'V -ma. "j. wy fw o- -vir u - J ii iim.ll !. ljiu..i mm r Aar-Sj.. a a. - i u .M.n i ml'i rim I .1,. r,m... MMrr. ..! Mt g-ai mWj. r Jpttte -3 MA Wt n B IA r 'J 1 I- IV. I , &L.' y ..w at. r( rlf ft B'v, f l,W J f- -! TOLUME 1. TIB SAUNE COUHTY JOURNAL 18 FCBLIBHID TCVX&Y THCKSDAT, AT SALINA, KANSAS. OFFICE. No. M Santa Fe Avenue, .early PP1 fa Bcml Estate omce of Ha). Joa W.Bnn TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy, one year,. ............... One Copy , six months On Copy , three monlns -JS ITbab. 10 M ISM MM JS0O MM MOO US SO .ADVERTISING RATES: I Wm. I storm. JMm. .Mo!. laoraare.. .11(9 . 100 . in . 4M . 8 00 . IS 00 SM 3M t7 Saqoarea, a squires, i squares, t column., t column,, 4(0 $3 It 00 20 00 3 oo 10 00 tt MM MOO 100 15 00 ISM turn 90 09 WM comma. f''?i7l"!?!JlSeSSS??."Si , mm SOD Moa nape wlU be dwtd nfteen per eenl-i J5?aor- lfiiufr regular advertisingwlU be J"S.'SJ. tcrty . WnenT lot a lew period Ulia ttw W m-ut in advance will be required. ...w--fc a lingular aarertUemnUwWlentWedtox changed once In three months without additional .coat. Secular advertisers wul be charge "" gg line for local aotieea and all otfcera twenty cent per line. Addreaa all oanuBOBieaUoaja to TMK JOUIIIIAt, r Salina. Kanaaa. Business Eirrctorg. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J.H.PRESCOTT, ATTOBXEV AT LAW, Salina. Kama. HEAD NOOOKINtOlt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Salina, Kanaaa. F.A.AS.A.WILOMAII, ATTORJJETS AT LAW. Offloe. Wo. Seventh St., Sauna, J.O.MOHLCR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OIBce on Iron Are., the poatonce, Salina, Kanaaa. eaatof JOHN W. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oalina. Kansas. Particular aitenUon given to land contests and any buaineas in V. S. Land omcr. LOWKJt HILLUt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW., So. W SanU Fe Ave Una, Kanaaa. ,8a- a. a. laws. c. JNO.O.SFIVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salina, Kansas. WUI attend promptly to all legal buaincaa entreated to him in Saline and le adjoining countiea. JOHN FOSTER. ATTORNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Govern ment Claim and Land Solicitor. Ohcc over Dibit Davis' Ilarnras Store. A.J.INCER80LL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLOR AT LAW. Offlee in County Building, Minneapotu, Kanaaa. Will practice in the counties of Dickinson, Saline, OUawaandUoud. JOHN W. BERKS, NOTARY PUBLIC. Offlee at the Central Kanaaa Land Agency. , REAL ESTATE AGENT. WELT Ni7DURHAMt REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AlENT, Salina, PHYSICIANS. J. W. CROWLEY, M. D., (LATE SURGEON MO. VOL. CAV.) Offlee, No. gl Eight ht., Salina, Kaunas. J.W.JENNEY.M.D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYTIC! VN AND BURGEON. Of flee No. 60 Ash bt., Salina, Kanaaa. J.W.DAILY.M.O., S ILIXA, Kanuu, has Just received a complrte case of Dentil SJrgical InstrumenU and is prepared to ex tract all kin Is of teeth. DENTIST. OR. R. E. NICKLES, DENTIST. OJiccNo. 9 j SanU Fe Avenuf , (upstairs) BASKERS. O.W. POWERS CO., It VNKKSS. f.xruusrwlilonaliprincipalcitieaofthe United "Mt.-s osd Knrope. CoUectuma made. Interest allied oa '1.-;oj1u. lW.Ung bouse on Iron Avenue. n w toxcm. t. w. rowua. II. I. fOWSKJ. J. LCBBKBS. HOTELS. AM EsTcAtTriOUSE. O J. LAY, PrormETOR. Chargea moderate. Corner of SanU Fe and Iron Avenues. TRAVELER'S HOUSE, J. W. T110M. IToraiiTon. Goodatable and goodac eomniodiitioaa. Minneapolis, Ottawa county. Kanaaa. OURFEE HOUSE, E. A. SKtNEK, lrorarxToa. Comer New Hamp shire and Pincknej StreaU, Lawrence, Kansas. MECHANICAL. H.C.STANLEY, CARPENTER. 1IUII.DKKASI) CONTRACTOR, opiusite tberhirdt's lumberyard. Shop ED. ROBAYES. WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING done la rst eliss style. Shop in rear of Saitz'a Drug Storer NORTON CONRAD, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. No. 1J1, Eighth st.,aliu. Lune, lor building purpose, for sale. j. t. voaTOt. - j. o. M. COTSUO. . W. B. SCHOLL, BLACKSM. jl. Shop, Rear of No MS SanU Fe Ar cane, iilras. Kansas. Ben Ma old frteada ami pat-rons- il Cad goad laati ilal, aadttfal worknyn ahd low prices. All kinds of Repairing exeeuted piumptlv ana itulaetian guaranteed. The best Fort Scott coal al ways on band and for sale at n small advance. SALOONS. TUm LNB STAB SALM!t. BARNY BOUAN, FaormnTOB. BilUarda and U- qusrs. orooavuie, avi KLKHAKIf RUUW BALM". New Billiard Ta- bin ami elegant furniture. O. TRUBl to., rroratTOB. Sanure Avenue, Salina, Kansas. MISCELLANBO VS. U. T. WaTMN, irnT r a I-Tt ND RETAIL DEALER IN r.tnrn. ie. Uuernswart. Provisloaa, Etc, No. w Santa Fe Avenue. i. u. riurMax. i. . ctaao'v. Ohapman & Gibton, HOUSE, SIGN & CARRIAGE Fta4JKrTERS. v:iaxlng and Paper-bnngindona wiMaeataeaaand dia .xich 7.lrowAveMaaatiamMliil.8AiJa. EVERY ONB-IS SUITED !! I The Pacific Hon13' U complete, lieU entirely arw and well farmssacd with fxu ruuau. jiu k-ucu nnmm oupoaua me conaiy 4Hiuutns, wnenfy"'oqaeofiiaineqatau wuowwimout rooms SatktacUa. gaaraaksad. ittrruuu rvsTBWAir, TMHSinTKXAS OtUUSrSflMOT. Wise County, Texas, Ang,22d 1871. TomeEdttoraof Tire Balok Cocarry JocBjrat. Sin: In complince with yourre aBnt that I aottId "write comminuc. 2on for your paper descriptive of this section oi'Texss, the manners and cus toms of the people, the nature of the country and its chief resources, I now set about the task. Though it can hardly be expected that I can treat of these mattere in full as the subject is too ex tensive in its nature to be embodied in a Bingle letter, yet I hope to be able to scan them over in a manner interesting to your readers. Starting then with the first item, the people, in their manners and customs, I should say that they are totally unlike the Pategonians, who are said to be with out manners and addicted to horrid cus toms. In tact I find the people here very much like those of other States. The men here as elsewhere make love to the woman, which conduct as usual is dis tastful to the female sex. 'Tis true the girls wear ornaments and strive to ren der themselves attractive, but this is only to please their mothers. Some of the men are said to be fond of money. One can meet with plenty of rogues and ras cals, hero, but also there can be found men of the highest stamp of honor and integrity, xne most msmou uiuerence between Texas and other States is in the subiect of popular education. In this re spect Texas is far behind her sister States. It is not untrequenuy inat one meets here with a man worth a hundred thou sand dollars in property, who cannot write a sentence in English grammatical ly. Cattle being the principal wealth of the country, boys here learn to ride, and read rattle brands before they have learned the alphabet. But this state or things will disappear with the introduc tion of railroads. In fact, a great deal has been done in the last few years to ward the introduction of schools. One important change for the better has taken Elace within the last year. That is rought about by a law, enacted by the Legislature at its last session, prohibit ing the carrying of deadly weapons; ex cepting in the frontier counties. Form erly overy man used to carry a revolver and bowie knife on bis person, and the appearance presented by a crowd of peo ple "armed to the teeth," without any apparent causo, was calculated to shock the sensibilities of one from the midst of civilization and refinement. On the frontier where one is likely to meet with hostile Indians, it would be foolish to go unprepared. But there is no reason for carrying weapons in the interior coun ties of the State, and the people certainly present a more civilized appearance with out tnem. But whatever mar be wan tine in polish of manners in the Texans, they make up for the deficiency, in genuine hospitality, which trait of character seems to disap pear with the march of civilization. No better illustration, can be given of this virtue in its native rn-andeur than in tne anecdote often told in this country of a Texas ranehcro sitting in front of his house, said house composed of picket walls, clap-board roof, and ground floor. A traveler rides up, on horseback. Texan. "Stake'outyour horse, stran ger." The strange does so, then comes up to the cabin. Texan. " Ter'll find some corn bread and meat, in that skillet, help yerself." He pitches in and eats his supper. Texan. " .Reckon yor must be tired, ifycr want to Ho down,jest spread down that 'ere raw-hide and turn in and rough it, over there in tho corner." In northern Texas, as in the middle and southern portions of the State a great amount of attention is paid to stock rais ing. This business has generally Deen considered the chief source of income to this section. The cattle are branded by the owner, when calves, and turned loose upon the prairie. Beared in this way they are ottcn as wild as the game. The princi pal labor connected with the business consists in what is here termed "cow hunting." The owner of a large stock of cattle will keep in his employ from ten to twenty cow-boys, who may be said to live in the saddle. Their business is to hunt the range, gather the calves and brand them, and to gather beeves tor the purpose ot sale, or driving to a foreign market. As a matter of necessity, a great many calves crow to be yearlinirs without be- inc branded, and when they are weaned and quit following the cows, it is impos sible to tell who is the owner. It has thereby becomo the custom for all stock raisers to turn out in the winter season for tho purpose of "conscripting," that is branding yearlings. One can then brand in his own brand all the nnbrand cd yearlings which he gathers. A brand ing scene is an interesting one; a fighting yearling will sometimes make it lively tor the hands. The cattle of this section are of a su perior grade to those raised the more southern parts of the Sstate. It may bo said to be an intermediate grade between the thorough bred or Durham stock and and the Spanish stock of the Galf coast, (boves long horns.) I should advise any one desiring to purchase beeves for wintering in ivmnsas 10 raaxe nis pur- caaso in uiis section 01 ue state. The difference in Texas between the price of Red river cattle and Spanish cat tle is from two to three dollars, whereas, when wintered orer in Kansas and ship ped, the margin is from twenty to thirty doUsn i. favor o Kajd river beeves. One great draw-back to the stock men of this country, and in fact, to the ad vancement or the whole section of Texas frontier, is the Indian treble. It is im possible for one to manage wild cattle without a large number of horses, mad wm Om -I-dWtstJ tW,k u oh. Ibid lo bay again stoatm. f'ApeU-4A keep his haads oa the move and frequea trr tho Indiana will steal him outaUsi. M oooaaa kogets "aremoaat." One large stock raiser on the Brazos, Mr. SAUNA, KANSAS, Rivers,) has lost ia this saaaaer about fifteen thousand doIlars,worth of horses, in the last eighteen .months. This is not the worst featare of their depredations. They hare broken ap many settlements, and committed many horrible outrages in the lestave years, in uieiaiioi leoo a large force ot Indiana made a raid into this country, murdered several families and drove off about five hundred head ot horses. They came very near depopu lating the country as the settlers started on agenei-al stamped, leaving everything behind them. I was connected with the U. S. Army, at that time, and on a scout up Denton creek, I passed several aban doned farms, where the owners had ap parently been in very comfortable cir cumstances. The crops were gathered into the cribs, calves in the pen, chick ens and everything else which goes to make up a well stocked farm were in abundance, everything was left behind and the owners fled. . Starvation was be fore them, and Indians threatening from behind. As if to add to the aggravation of the case as much as possible these same Indians have been fed and other wise cared for at Fort Sill, by the U. S. Government. The raids into this part of the frontier have been made principally by the Kiowa Indians. In September, 18ov, I went to Fort Sill, in company with some citizens of this part of the State, tor the purpose of trying to, recover some stolen horses. Gen. Gncrson was then in command ot that ost, and is yet He at first prom ised fairly enough, but when a horse was identified by one of our party, and proven by a disinterested person, tne owner s brand found on the horse and other items to establish ownership, then GrierSOn could not compel the Indian to give up the horse, we came to the conclusion that instead of having the Indians under con trol he was actually afraid of them. X was somewhat surpnsoa to learn from the interpreters that General Philip Sheridan had yielded to the Kiowa, in the 'matter of tho surrender ot the Texas horses, lie was at that time a Major General, expecting promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General, aud he did not dare compromise his prospects, and bravo the Indian ring by an act of simple justice toward a few Texas fron liersmenL Frequently since the establishment of tUe pOSt UiXUrou..-, lausvau mv v.v-. paid to the Kiowas by their agent &r women ana cnnaren camou idw captivi ty from Texas, thus placing a bid and a premium upon their rascality. Last year seven hundred dollars were paid for the ransom of women taken from the town of Ilenrietta, and when the money was paid the chitf remarked "mo go to Texas, get more." But it seems as though the Indians havo met with a check at last. Go n oral Sherman paid a visit to this country du ring the spring and while at Fort Rich ardson, the Kiowas, about one hundred and fifty in number, headed by their Chief Satan tee, attacked a train of wag gons about twenty miles from thep ost, murdered seven men and took off forty mules. Gen. Sherman visited tho scene of the massacre and then went to Fort Sill, where he arrived at about the same time the Indians did. As it has turned out, this occurrence, bard as it was upon the' sufferers, was about tho best possible event, for this frontier, that could have happened. Gen. Sherman being the General-in-chief of the army and backed by his military reputa tion, was perhaps the only man in the nation capable ot grappling successiuuy witb the Indian ring ; but above all he is a man of an independent mind and am bitious to use his high position for a good purpose. It had been the custom of the Indians on returning from theirraids into Texas. to come into the reservation and boast of their murders even to Gen. Grierson. exhibiting in corroboration of their state ments the scalps they had taken often women's hair. At the same time Grier son was making the most extraordinary statements in his official reports in re gard to tho peaceable deportment of these same Indians, as usual these Indians came to rort sill and commenced to boast of their achievements, whereupon Gen. Sherman ordered the arrest of all the chiefs, connected with the expidition to be sent to Texas, and turned over to the civil authorities for trial for murder. There were seven chiefs in the party, three were arrested. Satantee, and his son Satank, and Big Tree, while en route to Texas, Satank who was in a wagon with two soldier guards, slipped his handcuffs and attacked his guards with a knife, wounding one of them in the leg. He ;was killed by the other guards, woo snot mm niteea times. The other two were taken to Jacksboro. tried and sen fenced to be hung oa the first day of September, 1871. Since this arrest waa made there have been no raids made into Texas bv the Kiowas, and from the present appearance of things, I thank that Gen. Grierson, may hereafter truthfully report the Kio was as quiet. I have now shown how much Texas has suffered through the imbecility and mJavaanacemeat ot -Gea. Grierson. and what a groat advantage to the frontier it would be to have an able omcer in command at Fort Sill, but the State has been equally anfortaaate ia theoHcer who commands tne uepertaent of Tex as, Gea. J.J. Reynold. This oateer has enjoyed the command of the State ever since Gen. GriSn died in the fall of 1867, with only a abort in taregmtm, yet ho has aot once in nearly roar years reign paid so much attention to the frontiers as to visit his outposts. For a long period the reconstruction lawa had tho moaeplyjof his time, but Jbr saoro thaa a year too civil aathority has passu! oat of his hands.. Tbequ- hmi fa anawSfWavasiai u iaHanu Din irosi acaieria-r a'atBif j rsaotra upon tiM frontiers f I have hosa credibly in formed that it u the army contractors, mad-that his time ia aow aa completely Hoaopeliaed ia Jknmmf wish them, THUSDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1871. as it formerly was by the acts of Con gress. If sucn is reaiiy tne case, one must not jaage mm oo eevsrwy. u it is true that he is now living in San An tonio in a fine mansion, the gift of an army coatraatof, revelling insplendor, and enjoying all the luxuries which money and a corrupt I ajioidd say ob liging Quartermaster, can prove. Why should he trouble himself in regard to the sufferings of the bleeding frontier? And as he is an ambitious man, it may be that he is an aspirant for Presidential honor, and in practicing receptions, is only trying to perfect himself in the form of deportment peculiar to that high ofiicc. A friend of mine has suggested that if he were called upon to improvise a motto for the Presidential cost of arms, he would only take the first words af an or dinary conveyance. " Know all men by these presents." It is well to' Jo things in a magnificent scale, even in the wav of receiving presents ; it charms the ad miration,butthus far it has notserqed to Btop Indian raids. Sometimes the white men would get the advantage of the Indian. One method ot baiting for Indians was to stake out a horse during the full moon and-two or three white men bide near him with shot .a . . W gUns. In the nignt tne inaians supping about to steal aoases,sees umnuiscaim coming up to him suddenly finds him self enfiladed. The success of one of these experi ments inspired a dog-latin poet to get off the following effusions : Indianua in the woods Intentua be on white maa'a goods. Such aa eonem; White man see btm oeulla, fepoleam, dixit bt. "Igoeaa" "Vour little indent." Tunc Ule takes horse, and stakes him In loco where a snot-gun rakes him, hi Injun tuokil; Inluo cree. up lam ailente. Gets the buck-shot slam la ventre. Tunc kicks the bucket. The sequel Don eogntadi, Sed eadem I know this though: He never stole again. Cum memiaiscitur an ancient king alii nana poet once did sing, e never aasafa again, Moajx. Injuns omnes nunc be spry, Aurea dare ad mini. And listen to my proclamation: si non volt your scalp to lose, Vt lereatia young pappooae. Just stay upon your reservation. ForiftoTexaaveniant Warriors vestrea cum war Chant, Albi viri 'U try to check 'em, Etellnpradoyouarrtook, Anaerem veatrem they wUI cook. El fraugtre uttsm, Pasainif from the Indian difficulties to tho nature of the country, I can tind no better means of describing its general appearance than by comparing it to Kan sas it has the same rolling broken prairies, but an abundance of timber in the bottoms, rrom Kcd river, which in the northern boundary line ot the state for about two hundred miles, there ex tends southward to tue israzos river, a belt of timber known as the "cross tim bers." This bell is ot an average width of about twenty miles. The timber on tho uplands is principally scrao oax or tt-ht. .AAlr I.,,, in tliM hntfnnw. llu. ten nut. pecan. Spanish oak, burr oak, elm and ash are to be seen in surperlativc grandeur. Tbe bur oak: is a very hard wood and wnon seasoneu a, uaii can witu difficulty be driven into it. Tbe Spanish oak is the most compact, unn, auu dur able timber in tho country. The pecan is a magnificent growth, it resembles the hickory tree, but the limbs are larger, and extending out some ui.siancc iroiu the main trunk they form a ffne shade when the tree is in foliage. So pine grows in this part ot too state, though there are large pine forest i in Eastern Texas, and pine lumber is delivered here at from three to nveaoiiarsper.-iunuic feet. There is an abundance of game n th cross timbers, such as wild turkey, of which there are countless tnousand, deer and antelope ot which 1 have oiten seen from twenty to thirty in alien!, and also nlcntv ot bear, panuier and wild cat. The buffalo como into Texas in Winter and migrate northward on the approach of warm weather. The land in the cross timbers is of a light, sandy appearance, but very pro ductive, equally as good as the best Kan sas lands. The principal streams pass ing through the upper or northern end of the cross timbers are Sandy and West Fork of Trinity. The crops this year arc a failure on account of the severe drouth ; there has been no rain here for nearly ninety days, and everything even to the grass seems to be scorched and burnt up. Tbe climate here is much warmer than in Kansas, being in a latitude about six degrees further south than Salina. This has the elect of producing earlier crops and a more luxuriant growth of vegeta tion ot all kinds. But one does not suf fer so much with beat as in Kansas, as the Gulf breeze prevails here in tbe sum mer, blowing generally from 3 o'clock P. M. until midnight. Besides the fine climate fine, soil and fine timber, this part of the Stato has great mineral resources. On the upper Brazos is a fine coal region. When the troops were stationed at Fort Belknap, Young county, they nsed to get their coal trom the" oat-cropping." Wagon trains sometimes go to these regions from the distance of one hundred miles and load with a first-rate article ot bitu minous coal. .No effort is made to sink shafts. JAn abandonee is obtained from surface digging. On the TWichiU river there are fine copper and silver leads. Prof. Reenter, of the Geological Bureau, U. S. Patent Ofice, visi tea these copper leads last year and pronounced the ore a fee as any in tbe United states for smelting. His party were attacked by Indians, aad be would have been " gobbled " bat fora strong, escort of soldiers trom Fort Rjefaardsoa. 1 Two of m's party were kiilsd. wift. The as day Caroline did not ap- This sanag there was a moan it ting ' pear ia school. Her father, with prompt party of Texsas who stoat to the same oaargr, took her immediately w an acad coantrr to oropect for silver. Thcv , tar nfir rail ivir. stracat tae lead ana brought away some J I did notaitempt to follow ber or write of the .ore which when smelted Vicldedfto hzr: a amiaami ssMao.r diacuararc- a large peftwatageofmetal. lam afraid to meanoa tae percentage tmm lor icari tsmtyoar readers auftak lam ex- attack rest esiaping by hard running. in xiupains suu .Liaiupaow uisuun, there are fine sulphur springs, which places will some day become famous summer resorts. , vyj-il: j t r .: In this county (Wise) there are salt licks a fine oa anr in the world. In the south-west part of the county is what is called the Salt Lake, where salt was manufactured during the late civil war. Within a quarter ot a mile from where I am writing there is a very fine salt lick. Wild animals frequent these plac es, ileer and domestic rattle go mere for the salLwhile the wolves, panthers and wild-cats watch the licks to prey up on them. A good way to toll deer is to watch tbe licks from scafToldbuiIt in a tree. I passed anight once upon a scaf fold built in this manner. It waa then I first learned to appreciate the term, " howling wilderness." An Eng lish cockney could make no mistako in describing the noise, for I beard both oicls andAoiWa that night. This, dear sirs about completes my dcHciption of this State. To thoso who desire further information my advice is to visit thcsstato and see for thctnseles. Very truiv your ot d t serv t " MOSES WILEY. A WAXTLie. Vra Sinva. in the serial storv which she is writing for the Christian Union, de scribes in a most powertul piece ot wora painting the disease which is induced by the use of stimulants. It is a part of a letter from one young man to another. A highly talented young man named Bol ton writes lo hfs friend at follows : I suppose no youugfellow over entered the course of fife with more self-confidence. I had BDlendid health, high spir its, great power of application and great social powers. 1 lived freely and care lessly on the abundance of my physical resources. 1 coma nue, ana row, auu wrestle with the best- I could lead in all social gayeiies, yet keep the head of ray class, as I did the first two years of my college life. It seems hardly fair to us human beings th.it we snoaia oe so ouoy ed up with ignorant hope and confidence in the beginning of our life, and that we should be left in our ignorance to make mistakes which no after years can re trieve. I thought l was penectiy sure of mj-se!' 1 bought my strengui Z?.i nc.il tli wcro inexhaustible and that I could carry weights that no man else could. The drain of my wide awake ex- hauiting life upon my nervous system 1 made up by the use ot stimulants. I was like a man hibitually overdrawing his capital, and ignorantof whatextent. In my third college year this begai to toll iii-rciTitiblv unon mv nerves. 1 was los ing self-control, losing my way In life; I was excitable, irrita'ole, impatient ot .guidance or reproof, and at times horri bly depressed. I sought refuge from this depression in social exhiliration, and taxing lost control of myself became a marked man among the college million ties; in short, I was overtaken in aeon vivial row, brought under college disci nline and suspended. It was at this time I went into your neighborhood to study and teach. I found no difficulty in getting the highest recommendations as to scholarship from oino of the college officers who were for giving me a chance to recover myself; and for the rest I was thoroughly sobered and determined on a new course. IIjrc commenced my acquaintance with -our cou(.in, and there followed a few months remembered ever sinco as the purest haji pincis of my life. I loved her with all here was in me heart, soul, mind and strength with a love which tan never die. She also loved me, more perhaps than she dared to say, for she was young, hard! wcome to full consciousness of her self. "She uas then scarcely sixteen, ig. no rant of life, and almost frightened at the intensity of the feeling which she excited in me. But before we could ar rive at any thing like a calm understand ing, her father came between us. He was a trustee of the academy, aad a dispute arose between us, in which he treated me with overbearing haughtiness, which aroused the spirit of opposition in me. I was in the right and knew I was, and I defended my course beiore tbe other trustees in a manner which won them over to my way of thinking a t ictory which he never forgave. Previously lo the encounter 1 hod been in the habit of visiting in his family quite intimately. Caroline and I enjoyed that kind of unwatched freedom which the customs of New England allow to young people. I always attended her home from singing school and the weekly led area, and tbe evening after my encounter with the trustees I did the same. At the door of his house be met as, and as Caroline passed in he stopped me ; and briefly say ing that my visits there would be no longer permitted, closed the door in my face. I tried to obtatn an interview soon after, when be sternly upbraided me as one that bad stolen into the village and won their confidence on false pretenses, adding that it he and the trustees had known the tall history of my college lite I should never have .been permitted to teach in their village or have access to their families. Il was in vain to attempt a defense to a man determined to take the worst view of facts which I did aot pre tend to deny. I knew that I had bver. irreproachable as to my record in the school, that I had been faithful in my du ties, that the majority of parer.ts and pu pil were on my side, but 1 could not deny the harsh facts which he had been ena bled to obtain from some secret enemy, (and which he thought justified him in saying that be would rather daasrater ia her crave thaa see b see Sit daasthter ia her arrave thaa see her my f ment came oTeTme, awd I looted oti my acquaintance wit aer wit a son n re - morse. Tbe troth Iwttarry told by aa exaggerating. Thisparty wasjalso att ed by Indians, ana one killed, the enemy with vivid power of statement is 1 a tonic oftentimes too strong for one's I power of endurance. I never reflected ao seriously on the responsibility a man assumes in awakening the slumbering feelings of a woman and fixing them on himself. Under the reproaches of Car oline's father I could but regard this as a wrong I had done, and which could be expatiated only by leaving her to peace in forgetfuiness. I resolved that I would never let Mr hear from me again till I had t'ullvarov ed myself to be possessed of such pow ers of self-control as would warrant me in offering to be the guardian of her hap piness. But when I set myself to the work I found what many another does, that I had reckoned without my host. The man who has begun to live and work by arti ficial stimulant, never knows where he stands, and never count upon aimaelf witn any cortainty. He lets into his tie a servant who becomes the most tyr annical of masters. He may resolve to turn him out, but will find' himself re duced to the condition in which he can neither do with nor without him In short, the use of a stimulant to the brings on a disease, in whose paroxysms a man is no more his own muter than in the ravings of fever, a disease that few have the knowledge to understand, and for whose manifestations the world has no pitv. 1 can not tell yon the dire despair that came upon me when, after repeated falls, bringing remorse and self-upbraiding to me, and drawing upon me the severest reproaches of my friends, the idea at last flashed upon mc that I had become the victim of a sort of periodical insanity in which the power of the will was over whelmed by a wild, unreasoning impulse. I remember, when a boy, reading an ac count of a bridal party sailing gaily on the coast ot Norway, who were insidi ously drawn into the resistless outer whirl ot tbe great Maelstrom. I he hor ror of the situation was the moment when the shipmaster learned that the ship no longer obeyed the rudder, the cruelty of It was me grauum manner in wnicn ine resistless doom came upon them. The sun still shone, the sky was still blue. The shore, with its great trees and free birds and blooming Bowers, was near and visible as they went round and round in dizzy whirls, past the church with its pcaccf! sotre, past the home cottages, past the dwellings "i irj11Us "u is" bors, past parents, brother; nd sisters who stood on the shore warning and shrieking and entreating, helpless, hope less, with bitterness in their ouls, with all that made life lovely so near in sight and yet cut from it by the whirl of that trem.ndous late ! There have been just such hours to me, in which I have seen the hopes of man hood, the love of woman, the possession of a home, the opportunities for the ac quisition ot name and position and prop erty, all within sight, within grasp, yet all "made impossible by my knowledge and consciousness of the deadly drift and suction of that invisible whirlpool. The more of manliness there is yet left in man in these circumatauces, the more torture. The more sense otbonor, love of reputation, love of friends, conscience in duty, the more anguish. 1 read once a frightful story of a woman whose r.ghl hand was changed to a serpent, which at intervals was roused to fieudish activity. and demanded of her the blood ot her nearest and dearest friends. The hide ous curse was unappeasable, and the doomed victim spellbound, powerless to miiL' Even so. the man who has loat the co'ntrol of his will is driven to tor ture those he loe, while'he shivers with horors and anguish at the sight. I have seen the time when I gave car nest thanks that no woman loved me, that I had no power to poison the life of a wife with the tear, and terror, and lingering agony of watching lb. slow fulfillment of such a doom. It is enough to say that with every advantage of frienda, patronage, posi tion 1 Tost all. The world is exigeant. It demands above everything that every man shall keep step. Ue who cannot falls in the rear, aud is gradually left behind as the irmr motes on. The only profession left to me was one which could avail itself of my lucid intervals. Tho power of clothing thought with language is in our day growing to be a species of talent for men are willing to pay, and I have been able by this to mak2 myself a name and a place in the world ; and what is more, I hope to do some good in it. I have reflected upon my own tsmata tion. endeavoring to divest myself or the horror with which my sense of the sat fering and disappointment I have caused my friends inspires me. I bare settled in my own mind the limits of human re sponsibility oa tats subject, and nave come to tbe conclusion that it is to be re garded preciseiv as Mary Lamb and Charlie Lamb regarded the incursion of the mania which destroyed the peace of their lite. A man who undertakes to comprehend and cere himself has to fight his way back alone. Xobody aeder. stands, nobody aympstbises with him nobody helps htm not bscaas. the world is unfeeling, but becaas. it is ig norant of the laws which govern this speciea of iasanity. It took me therefore, a great white to form the system of self-care. I still hope fur this . I, the saaa aad sosud, hope to provide for the iesaa. and snsoaad intervals of my life. Aad my theory is bnafiy, a total aad eternal roliaqaiohmeat af the poasoaoasinlssaae, so that aataro may have power to arraeioeaow aad hoakky arsia manor, aaJ lo remove that which is diacaerd. Jsatarc will do this, in the r.d, trr sbc im eevrr nssicife!; baere is always "f-rgivnems with her. loat sse saay b. fezrwo. S'ace yeas have kcowo me. vera have aam that 1 j live a life of aa aacfcnr.te that my hoars i are regular, toot i stow rwmwrg 'ty, that I later wit wtssity,! Number 32. 1 nevsr touch any sttmulatiag driak. It is a peculiarity of cases like miae that lor lengta oi time ta. ssorwra asssawo leaves us, and 79 reel the utmost aversion to anything oTthe also. But there U si- ways a danger lyiug oeruna tnu suMle calm. Three of four drops of alcohol, such as from the basis of a tincture which a doctor will order without scruple, wilt bring back the madness. One Ire min utes inadvertanee wist apeet "the pain ful work of years, and carry one away as with a flood. When I did not know this I was constantly failing. Society through all its parts ia full of trans and pitfalls for such as I, and the only ref uge is in flight. It has been part oi my rule of life to' avoid all responsibilities that might in. volv. other in my liabilities to failure. It is now a very long time since I hat. telt any abnormal syratnras, and if 1 had not often been thrown down after sach a periea of apparent calm, I might fancy ray danger over, and myself a sound man. In the end I expect to conquer either here or ho realtor, I believe iff the Fatherhood ol God, and that lie has a purpose even in letting us nimble through life as we do; and through all my weakness and worthiness I still hold Htshand. I know that the whole tempt tation is one of brain and nerves, and when he chooses hecan'retease me. The poor brain will be cold and still tor good and all, some day, and shall be free aad able to see, I trust, why I have been suff ered tbtiatoatnif.-jlo. A tier all, i mortal ity opens alarg hope that may overpay the most unspeakable bitterness of lite. Meanwhile, you ran se. why I do not wish to bo brought into personal relation with the onlv woman I have ever loved; or ever can love, and whoso hapineas 1 rear to put in iertl. The Nsw Yortt Commercial's correspond dent at Saratoga writes thus : One of the sweetest, prettiest incidents' of our watering place is enacted daily at the Clarendon. While the thoaUes watering place throng sways in aad oal of the dining-room, and the endless clot-. tcr of tongues and cutlery seem to drown' every holv thought, a venerable silver haired old gentleman walks slowly ia at the head of his chrsttan family and takes his scat at the head of the table. lastaatc ly the laughing faces of a table full ot diners assumed a reverential look; Tho knives and forks rest silently on the ta ble, and the beautiful silver-frosted chrie tian, with clasped hands, modestly mar mars a prayer of thanks a sweet bene diction of iJo.l. The scene lasts but a moment, but all day long hallowed pray ers ol'the chriatain child seems to tost la the alr.guidiug, protecting and conaecrO ting tbe thoughtless array oi waywara souls. I could not find nut who table brave old christain was, but last night his name came all at once. A lovely woman with her bcauillui rniiurcn arose early from her scat at tho Congress Hail hop to return to tbe Clarendon. " "fhy do yon go so early. Mr. Clnrk 1 " asked a fasbionaMe laov iriena. "iiiiyou ww laugh at me if I tell jou nirvMitty my dear, won't you!" "X '.mos you make me," replied her Kaul. And then she leaned forward ami whisper ed, " Well, mv dear, you know I stop at the Clarendon. My room is next to that dear good old man's, aad ho does pray o beautiful every night that I kneel down bv his door with my children to bear him, and then I go to bed so hap py, for I know i when we are so I tear from her eve. m iro with vou t " and right i die of the lancers tbeao warm-aoulrd women with iheir children walked to the Clarendon to sit in the neat room and hear the evening prayer of good old Richard Syndam, ol Weal Thirty ninth street. I have since Icarsod that Mr. Syndam has edatated three ministers, and started a greet many poor but worth y men in buainees. Ife is very weal thy, but stands but one-third of his In como, devoting the tho rest tu charity. Tae atsssag of Bartf All this talk about early rising is moonshine. Tbe habit of taroiag out of bed in the middle of of the alfbt suite aome people; let tbem enjoy it Bet it is folly to lay down a general rale up on the subject. Some men are fit for nothing el I day after they liar, risen early in the morning. Their eoergiso sre deadened, their Imaginations heavy, their spirits are d eyre seed. It if said you ear work sa well m the mcrri' ing. Some people can, bat others corf work beat at night; other again ia t. forenoon. Long trial arid experiment form the only conclusive tte upon the points. As for getting op early heeasso Prof. Gammon has written letter to tho papers proving the anissiiy uf it, let no one be goose enough to do it. We all know the model man, age eighty: "I invariably rise at six: I work three hoars, take a light breakfast samnly, a cracker and a pinch of salt work, five hours more; never smoke, never anaa anything but barley water, eat ao diaaevf and go to bed at 6 In the .rsalafr" If anybody aoda that doakeytleal sort of life salts him, by-all aaeoaa let kern coo tinse It- But few people woeJd ear to live to eighty oa those term. Ifassaa cannot get all withered asm namiili oaf on eaTerefradtieae thaa tstoao, K U si moot as wail U4 he ihsala dtajwrt betar he I a aaisaare to Uaaeeii aad a bore to every body else, fkherol boys aad yoeag Jtr-licldesTa general oaght u get up ear ly, for it te freed that rtlee-tsnth of Usees eaasaamrVsmii4eaM taMsageodi Bet let ao maa tee-tare BHrostif wfck the taoaarat that ho eaald hate bas twice as ao to aa asm rsmwa att SaTryligkt. TatflMawt ofaaaofvof liana lie fate tlorfS at ataleaa welters waded areood aotseeH'l aad aant glesees of beer afKsa' is l?' meaaata tea mis woo aow th the awrrVrsie S UlOirf oat aot aar jew. nothing can happen to us near dim. wiping a the friend said, " lt in the m lu- ,? . s