ers and directors to be held at Ocala. Florida, on the third Tuesday In De cember of each year. The names of the officers who shall conduct the business of the company until those elected at the first election shah be qualified are George Stuart. president, R. R. Carroll, vice president and W. W. Clyatt, secretary and treas urer. VI. The higheat amount ef Indebtedness to which the corporation cam at any time subject itself is ten thousand dollars. VIL The names and residences of the subscribers and the amount subscrib ed by each are as follows: George Stuart. Ocala. Florida, 24 shares: W. W. Clyatt, Ocala, Florida, 24 shares; R. R. Carroll. Ocaia, Flor ida. 2 shares. In witness whereof the Incorporators have hereunto set their hands and af fixed their seals this the 26th day of October, 1909. Geo. Stuart, (Seal). W. W. Clyatt, (Seal). R. R. Carroll. (Seal). State of Florida, Marlon County: Personally appeared before roe the undersigned authority George Stuart. W. W. Clyatt and R. R. Carroll, each of whom are well known to me to be the parties described in and who ex ecuted the foregoing articles of Incor poration and proposed charter, and each acknowledged the execution of the same for the uses and purposes therein set forth and expressed. Given under my hand and seal ef office this the 26th day of October, 1909. (Seal) S. T. Slstrunk. Clerk Circuit Court. Marlon Co. Notice ef Application for Letters Potent Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will on the 1st day of De cember. 1909, apply to the governor ef Florida at Tallahassee. Florida, for letters patent upon the foregoing arti cles of incorporation and proposed charter. Geo. Stuart. W. w. Clyatt. R. R. CarrolL NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Leave te Sell Miner's Lend. Notice la hereby given that on the 11th day of December. A. D. 1909. I will apply to Honorable Joseph Bell. ...... j county ty. state of Florida, at his office in Ocala, in said county, for an order authorizing me. as guardian of the minor Paulina Victoria Lloyd to sell at private sale the following property belonging to said minor, to-wlt: Com mencing 25 feet east of southwest corner block 2$ Old Survey thence north 11 ; fNt. east 23 feet, south 112 feet, west 2S fet. also w of lot 2 block 35 Old Survey, and 160 feet north and south on north side of lot 2 block 2 range 4 Go-s" Addition, all being in the city of Ocala. also com mencing 25 feet south of northwest corner of sw4 of sec 18 tp 15 south, r 22 east, thence south 3.16 chains. eat 104.28 fet. north 3.16 chains, west 104.2 feet, also ne4 of nw4 of sw4 of section 13 township 15 south, range 21 east, except 70 yards north and south by 140 yards east and west In the southeast corner. Said land be longing to the said Paulina Victoria Lloyd, a minor, to be sold for the best Interest of said minor. This 9th day of November. 1909. George Giles, Guardian. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given to all cred itors, distributees and all other per sons having claims or demands against the estate of Arls M. Hunter, to present the same to the undersign ed administrator within one year from this date. Sept. 18th, 1909. W. E. Hunter. As Administrator of the Estate of Aris M. Hunter. Deceased. Monnt Pleasant, Tenn. W. 3f. Barco. Resident Agent. Ocala, Fla. " ; -- .ft, t , r. ARTICLES OF, tNCORTOQATlC And Proposed Charter ef 'County Abstract Cessssjy. The undersigned Intending sad ad pr loa tun ttete : posing to organise a corpora tl der the general laws ef the state Florida relating - to corporations f profit, hereby make and publish th following article of Incorporation asu proposed charter: L The name of the corporation aha! be Marlon County Abstract Cfemnan: and its principal place ef bastav shall be at Ocala. Marlon Florida. - : IL The general nature of Araslneas. tl be performed and transacted, byta? corporation Is, the seerchiag oC'SU lie records of Marion county FlortcL the copying therefrom of aH mat ten pertainlnar'to the title ot reel ' ( tate. or lands, and . the placlagf sr posting such tnformstlen and tatxter on the books of the corporation, an the making of sbstracts of- ttUe.jc furnishing Information as to the can) dition of the title and ownership lands In Marion county. Florida Stt making and affixing certificates to ab! streets, or other information reSittr to land titles, and to do and ptsScxz all things pertaining to' a' general bC, iness of an abstract of title company mortgage book, papers and other sr tides and things - pertaining te ta business of an abstract of title com pany. and for the use of such com pany. m. The amount of capital stock anther lzed Is the sura of ten thousand dot: lars. which will be divided late hundred shares of the par ' veins. one hundred dollars each, which be paid In by conveyance to the poration of certain personal consisting of abstract books. papers,- safe, furniture and office tures, owned by the Incorporators, tft Just and true value of which is herU bv fixed bv the Incornorotoro ot thl sum of ten thousand dollars: .' am when the stock Is issued it shall bt i fully paid and non-assessable,' TV. The term fer which this corporatlet shall exist Is ninety-nine years. V. The business ef the Corpovstloc shall be conducted by the following named officers, to-wlt: A president a vice president, and a secretary am treasurer, the last named offices nasi be held by the same person, sod t; a board -of directors consisting of WL. less than three i persons, which as officers shall be elected by the etocd holders at the regular meeting ta Dx cember. A. D. 1909. end asm asA December of each year. The of the officers who will conduct t business of said corporation uat those elected at first election shall qualified, are John M. Graham. Ident:. W. D. Graham, vice presiSeat! and W. W. Clyatt. secretary 'mm treasurer." ""'J VL The highest amount of Indebtednex tt iUli ai iH. mm m .ill time subject Itself Is ten thousss dollars. VIL The names and residences of W incorporators and th amount of cap! Ital stock subscribed by each 'are si r3 follows: W. W. Clyatt. Ocala, Fla. St alts John M. Graham. Octlt, Fla., shares. W. D. Graham, Ocala. Fla, Ztj shares. I In witness whereof, the in corpora! tors have hereunto set their band: and affixed their seals, this thf fourth day of November, A. D. 19CI W. w. Clyatt. (seal) John M. Graham, (seam W. D. Graham. (seal) State of Florida, County of Marion. Personally appeared before me. undersigned authority. W. W. Clya John M. Graham and W D. Q each of whom are well known to . . f. . ... . to be the parties described in and V vot.v ivirs)VMiB) e tonov wa corporation and proposed charter each acknowledged the esecsUes) the same Tor the uses and"pur( therein set forth and expressed. Given . under my hand and seal office this the fourth day of N ber. A. D. 1909. (official seel) & T. Clerk Circuit Court Marlon Co. Notice ef Application for Patent Notice is hereby given that the derslgned will, on the eighth day December. ' A. D. 1909. apply to sovernor of Florida at Tafia! Florida, for letters patent upon foregoing articles of Incorporation proposed charter. w. w. Clyatt. John M. Graham. W. D. Graham. NOTICE The tax books will be open day. November 1st, for the collect! of 1969 state and county taxes. per cent discount will be allowed all taxes paid during November. Respectfully. E. L. Carney. Tax Csllecter. L. ALEXANBEi Practical fisaFEnTEo io cuinn Careful estimates made on t contract work. Gives mors sad hex ter work for the money thaa other contractor In tswa. .1 5 Pfrpestr biaitkr s