Newspaper Page Text
.4W'ni4Qm$Tl0UUmwy" A '"P1- HpPJWWUMW '" f& jwmAfm 'mk,&! Q C i: ltlii. .MiMiscellaneoiis Advertisements Xlte Bulletin MtooK mnnaery JLHD- BLANK BOOK. r- - MAJNTJinA.GTOIlY5 Jfa? Street, opposite the Planters' House. E have established, m connection with the Bulletin Job Printing Office, one of the best Binderies West of New York pity, and 80 licit the patronage of any having work in r line. We shall devote especial attention to the manufacture of Blank Books for Counties! District Court Boolts, County Treasurers' Boolcs, Records, Registers, Tax BooTcs, And all kinds of Books of Public Record, 'Manufactured from the best of stock, and in the highest style of the art. Mercantile BooltS. We invite the at tention of Merchants, Bankers, Manufacturers, Hotel Keepers, &c, to our facilities for the man ufacture of the best kind of Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Invoice Books, Shipping Receipts, Sales Books, Hotel Registers, Lawyers, Dock ets, &c, &c. Magazine Binding. "Harpers' The Atlantic, Godey, Peterson, FrankLeslie,Harpers Weekly, Pictorial History of the War, and all other Magazines, bound in plain or fancy bind ing, at the lowest figuies. Binding of all kinds and styles Paper, Sheep, Calf, Law Style, Morocco, Turkey Mo rocco, and Morocco Antique, done upon the shortest notice. Buling of all Kinds Promptly Done. B N. B. We employ none bnt first-class workmen, and are prepared to guarantee every Job of -work sent out. Orders respectfully so icited. Address : BULLETIN CO., v2-40-tf Leavenworth, Kansas. Sl4f-r FRUIT TREES. C?Wt desire to say to the people of Northwestern Kansas, that our ? iyj3SERA! GEHTfiAUA NEMAHA COUNTY, Is all right. The trees were not injured by the frosfc Isst October as it was supposed. We can supply you with good thrifty Trees Grown n the Prairie, Apple Trees, Cherry Trees, Lawten Blade berries,-Allen Raspberries, and Strawberries, f. ' Which we will exchange for Cash or Stockmt 'cash prices, at rates such as we can live by and you can afford. Come to the Nursery yourself and seleotsuch as you choose. We wish to caution you against buying trees that are offered at 10 and 12 cents. If Nursery men sell trees at that price it is because there ,is something wrong with them. They cannot be afforded at such prices. "Remember that trees grown on the Prairies of Kansas will do a Tiundred-fold better than trees grown in the tim ber, or Missouri bottom. The Fall is a good time to set trees any time after heavy frosts. BAKER $ SQUIRE. Centralia, Nemaha co., Aug. 14, 1863. n21 v Dry Goods ! Dry Goods ! 4 5 JiSfeHRMGf&i SUMMER ;? vl . ,fc -f V. - ,V. j SilX &. EGKHART'S, "tflV ll'fo. 8',Felix!street, ,- ro'SAINJJOSEPHi t .'MISSOURI C&ssiiners, Cottonades, Linens, Nocfbns,'. Fancy Goods Embroideries, TftIawns, Silkf, i JA , RESPECTFULLY INVITE f HEr CITIZENS :ef Eumi tocali tadeeoHritoacyrlifck"isre6clliBK rdeedpricM. yv. Mate . STIX kECKHART. . jjjj$ B g 8'Mt ItlOU BOOK AMD JOS PRMTING t ESTABLISHMENT, No. US 'm xm Broadway. We:are prepared to exeeutc every description of Jook gift .ojj printing SUCH AS 4 " Posters, Progresamat, 'Circulars, Chcks, Bus iiiess Cardi, Blank- Bill r of Fara.dte. 'Bill Heads, Lett? r Heads; Hand 'Bills, Labels, Ball Tick- 1 ets, &c.,.&e. Together with every variety of $&. funcu anas wobieii'' zzmtinp! IK THE- Very Best Possible Mann, and atthe V -.T LO W EST PRICES, WSASrt1 .b rrfS' r- ;- v t 8:i MBh dRc1 & -Vbm 3 c i nt ,1 1 ttt BR O ji IDW y ; ! Irf" W t ,T .41' - A ' UARYSV1LLE, KANSAS., Atchison' Advertisements. D. C. KOBBIJSTS, Wholesale and Retail Si W 1? via a S&a COMMERCIAL STREET, Between Fourth and Fifth Atchison. - . Kansas. Oct.2463.-ly asag. HATS, CAPS TS, SIOES, LADIES' FURS, JOB TH1 FALL - 'OF TEA.DE 1 1863, At Jio. 5, Commercial gtrvfy Between Third and Fourth Street tcliison,- - Kaxisa4k G. H. FAIRCHiLD. Oct. 24, 18G3. Gm Paddy's better. Hibernian "Wit and Blunders are an indn haustible mine from -which the newspaper and periodical press obtain material for the greater .portion of tueirmirth-creatmg articles. The following is a good specimen. A newly swan islander from the land of peat and potatoes, brought to New York by the Great Eastern, and thence to Atchison on the lightning train, writes home his impression of matters and things thus: Atciiisox, Kansas, August 20, 1863. Dear Biddy, I'm here on the prairies of Kansas at last, Dry, wery and foot-sore, and glad that the journey is past; They've got no shillalahs, turf-stacks nor mire, But worse than the "curse of the crows " is the fire, Which goes on a rampage (in reason to speak Let me see why yes iully three timesaweek, .aim uums up cieuiion a laccj. assuiej'ou) From golden Pike's Peak t the muddy Missouri. in large iron boxes their fires are shut up, And that's how they cook both the " bit and th sup." 'Tis very convenient, I tell you it is, As they "d burn up creation if 't was n't for this. And, whisper, "acashla,"' I've got one for you, A splend.d BUCK'S PATENT I bought front JAKE LEU, Who has stoves without end in size and in shape And sells, as his rivals say, shamefully "chape.' And we can assure our readers that Pat was' correct, for JACOB LEU has got a supply of Stoves and Stove fixings surpassed by none west of Saint i.ouis, and his prices are tho most reasonable in the western country. Those who need anything in his line will save money by purchasing at his sto-'e' south side of Commer cial street near fifth. n30v2-6m CROWELL?S r CHEAP CASH ST0EE-. WHOLESALE DEALUB IK h w. ,, Boots. Shoes, ?!. t lrtls, , ' - -irfr COMMERCIAL Atcpismm, - - - STREET' Oii.24,1 Leavenworth:Advertisements. TJELAWARE STREETNO. 32. or. iioFimijy RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT, t And Dealer in all kinds of i LIQTJOBS, IIES, fcc, foc. No.I32 DelawareStreet, Bo. 32, (Between Second and Third,) LEAVENWORTH CITY, KANSAS. N. B. Orders from the country solicited and promptlyifilled. M. IIOFFMANN. Leavenworth, Oct. 2J.''G3. Gm A Word '-to the Wise! Some five years ago, one of the Firm OF WATSOjff & R Iff SMART, ' AFTKU looking over tlie field and contemplating tl. tureof K.m-.w .nd the Great West, conclude p fu wl to make the venture to inih.Untl.a DRY GOODS JOBBING- TRADE IN LEAVENWORTH. WE WERE ALONE in the trade for nearly two j ear, when we xntt v lth frit nN lynnd honorable co:niot:tiun, which has increi-o nntil somecis,,t or tLn lcs.ire (Ioiiijrc-icli a pooij im-int-: abiednnd indued ihtofTrgeij stock, sothat j. are this Spring well prepared to inoct tho wants of all w ho desiro Eancy and Staple A- Diy Goods, Bootsand Sliocs,, - tslraic Goods, 1&- V&$ Eats 'andCapst rtfci- Sfe g)T?.TH!TSJ &C. We are sometimes amused to read the 'advertisementsof some of onr neighbors, who leem to think that larjre and marvelous stories are important to tbeirsuc cesss: We would sim;dy remind our friends that there 13 an extensive " Gas Factory" in town in active operation. To those who have so long given us theirpat ronage and confidence, we have only to say that our bus nesa will hereafter be conducted tinder thesanie liberal p)I icy practiced heretofore by our house, and we invite all in want of merchandise in our lino to call and examine our Stock at onr Ware Rooms. Nbs. 12 and 14 Delaware street. v2n8 6m WATSON & RINEHART BRACE & BAKER, . Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Of all kinds. Sign of the Gilt AnviL 31 Delaware Street, Between Second and Third, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. 6mv2nS .DRAKE BROTHERS, Booksellers, Stationers, and Paper Deal- ' ers. ' "i Delaware Streetbetween Third and Fourth, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. GufafH fcrl. T2nSm Leavenworth AAv;. WHoYHASTte Wholesale and Retail Dealers in For- " U&, HAEDABE IRfilLiioijJ PLOWS, CULTIVATORS REAPERS. MO Wpr', tfo.23 Delaware Street Geo.B Thompson: p. C. EaesT7rr. THOMPSON, EA31ES & c DEALERS IX no. fo, Delaware Street n30v2-ly Leavenworth, Ka H. ALLEN, MANUFAOTHEEE AM -DEAEQ Chairs, Stools, Bed Sfeads, Matties Looldiig Glasses, Coffins, fef' Furnished 10 order. TSo. 171 Delaware street n3QT2 W Leavenworth, Kans'u TiLeodore Egersdorf" Formerly R.E. Watson i G, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL s -s -rs Sfl? ( Cd ? .i r fci vy v&fW8 A, 3 C - Perfumeries. &c j .. sa JTo. SI Shawndi Street, Zcavenicorth, Kansas. Xo. 1 Coal Oil and a fine assortment of IjfTJn'j KANSAS BOOK-BLXDmiY, Established ISoT. SA325JEL BODSVORTIf- CLANK BOOK MANUFACTURY On Third strcrt. Iduw Delaware, Leavcnicorth, ICansis. BLO'K BOOKS rule 1. printed ar.l b.j;il tt Wn. tor Bankers. Men.Innt, Count o.' r i rb,.Iov.rn U. lU-rtU aud D.VLeK j,, t llhl ,,r , "I'rnprjci-s. Mipiziuts, iui.sic.iu n i j in phin or i mcy h n !m. n v l fr '.' Liiairi o mem. j AMEEICAF HOTEL AT cllarysvitle, Iiansas. I II AVE lately purchased the property In a as Rar'-ctt's Hotel, in thi3 place. anJ r a endeavor to keep a First Clas Hotel. Fs: Reasonable. Two ILarge Stable connected vrith the Hoel. UAY, OIlX,AX& OATS, PLETV J.1I. COITRlLL Oct.2-i, 18G3.-ly IOWA H01ilS , Joim Frazier, Proprietor, Caroline st. bt. second & timed, ATarjsville, ... Kansas This Hotel has been open for three yer?,ani the proprietor is thankful for past favon. " Folicits a coninuance of the same, viih & promise of the usual attention. vl-n'2M7 vmm HOTEL, T.McDANIEL, Jr' Corner of Commercial and Fifth Streets, ATCHISON, KANSAS. The Proprietor has re-furniehed thi-t Hotel ami hi" ' 't espenmcein thebusine-i nnders him conSjleiit can e'veeiitirns-atisf.u-ricii to tho Public. Gool (W-1 co 'i uected v. ith the Hotel. Bf mnumnvB hotel, Cherokee Street between Main and Scc:-1 LEAVENWORTH CITl", KANSAS. A.H.PECK, Trepric-r Board $1 perday. The table Hsimplled with the l m-irktt affonts. fctnges leave this Jiotelforall iarts c State. Free Hack to and from the boat. G9ASSAS03T H0DS2, Alciiisou, Kansas. T. MURPHY, Proprietor. LITESABY SOMP Wit An Elegant, Moral, and Refined Miictfc neous Familv Journal, devoted toPolite Literature, Wit and Honor, Pro" Poetic Gems In politic, and on all J qa it is strictly neutral, and therefore emphatically A Paper For the Million, And a welome visitor to the ?" " K loreicn and t!om itic new flf the day, bo conJea -prStheVeatestpoiMeamount of Intellgenee. - THIS MAMMOTH WEEKLY s printed on fine white piper, with newKSJ? cSns fifteen hundred square inches.and is a large w taper ot sixteen octavo page. n-,dtTTtp in unrivalled corp of contribntora are f1"?""! enemek and every depa tment b pled Jd linfalied anil penect syuxeia iujw -t cii number will b beaatifally illustrated. TERMS-Invariably in ranuce--20?-(,rTrfmoat J Publi.hed every Satunlay, at the corner of Tretnoa BromfieldStraeta, Boston, 3Iri.,bT y (jr.KVS. i2!v: " -. - -hj:c a . - v.--k