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- Weather Forecast: Fair tonight and Friday, except probably rain in ex treme northwest portion. OCALA, FLOSIDA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 918. VOL. 25, SO. 24 1 u in mi im 1 i 0 Q wit LI r n LP MP1T POUND ED INCESSANTLY AT EVERY POINT ON THE WESTERN FRONT THE PRUS- GOING TO PIECES Turkey is Ready to Tumble Emperor William Reported to have Abdicated Aiistro-Hun- gary Trying to Stave Off Ruin by Offers of Autonomy London, Oct. 9, 8 p. m. The Eve ning Standard says that the surren der of Turkey within the next forty eight hours would not surprise well informed cjrclus. RAN LIKE RABBITS With the Anglo-American Armies Near St. Quentin, . Oct. 9, 10 :30 a. m. -The Gei mans on the front of the British and Americans today are surrendering freely. On the front held by the Tennessee troops an en tire German regiment chose the other course and ran away like rabbits. The Germans applied the torch to Rohain. HAS BILL QUIT? Stockholm, Oct. 10 There is a per sistent rumor here- that Emperor William has abdicated. ONE OF THE GREAT VICTORIES OF THE WAR London, Oct. 10. An official report says the attack of the Anglo-American forces in the. breach between St. Quentin and Cambrai resulted yester-fl day evening in continued advances. The British are now within two miles of Le-Chateau and Saullaumines and Nowelles have been captured. Fight ing is going on southeast of Cambrai on both sides of Caudry. Reports from all fronts late Wed nesday night indicated the Allies had won one of the greatest victories of the war. On a twenty-mile front be tween Cambrai and St. Quentin - the Germans are in full flight, with the British cavalry pursuing. The infan try is hastily following in columns of four through many villages abandon ed by the enemy. A gain of nine miles was reported hours' ago, and the Allies are still in full pursuit, with the ground ahead clear. The en emy made every effort to destroy Cambrai, but vast stores of booty have fallen into the hands of the Al lies which the enemy did not have time to blow up. Allied airmen saw large forces of the enemy fleeing in great disorder well to the east of Le Cateau. Thirty divisions were routed. The formidable German defense system between Cambrai and St. Quentin has been utterly demolished, and the forces of all the Allies are out in the open country eastward pursu ing the enemy. The Cambrai pivot, the former line over which there has been so much bitter fighting, is in British hands, and numerous villages and hamlets to the south overrun by the Allies. Thousands of German prisoners and hundreds of guns hav6 been captured. The victory is seem ingly complete, with Foch's strategy working smoothly, bending back th German line in one great converving movement. In Macedonia and Asiat ic Turkey the Entente still have the enemy on the run. Where the enemy -will make his next stand is uncertain, but he will probably turn about in an effort to be attempted on the Valenciennes-Sedan front. FRENCH GAINS -v. Paris, Oct. 10 The French advanc ing east of the St. Quentin and Le Catel railroad have captured Etaves wood, the village of Bocqueux and further south have taken. Marcy. The French have reached Fontaine Notre Dame as well as Fonsommes, it is of ficially announced. ROBBING THE BELGIANS Amsterdam, Oct. 10. The popular tion of Bruges, Belgium, revolted against attempts of the Germans to deport civilians; Les Nouvelles says. The Germans used their guns and wounded numbers of Belgians. The roads in Flanders are encumbered with farm animals being transported to Germany. v TRYING TO COVER THEIR TRACKS London, Oct. 10. Indications that Germany is becoming anxious in con sequence of the threats of the Allies of reprisals for the destruction of towns evacuated in t France by the Teutons are afforded by a telegram from the semi-official Wolff Bureau, received at Stockhalm, saying that Louai is burning "as a result of th continuous British bombardment." Reports that the Germans have set fire to towns they are still occupying are characterized as ridiculous,- They have denied firing Roulers, Thourout and Lichtervelde. Between Lens and the Scarpe river the British, who are also advancing, are in touch with the Germans to the west of the line of Vitry-enArtois, Azel-Les-Equerchin and Mouvroy. AMERICAN INFANTRY IN AC TION With the Americans Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 10, Noon. (By the As sociated Press.) General Pershing's infantry today again went into action in the left wing of the Argonne for est, after a violent artillery bom bardment lasting all night. HOTLY AFTER THE HUNS Paris, Oct. 10. An official, an nouncement says French troops last night continued the pursuit of the Germans in the region east of St. Quentin. They have passed Fontaine Notre Dame and Beautroux. North of the Aisne the "French took the plateau of Croix-De-Sanstete, while further east a crossing of the Aisne canal was effected in the region of Villers-en-Prayeres. In the Cham pagne the French captured Liry, two miles west of Monthois. SERB SUCCESSES London, Oct. 10. The Serbians are pursuing the defeated Ninth Austrian division Monday entered Leskovats, twenty-two miles south of Nish, and Vlasotintze, according to an official Serbian statement. They took sev eral hundred prisoners. FAKE OFFERS London, Oct. 10. It is reported from Vienna that the Austro-Hun-garian ministerial council has decided to introduce national autonomy "in order to make President Wilson's stipulation an accomplished fact," says an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Copenhagen. ' CZECHS ARE WISE The Czech party didn't participate in' the deliberations. It is holding an important meeting today. DOUBLE RATHER THAN DUAL The movement favoring a procla mation separating Hungary and Aus tria is making extremely rapid pro gress among the public of' the dual monarchy, Zurich dispatches say. THEY'LL TAKE WHAT THEY CAN GET Basle, Oct. 10 "Only military rea sons could compel us to accept Pres ident Wilson's conditions," says the Cologne Gazette, commending on the American reply to the peace proposal of the German chancellor. "It is pos sible Germany may require counter guarantees; for example, the evacua tion of German colonies occupied by the Allies." BUY LIBERTY BONDS DR. BLITCH RECANTS T A LIGHT SHEDS LIGHT I n Big American Ship Lost with Prob ably Many of Those on Board (Associated Press) An Atlantic Port, Oct. 10. The news of the sinking by a submarine of a large American steamship with the probable loss of many of her crew was brought today by a British freighter, which had on board twenty survivors of the American vessel. It is reported in maritime circles that the U-boat's victim was the Ti conderoga, of 5100 tons. . BUY LIBERTY BONDS THE CASUALTY LIST The following casualties . are re the American Expeditionary Forces, ported by the commanding general of The casualty lists of the American army are posted in the Star's front windows every morning and after noon. If in looking over them you see the nameof anyone you know, please repotr it to the. paper. Killed in action .... . . . . . ... ..... 80 Missing in action . . . . . . ...... 105 Wounded severely .............. 338 Wounded slightly . . . . . . .'. .. . .. .. 3 Died, accident and other causes.. 10 Died of wounds . . . . . 13 Wounded, degree undetermined '.. 4 Died from air plane accident . 4 Died of disease . . . 30 Total ......V................584 The following Florida names are on the list: Killed in action: Lieut. Knowles G. Oglesby, Bartow. Missing in action: Privates Walter A. Stanley, Ponce de Leon; Emanuel L. Ward, Bonifay. Wounded severely: Privates Henry Gibson, Nneida; Leslie I. Huggins, Bluff Springs; T. T. Godwin, Oak Grove; Allen F. Sumner, Tampa; Slyde D. Gray, Orlando; Tony Guida, Tampa. - BUY LIBERTY BONDS METHODIST COLLEGE DOING PATRIOTIC SERVICE Editor Star: On the 1st inst., just on the eve of leaving for an extended trip to West Florida, I requested you to discuss with the fair directors the propriety of leaving off the Marion County Fair till the war is over. On my return today I note with pleasure cards advertising the dates of ou fair. Therefore you may locate the writer in the fprmesot ranks of those whose energy and efforts shall know no slackening in making the fair a greater success than any former. W S. H. Blitch. BUY LIBERTY BONDS FAIRFIELD Fairfield, Oct. 10. Mr. Edward Hart who has been visiting his moth er, Mrs. McNeely for some time and waiting for his call to the army, left last week for the training camp. Mr. Maurice Yongue, who has been working in Jacksonville, is visitine his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Yongue. Mrs. Bessie Gibson, whose store was burned two weeks ago, is now conducting her business in the build Rev. R. Ira Barnett has just return ed from Sutherland, where he attend ed a meeting of the trustees of Southern College. He reports the college property considerably damag ed by the cyclone of last week which swept over Pinellas county, but he says the Methodists of Florida will see to it that all needed repairs art made at once. The spirit of the insti tution is illustrated by the fact that not a single student left the college after the storm.- Southern College is one of the stud ents training camps of the country. The unit is"already organized and is putting in full time at study and drilling. Young men between-the ages of eighteen - and twenty-one who can pass the physical examination and have completed grammar school, will be assigned to Southern College for military training if they so desire, and the government will train them for officers' positions, paying all their expenses and giving them $30 per month. While the dormitories of Southern are full, the fine gymnasium is being converted into barracks under the direction of an United States officer and young men are still daily arriv ing in Sutherland to join the unit. Rev. R. Ira Barnett and Mr. L. W. Duval of this city are trustees of this flourishing institution. Several oi our Ocala young people are attending there. ing formerly occupied by Mr. B. R. Chambers and is getting along very nicely. Mr. Kendrick of Gainesville, was the week-end guest of Mr. L. E. Mock and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Martin of Pine are visiting friends at this place. On the Dark Sides of the Proposed Ten-Mill Tax Amendment Editor Star: Here are my reasons why I am voting against and trying to defeat the amendment to the state constitution at the coming election permitting our , school authorities to increase the tax levy to ten mills. Study these figures and see if the increased costs of our schools has not been fast enough and see if we have not plenty of laws on our law books, without this amendment covering the school question. The records of the state superin- tenddent of schools says: The cost per person for schools in this state in June, 1908. was $2.50, while in 1916 it was $4.20, an increase of nearly 100 per cent in eight years, and in Marion county the cost for the same years was $2.27 and $6.20 nearly three times as much. The records show that the indebt edness for schools in the whole was was $449,687 in 1908 and was in 1916 $3,227,000, nearly eight times as large, while in Marion county it has increased from $6,998 in 1908 t $84,711 in 1916 twelve fold increase of indebtedness in eight years. This does not include the district school indebtedness. The tax millage has been increased in the last eight years to its highest limit, the assessments of property in the last ten years have been increas ed fully 100 per cent, the state school indebtedness has been increased nearly eight fold. United States taxes have been raised from about $9 per person in 1916 to about $75 in 1919, and now you are caHed on to vote to. add an additional tax burden on yourself. Are you going to do it? I am not. If the school authorities want more money why don't they try and have the law enforced compelling the 100, 000 males in the state entitled to pay poll tax pay their poll tax. One mill ion dollars has been lost to the school authorities by the failure of this col lection in the last ten years. The state tax commission is my au thority for saying tihere are hundreds of millions of property in this state that is assessed at 20 per cent less than their true value, and millions at 10 per cent and less, and millions that are not assessed at al. - Those who want more money for the schools should demand of our governor the enforcement of our tax assessing laws: If our tax laws were enforced our assessed wealth would be $1,000,000,- 000 and a levy of five mills all told would supply our school authorities with about 20 per cent more money than now. This three mill increase, without the enforcement of our tax laws, will make the man that is paying his full share pay the additional levy. Let's make the men that shirk their taxes or don't pay any, pay their full share, and the school boards will have more money and many of the taxpayers pay less taxes. A constitutional tax levy is dan gerous, because it is almost impossi ble to have it changed or repealed. Here is an illustration: The one-half mill levy (a constitu tional amendment) for the board of health has worked, is working now and continues to do as follows: In 1895 the board of health, in round numbers spent $16,000, while in a late year spent $159,000, nearly ten times as muck. The board of health has cost the taxpayers in th last eight years more than $1,000,000 Should our governor enforce the tax assessment laws and our assess ment would be $1,000,000,000, then the board of health would receive $500,000 a year, and I believe thej could and would spend that much-if they had iL I believe if we pass this amendment for increased millage for schoo pur poses it would work .like the board of health tax is working now, has been and will work. Voter and taxpayer, let's go slow in increasing taxes. Let' remember out U. S. government is on that job AMP El V en tu Bombing Squadron of 350 Ma chines Showers Destruction on the Huns With the American Forces North east of Verdun, Oct. 10, 10:30 a. m. (By Associated . Press.) An Ameri can bombing expedition consisting of more than 350 machines yesterday dropped thirty-two tons of explo sives on German cantonments in the area between Waverill and Damvil lers, twelve miles north of Verdun. This exploit marked one of the high spots in air fleet operations of the war. Twelve enemy machines were destroyed. Only one Entente plane failed to return. In addition the Am erican planes yesterday destroyed or brought down five German" machines. BUY LIBERTY BONDS BUYING LIBERTY BONDS J. A. RENTZ Following are the additional names 1 of those who have paid up their sub scriptions to the liberty loan. There are a number more than we could not obtain today. Ashworth, Mrs. M. Belleview 100.00 Aikin, Miss Mabel, Ocala... 50.00 Brooks, J. A., Ocala. ....... 50.00 Bittinger, Helen J., Ocala... 100.00 Coulter, J. W., Ocala. . .... . . 200.00 Colby, F. E., Ocala. . . ,;... 500.00 Cobb, A C, Ocala. I ... . . ... 1000.00 Clark, Harvey, Ocala . . . .... 200.00 Carr, Mrs. F. E., Belleview.. 50.00 Chazal, Miss Onie, Ocala... 50.00 Chazal, Mrs. L..R., Ocala... 50.00 Dunn, J. H., Ocala. 50.00 Dean, Mrs. J. H., Ocala.... 50.00 Duval, L. W., Ocala. ........ 400.00 Duval, Mrs. Addie, Bcala... 100.00 Duval, A. Adelaide, Ocala.,. 50.00 Ditto. F. W.. Ocala 50.00 I Fisk, Arthur D., Belleview.. 50.00 r leiaing, xars. i. ., ueneview ov.vv Fielding, Wm. N., Belleview. 50.00 Frank, Marcus, Ocala. . . .... 2500.00 Faison, Walter, Ocala . . 100.00 Felts, John L., Ocala. .. . . . ; 50.00 Fishel, M, Ocala.. ..... 50.00 Grantham, J. S., Ocala. . . . ..' 100.00 Gale, Franl M, Belleview... 100.00 lireen, Mrs." is. a., ucaia.... Grant, Mrs. S. E., Belleview. 50.00 Gary, Mrs. Georgia Ocala 200.00 Grantham, J. L., Sparr. . . . . 250.00 Grantham, Rosa L., Sparr. ...250.00 Grantham, Florence Sparr... 250.00 Grantham,' Lillian, Sparr. ... 250.00 Hampton, H. Ocala. 250.00 Henry, Dr. H. W-Ocala. ... 700.00 Hocker, William Ocala..... 5000.00 Hightower, J. O., Eclleview. . 50.00 Hilton, Mrs. M. E.; Belleview - 100.00 Hood, Dr. E. Van, Ocala.... 200.00 Howell, Edw. B., Oak . . 50.00 Howell, Ruth, Oak . 50.00 Howell, Estelle, Oak . . 50.00 Howell, Robt. Oak. ..... 50.00 Howell, Chas. J., Oak 50.00 Jones, H. C, Ocala......... ,500.00 Little, M. M., Ocala f. . . .... . 200.00 Lindner, Dr. E. . G, Ocala 100.00 Looney, George, Ocala 100.00 Morgan, G. E., Ocala... .... 100.00 M. & C. National Bank 35,000.00 and our state legislature will soon be pilling it up on you and me. Join me in demanding that the fel low that pays no taxes and the men that are enjoying special tax paying privileges be made to do their full duty. Don't vote for that amendment. It has sharp teeth and will bite your sure. L. S. Light. Ocala was saddened today to hear of the death ,at Tallahassee -last night of "Jack' Rentz. , Mr. Rentz came to Ocala with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rentz, about eight years ago. He grew; to manhood, went in business, brought his bride here, and here one of h children was born. He was a clever boy and grew up into a splendid citi zen. Our people have always regret ted the circumstances that caused them to lose him as a neighbor, and sincerely regret to hear of his death. BUY LIBERTT BONTS A GOOD EXAMPLE The Red Cross committe he Its meeting out of doors on the nvrth side of the courthouse this morning. A good example. BUY LIBERTY BONDS " HOW FLORIDA . CAN HELP The army needs quantities of peach, prune and other kinds of fruit pits, as well as hickorynut shells for use as a base with which to make char coal for use in the gas masks now carried by the, American soldiers. There are tons and tons of hickory nuts with big, trick shells lying in the woods and the school children would like nothing better, than to be turned loose on a humanitarian job like that, for the purpose of saving the lives of our boys at the front. BUY LIBERTY BONDS WOODMEN, TAKE NOTICE On account of the mayor's procla mation asking to discontinue all meetings during the present epidem ic, there will be no meeting of the Woodmen of the World Friday night, October 11th. P. W. Whitesides, C. C. C. K. Sage, Clerk. Miesologites, S., Ocala. ..... 50.00 Maier, Mrs. S Belleview... 300.00 Maisr, Wm. F, Belleview... 200.00 Ocala Coca-cola Bot Works. 500.00 Ocala Manufacturing Co .... 10,000.00 Peyser, Charles ............ 200.00 Proctor, Mrs. T. J., Sumrfield 400.00 Parr? E. L.. Ocala . . . .... ... 500.00 Rose, G. C, Ocala .'. ........ 50.00 Rader, E. LwOcala . 100.00 Rothschild, H E., Belleview. 50.00 Richey, Mrs. Carrie, Ocala.. 500.00 Redding, Mrs. E. J., Ocala.. 500.00 Rogers, J. R Ocala .' ... 100.00 Stripling, W. W., Ocala . 100.0V Spencer, M. S., Ocala. ..... 50.00 Smith, D. S., Ocala...;...... 50.00 Scott, Miss K. L., Ocala.... 50.00 Sexton, Thomas, Ocala ..... 100.00 Strange, James, Ocala 50.00 Smith, J. lu, Martel ....... 100.00 Stovall, Mrs. M. H., Ocala. . . 500.00 Tucker, Ed., Ocala 500.00 Thomas, A. T Ocala ...... 500.00 Town3end, Frances M, Ocala 200.00 Townsend, Georgia D, Ocala 200.00 Tydings, C. R Ocala 1000.00 Toffaletti, Lu, tteaia 100.00 Tillman, W. J., Ocala 100.00 VanSant, Verne, Ocala...... 100.00 Van Engelken, L. H., Ocala. . 100X0 Walters, H. L., Ocala....... 50.00' Wilds, Mrs. W. A, Ocala.... 50.00 Whisenant, J. L Belleview. . 50.00 Williams, D. S., Ocala .100.00 Wilson, W. M Ocala...... 150.00