Newspaper Page Text
.i,-Je?ii3W!x:ziz"M3,i3k Tl-e Toia Co'llns Gas TiTcntj-fnc Years Old. ! ,-..i.' hss. hi-ihia lime, had a! v.c.'j 110111" "fom Collins," and that j iiuh iibijsed gentleman needs some air i, tt. IIb'i! a fraud. Like all rj-cat names. ..i",..,!,,.. ihi nf'IMinmawas first cle- v.!k.ftoiiH tuifiition of nromincnto by ( ii !:il!; Howorv bovs" oi ov 1 oik tiy. It was buiieticd auout iruin i icutli to mouth, and finally found its vav t) the vniiety stage , where it be (.ime the foundalion ol numerous jokes. (Jus William with the quick-witted : eno in his j)rofcs-ion, seized upon it, a id in his inimitably droll fashion, gave 'jhonias a good boost towards the jiiunaclc of lame. Then thc-uincrant drummers caught he infection, and when they went out on tl.oir spring drumming excursions, lluv carried it' with them. Travelers caught it and gave it to hotel clerks, and those modlc specimens of cleverness transmitted it with designing intent to unwarv guests, and so the disease spread until "Torn Collins" was sought after in every town in the Union. lie has been iound in several places, but has pro- ed a different kind of Thomas. The real Thomas has never been lound. As we said before, Tom Collins is a fsauJ. The nag is nothing more nor 1. 'ss than the revival of an old one, that had its origin twenty-five years ago, and vj'.B succet-J-hilry practiced m .New York City. If this falls undor ihc eye ol any New Yoiker of that period, he will rc i.icmbcr the story, especially if he evor hought a man having a letter from a iiicnd in California. All chroniclers in the "buffer" fraterni 1 will lecollett the light between Tom ifyoranJ Yankee Sulivan, which occur led about twent3-five 3-car.s ago. They will likewise remember that Tom llyer "got away" with Sullivan, as tho "boys" term it. A good deal ol money changed hands on the result f this fight, a:id Tom JJ)er's admirers . tie o elated at his success, they started him in ' f-aloon at 2s'o. i', "on the Bowery." It war, about the time of the opening of this establishment lint JJyer endea.ored to assist an old Mind named Frank McLaughlin, once ltucgnized leader of that class of pro les Mortal gentlemen known as gam bles. One day McLaughlin was in convert tion with llyer in front of the hitter's hwt.on, and when they parted company, M)tH' one Mepped up r.nd warned Hyer ..i.n-t his recent companion, setting 1 in down as a profligate character. JJycr dv'nied the charge against his friend 1. j nation, and remarked that in less th-m twenty-four hours McLaughlin's ii vxv would rewound in every street in New "iork. Turning irto his saloon, 1.' then instructed his barkeeper to tell any one who might inquire lor Frank MiLa.iglilm that he has just stepped out and also that ho had a letter from Ca.iiornia for the person making tho inquiry. fins was about the lime tho California gold lover was at its height, and there eiy f w persons who hadn't soino re l.Uion or acquaintance seeking a fortune in the Far West. Naturally, therefore, tuih an assertion was calculated to thiow a ncrson into a sudden fever of excitement to hear the latest news from the Western Eldorado. The irag work ed admirably ; every 0110 Uyer met was M'nt to his saloon to inquire for tho man who had a letter lor mm, and in a very short time, Frank McLaughlin was sought alter with .1 diligcnco that spread Ins famo everywhere. Tom Collins nc er enjoyed a shadow of McLaughlin's prominent position beforo tho public. Kvcr body dropped work to find him, and many a "bust" was indulged in over txjicclaat golden news. Tho gentleman wo get this story from was at tho timo a prnlcr in New York City. One day m associate came in breathless with ex citement, and with dilating eyes and countenance, exclaimed : ".fu?t saw Bcb Morris, and he told me Frank McLaughlin wants to see me. llo's got a kttcr for me. I know it's got money in it, hocauo my left hand itches, and J saw tho new moon over my left shoul der last nigth." All this was rattled out liko shot from a Catling gun. Forthwith the expectant heir of good fortune donned his street clothes and sallied forth. Late that night ho was found in a highly liquidat ed state in a saloon. lie hadn't found McLaughlin, but expected him every moment. Cincinnati Times. Dr. Mary Walker Again. Dr. Mary Walker is a strange product of our late war a btrango product both of its physical and theoretical excite incuts. Luring the war Mary found her w.13 to Castle Thunder, in Richmond, and h..d a pret'y hard time of it. The woist thing the' did to Maty in that lo . 1- piison was to force her to dolV her unmentionables, and don tho em blematic petticoat of her sex, At first Mary wept, then she waxed wraihy, an J linally fell into lovo and quietude. ; At last, in Gl, sho was liberated, ob- K timed .1 new pair of pantaloons, and, Ki the position of a mar tyr to patriotism, tho smooth and broad pavo oi lViin-3 lvauia avenuo, to the amusement of the crowd of idle brigadiers and iv-'oiio'., who ornamented the porticoes ol tho National and Willard's Hotels. t M.ry cared little who was gazing at her. She was always sure of an au di -me at the While House, even with L nolii, whom she amused by her per tiussund nonsensical affectations of siip ei.'al llity, which she would asort in an E'i.,1. h altogether her own. All sorts ol t!i u- were said about hor.bul still she ma L ii:g ; and to-day comes the news , ol her pacing the boulevards ol Paris in the l:echos that woro the wonder ot tneactiiies ol Washington. It seems i!iut M 11 y N on her way to Constanli ii j '.v, w.'iere all ol her sex do wear those thing, not metaphorically, but actually, she goes to bo the ofdcial chief physician of th seraglio of the mighty Forte. Mnyhas struck tho right place at last. Jicr medical shortcoming will pass tin nuu ked in the land of talismans and bloomciism will llourish in its in digenous soil. Tho Egyptian lvnhdive has a French male physician, but tho griiit Su'lan will have an American ionialo surgeon. In Constantinople Mary will tread ground rendored classic , ly Anna Commcna, and by a long line of femalo philosophers, besido whose nl.oautyaml wisdom the fame of Susan JL's and of Cady Ss pales as tho moon before tho sun". Heartily do wo con gratulate the Turk on his acquisition, bat gallantly forbids that wo should ;c a gratuiato ourselves on a good rid- 'Ua - "nLt' A Kcir Frcc-Lotc Kstabllsluncnt on laml In Lake ClianiiJlaln. an Is- The curious faith that certain dreamers; "Do let tho child go out. unatagirn cherish in the feasibility of communismjyou are making of him. Women never. is having a new illustration in tiie c&iao libhmeiii oi a "Jiarmonial Iralernity ion Vaicour Inland in Lake Chain plain, a short distance below Plattsburg. The brethren also own 200 acres of land de voted to nurseries (for trees), near Bur Iiimton, Vt., and thus possess property I to the amount of nearly fcIUU,UUU At Yalcour Island theUarmonial Fra-J ternity will locate its principal build ini's, which, as the circular proudly an- nominees, will include one calf-house and 1 one liog-Jiouse, wnere caivcs auu uus will be bred and slaughtered in a strict ly communistic way. Here the Broth ers and Sisters will live in unit3', and what the Oneida Community call a state of complex marriage. Jn other words, thc3T will be practical frcc-Iovors, and will neither deny their creed nor sit on the ragged edge of remorse to any great extent. The Oneida Community is l-cally the only socialistic community which" has achieved any success without making celibacy a condition of membership. I Whatever tho reason ma3 uc, tito unei da people have made mone3 by traps, ana h-ivo now soino sixty communistic children, who would be wise indeed if they could know their own fathers. The Yalcour island Communit3'docs not pro pose to enter into the trap business, but will undertake to live by agriculture. They expect to lure new members ly the bait of free-love, and b3' advertising tho fact that "seven light houses stud tho nearer Yision" of those who look out of tho viudows of the Harmonial Home on Yalcour Island. Usual Ij- a light-house is not held to be particularly fascinating, and as most of our lako light houses are about ten or twelve feet high U1C3' arc not imposing. However, the average Harmonial brother ma' take delight in tho fact that so many light houses "stud" his vision. No man can predict what a communist will or will not like. The inmates of tho homo arc to be divided "temperaments into groups and families, thus avoiding the combination ol the discordant c!cinonts"in one fami 13'. Doubtless the red-haired men and women will constitute one group, and those with a fondness for "gushing" another group. Those who have charge of the organization of these groups will, however,' have a good time in finding out the proper place for eveiy wild fan atic who imy join tho Harmonial Broth erhood. Jt is easy to foresee tho end of the ex periment. Not having a prophet lite No3Tce, of tho Oneida Community, at their head, and not being actuated b tho religious enthusiasm of the Onei, the Yalcour Brethren will soon grow tired of agriculture and gazing at the seven light-houses, and will first quarrel and then separate. No such ex periment has ever outlived a single gen eration, but I don't hesitate to s:i3 that long beforo 1SS1 there will not be a Har monial Brother or Sister left on Yalcour Island. Correspondence of the Daily Graphic. l) a Tree. France, that land of romance, gives a new and pathetic stoiy. A 3oung man, in the bloom of health and vigor, was engaged to be married to a beau teous maid. This ingenious youth had one 030 fixed on tho main chance, and arranged with his future father-in-law that on tho day of his marriage certain real estate should bo transferred to him. The memorable morning arrived ; the air was laden with the perfume of dowers tho birds sang, and the villagers held a festival similar to thoe which we seu in Italian opera?. The bridal party reached the chapel, which iy ensconced amomg traditionary elms. Through its churcli3ard meandered a streamlet whose silvciy ripples glistened in the morning sun. Punctual to the timo the euro arrived and took a preliminar' pinch of snuff as ho surveyed the peo ple beloro him. Eveiybody settled into his or her allotted place. The ceremony was about to bo commenced, whon it suddenly struck the bride that the bride groom was ?io;t est. She clasped her hands to her heart, and, with a piercing shriek, fell senseless. Clear as a bell, over the clamor that ensued, was heard tho voice of the fathci calling upon his friends and relations to go in scatch of the missing one. High and low 11103 hunted, but the game could not be found. At last tli03' discovered the object of their search comfortably ensconced among tho spreading branches ol a lot 13 oak. One being requested to descend, ho inquired "if they saw .1113 green abqut him ?" to which thoso below, who had their eyes on his surrounding', replied, "Plenty." In tho midst ot an interchange of violent epithets, ho ga?c a characteristic lemark somewhat to the following ell'cct that "he bo denied it he would till that there real estate was transferred." While the bride was thus bowed down in anguish and the bride groom was houghed up in tho tree, the iather-in-law tore his hair, and amid sobs and tears, urged the unreasonable nature of the request, but to no effect. Finally the document was bought forth, duly signed, and tho recalcitrant bridegroom slid down the liee. After tho necessary repairs had been made in his pantaloons, I with his renies sccureu ami nis reins sown up, the bridegroom adjourned wil' the rest of the party to tho chapel. The bride recovorod fiom her faint, the euro took a fresh piuch of snuff, and the knot was tied. rather Attention. What ourlit, what can a mother do, when a good, plca&ant, careless husband constantly thwarts all her eftorts to teach or govern the children, and -et cannot be made to ice or feel what he is doing? Let us illustrate and sketch from memory, not imagination : "Mamma, nloase give me a piece of pic?" "Xo. darling, one piece Js enough." "Haifa piece, plee, mamma? "Xo, Fioddie, no more." "A very little piece, mamma dear?17 Oso, Freddie, no." "Do give tho child a little piece ; I'll risk its hurting him." And the mother avo it. "Mamma, my fgo ont and play?" "It's ver- chilly, and you have a cold ; I don't think'it is best," "Bundle mo up warm, mamuiaand I won't take cold." "I fear you will; vou must play in doors to-dav." "Just a liitlo vrh.Ie, please, mamma V' "Xo, Freddie, you must not go out' to-day." . . i were hiauu 10 uriuti u uuya. 1ii.m him up warm and lot him run ; it will do him good." And Freddie went out. "May I have my blocks in the parlor, mamma ?" "No, Willie ; make yonr block-house in the dining-room. Miss L. is an in- valid, and 1 want the parlor very quiet "I'llbo very quiet.' "You will intend to be, but you cannot help making some noi-e ; and, as Miss ii. very rare!" goes anywncro, j. jettr rue will be very tired at best; so, be a very good little boy, and play in the dining room this afternoon." "I wont make a bit of noise, nor tiro tier one speck." "You must play in the dining-room, Willie, and not say any more about it." 'Nonsense; it will do her good to see a happy little lace; it will give her something besides her own pains and aches to think of. Let him bring his blocks in the parlor." And he brought them in. "What a torment thatbo' has got to be ! It's tcazc, teaze, tcazc from morn ing till night. Jt's enough to wear the patience out of Job ! Jf you don't whip him, I will. Qucn- Who ought to be whipped? mIsce llTYo us-ads Robert II. Iilile3 (SuccMSor to Dihle & Darh,) SUNU.MOTU2S2 R Harness, Saddles, Collars, &c. Also Bridles, Whips, &c. 0G Santa Fb Avenue, WESTERN STAR MILLS. NORTH SIDE OF IRON AVENUE BRIDGE, Salina, -- Elanssxs- IItting latriy ln-i'le larpe aiMi'ion? to nnl frre-t! uiii)' our Milld, ni.iiiiM tin-;ttiinit:)iostcoin ,!ite mill inHrty 111 tin state, we a if uonv iueii.iu.1 lo st!)ily tlic ti.i'le V.itli our celibutcil Cl Western Star" Extrn Brands. Wc attend inemptH to iiml can do any amount of CUSTOM O mo, CASH FOR GRAIN The lpt of I mily Tour constantly on liuul to rx cluint'r lor win-it All gritlcs ol rnnHv ami Merchantable Flou Mt Jl, Ac, lor 6Jl- at" sill time; Corn C. J?. UXDBinVOOJ) &CO. P0WERS.GO0DX0VV & Go. BRAIN DEALERS ARE PREPARED TO HAY The Eiehest Market Price for all Kinds of GRAIN! ill bi found at pres eni at &00M0WJS LUMBER YARD, SAL1KA, KANSAS. 1EEDS! SEEDS! SEED I !ire to tete for tin- Information of all cnnrrncd that I have in store and lor &tle the lullowlng sewls. OSAGE OKAXGF, (Xow Crop,) PRIME KED CLOVER, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, JlUXGAiUAX GRASS, WETILERSFIELD (LargeKed) ONION BOTTOM ONION SETTS, SEED OATS, SURPRISE, " " CHOICE BLACK. CAXADA CLUB SPRING. (Wheat,) DE3 MOINES VALLEY SPRUNG, SRED RYE. SPRING, SEIiD BARLEY, -SPRIXG, SEED POTATOES, EARLY ROSE, -t YORK, PEACH BLOW. ALSO A HIM. ASD COJTrLKTE ATSOKTMSXT F PLANTS, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, WAREAJfTED FKEiH AP 0DCIX5. .Tokens' sirEKiixrsr osocer x riiovrriox dealee FUBX1TUEE, HAKDWAP.E, STILL IN Ta JLX. REDUCTION IN PRICES OF STOYSS AND HARDWARE The Stove Manufacturers' o nvention having reduced the prices on stoves, we will make a corresponding reduction and sell stoves from this date, 09 less ilsass they liaTe beei2 gold 253 Salma for two Ire:r. Corresponding Reduction in all classes of Goods that vriJl Permit. Tho market followed as closely as in Yew York, and One Price to Every Body. Thanking tho public for past liors, we past to make our HEADQ1JASTEBS ED C "fl" " Very Respectfully, toves, naravvare, liaware A. j. SCHWAR DEALKH rAgrscunura 1 Hi Empiemenis, j ?sjy Especial Attention to Putting down Drive Wells & Force Pumps. o Agent for the ilolino Plow Company's Implements and the Buffalo Pitts Thrc-hinr Machine. Cosher I" asla Fe Avcsasc tuul Ash street. N c. w r:u.siN'S old stand ) LIVE STOCK AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. w. a. RonEns. D. . B.OSESIS, POWERS & ??-., Live Stock Commission Merch'ts, KANSAS CITV. Particular affrnfion ginn to the sale of wintered cattle of Colorado, Central awl Wettrni Kansas; also, through Texas cattle. Consigiiinonls to us receive, especial care and prompt returns. j6S3-L.J13EP.AIj ADVANCEMENTS XjRX GOODS, geocei; Two oors South, of Gels' Bank IS T DE WELL-KNOWN HOUSE OF C. DEALERS IX Dry GOOQn n BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ANB GAPS, BACON, FLQTfR, KflbAL. Est-. ? Scandinavian House Is nflrst claw lioarlin;: hoac. (Tiftrci-i lower than nnv othir liouse n h citv IVIOSVXjS. MEAI.S, - - sacrcts. 'usncBseTS ami bapTrti tranf,rre'l to and frm all mini. Onciloornoithof A J .schtrirtz's hardware i tr.vms store, Chas Holmqvtst, Prop. CAHVASSERS Does yon to Best 31achlne 1 THE " DOMESTIC " H'avtE mart eauty that) other, t y half It to iwaeh .fjafitrrthaa aay ctVr. It u tfer thia eth hj UiX. Ii V to icwUm? aolct with anUcvry care j ar ether tl aai. Ji tlaos the Saest treti. rfcd t. Ii4oe ihc iearhaK wwrk taitiT i.Tar at a; It piTir the Ib-at Mtfefaattan Tery WIT Ahatat I,9 wet hM iit yar Ahaax , wtfi he mH tM.4 year Nx htte? at. at the rate af 7- y-T y r. May Vr J4 fee x few da?' trial. T X. 3E- STOlIS', Agent. SAL1SA.KASSAS. Bomestic" S M. 3c7( S71 Ae-?i Fbw-fA irrrf. St vu .'a. s-Jf r Ct- ?i- it! & Ese tie Txtiuoss trs tU3B0Jb g Jaagr ! 11 m fl mm ! rtht the SEjI fjnL i STOVES & TINWARE. THE VAN & HALL. will endeavor in the future, as in the establishment IN TI 3 WEST TOM and Furniture JRADCLIFF BROS. & HALL. IX Hardware, Stove: re, TIN "XV -A. X E - VOV. KUS. OILMAN HEED MISSOURI. MADE OX COXSIGXMEXTS.-a . - BOOTS AND SilOES, ETC. . ' f.aa " tr a -,-.-, -.- VJTX-OiJtfX"JL. ETC. joh:ic s.-t-ZnT'S PALACE BILLIARD II ALL, Tur Most Elegant Hesort IN CENTRAL KANSAS, I ifr ter ft TZ "" r The rap.Mar4r.h-c. t Mrfana ha f U i tkat e-j- j fcwt. lira MarnU Billiard Table: 'i He ki a ha- th bet MXt LIQUORS, WINES and CIGARS, STrtcVAK ikwafftt Cuil r Wmm SJBtaa. SANTA FE AVENUE, Ifir5t door sorrn of geis bax,)? J STt-aijaw.SIasic-. i , ?(.U aSr-r3a aaaaaHi nt i I XET ADVERTISEMENTS. Vk QJr Address Geo. TKfso.v & CO. Portland. He. MOST EXTRAORDINARY Tsrni of -AdTSicisc ara oCered for News papers in ths St&ie of KANSAS! 5ejid for lit! of papers nd schrduU of nc. Addre-vS, Geo.P.Rowell & Co Advertisiiur Aorts! 50. ii PARK ROW, SUW YORK, licrcu to Sditoh or thii Titer GcaP.Rowcll&Go. ioniIet 11 nceiiev for ihe recrotion of adver- tUements for AinericKii NEwsi'Ai'Rn the , U mo:t complete establishment of the kind in tlie world. iix thousand Xewspjjwr are kept regularly on lile. open to inspection by custom-' crs. l.ery AQTCrusctnent is taken at ine, tr,,, ckr ,i !ni,,.,rU.At.i.n t.- 5rl,rmr nv .-nU.- .TOO Miles Ibe Slrttt Lhtc fwm han -r ' ..v,.v ,,..,. . ...v ,.rv., - ----- t tionnl chartre or commission. An advertiser, in dealing-uith the Agencr, is ?ncd troubbi and correspondence, nwkmj; one contract in-1 stead f a doz n, a hundred, or a tloaml. A bock of eiirhrv ma sr. oontatnm? lists 01 beat paper-, largest circulations, religious, ag- nculttind, cu. uoiuiral. uailv ami counir, papers, and all publications uhfeh an? spdal-' iv vaiuauie 10 avriisers. nun suine uum.iu- tloii abwut prices. h sent Tree to anv addre on apidication. Versan at a distance w ifclilng to make contracts for advertising in any town. i-itv. pcinntr. State or 'iVrritorv in the Cnited o,.T,.. .,,. ..:.,- !,. nf ..... iimi,,!,,.. f (., doit of (V, .ii- of whit ' naila, aiay semi a concise t jtcineu liscmcut they deMre inerted. and will rewivo HV UtllUi IVmVhi.i ,, v Vb' '. mi.'w...... information by return mall which will enable ctejViutc ftwH )matt. them to decide whether to increase or reduce ;t.MtND S UOWv. 0unl Si't, tiic order. For such information there U no ' kkvkklky k. KUJI, Gunrt i"iMiSr xt. charge. Orders are taken for a single wper kmm cu as well a lor a list; tor a feinjr.c as, "Sf for a lar'or s,m'- ol'Ipavorite Short Uouto 4 1 Park Row, kY. f i---jrj--rjg-j -itrvTlCLVJJJUg LEGAL A D Y ERT1SJS.M EXTS. Sotice of AlUwhiiivnl. .lobnS Suttantanil.l1aiBtiff )Cumplaiit in Hltechmria J. Wcstim, DeffiMiant ) W 11 Niilcr is hrrrliT civn tht on th 'OAAvf ( An. CTit. IjCI. II. nr) lva! nv nlir, a .Jiwtic uf tin? lVttrr ol soluintni tmnhn. .saline i.nt. I!inn. lu.l an orilvrnt :t:u-hmiTit in Ih" alhT- imhhn! te. Iw v mioUiU-!turtlilliiniHnt-l"ric'-nts,iiilttuHsii,l cVfc Will . ht inloa the iHhliy or s,,,t. mh.r,sTI, i' 1 o'clo.1.. V j! .lOHS a SLllll-KI. NI jtdr.i in itttrator's Xoticc. v.. (,.-.. i j lu.vt.ltr e-iv. thit lfitrr of mhninUJri tiou on ibr iM.ut i lirltiiMclxHulii, vlccira:, luef. ..r s.iniH ,ui: . hauo-ut. viv prat-l t ine umirr sipir J h the 'l'rolate ( Ht ul aaiti tmnly ott Mw ih tU-. i"T August. A t) 1.-71 All prrt tmWbr til to ih" nUtr arc i-mjirMm! iank iiwikrtMate irtnmrni; and tlnc IwUhk' IHHIW apmrnet lur same will irnral tluiu ilulj au.hontn-.viMt t-e uIU.h-iii- . i: t ;:.!&, Atlmmtotrutor. Slma, Kan , Aug. 2h, 15. 3-4w Ad rj in isircttor's Koiirc. Notice U hr-ln sriri-n ilt I tlrr of aUmiaUrnitUiB .m tin-italeufC.its Alt-rin., ili c-"el, Ui uf 1mk count), Kaxurae, werKniitl U ihe uiwtentijfnwl by the I'rottot Louft if aaid iniaiv on th 1.1 alay of m ):i4tb-r, A . I' l'Tl. All iMraMM ImicUckI Xa ttM r-tatr ur niUt-i lo nwii1 irnmriiwif puhkui , Hi.-xm' baring elannMfuiet thnmH.U iriaMUwtii iluh uutiwtiUcatol for allow aucr A. M r.KKlSIC, Aamlntatmtar, S.ilimi, Kan , ?c-it. Ih, l(7' J-lw Xoticc. In thi Uth Judicial Dkrtrkt Cunti hi and for Saline Cuat r . Alice Grify, lohn Cin'Vy .John t.rlft j hrn-bj- notifltfl that Alter UrlJir, rf sfillnemtitr, Kni, 11, ihi tint tWt ilay . KtiKt, A I 5S71, til-Iwr tr:iiioii la Uw ofltcf f t t If i-l: ot tin- (slatrtt court f jM euMntr, State f lanettr, cMrgiB the aaHlJolHi Oriliry wll witftitl awrrtUnt n-l aakio: that 1h niajr heHvretl fram te Mhi .tobtk Unfry ; which irtiUMi will ataatl far hw Ing at tbv next term of the iJutrtet (rt hkku m Ba-litM- cnulv. 30-3H" AUlGKtrY. fihevi" Sale. uhtMrrt, ) .'.fary J Illias turlis ami N.UWCortia i II i rinj at mi onlnr'tf ab taail I man law cferk' fflec or the ltt.JwlK-ia! Dartriet Qmri, In aat tor the county of iiia aiwl SU ( fCiiiiaaa. aJ ( me dtrrclctl . I will On IU Mikity (Mbor, A. 1. Mitt. Vtctr.rtii tbebonrii of 0 o'elork h. m nA I a'etoek n mi ot sakl d i . at the rnt ivr of th mrt bmu In ihe city of '-uiii,. offr tor aale at ffnWIfl mrta to Ihe bijrhft aixl let bMWer tor eaeh in hand, the Jol- I I..hitc lfriliel Mvirt-rty. twif lot Na 15, m Klh'st .N.jitii street. In ii.U a uiVint !na t- ib erty of Sli- aaki athiittoas, nowoa riater of let uf awi aa. aeconltitK to tle irfat of flte rec nt in th ofllee f the Kater m. T .1 .OlXU, Htenff Xoticc to Teachers. ainileU for eertjAwttra U ' arh tn Valine imaty . lor the pn-aent yeor. will he beW at Ihe ahol aottt laitoltaai. aft fUo. The Last Saturday of each Month. Uy MwrofMcitoaw .-,..,,.,,-- L.. ... , vlvHrJzmiAI '. Saliaa, JJiwary tat, ItCI Tr .r""- """f vaij. MffitBToTWK nritut I Mr "ttenBirwini ei rowr imranvn win m m j aia wk-ocfj wuuuk mm. .-,., . ; -T-,, -'V'- I n IJI.IAJl Hl.THil "'"J ". " t i f - l...,. F.-l . .- rS ivery, reeo and Sale STABLE. BOAKDBD BV TUB DAY, tn'kkk OR MCLNTIJ, AND Carriages FCRXISUED TO AXV TART OF THE CITY, mm Oareful and Attentive Drivers. SAJAXA, KAXSAS. E, "-', Ayres. New Gopds ! New Slylcsl 1 AT- Book and Variety Store.' LADIRS, katyla raaaataae tarsaat a4 haat JsUUHWt j itnnn ju VMMiiun j ii30rv"KrrS -Sc ipvrs j 1 3r hn ah aarV. VALL PAPERS, ahaay aaewr yhirwt aaat i Pf4ut aaah JJmmHmm) rf mm Wi tmmVt lMml Mm Htm4' is CMstaa B4 m aaav m ee 4avt Jt lax iaaaa'N I tfaatl aaat taaaithac - School Books a Specialty. Om- aaii-.'a av.W fcr " la pre, LveSaa, fciaat. Jhlj, Aw Xr. -- - " eooaty. .sahl property l aiifraiaetl at l,tM. aM to wtfuywnw "" " iw w vein he aohl aa the t.robrty o ihe aabt Klio urtU m4 braaeh of aeketMir llMalKre a4 art. fcove km .NelUe Cartw, at the nu of lrr J Lahber. editor al (HlMiabert l bm HhU wnaatmi Ulrtat nwler mj ha ml lis. Wh mt ot Peptrmfcer, ttoiaa rvnaioa, atM l.ue a aew eMtM mMtn uwh.i'wi vr.i. pp-"; - y- " -"- oi ouroN ternary, which a -t i ' .M...K. ulll s...mM. u.lul k Ifh rf.fc wmaalkm In I'hj-l.w.xr an-l "y-e, anaitUfry of TOt , ma4)t ww rmr. .,, the I sltet t, will be rejulr 1, to reete a trat i ,twurk-j ,tiMv ka. ...r. i RAILROAD ADTERTISEMEXTS. Kansas Pacific Raiiw'y. The Eivssas sad Colorado alt rail route BETWEEN i Kansas City and Lsvenworth- AXt WltMI. lUMrr Hlti, Wtr.' VtetwrtH, 1Mb, ihu 1:, WuilMtr. KU uwka. llteblo.' Santn Kr. Salt Ue Cttf . i ljitrrtco. IVjnvr. Krlc. iMNkltUr, tHwmWvytv IlatttrWr, WiMoere. MnakMftM. W3M4a, fUxvUMtoT, Klbwwrtli. AND ALL rOIKTU tN Colorado. Hew Mexico, rasas, thcTorrltorloa.nnd Pacific Coast. 1 on DtttTcr -a,r A "TV JrJSjii'po TTT ilUrs th hrtrt Lid bHwren ITa 1 I ilv ti 1 FwpWO. mnwittl fmw " . . , ,T n n Ar vt r t: c - v 1 ; -X V nJ I A - o r a x o ; Thr oalT Itrt IJiw h the fte tmUvt ' 7a- Kf-iHibltean, suk.w, sii. 3Ktx H ie ....... oily u1wrowtfiwttarMsfcttli(M'us Mm mrr i "r- olr u nMtaS ru rtacc ttr. h. IrTrr. r.wi't fcU to taks n trw mc te lta a.1 iw llt!iM3wwns,,w""- iCfryWly " "i f - p.t,"r"r' sJuM Ibejns-Maawwbwdjarwsiwrti .- .4. rrt. , rw-r. !vrr. Li auhwu. hat.tru4 To All Principal Points KAS l I TUB OLD " KKMAHLK AND rOl'L'I.ilC Hannibal & St. Joe It A I L !! O A D 1IXE! . ., 3 TlirOUff Q LXPl'GSS IraiUS 1111117 Kqwijurtl with Millrr'n I'ntMit fety natfeim.CBlc rr wl Iluffrr, Ku.l Ui C'ltlirm.l Wkstinouocsk Patent Am Buafciu, t Tb int irfitt iiitrctlaH jpit ncfUmts In tn vw. XKW AND ELKGAJTt' DAY COACHMg. Ami l'w tteUj- !."( of jjyJWA"S PALACE SLKSVtSQ CAKS, AreruB!bri'ihfratn Knun Glty to QCINCY, UA LKSntRC, ,M EXDOTA at OixlojaaoTXTitlaoxxt Olx'nc-o. Alio, u liaily Ua f PULUfAirS rALACM SLRSMifa GAKS KfMR ATtlU-WX -a4 ST. JOKPXl la JACKSONVILLE awl IPRISUriSID And XEWA.YD ELKO AST DA )" COACHES Vtwt IJAN-JA1 ITT U If !l VNtroLt! ami CI3rCIW2NTATTI - wrniofT ii xk rn aernrr att the mmlant kn(rewinni In Vjti'j X. rrairtmir. fiirrluwie T lu via ita JUuttlk.l . i. Joarpb short Line, Arokltaf all rranoters, Yrrrr, awl I hawjr of Car Tfcroash Tkkela for aale at all lrl'jjul Oatn, T ah Altat A Ih Aa Kv Ar Rotth Vlagggirh'ri. throHaii to all tH lrlual I'AKKKK. J IV ItlWMK, (h-b'1 Ticket ASrtlt APPLETONS' r-AMERlCAN C.CLOPADIIl. Mr: Kf !cil Billthn. Kittirrly reirrittn It) tV ablest wr'e rfy -et. Irlitrt fratn new pe, an-t Mlatrat4 wtit Several 'llwttaaatl in :h! ! ',tm wan ncRMiy tmbtwae mmmrw mt' t 1'mk 2tw Aik jii t r-..t Km araa an aaat t aai tu I 13, ata a-harh Imar tin- u(r eiretUattati wwahltl atula"1 w aM nana ot Ht futt.j tlatea, aawl th rp- Tua tacxii 4 t riir rj within the bwt ten ;ear in pn ro of tuaaetry M fli err b-itartmrtit uf knuwlcotae haa iumAb a axa wort. Y reirrrnrit- aai tamper!. mi 'the tnoriM-tfjo!tel atloiea ha et ajbo. HMh tatieoerriearar4raw, a-l tt tr frtl'f aaiajtlf.. tion to tit I Ststrlat aaxl -r I xt t th -mlwcf an1 re4aeret of awis t,r, taM tt anil enenvt revoiathMM h . i 4. lavateis? rhaMfea of peaaitwr pwn hi irar eieii wmr Ci HNI rc x-tlMv ' henaialU tto aaMte lm a miIhi- fow ttttn. t "ae aane are In er -m n. . h 4M we itvraeterr oim m ratrhM.- to k...n t-i awrtfc-ajiHte. terra: kattla hae heea fcmft t atat ,-arUat ' nwwnUMMsi, of hi'- fh 4. iU " a. rt frmmiA only la th aearayai-er ae is ih. irs.,, , i aaifcJaitaM . ,.,,mm4 .,i ,Mi ,, ,i,. , i, , i in tiruorto the wrat 1" I -I ! Pl. Ith ih. . Waas 4fi 1. (!. Mail Mar rMnIiul, l. tiv a. at IK. .. . " .. . . r- ! rue tat-joaatMTi ii in iaut - t anh aa e-trata mr.nt of th t m MHMrarfr la mi. wfereri freah or wiu.'. m IWtnaax. a4 avjihe aeeat hteeattoa) h th r-t.'al aeta, m tta s-jBasnast-sa-- j I mr won w wrrw hi aw m'r W8Cawn oeea Ft" I inalaary U! ,t. aawf with IV nwt apa (oaoaM fcr I erryijr It tm to a rmimt tttn-lmmtm f " Of the ttvtt'tfHm uUr.m'Tw tmmtr hr k 1 ar4, hwt every m hav be 1 1 an i 1 on traatil aa y, faeW, wHk lh mmb fffa wif hat with a Ihc orMr i turmtmx hi tact a aru t.trr aoa i iiiaaian a M pr'.mm hat Vltl a nr .!. i aaiar7 t aea-Ulare aaxl !h m taaiteaaaja In j yehjs.rr'ig w' " l,r a f - - - aa- )By iWVfeip The illaati'athjai tehteh talaaalaa-4 b a a.t tbtt h th uraeaajt Mijattm haaw a4Hk4 aKhflti. aaW at fntaortnl HaW. last tm H xra" hacvttfv1 aa U hraafh- of aet e ait awta. hlalnrr. fca4 4it en w iiMHia. aa th teat twt ma. . Oh aaj tmiai m4 waaar1iWlni taatwa at ary i rtaa)aca)re, d art. aa tl Me eva wiy i afiai rhaaln aal MawaAatawea altlMx hataaail tar naiiiaiUa rather flaaa iaa. niaT at, t at ZZTZZSmTFJZZZ tmry wtfiftaata m ft iHmf.t4 (eatr at the (,f riatavfja, a4 earthr at it Mj Thto w t tl fta haihaifli aat? . fmjM aa ) 4atery at aeh taaai It rtU am eaaapi at aa t i a hWy ewiaaa, eaa aaatouaaag ifc-vt ? jiaaaaa. tact ilaataatnil wtO aevarat r4MiHt e4 kat. aaat with weanaajau aatmnal iJthvprakVf I Mrnp " Prk03 and Styfo af Blndlnc. a'K 3et. - ra , falwi Jm Mm! yavtey JTm -an i ave - a"aaer. jkr t.e e eat, vW eaaTapf, fmmmif mmmmm. murm pat y J fm9 kmmmmm, mmtimr m4U fm tiai, awe f Threataan aterM; iiajal aji i. fc inajMti i pajaa a. Aawaar Ctevf-etliiL. ah, waax t a. lhhMajrataaaa, aat . " t- t sre( f yawf Ca aaa I amatao Awief w avia. 7A AJ''LISTOXti CO., .0 A Ml jr4y. - T , .J. E. WOODWAKD, GENERAL BUCKSJUTU i Ifet eej J fhajn. h hjt Max m OurabJo and Workman Like Manner I i At tbe Lowest Livis Prkje. Hew Cambria, Kansas.