Newspaper Page Text
TUE.WEEKLY JOURNAL, w. h. jeHssex axb m. d. samfsox, kmmes. SALTXA, KANSAS: THURSDAY, AUGUST Vl, 1871. CACTMX WITH OCR RULBOlDaUTTKip. There is nearly the same number of di verse voices discussing our mil road in terests and projects as there were jab bering tones at the Tower of liable, a stranger would conclude, and rightfully, had. ke taken iiJmrVcj- of the field during thVpast three or four months. Each in dividual, it might bo said, has his pet pro ject, his npccinl route,- his own mode of constructing the road, etc., anil m some instances one project is given the cold shoulder to further the fancied interest of another. The first and foremost duty of a com munity striving ior advancement should bo harmony and accord. It one person differs with an other, and continues at variance in the discussion and in laboring for'lhosc rftal interests the success or defeat of winch assures the weal or woe of a pewplc, that community must pro portionatcl y suffer. TIms people of Saline county hare rail road hitcrcttU which require careful nurs ing and for which sound judgment should bo exercised and competent men chosen to direct all attending affairs. That the most worthy ami suitable selections hare been made so far to work up the intor OsU we verily believe to be true, in some cases, while in others they were ill-timed, as the men were not fraught with that uiscrction ami cooinc. which siiouiu characterise those bcaringsuch important trusts. To two cause; deliciences are attributable to inexperience and a jiiKt appreciation of thc nature of the work to be accomplished, and perhap-s, too, there has beer, a self-importance and oliMiuai-y in hearkenirgto tho wishes of : those who have a righj to be heard that- iiatnpciis thcarour ami ciiititlcnt-col the isepuiiiican. extension irom tiaier- pwiple in the reliabilitr oft'- work vn- viI,lc is now bL'in" iok"""W'I- This .i,...i-... u'i:i -. " ii . .1 . will arc us si connection next year with ilcrtakeii. While it would .seem tlialw.i- n -i i . . .t 'Chicsiuo. lirtivulcd we au secure thc tin:, is a matter of hut small moment, it Kn not be too carefully looked after, i l-irst if nil, men wlw iww the eonfi-' Icun: of the people lor their eapahilities, i,. ..... ...i .i . - ..-. -j - ...-.crnmiauoii io pcrionu ,! important line of road, while to thc tlieir allotted tasks should he selected in south wc shall have easy act-ess to the aeh esise. While men shonhl he aceonlcd A. T. & Santa Ke road, aiul others to be the praise nod return in the "ood will 0f',,l,eC4'''v built to the south-west. And the people that they merit l.y their labor' while thus providing for our own imnic :....) fi... , 1.....I.I i. ...t... ., ,.. ,i,:,,.c ,ocal wa"ls wo shall find ourselves V """" ui.wawuii.iistn.1,,, glorification is not thc motive of the ap pointee in accepting. We do not know ii" any of the men heretofore, selected at tiie meetings of the citizens' were of this - , . , I tlllil, I . IV UUIIll ,,lll tfUlllt lllli t -ii i .les,r,,,i,on, bt do know that the ap-j In,ics 0f this road in the next year,' thus pi- .itinent ofu certain few has not me- connecting her with Newton and the with the most intense satisfaction from' A. T. & Santa Fe line. Let McPherson, nil classes and that the manner of con-lSa,inc Ottawa and Cloud, not fall be ,1,,... ,,: j- , . i hind in this grand enterprise. tltlCllllir l-rrl?llll mnofiniN ic.tiv. .InnnMon. ' a -, --- .. ........j iitv UV.IIVlllll- ated selfish iiiu ucsiglieil IO ItirillCr IIIC I .1 r i - ., . ifii.... ..r.. ..i: i . , .. I J "' ,,rl'- 'v "ynif. J si ...u .,,K HU.MIOUIII acuinc invcting of this kind did not oror.nil to flio r,-...i.l est extent. Thb bulk of thos - - I - - o- JsC assembled ) . . .1 at- thc meetings spught to act unbiascdly wheatcmp h:us been magnificent this sea but some did permit, their prejudices fl . bu,,,cI rai&cd wi ,,c uccded likes and dislikes to c-ontrol them. at homo bcforc ncxt ycif ttnd to gnppIy We revert to these facts with regret, the place of thc grain now being sold for but with thcsolepurposcofpointingout transportation, llourwill have to be re errors. We can not afford to cavil ujionj shipped to our county. This, indeed, . a. I. . . ... I 1 . I suw, S....U. t.m. .L.tsiing matters, nni .. .. ...- .ui'ii i.i iiui.ii', iiiusi respeci liie i vhts aim Kv. ;.-ofotln'r and not ' bring to the pt-isonul dislikes or i our polhital revei'cs, if we hope to do . iii. ....: .r .. i. rt... ..-. i any thing in aiding this railroad projects into our county. Kach additional railroad that passes into Saline county is so much added to the wealth and business of thc countv, ' and so wc Lai! all efforts of any of our go kvr of the present requirements and ii'.zi-iis for other lines. Hut there should pleasnrcs in view of securing the bene-Ic-i.i thoroughness nud .t tin- j 'ts to be derived from holding on to their dersNnoMig among :ll p.-nies for the 'wheat. It may reasonably be anticipated roads we arc .seeking after, or for that , that every pound of grain now in the portion we t'ecide to work for. We re-f county will be required by the immigni quite soniPtlmig more pet i.ianent, more tion into our county and for home con In -ni- . ..e. th!..i wnat i- being done, sumption, even if that will fill the de UndoubtcdKyill has ltecn done that could iands. Should this not be the case, the he, except acting more in unison and to farmers will have been satisfied on re ft purpose. reiving the incre.ised rates of one dollar Then,, wo should act with canlinii upon to one dollar and a half per bushel. The our great railroad interest. They are one thing all should be particularly care too valuable to be frittered away at thc "l olJ !"1 'at is not to run wild and sell instigation or through the unseemly the grain next to nothing because some course of one man or a set of men. Ap-( tomes along and wants to buy it. portion each department with the right j Kind ot men and those who will secic lor llin luwf' t(ini1 nT tin rnnnh I ml iKi-.. all, do not prejudic-o the people to the en- tcrprisoK, for the people must zyC their assentif anv of tho roads are built. A splendid iniHto to adopt is that of J. ' GrockcttV, which .sax," First know you , a, s right, and then go ahead." I x ". . iMcasanton, Commissioner of Internal - Jfevo "- h hfc't been removed, and ! T "Ur?'- V, alP'ntC'' '" 'l'S Y . .. ' nut lln last m saw r solace. If we not the last we saw of the fnrnici nvji. ' - "" . "tltmiiL-rt.1 in TQI .it cliiili tint tvaukoe in 18G5, at which tint the process ion formed in hoa .WlLS 111 M v. ... ., V 1IO..CMTJ1 or of J?n- 'inuU Jfe Jl'"1 several yone ml oflliers. "cre rirfi"S '" rr?as he ?I; ana we noticed at tne J V.v "T .:...! l.-r elu . ii,"Ml,IlS!l vion iUxrk e-VC;S 1'ov:, """'"er our ay j iv v. ",. 0 A j. tdispleasuM that the people,. m Votl Zcitig, when it rebukes thc T"l I 'O "azv' pver u IU:4H liWc "'rita,,,c dcs5rc t0 ow ncw conflKts M ?0Ut'lif.Jtf.-wl tJ Ihink that great- the h of future wars and deprecates Urant. " ir Las shown the' makinir enemies in England, "which "nme fcclin whih. vectts&S fce1Wrer aisturbed our peac-e, but va., for .,, ? , ni Ti,t..rnal "Si-'venuo generations our instructor in culture, 111 of Commissioner of UiUrnai -v i-j..: .W-lnrwrnont . 1 .. :tnn nc , setting up. ..... Y-; ,.,,., ; OI llluc:" in- Wninco.that 01 u.c. , IiHviiiir nuic-tvs- wv " .i . Ti-.vLirfW. Vain and, , l Z sv iwWringtmll RIIUMAI MEETING. A few of the cituens of Ottawa and McPherson counties met some of our people on thc evening of the 7th inst., and had an interesting meeting in refer ence lo the ".Republican Valley, Salina, and Preston Jlailrpad." As thc meeting jWas one informally called, its action was confined to a friendly interchange ot ex pression of sentiments, resulting in thc appointment of a committee in the seve ral counties of Sedgwick, McPherson, Sa lina, Ottawa and Cloud, asking them to send delegates to the adjourned meeting on the Gth of September, to devise and settle on some definite plan of action to bo pursued to aid and forward this im portant enterprise. "Vc trust these counties will take special interest in this road, and see that a delegation of lire men are- sent up. This road, intended as one of the links in tho great central road from the great bend of the 3Iissouri rircr on the north side of the state of Nebraska, to thc Gulf of Mexico, is destined to become one of thc best, as it will be far thc shortest line to salt water. Thc attention of Congress baring been turned to such national action as will open up better channels of commerce, one of which will be a grand ship canal by the way of the Isthmus of.Tchauntepec, thc i iterchangc ot trade in catt'e, the flow or commerce between the central and tropical belts of thc continent, tho interest and activity which begins to manifest itself about the ftiilf of Mexico, all uite. with the ex tending flow of civilization to the south- i west to indicate the importance of unit- i,ig our efforts for one of the main trunk Iincs to thc ll0:llVst salt water. This road north and south is one of great sig nificance to each county, locally, while it alike aids the people of each uiitnt lo interchange their products at cheaper rates. To this counfy it is one of special importance. At an early hour the Cen tral Branch Pacific llailroad Companv I will have completed their line as far west a Concordia on the valley of the, l.uilding of this road to tho valley of the .Republican, and at an early hour the " narrow guage mail mud from the citv of I-cavenwortU will cms enable us to have all tl ss this line, ami ie advantages of fl, , iifnnonriin host mnm lines to thc ocean that can be made. In such an object wc trust all locnl fcelingof the counties will be cheerfully flct aside, and all unite to aid this grand enterprise, tv.i... ..:..!. ,.. ....- ,:n i...:i.i t. :...;.... Tl.n Ctrmi-m of Rlino mnnle M,i nni be too cautious about disposing of their wllC3t forifthcy mnke a general and . ., r. .r . -n . . 'i vliolRs.iln s:iIV lfip- will reret it in n J e vor,- fotr mmitlw V.itvvitlitniwlni.r triA woulil be an expense which our larmere I ... . . . m antl people siiouiu scck io guaru agntusi if their circumstances will warrant them in doing it. .Most of the farmers are poor and low in pockets, and many of them , , - i i . i ;....! last year's settlers, but it is poor econo my anil unwise to disposo of the wheat now at sixty to eighty cents per bushel and next spring buy other back at twice "" three times the price. They can fore It will be remembered that recently the Xew York Herald had some highly- ".onal t-able dispatcWs; from Ku ".'. ab"nt trouble brewing between His-' ",arck :,nd U,e fc,,l,h V,orei-" 5 .II,,:tcr ' - "- little island of Heligoland - tovcted by grasping Germany. Pla t!,,at t,mn J Lf J" made on Kngland to sell Heligoland, as ivpoited, and thc opinion , or German people and officials is expressed by thc Cologne Gazette when it saj-s that the German government is certainly far from entertaining any intention of making a demand for a little rock in the ocean, o which wc have no legal claim whatev- ' i -,and bysodoingnrejudiccourrolation i thc power which wc have a right to of the i-hcrentriirhts of thc people,' mbjuj "b' , r and Gc . now , .1 -. !.. t " -.. external unity, ananceusw.uewi.i-ru inurrudorganixation. Xotwr, b.t J watchword for tho future." n1 0R1WA CWHTT. - To the editors ofTlie Saline Conaty Journal. Minneapolis, Aug. 7, 1871. Since I last wrote you, our enemies the Lindscvites, seem to havechabzed their tactics. They have dropped "chanty . scat, nu bow iiiniK io annoy ibj iikiw of this place by having theai atTestat opu some flusc,cbarge, and drag-e4jpasf sev crai justices oi inc peace io wie uw' in tne sown-easi corner oi ijjb cvuniy, some twenty miles distant, jrcJ hare a facile "tooL that seems to be ready and willing to do his dirty work for them. Tho false charuo hatched anginst Steele and Stull, that they refused to giro one A. j.-ingcrsoii4 a ccnincu copvjui iir county commissioners' proceedings' in reference to a petition c asking lora-re-location oTthe counfy scat of this county, on which thc commissioners, after due deliberation, refiise'd to "rant an elec tion, wa-s substantially disproved by wit nesses ot tho prosecution and iletencejont Justice llockcr, before whom tho trial took, place, fined them each 875 and costs. The case was immediately ap-, ncalcd to the District Court, ouch a case would not live in an honest court an hour. Again this same A. J. Ingcr soll swears out a warrant against Dr. J. E. Whartoi, editor of tho Independent, because that nancr called him "a fiery- headed vouth who lives on tho classic shores of Coal Creek," and said that he was tho "present incumbrance in the county attorney office;" Killed him a "Judas," because he betrayed the party that elected hint to office," made a com plete summersault and fell in thc middle ot J.intlsey in the muu, wncrc no seems to bo doinir tho mud work of that town; said that "A.J. I. stood for A Jackass Insane or A Jenuinc Idiot, and wants to go to thc legislature. 3Ir. Jngcrsoll says thc above means him. Wo don't dispute his word he is likely correct. It is probable this "affiant" will find it a difficult task to prove a " libel " against Dr. Wharton for discussing the public acts of county officers. Again, it is ru moured that Ingersoll has sworn out a writ against Mr. Spcncc, a black man. What crime our sable citien has been guilty of has not transpired. Wc dislike to write about this county seat anair, but there is one other matter that 1ms transpired that I must not overlook. When our Lindsey citizens thought thoy were sure of having a vote on the re location of the county seat, they held a meeting in Lindsey on Sunday (so it lias Iiocii nIlcrofI. anil I have reason to ' ,. . . r w ., i. i UXeiilmution,'Imln!r fence. TlHrr believe It IS &0,) ffr tllC purpose of lie- rortyairnfirgovttl!nir,aiittliernrmititnated ,.;,;,, ....,,- nni) mi-ins lo cirrvithe clee- "" l!i:?'."U,' Hlurmilj three ul a half luUes from mill mc.UI to cairjTIUt civt jHn-. It i the NrtU KM uiurterorSfetlon thirtv l! rr.A.. ....1.A, 1ln ...Ina vf LA!..tii... n-.... ..I.i.. .!. ' . .. 1t'. i .-- tlOll TIlCV lavked 100 VOteS Of Jiavinjrlllinc, Touiwhtl! thiiteen, ltanK---l. West, and lias . - F I tl.JM. 1 1,.... Jll.i4.l i.u.111.. 1..I.....I..1 .. . II enough to earn the election, 'and to ovcrcoms tlm little diflieulty it ra nronoscd that every friend of Lindsey should hiro a man a voter, to work' for him on his farm or m his shop say thirty days beforo the election, and at the elec tion to vote him for Lindsey. Parties who were not able to hire this extra voter Wci'C to be 'assisted from the " corruption liind " v huh this Sunday meeting proposed to then and there raise. A friend of Lindscj-, a farmer and an honest man, who was let into this littlo arrangement, thought it was not right, and "Mowed" on Lindsey. Minneapolis has grown more rapidly than eversineo this last onslaught by the corruptionists. It has put a quietus on tins contest, and has settled the count- seat for over at Minneapolis. By the time yon have this in print there will bo at least eight honses iii course of construction here im Jfiiincapoli.' Some of these buildings will bo respect able for sfec and finish. AVe have' a splendid water-power hero bud a mill in operation that makes flour equal to any manufactured in your city. Wo havc-a beautiful town site; splendid )ft well water for house use, and a magnificent country of bottom lands surrounding us. Wc havo a new school house, nine months' of school in tho -year, Sunday school, preaching by the "Methodists, Baptists' ! A. ViaJ vaMaw ind l'rcsbytorians. unrpeopie are so- -M wide-awake, and welcome the, ' . . . - . stranger with a hearty wolcome. With a railroad up tho valley which "will he a rcalitv in time, ami a iwoil prospect of a j railroad from thc dircctioii.of'yonr'cityf to cross the soloinon at .Minneapolis, wc think wc have n hright future before us. SOLOMON. amtieb "msxam.- To the rdi'ora or Thc Saline County, Journal. Mr. JR. Anderson's note in your last issue fears that I did thc Bev. J.'Boynton injustice in the correction of the notice of the Herald, ot hi.s viit to Lincoln Mmt. It uiu rtnK- in llttttiri tf Kitn and to the Itcv. J. N. Bartcls I made tho j correction I did, not thinking 3fr. Boyn-1 ion wanicti creuu ior wurw uc uiu noiuu, j and lor work that had been in progress , since last spring. Hence I havo nothing to take bsck. I was correct, as the min- j utcs of the last quarterly conference show, and thc work in Lincoln county i will show. Salina is a station, and the Rev. J. Boynton is in charge. The Sa lina circuit embraces the counties of Saline, Lincoln, McPherson, Ellsworth) and the unorganized counties west. The , Rev. J. X. Bartels ha charge of the work, with the, assistance iOf the Bev. J. Cannon of Saline county, Bev. Grif fin of Bice ceuntv, and Bev. J. Medicrafl t of Lincoln countv. The work N extcn-. sive, and at thc last quarterly conference thc presiding elder was asked to supply i mititi- iritli mOIii IioIik vh!fii ' he promised but failed to do. lie there fore requested, as I have stated, tiie Bev. J. Boynton to go up to Lincoln county! to look after the interest of the, work ami make arrangements until the next coir-4 ference. This he did, and the peoplcj were well pleased ; but thc idea of; placing mm in wnai nc tuu in a isc light, is inconsistent. I made thc reqnest to have him go, contributed to his wel fare and expenses to get him. there, and because I thought to set him right and do justice to others, I am charged with an act of injustice. Thc injustice was on the part of .your article and state ment which you put in print as you sup posed as an article of hews, not know ing tho facts as. they existed. Mr. Anderson also, not being posted on tho outside work, must remember that Sa lina is not all thc world for" Methodist work. There is a little sOxncthing.going on outside. With these facts, as above stated, which arc a matter of record, I leave it to the public to judge as they please. I have intended no injustice to any one Jiy object was to rcnaer ibs. tic to those who desired it, and havo nothing whateTer to take! bae r to take back. O. P. HAMILTON. Frauds "W. 'lt, proprielor of the Lindsey House, at Lin-lsey; Ottawa coanty, died oa the lUtk alt- Cattlk Fucioht. Tbo following-dis patch has been received by Col. Tracy, general traveling agent of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, whin lrHNtt of the greatest intcrcat to-8tock ST 'ST KTKsft'tfcr, AutJ871 uw. jap. r. TtttcTpBalir 3tatea op CstMlefirom SCLiwliithirtvidjIfaw City to and to Chicasro sixtv-five dollars wafcar. P. F. Oaees, Genl. Fr,t. Agt, Acaoss the Atlantic on a Raft. Cap tain John Mclks, who in 1867crossed tho Atantic njatr;ii&ia f ufcbVrlife rat; is having another raft made. 15 feet lone andl2"wriTc7on"whTeiriiecinientls'og6 td Europe, accompanied only by a boy. Ife will be ready to start about the mid dle, of August, and wHl carywith. him sixty days provisions. Ho take will the direct steamer's track. Satanta and Biu Tree, the Indian Chiefs, tried at Jacksborongh,Tcxas, and found"guiltyof murder in tho first degree, have not been and will not be hung, but will be imprisoned for life, as a warning to their followers and a restraint on their forays. ' -i Salina has four aspirants for Con gress. To them all we would say : ' The hnn.-t of hrraldrr , tne pomp of power. All Hut Ix-autv, all that wraith e'er gar, An alt alike In that inevitable hour The loth ofglorj Iraib liut to the grave." Notice. All persons indrbteil to me will call ami aeltle at iinee anu ave cost. JOHN' B. GROGKlt, M. II "Salina, Augiut IOtb, lntl. Strayed. Krnm the un(Urisnel. a bay pony. Hi haniU hitt, and bnuitleil "41" anl a stirrup on left hip. Any rr oii who will take him to Hneluier's livery slableln Sa lina, willbesuita'tlyreWaPtal. lnrurmationaMrru eil to ;.;. KOTHE, CarvofO. seitz. Sold Out I wi.nM inform my liatrorn ami fVienib that I hare solil mv mnit market in salina In OvtiTge Ilir A (.'. , who will Iw-rrallrr cam- on the lumnesi at my olii tfciiicl. I wuuM rruiinmeml thu llrni a ierfrrtl rrli nbU ami tUfrvin,; of the lutroiuge of mv ill ciitom er. I ilmin-that nil ierns imMrffl to m- rhall call anI Ktlle their inib-lttnlneM on or Ir fere t lie il-t of Aiic ul, 1-71. At'oL'sTZIKIIKLI.. Farm for Sale. I rnntalnlti . lfifl arr. with ulttv hi h A ""BtrfnlV ,w597Lfhf ta2 I M.n.ll 1, M HUU" , .. '. .m.n,fa'n... Ed , .-.TllMa .1. II ot nater; stable, com rnn, riiiriuii noa-e, smieiieipi pii.i,', undsUioul li'iiw witlim three iUlrt. r- or j mile mid nud near at hJltd Terms, 3,SOO Cash, and o4ses.ion Riwii tills rail, ami Hum -iliati 1 n j;ronin crops are mr- Im.-il. (all uwnW. A. shout Or nl Till. Jul KVL Ofiire. SHEKlFrs SALI. CAIIXKV, tKM.OX&CO., LUltI.KHr".,lK.UTCO. ' l'ur-iunl tim onler of sole iasueil out of the Kir-t 1 J u dicul ll-lnct Court of Ia.-ai'iinurtli Hiuy, ,sutc ot Kau-a, done at clumliers', on IhiltliiUyol JuK A. Id l;fttlundtui-duvcledandd-litrrrd. I will OITrr Tor sale and stll to the htgh.'st and tn-t bidder for ra. Ii in hand, on Monday, the 28th day of July A. D. 1871, at luo'clocka. in. of saijday, the luIowiiucilecrilied liiojxTtv to wit: miel toff iiirtefuhiiiidiSsraiKttutn-r-toneailofbivf cattle, (r. ry Urzy nod One lieevn, ifwaudeiv ears old,) -aid irtnrl btitisvUisl and Krieil tiininln-tirtueof a writ or attarhinent at tlie suit of Thoiuas Carnej . hdward Fenlon anl JluJiarl Ualuudier against 1uirlt- F. Troc , soiihia M. Tracj , Jollll K. Taiiau, 31. V. Tliumli sod a. K. lrar , said Male to be held ut what is Lu wu as IHirham'ii larm, a mill's north-west of salma. Saline countr. Kansas. Witu.luy hludthHIHanUyof Anjcn-l, A. O.lsllj ) J. W. KLSSEM., Sheriff of saline county. ' i. .-.Li On Monday, Aug, 28th;; I i r VCTE SHALL MOVE M s-BLVi j3e m i . - i uwtv aaaaa)aj ReiwaL l' ' i 1 , . II iiTO-OURt-tf..' ' if rTW-'' i" .! hi '" NEW 2-STORY STOKE BUILDING. 110 CORNER SANTA FE AND IRON AVENUES. UP ENTIRE NEW STOCK .a. ( muiui rmouET. StugOQMiJcsTte GO rJO 4 if- r ni. V J3&S :3'J w V -' V V v v7 DRUG STORE ff 'vLSUff Pure Drugs, Medicines PAINTS AND piL, Dye Stuffs, Trusses and Bandages VAENISH, WINDOW GLASS. Glass Ware, COAL OIL LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERIES, FANCY OOOIS, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Druggists' Sundries Patent and Family Medicines, i ls,HTO. STATIONERY: t ti & ! ' i. ! ' ? l Camploto Mtook. of Ijegalcap, I .. Hooucap,. ! : L"tazd?1e. Pw' lEiic'elopts,;;. , , .Info, Jrffiw, Ollloe JuvinitMi'o, &c. t In a Word, at PROBERTS DRUG STORE Will be ound every Article in the Drug Line- Professional Prescriptions PREPARED AT ALL HOURS. Ice ColdSoda iWater DUMNG TIE SIMMEI WEATNEI FROM TUFT'S ARCTIC FOUSTA1X Window Glass: I Urt. m haI. a all IfaaM. a tMTtT 'H'SZ 1aauiJ vt . OuttmCkaM to Order. ! I Choe Oib aai Mmm. alinaT eEblirrtTsrmrnts. U?TotWhom it May Concern.. hunrfcfcelitr. (not even exdwi.Uie rrW'raM mKHp t , - ,. w ia dial rmn - ran tlo or rm.-Ur I rule UO puomla, ar oUer not anatkaa Urine around your qaartar1, honaw, a4 t up. 91 'Ti1 Vll hut up. . II. IUHIKAJR ' Notice. v J itm. Kixu. Auenftaai. i.i XUttxm of Ponepan Pytr is thU .lay l'ly"l lr mutual ron-ent. All per n in.lrbte.1 wUl call aid IJrft-v stable-on Santa re .... ...nxkMUitocfi-our!ircint'. The burines will be camei! i as uial at the taxor place by Djcr AGwxl, who solicit a share of public patrou- a?,!- DONEGAX DVKU I have this day M my 'tajIcMd Jftferest In Jhe. aborebnjInWm.'COTiroTTexa,,aand aa re- conuuen.lfhenewnnnIoaUjpairtn. JL-.yzjA; Dissolution. The m-partuerhip berelolbre exbtinc j1!" " undrrlRneli underthe firm name of b. U-IMv., vrauiolteiiTnnniiai eoneeni "" '"-U'i. ' U. .' OULI, C. l-OST. Co.PartnarshlD Notlc. The undrnienwl have entered into a buslnnu co-irt-ner-hip under the Arm name or C. t A Co. , Sir the i.. ....U r .tiin in wnnm. aeneultural imiue- menl-, Ac, at salina, Kaaaaa, .latiug the lh day of Mar, isTl. The bnlne of Uw new Irm will be car ried on at the old stand ot E. B. Fih A Co. . corner of Ullh and A-h street. r.'rOST. o. k. coui.n. A. L. KEI.I.IK.t salina, Kanai Julylith, laTI. SEBTICK BT rTBUCATM. THE sTATK OK KANSAS, M ilium Ko-e anl lhmirl nurjran, eniponl to lie t IICSTV OV SLISK itmpirlu.n.fnlhj liullmn Trmtan. will take IIO that titer have been sneil: that John Sbcrriu, plaintiff. in ilbl on tiie uh ilar of July, 171, file hU rlitin In the lli.trirl f VMirt ofitaUl count . against the said William llo-eand IUnirl Ilurjon, drfrnilants, iiratinK for a JiuliHiiintajnin-t thrm in the nun of fl.SM.i;, with interest, on an account ; lhal they nn!t answer said ) tili..ti lnl b said ulaintin, Oil or N'tore the SMh ibv or.u?n.t,ll,oraidistitlonwillle takrn a true and Juilsnirnt, as above stated, will be rendered ac conunzl. JOIIX SIIKKUI.V. July Mtli, IsTl. By Johi ronTaa. hi. alt'y- SERVU'E BT PTBUCATM. Tilt: sTATK OF KANSAS, Coi-vrrorSiLfca, '(sa- ; lUniel ItutTan, supiel to be somewhere in tle In ilian 1 emtorv, will take notirr that In-has brcn sul; that John sln'mn, plaintiO". dUl on Hie tlh lay ifJul , 1x71, Hie hi petition in the DMriet ourl of saidcoun tv. arain-t the said Ianiel llur.'fu,ilrfrn.jiil, pra)lna intrrrst. on an account ; that lie mnt antwer said tie- tition (lied b said plaintiff, on or before (lie l dax I ior a juiiziiit-ui n,ainM iuiii in inr sum vi e.w.:', mm srplenilier is, I , or ail (irllllon u I ne lakrn inie ani judimirnt, asabovotatnl, renilrred cnllnlr. (iviiv kiiituiie JulyiOIh, I-CI. Ity Jons Fotek, hi Att'y. SHUUFPS SALE. TIIK STATE I r" KAXSAs, i I'lUMtOTSIUM, j I'owirs, Lubbers A Co , I'laintiu, ) t. II Ai1rcnni, IKIVmbnl. S .lt irtiif of an onlcr ofrate i.urtl from the Kiichth (.liitlieul Di-trlrt I'imrt in and for the county of "iline, siairof Kansa-, directed utidtMhered to "nie, 1 will j r S,itMtLuj,t!,cl9thiUujofAu(n&t,lS71, l , J!rt 1 -ell to iliehiihest and ls-t bidder, f..r o-h In hand. S(Vls I IIIWHr HIKI SIlIMM IrOII attlH-arorihei'.Nirtllnt-.atlVlork7 M ..rOiVltiS, 1 IIIM HIT Clllll OlllM I1UI1 ttA .1 ilui fjJtia-tH iL.arllil liftilivrll- U It s Tin ti.rli,Mr,nf- half (t nf Xa S- M-TMitjmr . f?ll mi SfTftilli stmt, lirlweei Ash and kllll street. Intherili of salina, rolllit jf Saline, Kansas, said I r"lTH 'to lie sold i the iroi-rty of C ,IT. Al'l'le Kriii. -lull Mh, A. II., Kl. J VT. ltlIsK.I shenir t SALINA HOUSE, orponTK mi: r tanoAD, kast dr or m pot. (iOOD BOtUBIMU A SB LODUlXft At rrisnnuMe rates. Packages of ne I licictilo rillrn.1 men n1 oth-rs at If n than rryular ratet. free static In Uio-e alw wdh lo furnish thrlr own fct4. la connse Iim Willi tt liou- tre Is a UIKi:UV AND EATIX ROOH, ' rt..s. rrm.l r'.v.d if nnmt-rtt.m aTannas.! Krulff l?5i'i.he.isSB ' Cntap lor Cain or 111 excnaBKV ivr nuurr, mm", 't1"'"4 J rn.,iVit. Also TOWN' LOT la tell nr trtie far other proprrtr. AIoaSrt-cltM loprore.1 raria oi Io aero, all hotloin land. Call and are. TV. D. jrNNEWOS. falina, Kaa., rtb.S. ISJI. CHARLES GOETHAL3. MAxtracrraiB or ad nALm ix Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers c Or ALL. HI Ml.". iuAiRi(ior Ai.L.KiNuoFMicm.r.r.v. iw I Ul altrotln iclvra la NO. amTA r. AKM;f,!IALl.V,KAM!AS. Grand I'rnirJe House. TiiEoiiALi) Webby, PRopniEroit. j If yon want a MUan-mral tt ilctiial.tiol HiITm-, Ae , al aillwum of larita), calluuT Wrrj-,.S. jrisaulu tY nilir. A I Zrob XXx-ojaxl. Caliwii , fi awl caiitlirii t'laWaully m haail .I .1 TJIK GBEAT United States Tea Co.. 20,28 AND 80 VKSEV STBKKT, Xcw York, MkrM iHrxtnTlijnt I'lrlrn-um, but Guarantees All of Its Goods, Ami nn.l-italri In fumihaajr Superior Teas Of unifttrm inialitjr fur ! pil' at lli Lowest Market Price. It Im-ti mh-ity tn iff my rrtlt.U TEST OF A FA IB , TBI A L Of f r, BitttwiHl fr ifnrrM mtlitly ajvn jntm rniAiM-nt futrttn it It taiutntrf Cr. C Probert InTiiEAncTATSALi!iAroiiTiirXVnirASV Lincoln Center, Lincoln Co,, Kansas, New Town! New Store ! New GOOdS ! ! D. V. IIE.XfiEaUKl5. IVI rriXTIOL'a, HENDERSON APONTIOUSj- U't ukr lU. nry.rtamy V Imtvrm IV- ilot IJ. I i4a al lnlir tpMir Rut mr katr la atari: a fall Ut t af ftrti aafcl fmmjLr fi-As me 4 JKY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOOS HATS. CAPS, HARDWARE, TIXWARJE,UAIL3. Groceries and Provisions, '. iicV7 a!talra Nlw Clrf 5alli!r -taor aVrlTl-ar n,n a VlT fff ItrrkMMarot lliBir raa ar.wg. la liw amJu. w w.wUf aJ '-vim ma w fvumht . .J tta3, r xt al I .mm. taBTMHttli tJtaV aaaiaa. aalit afean al tW WfMratWrW fliaaaili. I HENBKIWO.V k POXTIOUH, Irmrn arftaiata aaMWtiAtra XiwA Knii, Sa. ?)ati5toarf , Stcbcs, &r. nj Hinh,are! Hardware!! AL V ..-' WPLESIEM I EVERY DESCRIPTION OF J Ur I l.'V Woii-BtttWmg-eoods; MECHANICS' TOOLS And Agricultural Implements, AMONU WHICH ARB TIIE CAYUGA CHIEP REAPER and MOWER, SELBY CORX 1L.XTKL', Mitchell Cultivators, i Canton Cultivators, Macomb and Galesburg Culdrafor! GRAND DE TOUR H.0WS, Dccatui Plown, And PKOKIA I'LOWJv THE REST KINDS OF n OIK OS IMND AHD U SK T0OHDKK. EVERYTHING THAT UOCS TO MAKE LT A . fftflflMnl lit IlinfllUIIIP ATAIIP LUMrLtlt HrlnUlrilnl; olJint. -AT .IACOII DEWITT. STOVES) STOVES! ITIN WARB!-T1NlWA-(E! Specialities of.tTrmUt TittlA-f louk U r lMraB.f fiatttA, tt Kltr DCll.l.f TOVr.g; M.XTMX.stoy. ift.tnrMB oak, iSUlXlf Burin. KL'IM UAOlAMTt XirfaAtltlK , MKUAX. IHSIDK MACK t LKADKH, KANSAS, AKXATOIl, JfAHtC COOK, Jc, f , t., :., 4: All lh Jlff.rrnt rarittlM fnVtla. ' ' COOK 8TOVE8 Ate TTpreftrntat la t W It U. TWy r til ?urtu A frwld toltt -a nbvlr H W ttMt . Wc muisfactmtt til ktnJt 1 Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware and ktt a c arfaat pf aaal for Ml at WoleaoU or Reimil. w r7rrlii!lnlkiaUl!UJff m .IOH WORlt 1 aii?ns rxc ttf Ut nstvta. Blla.BIUA!tMCM.ri;BliaHIli alai a Laivl Tkwltal f- Mat fri analbUnt tit ImiiiiiOi tlltaaiKa aftW aaaa. RADCLIFF BRO8., .1AITA rKAVKXVK, UmM, K.tMtaa. OMrta for 1 NEW LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLE, ft, n aairra n avkivb, SALINA. KANSAS. JO. F. DONEQAN. Proprietor. VttZZE2m&:3& nt4 t- raw. Sell Ckf J 'wrOmk or Trade rt!lar7Mwa. COSX, OaT ao4 lUrl Donegim &, Dyer,' MUUBL IO OF ALL KINDS. a - - mJ, mt Aaa. Wa aj rtmitt alata a. m ita mm al W fmm tw pot . or boo totrm or ifSMCAjrs XJfttr STAMLM. SAJTTA K ATSMCS. u. 0ONTRACT0Hra 6Mldh, tin-I it y$ i I binttnlii teiMktWMat ttcaawlc 1 la a aaa rtrUmMmlllitnll III frtlaaaa1MMIa tWMl. uots r;f ff&AUrt. r of himdd wldici.